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BEAUTIFUL SILHOUETTE - East Caribbean - Photo Video Trip Report 3/1/15


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Day 6 - Sea Day - Lunch Lawn Club Grill


Ready! Dig in.




Lunch at the Lawn Club was great... price $25/person. We will definitely go again when available. Donna requested that she have her dessert, apple crumble and ice cream, in the Alcove. While the boys and I went to to Deck 5's Gelateria for a free "coupon" scoop of Gelato in a waffle cone.


Donna's Apple crumble




Gelato Waffle Cones




While the boys went down to the Ensemble lounge for Movie Music trivia I just stayed up on the Lawn Club and played around with my Go Pro and egg timer for some time lapse. The boys were disappointed with the "Movie" music trivia and did terrible.(Adam chime in here with your comments on that Movie Trivia) We later tried to redeem our selves at 3:45 PM with "music" trivia. But it turned out it was TV music trivia. I am pretty good at 70's and 80's music Trivia but far less useful on TV music trivia. I wish they would put a little bit more Trivia info in the Celebrity Today. Again we did not do so well.


The weather this afternoon could not be any better for our day hanging out at the Lawn Club and Alcoves. I had lots of fun playing around with all of my camera stuff. I had so much stuff with me at the end of the day I had to use Donna's new "I luv Caribbean" bag to carry it all back to the room.


Me playing around with Go Pro and iPhone app




Adam with his East Coast Lifestyle T-shirt. The east coast of Canada were "real" lobster have front claws.




Donna Luv'n her Alcove for the day.





Kevin Reid

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So Nolan and I did terrible in the movies music trivia, as most of the movies were before our day. Since we didn't want to leave blank we decided to make up our own movies titles to the sound clips. Here were some of the ones we came up with.


-Sad Piano Man 2

-Murder She Wrote: The Movies

-Tuscan Man

-Hello Honolulu

-Bathtub Buddies


Those are the only ones I can remember.

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Day 6 - Sea Day


We had some fun with these next pictures. Go Pro on Go Pole with the shutter being operated not by the iPhone app but rather the old fashion way a person standing in front of us and clicking the shutter button. Pretty sure these photos will also make their way into 2015's Cruise Photo iBook. Take a look...








We were one of the last groups to leave our Alcoves for the day at 5:40 PM. Time to get ready for our 6:30 PM reservation at Murano. Tonight was also the second the last formal evening of the cruise.


Couple of more pictures to finish off the afternoon.




One last one of Donna in her Alcove.




This is were I left my Go Pro stuff for most the week in our room on the couch. No fear of anything being misplaced.





Kevin Reid

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So Nolan and I did terrible in the movies music trivia, as most of the movies were before our day. Since we didn't want to leave blank we decided to make up our own movies titles to the sound clips. Here were some of the ones we came up with.


-Sad Piano Man 2

-Murder She Wrote: The Movies

-Tuscan Man

-Hello Honolulu

-Bathtub Buddies


Those are the only ones I can remember.


Thanks for the input #1.




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Day 6 - Sea Day - Murano




After our relaxing day up on the Lawn Club we were all showered and dressed "smart" casual for our second formal evening at Murano. Our party of six were seated at the table directly in front of the entrance to Murano. I took my Go Pro 3+ and a small tripod hoping to capture some of that Murano service. I didn't realize until we got back home that all the footage that I captured was too dark to use for any video clips. Oh well live and learn. Should of taken my Sony Handycam instead which is much better in a low light situation.




Left Side




Right side split into two shots (easier to read)





The best Rolls on the entire Ship (IMO)





Kevin Reid

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Day 6 - Sea Day - Murano


Donna and I had our first Murano experience last year while abroad Equinox and we expected that our boys and Sister Michele would also enjoy. For Donna and I this year Murano just seemed to be missing something and we didn't seem to enjoy as much as last year. Maybe it was no longer new to Donna or I? Don't get me wrong the service and food was excellent. Everybody but Michele ordered the Chateaubriand while Michele went for the Murano Lobster. Michele really enjoyed the lobster and we all liked watching the table side prep of the Lobster. We all loved our chateaubriand except for Nolan. Why? Going into this Nolan has it in his mind that he does not like roast beef and he felt this was too much like roast beef.


I was the only one who tried the next picture.




Some tried the Risotto




Louis' Pork Belly




Diver Scallop (correct me if I am wrong)




Frisee Salad




Murano Lobster Prep





Kevin Reid

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Day 6 - Sea Day - Murano


Nolan all smiles until he dug in.








Michele's Murano Lobster




We all tried a wide variety of desserts. Adam and Nolan loved the Chocolate Souffle. Donna got the fancy table side strawberry dessert. Michele the variety pack of desserts and I could not resist the gelato. Louis wasn't quite sure what he ordered but he did enjoy it. Today was also Louis' birthday while we were exiting this morning's Elite breakfast Donna made a point to drop into Murano and request that the birthday be noted on our reservation. The staff came out before dessert and served Louis a small birthday cake. Nice Touch!


Murano Dessert Menu


Left Side




Right Side





Kevin Reid

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Day 6 - Sea Day - Murano


Murano Summary:

Murano's service and food is well worth the try at least once. Donna and I have now done it twice and will probably will not give Murano another go for a while. Donna has found her new favourite but I will wait until day 7 to disclose our results.


Dessert Photos


Chocolate Souffle




Donna's Strawberries




I love any dessert with Gelato




Variety Dessert









Kevin Reid

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Day 6 - Sea Day - Good Night


After leaving Murano we stopped at the Ensemble Lounge Bar and got drinks and eventually worked our way over to the Martini Bar area where one of the staff struck up a conversation with me regarding Go Pros. Donna and I stayed till about 10:30 PM but, this darn cold was getting to me and wearing me down. I had forgotten to take a couple of Advil Cold & Sinus at 5:00 PM.




Now I have already given my two cents on our disappointment with the photo studio and at this point my hand written notes are pretty clear that I was not going to buy to any pictures. So for fun before getting undressed for bed I figured I would do some self posing. Cruising now for 10 year I have a learned a thing or two about posing from the pros. LOL! Check out this self portrait taken in our room.






Michele and Louis figured they could keep up with their nephews and did not follow us down to our room. No! They stayed to enjoy "Not Your New Years Eve Party" starting at 11 PM in the main foyer. They admitted they could not keep up with boys and left shortly after 12 AM. The boys said that had a blast at the party.





Kevin Reid



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Day 6 - Sea Day - Murano


Left Side





Anybody have any experience from ordering from the Left side of the Murano menu?



Kevin Reid

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The coloring and in-flight posture of this bird are very similar to the Gannet. I'm not familiar with Gannets being Caribbean sea birds so perhaps with its coloring it's a relative species. Great shot...it's beautiful!


Thanks for the compliment on the photo! I'm Nolan btw

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So Nolan and I did terrible in the movies music trivia, as most of the movies were before our day. Since we didn't want to leave blank we decided to make up our own movies titles to the sound clips. Here were some of the ones we came up with.


-Sad Piano Man 2

-Murder She Wrote: The Movies

-Tuscan Man

-Hello Honolulu

-Bathtub Buddies


Those are the only ones I can remember.


Who's Knocking Next Door? was the other one haha



People beside us and the one who marked our sheet got a kick out of the names.

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Kevin, I am so loving the review. Makes me wish I was there now. Haven't been on here much due to work but you are being back so many good memories.


Welcome back my friend. I know CRV busy. Coming up next is your guest appearance during BLUE BOX FRENZY.



Kevin Reid

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Lawn Club & Alcoves Video


Attached below is a short 1 minute video of the Lawn Club & Alcove. The "good" looking Captain's morning announcement is used as the audio track.




Kevin Reid

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DAY 7 - Sea Day - Saturday March 7, 2015


Celebrity Today


Front Page 1



Inside Left Page 2



Inside Right Page 3



Back Page 4



Featured Today Front



Featured Today Back




Kevin Reid

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Day 7 - Sea Day - End is in Sight


Sunrise 7:09 AM Sunset 7:10 PM


Tonight is spring the clocks ahead by one hour for Daylight Saving Time. Thankfully the ship had already advanced the clock by an hour on Monday so we have already lost our hour. I set the alarm for 6:30 AM but ignored it until 7:15 AM. So this cruise was not the one to capture sunrises and sunsets no big deal I have lots of stock footage I can draw on. Donna and I head down to Deck 5's Cafe al Bacio for their delicious hot drinks. Me Hot chocolate and Donna a Moca. Scott (Rocking_Rev) was already sitting down enjoying his morning drink. Donna and I sat with Scott for a few minutes. I do believe Celebrity has gained a new fan in Scott because he was saying he was already visiting the future sales desk. He was looking a balcony cabin on Deck 7 but, I suggested that he try a Concierge cabin because he would get all three of the 123 Go promos.




Breakfast this morning would be in the Main dining Room. Just the four of us the boys did not make it because they had a post "Not New Year Eve" celebration in Quasar LATE.




There were a couple special groups on the cruise with us. One of them were the "Red Hat" ladies and the NFL Carolina Panthers. Don't watch Football so I won't know them if I bumped into them. Adam saw some of their photos in the Photo Studio and said, "I guess we were partying with NFL players last night." In the picture above you can see some of them "Red Hat Ladies". Around the ship they usually would wear their Red Hats. I captured a couple of the ladies and their hats at breakfast.




Next two pictures are some pretty serious Red Hat






Now we have the "easy packer" Red Hat in the next picture





Kevin Reid

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Day 7 - Sea Day - Scott & Riedel


Donna, Adam and Michele had the Riedel Comparative Crystal Wine tasting seminar booked for 11:30 AM in Cellar Masters. But before any wine can be compared in Reidel Lead Crystal Glasses there was the Super Duper Sales Bonanza on the Deck 4 Shops. I had already scouted out my camera/video spot on deck 5 next to Molecular Bar over looking the shops on Deck 4. It wasn't long before my camera caught Donna and Crew at the shops. Nolan joined me up on Deck 5 to catch the action. This shopping excitement was only a small build up of what was to follow in the Entertainment Foyer.






When Donna found me she said that Scott (Rocking_Rev) was looking me and wanted to see our Concierge cabin. Nolan and I found Scott and family over by the Photo Gallery. We took Scott up to Deck 10 for the grand tour of cabins 1093 and 1091. It was too bad that our CC Roll Call was so inactive because folks like Scott could of benefited from a CC Roll Call organized Cabin Crawl. Maybe Celebrity owes us a commission because Scott Booked a Concierge cabin March 2017 10 Day Equinox. I told Scott that he had to read my 2014 Equinox Trip Report to prepare the family for his 10 day adventure.


Coming up next 2015 Blue Box Frenzy but first a few pictures from the Reidel Comparative Wine Seminar.










Donna loves her Riedel Crystal glasses and with the seminar you get a coupon to order 4 glasses for free except for shipping. But with USD$ conversion the shipping was almost $65 CDN$. Ouch!



Kevin Reid


Just realized this was my 1000th Post.

Edited by FRMPEI
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Day 7 - Sea Day - Blue Box Frenzy


Ah! The calm before the storm.




After our cabin tour with Scott we rushed back to the Entertainment Court for the main event of the day... Celebrity called it "$19.99 Watch Sale" at 12 noon but, I like to refer to it as BLUE BOX FRENZY. Let me set up the scenario for you. Two rows of tables stacked with blue boxes. The light blue boxes were for females while the dark blue boxes were for males. The whole area is roped off like if it is Queen Elizabeth's Crown Jewels were on display. There is a MC on the PA system hyping the event. Free raffle tickets are being given out to further entice the crowd. Nolan and I are in prime spots and I mean prime spots to catch all the action. We are at the top of the stairs landing coming up from deck 4 were you enter the Photo Studio. I have two cameras attached to the handrail to capture this monumental event. My idea was to capture footage and use it in a time lapse. But instead captured a frenzy.


Nolan protecting our prime spot. Kinda of like a chair hog.




We setup our cameras around 11:40 AM for the main event and low and behold we see Louis has already staked out in his spot ready to grab a couple of Blue Boxes. He was on a mission from Michele and knew which two boxes he was supposed to grab.


Louis ready for battle




The crowd keeps growing around the ropes. Then an appropriate song is played... "Eye of the Tiger". Hit the record buttons because we are ready to rumble.




From the picture above the you can see that the crowd has grown to a good size? The MC draws for the three prizes (we didn't win) and then asks for everybody to step back so they could remove the ropes for the hounds. BOOM JUST LIKE THAT! BLUE BOX FRENZY was on.




No words can describe how entertaining this was from our vantage point. I guess that is why they held in the "Entertainment Court". Before the sale started a couple of staff asked us "if we were here just to watch the fun?" When the sale was close to over those same staff asked us "if it lived up to our expectation?" YES! and YES!


I guess this guy also had a long list?





Kevin Reid

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Day 7 - Sea Day - More Blue Box Frenzy


Scott scores in the Blue Box Frenzy




The Riedel seminar was over so Donna and Adam had to get in on the Frenzy. I had to tell Michele that Louis was successful in his mission and she could stand down on the frenzy.




Even Nolan could not resist the Frenzy.






Protecting their treasures at check out.




Wendy and Daniel Happy with Scott's finds.




Boy! Blue Box Frenzy was hard work. It must be time to eat again?



Kevin Reid

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Blue Box Frenzy Video


Everybody loves a deal and they will line up for them. Take a peak and click my one minute Blue Box Frenzy Video attached below.




Kevin Reid

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Hysterical! I think you've given a new name to the sport, and much more entertaining than the ping pong sometimes played in the Entertainment Court! Now THAT's Entertainment [emoji38]. We had a similar vantage point on Solstice recently and just couldn't believe the hype and palava over those blue boxes [emoji33][emoji23]!!! I now know the definition of a captive audience ROFL!!!



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Hysterical! I think you've given a new name to the sport, and much more entertaining than the ping pong sometimes played in the Entertainment Court! Now THAT's Entertainment [emoji38]. We had a similar vantage point on Solstice recently and just couldn't believe the hype and palava over those blue boxes [emoji33][emoji23]!!! I now know the definition of a captive audience ROFL!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I would be willing to bet that maybe Celebrity could sell tickets for prime viewing spots for this event? Maybe offer this a new suite benefit preferred seating for the Blue Box Frenzy?



Kevin Reid

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Day 7 - Sea Day


Boy! All this Blue Box Frenzy action makes one hungry. We had not been to the Grand Cuvee for lunch yet so we figured we would give it try. Good choice because Scott told us later that the Oceanview with their expanded final Sea Day lunch buffet was very busy. Most of us had the chicken while the others had cheeseburgers. I have never tried Key Lime pie so I ordered that for dessert... I didn't like it.






After lunch we just wandered around and started the horrible chore of packing. Michele and Louis at 2:30 PM went to Danny Rodriguez in the Silhouette Theatre. Not our thing so we didn't go. The boys and I planned to take in the last Trivia Challenge at 3:15 so until then I just wandered around.


I was going to set up my cameras in the Grand Foyer to get some time-lapse footage of elevators etc but, never got around to it. I will do that on Eclipse next year.




This is how I charge all my electronics. Just bought the Belkin from Amazon.ca before the cruise. I like the idea of the USB inlets on the charger. I also highly recommend a universal battery charger. I noticed on the new Quantum class of ships that a USB bank is standard.




Playing with the Go Pro mounted/clamped above. I thinks this would be a good spot to mount the Go Pro for a future Sail-a-way. I will remember that for next year.





So at 3:15 PM the boys and I went down to the Ensemble Lounge for the final Trivia and teamed up with an other couple that boys had been playing with all week. We finally won, 13 of 15 right was good enough for first. I think the team that was winning all week was pissed we won and beat them. Back in 2013 I had won one of those nice Celebrity "X" medals so I gave mine to one of the other team members.


The winners with their spoils





Kevin Reid

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Day 7 - Sea Day - Packing


Tonight's reservations are at 6:30 PM in Tuscan but first we had to finish packing and get then get ready for a second visit to Tuscan.















Kevin Reid

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