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Can you bring drinks onboard

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Since you do not drink alcohol, you are taking away the same amount of revenue from the cruiseline as someone that normally does and opts not to, or brings their own. Either way, the cruise line is not getting that money.



Okay, a bit of a stretch, but worth thinking about.


(I am not referring back to any particular poster)

I can tell you weren't an Econ major...[emoji568]

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I can tell you weren't an Econ major...[emoji568]


Good point! And, on the money... so to speak.


What I was attempting is to put some loose logic into the argument that people that take booze onboard are STEALING and depriving the cruiseline of revenue.


It might be true .....


The thought being that the cruiseline is no longer getting revenue from this passenger because they are drinking the booze (or soda) that they brought onboard vs. buying it.


The stream of logic continues in that the passenger must buy this stuff from them, or the cruise line is not getting revenue. Cruiseline is therefore taking a financial hit.


And, following that stream of logic a bit further, what is the damage to the cruiseline if a passenger makes a decision to just not pay those prices and does not buy anything (or bring any onboard)? Again, the cruiseline is taking a financial hit.


Following the logic and eventual $$ stream, the cruiseline takes the same identical financial hit from the person that never buys a drink onboard either.


Not saying it is right/wrong/etc if you take it onboard, or if you boycott the bars, whatever.

Edited by garycarla
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Following the logic and eventual $$ stream, the cruiseline took just as big of a hit from the non drinker as the person drinking in his cabin.



Think of it like a movie theater. I can sit in there and consume no beverage or snacks and that's perfectly fine, the theater gets nothing from me beyond the cost of admission.


But if I sneak in a soda and bag of candy and consume it, it's pretty clear my intent was to save money versus spending it with the theater. Some other supplier provided me that soda and candy at a greatly reduced price compared to the theater. I'm a customer for goods in that market; beverages and snacks, I just want to minimize my expenditure. Oh, I brought licorice and the theater doesn't sell licorice. Well, in that case since I am in the market for beverages and snacks, had I still wanted one I'd choose from the options available. Many people when faced with a variety of choices, but none their top preference, will still choose something as opposed to nothing. If you are in the mood to drink a beer with your dinner, but the restaurant doesn't offer your favorite brand of beer, but you still want a beer, you'll probably choose from what's available than saying "Forget it altogether".


I have no more access to this sort of data than you do, and with the nature of sneaking, I doubt the cruiseline even has a 100% accurate picture of what this costs them, but to claim it costs nothing is a bit naive, IMO.


Now, I'm generally not the type to REALLY care about the choices people make, or what they get away with, until I feel like it impacts my wallet. I have a strong opinion / belief that drink prices are inflated, and gratuity amounts raised, to compensate for some of this loss by the cruiseline to drinks brought on board. Since I don't bring anything on it feels like the price increase penalizes me. Do I believe that is the sole reason for drink and gratuity increases? No. But I think it is a factor.


And I do think the policy, like many others, is not worded completely straight forward.


It's not a big deal. It ain't murder. It ain't adultery. But I do view it as a form of petty theft even though I totally understand why people do it and I think prices on some of their items with a captive audience are ridiculous.


Finally, when someone asks here about it, I think the best answer is to provide them the policy, even though it's not 100% straight forward, let them be an adult, read it, and decide the best course of action. I do find it frustrating when people say take on all the water and soda you want but get nasty about alcohol. Jeez, either support bringing your own, or don't, but I don't understand people who play both sides of the fence.

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The stream of logic continues in that the passenger must buy this stuff from them, or the cruise line is not getting revenue. Cruiseline is therefore taking a financial hit.


And, following that stream of logic a bit further, what is the damage to the cruiseline if a passenger makes a decision to just not pay those prices and does not buy anything (or bring any onboard)? Again, the cruiseline is taking a financial hit.


Following the logic and eventual $$ stream, the cruiseline takes the same identical financial hit from the person that never buys a drink onboard either.





Thank you--your thinking is along the lines of mine, just a bit different perspective. I don't have a problem spending money and allowing them to make a fair profit if the price is reasonable to me. They could make their profit off of me IF they were to settle for larger volume at a lower margin. At a high margin, I will think twice or even three times before spending that kind of money. The bars on land are certainly willing to take a lower margin, as they know the volume will make up for it. THAT is what the cruise lines can't get through their thick heads.


As part of my job, I'm in a position to sell customers a new furnace if the opportunity warrants doing so. Assuming my cost is $3000 per job. I can either sell 10 jobs at $4500 for a $15,000 profit, or I may only sell 5 at $5300. It's "only" an $800 difference for the same product. At only 5 jobs sold (as consumers tend to smart on big purchase and possibly foolish on smaller ones), I am now in a position to only make $11,500 in profit. By accepting a smaller margin at a higher volume, I have accomplished several key things. I now have sales of $45000 as opposed to $26500. I also have employees who are happy (surprising, but some companies actually DO care about their workers happiness and well being). I have profits of $15000 as opposed to $11500. I can also possibly get better pricing from my suppliers as I am buying from them in larger numbers. I'm not seeing a down side to this--I am actually earning more profits, and the customer is likely much happier with the transaction knowing that I didn't shaft them, where I probably could have. The big difference here? My customers can easily get written and binding price quotes from other local competitors and make an informed decision because there is competition to keep me in check. The cruise lines? They really only need to be competitive upfront to get you on their ship, not the competitor's. Once you're on board, you are literally at their mercy where you literally have only two options - don't buy, or pay their sky high prices because there is no one to keep their prices in check. You are literally a captive audience and they very well know this. Just because they CAN charge you whatever the heck they want, doesn't necessarily make it the RIGHT thing to do. Maybe they should try being honest and see if their profits in fact INCREASE. Why do they have rules prohibiting bringing alcohol on board (other than wine, which I don't understand why the exception)? To maintain control of US. Their greed probably actually costs them more in the long run by having to screen luggage more closely, staffing the naughty room, etc.


Maybe if people didn't feel like they were being stiffed, we would see the countless threads about "how much water can I bring?", or "anyone have success with rum runners?" "How many 55 gallon drums of soda can I wheel onboard?"


Bottom line--treat me fairly, and I WILL do business with you. Screw me over and the game is up.

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Good point! And, on the money... so to speak.


What I was attempting is to put some loose logic into the argument that people that take booze onboard are STEALING and depriving the cruiseline of revenue.


It might be true .....


The thought being that the cruiseline is no longer getting revenue from this passenger because they are drinking the booze (or soda) that they brought onboard vs. buying it.


The stream of logic continues in that the passenger must buy this stuff from them, or the cruise line is not getting revenue. Cruiseline is therefore taking a financial hit.


And, following that stream of logic a bit further, what is the damage to the cruiseline if a passenger makes a decision to just not pay those prices and does not buy anything (or bring any onboard)? Again, the cruiseline is taking a financial hit.


Following the logic and eventual $$ stream, the cruiseline takes the same identical financial hit from the person that never buys a drink onboard either.


Not saying it is right/wrong/etc if you take it onboard, or if you boycott the bars, whatever.


So then I would assume you also feel that passengers that bring a camera onboard, walk around the ship taking their own pictures, take their own pictures on formal nights and stop on the pier next to the ship's sign and take pictures are, using your word, "STEALING" profits from the ships photo department. So does RCCL prohibit cameras? Have security confiscate cameras being used onboard by passengers?

Here is my position: If RCCL or any cruise line wanted to stop passengers from bringing soda and or water onboard, they would STOP IT! No exceptions, no carryon, nothing; put it in your checked luggage and it would be removed; attempt to check in with a 12 pack under your arm and you wouldn't be allowed to check in. The same would apply to wine; no exception to allow 2 bottles per cabin, can't check it and can't carry it on, period!

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You know that some people go to the photo area, find their picture and take a picture of it, right?


Pretty funny and sad at the same time.


Just a chuckle. No judgement from me.


Yes, I have seen this happen and many times have overheard the conversation indicating that they just couldn't afford the prices. My impression has always been that those people/couples most likely saved for some time to afford a cruise, something many of us can afford comfortably, so for them to save a few bucks to enjoy something they may not be able to do but that once, well, I'll give them that.

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Yes, I have seen this happen and many times have overheard the conversation indicating that they just couldn't afford the prices. My impression has always been that those people/couples most likely saved for some time to afford a cruise, something many of us can afford comfortably, so for them to save a few bucks to enjoy something they may not be able to do but that once, well, I'll give them that.


If they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle life is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation?

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If they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle life is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation?


I'm not sure what you are trying to say; people who cook chili by candle light shouldn't be allowed on a cruise? or people who scrimp and save for a vacation and budget their expenses shouldn't be allowed on? You almost, ALMOST, have me speechless!

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I'm not sure what you are trying to say; people who cook chili by candle light shouldn't be allowed on a cruise? or people who scrimp and save for a vacation and budget their expenses shouldn't be allowed on? You almost, ALMOST, have me speechless!


I am saying going to the photo gallery and taking a photo of a photo is tacky, trashy, and classless. Clearly if someone can afford all the expenses associated with a cruise they can afford $20 for a photo. They just don't want to spend the money. That's fine, it's an optional expense. No one is forcing them to. But they are not entitled to take pictures of pictures just because they don't feel like spending the money. They COULD hand their own camera to someone and ask them to take a photo. If someone had to budget that much and has NO wiggle room in their budget, what happens if they have an emergency? Sounds like they are screwed to me. Maybe should re-evaluate their life priorities or stop making excuses to steal to get what they want. No one is entitled to petty theft because they can't afford something. And I am not apologetic for stating it clearly.


Why are you so defensive of people getting away with petty theft? Do you participate in these same actions and feel you are justified in doing so? If I want something and I can't afford it, I do without. If I want something and think the price is too high versus value received, I do without. I don't go ahead and steal.

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I am saying going to the photo gallery and taking a photo of a photo is tacky, trashy, and classless. Clearly if someone can afford all the expenses associated with a cruise they can afford $20 for a photo. They just don't want to spend the money. That's fine, it's an optional expense. No one is forcing them to. But they are not entitled to take pictures of pictures just because they don't feel like spending the money. They COULD hand their own camera to someone and ask them to take a photo. If someone had to budget that much and has NO wiggle room in their budget, what happens if they have an emergency? Sounds like they are screwed to me. Maybe should re-evaluate their life priorities or stop making excuses to steal to get what they want. No one is entitled to petty theft because they can't afford something. And I am not apologetic for stating it clearly.


Why are you so defensive of people getting away with petty theft? Do you participate in these same actions and feel you are justified in doing so? If I want something and I can't afford it, I do without. If I want something and think the price is too high versus value received, I do without. I don't go ahead and steal.


Done with the thread!! You are without a doubt a "pompous", "I'm better than you", "snob". I will not continue a dialog with someone who is obviously, in his own mind, better than everyone else. Must be nice being so perfect.

Edited by whitecap
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Done with he thread!! You are without a doubt a "pompous", "I'm better than you", "snob". I will not continue a dialog with someone who is obviously, in his own mind, better than everyone else. Must be nice being so perfect.



I can't afford a new Porsche 911, but maybe if I bust out some screw drivers and a ski mask I can have one, because I'd really like to have one.


If only I had stolen photos on a cruise instead of paying for them...

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WOW!!!! It is clear that you have never had to budget for anything that you have wanted. That's a shame because it has made you completely unable to relate and understand how difficult it is for those that have a limited budget but still want to provide their families with something special such as a cruise. I am by no means condoning the actions of people taking a picture of a picture or bringing on items that are prohibited. It really irritates me when someone like you start saying things like, "if they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle lite is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation" Let me tell you something, people who don't have a lot of money or resources deserve to have a wonderful vacation just as much as someone who has no money woes. In my honest opinion, you are rude, obnoxious, judgmental and someone I hope to never cross paths with. Your holier than thou, better than anyone else attitude leaves a LOT to be desired. I actually feel a bit sorry for you.

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WOW!!!! It is clear that you have never had to budget for anything that you have wanted. That's a shame because it has made you completely unable to relate and understand how difficult it is for those that have a limited budget but still want to provide their families with something special such as a cruise. I am by no means condoning the actions of people taking a picture of a picture or bringing on items that are prohibited. It really irritates me when someone like you start saying things like, "if they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle lite is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation" Let me tell you something, people who don't have a lot of money or resources deserve to have a wonderful vacation just as much as someone who has no money woes. In my honest opinion, you are rude, obnoxious, judgmental and someone I hope to never cross paths with. Your holier than thou, better than anyone else attitude leaves a LOT to be desired. I actually feel a bit sorry for you.


In our household we live and die by a household budget. The budget is paramount. If it's not in the budget, it doesn't happen.


If I can't afford something, I don't go and steal it. I don't believe everyone in life is entitled to nice things. They must work for them. And save. And Prioritize. Many people I know have things much nicer than I do. I am not bitter about it. They worked for it and their financial situation allows it.


You don't need to feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for people that think petty theft is the only way to get what they want out of life. You make it seem like stealing photos on a cruise or sneaking drinks is an entitlement, although you claim not to condone it.


So, you are very judgmental, and worse, you are also very wrong.


I am proud that I have enough backbone to say that theft is theft, and I am proud to have enough integrity to not participate in petty theft.

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WOW!!!! It is clear that you have never had to budget for anything that you have wanted. That's a shame because it has made you completely unable to relate and understand how difficult it is for those that have a limited budget but still want to provide their families with something special such as a cruise. I am by no means condoning the actions of people taking a picture of a picture or bringing on items that are prohibited. It really irritates me when someone like you start saying things like, "if they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle lite is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation" Let me tell you something, people who don't have a lot of money or resources deserve to have a wonderful vacation just as much as someone who has no money woes. In my honest opinion, you are rude, obnoxious, judgmental and someone I hope to never cross paths with. Your holier than thou, better than anyone else attitude leaves a LOT to be desired. I actually feel a bit sorry for you.


Couldn't agree with you more. I'm headed to Mass and will light a candle (not for chili) for LMaxwell. Hope no one throws any rocks at that Glass House.

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My impression has always been that those people/couples most likely saved for some time to afford a cruise, something many of us can afford comfortably, so for them to save a few bucks to enjoy something they may not be able to do but that once, well, I'll give them that.


I'm headed to Mass and will light a candle (not for chili) for LMaxwell. Hope no one throws any rocks at that Glass House.


Please don't. I don't condone you using God's name to pray for me while you justify continued theft. Please pray for your own salvation.

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In our household we live and die by a household budget. The budget is paramount. If it's not in the budget, it doesn't happen.


If I can't afford something, I don't go and steal it. I don't believe everyone in life is entitled to nice things. They must work for them. And save. And Prioritize. Many people I know have things much nicer than I do. I am not bitter about it. They worked for it and their financial situation allows it.


You don't need to feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for people that think petty theft is the only way to get what they want out of life. You make it seem like stealing photos on a cruise or sneaking drinks is an entitlement, although you claim not to condone it.


So, you are very judgmental, and worse, you are also very wrong.


I am proud that I have enough backbone to say that theft is theft, and I am proud to have enough integrity to not participate in petty theft.


In what respect am I "wrong"? I said that I do not condone taking pictures of a photo or bringing on items that are not allowed. Lets forget about the pictures or drinks for a minute. What angers me is when you say things about people that don't have a lot of money. You have made comments that if a person can't afford to purchase a drink onboard or buy a photo, then they shouldn't be cruising. You made the comment "if they can't afford $20 for a photo can you imagine what their cooking chili over a candle lite is like when not on a lavish cruise vacation" It is these comments that make you condescending and holier than thou and obviously one who thinks they are better than others whose budget is less than his own. Please answer this question. Why did you make the comment about people with a lower budget cooking chili over candle lite when not on a cruise? Why would you put them down like this?

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Please don't. I don't condone you using God's name to pray for me while you justify continued theft. Please pray for your own salvation.


You need to light a candle and chill out.


Not sure anyone here is trying to justify "theft". Some are trying to define it, but...


And, you do need to understand that just because somebody found enough money to get a cruise does not mean they can afford another $20 for anything.




I would light a candle as well, but no sense contributing to global warming. After all, that would be stealing clean air from somebody, somewhere, someday.

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You have made comments that if a person can't afford to purchase a drink onboard or buy a photo, then they shouldn't be cruising.


Never said that. Never. I said if they can't afford those optional extras they should do without them, not engage in petty theft.

Edited by LMaxwell
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Please don't. I don't condone you using God's name to pray for me while you justify continued theft. Please pray for your own salvation.


I am new to Cruise Critic and will be taking my first ever RCCL cruise very soon. I have been reading this thread and all I can say is that I hope the people I meet on the Oasis of the Seas are not of the same character as this LMaxwell person. Mr. Whitecap, would you mind lighting another candle for him for me? Thanks

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You know what? I looked at the guest contract which supercedes any website FAQ as far as I would be concerned....and lo and behold it is just unclear as the FAQ. So while I believe the policy does not allow water and soft drinks I do realize someone could take a position that they would be and make a fair argument. Maybe.


It's simply a case of disallowed on paper, allowed in practice. Companies choose not to enforce their own policies all the time for any number of reasons. The cruise line checks every piece of luggage that comes on the ship and they make the choice (usually) to not confiscate water and soda. Nobody is sneaking it on board, the cruise line willingly allows it.


For you to keep characterizing bringing water and soda on board as stealing is a bit much. You may not agree with RCI's decision to allow it but that doesn't make the passengers thieves.

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I am new to Cruise Critic and will be taking my first ever RCCL cruise very soon. I have been reading this thread and all I can say is that I hope the people I meet on the Oasis of the Seas are not of the same character as this LMaxwell person. Mr. Whitecap, would you mind lighting another candle for him for me? Thanks


On Oasis the photos are on electronic screens. Harder to steal that way. Wish you people would stop hiding behind God as a means to justifying being thieves. But if lighting a candle makes you feel like you are a good person....

Edited by LMaxwell
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Royal doesn't care what you wash in the sink. They do care what you bring onboard and soft drinks, water, and alcohol is prohibited.


What you claim is my logic isn't what I said at all. I said here is Royals policy. Breaking the policy is theft. Simple.




Now go ahead and keep justifying petty theft because if you can't afford bottled water, and the meager gratuity that supports the crew, you have no business on a cruise ship at all.


Ok, here ya go Mr LMaxwell. A direct quote from you. Did you not say that if you can't afford these things then you have no business on a cruise ship at all???? And why didn't you answer my question in my last post?

Edited by butternut1
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