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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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After filling our bellies and emptying our wallet, we hit a few stores on the way back to the car for the usual souvenirs, shirts, coffee mug, thimble for my mom (she lives across the street from us and takes the boys to and from school). Got a few postcards but couldn't find anywhere to mail them... oh well. I'll add them to our scrapbook.


We made it back to the car just in time as it started pouring but didnt last long ....Her's the links to the video, not sure why it doesnt work?




Nor did the boys, soon as we got in the car they passed out. Really I should be the one passing out since I had the huge Beer-Garita... just goes to show you they cant keep up with their momma!



As we were leaving we did see these signs all over the place, at 1st we though oh SHNAP Emily you go girl, telling Martin off. Then once I got back to the hotel, realized it was all a great promotional get up. #goodjobsales



Also back in the room I filled up our rum runners (yes, we are those people too) with Rumchatta and Bacardi. A lil something for me, and for the hubby.



Repacked our suitcases, and got the carryon ready for our big day tmrw. I would say that we would be too excited to sleep but thats not correct, 3 of them would have no prob snoring the night away... me I would be both excited and annoyed from the snores LOL.


I logged into our cruise meet and chatted with everyone, reading what they did for the day or hearing about their flights/drives in.


Couldn't wait to meet everyone finally after months of getting to know each other, we all would meet in less than a few hours!


Eventually I put a pillow over my head and was able to muffle the snores from the boys enough to fall fast asleep.

(heres the 1st video from part one... link




Next Up: Call me Gold Member

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Thanks for the review. We've done 3 Disney cruises, have another 1 in September and are booked on the Carnival Vista for June 2016. I'd love to hear your comparison of DCL and CCL, mainly in the food department. By the way I always call my wife Monica when we get to Florida for cruises because her hair looks like Monica's in The One in Barbados

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Thanks for the review. We've done 3 Disney cruises, have another 1 in September and are booked on the Carnival Vista for June 2016. I'd love to hear your comparison of DCL and CCL, mainly in the food department. By the way I always call my wife Monica when we get to Florida for cruises because her hair looks like Monica's in The One in Barbados

Oh Im so jelly, both of all the Disney Cruises and of going on the Vista! We did the Magic then went to the Carnival Freedom and it had the old menus (they just switched to the American Fare before our Breeze Cruise) I will say I liked the Freedom food better than the Breeze, at least in the MDR. But the mouse will always win in my book. I truly think you get what you pay for.


Not sure how you do a private message .. or if you can on this site? but if you google

"Goodbye Mickey Hello Freddy" it's the 1st one. Enjoy :D


I am loving your review! You are hilarious. :)

Ha, thanks I get that a lot. Im good with it! Im totally sarcastic by nature so when I post on public forums I need to remind myself to tone it down a bit.. not everyone things comedy and sarcasim.... or so I was told in a review at work once... but they didnt have to deal with the people I was working with LOL.

forgot a pic, they took this of us at the Gator farm... (was starting to scan all our pics and fun times and realized it was in my bag o tricks.)



It's raining here in California, I know the song says it never does.. and usually its right. But thank goodness because we need it. Which gives me an excuse to be lazy. Going to try and knock out embark day to post later.. may have to break it up. This only 6pics in a post kills me lol.


Have a great day ya'll!

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Looking forward to more! :cool:


Going to try and knock out embark day to post later.. may have to break it up. This only 6pics in a post kills me lol.


This is one of the reasons I started my blog. It is just better to knock the posts out there and then link them here for several reasons. Wordpress and similar sites have free and cheap options, but still give you good capabilities. You reading this too, GAPearl ;)?

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We've cruised the Breeze 3 times because of the itineraries. We usually pick our cruise by itinerary. But we have cruised on probably 20 of Carnival ships.


Same here...itinerary drives the decision making process - regardless of cruise line.

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Looking forward to the rest of your review. We are doing this same itinerary in September.

And I hope to have this report done by then LOL.


Just finished the Mickey v. Freddy review. Loved it, thx so much for it

Aww glad you found it and enjoyed it. Funny enough it made me go back and flip throug it. I noticed I did a few things different this cruise, guess I knew what to expect this time around.


Drea, great pics. We are on the Breeze in June . Dh and I did the eastern back in Dec. Next is our family cruise which will be our first southern trip. We love the Breeze. Can't wait to hear about the ports.

Awesome, how did you like the Eastern... we are debating that one for next spring break.


Looking forward to more! :cool:

This is one of the reasons I started my blog. It is just better to knock the posts out there and then link them here for several reasons. Wordpress and similar sites have free and cheap

options, but still give you good capabilities. You reading this too, GAPearl ;)?

I had thought about it before, but wanted to this going.... might need to play around with a few sites before our next cruise, because this is going to get old really fast lol.


Speaking of GAPearl, need to catch up on her where abouts, I feel like such a stalker at times LOL.


Same here...itinerary drives the decision making process - regardless of cruise line.

This is what is so hard, there are other cruise lines I would love to try. So many big new ships coming out but they seem to hit the same couple of ports, of which we have already done. BOO!


Great review so far!! Looking forward to more!

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Next part up soon, spent yesterday scanning and photo stitching all the Fun Times, etc., and napping. lol

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Great start! We were on the Breeze in February for the second time. Great ship. We spent a few days in Miami also and I was not a fan of South Beach. We were going to eat lunch on Ocean drive but all the restaurants were very pushy and would not let us read their outside menus in peace so we decided to walk up a couple streets. We found a good Cuban restaurant. Of course it was expensive but no where no as bad as that bill you posted! Looking forward to the rest of your review.


Ps: We are big Friends fans and the one we're no one is ready is my husband's all time favorite episode. Mine is the one with all the resolutions.

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Great review!!! Going on the Breeze in 69 days :)


My all time favorite is TOW Eddie won't go. I'm a dehydrating maniac! Also it took me 7 years to get my soon to be husband to watch the entire series. He binge watched on Netflix which really eliminated a lot of the funny looks I'd get for my (over)use of Friends quotes :)

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Woke up before the alarm even went off at 7am... this will be the routine while on vacation. Funny enough I cant do this during the week for work LOL. Anyhow I jumped into the shower and got ready, then woke up the troops to do the same.


Ran downstairs to eat a quick breakfast, then came back up to grab our bags and head out! We dropped our rental car at the Downtown Avis/Budget agency. Then got in line for the Free Shuttle to the Port. It was awesome as the family in front of us were from our cruise thread. So we began a round of introductions and since we were the only 2 family's able to fit on the shuttle it wasnt long before we saw her....



The excitement level got higher in the car, everyone pulled out their phones and cameras to start taking pics. We were at the port by 10:30am, not bad. Had planned/hoped for a 10am arrival. Hubby was worried they wouldnt even let us in since our boarding pass said 1pm. Oh he's so pretty lol.


Shuttle parked and started unloading our crap, we tipped him, then turned around to a porter already getting our stuff tagged. So we tipped him, then headed for the terminal.


Yes, we all were wearing sweatshirts, it was a chilly, windy morning.



Checked in with our boarding pass, then went thru security no prob, they run your stuff thru an xray machine like at the airport. (No hand checking at least for us this time. In Ft. Lauderdale they hand checked the drinks in our carry on.) Up the escalator we went and into line to officially check in!



10mins later we were standing at the counter getting our sign and sail cards. Which was a fun but still questionable experience. Reason being, this is the 2nd 8day cruise for all 4 of us. I was watching as the boys were handed their Red Cards... then the adorable girl behind the counter handed me a GOLD card... AHHHHHHHH. Uh but why? To which the gal said, cuz your special... umm k. Not going to disagree.. didnt want to say I should be red too, who's gonna pass up on moving up a category if thats in fact what is going on. All I could think of was our travel agent had arranged something??? (Anyone have any ideas why, my card is different as I am still unsure? Haven't talked to my agent yet)



When we were done checking in, we found some seats in the back and camped out for a bit. As I went to go charge my phone at the charging station they had, I noticed a few more people from our cruise thread. Did some more introductions, I think even hugs were given lol. We were just so excited. One gal got everyone bracelets to wear with our cruise date/ship name, so she was passing those out.



Everyone was checking in on the various media sites, and as different zones were called we would see people pass us and wave hi. We all said to wear beads so that we could spot each other, so that helped. We were zone 6... not bad, but it felt like forever as we got to hear them start from the beginning. But then they finally got to 6 and we cheered... ok I cheered, the boys just grabbed their jackets and backpacks and looked at me like I was crazy.


Had to take the obligatory Bon Voyage pic, looks like 2 of us are happy to get on board, 1's getting there, & don't mind hubby. The Marine Corps has trained him not to smile LOL.



**Continued Next Post, Lots Of Pics**

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Going thru the photo process was fast, they had 3 backgrounds going (all the same) so before we knew it, we were walking up the gangplank.. well after one last selfie in the terminal.



We then were in the Atrium, taking it all in. Pics dont do it justice, it really is a site. I loved that its a little more contemporary and doesnt have that old Vegas feel like the older ships.



They were passing out Fun times so I grabbed one to start planning our day.





Ship Maps are always awesome.... boys of course had it memorized within a few hours it seemed. E and I still got lost trying to get off the ship on the last day LOL.



For months now I had been counting down via the Carnival Hub App. Since we were on board now, I decided it was the perfect time to log in. At this point only I logged in, as the guys were all in their own world trying to figure out where to eat lunch. Our cruise thread had agreed when we all got on board to log in so that when we met up at our meet & greet later we all could connect.



When you officially log in on the APP you use your folio #, so it links all your info on it, such as who you are/age/room#/table#/etc. Then it gives you another 4digit# that is yours to give out to friends & family so they can contact you thru the app. It works like sending a text message you enter the persons 4digit # in, and request them to be a contact. Once they say yes, you can send a text msg to them. Now you wont have to remember their # each time, as once they accept your request it then enters their full name into the contacts area on the app. (I should have taken screen shots but forgot in the moment). But truly it is Easy Peasy! Best part it only cost $5 per folio account/person for the whole cruise. No more having to leave post it notes on the mirror in the room. Then going back and forth to check it every now and then to meet up or check on where the kids were.

Unfortunately, they didnt allow anyone under 13 to use the app. Which was my purpose on keeping tabs on the kids. (I believe they are now changing that).


Next Up: Let the Games Begin

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Great start! We were on the Breeze in February for the second time. Great ship. We spent a few days in Miami also and I was not a fan of South Beach. We were going to eat lunch on Ocean drive but all the restaurants were very pushy and would not let us read their outside menus in peace so we decided to walk up a couple streets. We found a good Cuban restaurant. Of course it was expensive but no where no as bad as that bill you posted! Looking forward to the rest of your review.


Ps: We are big Friends fans and the one we're no one is ready is my husband's all time favorite episode. Mine is the one with all the resolutions.

I was really hoping for something more Miami-ish, like you found.


Cant seem to pick just one episode as my fav either. Love Ugly Naked Guy, and the one with the cop only because of Ross yelling "PIVOT"


Great review!!! Going on the Breeze in 69 days :)


My all time favorite is TOW Eddie won't go. I'm a dehydrating maniac! Also it took me 7 years to get my soon to be husband to watch the entire series. He binge watched on Netflix which really eliminated a lot of the funny looks I'd get for my (over)use of Friends quotes :)

HA, I just got my 16yr old into, he is catching it thru reruns and loving it. When I said it was the best show ever her didnt believe me till he started watching it LOL.


Enjoying your review...and there's no such thing as too many pictures!

Well thank you, I agree... until I have to put a photo book together and cant decide on pics LOL.


Great review! We're thinking of booking Breeze for Feb!

I'm cracking up at the Friends references since I've been binge watching it lately on Netflix!

DO it book it, great times... opps spoiler alert LOL.


Actually I take back my prior note about not picking a favorite, I think The One with the Embryos is my fav, only for the triva game that Monica, Rachel, Joey & Mrs Chanadaler Bong play LMAO


Subscribing :) wish we could have spent more time hanging out on the cruise. Had a fun time playing that strange card game.

Maybe next spring break?

I agree, never enough time, but so glad we got to meet and hang out. Omg hubby and I still crack up about that game.


You doing the Breeze again March 26th, 2016? We are considering that one!


Great review so far definitely following!

Aww thank you, I was worried it would be too personal and people wouldnt like it.


If anyone has any questions feel free to ask away, I will do my best to answer. If I cant, there are a few people that were on the same cruise following that maybe able to answer!

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Great review, looking forward to the rest. Looking into a cruise on the breeze so it's great timing. Over your sense of humor, cracked me up! ;)

Glad I can provide some comic reliefe :)


Since you've done both DCL and CCL, how does the comfort of the beds compare? I think the beds on the Disney Dream and Fantasy are the most comfortable beds ever. Any thoughts?

hmm I have never had a hard time sleeping on a ship, I think it is due to being so exhausted and the movement and sound of the ocean. So I find them all great. But will say we each needed 2 pillows this time, as those were feather and your head just sank down on the Breeze at least.

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When you officially log in on the APP you use your folio #, so it links all your info on it, such as who you are/age/room#/table#/etc. Then it gives you another 4digit# that is yours to give out to friends & family so they can contact you thru the app. It works like sending a text message you enter the persons 4digit # in, and request them to be a contact. Once they say yes, you can send a text msg to them. Now you wont have to remember their # each time, as once they accept your request it then enters their full name into the contacts area on the app. (I should have taken screen shots but forgot in the moment). But truly it is Easy Peasy! Best part it only cost $5 per folio account/person for the whole cruise. No more having to leave post it notes on the mirror in the room. Then going back and forth to check it every now and then to meet up or check on where the kids were.

Unfortunately, they didnt allow anyone under 13 to use the app. Which was my purpose on keeping tabs on the kids. (I believe they are now changing that).


Do you have to pay for the carnival wifi on board to use the messaging part?

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