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"Im Breezy" an 8day Southern Caribbean Carnival Breeze trip report w/lots of pics


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The 1st night they also bring a character to take pics with at your table. I crack up at their pirate, at least this one looks semi decent. Our Freedom cruise looked like a homeless guy, poor thing LOL.



Again we are comparing to Disney who has Captain Sparrow Hellooo Johnny Depp LOL



Time for dessert, I had tiramisu. It was ok, more of a custard then I was used too or expecting. But still good taste.



E got the warm chocolate melting cake... but he's nice enough to share, ok I just take a bite or 4 lol. Both were good.



When we were done we said goodnight to our wait staff, and went to the Ovation theater to see the welcome aboard show. It was cute and had us laughing.



We left in time to catch the Comedy show at 1115pm with comedian Macio. Omg he had us in stiches. He was a little ronchy at times, but still cracked us up. After the show, "grandpa" was getting tired, but I talked him into walking around the lido deck at night, before we headed to our room.


Once we were back in our room, he had the tv on for not even 5mins before the snoring began. I on the other hand could not sleep until the boys came back. Since I purchased the Social Media Internet package for $25 for use of the whole cruise, unlimited time. I started putting a collage together of our 1st day to put on Instagram, along with check into our cruise meets thread to see what everyone else had done on our 1st day.


Eventually J came in just before 1am (good boy!). Meanhile 1am passed.. 1:05, 1:10... Text to P. Hey its past 1am get your you know what back to the room NOW. To which I got the oh sorry didnt realized it was 1am.. mmmhmm, sure, I know that game! Told him from now on set an alarm for 5mins before, so you get back here on time. Got a yes ma'am, then he changed his close and continued to text his new friends.


No alarm was set since the next day was a sea day.

Overall great start to our 8day cruise, everyone still liked each other and we all had a GREAT TIME!



Next Up:Sea Day Fun

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Kind of strange that they'd put an age limit on the app since it's perfect for kids to keep in touch with their parents.


How did the app work for you? We tried NCL's version and gave it a mixed review. The free part, where you could check activities and restaurant availability worked great, but we weren't impressed with the pay part (theirs was $8). We never got a text to go through all week and calling each other sounded like you were talking to someone miles away on a long distance line from the 1960s.

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Aww glad I can portray that. Are you on going on the breeze?








I'm still here sorry for lagging I'll have the rest up today... maybe even start on the next days worth too.


Went to see a concert last night so in recovery mode lol. It was NKOTB, so I had to relive my youth.


Ok I was just reading along...then I saw NKOTB!! I am seeing them in July and CANNOT WAIT! LOL This will be the 7th or 8th time since they reunited. LOL

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Subscribed for sure. Your family reminds me of my own if you add a little girl of 5 who really thinks she is 12.


Plus we sail out on the breeze on May 23!!


Thank you for the delightful review and wonderful pictures.

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We took this time to head to our room and see if the rest of our bags had arrived, and they were all there. The 4 of us worked quickly to hang clothes up, fyi bring extra hangers if you have more than 2 people. I always save our dry cleaning hangers since they are light to pack. We also use an over the door shoe holder for lotion, sunscreen, our S & S Cards, etc. It helps to keep the bathroom clutter free.


Once we were unpacked we enjoyed our balcony for a bit. Then we set the boys up on the HUB APP so that we could all text to keep in touch. It was then that we found out that they had to have money in their account in order to purchase the app. We dont allow them to charge, not because we dont trust them, just that we never have set it up that way. If they want something they find us to buy it for them. Anyhow we told them we told take care of that. We told them to meet us at the Blush Restaurant at 8pm for dinner.



(I will add a link to all the documents at the very end of the review incase the scan's arent that great/readable. )



We went to guest services and the line was pretty long now. But they had another person on the floor asking what people needed and if they were able to use the "atm type S & S kiosk" she sent them that way. So when she came to us she stated we could use it but needed to know their folio #... nope dont have that.. so back of the line we had to go! UGGG


Eventually we moved up, pretty quickly and put $25 on each of the boys cards so they could buy the app, and play video games etc if they wanted. We told them when its gone, its gone! (if they wanted a souvenir from the ship that would go on our card)


I had brought wine, so we popped that open and took a glass with us walking around. E and I set out to explore also. We came upon the Taste Bar, where todays selection was from the Italian place, Cucina Del Capitano.



Meatballs and Bruchetta were available to sample. They hit the spot too. Went well with our wine! (ate them so fast no pics.. lol)



Made our way to the Atrium and listened to some music, walked thru the shops. Then it was almost time for dinner. The boys were there waiting for us, as they still had the door closed. Once they let us in, we found our table on the upper right side. We had a booth to ourselves sort of in a lil nook area.



Continued On Next Post


Thanks for posting the Circle C info! I was enjoying your review because my son will be 12 this summer when we cruise on Breeze (same itinerary). Did the 12 year old actually do the activities with Circle C? All of our cruises prior my son was in the kids club but wasnt sure if the 12-14's were too cool for the activities? Great review!!

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Kind of strange that they'd put an age limit on the app since it's perfect for kids to keep in touch with their parents.


How did the app work for you? We tried NCL's version and gave it a mixed review. The free part, where you could check activities and restaurant availability worked great, but we weren't impressed with the pay part (theirs was $8). We never got a text to go through all week and calling each other sounded like you were talking to someone miles away on a long distance line from the 1960s.


Yes a lot of parents said the same thing about the age requirement. I belive I read on Johns blog they were going to either move the age or have a parent permission Option.


I thought it it worked ok. I have an android and don't seem to get notifications s anyhow but the boys r all still on apple and said it worked well. Except if u were on the lido deck by the pool and jumbotron. It lagged big time.

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Love the Harlem Shake video! I bet it was a good time. You should have had it go just a little longer. Funny to see that many people do the shake. Lol


I said the exact same thing once I saw it.... not sure what my prob is.. think I just got excited, or we can place the alcohol lol

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How did you manage to take the pictures of your photos? We got busted last year on Conquest. :( Maybe I need a better lookout. Lol


Very carefully lol. I know I'm a bad girl. I go to a corner and do it like im looking for our pics and have a lookout. But seriously most of those pics they take are bad, wait till I post the bootleg cheesy romantical pics they made hubby and I take lol .. bad .. horrible lol


So what do they do when they catch u? Jail time lol do they serve drink in the jail lol

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Ok I was just reading along...then I saw NKOTB!! I am seeing them in July and CANNOT WAIT! LOL This will be the 7th or 8th time since they reunited. LOL


Oh how awesome. Well they will not disappoint. TLC was awesome too. Nelly was eh lol


My friends and I seriously Want to do the cruise they do now.

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Thanks for posting the Circle C info! I was enjoying your review because my son will be 12 this summer when we cruise on Breeze (same itinerary). Did the 12 year old actually do the activities with Circle C? All of our cruises prior my son was in the kids club but wasnt sure if the 12-14's were too cool for the activities? Great review!!


Yes my 12 yr old did a good few of the activities. Unfortunately we had ate dinning and most of his friends had early tho so that put a damper on some thingd. They would go play mini golf a lot also together, and the slides. So they would use circle c as a meeting spot since some of them couldn't use the app either.


Make sure they go to orientation that's where mine meet all their friends on the 1st night.

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Everyone was getting hungry as it was now around 1pm-ish. I had tried to find a Groupon but the boys were all hungry, thirsty, and hot. So we stopped at the next place we saw with food that looked pretty good. (BIG MISTAKE, look for a coupon/groupon etc prior... just saying)


Hubby saw a huge Beer-garita go by and said lets get one to share.. ok. He's not a big drinker (I am) so when he said get a drink for him I dont 2nd guess it.



My 12yr old J, wanted a strawberry margarita (virgin of course)



One quesadilla, and 3 burgers later we were stuffed.



Food was good, drinks hit the spot. Then the bill came and we about died. $204.... $30 service charge, what's that you ask... thats just for dinning on Ocean Drive. No joke we asked about it. We can cross that off our list of things to do once and never do again LOL.



Continued on Next Post... almost done.



All I can say is WOW!!!:eek:

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Thank you so much for your review and photos of the menus! We leave Saturday on the same cruise and we can't wait!


Oh Im so Jelly, have fun!!!!! say hi to Matty for me LOL


All I can say is WOW!!!:eek:

ya we said more then that.. a few expletives were dropped:eek: LOL

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I leave the curtain open at night so that when the sun starts rising I can wake up without an alarm. Im a light sleeper so any bit of sunshine wakes me up, plus Im just one of those types of gals that just doesnt want to miss a thing on vacation. Figure I can sleep in when I get home... or am dead LOL!


Was trying to be a good girl and keep with working out, so got up and changed and P heard me and said he wanted to go with me. So off we set to find the gym, who knew we would do a 5k in the process. We headed towards the Serenity deck, but seemed to pass it 3 times lol. Im blaming it on lack of sleep and bad signage, thats my story and Im sticking too it. (Actually hubby said he had the same issues the 1st time. also)


P took off to lift weights, he's all about "gun control" LOL. I jumped on the treadmill, which should have done the elliptical. Reason being is running on the tread at the front of the ship is HARD. The sway of the ship and up and down motion make it seem like your running hills. That part is fine, but the sway to the left and right is what throws me off. The guy next to me and I kept grabbing the rails and laughing trying to not fall off the "track".



When I was done, P and I went back to the room. Where by now E was up and watching tv in bed. P jumped into the shower while I called room service. Momma needed her coffee. I jumped in the shower next, while E got ready to head to the gym. P received the coffee and gave a tip (we keep an envelope of $1's in the safe just for room service and we taught the boys one our 1st cruise how to sign and tip for room service)


Took the opportunity to let my hair dry naturally while sitting on the balcony, watching the sea go by.



I drank my coffee with Rumchatta (yeah the rum runners made it on!).




Looked over the Fun Times to figure out what to do today.





Our meet thread had a lot of activities planned for today also. So needed to make sure whatever we figured out to do, it coincided with our meet ups.



I am one of those anal vacation planners and have spreadsheet to keep all our activities in line.. plus since no one listens to me when were at home planning they an check the spread sheet before they leave the room (I keep it taped on the door) plus Im totally forgetful.


Continues on Next Post

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J got ready while I finished my coffee. Then the 3 of us set out to get some breakfast on the lido deck. When we were finishing up E text me via the hub to say he was done with his workout. We said we would meet him back there. So that J could get E's phone as he already had plans to meet up with his new buddies. P and J both took off and we told them to check in from time to time. Along with no pool unless you tell us 1st so that we can watch you (yes they are great swimmers as we have a pool at home, but ya never know when things can happen and so we need to be present. )


E and I went exploring the shops more.. Its great when your hardest decision for the day is which drink to have. We always say were going to buy the big bottles for our liquor cabinet but never want to travel with them... plus we belong to Costco so no need to buy then there LOL.



After looking around all the shops and not seeing any deals, we figured we would wait till the last sea day when they usually offer some type of BoGo.


We ended up in the casino, where we tried to win a stack of money. Which didnt happen, weird I can win a crappy stuffed animal but not $100.



After wasting $5 each on the machine we figured that was enough (ya I know were BIG spenders LOL)



Lets head to the lido to listen to some music. We didnt want to be under the sun today since we had our meet that greets later. We found a high top table by the Blue Iguana Bar, and a nice waiter named Manny came over and got us a bucket of beers.




Seriously life is grand right now at that moment..... (oh to be back on that boat!)



Continued On Next Post

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At 11am our meet and Greet was having a Cabin Crawl/Poker Game. I had initially signed up, but only because I wanted to see all the different rooms. You didnt have to play but you did have to wait for everyone to in order to see each room. Sooo hubby didnt want to go thru all that, and since he was still awake and not wanting to nap already. I bypassed it and hung out with Grampa on the Lido deck. Amy was playing guitar near the bar to start us off.



Then eventually Matty came out. And the FUN began.



Line dancing time... If you are going on the Breeze with Matt as the CD look him up on his social media sites as he post the line dance tutorials. They really help to somewhat learn before so your not completely lost.. as he has a few different ones to dance to.



The couple behind me was out there everyday doing the dances. They also were on our meets group and had a great time cutting a rug.. err the deck LOL. We danced to Taylor Swift Shake it off, the Wobble, Feel the Rush by Shaggy, and a few others that sadly I cant remember anymore.



I had to yell at the hubby to take pics, and Im surprised that he actually got a video of me too. I dont get in my pictures since Im usually the one taking them so this is a shocker.



Around 1pm the dancing ended and out came more alcohol... not for us. As in the Red Rum vs Blue Tequila Challenge. I actually thought it was a game of some sort... nope it was the drink making contest. Normally I find it very boring, but thanks to Matty he kept it entertaining with lots of commentary.



I dont remember which team won, but the only chick in the contest won. Girl Power lol. Dont ask me the name of the drink either or what was in it... I dont take THAT great of notes while I cruise LOL.



We were getting a little hungry and thought we best grab something to eat after the beers. Guy burgers was way to long, so we grabbed some tacos. They were so yummy. I got one of each, chicken, beef and fish. Hubby just got beef. Hit the spot while being washed down with some beer!


Next Up : Cocktails, Naps & Laughs

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Beautiful family :) Love your pics! Hubby has been on my to back to book another cruise next April, now considering the Breeze. Thanks for sharing your vacation story.

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Did they have "Make it a double for $3.00 more" on drinks. Sometimes I think they don't put alcohol in their drinks so it would be nice to get an extra shot of liquor in a drink. We will be on the Breeze May 23 for an eight day cruise. Really interested in seeing the Funtimes too.

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Beautiful family :) Love your pics! Hubby has been on my to back to book another cruise next April, now considering the Breeze. Thanks for sharing your vacation story.

Wow, I need to marry your husband LOL


Did they have "Make it a double for $3.00 more" on drinks. Sometimes I think they don't put alcohol in their drinks so it would be nice to get an extra shot of liquor in a drink. We will be on the Breeze May 23 for an eight day cruise. Really interested in seeing the Funtimes too.

hmm I dont remember make it a double being offered, but then again I drank mostly beer. Except in the comedy club. They did upsell to get a bucked of beers and I bit that hook line and sinker LOL. What itinerary are you doing?


more coming in a bit.

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At 11am our meet and Greet was having a Cabin Crawl/Poker Game. I had initially signed up, but only because I wanted to see all the different rooms. You didnt have to play but you did have to wait for everyone to in order to see each room. Sooo hubby didnt want to go thru all that, and since he was still awake and not wanting to nap already. I bypassed it and hung out with Grampa on the Lido deck. Amy was playing guitar near the bar to start us off.






Then eventually Matty came out. And the FUN began.






Line dancing time... If you are going on the Breeze with Matt as the CD look him up on his social media sites as he post the line dance tutorials. They really help to somewhat learn before so your not completely lost.. as he has a few different ones to dance to.






The couple behind me was out there everyday doing the dances. They also were on our meets group and had a great time cutting a rug.. err the deck LOL. We danced to Taylor Swift Shake it off, the Wobble, Feel the Rush by Shaggy, and a few others that sadly I cant remember anymore.






I had to yell at the hubby to take pics, and Im surprised that he actually got a video of me too. I dont get in my pictures since Im usually the one taking them so this is a shocker.







Around 1pm the dancing ended and out came more alcohol... not for us. As in the Red Rum vs Blue Tequila Challenge. I actually thought it was a game of some sort... nope it was the drink making contest. Normally I find it very boring, but thanks to Matty he kept it entertaining with lots of commentary.






I dont remember which team won, but the only chick in the contest won. Girl Power lol. Dont ask me the name of the drink either or what was in it... I dont take THAT great of notes while I cruise LOL.






We were getting a little hungry and thought we best grab something to eat after the beers. Guy burgers was way to long, so we grabbed some tacos. They were so yummy. I got one of each, chicken, beef and fish. Hubby just got beef. Hit the spot while being washed down with some beer!




Next Up : Cocktails, Naps & Laughs



What a blast!! I hope Matt gets the Vista!!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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