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Mitsugirly takes great PRIDE in bringing her Spring Break extreme review


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We've read all of your reviews and we were waiting patiently for this one!! Thanks!


Thanks. Wait no longer, because it has arrived. :D


Thanks for sharing!! Port of Baltimore is my home port and the Pride is my fave Carnival ship...been on her twice but not since she got the 2.0 upgrades.


You have to try it with the upgrades. She's amazing! :)

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Ok, so I think that's all the pictures I had to share of the deck plans floor by floor.


I hope everyone enjoyed the picture tour and got a better feel for the place. If I missed some places (which I know I did), I'm sorry. I take so many pictures and explore so many areas that it all becomes a blur after awhile and I get to the point where I don't remember if I have pictures or not. Of course when I ask the hubby, his response is...of course you have pictures of every square inch of this place. Then other times I'll be taking a picture of something and he comment will be "Kim, you already have 100 pictures of that! Put the camera down and slowly back away...you'll survive." LOL


So those that were waiting on the ship pictures itself, there you have it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll try to answer the best that I can. If not, there's probably several people on here that can.


For those of you that want to stick around for our silly adventures, weird sense of humor and that thing we call "life"...my review will continue and I appreciate you sticking with me. :)


If you are here for the port reviews, you'll have to suffer for awhile until I get 3 days worth of cruising done. :p ;)


Also, you may see other things in the review pictures I might have not posted during the ship tour. Not necessarily, but there might be. I didn't want to post any of the pictures with us in them for the tour. So those were saved for the review itself.


Time to push on...

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Since our luggage had not arrived to our rooms yet, we decided to wander around the ship a bit, get a lot of the pictures you viewed earlier before things got too crowded, and of course EAT!!!


Here we are taking a look around at a few places. Sakari loves to pose for the camera.





Mommy, take a picture of me on the couch





This is a cool tree, take a picture here now




At this point I actually had to tell her to stop! LOL


We ran into Kendra and Brayden and they explored a little with us. They mentioned that they had already been up to the kids club to register and we decided we needed to head up there too in order for me to be able to get in and get pictures of it before we are no longer aloud in.




Daddy played fish puppets with Sakari for awhile and she found the box of "sea animals" (shown all blurry in her hands in the picture above) and she didn't want to leave. She obviously loves sea animals but to the extent that most other kids her age can't relate. She has an entire collection of various animals, but mostly whales. She can look at a whale and tell you exactly WHAT it is...an we are not talking about "a whale"...we are talking a killer/orca (she's know both names) whale, a blue whale, a sperm whale, a beluga whale, a shark whale, a pilot whale, the list goes on and on. She is like that with most of her animals.


The kids looking outside and watching them load our meals in for the week. I told Sakari "that's all our food we'll eat this week" and her eyes got big. I think she took it literally.





We decided it was time to grab a bite to eat. We headed up to the pool deck and went straight to Guys Burgers. This would be the first time I have ever tried it (here at home we have a Five Guys Burgers and I love it) and I couldn't wait.


We grabbed a burger and off we headed to the toppings bar to load her up.


I was so hungry and it was so good that I had already dug in before I realized I forgot to take a picture.




It lived up to my expectations and the fries were also yummy! This would be my go-to comfort food throughout the cruise.

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Now up where the putt putt golfing is located, there is a glass dome. If you look in that glass dome, you will see the fitness workout room and there is a small hot tub(?) there.


I knew about this hot tub area and others had mentioned it before I left...saying it was the perfect place to "get away" and relax and not many people knew about it.


I have to say that I never got to try it out...but not because I wanted to, but because I was denied entry each time we tried! :eek:


It seemed (unless I missed it) that you had to enter the work out room using the spa area (which is just weird). Every time we tried to enter that area (and I even ask the people at the desk in the spa where to get into the fitness area) they would tell me 1) They were closing or 2) I couldn't come in right now. :mad: I found this very strange. Every ship I have ever been on had a fitness center that was open all the time and you could come and go as you please. However, since this was located somehow within the spa place, they wasn't always open? Or at least that's what they kept telling us. I finally gave up and admired it from the ROOF! :p



I'm so sorry you could only admire from afar! I love the hot tubs in the fitness center on Spirit-class ships (Carnival Glory has one as well).


Your daughter and grandson will have fun with their relationship. My oldest cousin and youngest aunt were in the same class in high school and enjoyed ribbing each other as "aunt" and niece." When they learned to drive, one would steer while the other would work the clutch and gear shift.:eek:


Enjoying your review. We've sailed on Pride twice and I'm sure there will be another Pride cruise in our future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and (really nice!) photos.

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After eating, we decided to head back to the room and see if our luggage had arrived. I was happy to say it was there, but sad to report I have no idea what time it was. LOL




I quickly unpacked and put everything in it's place for the week and tucked away our luggage under the beds.


It was time to decorate my door!!! I had worked a good month off and on designing and creating this master piece. hehe I had everything measured out (except where the door handle would go since I didn't know which side it was actually located on for our room, but did know the measurements so I made sure not to have anything on the paper there on either side) and ready to go other than a few small details to add.


Once I was done with my masterpiece, I stood back like a proud Dr Seuss parent that I was.




We had Thing 1 and Thing 2 with curly poofy crazy hair going everywhere. We had the truffula trees that stuck out. We had signs for every place we would be going to and cards with Dr Seuss/Cruise sayings on them. (Noticed I incorporated "cruising" words into my signs)




These signs are made out of foam padding and I designed the paper over top of it on my computer using various pictures I found and also downloaded the Dr Seuss font for the typing.




Now I belong to a group that is for decorating your Carnival doors. They take things super serious there, but I do it just for fun. I know they talk about a lot of the ships have contests, but I wasn't aware of a contest on the Pride this cruise. There's also a lot of talk about the do's and dont's of what to use to put your decorations up. There's only certain products to be used that will hold good and not leave a residue on the doors and walls. It comes down with easy removal.


However....I was having a huge problem with my signs sticking to the walls. Maybe it was because it was wallpaper on the walls? My poor room steward kept picking them up off the floor and putting them back on the walls. Others on our roll call told me that they would also walk by and pick up anything that had fallen off the walls and put it back up. (Thank you).


It finally got to the point were the room steward took it upon himself to go get some masking tape and put them up with that. (Not my doing for those out there gasping). They did not fall after that.


Everyone seemed to love the decorations and I got a lot of compliments. It also makes it easy to spot your "home" for the week.


I was lucky that we did not get 1 single item stolen from the door...even after things were falling off. We actually GAINED an item as well. (big grin).


So now that Sakari and I had our door decorated and the hubby thought he would take a nap, I sprang from the clatter to see what's the matter...no wait, wrong story...I woke the hubby and told him it was time for the life boat drill so get a move on it.


We headed to our muster station and assumed the position. I have to say it's a lot different than NCL, they (NCL) might as well carry guns and have you walk the plank if you are not perfectly formed in a straight line, talk, take a picture, or do anything other than stand in military form with eyes straight ahead....seriously. This was more laid back and relaxed, but they got the same message across and people payed attention when the time came.


It was supposed to start at 4pm (my understanding)...but you always have those "latecomers" that stroll in like you are ruining their party time...at 4:20 to be exact and we are not talking about a few people...we are talking about 2 ENTIRE LINES the length of our muster station! (Do you feel my glare people??? I've been standing here freezing for 20 minutes...nice of you to arrive). :mad:


While we are doing our muster drill, I notice there are actually still people getting on the ship and coming up the ramp. The hubby made the comment that it might be employees. However, none of them were dressed as a Carnival employee, none of them had luggage (like if maybe they were getting on the ship for this trip to start their contract) and we even witnessed children (families) and also people in wheelchairs. Yea, I don't think his theory of "workers" was holding up too well in my book. Any ideas?


We were supposed to leave at 4pm. But instead, we didn't start to pull out until 5pm. I seen comments about "the Pride has to wait until low tide to leave so that she will make it under the bridge" however, how do you explain all the people (and not just a few) still coming up the ramp at 4:30ish? Makes me wonder.


Once the life boat drill was over and I felt safe in knowing how to install my flotation device for the 50th time on a cruise...I felt confident that I would still panic and run like h3ll if the ship was sinking. I mean come on, if the ship is sinking how many people do you think would actually report to THEIR muster station in an orderly fashion as they do in the drill? Take a look at the massive freak out session from the Costa Concordia...need I say more? I would hope things would go smoothly, well, I would hope we would never have to hope they go smoothly, but you know how people are.... just saying.


Once we were released, people ran like....well, like the ship was sinking of course. Back to the partying and dancing and the cruise was officially about to begin.

Edited by mitsugirly
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Yay, you started your review! I'm following along now. :D


Glad you are here. Thanks for following.


I'm so sorry you could only admire from afar! I love the hot tubs in the fitness center on Spirit-class ships (Carnival Glory has one as well).


Your daughter and grandson will have fun with their relationship. My oldest cousin and youngest aunt were in the same class in high school and enjoyed ribbing each other as "aunt" and niece." When they learned to drive, one would steer while the other would work the clutch and gear shift.:eek:


Enjoying your review. We've sailed on Pride twice and I'm sure there will be another Pride cruise in our future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and (really nice!) photos.


Oh I know they will have a great relationship. They are very close now. I will remember to never let them in a car together after that story. :p


Thanks for following and your comments. I hope you enjoy the review.

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I knew there were several bridges the Pride would go under during the beginning of our voyage and I really didn't want to miss it. We kind of hung out around the ship (taking more pictures of course) and waiting for that finger crossing, teeth grinding, deep breath moment to happen.


We seen the bridge in the distance. We hurried to the front of the ship. The glass was up high and I didn't like the view. I remembered someone saying the best place to be was out on the deck below the pool slides. We hurried in that direction now. Once we arrived, I found out it was the serenity area. Well, count us out, we have the munchkin along with us. We headed back toward the front. The bridge was fast approaching. What do we do????? Ok, so let's go back and go up to the actual whale tail deck. That should be a decent shot right?


Back we headed again and to the deck around the whale tail and David's steak house were we would claim our spot. Well, it was windy and it was cold...so there were plenty of "spots" because not many were crazy enough to be out there.


Sakari posed for a quick picture




We took a quick selfie




(Man we look cold like if we are on an Alaskan cruise)


and then turned around and the bridge was there...


See the red barge? It decided to play chicken with us and squealed by just in time for us to take our turn.









We made it!!! SAFE!




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Anyone know what this spot of land out there is?





Someone on these boards posted a picture of the webcam showing us going under the bridge. I thought I would share it.




One last picture of Sakari turning red with fright about going under the bridge and making it...




Then it was time to get warmed up. (Not something I expect to say while on a Caribbean cruise).


We headed back to the room to pick up the FUNtimes and see what was going on.








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The one thing I worried about this cruise was it being Easter weekend and sailing on Easter day. I had no idea how this was going to go over with having a little one, but we were determined to make things happen for her.


I had ask John Heald about a egg hunt and he assured me that they would be having a "hunt" (scavenger) for the kids on that day. Once we boarded, we found out the hunt would take place at 7pm.


We met the kids club people and found out what it was all about. We were provided with the "map" and you had to race from place to place. Upon arrival at each place, you received a sticker on your map and some candy to be put in your bag (provided by them).


I have to admit, it took awhile before we had to make changes to this "map" plan if we were going to make it to the end...especially after eating Guys Burgers.


This map was Crazy with a capital C! It had you running from 1 end of the ship to the other end and up to the top and then back down to the bottom. Who does this to parents? LOL After a few trips like this, we caught on...we would then devise a plan, scope out all the locations of the different places on the map and hit them in a feasible order...the type of order that won't wear you out!!


Along the way, the hubby goes running outside. I'm looking at the map like "that's not on here!!" I ran outside demanding he WAS going to finish this hunt with me whether he liked it or not (wink wink) and he said "look!!!"


We were at the other bridges!! Ok, so time out! We must stop and take pictures of course. (Meanwhile Kendra is rolling her eyes at me).













Ok, mission accomplished...at least mine was. Off to the race again. (Hey at least it made for a good excuse to take a breather)


We manage to finish, collect all the stickers and candy in record time and the ending place was at Beauties Dance Club where they would be throwing an Easter Dance Party.




Sakari got a certificate of completion and I seriously think us parents deserved a drink on the house after that.




...Or at least we should have received our own certificates staying "you survived it without a heart attack...don't worry, you'll thank Carnival later for the awesome weight loss program we just enrolled you in" certificate.

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They had the disco dance floor going, Easter music playing and they were ready to party...kid style.


Anything that involves dancing, Sakari is game.










Then of course they insisted the parents come out to "play"...man I was resting my feet.


Click the video below for Sakari dance entertainment.




Brayden and mommy dancing




He's not quite as "out-going" as Sakari is.


Or course Kendra and I are pretty darn outgoing...especially when you put the 2 of us together...we totally cut loose. (Notice the goal of this picture was to get the boobs in it...)



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Being a nurse, I'm an avid scrub-your-hands-until-you-have-no-top-layer-of-skin-left-on-them person...not really, but some days my hands feel like that from all the washing and sanitizing.




Instead, Carnival has these available for your use...and obviously at your own discretion...which meant I seen only a handful of people using them during the entire cruise! Like seriously!




One thing I absolutely HATE about any bathroom is not having any paper towels. I know it cuts back and is supposed to be better for you, but I seriously hate these. They never stay on long enough to get your hands dry, half the time it's next to impossible to get them to turn on and you frantically do the hand dance trying to figure out that perfect spot you need to wave at in order for it to recognize that there's someone there (I swear they have hidden camera's in them and my frantic hand jive will end up on tv some day), and some only want to stay on 5 seconds...forcing you to hand jive over and over. Sigh! Just give me some paper towels please!!!!




Another reason for using paper towels...when you turn on the sink (not all are motion activated as you can see in my pic below) you are using your dirty hands...then you go to blow dry them, where's the paper towel to turn the sink off with? You are supposed to use your clean hands? Therefore getting them dirty again? Yea I know, I use my arm, but then my arm is dirty. I guess I could always get some exercise and wing my foot up there to bang it down like you do with a non-motion toilet. But I don't think people would find that too amusing.


Ok, end of my sanitizing rant. :p

OMG! This is so me! I'm an ED RN, also, and cringe to think of all the germs I'm touching because others don't wash their hands!!! Just praying not to get norovirus or something...


Trying not to think of it...just like any other public place I go to.

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More dancing (clickable video)




They had a real pretty Easter cake that looked gorgeous and made out of fondant too. Kendra grabbed us all a piece.




I bit into it, stopped, swished it around in my mouth, let the tip of my tongue explore it and then wonder WHAT THE HECK IS THIS??? I have no clue but I know 1) it was not icing as any human being would be able to detect and 2) was it really edible? I think not. I really hoped this what not any indication as to what was in store for us with the deserts. Like seriously. It was that bad! Even the texture was weird. I did notice we were not the only ones putting their plates down and leaving it.


Well at least there was back-up. They also provided fruits and chips.


They then had a dance off between the kids and the parents. Then the staff picked whatever kid from each age group they wanted to win and then a parent as well. There was no rhyme or reason to it...they just picked. There was no clapping of the audience for your choice or anything. It was pure random. The kids got a medal and the parents got a ship on a stick.


It had been awhile since our Guys Burger meal and decided we would head up to the buffet to grab some food. The only thing that was open was the pizza place and the deli.


I opted for a turkey bagel sandwich. It was good.







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I wanted to take advantage of the Dive In Movies and hoped that they would have a kid movie tonight since the kids club isn't open on the first night...which I still don't understand this!!!!


But, instead they had "Ride Along" playing on the screen.


We grabbed our prime real estate on the chairs and the hubby went for some popcorn...a super nice added treat for the movies. Great job Carnival.










The lights in this area change colors as you are watching the movie.







It was pretty darn cold, even with the roof closed. Every time someone entered/exit the doors to outside, the cold air just sucked into the place. We were freezing. I took advantage of this. Sakari complained of being cold and I volunteered to go back to the room to meet up with Mr Easter Bunny. I winked at the hubby and told him I would "be a minute" getting those jackets.


I hurried back to the room, met up with Mr Bunny, he put out the Easter Basket (which just happen to have a stuffed sting ray in it and our room steward also had made a towel sting ray for Sakari for the night...coincidence? I think not. I think the room steward and Mr Bunny where in cahoots together). Mr Bunny hid the Easter Eggs around the room while I looked for the jackets. Once done, back to the movie I hopped...I mean walked.


Daddy had managed to get us cozy warm Dive In movie blankets from the staff. They were cozy, but I would need about 10 of them to keep my thin blood warm. Still a very nice added touch Carnival.




It didn't take long before Sakari fell asleep on the lounge chair and we continued to watch the movie.


All of a sudden Sakari sprang up and was shaking ferociously. She couldn't stop. Her teeth were even chattering. Ok, time to go!


We headed back to the room with our half frozen little girl and figured we'd call it a night.

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We entered the room with our half asleep child and her eyes sprang wide open and if someone had just shocked her.


She noticed the basket, she noticed the stingray towel animal. She was wide awake now and ready for her goodies.





She pulled everything out and examined it one by one.




Meanwhile my eyes are roaming the room hoping that she would catch on. It took awhile (give the kid a break, she was just fast asleep and frozen) but she spotted a hidden Easter egg. "What??? The Easter bunny hid eggs too???"


She was on a mad hunt to find them all...in the room and in the bathroom.








She made out that night because Mr Bunny obviously forgot to bring things to stuff in the eggs and didn't want the hassle of bringing it...so her eggs were stuffed with non-sugary non-teeth rotting goodies=$$ She made out with $39 that night from 15 eggs. I guess things are healthier that way according to Mrs Bunny. It's ok, what kid doesn't like money right? She still had her Easter basket, which did have a variety of goodies in it.


Kendra said she did Braydens basket and hid it in the window for him to find. I guess it took him quite some time that night to find it.


Sakari headed off to bed and I decided to take a HOT shower to try to warm up. Man, why is it so cold in this room. I turned the thermometer all the way to HOT and headed for the shower.


Now I don't know if these showers have a water softener on them or not, but the water felt slimy to me and I didn't like it. One thing I hate is to wash my face with soap and it feel like someone just lathered it with butter. Ewww!


We also discovered that somehow I either misplaced the hubbys contact holder or it was left behind in the hotel. He headed off to see if the shops were open and if he could find one. No luck, they were closed already. We improvised and he used a container I had and hoped that the ship didn't rock that night and mix them up.


The only other thing I have to add to this day is that we didn't have any cups in the bathroom to use to rinse our mouths out after brushing. No biggie, I've used my cupped hands many times and this would be no different.


Oh, I did want to add that we told our room steward we wanted our ice bucket filled daily and he definitely did his part and more during our week with him. He was awesome. Any time we needed anything, he was right on it. Yes, there were a few mess ups, but nothing major and nothing I would really complain about, but will mention them as I go along. Once again, he was awesome!


We laid in bed and watched a movie, the Fast and Furious 5 was on, and who doesn't like to drift off to sleep starring at a little Vin Diesel and Paul Walker (sniff)?


That was our adventurous 1st day aboard the beautiful Carnival Pride.

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STOKED!!! I was on the Pride Repo and loved, loved the Pride. Once I found out you were going too, I have been keeping my eye out (well stalking the boards actually) for your review. Love your pictures! Mine, all whopping 87 of them :o, just don't capture the true beauty of the ship like your's do. They are bringing back great memories. Thank you!


The only thing I did not like about the Pride was the multiple areas around the ship that had uneven flooring - more so than any ship I have been on. Examples: The floor slopes down to some of the elevator areas (especially on deck 2 near the glass elevators); or the raised lips into public areas - like at the Piano Bar. One night I nearly face planted my entry into the Piano Bar when I clipped that lip - and not so gracefully stumbled my way in but caught myself before falling thank goodness. Then, when I noticed everyone was looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths, I just shouted out "I'm here!" A handful applauded and I am sure if they had score cards, I would have received solid 6's across the board. Butterflies lounge was a wee bit difficult to navigate after a couple of drinks or when the ship was rocking too.


Looking forward to the rest of your review - and thanks again!

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Thank you for your review. Can't wait for the rest! :)


I'm glad Carnival is back in Baltimore. Another drive to port option for us.


Lucky you! I wish I was within driving distance...to ANY port. Well, I guess I am within driving distance to this port...just not close enough to drive for my spoiled hubby. :p


Thanks for doing this review! We sail on the Pride this Sunday.

Did you go to the Camp Carnival orientation? Is it required?

Also, could you please post the time schedule on the side of the Fun Times.



Yes we did. They held it in the theater and when we walked in they had a desk sat up at the entrance. They would check off your child's name (we did the preregistration online prior to cruising so they had all of our information), handed us the weekly schedule and information and I ask if we needed to stay and they told us "no, you're all set unless you want to hear about the program". We've sailed many times and didn't want to hear the "talk". I did ask them if they were having a party or games or anything like that and they said "no". So we left.


The time schedule? Are you referring to the part that you rip off the Funtimes?

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OMG! This is so me! I'm an ED RN, also, and cringe to think of all the germs I'm touching because others don't wash their hands!!! Just praying not to get norovirus or something...


Trying not to think of it...just like any other public place I go to.


Exactly. It's amazing how many people don't wash their hands or even sanitize. I watched people use the restroom and walk right out. I watched the kids do the same.


I wash my hands often and will sometimes pop in a restroom just to wash them after touching various places on the ship...just in case. The last thing I need is to get sick. I do feel that I have a very high immune system and I very very rarely ever get sick. I may feel under the weather at times, but I don't get sick. (knock on wood). Like seriously...to this day I have NEVER called off work..for anything including being sick. I think the last time I had the flu I was probably 6 years old. :p I think working at the hospital for so many years and being subjected to all the sickness has made me pretty darn strong. (I've been at the hospital since 1984) :D


Its Fort Carroll



Thanks for the info. I'm looking it up. :)

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STOKED!!! I was on the Pride Repo and loved, loved the Pride. Once I found out you were going too, I have been keeping my eye out (well stalking the boards actually) for your review. Love your pictures! Mine, all whopping 87 of them :o, just don't capture the true beauty of the ship like your's do. They are bringing back great memories. Thank you!


The only thing I did not like about the Pride was the multiple areas around the ship that had uneven flooring - more so than any ship I have been on. Examples: The floor slopes down to some of the elevator areas (especially on deck 2 near the glass elevators); or the raised lips into public areas - like at the Piano Bar. One night I nearly face planted my entry into the Piano Bar when I clipped that lip - and not so gracefully stumbled my way in but caught myself before falling thank goodness. Then, when I noticed everyone was looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths, I just shouted out "I'm here!" A handful applauded and I am sure if they had score cards, I would have received solid 6's across the board. Butterflies lounge was a wee bit difficult to navigate after a couple of drinks or when the ship was rocking too.


Looking forward to the rest of your review - and thanks again!


Oh my gosh I totally laughed. Yes, I agree about the flooring. I did notice a few places (but didn't take note of where they were at) that had slopes...and even a few places that didn't have slopes but I stumbled. Yes, I blamed it on the alcohol...even if there were none involved. The hubby blamed it on the ship rocking...even though it wasn't. ;) :p


Lucky you to be on the repo cruise!!! I guess you could say I was stalking you too then! I watched the cams when I could, I watched the maps to see where the ship was at and looked for any review or posting that people made while on board. I also watched John's wall closely with his postings of the beautiful weather you guys had along the way. How nice!! I would have loved to have been on that 14 day cruise! Awesome!


Anyhow, glad you found me and glad you are joining me on my half the time you had on her cruise. :D

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