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Pining for the fiords with walking difficulties

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Hello... We know you both, and we miss you both.. It was fab.. Oh pardon the pun to have met, and our OzCanuck friends, hope we get lucky enough cross paths again, wonderful family, great kid... All over too soon. If only one more catch up!!


Keep safe and well... Oh and happpppy!!


Cheers Kris and Wazza :D


K&W - let's catch up again soon! We are doing the Sun out of Buenos Airies in January if all goes according to plan.. Easy flight from SYD? We did have a really great bunch of people on the M&G and the Flam excursion.


I feel like we've hijacked this great trip report, but I have one more. I did the timelapse edit of Geiranger Fjord last night and put it on youtube. For some reason youtube isn't letting me play the HD version so it is a bit grainy. I have to work on that, but here is the link. As I said, a couple of times the camera fell off the wall so it has some jumps.


Edited by OzCanuck
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Day 5 Flam

Drew back the curtains to find ourselves at the end of Sognefiord and the village of Flam[pronounced Flom]

It was raining but still good views.


J from meet and greet had put together 2 private groups for 12.20 and 1.35pm Flam railway -29 people on each and at a cost of $59each. In contrast the NCL excursion on the same train was $169!:eek:

OK now lets be fair about this the NCL tour also offered coffee/tea and homemade Norwegian waffles with sour cream and jam at the hotel Vatnahalsen which is the penultimate stop-all I can say is expensive waffles-more on that later.


We were on the 1.35 train and due to meet J at 1pm outside the train station.

We had a leisurely morning and lunch then armed with waterproofs and umbrella we set off the ship and explored all the town had to offer.


2 minutes later we found the train station and found an overhang to keep dry until the rest of our party turned up.

A large group wearing NCL stickers were herded past us and lined up on the platform to await the train and their reserved carriages. In contrast we stayed dry until time to board.:D


J said she would be wearing a black T shirt with “this is what an awesome aunt looks like” printed on it to identify herself to those who weren’t at the meet and greet .Not in this weather I thought!

Sure enough plan B was her husband holding up said T shirt acting as a marker and J herself was bundled up in a ski jacket!:)


The train pulled up and disgorged its previous passengers and we boarded as a group our reserved carriage. There were 12 carriages altogether and we were in coach 8-this turned out to be a brilliant coach as will be described later.

Getting into the carriage was a bit of an ordeal for 6 as access was via 3 wrought iron steps on outside of train which were just at that discomfort height for him.


The audioguide on the train described the history of the Flam railway and its construction as we wound our way up the mountain with some spectacular views. From 0m to 866m over a distance of 20 kilometres and 7 stations.

The line is single track apart from a siding at a short stretch mid way at Berekvam where we had to wait for the downhill train so points could be changed-we were waiting 10 minutes which would have an unfortunate consequence for the NCL group who’d been on the earlier train.


There was a 5 minute stop at Kjos-fossen waterfall at 670m where you could get off the train to take photos from the viewing platform-we pulled up directly opposite the falls but 6 declined to disembark not wanting to do those steps any more than necessary. He stayed on the train and took photos from the open doorway. I got off and realised how ideally placed carriage 8 was as the viewing platform was only 2 carriageways wide.Most of the train would be in blackout in the tunnel-well done again J for the organisation!


I heard some music but when got on the train 6 asked did you see the dancing maiden?

Er no missed that! He’d got a few photos but someone with a more powerful camera 6 believes to be Oz Cannuck showed close up of a figure in a red dress and long blonde hair dancing among the rocks to the music .Concensus was “that’s a man”


We set off again and were now definitely at snow level ie lumps of ice.

Through some tunnels the audioguide promised spectacular views through a gap in the tunnel. There were groans and then laughter as we realised we were in thick cloud and couldn’t see a thing!


At Vatnahalsen we paused and saw a large group of wet and cold looking people with NCL stickers huddling around the station platform hardly visible for cloud/fog and with piles of snow and ice everywhere. The people on the 1.35 excursion got off to get their waffles ,look around at the scenery[what scenery] and would get the next train back in an hour. So these people on the platform were those from the 12.20 train who would catch our train on the return.

The operative word being the return! The conductor wouldn’t allow them to board saying we had to complete journey to the top and would pick them up as we were coming back down. The 10 minutes we had to wait for the downhill train meant we were running 10 minutes late.


We set off for the final stop at Myrdal 866m above sea level. As the train was running late the usual 10 minute stopover was being reduced and anyway it was still cold and foggy out there. A few hardy souls jumped off to get a couple of lungfuls of nicotine before the return journey to pick up those frozen miserable NCL excursionists!


Just a note that a train from Myrdal connects with Bergen so as a last resort if you missed the train back to Flam you could catch up with ship next day but station facilities a bit limited! .Apparently the Flam railway was built to connect villages at end of fiord with Bergen but the railway is now mainly a tourist attraction.


Back at the waterfall we again pulled up directly opposite the falls and this time I caught the dancing “maiden” Again conjecture was is it male or female? The puzzle was solved as J got back on the train and looked straight at 6

“how did you get down here so quick “ she said

A quick visual for those of you who haven’t met 6-he has long[greying ]blonde hair. Mind you it was the disguising of his moustache and beard which was the really impressive feat! :D

So J will now refer to 6 as “dancer”

This adds to his other alias “jesus man”


Actually this itinery was a must so he could discover his Viking ancestors. However the state he’s in pillaging would be a chore and any young maiden fearful for her virtue would be well able to outrun him.


We had a group photo taken outside the train which was a bit hurried as was still raining but we all agreed a fantastic day and thanks again J for setting it up.


We met Aussies J and D to share their regular table 6.30 at Versailles as promised and were introduced to another Australian couple who had all been on board since the transatlantic starting Miami and having had this regular table had gotten to know the wait staff very well. They had also been due to do the Panama canal trip which was cancelled late notice due to azipod problem requiring a drydock.


Although NCL communication pre cruise had been poor they had nothing but praise for the on board staff who did all they could to make it up to them with parties and entertainers for them. Unfortunately their request for complimentary Ultimate Beverage Packages went unfulfilled .Not to say that Australians have a reputation for hard drinking but the news that 6 and I would be boarding in Copenhagen meant they were fearful of the ship running dry!


Anyway if we ever get over to Australia we have a few places to stay !:D

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..... look over on the ports of call board-Baltics and Northern Europe and do a search for I-cruiser photos are incredible.


Wow - Thank you for the super nice comment. I am super excited!!

So much so intact that i feel i must gate crash or maybe litter :D your thread and post a few pix from the Flåm area.

For those planning tours in Norway look in my signature for a thread with lots of pix.norge4_zpsa6f3c79f.jpgnorge_zpsdac3b9aa.jpgstryn_zpse7e085f9.jpg


Cheers folks:D

Edited by I-Cruiser
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Day 6 Bergen


Woke up to showers and at breakfast at market cafe watching a window washer trying to clean the windows from the outside-a thankless task in this weather!


I had identified 2 sightseeing possibilities-the funicular railway up to viewing point or a tram trolley around town and up to viewing point. However the weather was poor and looked like a bit of a hike to start points so decided to stay on board.


I wandered around the deserted top decks taking photos and passed a very bored looking lady at the towel exchange desk on pool deck!


Heard my phone ping and realised our darling son had sent me a video clip of the toilet overflow leaking at home and could I show this to dad for advice. Well by time I found 6 he had already rang him and given him plumbing 101 advice on how to turn off water supply.

Fortunately our phones were switched on as in port-we had taken out our phone providers package euro traveller whereby can access data as at home but when using cellular at sea the cost is far higher so switch off when out at sea.

Bless the little[six foot] darling at 25 still seeks advice from his dad at times of crisis even when we far away from home .Mind you nothing can beat the time 4 years ago when we were sailing in the Caribbean thousands of miles from home when 6 phone started ringing at 2am-saw his name on screen and of course we panicked! What was the crisis-his car wouldn’t start!

He had completely forgotten about the time difference-it was 11am back home but the car was still under warranty! After telling him to look in the glove compartment for emergency assistance we were able to get back to sleep a few grey hairs more apparent.



As guest services was quiet I checked our on board account to make sure was in order-our last cruise they had failed to credit pre paid corks and caps package and individually charged each drink-the cost of all the prosecco was eye watering and not much fun trying to sort it out on last morning!

Everything seemed in order and as had pre paid DSC the scary part to hide from 6 was the spa bill!:eek:


We chilled out in the atrium area and people watched-noticed people coming back on board pretty quickly as it was raining heavily outside.

Actually in the afternoon it brightened up and we saw some blue sky!

Off to thermal spa for an afternoon of relaxation, read kindle and enjoy the scenery.


Tonight was the white hot party and although had no intention of going to nightclub dressed in black and white trousers white top and cardigan and headed for our 6 o clock reservation at Modernos aka death by meat!

Our charming waitress was determined to give us dessert even after conceding defeat with main course!


Back to cabin 7.30 to rest!

Noted now out at sea and a big yellow thing in the sky against a background of blue-hey forgotten what that looks like!



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Day 7 at sea


Opened the windows to blue sky still-typical now we’re heading back!:)


I had an extra long lie in while 6 went to find breakfast, I found him in O’Sheehans where he had breakfast, we checked that would be open the next day for disembarkation as only breakfast venues mentioned in freestyle daily were buffet and the grill. We were assured they would be serving breakfast which would be convenient as we had arranged to meet 2 Australian couples there at 9.30 to share a minivan back to the airport.


To celebrate the improved weather an announcement was made that a BBQ would be available lunchtime on the pool deck. I wandered up there and there were actually some hardy souls sunbathing in swimming costumes!:eek:


Most however were in trousers and jackets and it was warm enough to be comfortable doing that when in the sun but was still a bit cool in the shade.


2pm we headed to the Stardust theatre for Q and A with Captain ,Chief Engineer and Hotel Director. Introduction by cruise director Iain who related a few of the daft questions raised such as “do the crew sleep on board” and the lady who complained she hadn’t got her promised sea view when they were still in port on embarkation day.

Well after this session he had another to add to his list as one gentleman asked if it would be possible to turn the ships lights out on a clear night so he could see the stars!:D I am going to assume he was joking as it did provoke laughter!


The seats in the theatre are not very comfortable-very low down and not much leg room so after the officers Q and A we stayed on for the crew show and moved down to the very front row where at least could stretch legs.

The finale of the crew show is of course “fountains” and is a must see. It sounds disgusting to describe a group of people dressed in bath sheets/togas and spitting water at each other to the tune of Enya but it is actually hilarious and very well choreographed.


I then had a final trip to the thermal spa which was the busiest I’d seen it. They only sold 60 weekly passes and was told no day passes sold this cruise as sold out weekly ones. I got the last padded lounger and just relaxed ,read and watched the wake.


I found 6 in the 5 o clock somewhere bar which was pretty lively as a result of the beer tasting session earlier. Intended to have a couple of drinks then go back to pack but somehow had a couple more! Several people we hadn’t seen since the meet and greet passed through so we compared notes on the cruise.

We got to talking to a couple at the bar-his PA had made all his cruise arrangements and had mentioned they had a drinks package. However he hadn’t taken much notice and it was only when his wife went to guest services earlier that day to check their account that noted his occasional cocktails weren’t showing up-when it was explained to him he had the Ultimate Beverage Package he was kicking himself as too late now on the last day to take full advantage!:D


As Karaoke started at 7 we headed back to the room to pack and decided we may as well open the complimentary bottle of sparkling wine to help with the chore!;)


Suitcases packed and outside the door we headed back to catch Nicks final session. There were more bar staff than passengers!

Apparently there had been an awful smell permeating the bar earlier which drove people out. Hang on our cabin is 2 decks directly above the area of this bar-is this the same problem we had experienced several times with the stale cigarette smell?

As mentioned despite several visits from maintenance the problem was never solved.


So with a total passenger audience of 3 Nick was open to requests-well no cruise would be complete without that old favourite “sweet Caroline” so that was our final request to send us off to bed.

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I have enjoyed all your reviews....even to places I will likely never go.....am totally amused by your son...even reading the car incident outloud to my husband....can't wait to see what will crop up next for him!

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Day 8 Disembarkation


No need for an alarm as easy walk off was called 7am and frequent announcements thereafter. Showered and realised had forgotten to leave out socks when packing yesterday—mmm perhaps that bottle of sparkling wine to assist packing wasn’t such a good idea.:D


We were out of the cabin by 8.30 and breakfast at O’ Sheehans where got a window booth and could watch a steady stream of departures.

There were plenty of taxis queued up and others were pulling their luggage along to the bus stop. We had prearranged a 6 seater taxi at 10 back to the airport with 2 other couples from the roll call. They had similar flights times back to Australia as our short hop back to Manchester and we had socialised with them throughout the cruise.

K and W J and D joined us just after 9-they didn’t realise breakfast was available in O Sheehans and had braved the buffet which was a mob scene. They had been sat next to a lady who had taken 12 slices of bread and was busily preparing sandwiches for the onward journey!


K had brought along her unopened bottle of sparkling wine so as a last farewell opened it and a toast to our cruise.

Last call for disembarkation at 9.45 so we headed off the ship ,collected our luggage and headed for the exit where a very attractive young lady was holding up a name card-our chauffeur.

It was agreed that 6 would sit up front next to her-a real hardship as I’m sure you can imagine!

The other 2 men and J squashed together on the 3 back seats and K and I were in the 2 middle seats with a large gap between-3 of us had a very comfortable ride.:D


The transport was a Chevrolet people carrier with leather seats and costs per person worked out about £20 and reckoned a taxi ride for 2 of us would have been about £40 so well recommended. The company was Limos4 and they have bases in several European cities including Stockholm, Copenhagen ,Barcelona and Rome so handy for cruisers.


At the airport we parted company with hugs-and headed to Easy Jet bag drop as we had checked in online. Problem is the bag drop process takes just as long as the regular check in process. There was only 1 person on the desk so queue forming rapidly. After 15 minutes they eventually opened another desk and at long last it was our turn. This time airport assistance was picked up on and we were asked to take a seat by the assistance area where someone would collect us shortly. Unfortunately the seats were occupied by apparently able bodied people or their bags! No one thought to move said bags to allow an obviously limping man a seat.:(


Within 5 minutes a man with wheelchair arrived and took our boarding passes so he could fast track us through the airport. When I say fast track he was pushing that chair at a fair rate of knots-I struggled to keep up!


As we had a couple of hours yet till our flight we were taken to a wheelchair assistance area airside. Very comfortable with leather seats-we chatted to another couple in there who recognised us from the cruise-well perhaps we are a bit distinctive looking-a short woman with long grey hair and a limping man with long blond hair and a beard!

We compared notes on the cruise until they were called .


Our turn came with a pretty young girl with long curly hair-6 thought it was his birthday!

She was operating a buggy type vehicle with a wheelchair attached to the back. We sat on the seats facing backwards and off she set. She was taking no prisoners-what is it with the Copenhagen assistance people they must think they are on a race track!

By the time we got to the gate I was suffering motion sickness!

She escorted us through passport control and up to front of queue where we were directed through to priority boarding area-all very civilised.


After an uneventful flight back to Manchester we were asked to wait on the plane until rest of passengers had got off and then a young man turned up with a wheelchair.6 was initially disappointed not to get another attractive young lady but he pushed at a much more sedate pace and got to front of queue for passport control-a much more relaxing experience than our outward journey without wheelchair assistance.


He stopped in front of a baggage carousel which had the distinctive orange of Easy jet but the flight details light wasn’t working[you can guess where this is going]. I went to collect a luggage trolley and found they had done away with the simple system of a refundable pound coin to release the trolley and instead replaced with a system designed to frustrate weary travellers.


You put your pound coin into a machine and because don’t have eyes in the back of my head didn’t see that the line of carts behind has a light turned from red to green signalling you can now release the cart-as a lady who came to assist me pointed out it’s easier if you read the instructions in Arabic!

What this also means is because the pound coin is not refundable then carts are just abandoned in the car park-brilliant idea-NOT


Back to the baggage carousel where 6 is sat in his chair with our wheelchair assistant. All the luggage came out and that sinking feeling when ours wasn’t on it!

At this point our assistant said” you did come from Athens didn’t you?”

He assumed I’d recognised someone from the flight so stopped at that carousel and I assumed he had the info where we’d come from-you know what they say about assumptions!

Once we found the correct carousel there was our luggage and it was time to drive the final leg home.


6 will return in October on the inaugural 3 day voyage from Hamburg to Southampton on NCL Escape. He is looking forward to meeting a legend of cruise critic-Ben the Bendy man and anticipates long discussions on the benefits of metal hips over rubber ones.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great review! We were also on this cruise and had an awesome time despite the weather. We were on the earlier Flam railway that day and can confirm that it was definitely a he in the red dress!






Edit: Sorry, don't know how to make the image bigger...

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if anyone missed photos on my review check out the 14 night Star live report which goes up to Arctic circle

-wish I was still on board



I've also posted my review link on disabled cruising forum


Hi there Lynn and 6,

Just found your last review and the link to the Arctic Circle cruise. I too wish we could have been on that, what a show stopper!

I have loved your review, and find myself reading it in your delightful accent!

Agree wholeheartedly about O'Sheehans, our favourite "digs" and never a complaint about the food or service.

I have some wonderful memories of our 30 days on the Star, and some serious "hip cargo" to get rid of before our next adventure.

Take care and thanks again

Cheers :D:D

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