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Liberty of Seas Bermuda 5 Day Review 05/30ard

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Liberty of Seas review 05/30

A little background as to why we chose this cruise.

1. Cruised with Royal 6 times in past, as well as other lines - Satisfied customer

2. Convenience - Close to home, no air travel

3. Length – Great short get away and works around business schedule

I booked this trip late March: price was right, dates were good and it had been a long winter here in NJ. I joined the roll call on Cruise critic and I can’t say how much that may have enhanced our experience!! Great group! Thanks for the memories.

Our travel time to port was about 40 minutes. We left early and were at Cape Liberty about 10:10. We were dropped off, so can’t comment on parking, but I heard they are planning a parking deck. Just a FYI, there are no stores within walking distance, so if you need any last minute essentials stop before you get onto Terminal Blvd. We handed our suite cases to the porter at the curb and proceeded into the Terminal. Very open, roomy and a huge improvement from what it used to be from what we were told.. Since we were very early we were checked in within 10 minutes, and sat in the waiting area ( about 500 chairs) seemed small considering the amount of passengers expected, but it was fine as we were early. It was clean, spacious, cool, with urns of coffee and water for self service.

First Timer Hint: Take the initial photos as you board - you don't have to buy any. Otherwise, none of your photos are found through the photo kiosks.


Boarding started around 11:10, and again, very smooth and on board quickly. We walked onto deck 5. Greeting aboard was less formal than previous experience? Just an observance not negative in any way. There was a table for spa services as well as beverage packages right there. We had pre booked drink packages so we were all set, got our 1st beverage and proceeded upstairs to start exploring the ship.

After lunch in the Wind Jammer, we continued our exploring of Liberty. This was our 1st time on such a large ship, have sailed on Majesty a bunch of times, and did the NCL Gem last year but Liberty of the Seas is BIG!

Rooms were ready as promised around 1pm and our luggage was there also. We had an Interior Stateroom (8471) on the 8th floor behind the rear elevators. I chose the 8th floor because it’s relatively in middle of the ship ( 3 floors ups to pool and WJ, 3 or 4 floors down to MDR and promenade). Usually get OV or Inside as we never spend a lot of time in our cabin, and would rather use the funds elsehere.. Room was clean and adequate, with a ROUND shower, something that reminded me of the Jetsons. Pretty cool! Our room was a little difficult to get to as it was on an inside hallway, but thanks to our stateroom attendant we found a shortcut through the RC Online center, which changed it to a path a few steps from the elevators. Great to be able to unpack and relax for a bit before Muster at 3:15.



After Muster we proceeded to the Sky Bar (DECK 12) for our unofficial, Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. This was preplanned and everyone wore leis so that we would recognize one other. I must say, it was so much fun to finally put faces with screen names after months of chatting online. We enjoyed a few drinks together as the ship Cast Off and got underway and we headed towards the Verrazano Bridge. Although was plenty of clearance, it seemed that the ship almost touched the lower decks of the bridge. WOW! This was followed by a big cheer by everyone on deck, probably one of those special moments that began our cruise on a positive note. We headed out into the Atlantic, with Sunshine and a brisk breeze. Next it was 6:00 dinner in the MDR 1st night dinner. We has a great table in the middle of the MDR of deck 3. Although we were not near a window, say it’s pretty spectacular to see 3 floors of grand balconies above and a series of chandeliers above. We were seated with another couple we had met through cruise critic and had pre-arranged to sit at the same table (it was easy to do) and 4 single ladies travelling as a group. The company could not have been better! Our wait staff was terrific. Special Thanks to Girlie (Phillipines) and Wilson (Brazil), who took wonderful care of us throughout our cruise.

About the food -- Not going to go into details as Menus are posted on the forum, however I believe portions may have gotten smaller, no problems with ordering a second starter, entrée or desert if you wanted. Everything was very tasty and nicely presented. If you have a big appetite, order accordingly!


After dinner, did some walking around, had some fun in the Hoof and Claw pub with sing along.

Going to post as seperate days___ Hope you all enjoy

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Day Two – Sea Day

The captain had changed the ship's clocks ahead one hour, but I was still up and out of the cabin by 5:30am. I like the fact that the Promenade Cafe is open 24 hours, so with my travel coffee cup in hand, I walked down to 5 and then back up to 12 for a walk/jog. The track is great early in the morning, it does get a little difficult and crowded if you plan on running during the day as there are lounge chairs that just fit on either side near the areas that over look the pools. Next went to the gym. Did you know there are penguins outside the front window of the gym?? Cute! Plenty of equipment for everyone too.

Had breakfast in the WJ, lots of choices – so even though the items are the same everyday there is plenty to choose from so that you can vary your breakfast each day. Plent of seating - always found a table by the windows.


Spent most of the morning lounging in the pool area.Hot dogs and Hamburgers poolside, followed by deserts in the WJ.

Our Cruise- Critic Group had organized a Poker Crawl for 2:30. In a nut shell, 5 people offer their stateroom for viewing by the group, everyone playing puts $$ in the pot and travel from room to room picking 1 poker card from each room. The person with the best hand wins at the end... The idea behind it is to be able to visit different types of rooms. Got to see an Aft balcony, Jr Suite, Owners suite, Hump suite and a Standard balcony. OMG talk about “Beauty and Spacious.”

If I was to afford such luxury, I needed to make some money, so I headed down to the casino to play in the black Jack Tournament – Did not win, but it was a fun hour spent in the A C. My better half did win the poker crawl!!!

Went back to our cabin to change as we were heading to the 5 pm Ice Show, followed by Formal Night Dinner.

Ice show – 5pm -- A Must Do show! It is amazing what they do on a relatively small surface. They did not check names, however we had pre-booked and the above ice monitors offered close up of some great spins and action..

Dinner was terrific again, topped off with Mile High Lemon Merangue Pie and…Thanks for the birthday cake!!! Death by Chocolate Cake.. So Good! Took the opportunity to have some professional pictures taken on the way out. Walked around the deck p a few times to burn off the double dessert + calories. It was beautiful with the sun setting and the blue water. Saw the beginning of the main production show " In the Air" - rather like a "circque de soliel" circus - clever and campy.


Sang along with Matt Lee in the Schooner Bar.. Oi, Oi Oi, Hmmmm…. Those that have seen the show understand. Funny.


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Day 3

Up early again to watch our approach to Bermuda. Unfortunately it was overcast with a little sprinkle. During breakfast in the WJ we cruised along the Northern Coast line, could see St Gorge at a distance but it did start to rain. After docking we were able to leave the ship around 9:15.

I had done a little research, and we were heading to Hamilton to rent bicycles or "pedal bikes" in Bermuda, not to be confused with scooters. We quickly boarded the ferry ($5.00 cash per person or 4.50 for prepaid token). After our 25 minute ferry ride we arrived in Hamilton, a short walk to the bicycle shop Oleander Rentals. I did not realize they have a 2nd location right at the Dock Yard, but it worked out perfect for our route. I was originally planning on riding towards St George along the Old Railway Trail, however both the woman at the bike shop and a local gentleman who offered insight told us to take the trail going South West from Hamilton towards Horseshoe Bay and the Lighthouse…

Off we went… Hamilton is by no means a large city, but driving on the opposite side of the road with narrow streets and right of ways took a little getting used to. After walking a few blocks, going around a couple round-abouts the "correct" way we arrived at our starting point of the trail (Forgot to mention Railway trail goes from St George to Somerset however it is not continuous). Very scenic with small tunnels, lots of beautiful flowers with the occasional outlook view over the island. There are numerous small gates that you have to get off and on along the way, but overall a good ride. After a few hours we arrived at a road way that led over to the other side of the island and down to Horseshoe Bay. At the intersection where the bus stops there is a Ice Cream Truck with water/snacks and snow cones/ shaved ice. Local gentleman willing to share information about the history of the island and places to visit! Free of charge!

We made our way down to horseshoe bay. Just a FYI it’s a hike to get back up that hill. Might be worth the $2.00 shuttle. Beach was not overly crowded (1pm). We walked over towards the rock formations on the far left of the entrance. Beautiful sand, no sea shells, a few dead “man-o-war” on the beach, did not see any in the water though. The water was about 70, not warm but tolerable. After a quick swim, back up the hill it, started to rain a bit. Almost dry by the time we got back to the top and continued west towards the Lighthouse... Beautiful scenic out-looks over the ocean and beaches, some awesome properties as well. Another FYI – Good, inexpensive souvenirs available at the light house as well.


After continuing mostly downhill towards South Hampton, which I thought was going to be the end of our bike ride, the weather cleared and it became warm/muggy. Unfortunately, my planned ferry ride back to Hamilton did not pan out.. The ferry stop (Rockaway Ferry) only operates on a limited schedule during the day, so we wound up continuing along the trail, stopping for a late lunch at Somerset Squire Pub, an English style pub in Somerset (great Wahoo sandwich), and continuing our bike ride, arriving back at Dock Yard at 5pm, we dropped off the bikes, walked back the ship, cleaned up, took a swim and a well-deserved soak in the cantilevered Hot Tub!! (deck 11 Solarium) Ahh.

Hint- The Railroad Trail - it ain't flat - it goes up and down, has various surfaces from mulch, cement, speed bumps and gates, and also areas where you share the road with buses and traffic. Lovely vistas. amazing "backyard" views. Gardens and little farms too.


Around 7:30 we made our way over to Snorkel Beach (5-10 min walk) for the Bonfire, lo-key event, but we met up with some of our cruise critic friends and had some drinks and roasted marsh mallows as we watched the beautiful sunset! Dinner at WJ, could've done MDR for dinner first but didn't want to miss the sunset. Danced the night away at the All white Party on the pool deck, back down to Hoof and Claw then back up to the DJ Dance Party in the Solarium.. Whole lotta partying going on!!!!

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Day 4

Today we planned to go Kayaking in Somerset near Danielle Head Beach Park, -- Crystal Clear Kayaks. I had found this place online, but did not reserve ahead of time. Took the # 7 bus (waited about ½ hour) Most people were heading towards Horseshoe bay, so we stayed in front, Standing room only.. Thank God for Hang straps, you defiantly need them on Bermuda roads. We exited the bus at Somerset, I believe we should have exited at the next stop Somerset Bridge however we found the place and it was a nice walk... about a mile, past a beautiful National Park with beach as well. We arrived at the rental place and got our gear and clear bottomed Kayak, along with a couple slices of bread. “that’s to feed the fish” the gentleman said. "When you go past the island you will see the wreck, and that’s where the fish are!!!" He was right, fortunately for us there was a big “party” boat there also, and they had loaves of bread. It was like a feeding frenzy! Awesome!! Back to shore after unsuccessfully looking for turtles. Lots of fun and cheap enough, $40 rental for the two of us.

We walked back towards Somerset Bridge (hard to find those Blue or Pink Bus stop poles, sometimes they are hidden in the bushes, anyway I think we missed one bus... Back at Dockyard, souvenir shopping- so convenient and quality items to choose from- before getting back on board. (Check out the local pharmacy, they have everything too….)

For those of you interested in a raucous time, Calico Jack's, right in front of the dock. It’s a bar that looks like a pirate ship. Younger crowd, you can actually walk the plank or jump off into the water after having a few (relatively cheap) drinks! Ahoy Mate!

We spent the afternoon around the pool, enjoying the entertainment while consuming a few cervesa! Pool and Hot tub before Sailaway,

Of course theres was a group of people that got dropped off by cab around 5:05 (35 min late) Huge cheer by everyone watching as well as officials dockside as they jogged up the ramps.

Heli-pad is a good spot for watching as ship leaves Bermuda - all the way up front. Great place to hang anytime really, although it is pretty windy at times.

Dinner --- Great as usual, we had some entertainment by wait staff. Kudo’s to Wilson – you were the main act LOL

After dinner we attended the “That 70’s” show in the Promenade. Very fun and interactive with 2 stages going at the same time, concluding with a by a congo line. I'm little disappointed as not more people were wearing 70’s garb. Oh well, I had fun!

Then it was time to head over to Studio B for “The Quest” adult game show. I have seen it before, but was never actively involved, this time was different - a group effort and wound up being a lot of fun. Thanks Cruise Critic team mates and all those who assisted Team 1. Although we did not win, I’m prepared for the next time! Visited Catacombes for a quick drink w friends. Interesting nightclub, cool decor. I wonder how many people have problems with navigating those stairs, especially if the boats a rockin.

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Day 5 at Sea

Did my morning routine, followed by breakfast in the WJ.

Spent the morning relaxing by the pool, people watching and watching people on the Flow Rider, Some people are really “Hang 10” types, others the “wipeout” kind. Fun to watch! After lunch G was off to Cupcake class on the Promenade. She had a great time creating a “masterpiece” puppy cupcake with 20 other ladies with the assistance and step by step instructions by a Master chef.

Dinner – Said our goodbyes and thank you to the staff . A few more pictures on the way out, we then made our way over to the photo gallery to collect, view and order our pictures so that they would be ready later that evening. Laughed at many of the earlier posed shots as well.


Our last show of the cruise was Saturday Night Fever – Great show, not to be missed. It’s like a condensed Broadway play, more than simply singing/dancing review. Well done. The Late Night Comic was pretty funny = real NY'er humor. Grabbed pizza and snacks with the late night crowd, the Promenade rocks 24 hours. Returned back to our cabin to finish packing, and put suitcases in the hallway for pickup after 11.

Day 6

A beautiful but windy morning as we approached New York harbor, we went under the Verrazano Bridge at 6:25, we went to breakfast in the Wind Jammer and watched as the ship backed into it’s spot. We were group 4 for disembarkment and waited on deck 4 in Studio B.. We were off the ship around 9:15. found luggage quickly, Customs was a breeze and out of the building by 9:30.

Overall, Great cruise. Food was ok. Entertainment great! Company was awesome!!!

Would do it again, there is so much to do on board. Plenty to choose from,for all.

Hoping you all enjoyed the review. Feel free to comment or ask questions…..

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Thanks for the review.


"Hot dogs and Hamburgers poolside".


Were they served poolside, or did you bring them out from the WJ?

No poolside grill, but some days they have a buffet on the pool deck with food items made elsewhere.

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Thanks for the review.


"Hot dogs and Hamburgers poolside".


Were they served poolside, or did you bring them out from the WJ?


Not sure where they were cooked?? But they were served buffet style under the overhang of the pool deck. They did make a huge bowl of Paella on a grill on pool deck on day 4.

Edited by amflor
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amflor, thanks for the review. We're planning on attending the white party too, but hubby doesn't want to look like Captain Stubing. We pretty much planned out everything on the ship and in Bermuda. You definitely did some neat things, but since it's our 3rd time to Bermuda we will be repeating a couple of things. I know by the time Day 5 comes I'll want to take it easy by the pool.

Now for the questions.

1. At approximately what time did you go under the Verrazano? Definitely want to get a few photos.

2. How come the ship waited for those late arrivals? Usually they don't unless it's a ship sponsored tour.

3. Did you try the made to order omelettes in the Windjammer? If so we're there many veggie options?


I'm sure I'll think of more, but you provided us with great info!

Edited by sauvichick
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1. At approximately what time did you go under the Verrazano? Definitely want to get a few photos.

2. How come the ship waited for those late arrivals? Usually they don't unless it's a ship sponsored tour.

3. Did you try the made to order omelettes in the Windjammer? If so we're there many veggie options?


I'm sure I'll think of more, but you provided us with great info!


Glad you enjoyed the review.

1. It takes about 25 minutes from leaving the dock to get to the VB.

2. Not sure, Perhaps they called and advised they were in route, maybe they had connections?? Lucky for them.

3. They had premade 1 egg omlettes already done. 1 with spinach, the other was ham and cheese, You can have omeletes made to order, They may have had 10 items handy. They also had scrammled eggs, hard boiied , egg white puffs (looks like a little muffin) there were also some egg dishes in the other sections Indian and asian ( they may also be veg based.


Veg at omlet station, onions, peppers, tomatoes, brocoly

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the GREAT review!!

I was wondering at approximately what time did the ship approached/sailed under the Verrazano Bridge?

Hi, Thanks.

About 25 minutes after leaving dock in Bayonne to get to Verrazano

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Glad you enjoyed the review.

1. It takes about 25 minutes from leaving the dock to get to the VB.

2. Not sure, Perhaps they called and advised they were in route, maybe they had connections?? Lucky for them.

3. They had premade 1 egg omlettes already done. 1 with spinach, the other was ham and cheese, You can have omeletes made to order, They may have had 10 items handy. They also had scrammled eggs, hard boiied , egg white puffs (looks like a little muffin) there were also some egg dishes in the other sections Indian and asian ( they may also be veg based.


Veg at omlet station, onions, peppers, tomatoes, brocoly

Hope this helps.


Thanks for answering so quickly! I appreciate the very detailed response to my omelette question. I'm not a vegetarian, but I like to have healthier options at breakfast and lunch. All bets are off for dinner!

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Very nice review.


I enjoyed all my cruises to Bermuda. I am going to add bikes to my list of possible things to do if we go back,


Do you remember what types of Beer was served on the Hoof and Claw (and the approximate cost)? We sail in November and I am trying to budget

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Very nice review.


I enjoyed all my cruises to Bermuda. I am going to add bikes to my list of possible things to do if we go back,


Do you remember what types of Beer was served on the Hoof and Claw (and the approximate cost)? We sail in November and I am trying to budget



I'm going to jump in on this one as I spent every evening in there with our cruise critic group having the best time. (Loved reading your review Bob. What a great trip.)You can get just about any type you want and the service was great. They have a large selection from various countries.

If you google the hoof and claw pub you will find a list of the beers and their prices.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I have a strange question......who supplied the marshmallows for the bonfire on the Monday.....my kiddies would love that :D

They were supplied by the staff at Snorkel Beach, along with about a dozen big metal skewers to share.

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