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Buffet Etiquette


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I don't use the buffet, but if I did I think I might well fall into the category of those who 'get in the way' as I try to work out what I want and what the procedure is and would probably 'wander around the buffet in a disorderly fashion' as I am trying to work it all out.


But I am polite and don't push and shove and I don't have bad manners - but don't worry folks, I will stay in the MDR! ;)

Edited by Scriv
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As mentioned previously the perpetrators are often not those who experience problems. After all those who wander around the buffet in a disorderly fashion will have nothing to complain about. I'm not suggesting for a moment that that is anyone in particular on here but some of the points suggest it might be. If the cap fits and all that!


In fairness there are very few who adopt the "I'm all right Jack" attitude but it only takes one or two to upset the apple cart. The major issues are caused by those who simply get in the way by either entering the buffet through the exit and those who wander around looking to see what's on offer and then walking back to the entrance to pick up their trays past diners coming in the opposite direction.


Let's face it bad manners are rife on cruise ships epitomised by those who reserve sunbeds but that is a whole different issue.


Absolutely. I completely agree with all your points. What amazes me is that if children behaved the way that small number of adults behaved then there would be plenty of complaints.

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You can get a feeling of panic in the air which infects people.


I think I mentioned this somewhere else


The scene was afternoon tea on Oceana and I fancied a savoury so in I walked, to be told by the man on the door that there was a problem in the galley but the main galley was helping out and the next batch of food would be delivered in a few minutes, no problem!


Here I was with tongs in my hand contemplating the last sandwich, or was it a wrap? can't remember. Anyway as the tongs moved forward this arm shot under my right armpit and grabbed the item, half squashing it. Then the lady scuttled off having staved off starvation for a few more minutes :eek:


I was speechless and that is unusual for me :D

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You can get a feeling of panic in the air which infects people.


I think I mentioned this somewhere else


The scene was afternoon tea on Oceana and I fancied a savoury so in I walked, to be told by the man on the door that there was a problem in the galley but the main galley was helping out and the next batch of food would be delivered in a few minutes, no problem!


Here I was with tongs in my hand contemplating the last sandwich, or was it a wrap? can't remember. Anyway as the tongs moved forward this arm shot under my right armpit and grabbed the item, half squashing it. Then the lady scuttled off having staved off starvation for a few more minutes :eek:


I was speechless and that is unusual for me :D


Panic in the air.. sums it up quite nicely 😂

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As mentioned previously the perpetrators are often not those who experience problems. After all those who wander around the buffet in a disorderly fashion will have nothing to complain about.


Nothing at all "disorderly" about taking a brief look to see what food is available before choosing. How do you do it?


Stand in line and just take the first option?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, but just take something at the end and accept eating your second choice?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, so leave (through the exit) and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line filling your plate as you go, but, but towards the end see something that you really want, so leave (through the exit), abandon your filled plate and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line and pile your plate high with every type of random food on offer? You know the type, those who are putting curry on their quiche, right next to the custard.


Wouldn't it be far easier just to take a look, you know, like looking at a menu and not just jabbing a finger at random and telling the waiter "I will have that".

Edited by insanemagnet
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Nothing at all "disorderly" about taking a brief look to see what food is available before choosing. How do you do it?


Stand in line and just take the first option?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, but just take something at the end and accept eating your second choice?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, so leave (through the exit) and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line filling your plate as you go, but, but towards the end see something that you really want, so leave (through the exit), abandon your filled plate and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line and pile your plate high with every type of random food on offer? You know the type, those who are putting curry on their quiche, right next to the custard.


Wouldn't it be far easier just to take a look, you know, like looking at a menu and not just jabbing a finger at random and telling the waiter "I will have that".


We will not agree. Imagine what would happen if everyone adopted your approach with people moving around the buffet to see what's on offer while those in the queue are selecting their food. If you see something you have pre-selected do you push in front of and/or between those in the queue just so you can get out quickly?


You ask what I do. I get in line. I pick up my tray with cutlery. The buffet is normally laid out with starters and salads at the beginning of the line moving towards the mains and desserts at the end.


Incidentally I don't jab my finger at the waiter; the thought would not even cross my mind as the staff are entitled to as much respect as everyone else.

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Nothing at all "disorderly" about taking a brief look to see what food is available before choosing. How do you do it?


Stand in line and just take the first option?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, but just take something at the end and accept eating your second choice?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, so leave (through the exit) and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line filling your plate as you go, but, but towards the end see something that you really want, so leave (through the exit), abandon your filled plate and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line and pile your plate high with every type of random food on offer? You know the type, those who are putting curry on their quiche, right next to the custard.


Wouldn't it be far easier just to take a look, you know, like looking at a menu and not just jabbing a finger at random and telling the waiter "I will have that".



Correct me if I'm wrong.

But don't they put list outside of what's on offer?

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Correct me if I'm wrong.

But don't they put list outside of what's on offer?


They do...normally. But often it's a case of finding the area where what you want is being served. Arcadia's buffet was actually quite civilised except that if you entered the buffet mid ships, the trays were being dished out at the aft end of the buffet. So you had to walk the length of it to get a tray. So you have a look as you are walking through to see what was on offer and where it was being served. And there was plenty of space to do just that, unlike Azura.

It's down to the design of the buffets and I believe that Azuras and Venturas (assuming they are the same) are basically flawed. I certainly gave up on Azura's buffet whereas Arcadia's could still be a reasonably pleasant place to eat breakfast or lunch if you avoided peak times.

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The problem that I see is that some people expect that certain rules or conventions should be observed by everyone. Unfortunately these rules/conventions arn't written down anywhere and there appears to be different versions floating around.


Problems arise when people operating under different versions of said rules or conventions meet (in the buffet).


Since there are no written rules I think people need to be a little bit more flexible about things and not get too wound up.


When I see a sign in a buffet marked "exit" I take that to mean that people exiting have the right of way. If it said "no entrance" or "exit only" then I would only use it to exit. The sign "exit" to me means that I can use my common sense. That's what I believe pando is saying to me with that sign.

Same thing applies to the entrance (only the other way round, if you get my drift :) ). I've often seen that the crew (waiters, cooks and staff in general) go in and out without regard to the signs, so obviously common sense is key.


So for me it's completely ok to walk in through the entrance or exit look at what's on offer while taking care to avoid getting in the way of People.


Obviously I look at the written menu before I go in, but I prefer to see what the food looks like before I decide what I'm going to have. I may just have a starter or just the pud depending on a variety of things. Then I'll exit the buffet and (if I've decided to actually eat there) get a table and leave something on it (not blocking the entire table of course) so that others are informed of my intent and then cruise over to the back of the Queue, grab a tray and follow the crowd.


To me that seems like an ok way to use the buffet (which I hardly ever do I would like to add, since being served is one of the best things about a cruise).


Pando obvously arn't concerned about this issue, if they were they'd place instructions for using the buffet by the entrance (or for me by the exit :)). After all they do tell us how to wash our Hands :)




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This thread must really frighten new cruisers. It is only the minority who behave badly but I still prefer to eat somewhere a bit quieter.:cool:


Agreed, it is only the minority. being a percentage figure below 50% ;)

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Nothing at all "disorderly" about taking a brief look to see what food is available before choosing. How do you do it?


Stand in line and just take the first option?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, but just take something at the end and accept eating your second choice?


Stand in line and wait until you see something you want, but towards the end realise that what you wanted was at the beginning of the display, so leave (through the exit) and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line filling your plate as you go, but, but towards the end see something that you really want, so leave (through the exit), abandon your filled plate and rejoin the beginning of the queue again?


Stand in line and pile your plate high with every type of random food on offer? You know the type, those who are putting curry on their quiche, right next to the custard.


Wouldn't it be far easier just to take a look, you know, like looking at a menu and not just jabbing a finger at random and telling the waiter "I will have that".


NONE of the above. Most people are capable of deciding if they want an item at first glance. You either want it or you dont. Theres no need to wander round and spend ages pondering and agonising if you really want something, only slightly want something, want something less than you might want something else etc etc ad infinitum.....:rolleyes:

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I was on Arcadia a couple months ago (first cruise) and must admit that I found the buffet layout a little awkward and never really got the hang of it, there was always something I'd forgotten and had to go back for. It just didn't seem to 'flow logically'! As far as tables go, it was usually pretty busy at the times we were there breakfast (all but 2 mornings on a 14 night cruise) but we always managed to find a table (after collecting our food) and only had other people join us on the last morning, who happened to be on the same shore excursion as us earlier in the cruise so we had a nice chat with them. We only had breakfasts twice in the MDR, which we found to be a little chaotic and had to wait quite a long time for our food. We actually found breakfast in the buffet to be far more relaxing!

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NONE of the above. Most people are capable of deciding if they want an item at first glance. You either want it or you dont. Theres no need to wander round and spend ages pondering and agonising if you really want something, only slightly want something, want something less than you might want something else etc etc ad infinitum.....:rolleyes:



I completely agree. There is no need to wander round and spend ages pondering and agonising if you really want something, only slightly want something, want something less than you might want something else etc etc ad infinitum.


You simply walk in, take a swift look around, decide what you want, and then serve yourself *that* item.


Not hard to understand is it.

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I completely agree. There is no need to wander round and spend ages pondering and agonising if you really want something, only slightly want something, want something less than you might want something else etc etc ad infinitum.


You simply walk in, take a swift look around, decide what you want, and then serve yourself *that* item.


Not hard to understand is it.


While people are in the queue for their dish of choice what do you do if you want the same item? Go straight to this item and push in as some do? The buffet is often crowded meaning that for the well mannered there is no option but to queue. In a less crowded buffet your approach is not an issue but especially at breakfast the buffet can be a bun fight and those that break the queue and those who enter via the exit are possibly the main causes of congestion.

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I have to agree. Its the way people are nowadays. The Britannia does seem to have got round the problems in the buffet. It is so well laid out. You still get those who elbow in but they are far fewer.

Your comment is very valid, Britannia's island serveries make it so much easier to serve yourself, as compared to those on Azura/Ventura, thus avoiding the queues and the accusatory stares when I seek to obtain one item from the middle of a row of waiting passengers.

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While people are in the queue for their dish of choice what do you do if you want the same item? Go straight to this item and push in as some do? The buffet is often crowded meaning that for the well mannered there is no option but to queue. In a less crowded buffet your approach is not an issue but especially at breakfast the buffet can be a bun fight and those that break the queue and those who enter via the exit are possibly the main causes of congestion.

I don't think 'insane magnet' was talking about jumping in the queue, just that he wanted to be able to have a quick look at the day's offerings before getting in the queue. I will always have a quick look before joining the queue, as I might not like the hot food selection being offered in which case I would go for the salad, but if the salad is first in line, I would have to go back and start again. There is no harm in looking, as long as you don't get in the way of others.

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