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Braemar -Baltic - just returned


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Braemar – Baltic- just returned, well we did on Sunday but have had a mountain of washing and ironing to tackle of course. Firstly, I must say we loved the Braemar, the staff and crew, the itinerary, the food and the weather. I am not used to doing reviews, and feel a little nervous having read some comments here where folk get shot down for giving opinions that others don’t like, but I want to be honest and say how I felt about things.


First day. Getting to Dover was a worry being Sunday and if we missed the connection from St Pancras we would not get to Dover before 3pm sailing, but we made it ok and found a taxi to the cruise terminal where our cases were taken to go to the cabin, and we went to a massive reception area with plenty of seating waiting to be registered and get called to go to our cabin. We got there just in time for the drill and saw our lifeboat no 9. Back to the cabin to unpack, and I found I had forgotten to pack Ray’s prescription tablets including his BP ones, so we had to visit the medical centre, where the doctor gave him tablets to keep him going till we got to Denmark and a prescription to take to a chemist there. Such a relief!! We were able to relax in the observatory with a welcome drink before going to find our table in Thistle restaurant for 8.30 dining. We were ready for our meal as we had only had flakes for breakfast at 7am, and were too late for the afternoon tea when we got on board, so only had a sandwich in the cabin to keep us going. We shared a table in Thistle with a couple we got on with very well over the course of the cruise, and also with the ladies on the next table. The waiters serving us were wonderful. Roshan and Rene and they had us in stitches with their stories and tricks. Off to Neptune and enjoyed our first show of the cruise. We had bought the drinks package, and at first I felt disappointed with the choices, but we were able to have drinks from the main menu at 50% so were able to find drinks ok whether beer wine or spirits. I loved the punchless colada, but it was so difficult to get it made up without ice. It doesn’t take long for the waiters to get to know your drinks when you start finding a regular table in Neptune, Coral and Morning Light Bar though. Choco of the day became a favourite to try too. It had been a long day, and we were ready to turn in. Our cabin was on deck 4 and although we did not chooses a cabin being Anchor class, we were well happy with the cabin 4127 and it was kept well by our stewardess Girlie. To be continued.


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Monday 10.8.15 - Sea Day.

I love to get up early to wander round on my first morning so at 6.15 I went up to deck 9 to explore Braemar from the top. Loved the sun deck and pool deck. Plenty of beds out, and pools looked great. Tried to find the water dispenser but had to ask in reception and was told no dispensers, but available in the bars. Not if you are an early riser like me. I found jugs of water in Palm when they set up for breakfast, but had to choose water with either lemon, cucumber or water melon in. Not really for me, so found I had to get my clear water from a bar during the day and pop it into my bottle so I had some to carry round with me when up early. Not a problem once I got it sorted. Enjoyed a cuppa on the back of Deck 5 while waiting for Ray to join me in Palm for breakfast. There were no trays, but a waiter would carry Rays plate to the table if he needed assistance ok. Toaster set up a bit slow, but again, something easily coped with when we got used to it. Choices of food excellent and I really enjoyed all my breakfasts whether in Palm or Thistle during the cruise. We had a lovely lazy day after an excellent lunch in Thistle. Ray liked the Morning Light Bar and I must say that was something I loved about Fred. So many places you could go if you want somewhere quiet to read or chat. If you want a drink it is available, and if you don't it is not a problem. Fantastic library, and coffee area too. I loved deck 8 and the pools. Despite the wonderful sunny weather we had for the whole cruise fortnight, I never found I had a struggle to find a sunbed. Also loved the settees and table seating on that deck as well. For Ray it was brilliant as he cannot get down to the sunbeds, and to have so much seating available was a blessing for him. Really loved Braemar. There was a lot of things to do listed in the Daily Times, but we were enjoying being out on deck so much that we didn't participate in the daily activities, so I cannot comment on them I'm afraid. We went down to the cabin to get ready for the formal evening which we enjoyed. This ship has a lovely comfortable friendly feel to her, and we feel we are getting to know her really well.

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11.8.15. Aalborg. Never been to any of the ports on this cruise before, so looked forward to exploring after finding a chemist to get Ray his tablets. Paid in euros and got Danish kroner back in change and that was great as we wanted to find some Danish beer. We found Sogaards Bryghus and enjoyed 4 beers there sitting outside. Lunches were being served and we thought we should get back on board for our lunch, but it was too nice a day, so we went to the John Bull pub to try some more beers. We made our way back on board as Ray wasn't able to get around much more, and were in time for afternoon tea in Palm. It was very good, but we would have liked more of a savoury choice. We tend to have an early breakfast when Thistle opens, and if we don't make it back for lunch it is a long time till 8.30 for the evening meal on afternoon tea, so we decided it would be best to get back for lunch, then go out again if there was time. I left Ray on board and went to explore along to the bridge, and found a kind of Lido area where I was able to have a paddle, and there were some gardens close by too. Weather fantastic so we sat outside on deck 6 till time for dinner. It meant we missed the show in Neptune, but we did get up to Coral for the Happy Days production by the Show Company which was brilliant.

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Jackie, wish you could have been there with us - weather was amazing. No rain and sunshine every day. Hotter than the Med I bet, and I took far too many clothes expecting British weather!!! How long before you go?

12.8.15. Copenhagen

Got up at 6 and walked my mile round deck 5. When we got ashore we had to go to see the little mermaid, along with a few coach loads despite it being early. The park area round there was lovely to walk round and some convenient seating for those needing it. Got the HoHo bus near the port, and decided to stay on it right round and get off at the central area, but it stopped just before the centre for everyone to get off and catch a different bus, and then missed out the stop we wanted to get off at, so we were a little away from centre, and Ray found walking back tiring so we found a bar to rest in, as you do. Ray wanted to get the bus back to the ship, and I got off to have a wander through the Botanical Gardens. I had a little Danish money left so when I came out of the gardens I found an entrance to Rosenborg Castle café in another garden area, so used up the spare cash there before walking back to the ship. Made it back in time for lunch with Ray and sat outside enjoying the sunshine before getting ready for another good evening entertainment.

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13.8.15. Sea Day.

Didn't do a lot today. I forgot to change my watch and slept in to 7.45. Spent some time on deck 8 but Ray thought it was breezy so we went to the Observatory where I discovered the delight of Choco of the day. Had a late lunch then back to the Observatory till time to get ready for the evening. We missed Neptune show again, but went to Coral later. Don't know why really but it seemed strange to me going to get ready for the show then the meal. It meant we were never on deck to watch the sunset, and I missed being able to do that. Haven't had fixed dining on a cruise before, and that took a bit of getting used to. I know we could have gone to Palm any time, but it is easier for Ray having his meal served rather than buffet, and we liked the Thistle in the evening.

14.8.15 Helsinki.

Sail in to Helsinki was great, and we found the HoHo bus in port for a trip round. I really loved the trip along the coast. When we got off, we found Helsinki brewery and enjoyed sitting out in the garden with a beer or two. Managed to walk back for lunch ok, and Ray decided to stay on board, so I went out for the bus along the coast to the beach for a swim. I got ready to swim but chickened out and paddled for a while, then walked back along the coast to the ship which was great. I had my swim up on deck 8 instead. I really like the set up on deck 8 with the pools, sun beds and seating. Enjoyed the afternoon and the sail away before having to go back to the cabin to get ready for the evening. We tended to get into Neptune while the dancing was taking place. I loved listening to the excellent Braemar orchestra, and would have loved to get onto the dance floor, but Ray doesn't dance. The dancers seemed to be a regular group each evening, and I hadn't the confidence to ask the staff dancers about getting a dance. Maybe I should have gone to the dance sessions during the day to make myself known, but with the weather being so good I spent sea days outside and port days ashore or outside when we got back. There are so many things itemised in the Daily Times going on, and if the weather had been bad, I may have looked into trying other things, but I wasn't going to complain about the wonderful weather we had. Our days had fallen into a pattern, but St Petersburg was next and we had trips to look forward to.

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Neptune show times were 7.30 for 2nd sitting diners, and 9.00 for 1st sitting diners. At 10.30 had a movie on the Big Screen, or sometimes an artist on at that time.


Coral had the resident In Tune Band doing 3 slots, or the show team doing performances there when an artist was on doing the main shows in Neptune and were 8.00 and 10.30. There were a variety of things really.



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Neptune show times were 7.30 for 2nd sitting diners, and 9.00 for 1st sitting diners. At 10.30 had a movie on the Big Screen, or sometimes an artist on at that time.


Coral had the resident In Tune Band doing 3 slots, or the show team doing performances there when an artist was on doing the main shows in Neptune and were 8.00 and 10.30. There were a variety of things really.




Thank you; interesting to see how the different ships work with their evening Entertainmet. We actually enjoyed the earlier show of 7pm (we were late sitting). We all met for drinks in the Showlounge at 6.50ish & had time to pop to another bar before dinner at 8.30 after the show!

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15.8.15 St Petersburg

We had pre booked trips for today and tomorrow. I had chosen Peterhof Park for today while Ray opted to stay on board due to difficulty walking round. Watched the sail in and sat out on deck 6 watching the activity till time for me to get ready. Tried the lunch on deck 8 and enjoyed the pizza and chips there 11.30. Went to Neptune to wait for the 12.45 coach and there was no problem going through passport control to the coaches. The park and fountains were great, as was the little train ride to a different area. Plenty to see and opportunities for photos. Got back on board in time for the early dinner that had been arranged due to the evening trip. Ray was joining me as there was not a lot of walking involved, and we enjoyed the canals with the low bridges, and the amazing buildings lining them. We were on for 2 hours and saw St Petersburg starting to come alive for the evening by the time we got back, but we did not have any free time to look round. We were back on board by 10 and went to see what the supper was like that had been set up in Thistle as we had eaten early that evening, and WOW!! What a spread. It was basically a full meal set up. All sorts of everything available, so we had a little of what we fancied to round off a brilliant day.


16.8.15 St Petersburg

Alarm was srt this morning for 6am even though I didn't think I would sleep in as we were both on a coach to the Gulf of Finland today. Ray decided to do this one as it said stops for photo shoots, so he thought there would not be a lot of walking involved, but the first stop was to a fantastic park which I loved for the natural set up of it, but paths wound all over, and Ray was not the only one who struggled with the walking involved, and one lady found a seat to wait on for the party to make it's way back to. I loved it. Next stop was a church which stood in amazing gardens a bit more formally set up with ornamental animals and birds all over the lawns and in the trees. Scenes set up with varieties of them, and lovely to wander round taking plenty of photos. The church was beautiful, and we were allowed inside where a service was being held. Next stop was a restaurant on the shoreline where we had tea/coffee/water and a couple of delicious pastries. As there was a bar there, I asked if it was possible to but a Russian beer as we were trying to get a beer from each country we visited, and I was told yes, and we chose a pale and a dark one. The pale one was a wheat beer, and the dark one was lovely. We paid for them by credit card, and took the beers to tables outside the restaurant where I found I was able to walk down the beach and have my paddle in Russian waters before sitting down to enjoy the beer. Perfect. When we got back we spent time in the observatory after lunch, but I managed my mile round deck 5. Helps me get over the guilt of enjoying my food so much!! Stayed up top to watch the sail away and missed the show again getting ready late for dinner. Went to see the crew show later though as that is one show not to be missed. Had a few drinks before turning in after a perfect but busy couple of days.

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We have been used to Thomson cruises where the all in includes many cocktails, mocktails, ports, sherries, some liqueurs, spirits, draught beers, house wine, glasses of fizzy soft drinks, juices, and coffees like latte, mocha and cappuccino, and tea.


I picked up the inclusive menu on Fred Olsen and found one page of inclusive drinks, draught beers and ciders, opened cans of Spitfire Strongbow, Carlsberg and Heineken. House wines, House Spirits, minerals - pepsi, lemonade, tonic water, ginger ale served by the glass, juices orange, apple, pineapple, cranberry and tomato served by the glass, and mineral/spring water served by the glass.


First impressions were disappointing, but we found that we could have other drinks on the menu at 50% cost so that was not too bad. £4.80 cocktails charged at £2.40, £2.90 liqueurs charged at £1.45, my favourite punchless pina colada from £2.70 to £1.35.


We worked round it ok and were able to drink what we wanted when we wanted, but coffee charged at full price from a bar, but choco of the day at half price.


Of course the Fred all in is £10 per person per day, and Thomson's can be free, £10 per day or around £28 per day, so it is probably swings and roundabouts. We only get the Thomson's all in when £10 a day or free.

Edited by gillhalfpint
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17.8.15 Sea Day.

Another hot day. Funny how I didn't get bored with hot days but spent a lot of time on deck 8 or 9, having the odd swim and enjoying a drink or two between meals. Formal night tonight and we enjoyed the show in Neptune before dinner, then went up to Coral for the late show.


18.8.15 Riga Latvia.

Loved this place. Watched sail in and wandered into town after breakfast. Caught a sightseeing bus at 15 euros each but it was not as good as the hoho bus. Wifi was not so good on it and it did not do any stops. The trip round was full and commentary good though. Found the Beer House which was ever so good, and we enjoyed the Latvia beers on offer there, along with the good wifi. Had a wander into Rockabilly, but they had no loos, and the beer prices were double the beer house prices so we did not stop. There looked to be an interesting park on the map we picked up, so we walked up to it and Ray sat on a seat to people watch while I explored round. It was lovely with folk walking or sitting round enjoying the sunshine, and it ran along both sides of a waterway with folk enjoying boats. Found a kiosk by the water and had a bottle of honey beer. Weather so good we wanted to stay out so found Peters Brewhouse. They did sample trays of their beers which were fantastic, so we had one of those each before making our way back on board just in time to catch afternoon tea before they cleared it away. It was too nice out on deck to go and get ready for the show, so we stayed out till time to get ready for the evening meal followed by Coral for a good night's entertainment.

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19.8.15 Sea Day.

Up at 5.30 and did my mile and a bit this morning while keeping an eye on the brilliant sunrise. Spent the morning on deck 8 enjoying a Spitfire or two, and also delicious ice creams they were bringing round. Booked our first tour on board, the boat trip tour in Lubeck and spent the rest of the very hot day up on deck 8 after lunch. The Cool Britannia show was fantastic with so many songs from my era that don't seem to get air time these days. Quite emotional, on the memory front. After dinner joined the happy throng for the sing a long with the flag waving and song sheets. Some fantastic costumes around.

20.8.15 Travemunde.

I was up at 6am and what was this I saw - fog!! We were berthing early and were right in town. Looked a great place, so we went ashore straight after breakfast as we had our trip in the afternoon so only had the morning to explore. Walked along the front and left Ray on a seat while I went looking for the beach. I walked past the old lighthouse, a tall brick tower, and found a pier and lorries hauling what looked like smelly weed off what appeared to be the beach. I asked someone if that was the beach, and found I had to walk further along the shore, and WOW what a massive sandy beach there is there. The sun was breaking through and clearing the fog, so off came my sandals and I went to paddle along the shoreline. Lovely. There was a group of film makers shooed me round them, and I ducked under the pier/breakwater and continued paddling along the lovely beach. Took photos of some of the hundreds of sheltered seats that were scattered round the beach. Something I have never seen anywhere else. Went up to the prom and rinsed my feet in the dancing fountains, and walked back along the prom to join Ray passing some sand sculptures. We found a bar for a couple of beers, and wandered through the shopping fronts and market back to the ship. Had lunch and got ready for the coach trip to Lubeck for the afternoon boat trip. We enjoyed the informative trip, and had a couple of beers on board. Very pretty place and some lovely riverside homes. When we got back we had a drink at one of the bars by the ship, then got back in time for the marching band performing on the quayside. Passat Choir were brilliant in Neptune singing sea shanties before our evening meal. and we went up to Coral for the Motown night. A full day but it was not over. I went up to deck 5 for some cool air around 11.30 and found that we were just leaving, around an hour late. What a send off. Looked like half the town were lining the barriers waving us off. It was brilliant. We went down river a bit to turn and came back and they were waving us off from the prom and bars along the front, and there was a hoot or two from Braemar and other boats. Stayed up on deck till we were heading out into open water. Fantastic night.

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quote < I picked up the inclusive menu on Fred Olsen and found one page of inclusive drinks, draught beers and ciders, opened cans of Spitfire Strongbow, Carlsberg and Heineken. House wines, House Spirits, minerals - pepsi, lemonade, tonic water, ginger ale served by the glass, juices orange, apple, pineapple, cranberry and tomato served by the glass, and mineral/spring water served by the glass.


First impressions were disappointing, but we found that we could have other drinks on the menu at 50% cost so that was not too bad. £4.80 cocktails charged at £2.40, £2.90 liqueurs charged at £1.45, my favourite punchless pina colada from £2.70 to £1.35. snip....


We worked round it ok and were able to drink what we wanted when we wanted, but coffee charged at full price from a bar, but choco of the day at half price.>


Thanx for that Gill. Did you try any of the house wines at all if so were they any good?


What is choco??


Sandy in Spain

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21.8.15 Kiel Canal.

Don't know what I expected for this canal but it was brilliant. Loved the whole trip through and spent the day on decks 8 and 9 after a swim enjoying watching the world go by. Very good cycle track alongside and plenty to see as we went along. So peaceful on deck 9, a bit noisy down on 8, but great to have a choice. After lunch we went onto the back of deck 6 and found that was a great pace to observe other boats etc as we travelled. The locks into the canal from the Baltic Sea, and out of the canal into the North sea were great, watching the massive lock gate slide effortlessly across the water to seal the lock and preserve the water level in the canal. Very interesting. We stayed outside after exiting the lock at 6pm then got ready for the final formal night followed by the crew show which was brilliant. Later that night we went to Thistle to see the food display. Fantastic display of creations of sweet and savoury foods, but as with the late supper, we found that being on 2nd sitting we could not eat another thing. Great to see though.

22.8.15 Sea Day.

This was a weird day, last days usually are as you want to enjoy the day, but cannot get away from the fact that packing has to be done, and it was really hard as they want cases outside the cabins between 10 and midnight. Planning what to wear for the night and to travel home in took some working out. Spent the morning inside and outside on deck 8, then went to pack after lunch. Had dinner and went to the show in Neptune at 10.30, but what a rush to get back to cabin and finish off packing to get the cases out before midnight. Managed it and got the clocks put back so all is well.

23.8.15 Dover.

Up at 4am. Don't know why, but went up to deck 9 and wandered round taking photos of the quiet decks as I worked my way down. Watched us docking and had breakfast. We had said our farewells to the waiters and cabin stewardess who had looked after us so well, and made our way off to catch a taxi to Dover Priory, and start the journey home.


Fantastic cruise on a fantastic ship and very much enjoyed. Sorry it has been so long winded!

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I had house red with every meal, and Ray had house white and we had no problems with them at all. I tried the house rose in Coral but did not like it, but that is probably just me.


Choco was Choco of the day. Hot chocolate with drambui or whisky or brandy etc in. Topped with whipped cream and very easy to get addicted to last thing at night and sometimes during the day. Priced at £3.80 but charged at half price. Ray had coffee usually, but that was always full price for some reason. Loved the chocolate ones.

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Thanx for the information Gill, We are going on the Amazon Adventure next Feb. We haven't been on a Fred cruise for nearly 20 years (we usually go Princess or HAL) so it will all be a bit different to us. The choco sounds great and something to become easily addicted to. reading bits and pieces about Braemar, it seems a bit strange to us to have late dinner, but have topair it with an early show..not quite sure how we'll manage that. As this will virtually be our first time on Fred Olsen, have you got any other tips, hints etc which may be helpful. Our cruise was almost sold out when we booked and our cabin is 3070.


Sandy in Spain

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Your cruise looks great, and I am sure you will love Braemar. She will be a lot smaller than those you have been used to I expect. We have only cruised on small ships, so don't know what you may have got used to in the way of entertainment. The weather was too nice for us to want to spend time inside during the day, so we didn't go to lectures, dance or bridge classes, join in quizzes, etc, but there was a full programme of events every day for those that wished to join in with something.

My mind goes blank on tips so my advice is to just go with the flow, and prepare as you would for any other cruise. I cannot think that there would be anything that we didn't take that we could have done with. Braemar is a lovely small ship, so friendly and I am sure you will have a great time.

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We are on Braemar in Feb 2016, interesting reading your review. We have a drinks package ordered...why did you find it disappointing?


Sandy in Spain


We're just back from the Balmoral & thought the Drink Package was very good & very generous for £10 per day. We enjoyed Cava a lot, all the House Wines which are perfectly acceptable, soft drinks, lager, cider, house vodka & brandy (& you can ask for doubles at no extra cost!) & gin along with mixers.


We paid for cocktails & J2O - cocktails were roughly £2 - £2.50 each with the package & J2O was just over £1. We didn't need anything else to be honest!

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When on AI drinks we have at times ordered a non alcoholic cocktail for me and my husband ordered a house spirit. He then ordered another drink shortly after - if you get my drift.


We did feel it was unfair to ask half the alcoholic cocktail price, when the only difference between that and the mocktail was a house spirit, which was included in the package if ordered separately. They also wanted to charge my husband when he asked for a 'Bloody Mary' but did not charge if he asked for a vodka and tomato juice! Funny system we thought, but soon learned how to deal with it.


On the soft drinks side, they have a ginger ale and a ginger beer - one is on the AI and the other is not. The one charged for comes in a can but the other is post mix, so you have to be very careful what you order.

Edited by tring
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When on AI drinks we have at times ordered a non alcoholic cocktail for me and my husband ordered a house spirit. He then ordered another drink shortly after - if you get my drift.


We did feel it was unfair to ask half the alcoholic cocktail price, when the only difference between that and the mocktail was a house spirit, which was included in the package if ordered separately. They also wanted to charge my husband when he asked for a 'Bloody Mary' but did not charge if he asked for a vodka and tomato juice! Funny system we thought, but soon learned how to deal with it.


On the soft drinks side, they have a ginger ale and a ginger beer - one is on the AI and the other is not. The one charged for comes in a can but the other is post mix, so you have to be very careful what you order.



We had our own 'Sex on the Beach' cocktails a couple of times - just asked for orange juice, vodka & cranberry juice & it was included in the package. Also had Cava & Orange Juice included (instead of Bucks Fizz that wasn't). I think they are very fair when you are only paying £10 per day on the none-mini cruises.

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I had house red with every meal, and Ray had house white and we had no problems with them at all. I tried the house rose in Coral but did not like it, but that is probably just me.


Choco was Choco of the day. Hot chocolate with drambui or whisky or brandy etc in. Topped with whipped cream and very easy to get addicted to last thing at night and sometimes during the day. Priced at £3.80 but charged at half price. Ray had coffee usually, but that was always full price for some reason. Loved the chocolate ones.


I got addicted to this on Dream last year....with brandy it's called Lumumba. Free on Thomsons AI if order the chocolate and brandy separately. ;).

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