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Azura - New Improved Embarkation Process


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Could this bring us back to an idea of dropping off luggage and having a shuttle bus to West Quay or somewhere - not to the train station as this would upset the taxis? They have used a shuttle bus on occasions.


It seems to me that with very few exceptions, folks' concerns are about arriving in time and with later check-in times there is a real worry because of unpredictable journey delays which may occur irrespective of how long or short your journey.


Consequently people arrive in Southampton early for peace of mind and I doubt any system will stop this as it's a sensible precaution. Yes, you can 'waste' time by stopping on the outskirts for a meal if you are travelling by car but as others have pointed out this doesn't help if you are travelling by air, train, coach or taxi.


Also not everyone who is staying at an hotel has the facilities to stay after check out time.


Therefore many arrive at the port too early. So yes, I still think a shuttle bus is worth considering. If our luggage could be deposited at the port at whatever time we arrive (subject to operations having commenced of course) and a shuttle bus was available up to West Quay I think loads of people would be happy to get lost until around their allocated check in time.


I really think P&O should give this serious consideration - it doesn't have to be free. I'd happily pay a couple of pounds p.p. each way which would be much cheaper than taxis and wouldn't cut across the business already available to taxis firms as I doubt many people currently use taxis to go to West Quay after leaving their luggage. Subsidised shuttle? Costs shared between passengers, P&O and West Quay (must be in their interests too - loads of people hanging around buying food and drinks if nothing else).


P&O can do what they like in respect of boarding rules - make people wait until 3.30 if that's their time. But I don't think they will stop people arriving early. So offer an alternative to hanging around the terminal causing congestion and frustration. (I actually wonder what would happen if everyone with a 3.30 slot actually waited until then to arrive - I suspect it would cause P&O to be much later embarking everyone as I suspect a disproportionate number are given a late time in the hope that some will adhere to it.)


But issue a boarding ticket with luggage labels if necessary informing passengers they cannot embark before that time (and have whatever priority system they determine embedded within a ticket controlled embarkation time) but then offer early arrivees an alternative to cluttering up the facilities - a shuttle bus!

Edited by kruzseeka
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Been thinking about this and I don't think it will be as bad as at an airport if you have to wait around before you board as remember you will have handed in your luggage, so will be unencumbered......


Living where we do, we often see and hear reports of heavy congestion at and around the port when several ships are in and the ships are getting bigger and bigger, so it is a problem.


I think that the idea of a shuttle, airport style, from the terminals to West Quay or to the station is a great idea. Has that ever been seriously considered, I wonder? It could just be a little minibus affair doing a circuit?


Yes, an interesting one, kruzseeker. I raised this on this thread back on 6 October and it got quite an interesting reaction. I think someone was going to suggest it officially to P&O. Florry? I wonder did anyone do so?

Edited by Scriv
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Basically that was the problem. Go back about a year on here in posts and people asking about boarding and everyone was saying turn up when you like. So they did, earlier and earlier in greater numbers.

It was posted by P and O that in some cases 1/2 a ships cruisers were turning up in the first hour. So you could be looking at 1000 people turning up in just over one hour all wanting to board asap..

Pray tell Kevinyork how was that P and O's doing.

They had an ever increasing problem and this was their way of trying to solve it.


Can I suggest that if P&O have made these changes, they must have felt there is a problem. To say there was no problem is rather arrogant. Passengers do not know more about the process of boarding a ship than the shipping company do. Treat the boarding time like any other appointment. If you have a hospital appointment at 11:00 am, nobody shows up at 9:00 am in the expectation they will be seen first. People have been abusing the system for years. Now P&O, for what are probably very good reasons, are trying to stamp out the abuse. Good for them.

I know some may not like what I have written, but I suspect the relatively silent majority will be in agreement.

I have to say I am firmly in Kevin York's camp.

I just do not believe that 50% of passengers ever turned up in the first hour, and if someone turned up at 8:30 I imagine it was for a very good reason and I guess they were happy to wait their turn.

As I see it the main issue for regular Southampton cruisers is why does boarding present a problem only to P&O. Celebrity, RCI, and even P&O's sister line Princess who use the same terminals, seem to cope far better, and without creating the same negative response from passengers.

So if some of you line toeing, rule adhering, P&O cheerleaders could satisfactorily answer that question, then I might be prepared to listen to you more carefully.

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There was a lovely picture on there of a full terminal and the poster saying CHAOS AT THE TERMINAL ..That was one post, what followed was quite a lot of comments along the lines of

not chaos, people sat down waiting to board, if those people had timed their arrival slight better it might not have been so full, etc etc..in other words disagreeing with the poster of the pix.

I am starting to see the tide turn very slightly with people saying they stuck as close to their time as they reasonably could , and had no problems boarding.


I don't remember the thread you're referring to when everyone disagreed with the OP but then it's almost impossible to read every post on the page I'm referring to. The one I was thinking about had agreements, disagreements and others who hadn't been there but voiced their opinion!! I have read various comments on both sides of the fence and I think the jury's still out on this one. Let's wait till this time next year and see what P&O has done / not done.

Edited by tartanexile81
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Gosh, this thread is causing a right kerfuffle. What's the rush to get on the ship? 'Free' food? I understand all the issues/preferences raised; but really, do we have to get so het up with one another?


When cruising from Southampton (or flying from Gatwick), we always travel the day before - it's a sensible precaution. We don't rush to the port terminal. Any hotel you stay in will be happy to have you sit and wait a while - read a book; chat to your companion; do a puzzle; start to write your holiday diary; meditate; what ever floats your boat. In fact, you can sit in any hotel/service station/pub - just buy a coffee, or have a delicious lunch. My holiday starts the minute I leave home. No work, no cleaning, no cooking, etc. Armed with passport, tickets and credit card, I'm off!


I totally agree with DaiB - P&O have given passengers what they asked for - cabins ready upon embark. What passengers didn't anticipate was instead of getting on earlier, they now have to board later. As long as you're in your cabin before muster, there's no problem.

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Just had a thought - maybe those who people have seen waiting to board before 09 30 were those just in for a day visit rather than overkeen passengers for the next cruise? When we did our day visit, I think we were told to arrive by 9 30am.


Oh dear, there is a lot of heat on the boards, I hope there isn't the same hot air in the terminals.

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Yes, an interesting one, kruzseeker. I raised this on this thread back on 6 October and it got quite an interesting reaction. I think someone was going to suggest it officially to P&O. Florry? I wonder did anyone do so?



I put it in the visitor posts on their FB page, but no response. I will have a questionnaire next week so will add it to that - they take more notice of them than anything because they have an established internal culture around acting on feedback from those.

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Yes that's possible scriv.




I still think the main problem is that P&O has not contacted everybody detailing the arrangements. We'd all have the definitive answer then hopefully there would be less disagreement about what the new arrangements actually are.



Absolutely agree. People here are getting frustrated and think that the terminal is full because people ignoring the instruction, this is true but let's think about the reason why.... For many years P&O have been happy to allow anyone to turn up when they like irrespective of timings, if you called them to check if it would be ok they welcomed you to do so. This means that there is now an established culture and expectation amongst customers to arrive when they want and who don't think they are doing anything wrong by turning up at a time convenient to them. Contrary to the assumption this is about getting lunch, it's just about the way people manage their journeys trying to cater for every eventuality so they 'don't miss the boat'. I now completely understand why this has to change, the local infrastructure can't cope and neither can the ship, we can't expect to have one lot of pax get off at 10 and the next lot get on at 11, it's not fair on the staff. So getting back to the point, if P&O want this to work they can't expect people to change without a communication to all passengers explaining the system and the reason behind it, relying on the Internet or for change to happen organically just won't work. Secondly they need to think out of the box, and examine things like shuttles and improved services at the terminal - let's not forget many people are happy to sit and wait safe in the knowledge they are in-situ. I think that further change will happen soon, they are developing Liverpool as a port where more ships will begin their cruise, this will relieve some of the strain on Southampton. As I see it in this thread there is no point in people telling others what they should or should not do, we are a small proportion of the total passenger population many of whom are in the dark about changes. P&O need to think about this, there is nothing this board can achieve other than getting frustrated by the fact that everyone has their individual view, circumstance and intention. It is a known fact that you don't engage people in change by 'telling, instructing, directing' that belongs in the 1980s classroom.

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I fail to understand why people are saying they did not know about the changes/new system.


On our etickets for 1 December Ventura departure it clearly says not to arrive earlier or later than the allocated embarkation time. If people choose to ignore the instructions/can't be bothered to read them/assume instructions do not apply to them as they are a special case etc, etc, then perhaps they shouldn't be surprised to have a long wait if they turn up hours earlier.


I do think a shuttle bus to town would be very helpful. Southampton must benefit from all the cruise passengers so if they want the traffic problem to be eased perhaps they could consider it. In some ports the shuttle buses are provided by the local authorities. As a previous poster said the costs could be shared between the various parties and passengers.

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I fail to understand why people are saying they did not know about the changes/new system.




On our etickets for 1 December Ventura departure it clearly says not to arrive earlier or later than the allocated embarkation time. If people choose to ignore the instructions/can't be bothered to read them/assume instructions do not apply to them as they are a special case etc, etc, then perhaps they shouldn't be surprised to have a long wait if they turn up hours earlier.




I do think a shuttle bus to town would be very helpful. Southampton must benefit from all the cruise passengers so if they want the traffic problem to be eased perhaps they could consider it. In some ports the shuttle buses are provided by the local authorities. As a previous poster said the costs could be shared between the various parties and passengers.



It's because the tickets have always had a time on them but P&O have never enforced it and actually welcomed people to board when they want. This has become a cultural thing - there's a time on the ticket but it's doesn't matter. I'm sure people would try harder if they were fully aware, they are used to the wording on the ticket being something that doesn't matter.

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The "nonsense" about different coloured cards is not nonsense at all; it is what happened boarding Aurora on October 11th. It may well change as the system beds in. What was unusual was that all passengers got an additional questionnaire on the 2nd day about the "start" of our cruise. I think everyone who wasn't priority complained about the boarding process, judging by what a member of staff said to me on day 3.

My feeling is that they DID and will continue to get a lot of complaints particularly from people who have cruised with them for years but are not yet Caribbean or above.

Given the fact that we (often in our late 50s or early 60s, newly retired and with the wherewithal to cruise more often in future) may be their core customer base when all the oldies go off to the great cruise ship in the heavens, then I think they have to listen. The generation coming up behind us won't unfortunately for most of them have the same ability to cruise often as their pension arrangements have changed.

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The "nonsense" about different coloured cards is not nonsense at all; it is what happened boarding Aurora on October 11th. It may well change as the system beds in. What was unusual was that all passengers got an additional questionnaire on the 2nd day about the "start" of our cruise. I think everyone who wasn't priority complained about the boarding process, judging by what a member of staff said to me on day 3.


My feeling is that they DID and will continue to get a lot of complaints particularly from people who have cruised with them for years but are not yet Caribbean or above.


Given the fact that we (often in our late 50s or early 60s, newly retired and with the wherewithal to cruise more often in future) may be their core customer base when all the oldies go off to the great cruise ship in the heavens, then I think they have to listen. The generation coming up behind us won't unfortunately for most of them have the same ability to cruise often as their pension arrangements have changed.



What was nonsense was the implication that if you arrived very early then you got a Red, penalty card and had to wait longer. If you got a Red card it is because that was the card for your boarding time.

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What was nonsense was the implication that if you arrived very early then you got a Red, penalty card and had to wait longer. If you got a Red card it is because that was the card for your boarding time.


Maybe the choice of red for later was accidental; I don't think so. I did ask Christopher Edgington in my complaint to him though!

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Absolutely agree. People here are getting frustrated and think that the terminal is full because people ignoring the instruction, this is true but let's think about the reason why.... For many years P&O have been happy to allow anyone to turn up when they like irrespective of timings, if you called them to check if it would be ok they welcomed you to do so. This means that there is now an established culture and expectation amongst customers to arrive when they want and who don't think they are doing anything wrong by turning up at a time convenient to them. Contrary to the assumption this is about getting lunch, it's just about the way people manage their journeys trying to cater for every eventuality so they 'don't miss the boat'. I now completely understand why this has to change, the local infrastructure can't cope and neither can the ship, we can't expect to have one lot of pax get off at 10 and the next lot get on at 11, it's not fair on the staff. So getting back to the point, if P&O want this to work they can't expect people to change without a communication to all passengers explaining the system and the reason behind it, relying on the Internet or for change to happen organically just won't work. Secondly they need to think out of the box, and examine things like shuttles and improved services at the terminal - let's not forget many people are happy to sit and wait safe in the knowledge they are in-situ. I think that further change will happen soon, they are developing Liverpool as a port where more ships will begin their cruise, this will relieve some of the strain on Southampton. As I see it in this thread there is no point in people telling others what they should or should not do, we are a small proportion of the total passenger population many of whom are in the dark about changes. P&O need to think about this, there is nothing this board can achieve other than getting frustrated by the fact that everyone has their individual view, circumstance and intention. It is a known fact that you don't engage people in change by 'telling, instructing, directing' that belongs in the 1980s classroom.


An excellent post Florry - couldn't agree more.

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What was nonsense was the implication that if you arrived very early then you got a Red, penalty card and had to wait longer. If you got a Red card it is because that was the card for your boarding time.


When we boarded Aurora on 17th Sept red cards were given to those with priority boarding. They were all called first when registration opened before any green cards. Any arriving later who were given red cards after green cards began boarding proceeded immediately to registration. It all seemed very organised, busy of course, but I heard no complaints. Once registration began the number in the terminal fell quickly. The system may well be different for the larger ships or have changed now but certainly there was no element of penalty attached to the red cards on that date.

Edited by kruzseeka
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As we approach post 700 :-

1) I cannot understand why they changed the system with no apparent gain to the passenger - we don't think there is any cost saving for P&O - so why.

2)Why can the other cruise lines operating from Southampton do this much more efficiently with in some cases many more passengers.

3)Why do P&O make even the simple things complicated.

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As we approach post 700 :-

1) I cannot understand why they changed the system with no apparent gain to the passenger - we don't think there is any cost saving for P&O - so why.

2)Why can the other cruise lines operating from Southampton do this much more efficiently with in some cases many more passengers.

3)Why do P&O make even the simple things complicated.

Because they can :D:D:D

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As we approach post 700 :-

1) I cannot understand why they changed the system with no apparent gain to the passenger - we don't think there is any cost saving for P&O - so why.

2)Why can the other cruise lines operating from Southampton do this much more efficiently with in some cases many more passengers.

3)Why do P&O make even the simple things complicated.


Answers as I see it -


1. The system has not changed - it is being enforced'

2. The other cruise lines have not let a culture of 'turn up early and queue jump' develop.

3. It is not P & O who have made it complicated - I refer you to my answer above.

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Florry - I cannot swear to it as I do not have a previous eticket to confirm it but I am fairly sure that the wording on the latest eticket has changed.


davecttr - "Because they can" - quite.


For those who would like P&O to do as other cruiselines do, would they also like 15% to be added to bar prices, heftier suggested tip amounts and US$ accounts instead of Sterling. I don't really need an answer.

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Answers as I see it -


1. The system has not changed - it is being enforced'

2. The other cruise lines have not let a culture of 'turn up early and queue jump' develop.

3. It is not P & O who have made it complicated - I refer you to my answer above.


I can't agree or see how you can reasonably defend this change


1) P&O now board later than they did and take longer.

2) Celebrity, RCI and Princess all board quicker as I can testify.

3) They have managed to produce a 'new' system where no-one is completely clear what the new 'rules' are regarding priority boarding, people in hotels, people travelling a long way as 700 posts on here testify.

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