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Possibly sick child 3 days before cruise.... Help!


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So my son woke up yesterday coughing his little head off. He gets this EVERY year at this time. His cough lasts several weeks. No fever 99.1 when I checked this morning. He has a stuffy/runny nose. I personally think he has allergies and maybe some asthma going on. We are taking him to the dr just to be sure it isn't bronchitis. I'm just so afraid they are going to turn us away! He went to school today because of no fever and he is generally fine... He just sounds gross. No commuting or diarhea either. It could just be a cold for all I know.

If he has no fever bit is coughing and stuffy, will they turn us away? Obviously if he really sick we wouldn't bring him on there but what about just a cold/allergies???

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Don't lie on the medical authorization form, if the child is seen by your doctor a note from him will carry a lot of weight. Just because someone is ill does not make them a auto-turn away. Your doctor will be straight with you if the child should not go or not. Listen to him.



If you do end of going bring several boxes of Kleenex, nothing worse than a snotty nose kid spreading germs everywhere. If he is coughing a lot bring a face mask as well to protect others passengers.


Hopefully you have passports for everyone and insurance incase you have to fly home.

Edited by PattBenatar
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I would think as long as you're going to the doctor and they clear him, ask for a dr note explaining exactly what his condition is and you should not have a problem. About a year ago we had a similar scenario, it was a Fall cruise and my son developed his 'change of seasons' asthma fits - we knew it was nothing serious and our doctor did as well, but to another passenger the barking/coughing fits might have been a bit 'scary' because many people of us might assume 'contagious' (and honestly as a germophobe myself, I can completely understand), especially with everyone in close quarters on a ship and the stories we hear at times on the news. We took along his nebulizer and brought a note from the doctor explaining that it was not a contagious condition and had no problem. We did however stay away from shows (close quarters with other passengers and spent a good amount of time on the open deck away from people, so as not to disturb anyone) the first night we brought food from the buffet to our cabin again to avoid any unpleasant instances. About 24 hours into the voyage his cough was lessened by his nebulizer treatments and we went about our cruise as usual. I hope it all works out for you and your son is feeling better soon! Enjoy your trip!

Edited by toyisland8
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The OP acts like someone going on a cruise hacking and coughing, spewing their germs about is no big deal.


Well, DH was the victim when our 10 day cruise to Rotan and Belize was destroyed by somebody who brought a respiratory illness on board. Because it didn't show up until day 4 the ship's doctor said he'd most likely caught it aboard and DH was not the only passenger that came down with the illness. He spent the rest of the cruise in bed in the cabin or at most sitting in the sun on our balcony for a little while in port. No dinners out, no fun in the piano bar, no shared fun in port.


If the child gets this coughing mess every year at this time ... why book a cruise for this time?


Sorry if I sound cold here but we were the victims of someone who did lie on their health sheet and boarded ill ... it was miserable.

Edited by summersigh
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99.1 is a fever . Normal temp is 98.6 . He does have a fever if temp is 99.1.


Thank you. I read OP say three time he has no fever and each time I said yes he does have a fever. A low grade fever is indicative of a viral infection. Allergies do not cause fever but because of the increased congestion often develop sinus and or ear infections.


No I am not a doctor but am in healthcare and have had allergies since childhood. I also have a husband and a grandchild that get weekly shots because of allergies. So I have been around it awhile.


Take your son to the doctor today and get a return to work/school release. You should be good to go but please remind him about hand washing and sneezing into his elbow.


Have a great cruise.

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You think that there is a possibility that he may have a cold but you sent him to school anyway? What about the other kids? Kids that age spread germs like crazy. Until your pediatrician can positively say that it's just allergies, shouldn't he be at home where he's not spreading germs to other kids?

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this is a case- like many others- where the cruise is the PRIORITY. Plenty of "excuses" in the post- claiming, nothing is going on. IF they factually report this at the cruise check in, they could be denied boarding- which likely they will NOT report, continuing with the same "excuses" for the reason they don't.


I can picture many at busy MD offices, with the same claims- oh, it's nothing, he's had this before, he has allergies etc. Some MD's are so busy, they don't look further.


Speculating - GENERAL comments, ONLY.

Edited by Budget Queen
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I found this at a University Medical Center site:


"Normal body temperature varies by person, age, activity, and time of day. The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 98.6°F (37°C). Some studies have shown that the "normal" body temperature can have a wide range, from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C). "


"A temperature over 100.4°F (38°C) usually means you have a fever caused by an infection or illness."


I'm not saying the child doesn't have a cold. Nor am I saying the child does have a cold. It does seem, however, that a temp of 99.1 falls short of being an automatic indicator of infection or illness.


Just trying to inject a little fact here, among all the opinion. If the doctor does diagnose the child with a cold, or anything contagious, obviously the child shouldn't cruise. But lets let the doctor make that call. OP, I hope your child is okay and you get to cruise. But if your child does prove to have something contagious, please think of others. I'm hoping the best for you.

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The OP acts like someone going on a cruise hacking and coughing, spewing their germs about is no big deal.


Well, DH was the victim when our 10 day cruise to Rotan and Belize was destroyed by somebody who brought a respiratory illness on board. Because it didn't show up until day 4 the ship's doctor said he'd most likely caught it aboard and DH was not the only passenger that came down with the illness. He spent the rest of the cruise in bed in the cabin or at most sitting in the sun on our balcony for a little while in port. No dinners out, no fun in the piano bar, no shared fun in port.


If the child gets this coughing mess every year at this time ... why book a cruise for this time?


Sorry if I sound cold here but we were the victims of someone who did lie on their health sheet and boarded ill ... it was miserable.


I'm with you. Not only was my cruise ruined by catching a horrible upper respiratory infection on the Magic in August 2012, but my life was ruined as well. Because of that infection I lost my sense of smell and taste. It has been more than 3 years and it still has not returned. My ENT places the blame squarely on the infection I caught on the ship.


There is no joy in food. I have to be careful not to eat anything that might be spoiled because I can't smell or taste that it is bad. I also am in danger because I cannot smell smoke or noxious fumes.

Edited by DebJ14
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this is a case- like many others- where the cruise is the PRIORITY. Plenty of "excuses" in the post- claiming, nothing is going on. IF they factually report this at the cruise check in, they could be denied boarding- which likely they will NOT report, continuing with the same "excuses" for the reason they don't.


I can picture many at busy MD offices, with the same claims- oh, it's nothing, he's had this before, he has allergies etc. Some MD's are so busy, they don't look further.


Speculating - GENERAL comments, ONLY.


While I tend to agree, I ask this question. How many on this board would actually cancel their cruise and lose all that money because someone in their party had a cold? Assuming no travel insurance or no option of leaving the child home, what would most posters here real do ?

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I don't know any moms who would cancel any family vacation because one child had a suspected or diagnosed cold. The harshness of some responses is uncalled for.


How many of the posters who have responded critically have school-aged children, especially children with seasonal allergies? If my teenager with fall and spring allergies stayed home from school every time he had a sniffle and cough, he would never graduate. My darling daughter brought home seven colds in a row when she was in kindergarten.


I'm sorry for those who caught an illness while cruising. I assume you were all able to confirm that it was not caught before your trip or while traveling to the ship. But that is the risk when we go out in public, or to work or school. It is just as likely that someone boards a ship with no symptoms and is already infected with a cold or other virus.


There is zero chance that they will turn you away because your child has a simple cold or allergy symptoms.

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If the child gets this coughing mess every year at this time ... why book a cruise for this time?



I was wondering the same thing. Doesn't make sense.
I can think of a few rational reasons. Perhaps the OP was thinking one, or more, of the following:


1. The "coughing mess" doesn't appear on the same exact day each year, but may appear say, sometime between August and November, which would mean booking a cruise during that time would be a calculated risk, but not guaranteed to coincide with the illness.


2. He/She is a child. Perhaps he/she has outgrown this.


3. It's the only time of year I have to book, so I'll take a chance.


4. It's the only time of year cruises are cheap enough to be affordable for me.


5. This coughing only shows up once a year, so I forgot about it.


I'm not saying any of these reasons were what the OP was thinking, when he/she booked. But I have little doubt there WAS a reason that made sense, at least to the OP. We know far too little about the OP's circumstances to assume they were acting irrationally when they booked their cruise.

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While I tend to agree, I ask this question. How many on this board would actually cancel their cruise and lose all that money because someone in their party had a cold? Assuming no travel insurance or no option of leaving the child home, what would most posters here real do ?


So glad you posted this. Because I was thinking the same thing. I can guarantee that no one here would cancel a cruise because of a cold! Let's be real, you could catch a cold on the flight to the cruise. Or a week before and it not show up until cruise time. And if it is a cold, would you seriously put your child in a mask on a cruise? Nothing like making them the center of attention and people running away from them!

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I can think of a few rational reasons. Perhaps the OP was thinking one, or more, of the following:


1. The "coughing mess" doesn't appear on the same exact day each year, but may appear say, sometime between August and November, which would mean booking a cruise during that time would be a calculated risk, but not guaranteed to coincide with the illness.


2. He/She is a child. Perhaps he/she has outgrown this.


3. It's the only time of year I have to book, so I'll take a chance.


4. It's the only time of year cruises are cheap enough to be affordable for me.


5. This coughing only shows up once a year, so I forgot about it.


I'm not saying any of these reasons were what the OP was thinking, when he/she booked. But I have little doubt there WAS a reason that made sense, at least to the OP. We know far too little about the OP's circumstances to assume they were acting irrationally when they booked their cruise.


You beat me to it. People on this thread are acting as if this boy gets the same virus on Sept 28th of each year, and parent's booked a cruise for Oct 1 knowing their son would get sick...


I usually get sick during season changes too (I'm sick now actually), but the seasons don't change at the same time year-to-year. I wouldn't ever not book a cruise thinking I might be sick.

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3 days before a cruise with the symptoms you mentioned' date=' my kids are going no questions asked. Wouldn't even mention it unless it gets worse. Flame away but I guarantee most of the cruising population would do the same.[/quote']


Yes. And three days later, if it is NOT allergies or bronchitis

...it will be on it's way out & gone.

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I have to wonder how many of the people posting to stay home would stay home themselves from a cruise if they had a cold?


How many would stay home from work because you had a cold?


Crazy to think someone should stay home from a cruise with a cold.

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3 days before a cruise with the symptoms you mentioned' date=' my kids are going no questions asked. Wouldn't even mention it unless it gets worse. Flame away but I guarantee most of the cruising population would do the same.[/quote']


Agreed, a cold is a cold. If someone has an immune system that is predisposed to getting severely ill after catching a cold, then one should not be cruising on a ship with 2000+ people and their many germs. I do understand the frustration, last May on my FIRST grownup only cruise without our children, I came down with something I most likely caught onboard (no one I know at home or work was sick before or after) - I was sick in bed from day 3 on, high fever, cough, chills, malaise and it was indeed miserable, I have never been so sick and could barely get out of bed, had no meds, missed visiting my favorite port, and at another port a beach cabana I had waited for years to finally snag as a treat to myself. It was not fun, but I certainly am not blaming anyone for it, sure if someone had whatever that virus was when boarding and was as ill as I became, then shame on them, it wasn't the right thing to do, but I wouldn't NOT go on vacation because of a 'common cold', and think its funny people here are kind of indicating they would - I am fairly certain even with cruise insurance that would not be reimbursable.

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So glad you posted this. Because I was thinking the same thing. I can guarantee that no one here would cancel a cruise because of a cold! Let's be real, you could catch a cold on the flight to the cruise. Or a week before and it not show up until cruise time. And if it is a cold, would you seriously put your child in a mask on a cruise? Nothing like making them the center of attention and people running away from them!


And I was sitting here wondering how many of these people criticizing the OP go to work when they have a cough and stuffy nose? How many of you stay home so you don't pass it onto your fellow co-workers? I bet none of them. Nor would any of them stay home for their scheduled cruise.

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