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Infants in swimming pool


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I guess I'm not sure why this is an issue? The rules state no swim diapers! I know, no one wants to follow rules, be it chairs, clothes, pools, etc. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif[/img] Are rules just for those of us who believe it them??? [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif[/img]

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SD..that's one reason I like Disney Cruise Line so much.

I think on my MAgic cruises there were clearly a much larger number of kids onboard than say my Princess, HAL, or Carnival cruises. BUT....Disney made things very nice for adult by instituting adult only areas. There are 3 pool...a kiddie pool, a family pool, and an adults only pool. At their private island there's the family beach and the adults only beach. And, as an added bonus, they enforce the adults only rules [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]

I certainly have no problems with kids cruising, but I think we all need to respect the rules (and hey, I wasn't allowed to go on the kiddie slide so even tho I was a FULL PRICE passenger, there were areas I did not go to because I play by the rules [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] )
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>(and hey, I wasn't allowed to go on the kiddie slide so even tho I was a FULL PRICE passenger, there were areas I did not go to because I play by the rules)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


That's what you get for trying to go in the pool with your Depends on.

A diaper by [I]any[/I] name... still leaks & stinks!!!

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Slightly OT here.

We have a pool. in July my DH's niece is visiing us with her then 15 month old.

I don't know how to keep this kid out of the pool, or how to say what all of you have been talking about -- the dangers of fecal contamination -- without seeming to be really rude or unsociable. Anyone who has experienced this? The only thing I can think of is buying one of those blow up pools and putting it beside the pool. I feel funny even bringing it up to DH.
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by roohound:
I think on my MAgic cruises there were clearly a much larger number of kids onboard than say my Princess, HAL, or Carnival cruises. BUT....Disney made things very nice for adult by instituting adult only areas. There are 3 pool...a kiddie pool, a family pool, and an adults only pool. At their private island there's the family beach and the adults only beach. And, as an added bonus, they enforce the adults only rules [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is SO true... there may be 700-800 kids onboard at any given time on the Magic, but I could always go sit at Quiet Cove pool and it was like there wasn't a single child onboard. DCL does a *great* job of keeping the adult-only sections as adult-only, no exceptions. And they do a great job of keeping the swim-diapered ones in that one ear of the Mickey pool, where the water is constantly recycled.

I love my child, but Mommy needs Mommy-time. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] And I don't ever have a problem with pointing out rule-breakers to a CM onboard. Rules are there for a reason -- you either follow them, or you stay home. That's how I was raised, that's how I am raising my little boy. Novel concept, it seems, sometimes! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif[/img]


Grand Princess, here we come!! 3/12/05
Disney Magic: 2/02, 2/03, 2/04
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I would say, no kids in the pool. too many die by accident, and have the splash pool at the ready with lots of "little" pool toys. Not only clean, but safe!! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]

7 days on Star Princess 10/24

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Salty Dawg:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Cruising is the very best family vacation there is, bar none. Hence the kids programs, kids meals, kids playrooms, _kids pools_, little kid sized robes, etc., etc.,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Since that is the case, why don't the parents spend time with their children in these venues which are specifically designed to be "kid friendly"? The camaraderie & tolerance of "kids being kids" is expected there so both parents & children would find complete acceptance in those zones.f <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huh? I'm not sure what makes you think parents DON'T spend time with their children in the kids venues? My boys are older, but we also cruise with my nephews who are 8 months and 3 (the 3 year old is potty trained). We spent most of our onboard time at the kiddie pool on our last cruise last week, which was full of happy, swim diapered babies and their equally happy parents and grandparents. No one was freaking out about the kids in the kiddie pool and a good time was had by all.

I'm so glad we had an easy going bunch of cruisers with us who didn't pitch a fit at the sight of kids in pool.

No tagline, on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mafig:
We have a pool. in July my DH's niece is visiing us with her then 15 month old. I don't know how to keep this kid out of the pool, or how to say what all of you have been talking about -- the dangers of fecal contamination -- without seeming to be really rude or unsociable. Anyone who has experienced this? The only thing I can think of is buying one of those blow up pools and putting it beside the pool. I feel funny even bringing it up to DH.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Why not get a little inflatable pool and have it ready for her, so she can enjoy the water too? I doubt that people with home pools want to have to drain it and refill it if an "accident" happens.


5/9 Golden Princess  [img]http://escati.linkopp.net/cgi-bin/countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=191970&cdt=2004;5;9;23;0;00&timezone=GMT-0400[/img]
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Check this out from the CDC:

[url="http://www.cdc.gov/healthyswimming/newsletters/vol1no1.htm"]And I consider the CDC a fairly reputable agency [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img][/url]

Pay special attention to the area entitled "Swim Diapers: A False Sense of Security"
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>My boys are older, but we also cruise with my nephews who are 8 months and 3 (the 3 year old is potty trained). We spent most of our onboard time at the kiddie pool on our last cruise last week, which was full of happy, swim diapered babies and their equally happy parents and grandparents. No one was freaking out about the kids in the kiddie pool and a good time was had by all.

We are glad to hear that you had a wonderful cruise and applaud your common sense approach for spending time with the children in your family at the proper venue for such activities. That is exactly what I was trying to state.

[B]Confine swim activities with diapered babies & toddlers to the kiddie pool where the other passengers won't "freak out"... thus allowing a good time to be had by [I]all.[/I].[/B]

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Princess needs to go back to curbing the amount of children and should let us know the amount of children/teens on the ship. We should be able to make a decision of wether there are too many children for us to enjoy the ship. Maybe some adult only would be fine. On another note do those with children also pay the tips or do they stiff the staff? Cruising use to be so peaceful.
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Um, no, we don't "stiff the staff" ...what a ridiculous comment. [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

Oceanic '82
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donna5...yes, we tip the staff from the Funzone counselors to the room steward to the waitstaff. The Princess staff treated our children with dignity and respect and we repaid them (above and beyond the automatic tipping per person) for helping to make our vacation special and memorable.

With that said...I think limiting the number of children on board is a positive for everyone. Even those travelling with kids like myself.
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by donna5:
On another note do those with children also pay the tips or do they stiff the staff? Cruising use to be so peaceful.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why on earth would you think those with children would stiff the staff? This is a ridiculous, mean-spirited comment. Perhaps you do not realize that children also are included in the automatic tipping. I, for one, tip generously above that for myself AND my children - the Fun Zone staff in particular. And, I don't know if other parents do this, but I keep our cabin as neat as can be BECAUSE of the kids. I don't think our steward had much to do in our cabiolast cruise - I took along bathroom wipes, glass wipes, etc. to make sure that I could clean up after them IF they were messy (which they weren't). I also made their beds and pushed them it first thing in the morning. Despite this, she received a nice additional tip which she deserved! I think, if anything, parents with children onboard may be very good tippers as well as being considerate of the staff.

QE2 - 2000
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A lot more fun than a pool and much safer for toddlers, is a water fountain setup like they have at Fashion Island, Newport Beach, CA. Here the toddlers crawl, walk out into jets of water which adjust automatically to their presence, makeing dancing motions and other designs. The young ones really love it. The adults stop by and watch for hours as its really interesting and entertaining. Cruise ships would have no problem installing multiple arrays of these devices.

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Pattie, I have heard more often than not, people complaining that children's tips are the same as adult tips and (and this is a direct quote from one cruise I was one) "I'll be g-damned if I'm gonna pay tips money for my kids...we're going to have that removved from the account"

Mind you, this is the same family who had two kids with them...one toddler and one around 5 and when they left the buffet area it looked like a tornado hit their table [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

I'm by no means saying that's what everyone's attitude is, but when you experience something like that firsthand, it really sticks with you
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Some people stiff the help, they will use any excuse. If they have kids they use that excuse, if they don't have kids they make up another excuse..I do not think poeple who have kids stiff the help any more than anyone else.

There are cheapos and then there are cheapos.
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very true pg, very true!

The only reason I made that comment is because we thought the rich irony of them saying the kids shouldn't be responsible for tips and yet they just left a disaster at their table because of the smeared foods and various foods and utensils on the floor.
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First off I want to say that we will be taking our twins, yes twin 20-month old girls, not potty trained (of course) on the 9/18/04 sailing of the Caribbean Princess. We will not be taking them in the adult pool areas but we will be taking them in the kids pool with their swimmy diapers. I get so annoyed reading some of these posts regarding children and diapers. Come on, everyone should be responsible for their own children and follow the rules but we have every right to bring them along. Why else would the cruise lines build children's pools and play areas? If you don't believe in bringing your toddler on such a vacation then don't! But why question those of us that want to spend a nice vacation together as a FAMILY! If you don't want to go on a ship with children then sail on a different line.

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Is Disney the ONLY cruise line that actually heeds the CDC and doesn't allow non-potty-trained children in the pools at all?? That is what the one toddler splash pool is for -- that is NOT what the "children's pool" (the Mickey pool) is for.

I was under the assumption, this being the 21st century and diseases what they are, that Princess also did not allow swim diapers in the pools. Guess it's time to go start writing letters -- at least I don't sail for another 10 months.


Grand Princess, here we come!! 3/12/05
Disney Magic: 2/02, 2/03, 2/04
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I am afraid you are right, Gina. All cruise lines set the rules, so it is up to the parents to enforce the rules. But if a parent pays for the child, and the parent takes the child where the parent chooses to take the child, then the Cdc is sucking wind!! Hooray for Disney, they enforce weather the parent agrees or not, And the parent pays more for the child on Disney, than other lines. Go figure!!

7 days on Star Princess 10/24

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Just a couple of comments,

We never "stiff the staff", and in fact, tip extra for kids counselors and great waiters who dote on the children, we appreciate the extra work involved.

Also, I love, love, love the idea of sprinklers, fountains, water attractions, etc. I think the cruiselines should pay attention to that suggestion which might actually result in making everyone happy. What a concept![img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

We've sailed Disney and will do so again. It's a budget breaker but oh is it worth it!

No tagline, on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
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Nina, Doesn't it sound like a perfect solution? O.K. John. How can we get this wonderful concept out to the cruiselines? [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

7 days on Star Princess 10/24

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On a moving vessel the idea of sprinklers or fountains would result in a giant slip & slide zone for the children to get injured. (Of course, they could always have a new activity called "bumper pool", with the little ones used as the cue balls!)

The liability issue would be a nightmare for the cruise industry to defend.
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