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Has anyone on this board ever missed the ship

the english lady

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We've been closer than I have liked a few times.


First back in the mists of time, on my 2nd cruise on an afternoon ships excursion & hitting traffic, not realising the ship would wait got me a bit concerned.


Second was a couple of years back when 'I' lost the ship in Cadiz - as it is a running joke that I always get lost in Cadiz & I just say, its just round the corner, we'll see a yellow funnel any minute now. But this time was a bit too close for comfort as we had gone through the town rather than follow the coast, and although I KNEW it was THAT way :) even I got a bit worried - luckily I'd also got the last boarding time wrong and we had a bit more time to spare than I realised. But on board less than an hour before breaks all my rules!


And last year - :eek: boarding at Southampton we had a 3:30 boarding time - we dont live far away (I can see QM2s funnel in Ocean Terminal only 5 minutes walk from my home), so usually pack on the day.

However, unusually I was already partially packed the day before, so I really dont know where the time went that day, but all of a sudden it was 2:45 & we hadnt ordered the taxi (OH was still putting his suits in the carrier & needed to 'dress').

So I order the taxi for ASAP - they unusually took ages to answer & then it would seem I spoke to some sort of temp (it was a bank holiday) as I didn't get the normal text back - so when at 3:10 there still was no taxi I was beginning to panic - especially as now they were not answering the phone at all. I was planning to hijack a neighbour but OH didn't take me seriously and didn't run down and catch them before they drove off :)

Eventually a driver turned up, and slowly (it seemed excessively slowly) we drove (the long way, or so it seemed :)!) to the port.

During the journey I was trying to remember where the phone number to inform P&O of our late arrival was, but I was so adrenaline filled I couldn't find it. Which panicked me more!

When we arrived, after 3:45 (check-in officially closes), all the 'holes in the wall' were closed & there were no porters, so I'm running around dragging a case looking for someone to take it, anyone!

& found a wall leaner (who I sure was a porter on a break), who said to take the cases into check-in.

As we entered the terminal a working porter was coming out and he wheeled our bags into the luggage area. One down.

Now to find check-in (our first visit to the Mayflower terminal since its refit) - and we are now in a queue of 3, with 2 check-in staff!

Logically I suspected it was probably all ok now they knew we were there (especially when I waved my arms in the air when I heard my name 'We're here'), but I was still hyper, all the way through check-in, security and boarding - it wasn't until I was on the ship that I finally felt secure. & it took a few hours for me to calm down completely


We were the last to board !


Never again - I have said that I am staying in a hotel the night before next time - OH thinks I'm joking :D

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I have never missed a ship, but have seen a couple miss it in Gib.


The couple were running for there lives down the road that leads to the quayside but did not make. It was the last port of call on our way back to the UK, so I assume they had to fly back to the UK.

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Quite a few years ago on Arcadia (the last one, not the current one) we were tendered to ZAKINTHOS. We had raised the pontoons & tenders and just getting underway when a jet ski came out at high speed from the shore. It turns out it was the classical pianist who had forgotten to change his watch from the previous time zone. The ship reduced speed to a crawl & a rope ladder was dropped. Much cheering from the upper decks & a red face for the musician.

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We had some anxious moments during a Norway cruise aboard Canberra in 1991. Trondheim is a tender port (or was at the time). We were on a rail excursion on a P&O chartered train - a two-coach DMU. On the way back the engines failed and would re-start only for a few seconds now and then. Fortunately it was downhill or we might have had to be rescued. We were assured the ship would wait for us and I was glad we had taken an "official" tour as opposed to travelling independently.


Many years ago two women missed the QE2 on an Atlantic crossing from New York. On a classic crossing, of course, there are no ports of call to Southampton. A tugboat brought the two women out to the ship which slowed as it went down the Hudson River. They had to climb the Jacob's ladder to get on board. That could never happen today as it has been made clear that the US authorities will not allow anyone to board a ship less than an hour prior to sailing.

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Many years ago when we were on Canberra, passengers were landed by tender in Dubrovnik. Whilst we were ashore a storm blew up and tendering was suspended. We made it back to the ship after a very bumpy ride in our tender but over 200 passengers were left on shore. The captain obviously anticipated this and during the afternoon supplies and crew were sent from ship to shore. Canberra had to sail further out to sea to find calmer waters and we returned the following day to pick up those who had been left behind.

Those ashore spent the night in a newly built hotel which hadn't yet been furnished. Apparently they had a very good all night party using the provisions sent from the ship.

Because of this we missed Corfu which should have been the next port.

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  • 2 months later...

I was worried about missing our ship , Azura, in April this year due to an accident ! We had disembarked in La Rochelle ready for a day of sightseeing in this very pretty port, had been there about 5 minutes and busy reading my map tripped up a step and fell , my arm was very painful and I feared I had injured it quite badly , ambulance to local hospital confirmed a break to top of humerus and displacement , I was in agony ! Doctor said I would need surgery but could go home for that but needed to wait for orthopaedic surgeon to confirm this , I then started yo worry about getting back to the ship , my niece works for p&o in Southampton so I rang her , she got in touch with ship to let them know and port services who picked us up when we finally got the all clear and were driven right to the gangplank ! I think we were a bit late leaving but very relieved they waited for us !

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I was worried about missing our ship , Azura, in April this year due to an accident ! We had disembarked in La Rochelle ready for a day of sightseeing in this very pretty port, had been there about 5 minutes and busy reading my map tripped up a step and fell , my arm was very painful and I feared I had injured it quite badly , ambulance to local hospital confirmed a break to top of humerus and displacement , I was in agony ! Doctor said I would need surgery but could go home for that but needed to wait for orthopaedic surgeon to confirm this , I then started yo worry about getting back to the ship , my niece works for p&o in Southampton so I rang her , she got in touch with ship to let them know and port services who picked us up when we finally got the all clear and were driven right to the gangplank ! I think we were a bit late leaving but very relieved they waited for us !


Glad it all worked out but a bit worrying for those of us who don't have family connected to P&O. Would it be the same for everyone?

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I am sure it would , the only reason I rang my niece in England was in my pain and befuddled state and trying to think how to contact the ship it just seemed easier to ring her ! As long as you contact the ship and I am sure the hospital would help you with this, the care team on board take care of everything else , can't speak for other lines but p & o were very good .

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The ship's phone number is printed on the Horizon every port day so in case of emergency you can notify the ship.


It's amazing how many people don't read Horizon or the port sheets.


The ship's number is programmed onto my mobile phone when I get on board... the other phone number to always save is the port agent.



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Glad it all worked out but a bit worrying for those of us who don't have family connected to P&O. Would it be the same for everyone?


Yes, emergency numbers for the ship and for the port agent are always in Horizon and if you read it, lol, you are advised to take the horizon paper with you when you go ashore for this eventuality. ;)


I always have ours folded up with me.

Edited by Scriv
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We were on this cruise and saw you arrive with arm in sling with the ship then sailing immediately. So pleased it waited for you, only a few minutes. Do hope you have now recovered? Often think about you despite not knowing you!

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Had a close shave with P&O Oceana in Naples this May. Having cruised regularly with my husband I was the one in charge when cruising with my 82 year old mum and first time cruising sister. Normally quite an organised person I wanted to take them to one of my favourite places - the beautiful Sorrento. I've been to Sorrento many times with my husband and often walk up and down to the pier, previously noticing the small bus that takes you up to the main square. The perfect plan was to travel independently on the ferry from Naples port to Sorrento, get the little bus up to the town and get the bus back down before returning to Naples with plent of time to spare. Mums not brilliant on her legs, she's 82 and had a hip replacement last year. I had previously purchased online our ferry ticket to Sorrento, when we arrived in Sorrento I purchased the return ticket from the kiosk for something like 2.05pm, there was another ferry which would leave at say 4.25pm but felt this was cutting it too fine to get back on board for the 5.30pm all on board time, especially since mum would not be able to run if there were any delays.


So far so good. Now it's quite a hike up to Sorrento so was pleased to see the bus at the stop waiting to go up. Literally less than 5 minutes away we got off in the main square - checking with the driver which stop we needed to get back on for the return journey - he told me the same one as the one where we got off. Great, I thought that's easy enough. It did go through my mind that I thought we would get on at the opposite side of the road but thought it's ok I assume the bus would drive up to the train station - turn around and come back along the same road - big mistake!


Had a lovely time in Sorrento and had lunch within view of the bus stop so no need to worry - so I thought. We had lunch and at 1.15pm walked across the road passed the taxis to the bus stop. As you do, we got chatting with other passengers waiting to go back down to the pier (only difference was their ship was in port and they just needed to tender on board).


Anyway we waited quite a while and suddenly realised it was 1.40pm and no sight of any bus. No problem I thought I'll go over to the taxis and see how much it would cost to go down tone pier €15 was their minimum charge - a bit steep but happy to pay rather than miss the ferry. As I crossed the road to collect mum and sister the bus arrived. That's handy I thought, we'LL stick with the bus. Off we set in the opposite direction. Got to the train station where i assumed we would head back on ourselves. No we started to drive away from Sorrento! Eventually I thought this is strange I thought the bus was just a shuttle type bus. No it went all around the area of Sorrento. I felt a slight panic and spoke my best non Italian to the driver who made it clear we would not get down to the pier until 10 mins after the ferry departure time. Oh dear I thought. Now do I cry or start planning? The bus driver was amazing and put his foot down and made his best effort to get to the pier in time. As we drove down the windy road to the pier I could see our ferry and I planned running to see if they would wait for my mum and sister to catch up. Too late it departed the pier as I stepped off the bus.


Now for a moment as panic set in I couldn't think straight and spoke calmly to my mum and sister and explained the situation. I asked them has anyone picked up the daily magazine to double check departure time. What magazine they asked? The one I read to you every night I said. Clearly we did not have it, normally my husband looks after that one (note to self - in future take a photo on my phone of the essential contact info). I checked with them that all aboard time is 5.30 isn't it, no idea they said - we just leave everything to you.


Now I knew that if the next ferry is on time and if we walk swiftly to the ship then we would make it back on board with minutes to spare. Doubt sets in - what was all aboard time? Didn't really take notice as we left the ship because my organisation for the day had allowed hours to spare so it wouldn't matter.


We could get the train back to Naples but I didn't know the train timetable. We could get a taxi but was reluctant to pay approx £100 when the ferry should get us back. I didn't have contact details for the ship so phoned my son back in England, he phoned P&O, called me back with a phone number for the ship. I called and was surprised to get through a guy on reception. I explained the situation and he said we would be OK with the ferry. I asked him to tell the captain and ask him to wait if we are a bit late - he said no problem.


Sorry about the length of the post........its actually been quite thereapeutic to get this off my chest lol.


Anyway we waited at pier 5 (as told by the ticket office) in plenty of time and boarded the ferry when they opened the gate. Only problem was it was the one to Capri not Naples! Luckily ours was in the next pier so swiftly boarded the right one. As we were about to leave a guy arrived and asked the crew to wait for his wife and elderly mum who was using a Zimmer frame - I couldn't believe anyone would leave it so late to board when going back to a cruise ship - perhaps the same thing had happened to them I thought.


Anyway we boarded at 5.29pm and apologised to the crew for being last minute, no problem they said - some of the official tours had not returned due to traffic. It was well after 6pm when we left.


We cruise to Sorrento again next Saturday but this time we will be tendering at the port.


Lesson learned - make your plans - make a back up plan - and always remember your daily magazine contact details.


Happy Sailing

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Yes, emergency numbers for the ship and for the port agent are always in Horizon and if you read it, lol, you are advised to take the horizon paper with you when you go ashore for this eventuality. ;)


I always have ours folded up with me.

Just take a photo of that section of Horizon on your phone, rather than carry the whole thing.


I did suggest to P&O they printed the information on the bottom right not left, then you could just tear the corner of the page off.

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Just take a photo of that section of Horizon on your phone, rather than carry the whole thing.


I did suggest to P&O they printed the information on the bottom right not left, then you could just tear the corner of the page off.



Both great suggestions there, insanemagnet - will take note! Thanks.

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Not the same thing but we were travelling down by coach to Southampton from Woodall Service near Sheffield. We were one of two buses left. The other pulled away and at its side were 4 large cases. They had to be left by our coach apparently as they couldn't take responsibility for them. What a way to start your holiday.

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We had an interesting experience, again at Woodall sevices! Our suitcases were put on the coach by the driver and we set off. We were joining Ventura sailing South but there were others on the coach joining Oriana, sailing North. The coach stopped by Oriana to unload the passengers suitcases and I happened to notice one of our suitcases being added to the pile.Fortunately hubby managed to scramble off the coach to retrieve our suitcase but if I hadn t been looking out of the window at that particular time we would have sailed on one ship and our case on another!!

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Thank you for your concern ,that is very kind of you , I had orif surgery 10 days later and have a plate and 9 screws fitted ! All very painful, still having physio and hydrotherapy weekly and range of movement is still quite limited but it is improving slowly , I have been curious since then as to what was said to the passengers about the slight delay !


Thank you about the information about the ship's number on the horizon, we read these every day and have been on a number if cruises but never realised that before which would have made contacting the shop a lot easier !

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Many Many Years ago on a cruise to Leningrad and surrounding areas, we had only just left Copenhagen when a small boat drew up along side us and two passengers came on board. Apparently they had missed the ship, but had some how managed to arrange transport to join it.

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Missing the ship is my worst nightmare so we always stay in Southampton the night before the cruise and we always get back on board no later than an hour before the "back on board time" . Last year my cruise with Royal Caribbean ended abruptly on day 2 when I was winched off the ship with my critically ill father and dumped in Lisbon by the Portgugese Airforce . I digress slightly BUT I learned a valuable lesson that you must ALWAYS carry your passport and the ships port agent contact details when you go off board in a port

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