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My week on the Escape - March 19th - 26th


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I forgot to mention that on the way to dinner, we decided to go by Cruise Next to buy some future cruise certificates. We decided to buy 4 (Gulp!) as saving $500 was too good of a deal to pass up. I'm hoping to take all three boys on a cruise at some point, so that will take up two deposits right there. I wanted to book a cruise for 2018 - not the specific one I want - but just one so I know I have the Pick 2 guaranteed in case they do away with that. I booked the Escape for April 2018. I don't think we'll keep it, but we can change the reservation once without losing our promos.


After dinner we went to the District Brewhouse. Husband had discovered his name was on the leader board for this cruise. He was in 9th place and he was determined to move up in the pack. Had he realized that they kept this leader board from the beginning of the cruise, I have a feeling we would have spent a lot more time there. We listened to music for awhile and then they had that Michael Jackson trivia. We didn't do too well - only got 11 correct. But considering that it was just husband and I, it wasn't so bad. After our trivia defeat, it was time to move on. We decided it was Bong time.


I ordered a Raspberry Mojito and husband ordered the one with jalapeno and cucumbers in it. We hung out for awhile and talked with other passengers. We started chatting with a few people and eventually discovered that we lived in the same town and our kids go to the same school. What a small world. Soon it was time to go to the 80's party. As I'm an 80's girl, this was something we definitely wanted to check out.


What a fun party!! The music was great, the energy was amazing, and I can't begin to tell you what it's like to be floating in the middle of nowhere with booming, blasting music blaring away. It was kind of surreal, like we were in our own little bubble world - just us. Not sure if that makes sense, but it was pretty cool. We stayed the whole time - of course I had to sing! It's a good thing the music was loud!! We aren't the type that usually go to the White Hot Parties and other night-cluby type parties - but we really enjoyed the 80's party. Definitely check it out!!


We were exhausted after waking up early and having our adventure in Tortola. I texted son and told him we were heading back to the cabin and if he can come soon so we can all go to bed. He didn't answer - and I was going to text him again when we got to the room. One of the rules he had was that he had to answer when I texted him. We got into the cabin - and there was son. Asleep - in bed - with his covers completely pulled over him. I laughed and told husband we had to peek under the covers to make sure it was him - and not his pillows. And yes, it was him!! We went to bed - planning to sleep in. The plan was to had to breakfast the next day around 10 am. This bed his heavenly. I can't begin to tell you how comfortable it is!! I sunk into the bed and quickly fell sleep.

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I love the way you write. Great review.


I agree.


Thanks both of you. I've never really written anything before so wasn't sure if I could. It's funny because I feel like I had forgotten so many smaller details of this trip, but as I type it all comes back to me.

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Thank You, thoroughly enjoying reading you review!


Totally enjoying your review and cracking up........you are too funny.....


Thanks to both of you. I'm flying back home later today so if I can, I hope to get started again tonight.

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Great to hear you had a fantastic time sailing from Tortola, we're also headed for Norman Island/Pirates bites for some snorkeling with Aristocats/Lionheart through Scott. Coincidentally, for St. Thomas we have reserved a mini van also via Alvin. Now we're very curious to hear about your adventure on Nassau!


(PS: you cracked me up when I read about your view over Aida's FKK area! That was the only area we avoided when we sailed the Aida :D )

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Great to hear you had a fantastic time sailing from Tortola, we're also headed for Norman Island/Pirates bites for some snorkeling with Aristocats/Lionheart through Scott. Coincidentally, for St. Thomas we have reserved a mini van also via Alvin. Now we're very curious to hear about your adventure on Nassau!


(PS: you cracked me up when I read about your view over Aida's FKK area! That was the only area we avoided when we sailed the Aida :D )


You will love the Aristocat/Lionheart. I can't wait to sail with them again!!! I will be interested to hear what you think of Alvin. He is an interesting fellow - (he came through with exactly what we requested so I don't have any complaints though).


LOL about the Aida. They sure seemed to be having fun on that ship!! I guess you didn't make use of your bathrobe like that others, LOL.

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I woke up at 9 am, happy with the knowledge that we didn't have to rush off the ship. As much as we loved our port days, I always enjoy a good Sea Day -and honestly could be happy spending each day at sea. Husband was already awake, playing on his phone. Weren't we going unplugged? I made my traditional morning coffee and took it out onto the balcony. The water was glistening on the horizon and was so beautiful I had to take a few more photos. Evidently the 20 other photos I've taken every other morning wasn't enough!!


I woke up son so we could all get ready to go to breakfast. We were seated right away at the Haven Restaurant and the service this morning was fantastic. As I decided it was time to venture into something new, I ordered the Eggs Benedict which was delicious. I'll leave you all to guess what I ordered on the side (starts with B!). Son stuck with the pancakes, although today he went with the "no syrup please". Not sure what's up with that. Husband had his bagel, salon and cream cheese and an omelette.


Once breakfast was finished, the three of us decided to go hit the ropes course. I hadn't tried it yet since I was worried about my ankle. Although it still hurt a bit (I was still forced to penguin down the stairs), I felt it had improved enough that the ropes course was doable. Son hadn't done the ropes course either yet, as he wanted to wait to do it with husband and I. I thought it was sweet that he wanted to do it with me, until I realized he probably just wanted to laugh at me, LOL. I had read on CC about needing closed-toe shoes so we all went to breakfast in athletic shoes so we could head right over. I had no idea if there would be big lines or not. It's a Sea Day - but only about 11 am. As we were walking over to the ropes course past the pool, I began to think about how little time (really none) we've spent out on the pool deck. I totally love the Haven, but wondered if I've missed out on anything by not spending any daytime hours near the pool. Usually we enjoy listening to the music/bands, watching some of the games at the pool, and just enjoying the atmosphere. Don't get me wrong - the Haven is the bomb! I would take it again in an instant. But I do wonder how many experiences I missed out on. What a nice, 1st world problem to be pondering, right?


We got to the ropes course and got in line. I soon have another "fail" moment, as I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt. I was so worried about making sure we all had closed-toe shoes, but I never realized we needed to wear sleeves also. How did I miss that with all I read on CC about the Escape? So we got into line (it was very short!!) and I looked up and saw a big sign telling me my shirt wouldn't do. Husband and son wait there as I run back quickly to put on a different shirt. I got back quickly and we got into line. The line probably took about 5 minutes, not bad at all. The next thing I know, we're getting all strapped up. Yikes, this is really going to happen. Once our gear is on and we all have major wedgies, it's time to walk up the stairs.


Husband went first, then son and then I brought up the rear. So, husband made it look pretty easy, then son went. Now it's my turn. It really doesn't look bad (or high) until it's your turn to go. Gulp. The first "obstacle" to cross is like a balance beam. Really the first step was the hardest. Here I go!! Son is on the other side watching, so I need to look cool. There's a young girl behind me who was nervous enough already - so I certainly didn't want to scare her. So, I went. One foot in front of the other, and holding on to my rope for dear life. I did it!! It wasn't so hard once I got started. I crossed the next one (I think it was the rope ladder, but don't remember exactly) and then the NCL photographer was there. Son and I took a great photo that we ended up buying later. Then it was time to walk the plank. I didn't see husband do it- not sure why unless I was crossing something. I did watch son walk the plank and he made it look easy. You walk out then turn around for a photo. Son smiled, looked relax, and came back. So now it's my turn. Here I go. I go about halfway, and the photographer says "turn around" so I do. I smile, hanging on tightly to the rope. I mean I really hang on tightly to the rope. My hand would be sore the next day!! After the photo, I turn around and get my feet back onto that boat as quick as possible. Son teases me that I didn't go all the way to the end, but I told him I was pretty much there. Later I look at the photo and realize son was right -I'm only halfway out. Oh well - at least I made it halfway.


Soon after the plank come the ziplines. Then we went up to the next level. By now I'm a pro. We went through the entire rope course, and I did it all. Go me!! Before we knew it, we're at the end. We thought we could go around again but it was blocked off and we had no choice but to go down the stairs. Once down, we were unhooked and de-wedgied and we were done. Despite two bionic knees, a bum ankle and a slight fear that I didn't know I had until I was up there, I managed to complete the course. I considered kissing the ground or saying a prayer of thanks, but instead I decided I needed a drink!!

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After the ropes course, son headed off to Entourage. Husband and I went to put bathing suits on and headed over to the Haven pool. We found two loungers next to the pool and set up shop. Gene Bee came right over for my drink order (I believe I went for the Mojito) and I relaxed in the lounger, satisfied with my day so far. I had my Kindle, my mojito and the Haven roof was open and the sun was shining down on me. I was in my happy place, and didn't plan on moving anytime soon.


Over the next few hours, they came around with shrimp, fruit kabobs, cookies and ice cream. I may have had a few more drinks too!! :) As I relaxed I thought about how amazing the Haven really is. Any doubt or concern I had about "missing out" on the pool experience was gone. Especially after I had seen how crowded that pool started getting after we finished the ropes course. Just because I hadn't eaten enough, or maybe just because I could do it, I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. And a delicious margarita to go along with it. That cheeseburger was SO good.


We went back to the cabin around 4 pm and husband put a movie on. I went out on the balcony with my Kindle. We had multiple treats today that Marivic brought, to include sandwiches, cheese plate, fruit plate and a delicious dessert plate. Not that I was hungry, but I managed to help husband eat some of it. We will definitely have to do a late dinner this night - although I had no doubt we would find a way to get that food in! At some point, we showered and got ready for dinner.


Once ready, we went to the Brewhouse so husband could try to climb his way out of 9th place on the All-Star list for the week. We then headed over to the Atrium to watch the 55 to Stay Alive game show. We found two chairs at the bar, so we were able to sit, have a drink and watch. I slipped away to go to the Cruise Next desk to ask a few questions and see about booking another cruise date. I never did end up booking a second trip - I hope I don't regret that - I really had hoped to grab the Pick 2 promotion for several future cruises.


The game show finished and husband told me he wanted to go to Pincho again for more tapas. What? I thought we were going to Manhattan for dinner. So, husband just wants some appetizers there. Like we haven't had enough food. So off we went, to Pincho Tapas - yum! He got two fishy type plates and just because, I decided to get the Datiles con Almendras. I just can't say enough about how delicious these are. And cheap!! So $12 or so later, we finished. We went on to Manhattan for dinner. By this time it was around 8 pm or so. We didn't have to wait for a table and were seated immediately. I ordered the Beef Wellington (I don't remember what appetizer I had) and had a Cosmo. The food was all delicious, as always, and the service was good. The service wasn't quite as spectacular as the other night, but no complaints at all.


Once dinner was finished we went to spend some time with Bong. One can never have enough Raspberry Mojitos! The Mojitos in the Haven can't compare with Bong's! After spending some time there and chatting with others, I wanted to go back to the Brewhouse to watch some NCAA. My Oregon Ducks were playing - and I needed to go cheer them on.


We left the Brewhouse and went to Spice H20 to check out the Glow Party. It was hopping there and looked like a great party - but not really our music or our "thing". Maybe if my Ducks weren't playing I would have stayed for the party. We went back to the cabin and watched basketball. I was very happy that we could get the games in our cabin as well. The first weekend on board, we couldn't find the games anywhere!


Our last Sea Day was winding down. We had the perfect day. A mix of good food, numerous drinks, great service, Haven spoiling, challenges with the rope course and just enjoying everything the Escape had to offer. We love this ship!! Son had returned as well and after we finished watching basketball, we headed to bed. Reality hit and we realized we only had one more day left. After waiting over 450 days after booking this trip, it's soon going to just be a memory. Well, that's depressing..........

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Nassau.....what to do, what to do. I went back and forth thinking about this port. We're been to Nassau before and had a great time. We went to Atlantis and we had that best family day ever. My boys all still say that was the best waterpark ever! Another time in Nassau I went to the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort (now it's a Melia) and had a perfect day of sun and fun. I had pretty much decided to just go to an all-inclusive and relax for the day when we got our Haven upsell.


With coming up with another $1,000 for the cruise, I started wondering if an all-inclusive made sense. We have unlimited drinks on the ship, we definitely have food, we have a pool. Ok, so we don't have sand, but remember, husband isn't fond of sand anyways. SO, I nixed the all-inclusive idea and decided we should just stay on the ship and enjoy the day. By ditching the all-inclusive, it saved us a chunk of money. I also prepared an alternative in case we decided to get off. I printed out a map, I poured over CC and Tripadvisor and made a list of places to visit including distilleries, museums, forts, bars, etc. I had everything ready and figured we would play it by ear and that morning we'll decided whether we get off the ship or not.


We slept in this morning and woke up around 9 am. Just like every other morning, I made my coffee and went out onto the deck. We woke son up a little while later to see if he wanted to keep sleeping or join us for breakfast. He decided to join us and soon we were all up, dressed and ready to go. We once again went to the Haven Restaurant and were seated immediately. I got a yogurt parfait from the buffet and then ordered bacon (surprise) and eggs. We had a great breakfast - I will sure miss my daily crispy bacon.


After breakfast son wanted to play ping pong. We had tried one other time but the table were occupied. We walked over and found an open table. There was one paddle on the table - where was the other?? Oh, there it is in the corner on the floor. Why would someone do that? Really. Keep the paddle on the table. The issue now is there weren't any ping pong balls. Son went running around to the other tables looking for an extra ball. None to be found. My guess is we could have gone somewhere to get one. But where? Guest services? I had no idea - and really didn't feel like looking. Son was fine giving up the ping pong idea so we went back to the cabin.


By this time we were arriving in Nassau. We went onto the balcony and watch the land come into sight. We got to the port and saw multiple other ships there. How is this big ship going to fit in the little parking spot? I had no idea how this was going to happen. I have to admit I'm like the ultimate parallel parker - I impress myself constantly. That said, I think I'll need to pass my parking crown on.......the Escape wins it hands down. We did a sweeping 180 degree turn and next thing you know we are nestled in next to the other ships. Impressive!


I am used to having one, and sometime two Sea Days at the end of our vacation, heading back to port. It's the time to do all those last minute activities, enjoy the ship one last time and generally soak up every ounce of ship life before there is no choice but to leave. I don't think I like having Nassau on the last day. It's a wham, bam, you're done - and doesn't ease me back to life after cruising. SO, the more I thought about it during the week, the more I wanted to stay on the ship. I need my Sea Day - even if I was at port. I wouldn't mind finding some wifi for awhile though, just to check my email and maybe post a picture or two on Facebook. Remember, husband cheated during the week with his data, but I didn't. I was faithful to the end. Well, or to Day 7. So, the plan was to go find wifi, then come back and enjoy the day on the ship. You should have seen the delight on son's face when I told him we were off to find an Internet connection for him. Pure joy!


We went down to the Haven lounge once the ship was cleared, and we took our back elevator/secret passage out. Having been to Nassau before, I knew right where we needed to go. The main street out front is bound to have Internet. We passed two places immediately that seemed expensive and pretty quickly saw a Starbucks. Starbucks charges $3 per hour for their wifi, but you can only use one device per $3. SO, son and I each bought an hour of Internet - husband used his own data. I also bought an iced coffee. Yum. We went upstairs and found a table and hung out for an hour. Just an FYI in case this helps anyone - the Starbucks in Nassau isn't compatible with Starbucks rewards or gift cards.


After our hour was up, I considered walking around a bit more or going to find a place for a drink. I was thinking about someone I spoke with in Bermuda. He told me that the restaurants and bars were really struggling lately - as so many people return to the ship to eat and drink. If I planned on spending the day off the ship, I would gladly buy food/drinks off the ship, but given the fact that we were heading back anyways, it just didn't make sense. The ship was calling my name, so we headed back. On the way back, we peeked in some stores for t-shirts. I still hadn't bought anything for my other sons. I just didn't see anything I liked for them so we kept walking. We were back on the ship by 2 pm, ready for lunch!

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We got up to the Haven Restaurant around 2:05 pm. Oh no, we're late. They close at 2 pm. Will they take us? I wished I had realized the time, as we lollygagged a bit on the way back to the ship. Although she had a big smile, the hostess told us we missed out on lunch, so no last Haven lunch for us. We debated for a few minutes where to go. Honestly, were we even hungry? We hadn't been hungry in a week - we will survive! I'm sure we can find food somewhere.


After going back to our cabin to change into swimsuits, we went to the Haven pool. Son headed out to see who was around at the Teen Club and grab some food at the Garden Cafe. We arranged with son to meet him at the cabin at 4 pm to hit the waterslides! Today was the day I would tackle the drop slide!


Gene Bee immediately came to take our order. I had the chicken caesar wrap and onion rings. Wow, those onion rings were good! The wrap came with fries too. I didn't want to hurt the chef's feelings so I managed to eat most of those too. Gene Bee asked for my drink order, and I told her I'd just have unsweetened ice tea (she seemed shocked, LOL).


We sat off to the side at one of the tables, and the chairs were very comfortable. After eating all our food, we moved over to a lounger. The Haven pool area was nice and empty. I was one with my kindle, and soon was reading away. Before I knew it, it was time to meet son to head out to the slides.


There was NO line at all for the drop slide. So, now was the time! I'd seen the drop slide before, and son even pointed out the trap door at one point. I thought "wow, that must be awful to get stuck". Luckily, I don't weight anything near 99 pounds or 300 pounds, so I should be good to go. I've read on CC about someone seeing someone getting stuck. But, who knows what really happens or even what to do if one does get stuck. Again, not my worries........right???????


Is anyone seeing where this is leading????????

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There was NO line at all for the drop slide. So, now was the time! I'd seen the drop slide before, and son even pointed out the trap door at one point. I thought "wow, that must be awful to get stuck". Luckily, I don't weight anything near 99 pounds or 300 pounds, so I should be good to go. I've read on CC about someone seeing someone getting stuck. But, who knows what really happens or even what to do if one does get stuck. Again, not my worries........right???????


Is anyone seeing where this is leading????????


OMG! Tell me you're kidding. :eek:

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There is no line at the drop slide so son and I go right up. Fail. I'm wearing my wedding ring so back down I go to take it off and give it to husband (who is staying down below with the camera and bag). I climb back up to the top again and watch son as he easily goes into the slide and down he goes. Now - son has done this earlier in the week with friends. Me? I'm new at this. You'd think this NCL guy would help me. I climb in, look at him (ok, maybe plead at him) and say "do I cross my arms?". I mean, could the man have told me what to do? Something? At this point, I'm only semi-terrified. I like roller coasters - how bad can this be. Right? I cross my arms and wait. Don't they count you down? Don't you get a warning? NO.


The next thing I know, the bottom drops out and I fall. I fall fast. Holy crap. It's horrible, and exciting and exhilarating all at once. As I'm falling I remember trying to decide if I should lift my head up or keep it back. I think I'm having fun (even though my life is flashing before me)and can't believe how fast I'm going. But wait? I stopped!!!!


What? How can I stop when I was going SO fast? I am there, stuck, inside this tube. OMG, I am THAT ONE. The one that will need to take the walk of shame! Wait. What do I do? I'm stopped literally 3-4 inches from the next drop. Surely I can make it there and then keep going. I try to pull myself forward - so I can continue on. But there's nothing to grab onto. I try to push, pull or somehow prod my way over the last 4 inches over the hump. Ok, don't panic. Think. Where is the trap door? I saw it from the outside but where is it now? I'm not panicking.......yet. But, I have to figure out what to do. Will they notice I'm missing? Will my family miss me if I never get out of this tube?? Wait. Here's the biggest question of all......How in the heck did this happen? And why me???? I weighed 135 when the cruise began - not too much, and not too little.


All of a sudden I hear a voice. My savior!! I love him - whoever he is!! I hear him from behind me - but I can't understand what he's saying. I think he said "drop back" but I'm not sure. Drop back? What can he mean? I look back. Maybe he means to let myself fall down the slide backwards - towards where I just came from. But if I do that, what if that's not what he said and then I'm even further away from this said trap door. Then I had another thought. OMG, have I eaten SO much on this cruise that I now weigh over 300 pounds???


I decide to go for it and let myself fall backwards. Ahh, there's my savior. My hero. I fall back and see an NCL employee smiling at me from the open trap door. I've been rescued. This wasn't the same not so nice guy that was at the top when I dropped, but instead a personable, smiling man who immediately explained to me what happened.


Take note everyone - because I hadn't read about this at all. Maybe I missed it - but here it is again. Beware of the tankini!! So I was wearing swim shorts and a tankini top. My fearless rescuer told me that my bathing suit top (which is somewhat loose and floats up at times when I'm in the pool) must have created drag when I dropped, which slowed me down. Had I known this ahead of time, I could have tucked my top into my shorts. I wish they would have said something to me up top.


So, I step out of the trap door - mortified - and go look for son and husband. Son comes running up to me smiling, "did you get stuck?" Uh no, I didn't.......I just decided to just take the first half of the slide and then get off. I told son about the bathing suit theory and he immediately asked me to tuck my top in and try it again. I just didn't have it in me. Honestly, if I were stuck again and needed rescuing again I really would just have to stay in there forever. Or at least until nighttime when I could slink out in shame. I told him that my PTSD (Post Traumatic Slide Disorder) would probably keep me from trying the slide again this trip. Sorry.


Son and I went on to the Aqua Racer while husband went back to our cabin. The line was a little longer on this slide, but it still wasn't bad at all - maybe 5 to 10 minutes at the most. After the slide I decided I really needed a drink. Son and I walked back to the cabin but I stopped at the Haven bar and asked for something stiff. Ok, well maybe it was just a pina colada, but I earned it!!

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Unbelievable. I'm so glad my cruise was before yours. I never would have done the Free Fall slide if I read your review first.


Great review though. I've laughed out loud several times.

Edited by Yorkvillain
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Unbelievable. I'm so glad my cruise was before yours. I never would have done the Free Fall slide if I read your review first.


Great review though. I've laughed out loud several times.


I'm still laughing too - if I don't laugh, I'll cry! :) I still can't believe that happened. Husband says "only you"!


Hopefully I didn't scare anyone away from the slide. It was fun!.......at least while it lasted!! LOL

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Great review. NCL owes you a commission. We are booked on the Oct 22 Escape cruise in a mini suite, large balcony cabin. After reading your review in The Haven, I called our TA and upgraded to The Haven for an extra $1000. The problem is that I'm trying to surprise my husband with this upgrade. I have to contain my enthusiasm. Your review is the first I've seen from this cabin. Where can I see pics of your review? You mentioned something about Facebook. Where? Still 6 months away UGH!

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I'm still laughing too - if I don't laugh, I'll cry! :) I still can't believe that happened. Husband says "only you"!


Hopefully I didn't scare anyone away from the slide. It was fun!.......at least while it lasted!! LOL


OMG. It took me a few minutes to wipe the tears rolling down my face from laughing so much. We are on the Escape on May 21 with our 21 year old Grandson I will most likely try this slide but may not suggest it to my wife.

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