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Surprising the kids


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Hi all!


I just wanted to share what I'm doing to break the news to the kids about the cruise... the morning of the cruise they will have the following treasure hunt:


  • On front table.

A surprise for you today, you will see

Follow all the clues, what could it be?

Next go to the pillows, that Ryan loves to throw;

Take a look behind them, well what do you know?

  • Behind pillows

Today you have no school, what’s the mystery?

It will be something fun, and it begins with a “C”.

Where do you find snacks when you want to eat?

Go there now and see on your fast little feet!

3. In pantry

Next week is Thanksgiving, and turkey will be cooked;

But not here in New Jersey, our family is booked!

Where do we usually eat our big meal, on a holiday?

The next clue is there, I wonder what you’ll say?

  • On dining room table

You won’t wait much longer to find out your surprise,

Mom and dad can’t wait to see the look in your eyes!!

Near Ryan’s favorite toys, and Anthony’s too,

Go check out downstairs for your next clue!

  • On train table

You’re getting really close, isn’t this fun?

Where might we be going, where it’s warm with lots of sun?

Run to Daddy’s office, and there you will find

The very last clue. What’s going through your mind?

  • In Dad’s office

You’ll swim, climb, and play, there’s video games too;

On our surprise vacation, there’s plenty to do!

Log on to Connor’s email, and read what’s written there.

So much fun ahead of you, it’s time to prepare!

Sorry this is long but I thought it might give others some fun ideas! :D

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I'm actually having fun with it... we've been talking about maybe going on a cruise next spring, gee, I don't know, do you think it would really be fun, maybe it's too expensive, etc.....


But I can't wait to tell them and see how they react!

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Wow, you're waiting until the day of the cruise. OMG! They will be so thrilled.


We're going in January, and I'm giving it to my DP and son for Christmas. I plan to do two identical boxes and nest box within box within box. At each level I'm going to have cruise-related stuff packed like the new snorkel gear for DP, or the new fins for DS (man their feet grow fast):eek: , maybe some bug spray, suntan lotion, etc. Then in the last final small box, have their boarding info, etc.


I'm going to have them both open their presents at the same time.


They know something's up 'cause DP had to ask off from work, but I don't think they know what. It also helped that they have to get their passports, so I'm making them think we're going somewhere far, far, away...or maybe Canada...ya' never know. tee hee.


But I have found myself almost letting things I've read here slip out in conversation...which would give it all away.


Have a great trip!



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Definitely a better plan to wait until close to the cruise to tell them. Our family is booked for Dec 06 , we were waiting to tell my 7 yr old nephew until next Dec, but a big sister slipped and now he asks everyday " When are are getting on the boat?" My sister told him not until he was almost 9 and he said that was too long to wait. I agree!

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Definitely a better plan to wait until close to the cruise to tell them. Our family is booked for Dec 06 , we were waiting to tell my 7 yr old nephew until next Dec, but a big sister slipped and now he asks everyday " When are are getting on the boat?" My sister told him not until he was almost 9 and he said that was too long to wait. I agree!


That's the main reason I'm doing it; my older DS especially would be very distracted if he knew the cruise was coming up; since he'll miss a couple days of school (Mon & Tues, Thanksgiving week), I want him to concentrate before he leaves!


The downside: when they know a great trip is coming, it gives me good bribe material for their behavior, i.e. doing chores to save money for the cruise, or stop that behavior or you'll have to sit in the cabin, etc. :p

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Hi all!


I just wanted to share what I'm doing to break the news to the kids about the cruise...


THANK YOU!! Great idea for a treasure hunt!!! Hmm....I may have to copy that idea!!


I wanted to thank you too for being another mom out there that is keeping this secret!! I have been keeping this secret already for months about our upcoming vacation...and we're not going til the end of March!!! I sometimes feel like I am going to bust with excitement by not being able to talk about it with anyone other than hubby (who thinks that I really need to chill out or I am going to give it away!! I just can't wait!!!!).


I am actually keeping this a secret for really selfish reasons -- we had a vacation last Spring Break that was ruined by a LOT of family members following us on our vacation and horning in on ALL of our plans to spend time together as our own little family. (We were in their state after all...)Dictating how/when/where we were going to go, restaurants we were going to eat at, etc! I CANNOT have that happen this time!!! We are cruising out of their state...that would somehow "privilege" them to thinking that maybe they should come too!! UGH! :eek: The Aunt-in-law, we're call her, has already mentioned how 'fun' it would be to do a family cruise sometime...NOT!! There is NOOOO ship big enough!!!!! So...this vacation is a secret from everyone that would even innocently SLIP...my parents don't know, my MIL doesn't know, cuz she would tell AIL...family friends don't know!! Just hubby and me...now all of you on CC!! ;)

We have cruised before, as a couple and as a family...with another family joining us. We just want it to be US, alone this time!! We haven't had an alone family vacation in YEARS. There is always someone tagging along!!! We're a fun couple/family and make friends easily - we're looking forward to it!!


I am planning on letting the kids go to school that morning before leaving for the airport (we're flying in to FL three days early) - our flight got moved to early afternoon. Picking them up mid-school day and telling them that they have 1/2 hour to pack the stuff that they'll need on the plane, "We're out of here!" Get them to the airport, they'll see at the gate that we're headed to FL...but no more than that! I don't know when we'll actually hit them with the cruise thing, but sometime after we actually reach FL. We'll have til Sunday am to tell them!!! (the kids will only miss two days of school then it'll be spring break...cheaper to fly out a couple of days early...not to mention far less stressful!)

It is going to be soooo much fun to see their faces!!!! Gotta have that video camera ready!!! The kids loved their first cruise - ask frequently when we're going to do another one...I keep putting them off saying "I don't know, we really need to get new flooring in the kitchen...just put a lot of money in to the car"...etc!! Family time is FAR more important than that new floor for the kitchen...right?! haha Of course! :D

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My friends are had something planned simular to that, only it was canceled. What the had planned was to put each childs (2) travel doc in their stocking X-mas morning, the day of the cruise. (the week cruise out of galveston that was canceled due to FEMA)


So now, the kids know they are going sometime next year, but uncertain when. My son "thinks" he might go, though I already booked him.


I love the idea of the treasure hunt...what are their ages?

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My friends had something planned simular to that, only it was canceled. What the had planned was to put each childs (2) travel doc in their stocking X-mas morning, the day of the cruise. (the week cruise out of galveston that was canceled due to FEMA)


So now, the kids know they are going sometime next year, but uncertain when. My son "thinks" he might go, though I already booked him.


I love the idea of the treasure hunt...what are their ages?

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We also surprised my son with a cruise. He was 9 at the time. Because Easter and spring break fell at differnet times last year we were able to put a picture of the cruise ship in an Easter egg. So Easter morning when he found the eggs and opened them ...what a surprise. He looked at us fell over and mumbled " are we going on this ship"? It was great. Best of all the cruise was only a couple of weeks later.

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I wanted to thank you too for being another mom out there that is keeping this secret!! I have been keeping this secret already for months about our upcoming vacation...and we're not going til the end of March!!! I sometimes feel like I am going to bust with excitement by not being able to talk about it with anyone other than hubby (who thinks that I really need to chill out or I am going to give it away!! I just can't wait!!!!).:D


OOh, I'm happy to have someone to share with too -- my DH and your DH would get along, he thinks I'm crazy because I'm obsessed with this trip and with planning the surprise! :D


I have actually been playing mind games with my kids, and I should really stop. :p ... my older DS caught me on the computer the other day looking at a cruise website. So I asked him if he would like to go on a cruise again (we did NCL Dawn in 2004), and which one (subtly selling him on RCCL), and "gee, I don't know, would you really like a rock wall, that doesn't sound like any fun!;) " He thinks we're considering one for some time in 2006.


I am using this for the positive though... since both of my kids have a habit of always asking us to buy them things, I am now responding "I thought you wanted us to save for a cruise next year!"


Love the idea of picking them up at school... we may do that too, I haven't decided. I already emailed the teacher that he would be missing a couple of days of school, and told her I would come pick up his schoolwork the day before we leave. DH wants to skip the treasure hunt and just drive them to the ship and tell them then... Either way, gotta have the camera ready!! :cool:


When do you sail?

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So now, the kids know they are going sometime next year, but uncertain when. My son "thinks" he might go, though I already booked him.


I love the idea of the treasure hunt...what are their ages?



My kids also think they might go next year, see below. I think that's a good way of getting him excited and discussing cruise behavior, cost, etc. without spilling the beans.


My sons are 9 and 4 1/2. The 9 year old will definitely be most thrilled with the surprise, the 4 1/2 year old is less tuned in to the magnitude of a big trip like this but he'll have fun too -- he'll be excited just because his big brother is so excited! :)

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OOh, I'm happy to have someone to share with too -- my DH and your DH would get along, he thinks I'm crazy because I'm obsessed with this trip and with planning the surprise! :D


I have actually been playing mind games with my kids, and I should really stop. :p ... I am using this for the positive though... since both of my kids have a habit of always asking us to buy them things, I am now responding "I thought you wanted us to save for a cruise next year!"

... Either way, gotta have the camera ready!! :cool:


When do you sail?


I am sooo thrilled for you - I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back!!! It's coming up so quickly!! Thank Goodness!! I don't want you to burst! It must be sooo hard to be this close!!! Ahhhh!!! What islands are you going to??


Yep, our dear hubbies would definitely get along! Mine just rolled his eyes even when I told him that I found another crazy mom like myself :) and the planning...and scheming....hahaha!! He doesn't think that I'll make it to be able to pull off this secret....I'll show him!


We sail March 26th out of Miami. I hope that we'll still get to go to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios. I don't know though - the reports coming out of Cozumel for sure don't look promising :(


Playing mind games with the children is perfectly acceptable under these circumstances! I fully support you!

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OOh, I'm happy to have someone to share with too -- my DH and your DH would get along, he thinks I'm crazy because I'm obsessed with this trip and with planning the surprise! :D


I have actually been playing mind games with my kids, and I should really stop. :p ... I am using this for the positive though... since both of my kids have a habit of always asking us to buy them things, I am now responding "I thought you wanted us to save for a cruise next year!"

... Either way, gotta have the camera ready!! :cool:


When do you sail?


I am sooo thrilled for you - I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back!!! It's coming up so quickly!! Thank Goodness!! I don't want you to burst! It must be sooo hard to be this close!!! Ahhhh!!! What islands are you going to??


Yep, our dear hubbies would definitely get along! Mine just rolled his eyes even when I told him that I found another crazy mom like myself :) and the planning...and scheming....hahaha!! He doesn't think that I'll make it to be able to pull off this secret....I'll show him!


We sail March 26th out of Miami. I hope that we'll still get to go to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios. I don't know though - the reports coming out of Cozumel for sure don't look promising :(


Playing mind games with the children is perfectly acceptable under these circumstances! I fully support you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love all the ideas about how and when to tell the children about their up and coming cruise.


I'm guilty like most of you....booked the cruise in Jan for Dec in 2003 and didn't tell the children until a couple of days before the cruise. Thought I was going to bust during those 11 months. I packed their clothes and locked the suitcases in the attic so they wouldn't be tipped off that we were going somewhere. The teachers knew about it so when they assigned Christmas play speaking parts and positioning, they would not mess everything up by not being there. We wrapped cruise related items in boxes to break the news to them.


Now I'm facing the decision of when to tell them about their cruise I've book for spring break. It would be pretty awesome to pick them up from school and say, "we're headed to the airport boys"! We could even wait until the day of the cruise to tell them they are going on a cruise. They have asked many times when will they get to go on another cruise so I know they will be thrilled.

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  • 3 months later...

My DH and I Are taking my Mum and 2 kids to the caribbean in nov/dec....

we wanted to keep it a secret from my DD as her birthday will happen on the trip....


we lasted about a week before we had to tell her....:rolleyes:


was just to good to not share...


the cool thing is she Cried when she heard she would be swimming woth dolphins on her 12th birthday....

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We too are surprising our kids. I have been just dying not telling them. Good thing we only booked it about a month or so. We are booked on The Explorer of the Seas this Sunday the 12th. We fly out Sat night.

They have break hte next 2 weeks after this one, and I've been asking them where they want to go. I keep suggesting road trip, they however don't agree. My older son who's 11 was asking for a cruise way back when, but I told him they were all booked and too expensive. That was the end of that subject. They still have no idea that we're even going to go anywhere, at least I don't think so. It's been hard to hide this web site from, since I'm constantly on it. I don't think that my older one has noticed. My husband says I'm addicted to it! I really am!

I'm going to get their stuff packed on Friday while they're at school, and hopefully ours too so they won't see it. We don't fly out until 10:30 at night, so it will hopefully be business as usual. I haven't 100% decided what to tell them yet as far as why we have suitcases in the car, and why our friend is driving us. We fly through Atlanta, so once we're at the airport I'll just tell them that that's where we're going for the break. After all they do have that new giant aquarium there...... I bet we could see a few Stingrays there! Hopefully they'll be too tired to inquire about where the next plane is going. Once we get to FLL, we're renting a car to get to the Miami pier. I can't wait to see their faces when you get that first view of the ships! The Explorer is so HUGE, it's such an awesome sight! It's usually one of the first ones you see.

Boy, I tell you, it's been hard buying all the clothes. Try explaining to a kid who only wears t-shirts and jeans why he has to try on slacks and a dress shirt! I just told them it's Easter clothes. Luckioly we've had some good spring like weather out here in California, although not lately, that I have an excuse for all the shorts , sandals, and swim trunks.

I think I'm more excited about their surpise than the actual cruise! I can't wait, 6 days to go! Actually 5 'till we leave.

Sorry for the long post, but my friends and DH are tired of hearing about it, finally I found somewhere else to talk about it!

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DW and I are taking DDs (5 and 3) on their fourth cruise and our sixth. This time, instead of telling them in advance and using it as bribery for good bahavior we have not told them a thing. Just plan on packing everything up in the car the day before. The morning of the cruise, we are putting the kids in the car and telling them we are going to see some old friends (which is kinda' true since they love Freddy and Camp Carnival so much). It helps that we live in Florida and are leaving out of Miami. My wife and I can't wait to see their faces lightup as we cross the bridge from the mainland into the Port of Miami. It has been difficult in using codes and spelling everything out to each other but we think the surprise will be worth it.

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Let me share mine.


I am surprising my husband and kids (16 and 13 year old) with a cruise in 17 days. I've had this trip planned since last August. It's been hard keeping the secret and I've used a tad bit of deception, but I'm hoping they won't mind!!


They think we are going to Florida for spring break. So, I've let them do their own packing while I've taken a bunch of stuff for them to the "cleaners" for some spring cleaning. (Those have now been packed away in my "extra" bag.) ;) I handle all the arrangments for vacations so I've asked them their opinions about different hotels and resorts, suggested seeing a Miami Heat game...maybe driving to the Keys...all to keep them off track.


I plan to spring the surprise after we land in FLL. We will grab our luggage from baggage claim and head toward the car rental counters. As we leave the security gate there is a man holding a sign that says "Welcome XXXX family to your cruise vacation". I say "look guys, there's our limo driver!" Knowing my kids, their eyes will light up with hope that it's true. My husband will roll his eyes and say something like 'Hurry up so we don't have to wait in a long line at the rental counter". I'll smile and say "really...there's our limo driver." I then pull out the cruise documents with the beautiful picture of our ship on it and say..."SURPRISE!!!!" The limo then wisks us away to our hotel in Miami as I answer ALOT of questions. LOL!!! My TA and the limo company have been great with helping me plan this!


This is sooooo exciting and it has been difficult not to spill the beans!!! CC has been a tremendous help in letting me relieve some of the excitement. I'll let you all know how it turns out when we return.

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lvssushi ~ WOW!!! You are even surprising hubby?!?!?!? GOOD FOR YOU!!! I can't wait to hear how it all goes!!!


ISN'T IT FUN to plan a surprise such as this?!?!? I am loving every minute of it!!


Definitely let us all know how the surprise/trip goes!!

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