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How formal are the formal nights?


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Just how dressed up does everyone get on the formal nights? It's a lot easier for women, but do the men really wear suits? Will men be denied access to a formal event if they aren't wearing a suit?

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Defientley a suit for men, but I don't think he'll be turned away from the dining room with out it.


Formal nights are a great night, and a great opportunity to dress up. The ships photographers will be set up and you'll be able to get really good quality portrait shots taken, with out having to pay the expensive sitting fee's you would pay on land. And the photos are very reasonably priced as well - about $30 for a portrait size photo.




Just how dressed up does everyone get on the formal nights? It's a lot easier for women, but do the men really wear suits? Will men be denied access to a formal event if they aren't wearing a suit?
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The formal nights are definately one of the best everyone will dressup, we wore suits and were certainly not the only ones. The atmosphere was really good as well and i have fond memories of dancing on the back deck (of the Sky) until the sun was begining to rise!



The Island night was also brilliant!! Make sure you take something bright for that one too!!





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I loved formal nights. It was great to get dressed up and feel like a princess. It isn't necessary to spend a fortune of clothes or buy ultra formal if you don't wish. Although you sound like you are keen.


Some people don't bother getting dressed up and you certainly won't be banned from anywhere.

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We bought quite a few formal night portraits, my husband was a bit sad that he didn't take his formal jacket onboard as he didn't believe me that formal meant that formal :). Atleast he took his tie.


We had a great time on formal nights, and have some fantastic photos to frame now we're home.

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i too would have to agree with all that skyrules has said.

It is a great chance to get all dressed up and feel like a million dollars if you wish but if you are uncomfortable doing this, you will still be ok.


On our formal night one guy wore his "tiger's" footie shirt to dinner and wasnt turned away. (It was grand finals the next night)The dear lady who sat at our table, who had many cruises under her belt and was a delightful great grandmother who was on a "ski" trip(her words...Spending Her kids Inheritance).

She wore the same type of dress every day, more like a shopping dress, but as she said, gone are the days when she felt she had to please other people, now she dresses to please herself.

Great idea i say!!


for the record i wore a lovely floaty red long dress with diamonte straps, diamonte earrings and necklace, my hubby wore his suit, son 15 wore basic long pants and a white shirt with scribblly writing on down one side(popular now) tomboy daughter("If i have a wear a dress I'm Not going...") 12,wore billabong tailored pants and a billabong shirt. She looked like herself and we were all comfortable adn we loved our formal photos.



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Gee Karon I can really relate to your last paragraph in your latest msg. My daughter who turned 11 last week is also a tomboy. The only dress she owns is her school uniform. I took her shopping last week to buy her clothes for her birthday and every time I looked at a dress or skirt, you should've seen the looks I got. I'm gonna try tell her that she has to wear a dress on formal night & see what reaction I get.



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LOL Karen, yep it is not worth fighting over. At least they don't feel the need to run with the crowd. they know their own minds, nothing wrong with that.

There is much worse they can wear..


Off subject(cruise). My daughter decided that she wasnt going to do her first communion "if she had to wear a yucky white dress" we sat her down with grandma who designed and made her a lovely simple white dress. She did wear this but as soon as she came home she put on her aussie soccer outfit, so we have photos of her cutting her cake in a soccer outfit!!!! Umm two sides of her....


dont force her to wear a dress but if you are just teasing her, tell she has to wear a nice "frock!!!" love that word...



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Yeh Karon, I am just teasing her. I really can't imagine her wearing a dress it's been that long since I saw her in one. She'd probably wear some nice pants & a nice top though for formal night. She's beautiful no matter what she wears.



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I havent organised the formal wear for myself or hubby yet. I have spent so much time and money getting organised with everything else such as medications, toiletries etc that I havent got to the formal gear. I have thought about it though.


I havent had to wear something flashy since I got re-married and that was 4 years ago. OUr 15 yr old daughter had her Yr 10 dinner dance only 7 weeks ago so she has a beautiful black dress she looked a million dollars in I believe.Also got our 11yr old a lovely dress also and our little man who turns exactly 2 1/2 whilst onboard our cruise has a some nice pants.


Hubby and i have put on so much weight since being together we dont fit into anything!lol!

Have to find something.


We are getting very excited about our upcoming cruise. It is getting so close now. We leave for Sydney to stay with family in exactly 2 weeks time.


Have a good night

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The table next to us had a group of 4 young guys and a seperate group of 4 young girls. A couple of the guys went to a lot of trouble - one wore a poweder blue suit, new clothes, but a design straight out of the 70s, and big Elvis style sunglasses. The suit looked like the one Dad wore at my Christening in 1973!). 0nly one of the 4 guys didn't wear anything special. Of course the girls all wore next to nothing, small black things that covered the essentials.


The trendy clothes some of the guys were wearing made me think I need something more than the boring old black business suit that I wore, so I guess I'm going to have to go shopping before we go on Pacific Star.







i too would have to agree with all that skyrules has said.

It is a great chance to get all dressed up and feel like a million dollars if you wish but if you are uncomfortable doing this, you will still be ok.


On our formal night one guy wore his "tiger's" footie shirt to dinner and wasnt turned away. (It was grand finals the next night)The dear lady who sat at our table, who had many cruises under her belt and was a delightful great grandmother who was on a "ski" trip(her words...Spending Her kids Inheritance).

She wore the same type of dress every day, more like a shopping dress, but as she said, gone are the days when she felt she had to please other people, now she dresses to please herself.

Great idea i say!!


for the record i wore a lovely floaty red long dress with diamonte straps, diamonte earrings and necklace, my hubby wore his suit, son 15 wore basic long pants and a white shirt with scribblly writing on down one side(popular now) tomboy daughter("If i have a wear a dress I'm Not going...") 12,wore billabong tailored pants and a billabong shirt. She looked like herself and we were all comfortable adn we loved our formal photos.



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This turned out to be an interesting topic. Thanks for all the input. I have a few nice dresses which are great stand bys so I'm ok. My girlfiend wants to go all out, not sure if the boys feel the same way.

We haven't been dressed up since son's wedding 6 years ago!! Can't wait.

I agree the boys do get dressed up, my younger son is really fashions conscious. It's nice to see them dressed up.

I thoroughly enjoy Truebliss72's posts, I think most of us do. This is one cruise review I can't wait to read. I've come to a kind of "bond" with her.

This forum is fast becoming my daily fix.

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Hi Truebliss72

Only 2 1/2 weeks to go hey? How lucky are you? Just in case you didn't know, when you are sailing out of Sydney Harbour the Radisson Seven Seas Mariner will be berthed at Circular Quay. She doesn't sail until about 9pm. Not a bad looking ship (I believe the first all ensuite,all balcony ship) but you need a few more dollars to sail on her. Personally, I think I prefer the "cheaper,smaller ships" (not that I've sailed on any of the luxury ones) but somehow I imagine those luxury ones wouldn't be as friendly. I prefer to spend my money having a good time rather than "silver spoon" service. And why go on a cruise and spend your time on your balcony instead of out there meeting new people. That's what I'm looking forward to most, meeting new people.



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Thanks for all the lovely comments about my posts. It is so nice to have people say positive things about what you right rather than negative. There are far to many negative things out there in life (please dont get me wrong as I understand that these boards are about expression of our thoughts...dislikes and likes about cruising) but I come on here (YES I am addicted..lol) daily, excited to read about cruising and just to say hi and see how everyones day has been.


I really love cruisecritic and have found so much wonderful information that I would have normally not known from being apart of this group.

I feel blessed. I am sure many people have made life long friendships from posting on here and have met on cruises and to me what a wonderful way to communicate!


Maxx, I would like to say that you being a VIRGIN...hehe...like me will have a fantastic time aboard your cruise! I am sooooo excited but literally feel like being sick! in the tummy from nerves. For me this is going to be a lifelong fear of mine...cruising etc and if I can come through this anyone can. I will be so proud of myself for getting on the ship!


In 2 weeks time think of me..lol..We got a camcorder the other day. Never owned one in my life and am presently learning how to use it. We are also taking the cameras so now doubt with me being the photographer that I am (not) I have a love for photography. To give you an example when we went to Ballarat, Victoria in April this year (hubby is from there) I took 160 photos! MAd huh but got the best showing of pictures. I never want to miss out on a photo that in the future my children will be able to show their children etc... ALSO I love to create memories.


Anyway I am rambling and this post is meant to be about formal. My comments on this are I love to look like a princess, but havent a dress yet! I will be honest and have struggled with the old weight since child number 2 so the self esteeem was a little on the down side. I had to have some hypnotherapy to bring it back up again and this is where all my fears have risen to the surface and now I am doing things I wouldnt never dreamt off! Like this cruise! Also I live singing and would never stand in front of people until 4 weeks ago I joined the church worship choir and voila! I have sung in front of 400 people and every week at that. So inspiration is the key to my cruise!


Anyway I am going to find a dress this week..I had better start packing this week as well. I need to have my hair done etc so I can look my best.

I just cant wait for the 6th of November.I want to go now but will not wish it sooner as sooner comes and by the time I know it, it will be over.


Karmac, I will look out for the ship at the Raddison when we leave. For me I like the casual as this is the type of person I am. I am laid back and love meeting people.


Have a great day! If I havent sent you to sleep after reading this...LOL..:)

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Truebliss, I love your bit about camcorder and camera. I have the camcorder on my shoulder and 2 camers on my wrists. One digital camera and one normal camera. I love my photos. On both cruises I took over 500 photos and they are in two albums. lol lol. (we just got back from Disneyland & Vegas and I'm onto my 3rd album!!!!!) You gotta have your memories!!!!.

Good luck with your dress hunting. The formal nights are a great night to feel special and beautiful. (we missed one formal night on our last cruise and our shower wouldn't work. Yuckky!!!!, so needless to say we did not dress up. Very disappointed as these days we don't dress up enough). I too agree with Maxx, thoroughly enjoy your posts and yes I am addicted to this site now, as well as TripAdvisor.


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Hi Anissa.

You go girl. nothing is going to stop you know. The hypnotheraphy is only helping you to do the things you can do, so take credit yourself. Well done!!


As far as the formal wear goes, think about the black pants and new top you bought, that will be fine. Have you checked out ebay.

I too had put on a bit of weight and didnt feel comfortable in any of my old formal dresses. I got mine on ebay for $8> now i realise that is probably a fluke. The person who listed it was new and didnt have a very good picture of it but it was a mr. K dress so at that price i took a chance. It fitted perfectly and was much much better in real life.check it out.


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Hi Truebliss72

Only 2 1/2 weeks to go hey? How lucky are you? Just in case you didn't know, when you are sailing out of Sydney Harbour the Radisson Seven Seas Mariner will be berthed at Circular Quay. She doesn't sail until about 9pm. Not a bad looking ship (I believe the first all ensuite,all balcony ship) but you need a few more dollars to sail on her. Personally, I think I prefer the "cheaper,smaller ships" (not that I've sailed on any of the luxury ones) but somehow I imagine those luxury ones wouldn't be as friendly. I prefer to spend my money having a good time rather than "silver spoon" service. And why go on a cruise and spend your time on your balcony instead of out there meeting new people. That's what I'm looking forward to most, meeting new people.



I have to agree too Karen. before i went on my cruise i just drooled over some of the american cruise ships with their ice skating rink, rock climbing walls and mini malls. I actually checked most out for our "next" cruise.


However, after being on the "sun" i think i would hate all that pomp and dressing up. I just cannot imgine HAVING to wear a particular outfit just to have dinner. Not to mention the tipping, BUT that is a whole different story...

My apologises to any one who may be offended, no offence is meant, just that i go on holiday to relax and be myself.and the sun is a nice friendly little ship.


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Singing with a choir is one thing but karaoke! lol.. actually I met my husband at a karoke night at the local tavern....hehe...I used to love getting up and singing "I love rock and roll" by Suzie Quatro. I think it is her song but not anymore. I am over it..lol


I cant believe the American ships have ice skating rinks? WOW I never knew that one. I am so excited. I am searching the house for my camera charger. The camera is only 6 months old and I cant find the charger! I have searched everywhere now I am going to have to go and get another one from Olympus as you cant use any other.


I need to call P&O and see what nights we are having onboard. I have thought that I should be packing but I am so tired after singing 9 services over the past week. I just cant get the old body working..



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Anissa, you'll probably find your charger as soon as you buy a new one. That's usually how it works. At least you started looking for it in time to go & get a new one if you don't find it. You are so lucky you only have 2 weeks to go. I still have over 5 months. I'm so glad I found this site though because I've already learnt a few things and I'm sure I'll learn lots more before I go.



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anissa, you will find the other drss up nights. that not everyone gets dressed up. Except of course the island night. I went to the $2 shop before we left and bought a few leis etc for $2 each. That is probably all you need.

Other night is hero night, almost no one dresses for that. Rock and roll and country and western could be almost the same. again i bought a couple of red neckties, but didnt bother wearing them.Pyjama night. You dont wear them to dinner but many people did dressup (or is that down)his and her matching pjswere were big....

general dressup night. Few did this, including a group of 4 young men early 20s who were a riot (great formal shots, i wanted to buy one), well they all wore their clothes backwards and came into the dining room walking backwards they kept it up for ages. they were good fun!!

any other questions fire away.


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Karon, Sounds like you had a ball. Tell all the stories you like as I love hearing all about them thats for sure! I went and got the last charger they had a Teds camera house today. Had to drive 25 minutes to get it. I have been looking for weeks but no luck so hubby said we had better go get it today before we have no time left. Can you believe it cost me $70? What a chunk of money! I bet you I will find the other one now but I guess at least I have 2 of them now! Also I couldnt leave home not taking any photos so we are set that way!


Did you all take lots of photos? I knwo I have seen some wonderful photos on webshots.


Funny you should mention the $2 leis. We went to crazy clarks and got a whole bunch today for $2 each along with some flowers for the girls hair.

We got some "classy" teen type shoes for our almost 11 yr old to go with her dress and a pair of nice pant for our son as well.


I called P&O about the nights we will be having. They said will not know till 3 nights before we sail so she did mention the country night,PJ's as well as the formal one and Island night.


As for our cabin as we are ships option we are guaranteed inside cabin but it could be the bottom, middle or top and will not know till we board the ship.


Thats ok never been dont know whats the difference so will just go with no expectations at all! (taking in mind all we have discussed on here of course! )

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Yes I have been checking it daily. Still nothing so will just keep doing it daily.


Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing that they havent given one? Either ship to full or not so full and waiting to see if anyone else books? I dont know. All new to me

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