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Same baaic questions


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Hi, except for the short Nile cruise 6 year ago (lucky to go there before becoming too dangerous) we are the first time cruisers (husband and myself).

Coming from Balkans, Costa sounded as a good enough choice. I read a lot of negative comments about Costa and believe it is all about managing expectations;).

I have some basic basic questions so pls feel free to instruct me where to look for those- if already answered. I tried to find it by myself- no luck.


The ship is Costa Fascinosa, starting from Savona

1. How early can we check-in? We will be staying for 2-3 days in Pisa and will arrive to Savona around 12/01 pm. The official start of the cruise is at 5pm. Can we check-in at 1pm (or even earlier)?

2. Drinking packages- can they be bought just for some days and not for the whole period? Are there water only packages? Can you bring a bottle of water with yourself (unofficially)

3. Where can I find prices of drinks so I can estimate if packages are the right solution for us? Especially having in mind that most of the time we are on the shore.

4. We have premium outside cabin- I understand it gives us some benefits for dinner- but what exactly and how it works?

5. Can you wear highills aboard (I know, I know- but for me it is important;))?

6. I understood that if we are late to ship, they will leave us in the port where we stopped. But how early shall we be back? If it says that we are in one of the ports till 8pm- is it enough to return at 7:45pm?

7. Are the ships always on time- I'd like to buy some sightseeing tickets in advance (Sagrada Familia) ans have to choose the exact timing. Can I count that we will be arriving at the time it is planned? How much time is needed to leave the ship when stopping in a port? Any tips/ tricks to speed it up?

8. How much internet costs?

And finaly, if there are some blogs- texts outside of this website you woild advise me to read?


Many many thanks

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Hi and welcome on board:cool: I cannot answer you on every question you asked, because I havent cruised with Costa (our first one will be this Saturday, also on Fascinosa..yaay:)).So I will try to answer on a few of them...


1. I have been on a few cruises and everytime we were in the port around 11am and we always could start to check in immediately...so I think it will be ok if you will be in the port around 1 (we will be in the port of Savona around 10 am). I dont know if it is the same situation with Costa...But we always love to be "early" birds, so we can be on the ship as soon is possible:D

2. For the drink packages...as far as I know, you can buy it just for the whole cruise and not for just a few days and all people in the same cabin must have the same all inclusive package.I think Costa has water package around 36€ for 13 bottles of water.

5. Yes, you can wear highhills aboard (maybe not when the sea is really rough but that depends of your "sea legs":D)

6. Like you said...the ship will not wait you, so you always have to keep in mind that. The ship always have a sign by the exit gate "ALL ABOARD" when you go ashore, usually it is always half an hour before time for sail away (ship sails at 8 pm- all aboard 7.30pm).

7.They are usually on time.

8.Dont know the cost of the internet on Costa.


About the blog/texts about the Costa...good luck with that..I have been searching for anykind of reviews about it and almost did not find anything.. It feels almost nobody is cruising with them:). You will be fine and you will have the time of your life! ;)

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Hi, except for the short Nile cruise 6 year ago (lucky to go there before becoming too dangerous) we are the first time cruisers (husband and myself).

Coming from Balkans, Costa sounded as a good enough choice. I read a lot of negative comments about Costa and believe it is all about managing expectations;).

I have some basic basic questions so pls feel free to instruct me where to look for those- if already answered. I tried to find it by myself- no luck.


The ship is Costa Fascinosa, starting from Savona

1. How early can we check-in? We will be staying for 2-3 days in Pisa and will arrive to Savona around 12/01 pm. The official start of the cruise is at 5pm. Can we check-in at 1pm (or even earlier)?

2. Drinking packages- can they be bought just for some days and not for the whole period? Are there water only packages? Can you bring a bottle of water with yourself (unofficially)

3. Where can I find prices of drinks so I can estimate if packages are the right solution for us? Especially having in mind that most of the time we are on the shore.

4. We have premium outside cabin- I understand it gives us some benefits for dinner- but what exactly and how it works?

5. Can you wear highills aboard (I know, I know- but for me it is important;))?

6. I understood that if we are late to ship, they will leave us in the port where we stopped. But how early shall we be back? If it says that we are in one of the ports till 8pm- is it enough to return at 7:45pm?

7. Are the ships always on time- I'd like to buy some sightseeing tickets in advance (Sagrada Familia) ans have to choose the exact timing. Can I count that we will be arriving at the time it is planned? How much time is needed to leave the ship when stopping in a port? Any tips/ tricks to speed it up?

8. How much internet costs?

And finaly, if there are some blogs- texts outside of this website you woild advise me to read?


Many many thanks


Welcome to Costa Forum. On the cruise just go with the flow and enjoy it.So here goes:


1. Checkin starts between 10:00 and 11:00, so 12:00 - 13:00 will be fine, maybe a lot of cruisers waiting to board.


2. The drinks package has to be bought for the whole cruise and by everyone in the same cabin.


3. For drinks prices have a search of this forum, or let me know what drinks you are interested in and I'll post the prices. There isa eater package - 13 bottles (1l) for €35.99. Costa does not allow any food or drink to be taken onboard, if you do then it is at your own risk.


4. The dinner benefits for premium cabin passengers is that you can choose either first or second diiner sitting and also the size of the table - number of passengers, you have to o this online.


5. You can wear what you like including highheels.


6. If you are on a Costa tour then th ship will wait, if you are on a private tour then it will not wait. You will recive a daily program in your cabin for the next day, in it will be stated when the ship arrives and leaves and also the latest time everyone has to be onboard I alaways take the program with me as it states the Costa port agent, just in case anything happens. Try not to leave it to the last minute to board, anything can happen, if it is a tender port or shuttles buses to/from the town then the last ones get very crowd. Becareful of any time zone charges.


7. The ship normally arrives on or before the stated time, but anything can happen to make it late i.e. bad weather, mechanical problems, medical emergency. If you are booking a private tour, tell the tour operate your ship and they will take care of the rest, they are also used to the ship arriving late. Tips on speeding up the process, try not to jump queus as this will agitate other passengers as you are all in the same boat. If the ship is running late, just relax no stress and enjoy the day.


8. Haven't usd the Internet onboard in years, want to get away from all that stuff, only take thze phone when on land for emergency use only.


If you have any more questions, just ask.


The most and best Costa blogs can be found on Italian sites.


Have a great cruise.

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Thanks a lot on the answers!


So bottle of water is 3eur? I'd rather be drunk :D



Also, the drinking packages prices are per day or in total? e.g. Pio Gusto


For the prices, I am interested in espresso (I cannot stand filter coffee), freshly squeezed lemon/ orange juice, Coke, beer- preferably draught & Chardoney.



p.s. just now noticed my typos:eek:; sorry

Edited by Kajira
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Thanks a lot on the answers!


So bottle of water is 3eur? I'd rather be drunk :D


It's really annoying that you cannot take drink packages on day-to-day basis.


For the prices, I am interested in espresso (I cannot stand filter coffee), freshly squeezed lemon/ orange juice, Coke, beer- preferably draught & Chardoney.




p.s. just now noticed my typos:eek:; sorry


Don't worry about the spelling mistakes - main thing is you get your questions answered.


The Fascinosa is a fabulous ship.


Drink Prices


Expresso €1.55 & €3.50


freshly squeezed lemon/ orange juice (not in Drinks Package) €4.50


Coke (Pepsi) €2.95


Draught beer 40cl €4.95 20 cl €3.95


Wine by the Glass Chardoney €5.00

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The two drinks packages include both the decaf at €1.55 and regular espresso at €3.50 (there are four regular espresso:


Onda al cioccolato

Caffe Viennese

Nerve Fondente



Get the drinks package, then there is no bad surprise when you get the onboard invoice at the end of the cruise.

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The two drinks packages include both the decaf at €1.55 and regular espresso at €3.50 (there are four regular espresso:


Onda al cioccolato

Caffe Viennese

Nerve Fondente



Get the drinks package, then there is no bad surprise when you get the onboard invoice at the end of the cruise.


Yup; my thinking more and more goes into that direction. Thanks a lot G.M.T you are big helper.

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Which means we are on the same ship ;)


You are also going this Saturday?:cool::D

As for the drink packages...we will not buy all inclusive, because its a very port intensive itinerary, and we are not big drinkers ( i dont drink alcohol at all), we will just purchase this water package once we get on board and have a coffe a day,,thats enough for me:D.


Thanks G.M.T. you also answered some of my question, you are the best:).

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You are also going this Saturday?:cool::D

As for the drink packages...we will not buy all inclusive, because its a very port intensive itinerary, and we are not big drinkers ( i dont drink alcohol at all), we will just purchase this water package once we get on board and have a coffe a day,,thats enough for me:D.


Last night we tried to calculate our potential spending per day:

- 2 coffees per person (we usually have 2 in the morning only)

- a hell lot of water & some soft drinks (4 for breakfast & diner only)

- 2 beers for him, 2 glasses of wine for me (maybe not every night, but in general yes)

On top of that we added one day we are just cruising and realized that the total cost is very close to the cost of drink package.

And although it is not cheaper, as G.M.T. said, it could help us to have clear understanding of costs (I'm control freak;)), and most importantly- we could relax and not count every drink, thinking if we will have enough money at the end.

We have enough time to think it over and decide.


See you on Saturday ;)

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most importantly- we could relax and not count every drink, thinking if we will have enough money at the end.

We have enough time to think it over and decide.


See you on Saturday ;)

Don't worry, be cruising.

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We have just purchased baverages package. However, as we are already traveling, I will nit be able to print new tickets. Would that be a problem?


What is better option- early dinner or late. Is my assumption right that most people (esp. with kids) would go for early dinner? Is it possible that some food would not be available at late dinner? Can we use buffet while waiting for our dinner (in case we are super hungry :D).


Also, is it possible to get lemons onboard. I like to add lemons in watter, coke, drinks? If not can I bring it onboard?


Would it be possible to use pools at first (boarding day)?

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We have just purchased baverages package. However, as we are already traveling, I will nit be able to print new tickets. Would that be a problem?


What is better option- early dinner or late. Is my assumption right that most people (esp. with kids) would go for early dinner? Is it possible that some food would not be available at late dinner? Can we use buffet while waiting for our dinner (in case we are super hungry :D).


Also, is it possible to get lemons onboard. I like to add lemons in watter, coke, drinks? If not can I bring it onboard?


Would it be possible to use pools at first (boarding day)?

Do you have a tablet or smart phone where you could log onto your "My Costa" to show the drinks package has been bought, just in case you hit any problems. Your Costa Card, which will be in your cabin waiting for you, on the reversed side will be shown "PGUSTO" or whatever package you have purchased. If not then fgo straight to Guest Services on Deck 3 to get it straightened out.


The same food is also available for late sitting. You can eat in the buffet while waiting for late sitting (but remember the waist line).


Lemons are available, just ask.


If the pools have water in them then you can use them, the pool towels are in your cabincupboards, so if you cannot access your cabin (normally from about 13:00) you will have to dry out in the sun


Have a great cruise - let us know how you get on.


PS. While in Pisa, see if you can prinout your latest invoice (with drinks package).

Edited by G.M.T.
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Hi, except for the short Nile cruise 6 year ago (lucky to go there before becoming too dangerous) we are the first time cruisers (husband and myself).

Coming from Balkans, Costa sounded as a good enough choice. I read a lot of negative comments about Costa and believe it is all about managing expectations;).

I have some basic basic questions so pls feel free to instruct me where to look for those- if already answered. I tried to find it by myself- no luck.


The ship is Costa Fascinosa, starting from Savona

1. How early can we check-in? We will be staying for 2-3 days in Pisa and will arrive to Savona around 12/01 pm. The official start of the cruise is at 5pm. Can we check-in at 1pm (or even earlier)? Noon to 1300 is probably peak check in time. I would aim for 14 - 1430 to be after the rush. You must be onboard by 1530 as the compulsory drill will be 1600 or 1630.

2. Drinking packages- can they be bought just for some days and not for the whole period? Are there water only packages? Can you bring a bottle of water with yourself (unofficially) Water dispensers are available while the buffet is open. I have never had an issue of bring a bottle of water on board - single bottles that you are currently consuming would be ok. I don't think bringing on 2 -3 L unopened to get you through the next 24 hours till you are in port again would be acceptable and they may be taken from you at the gang way. Yes there are water packages - €35 approx. for 13 bottles - cheaper at about €27 if you purchase preboarding. As regards the drinks package - not only everyone in your cabin must purchase one for the entire cruise length - everyone on a booking must do so. So if you are a group in 4 cabins - then all 4 cabin occupants must have the drinks package - it is to prevent one cabin occupant purchasing drinks for everyone else. Additionally if you are on a package, you can only obtain water by the glass and not the bottle.

3. Where can I find prices of drinks so I can estimate if packages are the right solution for us? Especially having in mind that most of the time we are on the shore. We are not drinkers and rarely use a package preferring to purchase coffees on an as you go basis on board. If you look at 5€a5cann€r you can see the prices if you make a dummy booking.

4. We have premium outside cabin- I understand it gives us some benefits for dinner- but what exactly and how it works? All it means is that you can chose your dining time and that you can have free room service - by that I mean the service charge is waived - you still must pay for the food. It is free continental breakfast if you want a cooked breakfast it is €5pp

5. Can you wear highills aboard (I know, I know- but for me it is important;))? As an man, these things don't bother me, but yes I am sure they can be as high as you wish notwithstanding the ceiling height :p

6. I understood that if we are late to ship, they will leave us in the port where we stopped. But how early shall we be back? If it says that we are in one of the ports till 8pm- is it enough to return at 7:45pm? No!!!! all aboard time is 30 mins before sail time - so be back at 1930 at the latest - preferably 1900

7. Are the ships always on time- I'd like to buy some sightseeing tickets in advance (Sagrada Familia) ans have to choose the exact timing. Can I count that we will be arriving at the time it is planned? How much time is needed to leave the ship when stopping in a port? Any tips/ tricks to speed it up? Generally yes but some ports do get cancelled and you may not get there at all. There can be delays to disembark the ship and those on tours get priority. As you give Sagrada Familia as an example, I suggest booking a time 1,5 to 2 hours after scheduled docking time. You have to factor in things like, how soon the ship is cleared, shuttles to / from the port gates, queues for same, frequency of same, finding public transport, frequency of public transport etc etc8.

How much internet costs? Never use it. It is slow at sea at the best of times

And finaly, if there are some blogs- texts outside of this website you woild advise me to read? We have done 4 Costa cruises - see here







Many many thanks


See responses above!

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