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Train from southampton to gatwick airport


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Train ticket question:


We are unsure how quickly we can get off the ship and through customs on October 2nd 2016 from the Independance of the Sea. As such this makes purchase of an advanced train ticket a challenge


For instance, if we order "advanced single" tickets on Southwest Railway from Southampton to Gatwick. At 7:30 a.m. the price of the ticket for two is $10 BPS. There is an option when purchasing this ticket to make it an "Anytime Day Single" ticket for an additional 21.80 BPS. For a total of 31.80 BPS.


Ok.. What does not make sense is if we were to purchase the ticket for 7:55 a.m. the total for the ticket for two is 67.20 BPS "Anytime Day Single".


What does not make sense is if I can use the tickets at $31.80 at 7:30 as it is now an "anytime day single" but miss the train, can I take the train at 7:55?

If this is the case and I really wanted the 7:55 train, then why would I not just book the 7:30 train and then say I missed it and take the 7:55 train.


Either my logic is totally off or the ticketing logic is off.

Are there any ideas of what I must be missing?



Edited by OntarioCruiser38
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I don't entirely understand your confusion.


If you book the 7.30 as "this service only" your ticket will save a lot of money - this is because the service at that time of day is under-utilised so the price is low to encourage its use. BUT IF YOU MISS THAT TRAIN YOUR TICKETS GO IN THE TRASH, THEY CANNOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER TRAIN


If you buy "anytime" tickets at the premium price then as the name suggests you can travel at any time.


But a few important points.............


The prospects of making the 7.30 are limited - unassisted disembarkation usually starts at 7am or a little earlier. Much depends on the day of the week and your cruise terminal - tell us your date and ship, and we can give a clearer idea of the prospects.


Even the 7.55 would mean you need unassisted disembarkation (don't put your bags in the corridor the night before, instead keep them in your cabin and schlepp them yourselves in the morning). This gets you off the ship ahead of the herd, there'll be no line for immigration, and there'll be plenty of taxis for the short hop to the station. Tell the driver your destination is Gatwick, there are entrances to Southampton central station on both sides of the track and one may be easier than the other. You should make that train, but no guarantees. Will a later train do the job if you miss the 7.55?


The Southampton to Gatwick service is operated by Southern Trains, not SouthWest. Different franchise.


Southern have just re-vamped their timetable, axing a number of trains due to insufficient drivers etc. The new timetable is due out tomorrow, so check the new timetable in a few days time. Probably won't affect this service, but who knows.


JB :)

Edited by John Bull
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Thank you for responding. Ok this is what I am getting at.


I realize I will not make the 7:30 and I was planning on using the unassisted debarkation.


If I purchase the 7:30 rate at the "advanced single rate" it is 10 BPS for two people. When completing the translation there is an upgrade option to make the 10 BPS tickets "Anytime day single" tickets for an additional 21.80 for a total of 31.80 BPS.


However if I purchase the 7:55 a.m. ticket right now the cost of the ticket that only provides an "anytime day single" option a is total 67.20 BPS for the two tickets.


You can see what I mean if you go on the Southwestern ticketing site and punch in the dates and times between SOU and Gatwick airport for Sunday September 11th.


Again if the first ticket provides an "anytime day single" option for a total of 31.80 then why would I not just purchase this ticket with the upgrade included and if needed use it for the 7:55 a,m, then I save more than half the price (31.20 versus 67.20 BPS)?


Last question, if the ticket is an "anytime day single" and I do not make the train it was originally issued for, do I have to have the ticket reissued for the later train time that I am going to travel on? Or do I just use the earlier anytime day single ticket and jump on the later train without an updated ticket?


I hope my explaination is clearer.


Thank you again for your patience and help.


Edited by OntarioCruiser38
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Hi Jonathan,


I'm in the States at the moment with just my li'l old I-Pad and a lousy connection, so can 't trawl the rail websites.


But you mention it's a Sunday.:eek:

The direct service offered by Southern Trains doesn't operate on Sundays, so it's a convoluted route, starting with SW Trains' service and with two(?) train changes.

What you say makes sense, but I can't check for the next few days - hopefully someone else can help you fathom out the overly-complicated ticketing.


Or if it fits your schedule, check out National Express coaches (buses). They offer a direct service at low fares.


JB :)

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Hi JB.


Ok.. No worries about not being able to check what I am seeing.


I am on an iPad as well.


So another question if you would be so kind.


If I purchase the ticket, my understanding is that they will not mail it to Canada.

No worries as we are going to have a mail strike their anyway.


Will I have an issue purchasing the ticket from a Southwest website and getting the ticket from a Southern vending machine at Southampton. If I understand correctly the Southampton central station is a Southern train station.


I think the answer is that I can have the ticket kiosk at the station issue me the ticket as the vending machine will not do so.


Thank you so much



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Southampton central is a manned station with ticket booths on both sides, yes you'll be able to collect your ticket there.


The station is part of Network Rail, a government agency which maintains the infrastructure and manages stations on behalf of all the privatised train operators. The result of one privatisation too many of a nationalised industry, making life complicated for those who don't regularly use the trains.


Again I urge you to double-check the latest amendments to train times and connections, since part of your journey will be on at least one Southern train. Prospects are that it's unaffected by the changes but best to check.


Be good if someone more knowledgeable than I could chip in, but most of us find train ticketing a bit of a minefield. Some deals make sense, to balance out the load by encouraging the use of under-utilised trains, but many of the complications seem to be the brainchildren of middle executives with nothing better to do with their time. :rolleyes:


JB :)

Edited by John Bull
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JB is right and I'm certainly no more knowledgeable than he is - this is very complicated, however, I've had a look for you and there are restrictions on the tickets.


The 0730 and 0735 trains - if you buy the advance purchase (which is for the time you choose and cannot be changed) and the off peak day single (take any off peak train) - you have to take a train which goes through Barnham. (The fully flexible ticket option which is more expensive you can take any train on any route.). So buyer beware the off peak day single does not allow travel on just any train. Sneaky eh!? Read the small print. ;):). (Also the first class option is only a little bit more so maybe choose this for a bit more comfort and space.)


The 0755 goes through Clapham Junction which is a more expensive route.


I would also advise you again, as JB did, that Southern Rail have strikes/industrial action ongoing and are cancelling routes etc. so just be aware that this may continue. Don't want to worry you but you need to know this as it could throw your journey to the airport into turmoil. And Sunday's are particular targets for reducing services anyway! It may well be sorted out by September!


You can buy your ticket online and collect free of charge at a self-service kiosk at the station. You also need to factor in getting to the rail station from the cruise terminal, I'm sure it's not much for a taxi.


For my money, for comfort and to avoid any hassle or worry, I personally would take a private car transfer from cruise ship terminal to Gatwick, and now with our dipping pound, it won't seem so expensive! :)

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Just to give an idea of how bad things are on Southern at the moment.




They have cancelled 341 trains from their timetable, 15% of their services and have been called to Parliment to explain their difficulties.


As others have said Sunday's are frequently disrupted by engineering works anyway, with the dread 'Rail Replacemnt Bus Service' instead.

Edited by Hatters cruiser
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Thank you.


I will keep my eye on the reductions in service over the next month or so. I don't think I need to immediately make a decision.


In the event that we do decide to risk the train, I will certainly purchase an "Any Time Day Single" ticket while being mindful of the exact route.


We will also look into other options like the bus transfer or if affordable the private car transfer.


Thank you both Hatters and Fairbourne!


If you get any news with regard to service improvements or further disruptions over the next weeks, please consider coming back for an update.


Thank you again!


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Hi again,


Now back at home with my trusty old desk-top.:)


Travelling on a sunday really throws a spanner in the works. :(


What time is your flight?

You really want to be at the airport about 2 hours before.

And which ship? Makes a small but possibly important difference to the taxi drive to the station.


If they fit...............


- there's a direct National Express bus at 9.20am, but it doesn't get to Gatwick until noon.




- the 8.27am train will get you to Gatwick at 10.56am. Is this early enough at Gatwick? This follows the same Barnham route as the 7.30 train (change trains at Brighton) & costs £15.30 for an "off-peak" ticket on that route. So if you bought a ticket for the 8.27, you could aim to take the 7.30 using the same ticket but if you miss it (very possible) you then wait for the 8.27. That's £10.30 pp more than buying the cheapie £5 tickets for the 7.30 but with the fall-back of the 8.27 train if needed.

(BTW, with the same ticket you could take a train at 8.31 but that option starts with a with a route scheduled for engineering work that day - that usually means shuttle buses between affected stations adding to the time and also involves an extra change, so you could foul-up)


The 7.55 train follows a totally different route, and neither the £5 nor the £15.30 tickets are valid for that route.


If the 7.55 is the latest that fits your flight time you might want to pre-purchase the £5 tickets for the 7.30, and if you miss that train throw those tickets away & buy the £33.60 tickets at the station. Depends how lucky you feel.


Or if you think the train or bus are a whole lot of bother and risk, consider a pre-booked private transfer.

http://www.smithsforairports.com is frequently lauded on Cruise Critic. Costs around £110.

We returned to Southampton from Gatwick yesterday about 10.30am, journey time 1hr 40 minutes - and the only advantage of your travelling early on a sunday morning is that the traffic is a dream.


To repeat, your flight time & ship will probably dictate what's best.


JB :)

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OP's first post says:


Train ticket question:


We are unsure how quickly we can get off the ship and through customs on October 2nd 2016 from the Independance of the Sea. As such this makes purchase of an advanced train ticket a challenge

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Didn't notice that, Ray.

Put it down to senility ;)


Unassisted disembarkation is usually from 7am, sometimes earlier, and no lines at that time of day. And Indy's berth is a two-minute taxi ride to the station.

Makes the 7.30 very tight but probably achievable. Not something to rely on, but IMHO it's worth the £5 wager.


More important is the time by which Jonathan needs to be at Gatwick.


JB :)

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Thank you for info and assistance.


I knew there was very little likelihood of making it from Southampton to Gatwick for a noon flight given that the check in time for international flights is 3 hours prior to the flight.


As such, I fly out the next day.


What I am attempting to do is make the most of the day by:

1. Getting to Gatwick to dump my luggage at the airport hotel

2. Then make the most of my day in London and meet up with some friends as early in afternoon as possible.


I looked into dumping my bags at the rail station in London. Two issues price and baggage claim closes before I want to go back to Gatwick.


Therefore all the questions about getting to Gatwick. Seems Gatwick to London is less of an issue.

Edited by OntarioCruiser38
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A question about cancelled routes as this seems to be a distinct possibility for a Sunday and Southern Railway. I saw the new timetable out for southern railway by the way.


If a train ticket is purchased as an any time of day use between Southampton and Gatwick and the original booked train is cancelled. The original train with a stop in Chichester, So Southampton Chichester, Chichester Gatwick.


If the next train is Southampton Brighton, Brighton Gatwick.


Can the ticket be used under the anytime of day use?


Thank you for your patience with all the questions.

Edited by OntarioCruiser38
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Check-in desks don't normally close until an hour (sometimes less) before the flight, even for trans-Atlantic.

The "three hours" is a recommendation that allows for delays en-route to the airport & finding the appropriate terminal check-in desk, and eases pressure on check-in staff. But it's over-kill - folk do tend to allow wiggle-time, and allowing wiggle time plus the three hour recommendation is overly belt-and-braces.

So we aim for two hours, knowing that 90 minutes is good enough - 60 minutes doesn't allow much for delays, especially at security, though security lines have been quick in our recent experiences.


With a noon flight your latest possible train is the 7.55, arriving in Gatwick south terminal at 10.18. That'd be OK if there were no hold-ups, but as discussed sundays are used for track maintenance so bridging any affected track with a "rail replacement bus service" could foul up the timing.

The next trains get you to Gatwick around 11am, that's too tight.


Switching to a Monday flight makes a deal of sense and avoids worry.

But as I understand it you still want to take a train to Gatwick on the sunday, stow your luggage, hop into London & back, a Gatwick hotel, fly out next day?


I use the National Rail website


I find it easier to understand than the websites of the different train operators.

If you type in SOU to GTW on 11th September, departing after say 7.15, you see the options.

(Track maintenance doesn't usually mean cancellations, it usually means the aforementioned "rail replacement buses".)


On your choice of train, click on "other services you can travel on" & that will show which other trains your ticket covers.

There are two basic routes from Southampton to Gatwick,

- along the south coast & up to Gatwick. Place names like Fareham, Chichester, Barnham, Brighton. Operated by Southern

- or up to Clapham Junction near central London (operated by SouthWest), then across to Gatwick.

Broadly "anytime" and "off-peak" tickets can only be used on one route. So if you buy an "anytime" ticket (£33.60) for the 7.55 (involves a change at Clapham Junction), you can use it instead for the 8.55 (also goes via Clapham Junction) but not for the 8.27 or 8.31, which both go via a change at Brighton.


Your best bet is an off-peak Southampton to Gatwick at £15.90 & catch the 8.27, which involves just the one change of train at Brighton. Gets you to Gatwick at 10.56, and you can ditch your bags, catch the 11.17 train to London Bridge for £8 return, & be in London by noon.


Alternatively book into a SOUTHAMPTON hotel.

Drop your luggage there & buy an off-peak return ticket Southampton to London Waterloo for £37.90 (sundays are off-peak all day) & be in London as early as 10am.

Next day, Southampton to Gatwick being a Monday there's plenty of trains, including direct trains at 7.06 (arrives Gatwick 9.06) and 8.10 (arrives Gatwick 10.06) for £15.90.

More expensive ticketing but more time in London, less hassle, probably cheaper hotel.


Or knock London on the head, spend the sunday in Southampton, and travel to Gatwick Monday morning. Total travel cost £15.90 each.


Hope this looks clearer to you than it does to me :D


JB :)

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A question about cancelled routes as this seems to be a distinct possibility for a Sunday and Southern Railway. I saw the new timetable out for southern railway by the way.


If a train ticket is purchased as an any time of day use between Southampton and Gatwick and the original booked train is cancelled. The original train with a stop in Chichester, So Southampton Chichester, Chichester Gatwick.


If the next train is Southampton Brighton, Brighton Gatwick.


Can the ticket be used under the anytime of day use?


Thank you for your patience with all the questions.


If there was a problem then the station staff should be able to give you advice on which train to take next.


I'd have thought that my local station, Havant, would be a better option for a change than Chichester.


Sunday is always a pain, as there are only two trains an hour. I literally 'flew' through Gatwick last year to get my train home, rather than wait on the platform.

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interesting thread!! I live just outside Southampton near the train line that goes to Gatwick or used too!


the Southampton to London Victoria train used to go via Gatwick so no need to change trains, the current route due to the issues that Southern Trains have (as Jon / JB rightly stated!!) goes via Brighton and involves a change although doesn't seem to take much longer than the direct one did.


I'd definitely wait as long as you can before making a decision, providing you book a week in advance prices shouldn't go up. BBC news today mentions Dept of transport getting involved to resolve the dispute which has resulted in the issues.


Southern trains search for Gatwick train here https://ticket.southernrailway.com/journeys/SOU/GTW/2016-09-11T07:15//1/0/?smartcard=no

info re strikes and sickness issues on Southern web page http://www.southernrailway.com


I would definitely consider lternatives such as coach, taxi or South West trains (no current issues) via London or Clapham Junction - only takes 2 hrs not 2 1/2 and much more reliable service (with wi-fi) etc.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought you might like to be aware that the Southern Rail situation at the moment has got a little worse.




The rail workers have started a 5 day strike, although it only affects the more profitable week day services and not a weekend, it is a sign that relations are not getting better between the company and it employees.

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