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furious w/ RCCL...and cozumel....


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I think you need to wait a few days to let things sort out a bit. If I were you, I'd wait until the TA returns to help you. I know you want things finalized , but there will still be 5 weeks or so to settle your plans when they return. If everyone is going with you for the wedding, they will all be with you no matter where the ceremony takes place.


Unfortunately, Cozumel suffered damage, unfortunately RCI has to revise the itinerary, they might not yet know where the ship will be going. The only problem with RCI that I can see, is their unwillingness to just say "We don't know". I do not know why RCI, or really any of the cruiselines don't just say that, instead of trying to appease customers with false information, it's a mystery.


I know it's easy for me to say, I'm not the one planning the wedding. But, I once worked at a hotel, organizing banquets, I planned quite a few wedding receptions. There were happy people who, in spite of imperfection, had a marvelous day and there were the ones who were in a rage over the smallest details. Only you can decide what type of experience you will have.


The marriage is the most important detail. She will be just as married if they do it at the courthouse before leaving on the cruise as they would spending a million $ on a huge ceremony and reception.


If I were in your shoes, being that you have no control with your plans at this point, I would take the least stressful route I could find. Have a simple ceremony or get married before leaving. Or, if you can manage something else at an alternative without too much trouble, perhaps go in that direction. Stressing out over what might not be possible will only make everyone involved unhappy. This should be a happy event.


Read your cruise contract very carefully, in reality, they are only required to give you a ride on the ship and your meals. The port stops can be cancelled for many different reasons.


I do wish you well and congratulations on your daughters marriage.

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I sympathize, and agree with Ericnow32 and Flagger not so much with PhoenixCruiser, I think you have a great grasp on what you want to do and just need some info. The situation in Cozumel could be very bad or not so bad we do not know, I don’t think anyone knows. If it helps Cozumel is an island and you have to ship relief supplies there, I may be wrong but would not fixing the docks be the first priority. I would think that they would stop in Costa Maya or Jamaica if they had too, and they do. Sorry no Tampa for you. ….

….a wedding is what you make of it; during my brother in-laws the store across the street from the church went up in flames and every male guest got up in the middle of the ceremony and went out side to check it out. During our own weeding my wife stepped in dog poop and had to go bare feet for the rest of the night. In the end it’s the marriage that counts not the wedding. You have it under control gather up all your might and get ready to plan on the fly trust me no one will remember the little problems, they will just remember what you did for them and be grateful.


By the way we are in the same “Boat” Jewel of the Sea docks in Cozumel 12/13

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I can feel your frustration. The situation is terrible all around. So many people are suffering. However, that doesn't take away from the situation you and your family are faced with. It has been my experience that the people that man...or woman..the phones at RCCL could benefit from better briefing from the powers that be in their organization. Sometimes I think that they are just trained as salespeople...they are usually so uninformed. At least that has been my experience. That is of course not their fault, but the fault of the management. Very often I find I know more then they do...and I don't know that much. The Jones Act, for an example, should be something the RCCI employees should be totally aware of by means of their training for the job. The folks on these boards know alot more than the "phone folks" at RCCI. Most of the questions that they couldn't answer for me, I found answered correctly by the people on the boards.

I do hope your daughter's wedding is a joy for you all. It is my hope that the good people on board the ship go out of their way to understand and make the day "special" for you all...in light of the circumstances. All the best to you and your family from a heart that feels yours.

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I hope you get everything worked out! I talked to Carnival yesterday and they said Cozumel was openedn for cruise ships as of yesterday. Like you, I have been on these boards and seen lots of pictures, I find it really hard to beleive. I guess time will tell!

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I think OP needs to give RCCL some time to figure out what is going on. Calling them on a Sunday right after Wilma hit Cozuml is a bit too early.
I agree. These people are still assessing the damage -- they can't have all the answers immediately.


I think Kansas gave a good suggestion: Given the iffy nature of what's going on, consider a small wedding ceremony at home, THEN treat the cruise as a honeymoon (with friends and family).

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I agree that the cs reps should have just said "We don't know right now and we don't even know WHEN we will know." However, it's pretty apparent by their obvious confusion that this IS the case, so I think you are on the right track in looking at having the wedding on the ship. Don't they have a chapel on board that has a pretty window that might make a lovely backdrop? Seem like I have seen a few of those on my cruises.


I think your stress level would significantly decrease if you all gave up on the idea of the beach wedding, hard as it is to let go of that beautiful image. There is really no telling where you will end up, and even if they did give you a definite itinerary, we all know that those can change with little or no advance notice. Not to mention everything could go absolutely smoothly only to have a torrential downpour once you get there.


Good luck. I know this must be very disappointing for you all. I'd be interested to hear how it all turns out in the end.

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According to the Royal Caribbean book I have in front of me...


1 - 5 night cruises cancellation policy


60 or more days - no charge

59 - 30 days deposit amount


Who told you 50% of your cruise?


Although I feel for you, I would look into picking another date for the cruise or take whatever Royal Caribbean can give you. As you can tell from calling the representatives, nodody knows what is going on just yet. Give then a bit of time or change plans now while you still can.

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What I don't understand, now I could be wrong, but given the nature of cruisin, on the ocean, that cruise lines would have alternate plans already in place in case of hurricane devisitation? They knew it was coming, they should have a "just in case" plan already in place. IMO

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We are booked on a 5 night out of Galveston 1-31-06 to Cozumel and Costa Maya. Called RCI yesterday and of course they did not give a definite answer, but she stated that Grand Cayman or Jamaica would be likely substitutions. I said that Jamaica was so far east, would that be possible on a 5 night and she said yes.


Bummer of a situation!!!! Like weddings aren't stressful enough already! Sorry!

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Maybe I am missing something here but what if they said "we know were going to Grand Cayman". Your happy & plan the wedding. Ship arrives but they can't tender due to weather which happens often. Correct me if I did miss something here but your are taking a HUGE risk planning anything on shore anywhere except maybe it's departure port. Royal is not the only cruiseline looking for places to park in lieu of Cozumel.




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What I don't understand, now I could be wrong, but given the nature of cruisin, on the ocean, that cruise lines would have alternate plans already in place in case of hurricane devisitation? They knew it was coming, they should have a "just in case" plan already in place. IMO


It's not that simple. You have to understand the logistics involved in this type of situation. There are many cruise lines with many ships that need to be sent to different ports. To say they knew the hurricane was coming is not a fair statement.


As for the OP, I am very sorry about the wedding plans. The RC reps should have been honest with you and simply said "we don't have the information on possible substitute ports yet". But I would have waited a few more days before inquiring. It was too soon for them to even have that type of information. That would not be Royal Caribbean's priority at that point in time. Hope it all works out for you.

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What I don't understand, now I could be wrong, but given the nature of cruisin, on the ocean, that cruise lines would have alternate plans already in place in case of hurricane devisitation? They knew it was coming, they should have a "just in case" plan already in place. IMO


Think of all the other cruise ships who are looking for a place to dock. Its not that easy to just find a parking space for a ship and unload the passengers.

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I know wedding planning can be very stressful (I had one of those giant Italian Catholic ones where I was trying to please everyone).


It sounds as though you have done a lot to make this perfect for your daughter.


I have a feeling that it will work out and be that perfect wedding you and your daughter dreamed of, regardless of where it ends up.


But I would be very surprised if you ended up in Tampa. 50 days is a long time. I'll bet you will have a beautiful island somewhere as a backdrop. It may not be Cozumel. Although it would be nice so you could help revitalize their economy. You never know.


They'll get their stuff together in the next few weeks and figure it out. They just have to see how much damage has been done and how long it will take to at least get a few businesses running. Otherwise I am sure the corporate heads will pick a temporary new itinerary at that time.


No matter where you are you will all be together. I have a feeling it will work out better than you expected. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)



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First of all the OP called RCI yesterday, when the Miami offices were basically closed. They did have a few staff in some departments open, but overall the office had been closed for 2 days. It sounds like the OP might have gotten someone at RCI in Wichita, and those people know even less than the ones in Miami (if that's possible). Regardless of that, I doubt RCI will have any definite answers for at least another week or two as they are most likely monitoring the situation in CZM. I'm sure CZM will get back on their feet ASAP as they do not want to loose the valuable tourist $$, but if most of the island has to be rebuilt then it could take some time.. Look at Grand Cayman, a year later they are still suffering from the effects of their hurricane damage.


By all estimation, I would thing Costa Maya would be a suitable alternative, or possibly Key West. Only time will tell.

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good morning all....another day....and more ideas....


thanx for all of your ideas....and here is some more info on this complicated mess!!!!!!




switching the cruise is not much of an option....after all this is a group of 50+....and we planned this 9 months ago....

  1. galveston does not have a great variety of cruises to choose from, infact RCCL only has this for a 4 day...and the rhapsody as a 7 day....carnival moved the conquest and changedelation to 4 days.... pricess spent the winter there las yr...but am not sure if she willl be back and she is 7 days....and celerity was also there last winter but they are 11 and 12 days to the canal...
  2. attendees are coming from all over the state....and the bride and groom live in athens ga
  3. the mother and father of the groom lived in texas until about a month ago .....but have moved to miami

when we were ist looking into this....my first choice was nasau....and the cloister at the one and only.....it is a fab....but the logistics of getting all of these texans to miami was a nightmare....ecpecially with us picking up the tab for the wedding party.....7 bridesmaids and groomsmen plus the maid and best man!


and then there were the dates.....alot of the wedding party are still in college.....our 25 yr old son included!!!!....and this leaves the day after the last exam (at the university most are from).....goes over the weeknd and will have everyone home in plenty of time for xmas....


we decided on a cruise.....for this reason.....since the majority of the folks are not from san antonio.....as a matter of fact there are only 4 people of the 50+ that are from san antonio.....I could not see having everyone come in.....and then having the stress of what do we do w/ them....for 4 days for the wedding....


a cruise was the perfect solution.....we did not have to entertain anyone....and the rehersal dinner was lobster!!!!


and have you priced a wedding.....I was in shock.....even taking the bridal party this is way cheaper!!!!!


plus.....we get to go on a cruise.....




having the ceremony before we leave is also not an option.... and that is my fault.....


I was insistant that anyone who is traveling father than from san antonio was to book travel arrangements with RCCL.....that way we did not have to worry about something happening and them missing the cruise....so.... with that in mind....RCCL flies them in.....puts them on a bus....and boom...they are standing in the cruise terminal!!!!!


you are kidding.....RCCL is still selling excursions....I suppose their thought process is that if they sell them....there is a possibility that folks could go on them....but chankanaub is gone.....




again let me make it clear.....I am not asking for a final answer on where we will go.....simply what the possibilities are....and if there is a possibility that the cruise will be canceled......


after all.....galveston and 4 days.....the fathest departure port to the west...and we only have 4 days.....this does not leave the options that someone out of florida would have....


I just assume that with a professional, large company that does this everyday..all over the world....they would have already thought of a possible substitution way before they sent a cruise out of a port....


I mean it does not take a rockt scientist to figure out you can not go to all of the ports in the caribbean from glaveston and be back in 4 days....


I understand there ar lots of variables....who will be where on what day....how many ships the port can handle...is it a stop RCCL normally goes to...and if not...can they use it.....but they have to have a starting point...I would really like to think that there is a room somewhere that they use in their planning process where they say...


"ok in the fall of 2005....lets bring the splendour to glaveston and do 4 and 5 days to cozumel and majahaul ...."


and that when they decide this they they have an alternate plan...because their business relies on mother nature!!!!!........perhaps it si not solid....but there have to be alternitives...


I just wanted to know what that was.....


again not the definate.....just what their choices....so I could look into what the possibilities are for us....


as far as our contract.....kathy....this is not my first rodeo.....everytime we cruise ....which has always been in hurrucan season....I know we might not go to the ports in the brochure for that paticular sailing....that we will either skip one or....one will get subbed....


but agian....galveston and 4 days....choices are pretty limited....is costa maya our only choice ...or are their other possibilities and what are they....




"here-here".....Carl, Shelby and Pattie were with the resolutions dept....this is the dept that is suppose to be the most up to date....and other than carl....shelby and patti were supervisors....silly me thiking a supervisor would be more informed and know that the damage was catistrophic......




where does canival think they will dock......amazing....


Mrs. pete...


again sunday's call simply searching for possibilities....and actually the most helpful....as the reservations rep let me know that costa maya looked like our only choice becasue of the 4 days... galveston issue....but to call resolutions becasue they would know what other options would be....




am way ahead of you....splendour does not have a chapel....


and finally famiy cruizer.....


we are a group......since we have so many cabins I blocked 40 cabins when we started planning.....and this is the way it is suppose to work...


when you block you pay $25 per cabin to hold block....$200 for suites.... this gaurnetees the price will not increase.....and that you will all sit together at dinner....and every 16th person is free....


well somewhere during our pre planning RCCL changed the rules....and 120 days out we had to pay $200 per cabin to hold....note this is hold....not reserve....


then our final payment was due several weeks before the 60 days....


but those free ones....are only $250 credits......


so groups come under different rules....and as far as my TA and i can figure out.....there are no guidlines for them.....and they just enforce what ever they feel.....


so....I will update my all of you on my call to groups....and might even give crown and anchor a call...


thanx....and have a good day!!!!



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oh and by the way.....


RCCL made it very clear....that canceling or switching was not an option with out $$$$ penalties.....


and the resolutions dept is in miami.....


thanx all....



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Quote "I just assume that with a professional, large company that does this everyday..all over the world....they would have already thought of a possible substitution way before they sent a cruise out of a port...."



Here lies your biggest obstacle. They do not know yet what port they will be substituting. I think most people here are trying to be helpful to you and let you know that things have a way of working out. Now that you know there may be problems knowing where you will be and when you will be there, I think most of us are trying to let you know you should have an alternate, more foolproof way of having your ceremony.


Have you even considered an onboard ceremony? I have no idea how they plan those, but with a firm plan there, at least you would have a ceremony that everyone can attend and not have to scramble to make new island arrangements. The new island arrangements could possibly collapse on you at the last minute, too, don't forget hurricane season is not over yet.

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oh and by the way.....


RCCL made it very clear....that canceling or switching was not an option with out $$$$ penalties.....


and the resolutions dept is in miami.....


thanx all....




Im sorry for all your woes, I can't believe they won't let you switch to a comparable cruise. We were scheduled to go out of New Orleans on Grandeuar 4/7/06. Once the Hurricane hit our travel agent got right on it and switched us to the Legend out of Tampa no additional charge and a 200.00 onboard credit D1 and above and 100.00 for below D1. Now grant it we only had 9 cabins booked.

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It's just too soon to get a clear answer for cruises in December... they have dozens of cruises whose logistics need to change right now - so they are focused on that first, then they will gradually get to the rest of the schedule. They have very good about offering refunds or credits for cruises that got changed, in fact I think the cruise lines are doing more than they are required to do.


I am sure they will get to the December cruises soon and with such a large group there should be a little leverage to choose some alternative - but they might not offer a full refund without a rebooking.

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having the ceremony before we leave is also not an option.... and that is my fault.....

I was insistant that anyone who is traveling father than from san antonio was to book travel arrangements with RCCL.....that way we did not have to worry about something happening and them missing the cruise....so.... with that in mind....RCCL flies them in.....puts them on a bus....and boom...they are standing in the cruise terminal!!!!!



They can get the marriage part done with just the immediate family at home, and then you can perform a ceremony on the boat for everyone else. The thing is, you can't legally get married at sea, you have to be docked somewhere.


I agree with other posters that say planning ANY wedding on a cruise port is risky no matter what the conditions are, because so many things could go wrong. If you just assume you're going to NO ports at all, plan accordingly, then wherever the boat DOES go would be a bonus!

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I hate to say it, but you likely won't know where you're going until a week or two before your cruise.


Look to Grand Cayman as an example. They were hit by Ivan (200MPH winds, flooding so bad that the island was completely underwater) in September, and had a couple of ships per day visiting in November. By December, they were allowing 5 or 6 ships per day. (Overnight visitors were still not permitted onto the island.)



What happened in the case of Grand Cayman was that cruises were re-routed on a week to week basis for the first few weeks while longer term plans were made. When it was clear it would be at least a month before the port was ready, about 1 month's worth of rerouted itineraries was announced. Then, as repairs were made, and the port made plans, more reroutes were announced.


Even then, some ships that had planned on going there had last minute changes of plans.


Cruises are very important to the economy in Cozumel, they'll want some tourism back as quickly as possible. If you read the stories closely, you'll see that the ferry dock is operable. That makes tendering to Cozumel a possibility.


Would every ship tender there? No. But there is the possibility that once the island is cleaned up, one or two ships per day could tender there until the docks are ready. Will yours be one of them? No way to know.


When will Cozumel be ready for visitors? One report said December. That is an early estimate. It could be sooner, it could be later - and who knows how many ships will be allowed there when the time comes.


Everything I have seen and read has always said, "Do not count on a cruise to have you in a specific place at a specific time. Do not plan on taking a cruise ship to a wedding in a specific port. There is a real possibility you will not make it." Planning a wedding in a port without the cruiseline's involvement is a very risky proposition. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Unfortunately for the OP, this time it didn't.


Right now, getting tourists off the island is the number one priority in Cozumel. Determining when we can visit can wait until those folks are home safely.

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my mother always had a saying....."it is always darkest before it is completly black"


looking for an alternitive and realizing my only constant was that we would be on a ship....


I called groups....


after about a 30minute period on hold....not a problem...I know I am not the only calling....I got a young man named robert....gave him my info.... now there are 2 kind of groups those thru travel agnts and those that RCCL bokked.....he was the section w/ RCCL....


he was very nice.....and understood that my TA and her staff (of 1)...small operation....were out of pocket for 3 weeks.....and sent me to the section where they could takecare of me....


this is when tiffany got on the phone....at least I think her name was tiffany....I could barely hear her......


I explained the situation....and she gave me the "song and dance" of cozumel was open for bussiness and things would proceed as booked....


I have to wonder why everyone says th same thing.....you don't suppose that is the directive they have been given.....


anyway...I let her know that regardless of whether we went to cozumel or not I had been intouch with the hotel and they said and ....I quote..


"perhaps your daughter and husband can visit us on their first aniversary....we hope to be open by then...."....the el presidente has to completly rebuild....


so could the cruisline help me out with planning a wedding on board...


"we don't do that"




"because the captain can not perform the ceremony"


I explained that that was not a problem as we were bringing our own minister....and all of the legalities would be taken care of before we left galveston...after all the ceremony was just that a ceremony...you could have all of those you wanted....but for the legalities...that was signing and filing papers....that would already be taken care of ...so we really just needed help with the "pretend' ....of course none of the guests were privy to this info and as far as everyone is concerned this is the real thing....


"we can't help you"






I am in shock......real shock....


stay tuned for the next chapter...........



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RCCL is not in charge of the weather!! They do the best that they can, and sometimes some of the threads seem to stretch the truth.

Sadly, this is precisely the reason that I would never plan a momentous occasion such as the wedding of my daughter around a cruise. I love cruising ... and prefer all of my vacations right now be aboard cruise ships, but if you absolutely have to have firm plans for a very important occasion, I would not wrap them around a cruise on any line. Things go wrong, ports get skipped ... an engine could fail and maybe the ship can't get into a certain port on this sailing and has to cancel it. No, if I was planning something like a wedding, I'd plan to fly to the island, have the wedding, and then maybe board a cruise ship from that island if I wanted to cruise. Choose an island where cruise ships depart.


At least that way, even if the cruise is cancelled for some reason, the wedding goes off without a hitch and everyone can just fly home or spend some time vacationing right there on that island.


In other words, never depend on a cruise ship to get you to a certain place. Too many times, things can get "changed up" ... and not just for weather either.


Blue skies and hope your daughter has a lovely wedding ...



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