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furious w/ RCCL...and cozumel....


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If you are a good Catholic and you have 12 brothers and sisters with spouses and kids, who would you cut from the invitation list? Those siblings have children and you now have tons of nieces and nephews, the numbers add up quickly.


I just love it when eveyone on a thread seems to KNOW everything about a posters situation, just from the posts that they make. I think at the very beginning of this thread the OP was just asking for suggestions about where to have the event.


I thought you were going on vacation and were glad that you didn't have to worry about this thread. Why do you think the OP can not find peace and happiness just because of this thread? By the way I hope you have a great get away:)


For those that think this should be in the movies or are only focused about the spelling on the thread, why don't you just move on to another thread that doesn't seem to upset you?



I hope things work out for you, and I for one wouldn't waste my time trying to convince people as to why you want a perfect wedding for your daughter. It seems to me you are making the best of what is being thrown your way. Hopefully things will start taking a turn in your favor.



Mea culpa to all if I used incorect grammer or spelling in the above post.



I am a good Catholic with LOTS of family and extended family (so does my husband) how many people did we have at our wedding ? A grand total of 48!!!!! Trust me, it is easy to whittle down your list to the people who are most important to the bride and groom once no one else is dictating your guest list.


This thread does not upset me, it amuses me greatly, and it is interesting that you got from the OP that she was trying to make the best of the situation, I didn't get that at all .Of course, this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions. ;)

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IMHO the OP was venting when this thread started, but after venting she has been trying to gather information from people that have sailed the Splendour. I started posting on this thread to give her information as to where she might move the event. If the information that is being posted is factual it seems that she has been trying to work with the cruise line. I know that when I have dealt with the RCCL office in the past I have been given several different answers to one question that was asked, and that was frustrating.


Does it really make any difference if four people or a thousand are invitied to a wedding? I just don't see the reason that people start slamming a poster other than the are bored with their life and really don't have problems to deal with, or possibly they are on company time and don't want to do the work on their desk;) It still boggles my mind why people have to be condescending to people that start a thread. If someone doesn't like the text, move on to a thread that you can contribute to in a positive manner.

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IMHO the OP was venting when this thread started, but after venting she has been trying to gather information from people that have sailed the Splendour. I started posting on this thread to give her information as to where she might move the event. If the information that is being posted is factual it seems that she has been trying to work with the cruise line. I know that when I have dealt with the RCCL office in the past I have been given several different answers to one question that was asked, and that was frustrating.


Does it really make any difference if four people or a thousand are invitied to a wedding? I just don't see the reason that people start slamming a poster other than the are bored with their life and really don't have problems to deal with, or possibly they are on company time and don't want to do the work on their desk;) It still boggles my mind why people have to be condescending to people that start a thread. If someone doesn't like the text, move on to a thread that you can contribute to in a positive manner.


I don't think people are slamming the OP, some of the comments can be interpreted as mean or rude, but in general I think the mesage trying to be convyed is that the wedding is just a small part of the marriage and that sthe focus should be the union of the bride and groom. Does it really make a difference if they are married on a beach in cozumel or at a church or at the courthouse? ;)


I just love it when eveyone on a thread seems to KNOW everything about a posters situation, just from the posts that they make.


I just don't see the reason that people start slamming a poster other than the are bored with their life and really don't have problems to deal with, or possibly they are on company time and don't want to do the work on their desk;)


ahem, driftwood and you falling victim to your own stereotype?


:D Don't mind me eh,I am just having fun. I am on company time and have delegated all the responsibilites to the minions below me while I relieve my boredom on this forum.I love my job!!!!!!!!

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I guess I am busted......I will need to be in the confessional this Sunday as yes I did fall victim to throwing stones at my fellow posters. I really try not to do that and that was uncalled for.


Since I own my own business, and have not delegated my responsibilites to others this morning, I best get off the computer and get to work.


I hope you have happy sailings in the future, I know I am looking forward to ours in 65 days. My husband has been gone for three months now adjusting total devastation in New Orleans and Chalmatte. Now, there are people that have problems. I cried when I went to visit him and saw peoples lives completely destroyed by Katrina. I walked over tons of family pictures that were covered in muck, and yes I saw wedding pictures. When I have something go wrong I try to remember the horror I saw in that area. It puts things back into perspective rather quickly. Have a great day!

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This thread gets better and better!


Here's my favorite part so far...


you see the bride graduated at the top of her class from a noted ivy leage school.....w/ a degree in hospitality management.....RCCL was way better off dealing with the mother of the bride....


The unimportant details that don't contribute at all to this story are what makes it a good read.


My daughter has a degree in hospitality management so RCCL is better off dealing with the me.


See? Not a very exciting read at all.

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did I plan my own wedding....no...did I have the know how to plan such an event ...no....and neither did anyone of us that married at that time.....but what went on in my wedding was not only what was expected, but was the norm for us at the time.



and the guest list....like I said it was the norm for those of us at the time





You must have lived a very charmed life (in some ways, at least) to believe that weddings with 1000 guests and full orchestras have ever been "the norm" anywhere or at any time in this country! Well, maybe in the Hamptons or Beverly Hills, I suppose. I'm not all that much younger than you, so I'm pretty sure that the "norm" was actually quite a bit more understated than you realized at the time. I do not mean that as a criticism, however, just an observation.


I hope everything works out for you. This situation sounds just extremely frustrating. I think it presents a great lesson about cruise-related weddings. So many things can go wrong - anyone who likes to have firm plans and who is not extremely flexible should learn from this unfortunate circumstance and really think twice about scheduling such an important event on a cruise. This whole thread is kind of mind boggling.

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You must have lived a very charmed life (in some ways, at least) to believe that weddings with 1000 guests and full orchestras have ever been "the norm" anywhere or at any time in this country! Well, maybe in the Hamptons or Beverly Hills, I suppose. I'm not all that much younger than you, so I'm pretty sure that the "norm" was actually quite a bit more understated than you realized at the time.


"The norm" in my neck of the woods kind of goes as follows:


1. Someone announces tearfully that they are "late". Side note - this is why I encourage my nieces to be faithfully on time!


2. The girl's parents blame the boy's parents for leading their daughter astray.


3. The boy's parents blame the girl's parents for leading their son astray.


4. A pastor is quietly paid off and arranges a simple wedding with a few guests. BYOB.


5. There is a fistfight at the wedding rehearsal between the mother of the groom and mother of the bride. Bets are made.


6. Everyone makes up at the wedding rehearsal kegger.


7. 5-6 months later a child is born. Those who still have all their fingers attempt to count the months backward to the wedding date to see if they get to 9.


8. Grandparents are told the baby "came a little early".

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"The norm" in my neck of the woods kind of goes as follows:


1. Someone announces tearfully that they are "late". Side note - this is why I encourage my nieces to be faithfully on time!


2. A pastor is quietly paid off and arranges a simple wedding with a few guests. BYOB.


3. 5-6 months later a child is born. Those who still have all their fingers attempt to count the months backward to the wedding date to see if they get to 9. Grandparents are told the baby "came a little early".


I was about to say that you must be from Arkansas, but I see that you are a neighbor instead.

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Completetly off the subject but something caught my eye... About how most people read/respond to these threads while at work.


My husand and I own/manage a resturant and travel review internet site.I am redesigning the front page, and I really wanted to put music on the front page... My husband was absolutely opposed to this. He said a good deal of our reading traffic happens during the day when people are at work and the music would get them busted... and stop coming to our site!!


This whole thread is fun to read, but no way will I post on the subject... Too dangerous!

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I don't think there would be a problem booking a wedding cruise with RCCL if it wasn't within 30 days of sailing. The real problem is that this was not the bride's first choice. I can understand the frustration, but I can't blame RCCL. They have weddings on every cruiseship. If the couple had wanted a wedding cruise, I am guessing they probably would have selected a ship with a wedding chapel onboard. If they had a year to plan the wedding cruise, there would be time to work out want they wanted and could then select the ship and cruiseline that most appealed to them.


My daughter had a wonderful cruise wedding on a RCCL ship a few years ago. At first, I was disappointed she didn't want a traditional church wedding back home. Then one day my DH reminded me that my daughter had the right to have the kind of wedding she wanted. Thirty friends and relatives flew to Miami and had the blast of a lifetime attending the cruiseship wedding. We had our own tables together in the dining room for dinner. The bride was the center of attention all over the ship for the entire afternoon and evening. Late that night she swapped her dress for a pair of white capri pants but kept her veil on while dancing the night away. The wedding couple became famous after their appearance in the Love & Marriage Game. Now that was a night to remember--Dad sitting in the audience listening to the answers to those personal questions. Our stomachs hurt from all the laughter.


I hope Trish's daughter will look back at her wedding aboard Splendour with joy and laughter forgetting all the dissappointments and remembering all the fun she shared with family and friends--including all the new friends she will meet on the cruise. Can't wait to read the posts after the wedding.

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I used to be called a good Catholic until the church hid away all those child molesters in our state. Now I am a good follower of God (Christian perhaps?)who attends the Catholic Church to pray in the building that my money helped to build. I wonder if that is what is meant by freedom from religion.


When I got married in 1968 at the age of 19, the norm was a wedding reception at a hall and the prom was held in the school gym. (Still don't understand why kids can legally marry at that age.) My reception was at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Most honeymoons were in the Poconos, but some friends were just beginning to fly to Bermuda.


If only I was old enough to drink at my wedding and have a honeymoon in Bermuda, it would have been alot more fun. We spent our honeymoon driving from Massachusetts to Atlantic City to see it fogged in, so we turned around and headed to Newport and Cape Cod. Not a fancy wedding or island honeymoon, but it was fun for a young couple away from home for the first time. Can't complain because we are still (happily?) married and having fun cruising. I figure after the kids are grown, it is time to party with at least two cruises each year. Sometimes we even do three cruises in a year. I would never have believed that back in 1968.

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You might want to check out the Cozumel board and find Paradise Beach Tom. He is the manager, or owner, of that beach on Cozumel. It was a beautiful beach before the hurricane. It looks like they have done a lot of work on it and this might be a place for you to have your beach wedding after all. Tom reviews the boards often, I am sure that he would respond to your post quickly. Wouldn't that be great if you were the first wedding on his beach since the hurricane. They have wonderful white sand, lots of beach chairs etc. You can see pictures that he has posted on the recovery of Paradise Beach.

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You might want to check out the Cozumel board and find Paradise Beach Tom. He is the manager, or owner, of that beach on Cozumel. It was a beautiful beach before the hurricane. It looks like they have done a lot of work on it and this might be a place for you to have your beach wedding after all. Tom reviews the boards often, I am sure that he would respond to your post quickly. Wouldn't that be great if you were the first wedding on his beach since the hurricane. They have wonderful white sand, lots of beach chairs etc. You can see pictures that he has posted on the recovery of Paradise Beach.


very good idea, providing her ship can tender on Cozumel.


some other beach wedding links on Cozumel




Playa Uvas is also listed as another popular site for weddings



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morning all...


as usual I will address some of the things that appeared since my last post and then fill you in on the latest.....and ironic events.....


but first let me tell you about a thread I found last night....on the weddings board


don't let RCCL plan your wedding.....


or something like that....seems the OP had booked and planned her wedding over 1 yr ago...using royal romnce ..and RCCL called her to let her know that the ship had been chartered by a group and she would need to make other plans...seems she is w/ in 60 - 30 days.....from what I gathered they were not helpful in finding....suggesting....or even offering to help with a solution.....and royal romance is refunding ( which must mean it is less than 30 days out....because they need payment and final arrangements decided on... 30 days out....) their money....get this...less the $150 cancelation penalty!!!!!!....amazing....on so many levels....but mostly, that as we have experienced, unwilling to help with a solution to salvage one of the most important events in your life!!!!!!


Colleen.....you really "hit the nail on the head" I did start this thread to try to gather info .....but more than anything ....I felt that folks should know how RCCL deals with thier guests...I have had 4 weeks of absurd information and reasons....the latest being that RCCL can not allow gatherings in suites because the folks that attend would not have thier life vests and if there were an emergency it would be chaos with them trying to get back to thier cabins for them....or the fact that (and you will really like this one) there is no sports deck on this ship, and that I should not be looking at the diagrams of the ships in their brochures or on thier website.....as they are not correct.


I felt the need to let folks know that when my daughter spent an hour and 1/2 on the phone w/ them to try to get, not a resolution, but just some direction....to find out what we could do and met with the same brick wall the TA and I had run into.....she proceeded to give them, what we call in our family ....."the customer realations speech"....she explained that they were in the hospitality industry and it was their job to provide customer service....that whether they personaly believed it or not...they needed to make her believe that she was the most important guest they had.....that they needed to make her beleive they were doing everything in thier power to make her experience w/ RCCL a positive one....and not just her...but every person that they encountered on the phone...whether they were past, present....or future guests....and whether they were simply booking an inside cabin to the bahamas....or the RS in the mediteranian.....and the responce.....was "no....we really do not have to do that..."


that is what this thread is about..that is why it was started and ..that is why it's title is "furious w/ RCCL... and I still am.....


nrdsb4.....a charmed life.....yes I suppose I did and still do have one ... but what does that matter.....what does that have to do with RCCLs lack of training....and comunicaton with their customer service, reservation, resolution, crown and anchor and group folks.....


the only reason my wedding was even mentioned was because of the "mother being unhappy with the wedding she had"....phylosiphy


as for "the norm".... I am sorry you misunderstood my meaning .....for myself and my friends that I grew up with....that was the norm....and no I do not think that everyone should or even wants that type of extravaganza!!!!!!.....


Leafpeeper.....you hit on a very good point....this was not what we had planned.....and thus the frustration and panic for trying at the last minute to plan something....and again.....because of RCCLs lack of customer service ( and I really hate to lump it into such a general term...for I feel that it is much more than simple customer service)


but all of the things that you listed that went on w/ your daughters wedding.....were many of the reasons we chose to do this in the 1st place...on a cruise ship......if we had simply wanted a beach wedding we would have gone to a beach.....


When my daughter 1st let us know that she was getting married....I wanted her to have a great wedding...one that she and her groom would remember and enjoy and one that her guests would always remember... I am sure that each of you have been to many weddings... and certainly there are a few that really stand out....looking from our guests point of veiw...I wanted margaret's to be that wedding....


As a bride....for one day....and only one day.....you are the princess ....look at the dresses....if you do not beleive me....and no....margarets does not look like any of those....infact for those of you still not convinced that it is not my daughter but.... me...that has the last word on everything involvng this wedding....her dress is a great example.... I felt...and still do...it is a wedding...not the oscar awards...a wedding dress needs to be lace....it needs to be a WEDDING dress....and wedding dresses have lace....and pearls.....and long veils....with lace and pearls...lets just cut to the chase....no lace ..no pearls....deffinatley not what I would want for a wedding dress....but she loves it....and no it is not one of those slinky nightgown looking things that seen so popular....I pointed out to her....when we were looking at dresses....some of them the only thing you could say about them was...."the bride wore vera wang"....there was no way to describe them.....because there was nothning about them....in the end she decided on a very sofisticated "plain" look....very unlike my over the top personal preference!!!!!!


so anyway.....leafpeeper what you described as your daughters experience is just what we had thought ...or hoped for.....even when we were planning on doing this on the beach....margaret had still insisted that she was wearing her dress to dinner....and her veil....becasue as you pointed out....a bride on a ship.....is the center of the attention....she thinks it will be a blast....and has let me know that my new friends on the thread for our cruise are more than welcome....and I think that is woderful...and will add so much to the fun....




and finally....back to you colleen....at the very begining of this I had thought of tom....and knew that we could count on him....however I am still not convinced that we will go to cozumel.....there are so many variables still out there....and this tendering thing has me concerned... you know how people are.... and tendering is way more of a hassle than a pier..


I will be looking for the reports from this week as folks return ....on one of my many surfing expeditions I saw there were 5 or 6 ships there on tues... not sure that will work...athough is there a pier in caymen...we have not been there....and seems there are always alot of ships there also...if so ...it must work....


ok...so finally some good news.....we do have a venue....RCCL finally...gave us a conference room.....but only after a huge battle yesterday between my TA and our 7th or 8th group speciallist...that my TA says is the best we have had......but a long way from accetable for that position....but hey....he got us a venue....so he looks pretty good to me.....


the details...well they are details....and I feel as though we can work thru them.....or around them...


I find it ironic....that the reason we were dong this was to get away from the "conference room at the airport hilton" look....and now are thrilled to have a conference room


the mind set and reasoning behind RCCLs constant demand that they "rope off" a portion of the crown lounge for 45 minutes at 4:45 in the afternoon is still a not clear....and their description of the area...."where guests could be comfortable on sofas" because arranging the area so that it was more like an aisle.....was out of the question.....just makes me shake my head....


well now that we have a venue I need to get on with planning how to transform it.....


thanx to all....will keep you posted....and if you have any ideas or can let me know what you saw go on with other weddings o ships let me know!!!!!



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You might want to check out the Cozumel board and find Paradise Beach Tom. He is the manager, or owner, of that beach on Cozumel. It was a beautiful beach before the hurricane. It looks like they have done a lot of work on it and this might be a place for you to have your beach wedding after all. Tom reviews the boards often, I am sure that he would respond to your post quickly. Wouldn't that be great if you were the first wedding on his beach since the hurricane. They have wonderful white sand, lots of beach chairs etc. You can see pictures that he has posted on the recovery of Paradise Beach.


Not a good idea. If the seas are rough and the ship cannot tender then they are out of luck. Planning a wedding in any port is not a good idea. You're not guaranteed to stop at any ports of call. I have read stories on here and other boards in the past about couples upset that the cruise line had to skip a port or was late in arriving due to a matter and their wedding was "ruined" in their words. If one cannot get married prior to the ship leaving the port of embarkation then they are playing Russian roulette with their wedding plans. Plain and simple.

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Congratulations on finding a room for the ceremony. I am sure the ship can provide decorations, but you may be able to bring some of your own onboard. Perhaps the ship's florist has standup vases they could bring into the room. My daughter had a table set up with a tablecloth over it to do the Christian Candle Lighting Ceremony. That is easy enough to plan. If the ship can't provide music, perhaps you can bring your own CD player. I am sure everything will be wonderful. Now you can at least focus on transforming that conference room. Good Luck. Can't wait to see the photos. Be sure to download on shutterfly.com so we can all see them. Keep us updated. I noticed a camcorder in the wedding chapels on all Princess ships. Check it out. It may give you some ideas on how to decorate the room.

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