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My Diary/Review of the Sun 10/16


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I have learned so much about cruising on this forum that I feel I should contribute by relating my experience on the Sun out of Houston on 10/16. I don’t write as poetically as Coca, but hopefully you will gain some incite from my experience.

I would like to start with a little background information. I have been looking for a quick cheep cruise since Hurricane Katrina and stumbled across this one. When I first found it, it was $350 pp (inside guarantee) at Sam’s Club Travel, but after 2 days of talking my wife into it, it went up to $385 pp. The final price after taxes, insurance ect. was $950 for the two of us –still a good deal! My wife told one of her friends about the deal and her and her husband wanted to go too. A lot of miscommunication and mixed signals between the 4 of us added additional stress the week leading up to the cruise. Since we own a small ma and pa business, I have to have ALL the work in the shop done to be able to take a week off, which translates to 21—12 hour days including the day before the cruise. Since the excursions we have done on all of our other cruises kept us rushing with no time to relax, we decided not to do any this time (except maybe sample the local cuisine and beer) and just enjoy the cruising experience. Two days before the cruise, it was discovered that our friends name was wrong on the travel documents. After several phone calls to NCL, we learned that our TA would have to make those changes. It only took him a minute or 2 to fix it, and he gave us our room numbers...we where both upgraded to ocean view rooms, ours being the larger one. We left Pensacola at 3 am Sunday morning after a 2 hour nap and arrived at the terminal at 11:30, so needless to say, I was tired and cranky.

As a side note, we both came down with a cold on the first day and am still suffering from it as I type this.

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Day one, Sunday: The Houston Terminal


We live in NW Florida, and decided to drive to Houston early Sunday morning to keep the cost down. We arrived at about 11:30. It appears that The Port of Houston is new to the cruise business. The 2 lane road to the terminal is in bad need of repair and is ill equipped to handle the traffic a cruise ship generates. Also, the terminal looks to be a warehouse that was converted (with partitions) into a terminal. It took a good 20 minutes in line to finally get to the terminal to drop off our luggage and a few minutes more to flag down a porter. Since we had bought our tickets at the last minute, we had no luggage tags which didn’t seem to bother the porter as he had plenty. He asked for our room number and I was glad that we had called the TA and knew. Parking was easy and very close to the terminal. At the entrance to the terminal we where told to wait outside as they where full. After about 15 min. we where allowed inside to sit while we waited. A NCL employee passed out water and copies of the “Freestyle Daily” which gave us a chance to make plans for the afternoon and evening on the ship. After another 15 min. we got to stand in a Disney style line to check-in which moved rather quickly as NCL had 10-12 reps. checking people in. The check-in process took less than 2 min. and we where on our way.


After the long walk up the gangway, we where greeted aboard by 4 of the ships crew and a waterless hand sanitizer station. While rubbing this mess on my hands I asked when our room would be ready as it was about 12:30, and he gave me a puzzled look and said it was ready now (I have never had a room ready before 2). Entering the ship I was taken with how elegant and grand she is (not glitzy and plastic like the CCL Fantasy but more like the RCCL Grandeur of the Seas-only newer). There was someone at every corner ready to help you find your way, we met the room steward on the way to the room. We had booked an Inside guarantee and was upgraded to a superior ocean view. It was big enough for a family of 4, very clean and we where quite happy with it. The only problem I could find with the room was that the drawers didn’t slide easily. I left a note (along with $5) on the bed for the room steward to remove the water bottles (I have been charged for them on every cruise even though we never used them) and asked if he could find us a coffee pot. By this time it was around 1:00, so we decided to go to the Four Seasons for lunch as we don’t care much for buffet style. It was fairly empty (I guess most opted for the buffet) the food (cheese burger and fries) came quick. However, the meat tasted like a frozen patty and if you have a sensitive stomach, like me, beware of the fries (took me 3 times to figure that out!).


After lunch we went back to our room to find our luggage waiting for us (I have never had my luggage before the ship sailed). So we put our stuff away grabbed our life jackets and headed for the pool to get a drink. It seem that Texas has a strict policy regarding the sale of alcohol. All I wanted was a beer and all that was available was Miller light, Bud light and Heineken, none of which are on my top 10 list. So after finally getting the attention of a bartender I settled for a Miller Light (which was lukewarm). While the beer did get colder as the night went on, the service and choices did not improve.


After an uneventful muster drill (I didn’t know it got so hot in Texas in October), the ship was finally underway. We went to the pool deck for the sail away party, but found it to crowded, so we had a snack at Las Ramblas instead. At around 5:00 we headed for the Havana Bar for my afternoon/evening cigar and a few beers. Again the beer selection was poor and the service was poorer. I was starting to get an attitude about the service. The show for the night was a sample of the musical entertainment on the ship. After the show we headed for the Garden Café for a late snack and found a long line so we went to the sports bar instead. The service here was the worst! We waited for about 10 min. for a waitress and I finally went to the bar to ask how to go about getting food in this place. He told me I had to sit in a certain area (one table over) and he would send someone over (with my beer). A few minutes later she arrived and we ordered a cheese burger (with fries –I didn’t learn the first time) and a pizza. She told me I could get pizza at the buffet and it would take 20 min. if I got it here. I told her that I would rather sit here for 20 min. drinking a beer than to stand in line for 20 min. at the buffet (not what she wanted to hear) and true to her word...it took at least 20 min. After this we went back to our room and yes a coffee pot had replaced the water heater. The bed was a little hard, but that is the way I like it and with the rocking of the ship I was out in no time.


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Day two, Monday: At Sea


Since the steward didn’t bring coffee with the pot, we ordered room service the night before...coffee and pastries at 8. We got a phone call around 8 telling us it was on the way, and it arrived a few minutes later. Nobody has mentioned this, but, the pastry chef on this Ship is EXCELLENT! The muffins where light and moist, the croissants where airy and flakey, the other pastries that are supposed to be fairly firm to hold the jelly in the center, where firm and flakey, IMO they where awesome.


Since the wife and I where both coming down with a cold, we pretty much stayed in our room resting all day leaving only to have lunch at Seven Seas or to smoke on the deck.


The CC gathering was in the Observation Lounge and it was good to see so many there and to put faces with names. I’m not the social type and I am lousy with names, but the two that stood out where DJDale and Coca (I met others...but I am lousy with names and faces). Dale pretty much looks like his avatar, and treats everyone like a friend. Coca, for you guys who have never met her, is a drop-dead gorgeous blond who’s good looks are shadowed only by her great personality. Just meeting her made the whole trip worthwhile and I would jump at the chance to be on another cruise that she is on.


We left the gathering to go to dinner at the Seven Seas around 6 for the formal dinner only to learn that they where full! Our plan was get dinner, see the early show and then catch the Newlywed game, so I was quite irritated as the plan was going to be altered. So we head off to the Four Seasons who had no problem seating us. Now, for you folks that don’t understand why some people change out of their formal attire after dinner, here is my perspective. It was about 80 degrees in the dining room and here I am, already running a fever from the cold, wearing a long sleeve shirt tie and a wool coat and slacks. I’m sweating and haven’t even ordered yet –that is why I change afterward. The menu was Broiled Lobster and Beef Wellington. I chose the Beef Wellington (my wife had the Lobster) with the minestrone as an appetizer. Any time I have ever seen or heard the word minestrone, soup was in there somewhere. Not this time...it was a bowl full of vegetables, most of which I don’t like raw. Now I’m really pissed! Couldn’t eat where I wanted to eat, running behind schedule, sweating and the soup I thought I was getting wasn’t soup. About that time the head waiter comes to the table and asked how everything was...bad timing! SO I told her exactly how I felt, but mainly that it was too hot. Let me pause here to describe the head waiter. I didn’t get her name, I know that everyone had a name tag, but in the time it takes for me to focus and read it-especially with females, I get the feeling that they think I am starring at their breast, so I don’t even try. She is from Romania, has black hair always in a bun and wears black rim glasses. She agreed that it was hot and she would call engineering right away and do something about it and walked off. A few minutes later she came back and said the AC should be coming on in about 10 min. and was there anything else she could do for me. I thanked her for her concern but figured she was just feeding me BS. Well...sure enough, a few minutes later I heard a noise that sounded like a fan turning on and within seconds could feel air moving in the room. The Beef Wellington was so good, I had them bring me a second one and while I was eating it she came back to ask if I was more comfortable. Who says the service on this ship sucked? I thanked her again and told her she made my day. After we had desert, she sent a plate of petit fours for us to enjoy as well.


By this time it was to late to catch the early show, so we went to the Havana Bar to have my evening cigar. I figured that I had better change my attitude our else me and everyone around me was going to have a bad time (I didn’t want to do that to my wife). I handed the waiter a $5 and asked him to keep an eye on me and make sure my glass didn’t run empty...it didn’t for the rest of the cruise! By now the beer selection had improved and they now had my brand (MGD).


After the smoke, we went to the Newlywed/Not so Newlywed show, which was as funny as always, then off to the evening show which was Encore Mr. Producer. The show was not my cup of tea (they where doing songs from “My Fair Lady” and I had enough of that growing up-it was one of my moms favorites and I must have seen the movie a dozen times). So we just called it a night.


Before we went out for the night, I left another $5 with a note asking for coffee for the rest of the cruise, as we where walking to the room we saw the steward and he apologized for not leaving coffee and made sure there was some there every day.


BTW, the ride was a little rough (our friends, who are avid fishers with a boat, got sea sick) but no worse than the RCCL cruise, in the Gulf, that we took in April.


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Day three, Tuesday: Playa Del Carmen/Cozumel


It was nice to wake up to a cup of coffee. We dressed an headed to the Seven Seas for breakfast. Word of warning...it may be a southern thing, but I prefer warm syrup on my pancakes, on this boat the syrup is cold!

They started tendering at around 9:30 and the water was quite rough. The Captain moved the ship several times to make the process smoother, after the third boat they where ready to give up and move on to Cozumel.

We arrived at Cozumel around 11:30. We didn’t plan any excursions but did want to sample the local cuisine. So after the rush to get off the ship, we headed out to find Poncho's Backyard (someone from here recommended it). It was 8-10 blocks from the pier, so we had to walk by all the stores in the “tourist” district and be pretty much mauled by the store keepers (“Mr., come look at my crap:, “Mr., I got what you looking for real cheap”, “Jewelry for the lady sir?” and so on).


OK...I’m in Mexico, the waiter is Mexican, the beer is Mexican (on our last trip, out tour guide said “Corona is for Americans, Mexicans drink Sol) and Speedy Gonzalez is Mexican (yes, the wife saw a mouse, and we left shortly thereafter) but the food was not authentic Mexican. I can get the same food that taste the same way right here in Pensacola, Florida. Needless to say, we where quite disappointed. Trying to avoid the shops on the way back, we crossed the street and walked along the beach...this is where the cabs are…”Cab Mr.?” (several dozen times).

Soon after getting back on the ship the Captain gave the announcement that we where not going to Belize or Roatan because of “Vilma”, but would spend the night in Cozumel and leave at 4 pm(?) for Progresso. We where a little disappointed, but not that big a deal.


On to the Havana bar for my afternoon/evening cigar and beers and then to dinner at the Four Seasons. It was Italian night and my choice was Chicken Parmesan. To save time I ordered two for myself ...big mistake! The plate was covered with noodles and topped with the biggest chicken breast I have ever seen (times 2). It was good, but boy was I stuffed. During dinner, the head waiter (the Romanian lady from the night before) stopped by our table and asked if I was comfortable, and explained that the A/C was set for Alaska temps., but had been adjusted for the Caribbean. I thanked her again and we made small talk about her country and she moved on to the next table. One thing that I didn’t like about “freestyle” is that you get a different waiter every meal and while they do their job (much better service in Four Seasons than Seven Seas) they tend to be cold and you have to ask for everything every time -wife wants tea with dinner, I want a lettuce wedge with Italian dressing, we both want coffee after dinner –things that start to be automatic after a few days when you have the same waiter every night. However, we learned that if you try to make conversation with them, they will loosen up (ie: what do you recommend, what am I supposed to do with all this silverware, ect.)


The evening show was billed as a comedy show, but it turned out to be an hour of Fabio Zini. Now, I will admit that he is a talented guitar player and seeing his fingers fly up and down the guitar as he played Flight of the Bumblebee was quite amazing, but anymore than a song or two is enough for me (he did get a standing O from some).

It had been a long day in Cozumel and combined with a cold, we where pretty much beat so we made an early night of it.


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Day four, Wednesday: Cozumel


We decided to try the Garden Café for breakfast today. The line wasn’t too bad and we didn’t have any trouble finding a table. However, the waffle and omelet lines where quite long which didn’t bother me as all I wanted where the pastries (did I mention that the pastry chef on this ship is awesome?)


I saw a post on this board asking about where to find Mexican candy and the reply was a grocery store near the pier, so off we went in search of Mexican candy. First we stopped at the drug store at the end of the pier to get some cold medicine and found Co-Tylenol (something you can no longer get in the USA), and I asked the cashier for directions to the grocery store (just 6 blocks up the street). Next we stopped at the tourist shop next to the drug store and found cigarettes $5 cheaper than on the ship and if we bought 2 cartons she would throw in a rain coat...SOLD. I also found Cuban cigars for a reasonable price and a large bottle of vanilla for $7. Now off to the grocery store.


Sure enough, 6 blocks up the street and there it is. It was like a mini Wal-Mart, shoes next to the canned goods, tires next to the cookies. It was funny to see a lot of the same products with the same pictures on the box as in the US but the wording in Spanish. It was odd to see baked goods out in the open in baskets but the ladies slicing meat wearing gloves and a mask. There where a lot of people in the store hurrying about and I thought why would they be so busy on a Wed. morning, don’t these people work? And then it dawned on me that they where preparing for a hurricane (duh) just like we do here in Florida. We finally found the candy, it looked like gummy sticks. We decided not to buy anything as I was unsure if they would take American dollars. On the walk back I began to notice that the locals where boarding up windows and preparing for the hurricane.


Back on the ship we went to Seven Seas for lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon resting in our room. I think we left Cozumel around 4, and of course around that time we went to the Havana Bar for my daily cigar and beers. Around 7 we signed up for the Murder Mystery dinner in the library and then went to dinner. Dinner that night was Caribbean so I asked the waiter (Seven Seas this time) what he recommended and being from Jamaica he suggested the Jamaican Pulled Pork, which was good.


The show for the night was Cirque Pan and it was awesome! They put on one heck of a show even though the ship was rocking a lot (how do they do that?) After the show we headed to the Observation lounge for the Karaoke Party. It was fun, but we where tired and didn’t stay to long.


The gulf was quite rough and we where in for a rough ride for the night.


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Day five, Thursday: At Sea


Sometime during the night, we moved into calmer waters and you could hardly tell the ship was moving. I went to take a cold tablet we bought the day before and realized the directions where in Spanish (duh). The asst. room steward was just outside our room and I asked if she could read Spanish, she couldn’t but found someone who did and translated them for us. We went to the Seven Seas for the usual omelet and during breakfast, the captain announced that we would not be going to Progresso as he felt that the weather would not be to our liking and that we would go to Veracruz instead (he later told us that there was nowhere to berth in Progresso –my guess is that every other ship in the gulf got there first).


Lunch was again at Seven Seas only this time I asked to sit at a table with others. A retired couple and a man with his mother where our table mates and we had a delightful time with them. I had the Cuban sandwich (with fries) and it looked greasy and was quite tasty, thankfully it didn’t upset my stomach. My wife went to order desert and I reminded her that the chocoholic buffet was in an hour and upon hearing that, everyone at table skipped desert.


The Chocoholic Buffet was at Four Seasons at 2:30, unlike other cruises that do it in the middle of the night and we are to tired to stay up for. They had a few carvings, but not a lot, mostly lots of sweets. The people directing traffic said that all four lines had the same thing...don’t believe it...we missed out on the chocolate fondue. It was not widely publicized (I happened to see it on the back page of the “Freestyle Daily”) so it was not crowded. One on the ladies we had lunch with asked if she could join us and we all had a nice time.


We went back to our room to rub our bellies and later dress for the Murder Mystery dinner. We met at the library and they put us in groups of 8. Unlike any other mystery dinner I have been to, we where the actors. They tell you the basic story and a list of characters. You pick the part you want to play and they give you a script and off to the Four Seasons for dinner. The “play” is divided into acts to kind of go along with the dinner courses. The script gives you a little information, and you ask other characters questions based on that information. It was fun and a lot of laughs. Dinner that night was Filet Minion and it was very good. We all met back at the library to find out who dun it (and I’m not telling).


The show for the night was comedian Fred Klett. He was absolutely hilarious, I had tears running down my cheeks. The best part is, he did it without cussing or resorting to potty humor (he is kid safe).


This was probably the best day of the whole cruise (if I had to pick a best day) and had we felt better, we may have done even more.


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Day six, Friday: Veracruz


Arriving at Veracruz was quite an event. Never have I seen a welcome like the one we got. A stage was set up by the gangway with singing and dancing, tents and booths , it looked as though they wanted us to be there. Yes, this is a shipping port which means to me that you don’t have to walk through a shopping mall when you get off the boat.


The ship pretty much had no information about this city, and while I would like to have had the chance to sample the local cuisine (and beer), I was a little afraid to venture out alone. I later heard, from others, that there where bargains to be had and the beer was only $1.


We pretty much had the ship to ourselves. After the usual breakfast, we went to the pool to tan and relax. There where only a few people there and the weather was quite nice. I wanted a cheeseburger for lunch, so we went to the Outdoor Café. Someone posted that the burgers where in a pan of grease...it wasn’t grease, it was au jus. The burgers here where much better than in the dining room as they tasted almost like they where done on a grill.


I had scheduled a pedicure for the afternoon so while I went there, my wife went to see the movie “The Interpreter”. We later met up at the Havana Bar for the daily smoke and drink. It was at this time the ship was starting to leave. I could see through the window people on deck clapping and waving, so the locals must have put an a show much like they did when we arrived (since I was smoking a cigar, and people act crappy about cigars, I chose to not go and see). As the ship was leaving, the captain announced that rum punch drinks where on him for the next hour. Now I like my beer, but I like rum drinks also, so needless to say I got my fill in that hour.


I don’t remember what we had for dinner...The show that night was “Que Noche” and was just as excellent as Cirque Pan. Afterward, we headed to the Caribbean deck party to see the Ice Carving. It was very windy and most of the deck chairs had been put up. We decided not to stay and went to bed instead.


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Day seven, Saturday: at sea


After the usual breakfast we went to the Disembarkation talk. A good thing we did as the tags they had put on our luggage when we got there would have sent them to the airport (it is all done by color). We could have chosen to “Freestyle” (get off anytime you want as long as you carry your own bags) but I didn’t want to carry our luggage that far –not if I don’t have to. So later in the day we got what we needed.


After the talk we went to the Great White Elephant Sale...the stuff was the same price as before...no sale here.


We had lunch at Pacific Heights as it was the only “free” eatery we had yet to try. They where serving pizza and pasta both of which where quite tasty.


After lunch we went to the Digital Photo tour as I always enjoy learning more about how a cruise ship operates. Afterward the captain and chief engineer came to answer question. Of course, very few had to do with the operation of the ship, most wanted to be combative about the decisions made regarding “Wilma”. After this was a cooking demonstration by Kevin Belton. He fixed gumbo. At first he was funny and quite entertaining, but after a while he started to get on my nerves.


Since I had been eating like a pig all week, I decided to skip the dining room tonight and go for a snack later. The talent show was tonight and let me just say...there wasn’t much talent on that cruise. The main show was a variety show with Magician Peter Gossamer –who was ok and a little funny, Fabio Zini (again) and Fred Klett –who was just as funny as the last time with different material (I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath).


Afterward we went to the Garden Café for pizza and a sandwich then to the room to pack. Bags had to be out in the hall by 3 am.

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Day eight, Sunday: Disembark


We order room service to be sure we got a wake up call, avoid the rush in the dining room and my last chance to enjoy the pastry. We showered and got the last of our things together to leave. I figured that we would go on deck to wait for our color to be called and smoke...they didn’t want us on deck, so we went to the Havana Bar to wait. Since we where driving, we where among the last to be called. At 10 am our cruise was officially over. We took the long walk down the gangway toward the terminal. The luggage was divided up by tag colors and made it rather easy to find. The porter was not so easy, but it wasn’t a long wait before one came along. Now onto customs. On the other two cruises I have been on, customs consisted of someone taking up the custom sheets...not in Houston. We had to wait in line to hand the paper to an agent standing behind a counter and she asked us if we where bringing in any liquor or cigarettes, and that was that.




The cruise started out a little shaky but improved as time went on. I think that the bartenders where not prepared for Texas law regarding the sale of alcohol. The ship is very clean and stayed that way the whole time. The food was good most of the time, even excellent at times, and the pastries are to die for. The entertainment is a hit or miss. The Jean-Ann Ryan dancers and Fred Klett are great, the rest I could have done without. The showers in the room have hot, hot water and plenty of water pressure.


On a negative note, drink stations are hard to find, the service in the Seven Seas is bad, Sprinkles has a long line all the time (why don’t they set up a soft serve machine somewhere) and the only open decks are: deck 6 which have no chairs and the Outdoor Café which looks over the back of the ship. The pool area is open overhead, but the sides are windows which did little to lessen the wind. If there where other places, I didn’t find them.


The problem with freestyle dining is that the waiters are cold, you don’t get the chance to know each other, and there is no guarantee that you can get a table when you want. Part of the fun of traditional dining is making new friends with your tablemates and sharing what you did that day.


I think NCL and the captain did the best they could to avoid the hurricane and keep us in sunny weather the whole time, but I can understand how some would be upset with the literary change (again and again).


Would I recommend NCL? YES

Would I recommend the Sun? YES

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Thank you for your in-depth review of the Sun.

We will be on her in December and it will be our first cruise with NCL. I felt like your review was objective and your positive attitude showed.

I'm sorry you were suffering with a cold during your cruise, I hope you are feeling better real soon.

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Hi Russ! I enjoyed reading your review and I laughed a lot throughout it! I wish I could be as clear and concise as you so I can be done with mine! Your account of the activities I missed makes me feel as though I attended them. Next stop: RCL Mariner of the Seas 2/26/06. Will you be feeling better by then?



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Thanks to everyone for the kind replies. I rarely get colds, but when I do, they hang on for quite a while (probably because of the cigars). I believe it is finally coming to an end.


For those who are going to be sailing her soon, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could get the name of the head waiter I mentioned (She is from Romania, has black hair always in a bun and wears black rim glasses). She is also about 5”5’, and works the left hand side (as you walk in) of the Four Seasons. Her uniform is a different color than the servers. I would like to write corporate about her as the more I think about it, the more I believe she was the best head waiter I have ever had and want to put in a good word for her (maybe she can straighten out the Seven Seas).


Next stop: RCL Mariner of the Seas 2/26/06. Will you be feeling better by then?


I am sure I will be over the cold by then, but will be sick at the thought that I don’t think I can talk the wife into another cruse that soon (we have done 3 in a years time, the last two without the kids and they are getting quite an attitude about it) not to mention scraping up the bucks (the C&A coupon is just not enough). I have been looking for one around 3/11 when the kids are on spring break, but still have to find a deal and talk the wife into it. Hopefully we can get up with you on one after that—please keep me posted. We enjoyed chatting with you at the CC gathering and the times we met in the hallway and from reading your review, you sound like someone fun to party with.

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Day seven, Saturday: at sea


After the usual breakfast we went to the Disembarkation talk. A good thing we did as the tags they had put on our luggage when we got there would have sent them to the airport (it is all done by color). We could have chosen to “Freestyle” (get off anytime you want as long as you carry your own bags) but I didn’t want to carry our luggage that far –not if I don’t have to. So later in the day we got what we needed.


After the talk we went to the Great White Elephant Sale...the stuff was the same price as before...no sale here.


We had lunch at Pacific Heights as it was the only “free” eatery we had yet to try. They where serving pizza and pasta both of which where quite tasty.


After lunch we went to the Digital Photo tour as I always enjoy learning more about how a cruise ship operates. Afterward the captain and chief engineer came to answer question. Of course, very few had to do with the operation of the ship, most wanted to be combative about the decisions made regarding “Wilma”. After this was a cooking demonstration by Kevin Belton. He fixed gumbo. At first he was funny and quite entertaining, but after a while he started to get on my nerves.


Since I had been eating like a pig all week, I decided to skip the dining room tonight and go for a snack later. The talent show was tonight and let me just say...there wasn’t much talent on that cruise. The main show was a variety show with Magician Peter Gossamer –who was ok and a little funny, Fabio Zini (again) and Fred Klett –who was just as funny as the last time with different material (I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath).


Afterward we went to the Garden Café for pizza and a sandwich then to the room to pack. Bags had to be out in the hall by 3 am.

Interesting review! Thanks for the time it took to write it!

I took a class that Kevin Belton taught at the New Orleans School of Cookery a few years ago and enjoyed him a lot then. Got a cookbook signed by him and a photo with him. A very nice person and great cook. Glad to see his name again. I wonder if he is on the Sun till things a better in New Orleans.

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Russ- Thank for the review! Sorry your thread was highjacked by someone who didn't have a good time like you did.


While no one can be as entertaining as Coka- you get extra *****t foradding the pictures!!!!:D


Glad you had fun- eat lots of chicken soup!

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Russ- Thank for the review! Sorry your thread was highjacked by someone who didn't have a good time like you did.


While no one can be as entertaining as Coka- you get extra *****t foradding the pictures!!!!:D


Glad you had fun- eat lots of chicken soup!

Russ, you offer a great and objective review. Thanks a bunch,



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Thank for the review! Sorry your thread was highjacked by someone who didn't have a good time like you did.


It’s all about opinions, and theirs’ is just as valid.



While no one can be as entertaining as Coka- you get extra *****t foradding the pictures!!!!:D


NOBODY can be as entertaining as Coka!, but thanks for the ***.

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