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New and Confussed - Dresscodes


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Hello, my name is Jenny, and I am going on my fifth cruise next month. This will be my first time sailing on HAL. Others have been on CCL and RCI.


Can someone please help:


We will be going on a 10 day cruise to the Caribbean - want to dress appropraitely for 85 degree weather. We are 35 and are really looking for a quiet, relaxing trip.


How many Formal Nights will there be on a 10 day cruise? What other nights should we be prepared for?


I have skirts and slacks and glittery dresses, but I didn't plan on bringing anything too stuffy. It will be the "Caribbean Version" of skirts and dresses. (the fun $35.00 dress, not the $350.00 one).


I was hoping the Lido Resturant would be a place to eat if we wanted to be relaxed. Can someone please give more detail about Lido dining?


How should one dress on non-formal nights and what/when exactly are they?


Any help would be great as I my about to start gathering clothes together.


Thank you.

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Our ten day on the Ryndam to Mexico has 3 formal, 2 informal and the rest casual. I'll let others help you with the Lido dinner as we have never eaten in the Lido at night but do enjoy it for breakfast and lunch. Have a wonderful cruise. :)

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Hi Jenny! We are going on an 11 night cruise and just got our documents. It says in them that there will be 3 formal nights, 2 informal nights and 6 casual nights. My guess is that 10 night will be 5 casual instead. For informal, I have a couple nice sleeveless dresses just right for warm nights (although I always take a sweater in case of too much air conditioning!) Have a fun cruise!

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I just made my resurvations tonight, so I probably won't get my tickets for a while.


Thanks for the quick reply. Will it be freezing in the dinning room???


I had kind of thought I would bring a few black slacks, a few black skirts with some silky tops, and a black dress or two for formal.


My friend will be in a suit for formal and slacks for the other nights, so I don't want to outdress him. I do want to fit in and feel comfortable.


Any last minute advice will be helpful as I haven't really had time to think about this trip yet. It was a last minute decission as the prices were too good to pass up and I really need the break.


Thanks again.

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We just got of the Ryndam after a 10 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera. Probably similar weather to the Carib.!


We had 3 formal, 2 informal and 5 casual. For the formal evenings, you saw anything from "Stuffy" (your words!) to pretty casual. What you said you were going to wear sounds perfect. Almost everybody (female) wore either a dress or a fancy pants suit for formal nights, although I did see a few rather casual outfits. For informal nights there were dresses, pants outfits, and more casual. It seems that it doesn't matter what the ports are, for formal nights you still see the same francy dresses, whether they be long or short sleeved. You saw both. I found the temperature in the dining room to be comfortable most nights. It was pretty warm one night, but that's the only time I was uncomfortable. I found the Lido to be donwright freezing a couple of times I was in there, but I never tried it for dinner.


I brought 3 dresses, three pairs of black slacks and a couple of other things. I think I fit in nicely.


Most of the men wore suits for formal, but there were some tuxes and dinner jackets. I can't say how much I love a man in a tux or dinner jacket! DH is a horror getting in his formal clothes, but he sure looks nice one in them!


You will love your cruise. Your clothes sound great, you will fit right in. Don't worry. Go, have fun!



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I just made my resurvations tonight' date=' so I probably won't get my tickets for a while.


Thanks for the quick reply. Will it be freezing in the dinning room???


I had kind of thought I would bring a few black slacks, a few black skirts with some silky tops, and a black dress or two for formal.


My friend will be in a suit for formal and slacks for the other nights, so I don't want to outdress him. I do want to fit in and feel comfortable.


Any last minute advice will be helpful as I haven't really had time to think about this trip yet. It was a last minute decission as the prices were too good to pass up and I really need the break.


Thanks again.[/quote']


VABeach - Always a good idea to have a shoulder wrap if you are going strapless - depending on where you are sitting, there could be a cool breeze - same as in restaurants at home!


One black skirt (long, wide, straight, no matter!) and one pants - ample - the tops are what matter. People only notice the top half!!!!!!!


Have a wonderful cruise


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Thank you so much for the quick replys!!


I am starting to get worried. My friend lost everything (clothes included) in a hurricane two years ago and has since only managed to replace his jeans as that's what he has to wear to work. I knew we would have to go shopping to buy him a suit and a pair of slacks or two, but I was hoping that jeans would be appropriate in public areas (Lido, etc.) on casual nights. Am I to understand that jeans are not allowed in any public area at night on any night??


I think we need to start shopping ASAP.

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I just know what HAL posts - that jeans are not allowed in the dining room at any time, and that the dress from the evening is supposed to be the same as that for the dining room. So, if you follow that, then jeans are not allowed in the public areas at night. In reality, I saw a lot of jeans and shorts in the public areas at night. But can't your friend get a pair of casual slacks? Not jeans, but inexpensive, casual slacks? That's what my DH wore in the evenings. Like chinos, that sort of thing? One thing about the hotter climates, is that you definitely don't want to wear the same clothing you wore at port on the ship. So wear the jeans when in port, and the chinos on the ship.

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I think we are definately going to have to buy more than we originally planned, but hopefully not more than we have to.


He has sailed on Princess and was thinking this would be similar.


Maybe we'll just stay in our cabins and have room service for dinner. Is the menu the same as the dinning room?

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No, no, no! You'll miss so much of the experience by staying in your room! You don't have to buy anything else except one pair of $20 casual slacks for your friend! Your clothes sound perfect! Everything you said you were going to bring sounds perfect. Two or three dresses, a couple pair of black pants, glittery tops - perfect! The only thing you want to do is to get your friend in casual slacks for the evening instead of jeans. Trust me, my DH can slob with the best of them, but he PREFERS casual slacks from jeans, because they aren't as binding around the middle - perfect for those multi-course cruise dinners!


Please don't stay in your room! The ship is so wonderful to experience!



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Thank you for the input Mary. I really appreciate it. I was a little caught off guard about no jeans at night - period! thing, but we'll go shopping this weekend.


We were looking at some nice Dockers and such the other day. :)

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Dockers would be perfect! And such a more relaxed fit than jeans! By the end of the cruise, he'll appreciate that!


And not to say you won't see jeans during the evening on the ship, it's just that technically that's not the dress code. Most people will follow the dress code, but not all. But your friend should feel a little less inconspicuous in the Dockers.


Did you say which ship you are going to be on?



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OK, I'm new too so have a question - does it get chilly at night, being "out & about" on the decks? Would a shawl be enough, or do you need a light jacket? Do you ever need a wind-breaker type for rain? Thanks.


I usually take a pashmina type shawl along, just in case. Depending on when and where you are sailing from, you might want to take a jacket. We were on the Zuiderdam a couple years ago in January and hadn't brought any type of jacket with us as it was warm when we left home and we were flying to Florida for goodness sakes! Yep, they were having a cold snap and sail-away out of Fort Lauderdale saw everyone but us in jackets/sweaters/sweat-shirts. As for us, we gave up, went to our room, put on the complimentary bathrobes and went out on our balcony. We didn't care that the folks on the Lido could see us. We were warm! :)




What you have mentioned clothes wise will be fine. If it helps, formal is not really formal but rather dressy cocktail party. You will see a little bit of everything from glittery glitzy cocktail dresses/pant suits to ladies wearing church dresses. Few really formal ball gowns. A dark suit for him and you two will fit right in on formal night.


I agree with the other posters about the chinos/Dockers type pants. DH wears those along with a blue blazer, shirt and tie to travel in and on informal night. Casual nights are chinos, golf or sport shirt, etc.


While I'll admit to being old-school and would prefer that the cruise lines STRICTLY enforce the dress code (or do away with it if they won't), I would say as long as you're making an effort to comply, no one is going to get in your face about it. If have a balcony and are going to be in port one evening during dinner, then maybe think about having dinner in your room. Otherwise, join the crowd.


70 days and counting!

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Thank you for the input Mary. I really appreciate it. I was a little caught off guard about no jeans at night - period! thing, but we'll go shopping this weekend.


We were looking at some nice Dockers and such the other day. :)

My husband's cruise wardrobe is:

1 pair jeans

3 pairs of dockers pants

2 pairs dockers shorts

3-4 nice golf shirts

2 nice lightweight button down shirts

2 swimsuits

4 nice t-shirts to coordinate with the swimsuits

1 pair timberline deck shoes

1 pair leather sandals

1 pair sport sandals


we get room service on formal nights and eat in the Lido most other nights (I have been soundly out voted on the formal dress issue by my husband and son). We also get the unlimted laundry package, it's worth every penny IMO. There is also self service laundry on the ship you are sailing.


Since you have 3 formal nights it would be economical for your friend to rent a tux from http://www.cruiselineformal.com/ rather than buy a suit.


On a caribbean cruise you tend to spend more time in shorts and swimsuits during the day anyway.

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Wow, Thank you everyone so much for the replys.


Mary, We are sailing on the Maasdam out of Norfolk, Va. It's about 20 minutes from my front door and I just couldn't say no. It's my fault for not doing more research before buying the tickets, but we'll take care of it. I definately don't want to offend anyone. We're all here to have fun.


A balcony would be nice, but we took the bait for the cheeper room. That way, I can go again in May! :D I'm a "deal" cruiser. More often is better! Believe it or not, I actually sleep better in the inside cabins, and the hum of the engines puts me right out.

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Jenny, you will have a wonderful time on the Maasdam. I would think that going out of Norfolk you may need a wrap or jacket when you're out on deck. Don't worry about fitting in. You will see every type of outfit imaginable no matter what the evening's suggested dress. Your clothes sound perfect. If your friend has a pair of docker's and a couple of polo shirts or the like he'll be just fine. If you can find a black jacket and a pair of black slacks that look "right" together, a formal shirt and tie or two he should do just fine. You don't need to spend a fortune to look respectable. Since you're only in your evening wear for a few hours, there shouldn't be any need to have many changes of clothes. Utilize the self-serve laundry or the ship's laundry service is very good as well. Nobody really remembers from one evening to the next what you are wearing but just that you always look nice. :D

Relax and Bon Voyage!!!

Colette ;)

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Believe it or not, I actually sleep better in the inside cabins, and the hum of the engines puts me right out.

Then you absolutely, positively shouldn't have to be stuck in your cabin at night.

Get the clothes necessary to dress appropriately and get out and have a good time. There's a show every night, lounges with great music for dancing and listening, casino, and lots of people to meet and chat with.

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I already told him we would have to go shopping. I think we might even try to hit some holiday sales this weekend. Don't know how much we'll spend as he's a full time student and I'm in the middle of changing jobs, but we'll find something that will work. He's the prepy type that usually wears ironed jeans and sweaters or collared shirts, but we'll find some pants somewhere. I think Kohls was having a sale.


Does anyone know how much the laundry service is? Do they have a laundrette on each floor?

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Don't know about "each floor", Jennie, but there are several self-service laundries. I'm well-acquainted with the one on Lower Promenade, just aft of the atrium. There's at least two more to choose from.

IIRC it's $2.00 to wash and $1.00 to dry (I could have these reversed) and soap is provided. Bring dryer sheets in your suitcase. I always bring a canvas HAL bag to use as a laundry bag. Filled is a load of laundry.

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On the Ryndam we used the laundry room on the Lower Promenade. There was one other laundry room, don't remember which floor it was on. It was $2.00 for washer, $1.00 for dryer. The soap is automatically dispensed, included in the price. I did 4 loads of wash, combined those into 2 loads in the dryer. So for $10 I washed just about all our clothes.


Your friend can get decent clothing WAY on sale. Try Kohl's, Wal-Mart even. Doesn't have to be expensive, get a cheap pair or two of dockers.


Near my house is a Cato, and they had women's summer clothing on clearance. I bought a pair of slacks for $1.99 that I wore on informal night!


Stop worrying about the dress code. Go, have fun!



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Hello, my name is Jenny, and I am going on my fifth cruise next month. This will be my first time sailing on HAL. Others have been on CCL and RCI.


Can someone please help:


We will be going on a 10 day cruise to the Caribbean - want to dress appropraitely for 85 degree weather. We are 35 and are really looking for a quiet, relaxing trip.


How many Formal Nights will there be on a 10 day cruise? What other nights should we be prepared for?


Unless you can get input from someone who has been on the identical itinerary that you will be on, best check the docs for the number of formal, informal and casual days. We will be on the Veendam 11/26 for a 14 night Caribbean cruise. It is so port intensive that there will be only two formal nights, two in formal with the rest casual. Yes, we were surprised, and disappointed with how few formal nights are scheduled. Considering that last December we were on a 15 day circle Hawaii cruise that had four formal nights.

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VABeach: Hi Jenny, There is a self-serve laundry on every passenger deck except the Navigation deck which is mostly suites. Suites have complimentary laundry service done by the ship's laundry. Enjoy!!!

I do believe RuthC is correct....$2 wash $1 dry. You can get quarters at the front desk. My DH went to the casino to get quarters and they gave him $20 in chips..LOL.....of course he HAD to put them in the slots, then he went to the front desk.

Bon Voyage!!! Colette

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Best thing to remember is be comfortable in what you are wearing. Formal can mean anything from a nice suit to a tus depending on where you come from and what you do for a living,


As far as women have seen everything from pants suits to formal gowns and everthing inbetween.


I wear a tux with Peppy Le Pew slippers. Check out out webshots sight.


Have fun.


Jim & Ruth

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