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Spring Break on Splendor with Family of 12!

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Hello fellow cruisers! My name is Michelle and I have been a CC member for quite a while and absolutely LOVE reading reviews and pretty much any threads regarding cruising ;) I have never done a review before and to be honest I'm a bit nervous as I did not take as many pics as I intended on prior to sailing, but I do want to share our wonderful trip with everyone. We sailed on the beautiful Splendor March 19th-26th that went to Grand Turk, Belize, Honduras and Cozumel.


A little background first and foremost. My wonderful husband and I have been married for 11 years and we both run our own businesses so we have flexibility on when we can vacation which is a huge blessing! This was my 13th and his 14th cruise so we are getting closer and closer to becoming platinum! YAY! We became addicted to cruising when hubby won a free 3 day cruise on the Imagination thru the company he worked for at the time. We absolutely LOVED it and the rest is history. Just like my CC name states, we became Carnival addix ever since! Anyway,we have a beautifully blended family of 4 great kiddos ages 19, 13, 10 and 9.For this sailing, only the 19, 13 and 9 year old kiddos sailed tho. We picked this sailing due to the dates being perfect for our kids Spring Break. We live in Palm Beach, Florida which is about an hour north of Miami. Perfect for sailing twice a year Going along with us was my mother in law (she's awesome!), my dad and his girlfriend (he proposed on the last night so she's now his fiance'), my sister (20) and her boyfriend(19), my youngest sister (8) and my dad's fiance's granddaughter (11). So 12 in total!

Ok, since this is my first review, I'm not sure how much I can type at a time and don't want to lose anything so I'll port this for now and continue in a sec. Thanks for reading!!

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So far so good. Continuing....



When planning this trip, we started out with 18, but due tovarious reasons, a few dropped off and we were left with 12 which was perfectas I was the one planning everything and it was hectic but fun. I'm a HUGEplanner and any time we book a cruise (and even without a booking), I'm on CC every single day readingreviews on the ship and ports. My husband thinks I'm crazy when I do that butnever complains because he knows I get valuable info from the awesome threadshere on CC We booked the cruise lastOctober, so our countdown wasn't too far, but seems like it took forever to gethere LOL About a month after booking, hubby received a Premier Casino invitewhich happened to have our sailing listed so after speaking with out TA(mother-in-law) we were able to switch to that rate which saved us a littleover $240 for our cabin and gave him $400 cash from the casino which was AWESOME! We've never been able to takeadvantage of the Premier Casino invites so hubby was too excited. More on thatlater. Anyway, I decided to have everyone meet at my home and booked a funparty bus to take us to the port so we could all arrive there at the same time.(some of our group who I wont mention have a hard time being on time so thiswas perfect lol) The bus arrived at 10:40 and we were off to the port! I hadeveryone select 11:30-12 check in time for the new staggered check in POM haswhich worked out great since the traffic was awful on the way so we arrived at12:00. Hubby and I (and our 13 & 9 YO) had priority boarding as part of thePremier Casino invite and my MIL and 19 YO had FTTF so we got on prettyquickly. Everyone was able to get on the ship about 20 minutes after which waspretty sweet. I do have to admit that the check in was a bit unorganized. Whenwe got upstairs, we had to go to the counter and was told that our boys werenot checked in. Huh? Apparently whenwe first showed our boarding passes and birth certificates, they didn't scan our boys in. So long story short, we got them checked in and werefinally on our way to the gangway. I’m always both nervous and excited all inone when walking onto the ship lol I don’t think that’ll ever go away no matterhow many cruises I go on. I did miss the infamous DING when you first board butit’s ok. We are on vacation!!



Day 1 – Sail Away Day!

We went to our cabins which were ready and dropped off thefew bags we carried on and went up to Lido for lunch. Splendor doesn’t have theGuys burger or Blue Iguana but I didn’t care for the Guysburger when I had iton Glory anyway so no biggie for me. I did want to try the Tandoor which unfortunatelyI never had a chance to eat at so sorry I can’t give my opinion on that. So,the kids got hamburgers or hotdogs and fries. I always get a veggie burger andloaded fries lol I’m such a kid! The veggie burger was pretty good too! I don’trecall them offering that on any of my previous cruises so maybe it’s a newitem. Either way, it was good. I also ordered the welcome aboard drink, yummy!



Afterlunch, we explored the ship a bit to get familiar with the layout and whereeveryone’s cabins were since we were sort of spread out. Most of us were ondeck 7 midship which was perfect! 2 decks down to Promenade and 2 decks up toLido. My dad and his crew were on deck 9 forward which was a nice location aswell. All of the decks were beautiful to me. I’ve seen posts where people hatedall of the pink, but I liked it! I didn’t find it too much at all. The layoutwas pretty easy to figure out as well. My youngest wanted to play mini golf, so we went up and played a round with him. He's so funny because he has endless energy and wants to do everything the ship has to offer all in one day! lol Wish I had his energy!




After exploring for a bit, we went to cabins to see if ourluggage had arrived. Some had and some hadn’t but no biggie. I was in no rushto unpack lol Our pre-ordered cases of water were there as well as a gift from the casino! I love gifts lol It was a cute black gift bag with 2 red and clear tumblers which were so cute! I collect cups from any place so this was right up my alley! Also had one of their many black letters we received daily listing the raffles and drawings the casino had each day. Soon it was muster time YAYYY! Not LOL This was probably thelongest muster drill EVER! And HOT! They did have these ipad devices andchecked in each cabin and anyone who was not present was supposed to meet someplace else for their own muster drill lol They gave the kids their wristbandsand then after the drill, we were off to Lido for the sail away party. That waswhen I first encountered MarQ!! Oh my gosh, can I just say thatHE.IS.AWESOME!!!! His entire team was so full of energy and enthusiasm andreally entertained us the entire trip! For me, he was the best CD I’ve seen sofar. I don’t know how they keep up such high energy like they do! It’s amazing!After spending time on Lido with the Fun Crew, my boys were very anxious to geton the slide so off we went. They must have gone down that slide a 100 times! LolIt was so fun watching them. One weird thing I noticed were these annoying blackflies EVERYWHERE!! I have never encountered anything like them and I live insouth Florida so I see all sorts of bugs, but never on a ship and never thismany! They looked like love bugs we get in Orlando, but they weren’t They didn’tbite or anything, but being that the deck was wet from the pool and slide, theywere sticking to everything and everyone! It grossed me out, but the kidscould care less lol After about an hour of sailing, they magically disappearedwhich was really nice. The crew quickly mopped up the millions of dead bugs ondeck and we never saw them again. That’s Florida for you lol



So, I'm having trouble uploading pics so give me some time to figure it out lol I'll get them uploaded asap!


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Day 1 Continued…

After some fun at the pool and slide, we went back to our cabins to get showered and dressed for dinner. We had anytime dining, which we always pick and even we had a big group, we never waited more than 15 minutes to be seated. The crazy thing is that we never ate together as a group until the last night due to everyone eating at various times throughout the day so by dinner time, most were no longer hungry lol Especially with kids and their camp schedules, it’s difficult to get everyone on the same eating schedule. Speaking of the kid’s camp, as usual, it was awesome! The kids loved it! My youngest never wanted to leave! Our teen was finally old enough to sign himself in and out, so he was enjoying the freedom. Our 19 year old is pretty much a mini me (everyone thinks we are sisters lol) so we hung out for most of the cruise since we love the same things. I was surprised that she actually enjoyed the 80’s trivia!That was a highlight for me since I got to dance with MarQ to “Time of our Life”LOL My DD captured it on video so I can laugh at it when I want. Anyway, please forgive me whenever I go way off topic, I have a tendency to do that LOL Ok, so the first night we did eat in the MDR, the Black Pearl, which was really beautiful. The staff was excellent as usual. Food came out nice and hot and timely. For appetizer, I had some sort of vegetable spring roll, but it wasn’t fried. It was in a clear casing and cold. Good but probably won’t order it again. It looked like an alien lol Once I get my photos uploaded, you’ll see why I say that. For the entrée, I got the vegetarian dish which I LOVE! I’m not a vegetarian, but I do love vegetarian dishes. I always get this dish at least once each cruise. I didn’t get dessert since I was pretty full and didn’t pay attention to what others got except my youngest. He’s extremely picky so he pretty much lived on pizza and grilled cheese and the occasional hot dog lol. After dinner, we walked around looking for things to do and being the 1st day, the kid’s camp is not open so I had to try and entertain them until it was time to take them to their cabin. We do give our kids a curfew since we are not the type of parents to let our kids run loose around the ship unsupervised and after 10pm, there really isn’t much for them to do when the camp is closed so they ordered snacks from room service and watched tv. They have Boomerang, Cartoon Network and a family move channel (plays the same movie all day long lol) so they were good to go.Hubby was already at the casino which is basically where he parked his butt the entire cruise, but I’m ok with that. His addiction comes with perks, plus he tends to be up rather than down, so no complaints here. I do play the slots here and there also but I’m kind of stingy with my money so once I lose like$20, I’m out of there! Lol I did play the Wheel of Fortune slot and put in $20 and on my last $3, I hit the SPIN! I was so excited but had no clue what to do so my MIL told me and spun the wheel and landed on $500!!!! Oh my gosh, you have no idea how excited I was!! I took off across the casino floor to the cashier like there was a fire! LOL You have to understand that I NEVER win in the casino. Well, not enough worth getting excited about and I usually play it right back and lose it, thus my rush to cash it in. Hubby was very happy for meas well. My daughter and MIL were excited as well so we left while we were up and went to the comedy show which was ok. Not as funny as past cruises and I can’t remember his name, just that he played a guitar during his show and it was ok. I can imagine it’s hard to come up with jokes that make everyone laugh, especially on back to back cruises. After that, we went to the nightclub. We love to dance so this is how we end each night on cruises. I love to people watch too so seeing all the drunk people on the dance floor is very entertaining lol We all went up for pizza and back to our cabins after the club. We had a sea day next so we could sleep in!



Hope you’re enjoying so far! Of course if you have any questions, ask away!

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Day 2 – Sea Day!


Ok, I know I said we could sleep in since it was a sea day,but it never fails that on non-school days, my youngest is up at the crack ofdawn! Geesh! Even though my boys had their own cabin next to us, he used hiscabin phone to the fullest! Called at 7:30am asking if camp was open yet.Really?! So, I got dressed and took them both up to Lido for breakfast at thebuffet. They both found good options to eat. I think the breakfast buffet ispretty standard on every ship we’ve sailed. Eggs, sausage, bacon, French toast,pancakes, a variety of cereals to choose from as well as fruit. They had eggsbenedict some days also. Hubby and I always go to sea day brunch, so I waitedto eat with him. Once the boys were fed, I met up with my dad so we could takeall 4 kids to their prospective camps. Generally, it was up on deck 10, butsome days depending on the time of day, it was on deck 5 in the nightclub dueto the large number of children on board. Needless to say, I definitely got mysteps in! Wish I had brought my Fitbit because I know I wouldn’t won theWorkweek Hustle lol Once they were checked in, I was off to see what I couldget into. This was the first cruise that I was able o use the HUB. Let me tellyou, that is an awesome app! Mind you, you will need to download it prior tosailing because I tried to get it loaded on my dad’s phone after we set sailand wasn’t able to. Not sure if that was something with his carrier tho. Eitherway, it was great! The chat feature does cost $5 for the week, which I didn’t know,but was so worth it. Especially with our large group being scattered about. Ialso like the favorites feature. You could star any activity or event youwanted to attend and it sends you a reminder right before it starts. Very cool!I used to take that little paper from the Funtimes and carry it around lookingto see what was going on a various times, but now I don’t have to! The onlydrawback for me was that I had to keep my phone with me all the time which I’mnot used to doing on cruises. I usually turn it off and stick in the safe untilthe last day. But it was ok, I’ll just be sure to bring my cross body pursewith me next time. I like to be hands free. DD and I went to sign up for theMixology contest but got there 3 minutes late (due to long line at kids camp)so missed out on competing but still enjoyed it. Afterwards, we went up toSerenity deck and relaxed in a clamshell which I was shocked to find sincethere’s usually none available. I did notice on this cruise that even though itwas a full sailing, it never felt crowded! Even the lines at the buffet werenot long at all. We never had trouble finding a place to sit for breakfast orlunch and it felt really nice not to feel frazzled finding a place to sit andeat. Anyway, after relaxing in the clamshell, we went to shower and changeclothes to go to karaoke. We love karaoke and although we didn’t participate,we really enjoyed it. I do wish they would keep some of the kids from signingup so many times back to back so that others could participate because therewas a group of maybe 12-13 year old girls who sang SO many songs back to backthat people were leaving because the list was so long. I found them funnybecause they looked like they were really enjoying themselves, but others no somuch lol After karaoke, we went to the casino for a bit to see how hubby wasdoing and play a the slots for a bit and then went to the taste bar. I love thetaste bar! Lol It’s like the perfect snack before dinner. They had some sort ofcreamy soup and a fried sweet potato ball with beef in the middle. Yummy! Wegot the kids from camp for dinner and went to the buffet since no one felt likegetting dressed up for formal night. Sucks because I really wanted to go, butno one else did, so buffet it was. Can’t recall what I had, but I do know itwasn’t much since I was still kind of full from the Taste Bar. Took the kidsback to camp for a few hours and then they were in for the night. We went tothe comedy show again which was much better then hit the night club and PizzaPirate to close out the night. When I got back to the cabin, our daily casinogift, a bottle of champagne, was waiting for us as well as the schedule for thenext days drawings and contests in the casino. I have to say that I love thecasino perks! I forgot to mention that with the Premier Casino invite, we bothalso got a drinks on us card that we could use any time in the casino. Workedout much better for hubby since he practically lived there, but I got my fillas well whenever I stopped by.

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Now for some food porn lol That name always tickles me.


Taste Bar with a cocktail


The alien shrimp & vegetable roll I mentioned earlier lol


Vegetarian dish


Breakfast at the Sea Day Brunch - Sunny side up eggs, turkey bacon, chicken sausage and hash brown


Beet and Arugula Salad


Spare ribs, mac n cheese, baked beans and mashed potatoes


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Day 3 – Grand Cayman




We’ve never been to this port before so we were all veryexcited! It was a beautiful day when we arrived. Sunny and hot! Perfect weatherfor us Floridians lol We had a late start with trying to get everyone up andrunning so we didn’t get to the tender until around 11am. We decided to spendthe day at the beach since it’s hard finding an excursion that everyone ingroup could agree on. Pain in my butt too because I’m an adventure seeker andplus we have beaches here in Florida! But not quite like the beaches in the Caribbeanso I definitely enjoyed them. The water was kind of cold, but that didn’t stopus from enjoying it. I hung out with the kids in the water, looking for seashells and coral pieces to bring back home as my youngest loves to collectthem. The sand was sooooo soft! Unlike any I’ve felt so far.

Here’s a few pics I snapped in between playing with the kids and talking with the adults:

My boy


My youngest sister


My daughter and I (I'm the short one lol)


Splendor in the distance


My 13 year old


A rooster that was about 10ft from us, hanging out on the beach lol


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We had a really great time in Grand Cayman. I wish I had written down what beach we went to, but I didn't so sorry about that. I can tell you that it only cost $30 per person to get into the beach club including the ride there and back which wasn't bad at all. The drink prices at the swim up bar were pretty decent too. The drive from the port was about 10 minutes so no stress to get right back to the tender. We stayed for about 3 hours which really was enough considering the sun was beaming on us hard. I got a pretty good sun burn while playing with the kids also which sucked a bit but I dealt with it. Anyway, after we got back to the port, we went into the shopping area near the tender which has Margaritaville. My sister and her boyfriend went and got a couple drinks (drinking age is 18) while we went into the souvenir shops to get my shot glass and magnet (I collect them). Pretty decent prices too! They also have free Wifi so we took advantage of that. I called my BF on Facetime and chatted with her for a while and then noticed my daughter was getting some sort of rash on her neck. She said she felt itchy on the ship that morning, but she's kind of a hypochondriac (like me lol) so I told her tol put some hydracortizone on it and dismissed it. Well, it was spreading! Of course I forgot to bring the benadryl, so I asked one of the clerks in the gift shop if they had any. Nope. She did direct me to a pharmacy a few blocks over, but it was in a questionable area and we only had an hour before the last tender! So, we didn't chance it and got in the ridiculously long line for the tender. Hubby was still inside Margaritaville with a casino mate and hadn't come out yet and we realized he had our teens S&S card! So, now I'm really freaking out because although the line was long, it was moving along pretty quickly. I didn't want anyone to go look for him because there were so many ways to get in and out and I didn't want to pass him and not know it, thus another person missing. So, I let the rest of the family get on the tender and I waited for him with our son. Needless to say my blood was boiling! Finally, hubby and his new friend come out of Margaritaville smiling ear to ear until they see me lol After explaining the heart attack he almost induced, they both apologized and we boarded the tender back to the ship. Now to deal with my daughter's weird rash. I went to the git shop and they only had benadryl cream, but not the pills or liquid. So, I have her put a cool wash cloth on her skin to help calm it down a bit and she's ok the rest of the night. More on that situation later. We ate and sent the kids to camp and kind of just lounged around a bit and listened to the amazing Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Band. Oh man, they were awesome! Very good performers and very interactive with everyone which I love. I wish I had gotten a pic with them. They came to the night club a few times and danced with us. Fun group! We paid for the Night Owls camp for the kids since they wanted to go to the party they had and picked them up at 1am called it a night. I was exhausted! We did get another gift from the casino, chocolate covered strawberries and fudge balls and some little cookies. They were pretty good. I had gotten one of these platters from John Heald for my 40th birthday cruise too and ate it all! lol

Here's a pic



And a towel animal with a $50 credit to use at the spa (I didn't get to use it tho)


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You and your daughter definitely do look like sisters. :) Splendor was my first ever cruise and the ship where my husband I started dating (almost 5 years ago...eek!), I definitely have some fond memories of her!

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Day 4 – Islao Roatan




We haven’t been to this port as well so were once againexcited to be here. It was absolutely beautiful! We were supposed to go toVictor Bodden’s monkey play, but once again, we got off to a late start. I’musually really crazy about being on time, but knowing we had a big group alongwith kids, I just went with the flow. I did have to remind myself to not be abrat about being on time for everything lol So, we got off and port itself isreally pretty. There were so many places to take great pics and buy souvenirs.


Little man posing


13 year old


My dad


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Isla Roatan continued...


Since we couldn’t go to the monkey place, we opted to go on the sky ride down to Mohogany Beach. The sky ride over was awesome! Everyone loved it. Here’s a few pics of the views on the ride over.


Some of the fam (kids, MIL and hubby)


Sister, her BF, dad's fiance and dad




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More pics on the sky ride




I thought I took pics of the beach itself, but apparently not lol It was very crowded since we arrived later than most so we couldn't rent any loungers so we found a spot on the beach and parked it. The water was not quite as nice as Grand Cayman, but it was still fun. Hubby took his mom on a motorized type of watercraft that took them where there are large turtle you can actually get into the water and feed.He said it was awesome! He got pics but he's not hear for me to get them from him. The turtles were huge though! The cost for that was $100 for 1 hour. He split it with my dad and sister's BF so each rode on it for 30 minutes which was perfect. I did walk down to the cabana area to see if they had any available and spoke with a wonderful lady who told me only the large 2 story one was open which she would have given me to $300 (normally $450) which included full use of the cabana, upstairs was air conditioned, 8 floating beds, snorkel gear, a 12pack of beer, sodas and water plus free wifi. I thought it was a great deal! We were going to get it but my daughter was feeling really crappy and her face looked a little swollen so I was able to get her benadryl in pill form from one of the gift shops which she took, but made her really drowsy so we went back to the ship. The kids were anxious to get to camp anyway. I'll definitely rent that next time we sail with a group. We had a great time overall and can't wait to go back. Once back on board, I went up to deck 10 for sail off and snapped a few pics on the way out of port. We had a couple pie runners too which was so exciting!! lol They literally barely made it! All the cruisers with balconies where cheering, it was hilarious! I didn't a get pic for fear of dropping my phone overboard lol

The beach we were at


Another Carnival ship that was with us


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After the kidswere fed and dropped off at camp, me, my MIL and my dad's fiance went to watch the Dive In Movie which was Magnificent 7. Pretty good movie I must say! I did fall asleep at the beginning but I was wiped out from the sun lol


Took a pic with my blanket and popcorn. I have to remember to bring my popcorn seasoning next time.


After the movie, my daughter joined us for dinner. She had a great nap thanks to the benadry and she was feeling much better. Still had the rash but it was looking much better. The men were in the casino so only the ladies went to the MDR. We had a really nice time chatting and laughing. After dinner we went to the Love and Marriage show. Hilarious! It never gets old to me lol The newly wed couple were predictable but the middle couple and the older couple where so funny!!! I love that couples can be together for so long and still have a good laugh at each other. After that,we played in the casino a bit, went to the comedy show, danced again in the nightclub, got the kids and turned in for the night. (We paid for Night Owls the rest of the cruise since the kids were having so much fun)


This greeted little friend greeted us along with another casino gift but I forget what it was lol


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Day 5 – Belize



This is another port we hadn’t been to yet so couldn’t wait!We did book the Cave Tubing with Butts Up, but with my daughter still not 100%and some of our group changing their minds about doing it, we cancelled and split up. My daughter went shopping with my MIL and the rest of us took a taxi to a really nice man made cove with a 90ft slide. It was about a 30 minute drive and we got a nice little tour of the town and background info from our driver. He was super cool! It cost us $20 per person for entrance into the resort and ride there and back. Pretty nice! They had a really nice restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, great menu as well. The cove had a live DJ playing great music and a tiki bar with great prices.


They had inflatables to climb and bounce on as well as a rope to swing into the water on. The guys braved the 90ft slide but not us ladies lol Too chicken for that lol


I did do the rope and almost lost 2 nails. (my nails are pretty long and are mine so it hurt like a mother!) They inner tubes and loungers, all included. My youngest begged to go down the slide but I was too afraid to let him. He had fun playing with the kids anyway. We stayed for about 3 hours and then headed back to the port to catch the tender. We had 2 hours left but I'm a worry wart lol We did a little shopping at the port and then caught the tender back to the ship. The ship was anchored waaaaay out so it took about 15 minutes on the tender to get back. Once back on board, we ate and dropped the kids off. Actually, when we arrived at camp, it was family time and they had the build a bear workshop set up so my little one and I stuffed a dog and dressed it. They only had girl clothing so we opted for the Carnival tshirt.


Here's a few pics of the camp itself also


Not many were there for the family time




They closed for dinner so my little man and I met up with the other kids in our group and went out to play with the giant chess game


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Once camp opened back up an hour later, we dropped them off and went to the 80's trivia in the atrium with MarQ. It was so fun! We danced and sang with him and his crew until dinner time.


Some of us met in the MDR for dinner and great conversation and then hit the casino. For the first time ever, we went did Quest!! Oh my gosh, where have I been when this is going on?! It was sooooooo fun! And hilarious! The things people do to complete the tasks are crazy!! One particular cruiser was SOOOO drunk and kept taking her clothes off! Everyone, including the CD, found her to be way too obnoxious and disruptive but she had a great time! lol I'll neve miss Quest ever again! I wish the guys were with us. It was just me, my daughter, my sister and her BF (sorry he was the only guy to join us lol) We joined with another group to make 12 and ha a blast! We didn't win but it was still loads of fun. After that, we went to the club and danced a bit and then went to bed.

Greeted by this guy


And some yummy cookies from the casino


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