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Alaska Land-Cruise Star Princess SB May 22-June 3


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Monday, May 22, 2017 We arrived in Fairbanks, AK.We met our Princess Rep at he airport with our packet of information, room keys, and luggage tags. After a short bus ride to Riverside Princess Lodge for the first night of our 2 night stay. We were traveling with friends and took a few minutes to look around and get familiar with the lodge. Many people were sitting in the large lobby area, just visiting, reading or enjoying the fireplace. We decided to have our dinner about 4:00pm in Trackers Bar and Grill. The service and food was perfect. (All land portion food we had, we paid for on our own at all 3 Princess Lodges we stayed). We were renting a car on day 2 so we decided to enjoy playing cards and a game in the hospitality room. During our 2nd hand of cards an alarm sounded and we had to clear the building--everyone had to get out, including staff. While this was something as a good practice drill it was not! Hearing firetruck siren blaring, ambulance, and fire car coming from town cameras were definitely clicking after a little wait it was found out a new dishwasher had started smoking. We got the all clear and entered the lodge. Wow.. something to add to our new adventures we were beginning in Alaska.

After renting the car, we headed to Denny’s for breakfast, then headed to the North Pole, North Pole AK to Santa Claus House! Oh my goodness, what a fun place to shop and just what we did too. Not to worry they will ship, for a fee, back to your home. Thank goodness. Going back into town our husbands decided to take in Fountainhead Antique Car Museum in Fairbanks. Suzanne and I saw a Walmart, and decided that would be a place for us to shop while they were at the museum almost a couple of hours. We returned the car back to the airport rental and took a Princess shuttle back to the lodge.

On day 3 we had to have our luggage out by our doors. Some were tagged to “Meet me on the Ship” while the other was tagged follow me to Denali Princess. At 8:30am we were on our first Princess group tour to the Riverboat Discovery. This was such an interesting boat ride where we saw a Seaplane Bush Pilot take off and land, Susan Butcher Kennels sled dogs ready and eager to run, and then we exited off the riverboat to see how the Athabascan Indians of the village lived and prepared salmon for food for themselves and sled dogs to eat. We also saw the wedding of the Chena and Tanana Rivers.

After doing a little snacking and gift shop looking we boarded a bus for a 4 hour ride that took us to our next 2 night stay the Denali Princess! As we were driving to the lodge it began to snow and just a little ice on the bus windshield. Once we arrived at the lodge we were given new packet information and our room keys. It was cold and windy but our building location was not far from where the bus let us off. Our luggage was waiting for us inside our rooms. We headed into the lobby to find out what we could do that night. We decided to do the Song of Denali Show that also included our meal. It is a cute performance and the food was all you could eat, which the waiters made sure everyone had plenty! After a long day, and the sun still up, we finally called it a night.



It snowed during the night, with 10” fresh snow on the mountain.

Our TWT was scheduled for 6:30am, then changed to 8:30am. The ride to the ride to Denali National Park was short. Once there we traveled 12 miles to our first stop on the way to the top. Turned out to be our last stop also. Due to the snow travel could not go any further. So, about 10:30am, all buses had to turn back. We did not really see any animals, some on the bus, me included saw the nose and antlers of a moose but it was hiding behind a tree so that was it. Disappointing but that was the way it was-- but the snow was Beautiful. It is Cold and the wind still blowing. We had pizza for lunch at the lodge and I must say it was sooo good! This lodge has many shops on property to visit, plus across the street a strip mall type set up full of places to eat and shop or look around. For dinner we ate on property it was nice place and the food was tasty.

Our day started early with luggage having to be outside our doors by 6:30am.

We had a lite breakfast in the Expresso cafe.

We sat in the lobby with everyone else waiting for the next bus ride to Mt. McKinley. This ride would take about 3hours, I believe. When we arrived at the McKinley lodge, it was still cold, lite snow. We were told our luggage would not arrive until 6pm and it now about 2pm. Our coats were packed in the luggage. Of course we had to either freeze or buy a jacket. We chose to buy the $29.95 warm weatherproof jacket! (This is sold at all lodges) Which turned out to be a good buy! Of all the Princess lodges we stayed at this was our least favorite. There was nothing to really do at the lodge. If one decided to take a 1 hour bus ride into the tourist town of Talkeetka it would cost you $10.00 round trip per person.

This was only a 1 night stay, which I was glad. We had lunch, and sat around doing people watching which I am sure they were also people watching that eventually ended with catching a lodge shuttle to take us back to our room for a nap. Once awake, we took again a shuttle to the dining room for dinner. Again, a shuttle back to our rooms for the night.

Our luggage was out by the standard 6:30am pick-up time.

We left our room for breakfast. We and many others gathered to watch the clouds play games with us as we are hoping to see Mt Denali for the last time before we leave the area. Slowly, but sure enough, Denali Mt. peeked at us. Not a full view, but a view nevertheless. How exciting!

We left McKinley on a satisfied note knowing we would board the Alaska Train for the majority of the day ride to meet Star Princess in Whittier. Some that were on the train were lucky to be seated in the newer cars with forward facing seats, while others us included were seated at the older table cars. It was ok…not uncomfortable but the new cars are very much needed. We purchased a sandwich on the train, the chef made it fresh and then delivered it to our table. We had a table that was served early but the tables in the back of the car were served very late--almost 2 hours after we had our delivered. Princess really needs to have one chef and one person delivered the food. It was not fair the chef and to do double duty prepare and serve.

The ride was long, not much to see except trees, bushes, and run down homes with broke down cars in the yards. There always seemed to be a line at the bathroom and someone trying to sell a book about the railroad for $3.00 or a larger book of Alaska. Anyway, the end of the line appeared at 6:30PM with Star Princess in sight. Wet and Rain pouring down and cold too greeted us as we stepped off the train. We had to walk a little in the rain to even get to the covered walk area to get inside a warehouse for security check point. It was cold in the building and the floors were wet…hopefully no one would slip and fall before getting on the ship.

Finally, we are onboard and headed to our cabin where the first time in a week we can actually unpack! Our steward, Reyarnd, greeted us warmly with a smile and told us where we would meet for muster in 1 hour. After muster we headed back to the cabin to put up the lifejackets and then head to the MDR for a much waited for meal. I do not remember what I ate except dessert, a creme brulee. LOL

We walked around a little, but then went to the cabin to unpack and hang up the wrinkled clothes! We were on our way as we looked out the balcony doors. We had a busy day decided to call it an evening.

Sunday morning, Victor and I had breakfast in the buffet. I was not hungry and thought fruit and bacon sounded perfect.

I am excited for this day as our Roll Call is gathering for a meet and greet. NHSaltshaker (Peg) had started this roll call when I joined. After many months of postings and making new friends online it was time to put faces with names. I felt I already knew so many but had not met any. Once meeting and putting faces to names, I have such wonderful friends far and near in cities down under, in the lower 48 and even Anchorage, Alaska! I want these friends know how much I care for you each and will always have a special place in my heart.

The day is quickly going by soon we were in Yakutat Bay seeing Hubbard Glacier.

This evening after our first formal dinner we saw the 7:45pm production “Stardust.” Great show and enjoyed the music and dancing. Be sure to get to the theater early for a seat. We arrived 45 minutes early and people were already seating.

** I believe it was Sunday afternoon Victor and I had a card to attend a Gold and Ruby Club membership gathering. We were new to Gold club and by attending this meet there was a chance some new members would recieve a drawing gift. I won the top prize of the afternoon to my surprise I won Elite status for this voyage with all the Elite perks. They took my Gold card and had a new Gray/Black card made for me. A special treat I must say!!**

On Monday, we were in Glacier Bay. We saw Margerie Glacier. It is always breath taken experience. The views with the sun shinning are just stunning. We did not see any calving of the glacier but a small piece of ice fell off. Today was a relaxing day, just walked around the ship to see what was going on. Watched a movie on TV. This evening we saw Ben Siedman Comedy and Magic Show in the theater. My husband, Victor, was chosen to be a part of the show. It was fun to watch and I enjoyed the “act” Victor put on too!

Tuesday, May 30--My birthday! And Princess decorated my door with a sign and balloons what a special card for a special dessert, a card from the Captain and staff. On top of that it was a day in Skagway! We have been to Skagway before and did the train so this trip we did a tour of the town, went to an interesting Skagway Museum and saw a sculpture garden. Last on the tour was a cute show of Soapy Smith Days of 98 Show. We opt to stay in town and walk around. We had lunch at the Red Dog Saloon walked back to the ship which turned out to be a very long walk. Skip the walk and take a shuttle back to the ship!! This evening we saw British Invasion in the theater. Great show and wonderful music I could actually sing along with the singers. Get there early!!



Wednesday, May 31, Juneau. We had to wake early today so we had room service deliver breakfast. We had scheduled a Whale Watching Tour through Harv and Marv at 7:30am I had debated to go with Princess or Harv and Marv. I am happy I went with these guys. There was only 6 passengers on our boat. We saw over 10 whales, and sealions, a few eagles which I absolute love to see. I recommend Harv and Marv Whale Watching. We skipped the theater to night as Victor was not feeling well. He like many others was fighting a cold. We stayed in the cabin and on the balcony, watched a little TV and just enjoyed the peaceful evening.

Thursday, June 1 Ketchikan. Woke up and had breakfast in the MDR.

It was a cold and raining day. We had an early scheduled excursion wouldn’t you know The Lumberjack Show in the pouring rain, yuck. Everything was wet, the walk from the ship to the show, the show itself and it was COLD too! Any way we enjoyed the show--our team won. Now it was time again to walk back to the ship area in the cold, in the rain to the bus that was full by the time we got on. Last on and last off, the rian is still coming down in buckets I am so cold and forgot my gloves on the ship. The totem poles were nice to see but it was such a quick look for me. I enjoyed the Clam house it was at least dry and I could listen to the tour guide/bus driver tell about the house and totem pole history. I had had enough, and headed back to the gift shop to look around where it was dry and a little warmer. The bus ride back into town was interesting. We saw long stair ways that had street names with street signs. Since the city has to clear the streets of snow, these stairs, many stairs also had to be cleaned too. Not so sure I would want that job. We had dinner reservations at Crown Grill this evening. Enjoyed that to the max! Once again the waiters celebrated my birthday by singing and presenting me a special Princess cake with a candle. We saved the cake and had it for Friday.

Friday, June 2, Last sea day before we disembark in Vancouver.

This was the day to do that final packing. Why did we leave home with 3 pieces of luggage only to return home with 4 pieces? Think we either bought to much or did a poor job of repacking or maybe a little of both.

We got our luggage ready to be placed outside the door tonight. Since that was completed we just enjoyed the ship, walking and sitting in the IC. Watched a farewell show, playing a trivia game in the Vista lounge, and even started watching a movie Passengers (si-fi type)with Jennifer Lawernce. I left early but Victor stayed a little longer than me.

Saturday June 3, Disembarkment Day. This was the most fun vacation I have had in several years. I am so glad we did the land cruise first, because it is a lot of walking and going while on the land. Star Princess was grand. It is getting ready for a refurbishment and new beds are much needed. I have no regrets sailing on the Star and Princess lived up again to the star quality of service with a smile. I met alot of friendly staff eager to help and make this a wonderful trip.

If you might be deciding whether to sail on the Star Princess go for it-- I believe you will enjoy her as much as we did.

Sandra and Victor



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It was so nice meeting you on the ship Sandra! And we were at the Ben Seidman show and thought that was your Victor up on stage. He did a great job! We got there about 10 minutes before show time and stood against the wall as there were no seats.


Sorry about your TWT experience. I think you were there Thursday as that is the day that we arrived at the Denali lodge and had talked to some others whose tour was outright cancelled. We thought that we would be in the same boat on Friday but the two hour delay on our tour allowed the road to dry out enough for us to go all the way to Toklat (where the tour stops prior to June 1st).


Congrats on winning Elite for the cruise. We love the perks, especially the laundry perk which allows us to pack much lighter.


Thanks for sharing your experiences and I wish you many more happy travels in the future.

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Thanks for your review. Our first Alaska cruise was on the Star Princess. We've been on 3 Alaska cruises on 3 different cruise lines (see my links below). Alaska is amazing! Can't get enough and have plans to go again. Happy cruising wherever you go next!

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So happy to read your trip report. Sorry Mom and I weren't able to join the group as planned, but it could not be helped. Instead of Alaska this year, we went to San Diego where I must admit the weather sounds like it was much better.;) I hope all is well with your family.


We are still planning on going, so we have booked for May 2018 and every trip report is another exciting chance to see what it might be like. Thanks so much for sharing.



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So happy to read your trip report. Sorry Mom and I weren't able to join the group as planned, but it could not be helped. Instead of Alaska this year, we went to San Diego where I must admit the weather sounds like it was much better.;) I hope all is well with your family.


We are still planning on going, so we have booked for May 2018 and every trip report is another exciting chance to see what it might be like. Thanks so much for sharing.


Hey Jamie!!

So glad you stopped by to read the review. I did think of you and had an idea you would be thinking of us all. We had a good meet and greet. Everyone seemed to enjoy. Brian brought us hat pens from people he knew. I think we received about 7 different pens. Mark is a hoot! He is from Oz. I saw him everyplace we went, it seems. Peg is just as sweet as ever. Her Aunt Mary is about Pegs age. I guess I was expecting her to be about my age, 61.

I am thrilled to know you have your trip planned for next May. It was cold and wet as you read-just be prepared for all weather. Keep up with the Roll Call for your trip. I know you will have a great time.

Take care of yourself and your mother so you both will enjoy!



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Thanks for your review. Our first Alaska cruise was on the Star Princess. We've been on 3 Alaska cruises on 3 different cruise lines (see my links below). Alaska is amazing! Can't get enough and have plans to go again. Happy cruising wherever you go next!


I understand about your many trips...I, too cannot get enough of Alaska. I am even telling my husband I could live there forever. (I think-hehe)



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Did you get any money back since your Denali tour was so short?


We eventually will receive a refund of somewhat. They did not know at the time we were filling out refund forms on the bus how much. They did say it would take about 4 to 6 weeks to receive.



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We eventually will receive a refund of somewhat. They did not know at the time we were filling out refund forms on the bus how much. They did say it would take about 4 to 6 weeks to receive.



Well that's something anyway, although I'm sure you would rather have had the actual tour.

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