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Review NCL Epic July 19-26 with tour info


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I will not be including any pictures for this review.


I will try to answer as many questions as I can with my limited time now that I'm back to work. I traveled Solo.

I left on Monday from Fort Lauderdale airport for a scheduled 2:45PM flight to Charlotte to Rome. I arrived 4 hours early to the airport ( I can't help it I'm always early) As soon as I got to the airport and checked through security and was at the gate and saw my flight was delayed by 4 hours and would miss my connection in Charlotte. I saw an American airline rep told him my situation told me there was a flight leaving in 5 min to run to this gate. I did I was on a plane by 1PM to Charlotte... Sadly my luggage wasn't. I will say if I didn't make this flight I wouldn't of made my flight to Rome. I had planned to arrive Tuesday morning and had a tour booked for the 3.5 hour tour

Essential Colosseum Tours, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill from Through Eternity Tours. I arrived at the Rome airport sadly my luggage never did and my pre arranged driver picked me up and dropped me off at my Airbnb. My Airbnb was great. A 5min walk to the Colosseum and had views of it. The tour was great but very tiring. After the tour, I managed to buy clothes for the next day. It wasn't easy since even finding a store was tough that had anyone that spoke English and understood sizes. I went back to my Airbnb dropped off my new outfit and had dinner at a pasta restaurant that made the pasta fresh in front of you. After I walked trying to find a toothbrush and other items. Then back to my room and to bed. I had a Vatican tour booked for the next day at 8:10 am before the Vatican was open to the public.

I got up early and walked to the Colosseum because I knew there was a taxi stand there. Got a taxi to the Vatican and was about an hour early so grabbed breakfast at a local bakery. Then my tour started. My tour was with Dark Rome and having the tour before the Vatican opened to the public was awesome. There were 8 in my group and the Vatican was pretty empty. After the great tour, I took a cab back to my room and waited for my private car to take me to the port. It was around 1Pm when I reached the port. Took me around 20 minutes to get checked in and was on the ship without any luggage. I went right to guest services to see if they could be any help with my luggage(they weren't) but they gave me a toiletry kit and free t-shirt that said "Feel free to call me champ" and a free laundry slip. The guy I talked with filled out a report and then suggested I take the free shuttle to the town and get some clothes that I had plenty of time. That was around 2PM so I did as he suggested. Sadly most stores were closed and had very limited options but I at least got a couple pairs of shorts 2 shirts and a pair of flip flops. I kept walking in search of underwear and socks. Found a store that had 1 lady working and spoke 0 English but they had underwear so took a guess and bought some. Found another store for a dress shirt and due to the heat, I was just done with shopping. It really isn't fun trying on clothes when it's 90 outside and the stores have no AC and are much hotter. Anyways took the shuttle back to the ship and made it in time for the Solo gathering. Now 1 thing I realized really quickly was that I would say 80% of the passengers leave from Barcelona, not Rome and most of the Solo's had 4 days to get to know each other already. We went to a MDR as a solo group and had dinner. After dinner, I went to the Casino for a drop and called it a night. I had a pre-booked a tour for the next day with ItalyTours.EU.

More to follow soon.

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Day 2 Florance

I woke up early went to put on my newly bought underwear and it didn't go past my knee's :( I put on the new pants I bought and day, before they seemed to fit yet today, were very loose. I didn't have a normal belt but I did have a money belt so I looped that to my pants and used that as my belt. I walked to the studio lounge for pastry and cappuccino walked off the ship to meet ItalyTours.EU guide for my full day Pisa / Florance tour. The tour guide was exactly where I was told they would be, waited for a couple more from the tour to meet up and we were directed to a Mercedes van and drove right to Pisa. We got there before the crowds did and I was very surprised at how beautiful Pisa was. It really exceeded my expectations. Had a couple picture stops. Then off to Florence for a guided tour. I found 2 great leather belts. After the guided part of the tour including seeing David at the academia. With my free time in Florance I spent it shopping yet again for clothing. I was lucky to find someone very helpful and got the right sizes and got almost everything I needed for the rest of the week. Ended with pizza and granita. Back to the van and back to the ship. I had enough time to change and meet up for the solo gathering. We once again went to a MDR and after they had scheduled for those who wanted a comedy. magic show. The show was decent and funny. After the show went to h2o for a little and then off to bed. When I got to my room I had a notice on my door that my luggage would arrive the next day in Cannes!


Day 3 Cannes

Woke up went to the studio lounge for pastry and cappuccino. I had booked a ship tour since the one without the ship I tried for never filled. The tour I choose was for an on your own tour on Monaco and Monte Carlo. I was given sticker #8 was directed to a tender and got on it. After was directed to a bus but I somehow managed to get on the wrong bus for a guided tour. The guide told me to just stay with them so I did and guess ended up getting a tour that was a lot more than I paid for. 1st stop was Monte Carlo. The guide walked us up to the Casino and then gave us an hour free time. Went in the casino. I had to check in my camera. Then had coffee at the most amazing Starbucks I had ever seen. Back on the bus to Monaco. Once in Monaco was given a nice walking tour then 3 hours free time. I walked around the city bought a few t-shirts had the best pizza of my entire trip then went to the Aquarium to get out of the burning sun. After the 3 hours were up they drove along Cannes main strip of hotels and where the film festival was held. Then back to the port. I enjoyed this tour. Once back in the port had to wait in a way to long a line to get back on the ship without any shade or cover. Once back on the ship took a little nap and then went to the Solo gathering. All the solos had decided to attend the pay circus show. As I had seen many of these shows in Vegas I didn't want to attend this so had dinner by myself in the MDR. After dinner I went to the casino. After my donation went to bed


Day 4 Palma

Woke up had breakfast at the buffet. I still was unsure what of doing with my day in Palma it was the only day I had no tour planned. I ended up paying $15 for the ship shuttle to the main town and back. I explored and shopped for more clothing. The smells from 1 restaurant were just too amazing to not stop and had a wonderful tapas lunch. I was surprised as this was the only port I was in that there were many vendors everywhere selling fake major brand purses / other designer gear and I mean everywhere. I took the shuttle back. Once again the Solo gathering and dinner in a MDR. Walked around with a few friends I made in the solo group just exploring all decks. Then off to bed.

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Hesitate to interrupt your review,but I have a suggestion regarding packing for for a plane trip.

My DH and I always take carry one for both of us containing changes of clothing , underwear and toiletries just in case our checked luggage is lost or misdirected.

Hope this is helpful advice for your next cruise.

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Hesitate to interrupt your review,but I have a suggestion regarding packing for for a plane trip.

My DH and I always take carry one for both of us containing changes of clothing , underwear and toiletries just in case our checked luggage is lost or misdirected.

Hope this is helpful advice for your next cruise.

I do too! I really hope OP had the insurance to cover for lost luggage. I never travel without that and the medical/trip interruption or delay. Makes it a little less stressful!

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Day 5 Woke up to a knock on the door that they have confirmed my luggage would arrive today! I went to the studio lounge for pastry and cappuccino. I had a tour today booked with Barcelona day tours. Was a 1/2 day tour. It was another good tour. It started early and I was done around 1pm. I was going to do something else in the port but once again it was VERY hot so decided to just go back on the ship and have lunch and check on my luggage. Ate at the buffet and it was really just ok. Bad news no luggage and was told would be in Naples. Went back to my room for a nap. After that got ready for dinner. Went to the solo gathering and a few friends decided to go off on our own for dinner since the solos were once again going to the MDR. We decided on the free Shanghai. I thought dinner was just ok. The group I ate with all decided to go to the Karaoke they were having to watch NOT SING. I was excited since on my last cruise the karaoke was incredible! Off to bliss and the karaoke was nothing like my last cruise. It was just awful. Some I wondered if it was even a joke. We all left after maybe 5 horrid singers. Got some drinks and then ended the night.


Day 6 the 1 and only sea day!


I woke up and went to breakfast at the buffet. It was pretty good this morning. While eating breakfast ran into a solo friend. Met her near the pool and went on the water slides. They were all fun. After that, we tried bingo. I was 1 number away and we both lost. When we walked out we saw some people gathered and found out what was going on. It was an escape room game called escape the big top. They said it was totally booked but was 2 people in front on the waiting list so we waited in the line for 5 minutes and then were let in. I would say 20 people after us were let in. The game was very very tough. You had 45min to solve and hints given in between to help. No group ever solved it. After that we went to the Irish pub for lunch and lunch was really good. After that, I went to the Spa. I guess I had left that out that I had the spa pass and went daily. The spa is awesome it's something I always get on the cruise. After that got ready for dinner and got a call from one of the ships main officers calling saying they confirmed my luggage would be there tomorrow and had been seen for sure. I went to the studio gathering again. Met up with my new solo friend group I had had dinner with past few nights and we decided that since the group had decided to go to the shanghai and we had just been the night before we went on our own to the MDR. I must say this was the best dinner of the entire trip. The waitress was amazing only waitress entire trips who just brought us more drinks without asking. I was also shocked by how good my dinner was. I had ordered the linguini with clams and just figured the clams would be in the sauce. I was wrong. There were clams in their shells around the entire plate.It was much better than I ever expected and like mentioned was the best dinner I had on the ship. We decided to go to the Beatles show that this night was in the main theater. The show was pretty good. After that went to H20 for that night's dance party. Drank and danced some and then off to bed for the final port day.


Day 7 Naples

I woke up early and went to the studio lounge for pastry and cappuccino. I had a tour booked via Viator. This was the tour I was most worried about since Viator doesn't run their own tours but is a booking company. I had booked this last minute after I was notified my other tour I tried to go on wasn't full so canceled. I was just not willing to pay what the cruise charged. I got off the ship went to the meeting place and instantly saw my name on a piece of paper someone was holding. He introduced himself and led me to a Mercedes van. There were already 7 people on the van. None were on a cruise. This was an Amalfi coast tour. The 1st stop was at a picture stop and Limoncello tasting. Then off to the next stop Sorrento. Had 1-hour free time walked around took pictures and got granita or whoever you spell the fruit slush type drink. Back to van and next stop was Positano and once again 1 hour free time spent walking around taking pictures. This was the most beautiful spot I had ever been to. The view looking up from the beach is breath taking. Back to the van and they stopped at a lunch spot on the side of the road by an amazing view. Was a great lunch best bread ever and amazing smoked cheese with ham. Back to the van for another stop but the name of the town escapes me right now. Ended up buying some packaged risottos to bring home. Then back to the van. One last stop and tour was running VERY late. Forget the exact name of this town also but was very nice and got some gelato finally. It was quite amazing. Back on the van and I had thought the time to be back on the cruise was 6:30 and it was way after 5 and knew had long drive back. Driving back and road is blocked by a pack of goats and they're not moving. 10 minutes later finally back driving and traffic if bad. Now 6 o'clock driving super slow. Getting near the port 6:10 more traffic 6:20 finally 6:25 am in port. Get out the van and ran to the ship. Actual leave time was 7 but made it back ran to the studio lounge was happy and relieved to be back but it ended up being my favorite of all the tours I took. Had the last dinner with my new friends. I had 1 issue. Still, no luggage and I had boughten a lot of clothing/shoes but I had no luggage. I went to guest services since wasn't sure what to do and didn't think I needed to worry about it since that ship's officer had told me it was for sure would be there. I waited in a very long line and was finally helped. I was very surprised when guest services rep told me to hang on and came out with a brand new piece of luggage and gave it to me and said if not big enough could get me something bigger. So I took my new purple piece of luggage back to my cabin and packed up. I had already arranged a private car to pick me up at 7am. One of my new friends asked if she could share it with me so we arranged to meet next morning in the studio lounge.


Morning 8

Woke up and went to the studio lounge last pastry and got in line to walk off. There were maybe 10 people in line. Got in line and very shortly after they let us off the ship. Saw the driver right away and off to the airport. Got to the airport quickly and beat the crowd. Quickly got to the airport and through security. Had breakfast again pastry and cappuccino(Yes I know a lot of this review is repeated). Waited for my flight with my new luggage by my side. Got on my flight back home with my luggage carried on. And back home with my new luggage. Still haven't seen my old luggage!

That's it

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Hesitate to interrupt your review,but I have a suggestion regarding packing for for a plane trip.

My DH and I always take carry one for both of us containing changes of clothing , underwear and toiletries just in case our checked luggage is lost or misdirected.

Hope this is helpful advice for your next cruise.

I will always do this in the future! Live and learn

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You still don't have luggage your luggage? What does AA say? I did a ten day Med cruise earlier in the month and my friend made fun of me for having a carry on and checked bag. Stories like yours are why I do it!


Thanks for the review. I plan to do this cruise out of Barcelona next summer, also solo (unless I meet Mr Wonderful between now and then hahahaha).

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that keep being told your luggage would arrive next port and then being let down must have been more frustrating than just accepting it was lost


Whenever I wander into the clothing shops on board I am always surprised by the lack of practical and affordable clothing and in particular underwear-surely many people have lost luggage or left something behind


last cruise I packed up everything that was on our bed and cross packed in case of lost luggage

once on board realised no chinos for hubby[whose fault was that;)


on board ships do not stock 38 inch waist and 29 inch inside leg! mind you I bet neither do many shops on land!

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Thanks for taking the time to Post a review on the Epic out of Rome/Civitavecchia. I will be taking that voyage solo in September and hopefully the weather will be a bit cooler.


So sorry to hear that you still don't have your luggage. Gotta love American Airlines (SARCASTIC). I am also booked on them out of Philly direct to Rome. They have already changed my return flight to an earlier time (11:05AM) than I originally booked. My other choice was 45 minutes later through Charlotte and I said "no thanks."


I was interested in who you used for your limo ride back to FCO at 7AM. Was it Rome Cabs? Was there any problem adding your new friend at the last minute? I have, so far, not found anyone on our roll call who has an early flight. What time did you actually walk off the ship on the last day?


I read your Amalfi Coast trip and almost late return with baited breath as I have the same tour booked with Viator though I do have someone else on the Epic going with me. I think the two other towns you visited were Amalfi and Ravello!


So thanks again and I appreciate your answers to my questions when you get the chance.

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Thanks for taking the time to Post a review on the Epic out of Rome/Civitavecchia. I will be taking that voyage solo in September and hopefully the weather will be a bit cooler.


So sorry to hear that you still don't have your luggage. Gotta love American Airlines (SARCASTIC). I am also booked on them out of Philly direct to Rome. They have already changed my return flight to an earlier time (11:05AM) than I originally booked. My other choice was 45 minutes later through Charlotte and I said "no thanks."


I was interested in who you used for your limo ride back to FCO at 7AM. Was it Rome Cabs? Was there any problem adding your new friend at the last minute? I have, so far, not found anyone on our roll call who has an early flight. What time did you actually walk off the ship on the last day?


I read your Amalfi Coast trip and almost late return with baited breath as I have the same tour booked with Viator though I do have someone else on the Epic going with me. I think the two other towns you visited were Amalfi and Ravello!


So thanks again and I appreciate your answers to my questions when you get the chance.


I used http://www.civitavecchiaport.org/shared-shuttle-service/ and it was called a car for 2 and had no issue adding them. And walked off around 6:30. As most get on/off in Barcelona getting off in Rome was very quick and easy. There was very few walk offs.


Yes, those were the other 2 places on the tour. It was a great tour. The driver did say he would get me back in time and he did what he could to maximize the time in each stop.

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I used http://www.civitavecchiaport.org/shared-shuttle-service/ and it was called a car for 2 and had no issue adding them. And walked off around 6:30. As most get on/off in Barcelona getting off in Rome was very quick and easy. There was very few walk offs.


Yes, those were the other 2 places on the tour. It was a great tour. The driver did say he would get me back in time and he did what he could to maximize the time in each stop.


Great. Thanks for the additional info.

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