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Cruising with a 1 year old


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Hi! My husband and i are looking to book our 2nd cruise. I got a GREAT rate from Carnival but we have to book within the next 2 weeks.


My question is, am i absolutely insane to take my 1 year old? We have no one we can leave her with and no one who can come with us to babysit. I understand she can't go to the casino or comedy shows or anything, but they do have the "Night Owls" program for an extra charge. She's our first kid so we've never done anything like this before.


Will it be a huge mistake? We don't plan on doing shore excursions or anything (because we're cheap). I'd like to hear from people who've actually sailed with their babies, not people who "Vacation to get away!!!" From their kids or who "sat next to a family with a loud baby".


Parents, tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to take a vacation with my baby

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We have cruises with our kids before. My daughter was 3 and I was pregnant with my 2nd one. Then again when my 2nd one was about 7 months old. In 39 days, we will be going with a `15 months old, a 7 year old and a 3 year old.

How ever, we dont cruise alone. We have family with us, are literally in the cabin next door. Our cruises are family affairs. The girls loves getting dressed up, and enjoying it. We adore the pictures.

I figure they will be gold members before they are 18!

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I think it depends on your daughter - is she an easy kid? Does she roll with the punches and adapt easily? Or is she one of the kids that has to sleep in her own bed? All 3 of ours were great little travelers, we started them early. They could sit through a long dinner with no problem at a very young age, with just a couple of books and a few crayons to entertain them. Lucky for us, and the people around us. If she likes new surroundings and new people, go, she'll have a great time, and so will you.

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We took our son on his first at 10 months old, 4 days. Then at 15 months we took him on 7 days. Both went pretty well. We were exhausted at night, so never used the night drop programs. He would fall asleep in the umbrella stroller at the back of the theater or walking around the deck at night. MDR pushed it a little bit, but he was pretty good. Bring some toys, crayons, etc. with you. However much baby supplies you think you need, double it. It wasn't a vacation in the sense that we used to be familiar with, but it was enjoyable and glad we did it.

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The Family Board has lots of info from those who've traveled with their kids. Bring everything that you think you might need- meds, diapers, wipes etc.

Cruising is a very easy vacation with little ones.



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Hi! My husband and i are looking to book our 2nd cruise. I got a GREAT rate from Carnival but we have to book within the next 2 weeks.


My question is, am i absolutely insane to take my 1 year old? We have no one we can leave her with and no one who can come with us to babysit. I understand she can't go to the casino or comedy shows or anything, but they do have the "Night Owls" program for an extra charge. She's our first kid so we've never done anything like this before.


Will it be a huge mistake? We don't plan on doing shore excursions or anything (because we're cheap). I'd like to hear from people who've actually sailed with their babies, not people who "Vacation to get away!!!" From their kids or who "sat next to a family with a loud baby".


Parents, tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to take a vacation with my baby


No, you're not insane. It depends what you want out of a cruise. If you're just looking to get on a vacation, relax, do things with your child, and not go on excursions you'll enjoy it. It's fun being away with your child, where you can enjoy your time with them, not have to cook, clean, etc. (The same reason many people get away and go to places).


If your child is fussy you'll want to bring things to keep them entertained (same as at home, no difference). If you have a nap schedule, you might want to keep to it. But otherwise it's pretty easy. We cruised with our daughter when she was just over 3 months old, at 11 months and many times since. She was easy, we never had a nap schedule, she was just not a napper. It's not going to be the same cruise as when you're single, but that doesn't make it better or worse. And there is nothing saying you need to do everything together, so you may need to take turns on some things.


Just be cognizant of your fellow passengers. If you're at a show, or dinner, and she acts up. Take her out. If she's behaving then there are no issues. Ours loved the shows and would be fascinated by them (still is for the most part, even at 13yo). We just say towards the back just in case, though was never an issue.


Bring lots of supplies. You won't be able to get a lot of things on the ship, so bring what you'll think you'll need and then more. Bring medicine as well, as it's hard to get for children away.

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Hi! My husband and i are looking to book our 2nd cruise. I got a GREAT rate from Carnival but we have to book within the next 2 weeks.


My question is, am i absolutely insane to take my 1 year old? We have no one we can leave her with and no one who can come with us to babysit. I understand she can't go to the casino or comedy shows or anything, but they do have the "Night Owls" program for an extra charge. She's our first kid so we've never done anything like this before.


Will it be a huge mistake? We don't plan on doing shore excursions or anything (because we're cheap). I'd like to hear from people who've actually sailed with their babies, not people who "Vacation to get away!!!" From their kids or who "sat next to a family with a loud baby".


Parents, tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to take a vacation with my baby

You're not crazy. :D


So many crew members miss their children back home so your daughter will get spoiled silly.


One thing to know is that children who are not potty trained are not allowed in any pool nor water area, not even with swim diapers on.

Have a great cruise. Take lots of pictures and cherish your time together.

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If your child is used to falling asleep at 7pm, that would be a long night in a small cabin for you. If your child is prone to crying loudly at bedtime, is it fair to put the adjoining cabins through that? If she gets really sick, are you going to be comfortable with the on site nurse caring for her?



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Please ask some questions on the family board. Camp starts for kids ages 2 and up and I have always known Night Owls to be a part of that. A check on line showed that they offered something for 6 m + but I have never seen or heard of anyone using that for a child under 2. Typically night owls start at 10 pm when the free camp ends.


That said, I don't think you are crazy to take a 1 year old. The child CAN go to shows and the family comedy club which usually runs prior to 10 pm. Basically, you would be with her 24/7 just like at home or a land vacation.


I would strongly recommend a balcony so she can go down for naps or to bed and mom and dad still have a place to relax while she sleeps.



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We've traveled with our daughter from 6 months old. This will be her first cruise coming my up, but we just enjoy things as a family and wouldn't want to leave her home. The best thing we've done is to have low expectations and just roll with the punches. Expect changes in sleep and routine will result in some fussiness. Just go with the flow and enjoy watching her be amazed at a cruise ship. It's taken enjoying vacation to a whole different level for us. Not as relaxing but so fun



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Our 15th cruise was last year with our then 10 month old daughter. It was a completely different experience, but in many ways it was my favorite cruise. You are not insane, take your child and have a wonderful trip.



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Hi! My husband and i are looking to book our 2nd cruise. I got a GREAT rate from Carnival but we have to book within the next 2 weeks.


My question is, am i absolutely insane to take my 1 year old? We have no one we can leave her with and no one who can come with us to babysit. I understand she can't go to the casino or comedy shows or anything, but they do have the "Night Owls" program for an extra charge. She's our first kid so we've never done anything like this before.


Will it be a huge mistake? We don't plan on doing shore excursions or anything (because we're cheap). I'd like to hear from people who've actually sailed with their babies, not people who "Vacation to get away!!!" From their kids or who "sat next to a family with a loud baby".


Parents, tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to take a vacation with my baby

Parents are right , don't put your baby through that.

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Parents are right , don't put your baby through that.




Put your baby though what? Mine went pretty much everywhere (excluding movie theaters for example) I did from birth - it's kinda required when you are breast feeding.


A baby with a good disposition and who has been well socialized is zero problem out at dinner or on a week long vacation. A one year old requires no special food as they are on to cows milk and are eating what mom and dad eat - just in small bites. Yes, if they have a fussy moment, you need to remove them - but that happens at home or on land.


But it boils down to knowing your child. Yes some children do not adapt well to change and travel would not be recommended. If you have one of those babies, believe me, you know it. A trip even to the market is stressful and a sane parent would not even have the idea of travel. But many like cars, travel, new experiences and so a vacation is just another day to explore.


Personally, even though my youngest was a great traveler, we stuck with land vacations until he was 2 and old enough for the kids programs. He would have done fine on a cruise but if we were spending that kind of money, I wanted the camps available so I could have true down time.



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Go for it. I took our two year old in 2015 and it all went fine, we were careful to be respectful of fellow passengers.


We brought a small umbrella stroller and it was a lifesaver, folded up out of the way. Not a behemoth that blocked the hallways. We also brought our own Pack-N-Play because it was familiar. Bring extra crib sheets!


Pack ziplock bags to hold dirty diapers so your room remains smelling fresh. The ventilation isn't great as it is.


Bring one new small toy to introduce each day so there's something new to capture their attention. And pack snacks!


As long as you go with the flow and aren't overscheduling it, you'll do fine! Bon Voyage!

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I think it depends on your daughter - is she an easy kid? Does she roll with the punches and adapt easily? Or is she one of the kids that has to sleep in her own bed? All 3 of ours were great little travelers, we started them early. They could sit through a long dinner with no problem at a very young age, with just a couple of books and a few crayons to entertain them. Lucky for us, and the people around us. If she likes new surroundings and new people, go, she'll have a great time, and so will you.


Shes only 10w old right now so I have no idea! 🤷*♀️

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We took our youngest on our family cruise last January at 10 months old and on our anniversary cruise in May at 14 months old. We requested a crib both times, which made space tight, but it was still workable. We decided to bring our own crib next time-- it folds up more easily.

We took a small stroller-- bigger than an umbrella stroller, and with a reclining seat, so that he could nap-- for on the ship and an ergo carrier for excursions.

He mostly breastfed, but also had milk with a straw (straws are available at the bars and coffee shops) and food off our plates.

We had YTD in January, which worked well as we were able to go early in the evening. In may, we had Late dining and ended up taking dessert back to our room each night because baby boy was just done for the night.

We didn't use the night owls service, but it is available 10-1 for under-2. Hubby and I aren't night owls ourselves, so having the excuse to stay in our cabins was fine. lol!

We took baby to lots of shows and comedy, just sat towards the back and side for an easy exit if baby got fussy, which only happened once each cruise.

There were times that we took turns staying with baby in the cabin during nap time while the other went out for trivia or whatever, and because it's not easy pushing a stroller through the buffet line, we also took turns getting breakfast and lunch, but we didn't mind. We tried to get a table by the window so baby could look out at the water.


Finally, he was loved by every crew member! Every time we walked past a crew member, they would smile and coo at him and he'd giggle and flirt right back! He loved all the attention!



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Then I guess for my sake they shouldn't allow smoking or drinking huh?




I think tef is just a troll. I've never seen anything besides negative and controversial posts from them. Just ignore.



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This is a good question. I am going on my cruise next month and will be leaving her (18 months) home with my mom. It is only a 4 day cruise because thus far I can't imagine being without her for a week. The next cruise I am debating if I should bring her on it or not. It seems like it would be so much fun but then Mommy and Daddy or just Mommy would always have to call it quits early. We want my mom and MIL to go with us on the next cruise but they want to have a night life apparently...lol. I am sitting here thinking if all the stuff I would need to bring with me and that alone make me even more hesitant. I guess I will cross that bridge when we get there.

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Thank you to everyone who wasn't negative and actually gave me their experiences. Maybe its because she's my first child, but I CANNOT imagine going anywhere without her.


You know that diaper commercial where with the first one everything has to be perfect and the second one is total opposite? It's really like that! It was hard for us to stay a night in a hotel by ourselves with the first one, even though grandma was quite capable of watching him overnight.


I suggest you take a night here or there if you can and get used to being away from the baby. Then you can work yourself into longer periods. Once you realize you are all just fine and you can actually get some sleep, you may just enjoy it [emoji846]. If not, then just prepare to bring lots of stuff with you. I waited until mine were 5 and 7. It was much easier then. But everyone is different.

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So many crew members miss their children back home so your daughter will get spoiled silly.



This is very true and holds true for older kids as well. Every crew member that we've encountered on each of our cruises has treated our kids like royalty.

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