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A common theme in recent complaints

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in various ongoing threads with complains against RCI there is a common theme; people failing to insure themselves against unforeseen circumstances and then blaming the cruise line for bad customer service.


Now, in some cases, the case can easily be made there was poor customer service, but in other cases people are asking for or expecting deviations from policy and when they don'T get and exception they try to call out the company for bad customer service, which in those cases is not warranted.



In any event, the point is the common theme is lack of insurance. When you plan and budget your travels stop and take the time to consider potential risks and what if situations. Strongly consider the value or peace of mind insurance provides for unforeseen events; loss of job, medical conditions for your family or yourself, natural disasters, regional warfare, etc., do not just expect to get an exception to policy.



Do your homework and decide if, and to what level, you are comfortable insuring or self-insuring. I'm not comfortable self-insuring even relatively low cost trips because expenses for medical emergencies outside of country could be devastating. I could live with losing the money I've paid for an experience I may not get, but I am not comfortable risking assets or my families welfare on the unforeseen circumstances described, and I have no reason to believe any company or provider should make an exception for me.



I'm not in the insurance industry, just thoughts to consider on protecting yourself or your family



I agree with purchase of travel insurance having had to use it once canceling a cruise due to verified health circumstance. But it is not inclusive and policy exceptions can be (and are) applied. For example, I am scheduled for 9/10 Galveston departure on Liberty of the Seas and planned to drive to Galveston port from home some 400 miles north. My insurance (Worldwide Trip Protector) does cover trip no show if common carrier interrupted but is pretty much silent (except for accident and breakdown) on using personal transportation. If I think it inadvisable (but not impossible) to drive to Houston based on highway information I may well be out the cost of a non-cancellable reservation and the $200 policy cost. Its tricky. I am just waiting and watching but do realize my dilemma is nothing compared to the plight of those in Houston who stand to lose a lot more than the cost of a cruise and a travel policy.

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People now a days are self entitled brats. That is what happens when you are no longer allowed to discipline children- they grow up to be entitled brats that think the world revolves around them and how dare anything interfere with their wants. No sympathy here [emoji3]




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Just curious, what does your comment have anything to do with this thread? :confused:

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The cost of the ticket is not what we worry about. My wife fell and shattered her elbow here in the U.S. Bill was over $60,000 for stay and doctors. Her boss had to be airlifted off ship for open heart surgery, I don't think they have all of the bills year. We now insure all international travel.



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People now a days are self entitled brats. That is what happens when you are no longer allowed to discipline children- they grow up to be entitled brats that think the world revolves around them and how dare anything interfere with their wants. No sympathy here [emoji3]



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It's also like getting a trophy for just showing up at the game. ...(the entitlement thingy).


If you can afford to cruise, you can afford insurance. It's a need, not a want. Did you get a drink package? Did you get an internet package. I never like paying for ins., but I do it anyhow.

It's not ALWAYS someone else's fault.

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Oh please, there is just as much (if not more) entitlement coming from seniors (see the current thread about someone expecting an exception to the cancellation policy based on their C&A status as well as their age) as there is from any other group. Every generation thinks there's is superior to the ones coming behind them. Its not a new phenomenon.


I agree with the OP that individuals need to take responsibility and know the rules they booked under.


I work for a large hotel company and it still amazes me how many folks want to book those deeply discounted, non-cancellable rates, but then when life happens they get mad at the big bad hotel company that holds them to the terms they agreed to.

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When someone you trust (right or wrong people place a fair amount of trust in RCI) gives you bad information, flat out incorrect/false information, that places you in harms way then yeah it might be their fault. How hard is it for grown adults with at least pedestrian IQs to understand that?


This passive aggressive nuanced thread to somehow take the shine off the RCI **** show is just as bad as the folks who go whining to the concierge 5 times a day.

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How come we can always figure it out well before RCL can?


[What is going to happen in Galveston this Sunday I mean]


The Port Of Galveston being open [once it is and if it is] is the smallest part of the issue.


How do people getting off the Liberty get out of Houston and how do new passengers get to Galveston?


We always use the Sam Houston Tollway to get to Galveston [seen below under 18-20 feet of water]


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I self insure. All travel for 20 years.




If a company offers insurance, I just take their number and put that amount into my travel insurance savings account.




When a flight gets cancelled on me, I use that account to immediately rebook.




If a cruise no longer works for me, I have plenty in my self insurance account to book something else in place.




There's no excuse not to self insure every trip. The costs individually are minimal and over 20 years I think I've had to rebook with my own savings maybe 3 times. Very low risk and the reward is all mine.




Brilliant plan!



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Wonder if this might affect re-supply of cruise ships in Galveston...

anyone think so? Besides me?


This is from a private school in San Antonio.

.................................................. ..........................................


"Good Morning Parents!

On behalf of our Culinary Services Department, we would like to pass to you vital information concerning the Breakfast and Lunch Menus. Unfortunately, the recent floods in Houston have affected many of the suppliers our school utilizes for meal preparation. According to our suppliers, many companies have shut down production or delivery until further notice. This unforeseen change will have an impact on several items used here at school. Therefore, we appreciate in advance, your understanding and patience as we work diligently to find other items comparable for your child’s nutritional needs. We will do our best to communicate any menu changes as soon as possible so you can plan accordingly.Be assured, we will continue to serve them with excellence and keep you abreast immediately of any menu changes impacted by this event.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding during this rough time for our fellow Texans and Great State.



XYZ Private School"



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I self insure. All travel for 20 years.


If a company offers insurance, I just take their number and put that amount into my travel insurance savings account.


When a flight gets cancelled on me, I use that account to immediately rebook.


If a cruise no longer works for me, I have plenty in my self insurance account to book something else in place.


There's no excuse not to self insure every trip. The costs individually are minimal and over 20 years I think I've had to rebook with my own savings maybe 3 times. Very low risk and the reward is all mine.


I can self insure the costs paid for the trip. What I can't do is self insure a 50k medjet flight.

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Interesting thread.

So, what happens if you (or a family member) dies during a cruise? Does travel insurance cover that event? And where is your corpse kept? When and how is it taken off board? And what arrangements are made to send your body home?

I'm old, never bought travel insurance, but this thread had me thinking I should, and just thinking about that final cruise, should it happen.

I read somewhere on CC that on most cruises at least one PAX dies during a cruise. More if it's a long cruise. Is that true?

Enjoy your cruise.


Most travel insurance has a line item for death benefits and also for repatriation costs if you or a family member passes away in a foreign country. Also they cover medical emergencies and death of immediately family not on the trip. My folks had to disembark a European cruise and fly home due to a family member that became terminally ill back at home and they were reimbursed their lost trip days and travel expenses to get home

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in various ongoing threads with complains against RCI there is a common theme; people failing to insure themselves against unforeseen circumstances and then blaming the cruise line for bad customer service.


Now, in some cases, the case can easily be made there was poor customer service, but in other cases people are asking for or expecting deviations from policy and when they don'T get and exception they try to call out the company for bad customer service, which in those cases is not warranted.



In any event, the point is the common theme is lack of insurance. When you plan and budget your travels stop and take the time to consider potential risks and what if situations. Strongly consider the value or peace of mind insurance provides for unforeseen events; loss of job, medical conditions for your family or yourself, natural disasters, regional warfare, etc., do not just expect to get an exception to policy.



Do your homework and decide if, and to what level, you are comfortable insuring or self-insuring. I'm not comfortable self-insuring even relatively low cost trips because expenses for medical emergencies outside of country could be devastating. I could live with losing the money I've paid for an experience I may not get, but I am not comfortable risking assets or my families welfare on the unforeseen circumstances described, and I have no reason to believe any company or provider should make an exception for me.



I'm not in the insurance industry, just thoughts to consider on protecting yourself or your family

All very good thoughts.


We always get travel (not just cruise) insurance. It only takes one bad experience (or hearing about one) to easily justify the cost.

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People now a days are self entitled brats. That is what happens when you are no longer allowed to discipline children- they grow up to be entitled brats that think the world revolves around them and how dare anything interfere with their wants. No sympathy here [emoji3]



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Abhorrent post. What does an angry baby boomer rant have to do with travel insurance?

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OK...so what about the passengers who had insurance but it was worthless unless RCL canceled last Sunday's departure.
When the cruise line finally canceled the cruise, the conditions were satisfied and the insurance related to non-refundable amounts that are unrecoverable came into force.


Yes their insurance will now refund their cruise cost because the cruise was canceled..about 3 days too late.
Actually, not. The cruise line will refund the cruise fare.


But I doubt any of them will ever sail RCL again. Why should they?
Because the cruise lines in that price range are all basically the same, and do infuriating things to passengers just about as much, though perhaps not each one about the same things.
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People now a days are self entitled brats. That is what happens when you are no longer allowed to discipline children- they grow up to be entitled brats that think the world revolves around them and how dare anything interfere with their wants. No sympathy here

That may be true...but has little to do with this topic.

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I self insure. All travel for 20 years.




If a company offers insurance, I just take their number and put that amount into my travel insurance savings account.




When a flight gets cancelled on me, I use that account to immediately rebook.




If a cruise no longer works for me, I have plenty in my self insurance account to book something else in place.




There's no excuse not to self insure every trip. The costs individually are minimal and over 20 years I think I've had to rebook with my own savings maybe 3 times. Very low risk and the reward is all mine.




Sure hope your fund has thousands of dollars in case you ever need emergency evacuation



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That's your cost-risk calculation to do.

Actually...knowing we have insurance really helps us enjoy our cruises and sleep very well too. Not sure that came be calculated in a spreadsheet or ROI analysis formula.


I bet if you ask every man, woman, and child on Liberty of the Seas this morning if having insurance is a good idea...

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That's your cost-risk calculation to do.


The more I think about it, the more I realize I would probably NOT insure for medjet. If it was $50,000 and I didn't have it in my bank account, I'd sell my vacation condo or at least finance it to cover it.


How many medjet evacs are done annually versus number of passengers?


How many medjet evacs are done on obese or unhealthy passengers who already had preexisting conditions or risks versus number of passengers?


How many medjet evacs are done on healthy non-retired passengers versus the same volume of that group annually?


Insurance has never paid for itself for me. I don't do extended warranties, I prefer to self insure whenever possible. Same with auto insurance -- when my car was commercial, the state allowed us to self-insure an extremely high auto deductible plan. I believe it was $50,000 and we had to file with the state. My commercial vehicles were never in expensive accidents so that deductible earned 1.1% or whatever and the 2 or 3 claims I had for 20 years we paid cash to settle (under $5000). Huge savings over a low deductible auto insurance commercial policy. Paid for itself over and over and over.


Insurance is there if you can't afford to self-insure. The more you can afford to self-insure, the less you pay in insurance, up to any legal deductible maximums. I prefer to take the maximum deductible offering on things I worry about (like my annual travel medical plan) so I can minimize payment to the insurer for an unlikely event.


Of course, considering that the vast supermajority of folks live well beyond their means and incomes, I guess it makes sense for them to overpay for low deductible insurance, but that makes little sense to me because the lack of a personal budget means they will pay more over their lives than someone who can live by a budget ever will -- on average.


A $150 policy or put a condo up for sale. I'd rather pay the 150 and never think of selling or refinancing the condo.


Youre pretty spot on about budgeting though. Many people lack having reasonable budgets or any budget at all. Scary.

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OK...so what about the passengers who had insurance but it was worthless unless RCL canceled last Sunday's departure. Screen grabs prove RCL was telling them the Port of Galveston will be open and if you are not there ready to sail there will be no refund.


This even after the Port had closed to all traffic last Thursday or Friday and their Port Spokesman said the earliest it might open would be today 8-29 (hasn't yet and won't) and still RCL kept Liberty heading for Galveston to take advantage of their mythical "weather window" for turnaround that no one else saw...because it did not exist.


So, what do you tell those people now sitting in hotels in both Houston and Galveston, and now unable to leave, trapped in a mega-disaster?


Yes their insurance will now refund their cruise cost because the cruise was canceled..about 3 days too late.


But I doubt any of them will ever sail RCL again. Why should they?


RCL Coprporate mishandled this badly...a textbook case about how not to treat customers.


Common sense has to kick in at some point, and you utter the words "Regardless of what someone in a call center 1000 miles away says, there's no way this cruise is happening. No Way. We can see it on the news. We're not making that drive. We'll just stay home and have our T/A hash it out with the Travel Insurance people if it comes to it (because we NEVER cruise without getting the insurance). Which it won't because there's no way this cruise is happening."


And the reason our T/A is our T/A isn't the OBC or bottle of wine, it's because she'll go to bat for something like that.


For those who "Won't sail with RC again because of how they handled this," we'll happily occupy your cabin while you continue your search for a line that's going to never get anything wrong, seeing as how even the local weather folks are marveling how old Harvey's about to make a second landfall.

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Common sense has to kick in at some point, and you utter the words "Regardless of what someone in a call center 1000 miles away says, there's no way this cruise is happening. No Way. We can see it on the news. We're not making that drive. We'll just stay home and have our T/A hash it out with the Travel Insurance people if it comes to it (because we NEVER cruise without getting the insurance). Which it won't because there's no way this cruise is happening."


And the reason our T/A is our T/A isn't the OBC or bottle of wine, it's because she'll go to bat for something like that.


For those who "Won't sail with RC again because of how they handled this," we'll happily occupy your cabin while you continue your search for a line that's going to never get anything wrong, seeing as how even the local weather folks are marveling how old Harvey's about to make a second landfall.


Actually this is Harvey's 3rd landfall.

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Another thread said Carnival has just canceled this weekend's Galveston cruises. [i expect that is true and sources confirming will soon be available.]


RCL may do that unless they want to sail back across the Gulf again toward a closed port that is as I type getting hit with a lot of rain [and Harborside Drive is now flooded and closed.]


There will be issues with suppliers being down and out for a while. Traffic in Houston will be heavily impacted for days. Many routes are closed and will be for quite a while. Then there are the closed airports.


But RCL Chief Meteorologist James Van Fleet probably sees a "window" for a turnaround as he did last week. [Except that window was never actually open...just like the Port of Galveston was never open]

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