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Tipping for Children


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[quote name='estherhead']I think this subject is a hot topic because it is very personal. It really isn't anyone's business who and what you tip. I just got back from a Glory cruise with two preschoolers and I'm not going to tell you all what I tipped. But let me just say that parents also have to tip Camp Carnival & have many issues and dollars going out of their pockets that others don't. I followed my own feelings of services rendered. And since all tips are pooled and then divided the only real way to give your own team a little bonus is to slip them cash that they won't have to report & share. Everyone has a right to do as they feel best. I took a set budgetted amount for tips and I divided it for services rendered. I feel very good about who and what I left and it wasn't to Carnival's recommendations.[/quote]

Just keep in mind that if you do remove tips from the S&S, the "extra cash" you give them DOES have to be pooled... However, I'm assuming since your children were "treated like royalty" that you didn't remove the tips...
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']Just keep in mind that if you do remove tips from the S&S, the "extra cash" you give them DOES have to be pooled... However, I'm assuming since your children were "treated like royalty" that you didn't remove the tips...[/QUOTE]

Hmmm.. Are there cameras? Are you sure they wouldn't just pocket it? I know the Camp Carnival people all pool but a room steward?
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[quote name='estherhead']Hmmm.. Are there cameras? Are you sure they wouldn't just pocket it? I know the Camp Carnival people all pool but a room steward?[/quote]

Camp Carnival is not part of the tipping pool... the counselors actually make a salary for their jobs.

As for just pocketing it... their pay is part of their performance review.... if someone removes tips, but tips them and they pocket it, it looks to Carnival that the service was bad, enough not to tip anything at all. Most of these people rely on their jobs for their families, and I doubt they would risk it. I have talked to stewards about this, and one on the Miracle at length... I'm sure it happens from time to time, but I don't think the majority does. With the S&S tips, they get paid (via direct deposit, or a debit card) the following week, the "cash tips" they turn in are considered "S&S tips"...

The steward generally pays his/her assistant out of his/her tips. Approx $800/month, regardless of what he/she makes...
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Roscoe I'm sure your comment was made in jest about not leaving tips until Carnival carries haircare products for African-American hair, but how is this funny? Considering Carnival carries more African-Americans than any other cruise line and does three full ship charters of African-American groups each year, this is a reasonable suggestion. In light of the fact it would improve their bottom line, there is truly no downside.

Somebody said I have come to here to simply complain, not true! It was initially to seek advice about a situation onboard the Conquest and I generated some helful information that had not occurred to me and I received feedback that will save me thousands of dollars from not filing in small claims in Flordia. I have recognized the valiant effort of engineers and the superior service received from our waiter after our table was changed after the first night to accommodate another party. We were moved from a four person table sitting right by the water to a center table with no view so a large family could be closer together, no complaints from us. Overall I believe cruising is the best vacation value, unfortunately I can only travel during the summer months and spring break.

I pride myself on being civil to others even when under fire.
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It wasn't meant to be funny except to tie in all the circumstances that have been posted on here recently.

As for Carnival not carrying the hair care products that you would like, that would have been an excellent thing to bring up with the salon at the time that you cruised. If you did at that time then great. You have done your part to create a change in their selection in the salon.

I'm glad to see that you are civil under fire. I guess you are just not so civil when it comes to tipping for your children, not because you didn't think it necessary but because you couldn't afford it.
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I don't mean to sound rude, but is that really a necessary comment Roscoe? She's already said she now realizes she was wrong originally. Doesn't that count for anything? Aren't people allowed to make mistakes now and then as long as they learn from them?

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I don't mean to sound rude, but is that really a necessary comment Roscoe? She's already said she now realizes she was wrong originally. Doesn't that count for anything? Aren't people allowed to make mistakes now and then as long as they learn from them?


It's called beating a dead horse... some people look for just a twitch from the horse, and then just want to kick it again :rolleyes: :p

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I don't mean to sound rude, but is that really a necessary comment Roscoe? She's already said she now realizes she was wrong originally. Doesn't that count for anything? Aren't people allowed to make mistakes now and then as long as they learn from them?


Necessary? NO, absolutely none of my comments or posts are necessary. Sometimes I just post to stir the crud and to my own amusement.


Apparently, I was the only one who thought it was funny but since I'm self centered I'm OK with that.

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It has no place here, for the person who brought it up or anyone that responded.


As someone that works for a very large publicly traded service company, I guarantee you that Carnival will never carry a product and advertise it as being for "Race X". They would have been out of business long ago if their execs were not brighter than that.


If there is something specific to your hair, as posted, take it up with the salon, or do what my dw does, brings along her own brand for the salon to use on her...

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There is NO requirement to tip Camp Carnival staff and they are paid way better then the Waiters and Stewards.


If you couldn't afford to tip the required amount maybe you should have skipped Disney pre-cruise.

Duck- Not to go in on the OP thread , but after our resent cruise and pictures of camp, A friends daughter was looking at work like with camp. Do you have their wages/benefits handy, They were going to call? I noticed a few Canadians-Americain working on ship but ones I saw were in camp or stores so assumed the wage or time off would be better there?

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Duck- Not to go in on the OP thread ' date=' but after our resent cruise and pictures of camp, A friends daughter was looking at work like with camp. Do you have their wages/benefits handy, They were going to call? I noticed a few Canadians-Americain working on ship but ones I saw were in camp or stores so assumed the wage or time off would be better there?[/quote']


No I don't have the wages scales handy. ;) Given the qualifications required: http://www.carnival.com/CMS/Fun_Jobs/Shipboard-Youth_Counseling.aspx


It is a pretty good bet they are making more than $60 a month.

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Just a quick question - how exactly do you leave a tip on Carnival if it does not go directly to your server, stateroom attendant etc. but into a central pool?


When we sailed Disney we were given a sheet to fill out with the names of those who assisted us for the week, I then filled in how much I wanted to leave them as a tip and then I was given back tickets to be put into envelopes to give them personally on the last night of our sailing.


These tickets only had the names of our servers on them and I just assumed that they got all of the money? How fair is that to pool tips? I gave my tip on the service I received and it was not meant for anyone else.


We received excellent service from our waitstaff and the kids just loved that when we saw them on other parts of the ship besides the main dining room that they would say hi to them and ask them how there day was going by name! So even in the buffet line, the kids were greeted by name.


I just do not think it is fair to pool tips.

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Just a quick question - how exactly do you leave a tip on Carnival if it does not go directly to your server, stateroom attendant etc. but into a central pool?


When we sailed Disney we were given a sheet to fill out with the names of those who assisted us for the week, I then filled in how much I wanted to leave them as a tip and then I was given back tickets to be put into envelopes to give them personally on the last night of our sailing.


These tickets only had the names of our servers on them and I just assumed that they got all of the money? How fair is that to pool tips? I gave my tip on the service I received and it was not meant for anyone else.


We received excellent service from our waitstaff and the kids just loved that when we saw them on other parts of the ship besides the main dining room that they would say hi to them and ask them how there day was going by name! So even in the buffet line, the kids were greeted by name.


I just do not think it is fair to pool tips.


Sorry, don't know anything about Disney. On Carnival, your tips are automatically added to your account. If you reduce the tip amount, or increase the tip amount, your server/stewards tips are directly reduced or increased... otherwise they receive a standard gratuity...

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I have got to get my two cents in here.


Let me ask these questions.


1. When you go to the doctors office, do you not pay the full expected amount because it is too costly?


2. When you go to the Pharmacy do you not pay the full amount for the medications because it is too costly?


3. When dining out, you have choices on menu selections and that can sometimes be based on cost - no problem....Do you tip arrocdingly?


All cruise lines have the tipping amount as suggested amounts. You have the option to adjust it up or down.


The size, age and shape of the passanger should not have any bearing on the tip rendered.


The tipping for the dining staff is split between all the service staff , not just the dining room staff......If you choose to give extra to a certain staff member they are allowed to keep that, but all suggested tip amounts are pooled and split.


We travel with our grandchildren often and tip extra because they are usually more work than we are (only because they are children, not because they are slobs). The special attention, the extra cabin details (bunks or sleeper couches to be delt with), the extra ice cream in the dining room, etc.


The cabin stewards and the wait staff do, indeed, make good money. You are correct....BUT, THEY WORK 12-14 HOUR DAYS, THEY ARE AWAY FROM THE FAMILIES FOR ABOUT 6 - 10 MONTHS A YEAR, THEY LIVE IN A SMALL CABIN USUALLY WITH 3 OTHER STAFF MEMBERS. Yeah baby, that is the good life.


Yes, they are there by choice. Many of them had to pay someone to get the job (agents in their country). Bottom line is that they are doing whatever it takes to provide for their families.....I believe as do all of us!


If the cruise lines were to pick up the tab for decent salaries and there was NO tipping required, we could probably not afford to cruise.......the tickets would be out of most peoples reach (probably even yours).


If you can not afford the the tipping for EVERY passanger, then perhaps you should leave them home.

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It is not unreasonable to expect Carnival to carry products that a significant number of their passengers would need for their haircare. Who suggested they advertise it is only for X race? Because the hair texture of most African Africans is rather coarse, we require different products to relax our hair, we use hair oil normally on a daily basis and especially after a relaxer and even the shampoo and conditioner is typically not the same. Why should one segment of the cruise population have to pack their own products. I was simply suggesting that the ship keep products in stock. But an even bigger problem is that the salon staff is typically from Europe, Canada, States and so forth, and they don't have the skill level to work with African American hair. Luckily when presented with such they are very forthcoming and will state it honestly because they have had women come in for shampoos with a relaxer and left with their hair looking like an afro. But enough with the race stuff, it would just make cruising nicer for us if we could go to the beach, swim and go to the salon for a touch up before formal night. In the future, just watch and see how many African American women you see with their hair submerged in water poolside, virtually NONE!

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When did your tipping question become one about haircare products?


I for one always pack all of my own products and would not even expect the cruise ship or a hotel for that matter to have products for me to purchase.





I don't believe she wanted to purchase hair products. Rather she wanted to go to the salon and get her hair done, but the salon did not have products that would work for her hair and the stylists were inexperienced with her hair type. I had never even thought of this before she brought it up. I think it's actually a very valid concern. I know I like to go to the salon and get my hair done on formal night.

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We will be traveling with our 3.5 year old and our 16 month old on the Victory in March. I will be tipping the suggested amount, and will tip extra for the Camp Carnival folks. I see no reason to tip less simply because I'm brining my children.

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It is not unreasonable to expect Carnival to carry products that a significant number of their passengers would need for their haircare. Who suggested they advertise it is only for X race? Because the hair texture of most African Africans is rather coarse, we require different products to relax our hair, we use hair oil normally on a daily basis and especially after a relaxer and even the shampoo and conditioner is typically not the same. Why should one segment of the cruise population have to pack their own products.!


I call bull on the above. Pickle, I'm not black but my hair is has the same coarse consistency and is very curley. All of the products I use at home are for black people's hair. That doesn't mean I can't go to the salon and get my hair done. Also, my stepdaughter's best friend who went with us on the cruise and is black, got her hair done at the salon and loved it.

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If the cruise lines were to pick up the tab for decent salaries and there was NO tipping required, we could probably not afford to cruise.......the tickets would be out of most peoples reach (probably even yours).


If you can not afford the the tipping for EVERY passanger, then perhaps you should leave them home.


This does not make sense to me. Let us say the cruise costs $2000 and the recommended tip is $140. Are you saying people can afford $2000 plus a recommended tip of $140 but cannot afford a cruise of $2140 and a recommended tip of zero?


There are lines that discourage tipping. They pay their staff well, and their staff is expected to provide a service for that salary. IMO the cruise is sold the way it is because it benefits the cruise lines. They can sell a $2140 cruise for $2000 by not including the service people in that figure. Yet the passengers are expected to pay the service people. What is wrong with charging $2140 for the cruise so everyone gets paid? IMO the reason this is not done is because then the cruise sounds more expensive.


Why is gas sold for $2.349 per gal instead of $2.35 per gal? Because people just read $2.34 and that sounds like it is less than $2.35. The cruise lines are doing the same thing the gas stations are doing, trying to make their product look less expensive than it really is.


If the cruise lines were to pick up the tab for decent salaries, the price of the cruise would be more, but the total cost to the passenger would not change one bit.

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Why is gas sold for $2.349 per gal instead of $2.35 per gal? Because people just read $2.34 and that sounds like it is less than $2.35. The cruise lines are doing the same thing the gas stations are doing, trying to make their product look less expensive than it really is.



Ah, but gas is REALLY 1.5445, plus this tax, that tax, another tax, and yes, that tax over there too!


2140 = 2140


What difference how you get there. It might end up 2210, or 2000 for the frugal and ignorant, and SOME who do get poor service.

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If the cruise lines were to pick up the tab for decent salaries, the price of the cruise would be more, but the total cost to the passenger would not change one bit.


Your math on the cost is fine, again, being in a service industry there are two approaches.


1. You train and train and train your staff to provide a level of service that is required by the company and you pay them salary to do so.


2. You train and motivate your staff to provide a level of service that is required by the company by making part of their salary dependent upon that service in the form of a tip.


Number 1 is very costly and requires much more managment oversight (read additional $$$) than number 2. I don't think you will find one of those "no-tipping cruises" in the price range of even the $2140 carnival cruise - if you do, please cite the example here, I would like to see it myself!!!

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