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i was injured on board-help-what next!!


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Quote: "They might have a duty to keep the area safe by putting up signs or something to that effect"


Sorry you had an accident but this lawyering business of signs is too much. On one of the HAL ships they had signs on the railing at the stern warning people not to sit on the railing. Really? Some people must obviously be too stupid to think and deserve to fall off. A little thinning of the gene pool might worth it. Could the fall be because of your own negligence; water dripping off your body caused the floor to be wet under your feet? You didn't take a towel to the hot tub to dri yourself off before walking away? Lot's of sides to any issue.


Sometimes things are just accidents.


Just bought an electric hand drill. Yep, there is a warning on the box "Not for dental use". Duh?

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I know what it is like to be at home when you get the info that one of your family has had an accident on a RCCI ship ...that is why i posted on your thread.

Luckily my mum's accident wasnt real bad....she slipped on a wet marble floor in the windjammer on the Brilliance....45 minutes after boarding the ship on a 12 night cruise,just last year.

There had been a spillage and it hadnt been cleared up and a caution notice wasnt in place.

An incident form was filled in.....and she got a copy of it and she wasnt billed for all the treatment she had onboard.....but it still took 6 months for RCCI to respond/apologise.

She was very lucky it was "only" her knee and ankle that was hurt....and after a few months the bruising etc was gone......but it didnt stop her being very wary while out and about anywhere when there was a chance of wet floors/streets etc.

It also didnt stop her from cruising again with RCCI...heck she has done another 3 since then.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Alexis...great to see you.:D ..hope you are well.....hey I am always lurking...just dont post much these days.Seasons greetings to you:D



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To the original poster, please don't take me as unsympathetic, but simply file a claim with your insurance and move on. I don't think it's reasonable to try and hold the cruise line responsible for a medical bill you incurred as a result of a fall and injury that wasn't their fault.


The tiles were wet, as should be expected. They had railings, as should be expected. People can and do fall, as should be expected.


If you were to slip in fall in your bathroom, would you sue your landlord because he didn't post a "caution" sign outside of your shower?

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i was injured on board-help-what next!!

i was in a terrible fall on the slippery tiles near the hot tub in the solarium on the radiance last week. got a bill for $866 on my seapass account before i even got back to my stateroom. am going to be o.k. after a lot of pt and,possibly,surgery on my shoulder. has anyone been through something like this? my husband is enraged we were charged, enraged about the lack of safety rails and pretty much enraged about rccl in general. any suggestions about where to start? will rccl deduct the bill and give me some compensation for the awful pain i am still in? i don't know where to start. this fall could have partalyzed or killed me but now that i am the walking wounded i am getting pretty enraged myself. i know they can answer these questions but i am trying to gain info and advice as the best way to start. thanks so much for your time. and....if there are any posters out there who happenend to try to come to my rescue thank you so much....the onlookers were very comforting. regards,searose

wow-what a mistake this turned out to be. i NEVER said the cruise line was at fault. i repeated that i was looking for INFORMATION to try to determine if it was prudent,fair,and reasonable to take this any further than having my exhorbitant bill reimbursed by my personal and /or travel ins. my grown children want me to get a lawyer-i just want to get better and drop the whole thing so,to appease them,i thought i would turn to cruisecritic where people are great about sharing what they know. i am not savvy enough to have arranged to fool you all to start trouble.


:confused: :confused: I´m really confused. You never said the cruise line was at fault and still want them to deduct your bill and give compensation for the awful pain? Why ???:confused: :confused:

Why the hell should they do that if it was not their fault ??? Because your blue eyes? Because you are such a nice person? Again why???


Please clue me in.


BTW and just as a side note, don´t you thihnk this:


this fall could have partalyzed or killed me


is a little pathetic and over the edge?

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haven´t seen posts from you in a while.

Re your Mom´s accident I think it´s very different to fall in the Windjammer without signs out and not necessarily to expect wet floors, than in the Solarium where it is usually wet and slippery especially around the pools and signs all over the place warning you.

Happy Holidays

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Hi Gunnar:D

Yes I realise mum's accident was different...just wanted the OP and others to know that an incident form really should be filled in onboard the ship if they believe the cruiseline is at fault in some way.Just trying to be helpful:D

Busy planning next two cruises just now:D and keeping out of bother;)


Merry Christmas to you and your mum...hope she is well:D



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:confused: :confused: I´m really confused. You never said the cruise line was at fault and still want them to deduct your bill and give compensation for the awful pain? Why ???:confused: :confused:

Why the hell should they do that if it was not their fault ??? Because your blue eyes? Because you are such a nice person? Again why???


Please clue me in.


BTW and just as a side note, don´t you thihnk this:




is a little pathetic and over the edge?


I thought so, and I also thought the word "enraged" was way over stated.


i was in a terrible fall on the slippery tiles near the hot tub in the solarium on the radiance last week. got a bill for $866 on my seapass account before i even got back to my stateroom. am going to be o.k. after a lot of pt and,possibly,surgery on my shoulder. has anyone been through something like this? my husband is enraged we were charged, enraged about the lack of safety rails and pretty much enraged about rccl in general. any suggestions about where to start? will rccl deduct the bill and give me some compensation for the awful pain i am still in? i don't know where to start. this fall could have partalyzed or killed me but now that i am the walking wounded i am getting pretty enraged myself. i know they can answer these questions but i am trying to gain info and advice as the best way to start. thanks so much for your time. and....if there are any posters out there who happenend to try to come to my rescue thank you so much....the onlookers were very comforting. regards,searose

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....so submit your claims and be thankful that your injuries weren't worse. I don't understand why you blame RCI for your accidental fall, except of course to sue or settle for cash.


By the way, I don't get your point about the quickness of the charge appearing on your seapass for services rendered. When I go to the doctor, I get charged right away, too.

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I am not defending the cruiselines in anyway but most people that do slip on deck do seem to think it is the cruise lines fault.


DW did a header this year on CB. She was coming back with a plate of pizza and her feet slipped right out from under her near the pool. I saw that she wasn't hurt and basically said "Nice one Kel" while a boy helped her pick up the pizza to clean up the deck a bit. She did not blame anyone.


On another note, I am shocked that the cruiselines don't start using other materials that are not as slippery on the deck. If there are plenty of people slipping on the decks, why not try and make it safer. That could actually be reason for a claim. The cruise lines know people slip but still don't try and actually fix the problem. That could potentially be shown as NEGLIGENCE.

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Any architect worth his salt will specify the proper type of floor tile where water is expected. I assume the architect for a $500 million ship specified the proper floor tile that has a "grip" type surface.


I'm suprised there isn't a sign at the gangplank warning "Caution, ship may be in motion at times".

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Can I just tell you people how agrovated I am that all people do on these boards is attach each other. Yes the floor was slippery but she she have to pay the bill NOOOO!!! Just like if you are at the supermarket and someone slams a cart into your car, that supermarket is responsible, even though there is a sign saying they are not. Accidents happen I too would be pissed that they charged me, you think that they would be more concerned for her than charging her. Im not the type of person to sue anyone and have never had the unfortunate experience of even thinking of suing someone, but why are people giving her a hard time??? People get compensation for much less, and who were hurt by their own stupidity, and from what I have read she was being careful. No one who is posting negatively towards the OP was there to see what happened so why are you judging her and stating that she is "fabricating" the events. Posters who attack without seeing events make people not want to post on these boards. The boards are supposed to be for information and support from other cruises not attacking and ridicule to other passengers. That what I think!

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Dear Megsterl: I agree with what you stated completely. There seems to be too much attacking on some of these boards lately. I think the original poster just wanted some advise not criticism. To get hurt is not fun and is very painful. It really does not matter whos fault it is. I hope that the OP will feel better soon and that others can show some compassion. Happy Sailing, Joy

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Although I do feel badly for the poster, and I know she is probably in pain, this was an accident. The definition of accident is "Lack of intention" and "An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm" and "An unforeseen incident". So if this really is being considered an accident, how can anyone be blamed? Is it really possible to blame someone for something that is unexpected and unforseen? My point is that accidents happen EVERYWHERE! It has become the American way to sue for everything. If you want to get technical, it was the floor's fault for being slippery, so you should sue the floor...how dare those tiles disrespect you by being wet??

Sorry for the sarcasm, but just think about it. Noone planned for you to fall, and therefore can anyone really be blamed?

Hope you have a quick recovery!

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I know this is not the answer to the OP´s question and more than likely nothing the OP wants to hear.


Anyway, where has this world come too?

Falling because of some slippery because wet tiles around a pool area, with lot´s of signs around saying "Caution Slippery when wet" (at least on all the cruises I´ve been on and heck as if I don´t know that myself that a deck is slippery when wet), where is the fault of the cruise line?

Why is the cruise line to blame for this? Why should the cruise line give any compensation for this incident out or even pay for medical expenses?

The OP even stated that she recognized the area was hosed down and very wet. There is no rocket science involved to know that it can be slippery then.


If it would have happened to me it probably wouldn´t have even come to my mind to ask for any compensation as I would think it was my own fault and I should have been more careful.


But probably I´m coming from another background as I would have never thought about suing McDonalds for burning my lap with hot coffee I spilled myself over my lap.


Amen, madforcruising.

When did we stop taking responsibility for our own actions.?

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Bottom line is people are getting too sue happy anymore. Personal injury lawyers are making this happen. If you had to actually pay the lawyer up front in full people would think twice about sueing unneccarily(sp)? When you can go to a lawyer file a case and not have to worry about paying UNLESS you win and then they take a certain percentage, for some people this is very appealing. Sort of like free money for a bit of pain real or imagined (faked). This is not saying that this is the case with this OP though. If you have insurance, file your claim and be done with it This will take care of any medical bills you were charged. On my very first cruise AOS honeymoon cruise in 2002 I got up during the night to go to the bathroom. I was still half a sleep but there was a little light coming out from under the bathroom door so I didn't feel the need to turn anymore on. After finishing up in there I was heading back to bed and tripped out of the bathroom door, over that little ledge. I feel really hard! Broke my nose and cheek bone. Went to the doc on board he fixed me up as best he could and charged me a fortune for it. There is a sign right there on the wall "Watch your step" but even if there wasn't I would have never thought of expecting compensation or suing. I was my own damn fault! Where I live people don't sue anywhere near as much as they do in the States either. Maybe because personal injury lawyers aren't allowed to advertise the way they do down there. Anyway it made for a very interesting honeymoon lol!

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Can I just tell you people how agrovated I am that all people do on these boards is attach each other. Yes the floor was slippery but she she have to pay the bill NOOOO!!! Just like if you are at the supermarket and someone slams a cart into your car, that supermarket is responsible, even though there is a sign saying they are not. Accidents happen I too would be pissed that they charged me, you think that they would be more concerned for her than charging her. Im not the type of person to sue anyone and have never had the unfortunate experience of even thinking of suing someone, but why are people giving her a hard time??? People get compensation for much less, and who were hurt by their own stupidity, and from what I have read she was being careful. No one who is posting negatively towards the OP was there to see what happened so why are you judging her and stating that she is "fabricating" the events. Posters who attack without seeing events make people not want to post on these boards. The boards are supposed to be for information and support from other cruises not attacking and ridicule to other passengers. That what I think!
Really????? And on WHAT PLANET does this occur? Not one that *I* inhabit. A cart slams into your car, tough luck. If you can catch the person who did it, you may be able to pursue a small claim against him for property damage, but NO WAY NO HOW is the grocery store responsible for that damage!



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Really????? And on WHAT PLANET does this occur? Not one that *I* inhabit. A cart slams into your car, tough luck. If you can catch the person who did it, you may be able to pursue a small claim against him for property damage, but NO WAY NO HOW is the grocery store responsible for that damage!




.....and for merion_mom....


Finally, some common sense. Accidents are accidents. No one to blame. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Period.

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Really????? And on WHAT PLANET does this occur? Not one that *I* inhabit. A cart slams into your car, tough luck. If you can catch the person who did it, you may be able to pursue a small claim against him for property damage, but NO WAY NO HOW is the grocery store responsible for that damage!




ITs called planet earth, my sister is a manager of a very famous coffee shop that I wont mention that is in the same parking lot of a supermarket. Carts slam into her customers cars (same parking lot) who's liable for damage??? The supermarket, per the law.


Is that right?? Probably not, as I stated earlier I am not the type to sue AT ALL. The point of my post was really for people to step back and look from the OP's state of mind, if it were you and someone had sprayed down the floor and then you fell, even after being careful, then would you want to have to pay for the medical?? If I am at the mall, and someone washes the floor and I slip in it and get hurt, are they going to not pay my bills, NOT LIKELY they will pay for fear of today's society and they way people sue

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Carts slam into her customers cars (same parking lot) who's liable for damage??? The supermarket, per the law.



What law would that be? Can you provide that information to us, as per your local government, or state government?


I've never heard of anything like that, ever. If it does exist in your state, I'm moving there...

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