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Just Back from Jewel Sailing Dec. 11-17

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My wife and I are just back today from Jewel sailing, Dec. 11-17. Thought I'd post while trip is fresh on my mind.


Itinerary: Ft. Lauderdale - Key West - Cozumel - Costa Maya - Cayman - At Sea - Ft. Lauderdale (6 days)


Our Past Cruises: 2, both on Celebrity (Galaxy in Caribbean, Mercury in Alaska)


Ship: Beautiful!! Jewel is the most striking ship we've been on. This was our first sailing on RCCL, and I'd say it met OR exceeded my experience(s) on Celebrity in just about every respect (and I'm one who likes Celebrity). It exceeded in regard to entertainment (especially) and accommodations (notably). I know this will be a controversial opinion, but I believe it bested Celebrity in food quality AND variety. Service was on par, although if I were giving Celebrity a slight advantage, it might be on the service end....if at all.


Crowd was a little younger than my experience(s) on Celebrity, so "mood" of the cruise was a little livelier. For better or worse, was also a little less "hoity-toity" type of crowd on this cruise vs. sailings on Celeb. This was good in that it arguably made the cruise more fun. It was bad in that sometimes the crowd could be, at times, a little casual.


For what its worth (and this has not changed from past cruises), at least a half to three-quarters of the passengers on this trip were well overweight, and taking on more girth during the week. This may sound harsh (as much as it is true) but I wouldn't prescribe bars to alcoholics, and I wouldn't prescribe cruises to the obese. A travel tip: Exercise at least every half hour for every hour you spend at a dining table.


Ports of Call: (Ft. Lauderdale): Flew in the night before and stayed at the Inn at New River Sound, near Las Olas Blvd. It's highly rated at www.tripadvisor.com. Nice, quiet botique hotel. Sort of pricey, but so is everything in Ft. Lauderdale. Water taxis will pick you up at the hotel and take you up the intracoastal to restaurants and shops near Las Olas. Ate dinner at The River House, which is beautifully restored old house in old Ft. Lauderdale....now a restaurant. Lots of nice shopping spots and good walking fodder around that area. Taxi ride will show off some gorgeous homes and yachts along the way. Regular cab will take you to the port terminal for twenty bucks the next day.


(Key West): Toured the town on our own. Walked up and down Duvall, visiting the Hemingway House and Butterfly Consevatory. If you like cats (I do), you'll love the Hemingway thing. House isn't much to look at, but historic and the house tour guides made it interesting. The Butterfly Conservatory, while it may sound cheesy, is a must if you're into photography. This was a GREAT stop, and your kids (if you bring them) will love it! Butterflys in all varieties are everywhere. I'm a pretty typical guy, and I still thought it was a kick. It's at the far, quiet end of Duvall Street across the island from the pier. It's a long walk, but a fun one with good shopping spots, bars, and restaurants along the way. I wasn't really looking forward so much to Key West, yet it was probably my favorite stop on the trip. Reminded me a little of the old Garden District in New Orleans, for some reason.


(Cozumel): Was obliterated by Hurricane Wilma. It is in terrible shape. International pier was destroyed, as were many hotel and resort areas. Unless you're a die-hard scuba type or one who craves Mexican Curios, it's frankly a lousy stop. To make matters worse (for us), the weather was windy and overcast the day we were there, so many of the dive trips were cancelled. I suppose it's good that the cruise ships are still stopping there, because the town is in DESPERATE need of tourist dollars, but it is presently a terrible port. Moreover, the Mexican shop owners tend to be a little more aggressive (though I expected this) to make shopping enjoyable. Their style isn't so much a big problem, just annoying after a few hours. That said, we did eat at a FANTASTIC lunch stop called Las Chosas (I believe) that had great fish tacos and fajitas...one of the best meals we ate on the trip. Otherwise, I cannot in good conscience recommend Cozumel as a "must see" on any cruise itinerary, and I've no desire to return unless for philanthropic reasons.


(Costa Maya): See Cozumel description above, only ten times worse. Costa Maya did not have the hurricane carnage of Cozumel, but it is a tourist trap deluxe being fueled by RCCL and perhaps other cruise lines. The port (complete with shopping, bars, goofy "native" entertainment) is a self-contained operation subsidized, or effectively sponsored, by the Mexican government in obvious coordination with well-connected local businessmen and, yes, RCCL. They won't allow local taxis into the gated port compound unless bringing tourists back to the ship from the local town...should they be brave enough to venture beyond the "friendly" confines of this private facility. If you're outgoing to the town, they sell tickets via their own private shuttle...no one else is allowed in. Outside of this Costa Maya port facility, the roads are AWFUL to town and the surrounding shops, kiosks, or inns. Local businesses and proprietors are simply shut-out. In other words, there is no government money being invested in and around Costa Maya, outside of the cheesy little port operation...and for a definitive purpose: They want those tourists dollars to stay right there in "Fort/Port Costa Maya", and not going into anyone else's pockets. It is a shameful operation, and RCCL ought to be ravaged on these boards and elsewhere for contributing (and subjecting their customers) to this ridiculous racket.


(Cayman): Better time here, and much preferable beach and surroundings. Save your Mexican scuba and snorkeling dollars for Grand Cayman, where the water is bluer, the beaches are cleaner, and (at least for our trip) the climate more conducive. Cayman is still recovering from last year's visit from Ivan, so beach reconstruction on 7 mile has everything in a bit of flux. Georgetown is also becoming progressively more crowed and congested....particularly with EIGHT cruise ships in the day we ported (ridiculous). Here's a tip, and please keep it quiet: Rent a car, and head for Rum Point on the other side of the island. There's beautiful public beach spot with all the amenities, bars, grills, beach toys, snorkeling opportunities you could ever want...and without the crowds. It's a GREAT stop. However, make sure you make PLENTY of time to get back to the ship, as we nearly missed ours due to all of the traffic around Georgetown. I can't stress this enough...make sure you make plenty of time for yourself getting back, allowing for traffic. Missing your boat is an expensive mistake you don't want to make.


All in all, thumbs up to the Jewel, its staff, and RCCL for a great cruise experience. Would do RCCL and the Jewel again in a heartbeat...albeit on a different itinerary.


Happy Trails! - Captain Brook

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I'm surprised to hear your review of Costa Maya. Mahajual was one of the most beautiful and relaxing spots for us. Once you left the 'fake' port area and took the $3 cab ride to the sleepy beach town it's fantastic.


Glad to hear you enjoyed the ship. We'll be on her in 16 days (who's counting). What cabin did you have and was there ample storage space?

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"Exercise at least every half hour for every hour you spend at a dining table."


I use the stairs instead of the elevators all day...every day. That's what works for me. Somehow I can't make it to the fitness center but I can use the stairs to get to the pool...to the dining room...to our stateroom.


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Happy to reply.


We were in cabin 7090...balcony stateroom. Plenty of storage for the two of us, and certainly comparable (if not better designed) than anything we've seen on Celebrity's Galaxy or Mercury. In short, it was a beautifully designed room....from balcony to lavatory.


I have zero complaints about the ship itself. Jewel is a strikingly beautiful cruise vessel.


As for Mahajual, we ventured there, and I guess beauty is in the eye. The beach was FILTHY...broken bottles, old shoes, lots of debris. The "town", to me, is simply a flea market. I didn't see a lot quality in terms of the goods being sold, unless one likes colorful sombreros, maracas, chess sets, and other items of similar utility. Moreover, the hawkers were just all over you..."Hey amigo, take a look!"


I'm glad you had a great time there, and perhaps I just caught them on a lesser day. Yet, I can unequivocally assure you that the Mahajual beach was a trashy mess. I didn't see a single person swimming there....and for good reason.

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"Exercise at least every half hour for every hour you spend at a dining table."


I use the stairs instead of the elevators all day...every day. That's what works for me. Somehow I can't make it to the fitness center but I can use the stairs to get to the pool...to the dining room...to our stateroom.



Great suggestion. Exercise can so much increase the enjoyment of a cruise.

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Happy to reply.


We were in cabin 7090...balcony stateroom. Plenty of storage for the two of us, and certainly comparable (if not better designed) than anything we've seen on Celebrity's Galaxy or Mercury. In short, it was a beautifully designed room....from balcony to lavatory.


I have zero complaints about the ship itself. Jewel is a strikingly beautiful cruise vessel.


As for Mahajual, we ventured there, and I guess beauty is in the eye. The beach was FILTHY...broken bottles, old shoes, lots of debris. The "town", to me, is simply a flea market. I didn't see a lot quality in terms of the goods being sold, unless one likes colorful sombreros, maracas, chess sets, and other items of similar utility. Moreover, the hawkers were just all over you..."Hey amigo, take a look!"


I'm glad you had a great time there, and perhaps I just caught them on a lesser day. Yet, I can unequivocally assure you that the Mahajual beach was a trashy mess. I didn't see a single person swimming there....and for good reason.


That's so sad to hear. it was a pristine beach when we went in feb. 04. not many vendors at all though. a few tables that's it. but very clean and many people swimming. I'm going to check it out again in a couple weeks anyway.


Were there many activities onboard? Did you check out the shows?

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DH, DD and myself were also on this cruise and I will be writing a long, detailed review soon along with pictures.


I take exception to the comment about the overweight, as I did think that over half of the ship was obese. And as DH and I are overweight, we do not spend all day and night eating. We can hardly finish dinner each night.


I have to unpack and start the laundry but will get to the review soon.

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That's so sad to hear. it was a pristine beach when we went in feb. 04. not many vendors at all though. a few tables that's it. but very clean and many people swimming. I'm going to check it out again in a couple weeks anyway.


Were there many activities onboard? Did you check out the shows?


Shows were tremendous. Singers and dancers were far and away a cut above my sailings on Celebrity...very impressive shows, staging, vocals, dancing...even acrobatics. Terrific pianist and violinist on board. Comedian/magician on last night was hilarious. Cruise director was lively, energetic, funny. They all worked so hard, and I commend them and RCCL for the quaility they put out there.


Pretty typical cruise activity itinerary, with theme nights (disco, sock hop, country western, games, demonstrations, classes). You won't be bored on board...unless you try!

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I, too, have to take offense at your "obese" comment. I am on the heavy side (probably obese by YOUR standards) and I love to cruise. I eat sensibly while on board (usually only 2 meals, breakfast and dinner), walk the mile for Shipshape dollars every morning and use the stairs exclusively. I don't think I should be denied the pleasure of a cruise just because of my weight. We cannot all be thin perfect people.

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Who was your Captain? By our calculations, Captain MacDonald will be captaining the ship soon. He got off in October. We have sailed with him on Grandeur and Radiance.


By my records, Capt MacDonald will return 1-14-06, I don't have room to post when they come back from holidays on the Current Captains thread. But I have noted it on the chart I keep at my desk and I'll be updating the thread mid-January (or sooner if I get other answers!).

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Who was your Captain? By our calculations, Captain MacDonald will be captaining the ship soon. He got off in October. We have sailed with him on Grandeur and Radiance.


The captain was Captian Thore, a nice but very no-nonsense man. You can read more about him in my review or DH's review, both of which are coming soon.

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Rather than creating my own login name, I'll just use my husbands. I wanted to add my two cents about Cozumel and Costa Maya. Like my husband, I would not go out of my way to book a cruise going to Costa Maya (probably ever) - or Cozumel (at least for a couple of more years!).


Granted, we were not helped by the weather at either port and had we been able to do our snorkeling trip in Cozumel, we might have come away with a bit better opinion of that stop. No one's fault of course, but the trade off was we got to really explore the island (we rented a jeep and went out of "town" for most of the day.) The island has been truly devestated by Wilma - this was even more evident when compared to Costa Maya. We took some time and drove out to where all the fancy resorts are and most of them have been closed, or partly shut down, for renovation. Very sad to see as I know Cozumel has been a very hot spot for vactioners - especially those who like to dive. We did talk to a couple on the tender back who got to go on their dive trip and they said it was nice. The water was pretty murky and, according to them, the reefs definitely sustained damage from the storm as well. But, they still enjoyed the dive.


As for Costa Maya - we actually didn't stay in Majahaul, but some of our tablemates did go to the beach there and indicated that it was also full of debris. Although they did not sustain a direct hit from Wilma, they were obviously also impacted. Someone at our table said they were told that the government in Cozumel basically takes their trash and dumps it in the sea and because of the water current that trash washes up in Costa Maya. Issue was probably exacerbated by the weather. We made the 30 minute trip out to the Maya Palms resort as recommended by another post (on this message board, I believe). Again, I think it might have been a good call had the weather been nicer - but it was a cool overcast day, not conducive to swiming in the cold pool or in the rocky ocean. I enjoyed reading in the hammock and the lunch we had at Maya Palms (included in our package) was delicious!


Of note, Maya Palms was described as an "exclusive resort" which conjured up mental pictures (for me) of the fancy resort we stayed at in Hawaii. It is actually a recovering resort - just recently purchased by a couple from Missouri. Unfortuantely, the prior owner didn't take great care of the property so this couple has had a lot of work to do. They are definitely making progress. The pool area is nice, as is the restaurant area. Scott (our host for the afternoon) was great and made every effort to take care of us. The beach, like the rest of Costa Maya was a victim of bad weather - lots of seaweed to wade around. Their stretch of the beach was free of debris, but walk just past their property line and you'll see lots of trash. You can sign up with this resort for a dive trip (their speciality) or you can snorkel on the reefs offshore (we couldn't because of the weather).


All in all, I think this is a good option for divers/snorklers who want to get away from the Port Costa Maya tourist trap. The cab ride should cost you no more than $15.00 each way (maybe a couple extra dollars if they are taking you back to the port). But, be forewarned, it is a bumpy ride as the roads are not paved. Our package (non-diver package) at the resort was $32.00 each. While I don't hesitate recommending Maya Palms as a place to park your towel for the afternoon, especially if the day is beautiful, get the picture of a fancy Hawaiin resort out of your mind. Rather, picture a small, inn-type property (I think they have 7-10 rooms, 4 of which will be open beginning in Janauary) that is clean (including the restrooms!), with a nice garden and good food.


Last tip I'd give - I know there are a lot of folks who think it is a better value to book/plan excursions on their own. In fact, that was our plan for most of this trip. But, in hindsight, and thinking about the money we spent (taxi's, car rentals to get us around, etc.) vs. the cost of a "similar" excursion through the ship, I definitely don't think we saved any money and may have spent more in some cases. And, if you consider the factor of not having to worry about getting back to your ship on time - the ship excursions are definitely looking like a better deal to me than they did before.


As for my husband's comments about weight - I don't think the ship's demographics were that different from society's in general. But something we are going to have to face as a society is our increasing propensity to be overweight. It will continue to affect us all with increasing healthcare costs. That being said, I don't think my husband meant that overweight people shouldn't be allowed on cruises - just be aware that if you like to eat (overweight or not) you will be surrounded with that temptation on any cruise. And - if you like to eat, make a commitment to check out the fitness facility every day to help control your weight on the cruise. You'll feel better about yourself - and you'll give the fitness center employees something to do (that was the emptiest room on our boat!). :)


One other consideration, RCCL is making an effort to cater to those concerned about their weight by creating a "lighter menu" - both for appetizers, main courses and deserts. After a few days of the "King's" rich food, we started mixing it up with some of the lighter fare dishes and didn't feel like we were cheating ourselves at all. The meals and deserts both were just as fabulous as the calorie rich ones!


All that said - enjoy your upcoming cruise; I know we did!

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I'm on the Jewel next month. Can't wait.


About the girth of the guests. I would tend to agree with you. Seems like on the 4 cruises I've been on, many, many cruisers are obese. (technically, more than 20% over "normal" weight) But I guess that's America. I work in a hospital where gastric bypass surgery is performed. Sadly, business is booming.


The fitness facilities on each ship I've been on have been good to excellent and I've always been able to work out each day. I'll be looking forward to enjoying the Jewel's spa and fitness area. I'm a fitness "nut" so I really agree with your comment that excercise can increase the enjoyment of your cruise. The more you work out, the more you can eat. Keep that metabolism on high the whole week!

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I have enjoyed both of your reviews and am working on a in-depth review as we speak my review of Maya Palm will be much more critical. It was not a good choice or more to the point value (but I will save that for my review) in my view, I think you are too kind. As for the weight comment I don't think you fully understand the struggle with weight that many of us face. It is not simply eat a little less and go out for a walk once and a while and you will be thin. That’s not the way it works. It's a battle every day. And many who are over weight feel that people who are thin, maybe just by genetics, are insulting just by talking about weight. Please don't throw away a good review by being over sensitive to a comment that was not taken well.

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I'll be interested to see your review of Maya Palms. My first tendency was to be critical too - but I was a little hesitant given our weather situation there. I think it would have been much nicer if it was warmer and sunnier and so I hate to tell folks to skip it altogether - especially given the fact that options are VERY limited at Costa Maya. If you have a pretty day and are looking for a secluded beach, I think Maya Palms would be good choice. But you just have to know what to expect; I can't stress enough that this is NOT a typical luxury resort - those simply don't exist in Costa Maya, anyway.


If you have a day like we had - one of the non-water activities would probably be a better fit (i.e. jungle hikes, ATV rides etc.).


And, as I said earlier I think your best value altogether, regardless of port, may still be one of the ships excursions.

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I'll be interested to see your review of Maya Palms. My first tendency was to be critical too - but I was a little hesitant given our weather situation there. I think it would have been much nicer if it was warmer and sunnier and so I hate to tell folks to skip it altogether - especially given the fact that options are VERY limited at Costa Maya. If you have a pretty day and are looking for a secluded beach, I think Maya Palms would be good choice. But you just have to know what to expect; I can't stress enough that this is NOT a typical luxury resort - those simply don't exist in Costa Maya, anyway.


If you have a day like we had - one of the non-water activities would probably be a better fit (i.e. jungle hikes, ATV rides etc.).


And, as I said earlier I think your best value altogether, regardless of port, may still be one of the ships excursions.

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I TOO WENT on the Jewel of the Seas on Nov 13th, and had a WONDERFUL time, my kids too on the Adventure Club and overall. But I did had the same impression of Conzumel and Costa Maya, and I wrote a review on a different web and got lots of responses from people doubting what we experienced. I thought it was just me then. I dont think Conzumel is prepared enough to receive turists. What they did is clean up the debris and fallen greenery. BUt anyways, It was good to visit different places to look at it in a brighter side. I did not know you could have such a wonderful time on a cruise and we loveeeeeed this cruise.

I cant wait to go on another one probably and I hope, during summer.

:) :) :)

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I don't think the ship's demographics were that different from society's in general. But something we are going to have to face as a society is our increasing propensity to be overweight. It will continue to affect us all with increasing healthcare costs.




Thanks for your reviews :D



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On our first cruise (Carnival Fascination--spring break) we felt old and fat; on the second cruise (the following Jan. Norwegian Wind) we felt young and slim:rolleyes:. It was all in who was around us--we aren't as slim as college students nor as hefty as a lot of adults.


That said, I, too, notice and regret the fattening of our culture. It's so much nicer to be fit and somewhat trim

heading into mid-life and grandkids.

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Funny thing, we were showing our pictures of our cruise on the Jewel this past October and our 11 year old grandaughter said after looking at a picture by the pool "Wow! everybody looks fat!" Unfortunately I was in the picture. Boy did she get a lecture from her Mother.

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I have enjoyed both of your reviews and am working on a in-depth review as we speak my review of Maya Palm will be much more critical. It was not a good choice or more to the point value (but I will save that for my review) in my view, I think you are too kind. As for the weight comment I don't think you fully understand the struggle with weight that many of us face. It is not simply eat a little less and go out for a walk once and a while and you will be thin. That’s not the way it works. It's a battle every day. And many who are over weight feel that people who are thin, maybe just by genetics, are insulting just by talking about weight. Please don't throw away a good review by being over sensitive to a comment that was not taken well.


I'm forty, and not overweight, but trust me it is not because of my genetics. If I do not exercise, I easily put on weight just like most people. So I do understand the struggle; yet, it's one I choose to win.


I ran at least two and a half miles a day on the cruise ship treadmill, and THAT is why I didn't put on a pound during our cruise....not because of my higher genetics. Of course, I do understand that some people have a greater propensity toward weight gain, just as some have higher tendencies toward other factors negatively effecting their well being.


Truly, I don't intend to be critical; rather, I prefer to encourage. If obesity is effecting one's health (and obesity ultimately can), doesn't it make sense to make this a central priority? What is one's health worth?


Sorry for the soapbox, but its a topic I do feel strongly about...and a societal problem (notably in America) that rationalization or sensitivity won't solve.

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Truly, I don't intend to be critical; rather, I prefer to encourage. If obesity is effecting one's health (and obesity ultimately can), doesn't it make sense to make this a central priority? What is one's health worth?


What may be a priority to you might not necessarily be a priority to others. It's really no one's business but the individuals. I'm sure that the overweight individual already knows they are overweight, they don't need you to point it out to them, or be banished from cruising, JMHO.

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I also didn’t gain a single pound on the ship, I could go tit for tat here but I won't I will it seam’s echo your earlier comments and state that anyone who is worried about gaining weight on a cruise ship has any number of options open to them including, healthy menu choices in both the dinning room and the windjammer, the ship shape room, stairs, pool and track for exercise. While it is interesting the myths surrounding weight and cruising and the myths of weight and heath care cost I think we should agree to disagree.


By the way I am 36 and over 100 pounds over weight and to the point I will need to go to a 1200-1500 calorie diet and starting out with four hours of exercise a day to lose the weight needed to be healthy. It’s not magic.

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