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Crown Princess ABC islands Jan 12 to 20, 2018


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Sunset and Sabatini's

There was an island in the distance around sunset time




and odd cloud formations



Call me weird, call me Ishmael, but I can't resist a sunset at sea as you never know what you are going to get. The sun had been a faint presence for most of the day and he wasn't going to suddenly bathe me in a techicolor glow tonight but I am here and I have a camera and I might as well open the shutter.




A massive bank of low cloud hangs in the air off our port bow






I've lost count of the number of sunsets I have seen and I really never photographed them until I was sailing in the Caribbean, day in and day out on a cruise ship in 1985. I saw plenty of them in London, usually when I was driving in that congested city- catching a glimpse now and then over the rooftops or the Thames. Seen one seen 'em all has never applied.

Darkness is falling rapidly and so I will move back inside to the dazzling hotel I am floating on and slip into my suit and tie as it is Formal Night again. Our main highlights tonight are Dinner and a show-a magician, again something we wouldn't dream of, or be capable of, seeing in Chicago. Only on a cruise ship...





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Even the best-laid plans go wrong...

I showered with the Bvlgari White Tea soap I bring along and put on a nice vivid blue shirt and my Gerry Garcia tie (hated his music with a passion but his ties are cool) and slipped into my suit pants. Well, no- didn't slip as much as squeeze myself in as it seems that either the pants had shrunk or my stomach had gotten bigger. I felt uncomfortable but there was no way I was going to be late to Sabatini's. No Sirree-Bob (Odd Expression). Changing clothes was out of the question.

During the short to-the- elevator walk I felt not 100% up to par and by the time we were cordially greeted at Sabs by the Head Waiter I was positively not feeling by best.

We were led to a table by the window overlooking the fountain outside and I thought...Thank You Neville!! Just as requested, even though the restaurant was as busy as I have seen it on any ship. We had a prime table.

Our waiter tonight would be happy to serve us-his name was Ignacio from Portugal a country which I have a soft-spot for (my stomach, as some of the best meals I have ever eaten were Portuguese at a restaurant in the Ironbound section of Newark NJ-a restaurant called Tony de Caneca which is where I first sampled the sublime combination of Sambuca Romana and espresso) and we were happy to have him. Just one problem- I wasn't feeling at all well as I had a cold sweat happening and a good measure of that-better than any Doctor's diagnosis, (that will be $750 please)

was the fact that after being seated and receiving my bottle of Malbec from way down in Da Vinci I didn't eat a single yummy breadstick! Normally after a few minutes Carol will say "what happened to all the breadsticks?" and I will wipe the crumbs from my mouth and say " I may have eaten them all" (and I usually do).

The ship was pitching and rolling quite a bit as we sailed down some ocean stairs or something but I don't get seasick EVER so that wasn't it. I felt a fever and not even MORE COWBELL could subdue it.

Oh no, come on-NOW? Really? I am in Sabatini's for Pete's sake! It's been 6 hours since I ate lunch and I am craving some Northern Italian cuisine and lots of it-except that now I have zero appetite. Carol wasn't hungry either! Damn you MDR lunch or the sudden fever!

Worst of all I was having a really hard time getting focus on the camera as the ship was rolling and being in restaurant lighting I had to slow the shutter speeds to a point where camera shake was my enemy. It was frustrating and I wanted to be in bed getting some poultices or even leeches administered. I will say that my fever didn't stop me drinking wine- it was there on the table so I could hardly ignore it-come on!

I took a picture out of the window to catch the redly-illuminated fountain on deck 16



Carol looking radiant




The Perusal



I so wanted to be "on" tonight, to savor the moment and every succulent bite of beautifully prepared food, but it was an hour and a half that I wish I could get back to relive in that way.

Making excuses and leaving the restaurant was out of the question as I knew it would be a long time before we would eat in a Sabatini's again.

So we ordered food...

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Short rib ragu with penne pasta



Now even though my senses were numbed and my head throbbing I realized this was a gosh-darned good dish of food. It's actually what Carol is cooking tonight on March 2nd in her amazing Instant Pot, the best thing to come out of Canada since Celine Dion and Joni Mitchell.

When a waiter asks me if I would like some grated Parmesan I say "but of course". When he then says "say when" as he is grating, my response is usually "NO I will not". Bring it on!!

Sub-conciously I live for cheese. As a Brit I love my dry cheddar but most of all I like the stinky French ones that look like they should have been thrown out of the fridge a while ago and I like Brie, Boursin, Camembert and any goat cheese you can bring to the table. Cheez-Wiz isn't real cheese nor is the oily stuff they pour on your nachos at a movie theater. Wine and cheese are life.

Carol's Manicotti



When I see Veal Milanese on a menu I am having it. When in Germany (our 2nd home) I am good for one veal schnitzel a day. At home I also cook schnitzels with thin slices of veal from our butcher of 20 years and pound the Bejesus out of it with a meat hammer. Some flour, egg wash and those crispy Japanese Panko breadcrumbs, then into a pan with some half inch deep oil for two minutes a side on some high heat and voila!- delicious Schnitzel with sauerhraut and red cabbage with pan fried potatoes!

Veal Milanese was the origin of the German Schnitzel and I had one. Alas it wasn't beaten thin and had the bone in. Authentic but not up to expectations. It was tasty but the Angels didn't sing due to the thickness-too dense for the lemon squeeze to really penetrate every molecule (I'm a tough crowd when it comes to Schnitzels) I ate it all though despite my poor form at the time.




Carol's shrimp dish which she also had on the Regal and whose name escapes me



I'm sure there were tomatoes in there somewhere. Dessert? No we're not hungry.

But wait! Maybe we could force down an Espresso Creme Brûlée ? Even if I knew it would kill me instantly I would probably have said yes to this Princess treat! I didn't have the strength to photograph it, alas. So I call upon the one we had on the Regal...




as I also do for our olives and prosciutto appetizer we picked at earlier in the meal




A fantastic dinner-kudos to the kitchen once again. I wish I could sit down and eat it again under better circumstances.

Suddenly at our table was Neville, as always checking to see if everything was to our satisfaction. I didn't mention I wasn't feeling chipper as that had nothing to do with the excellence of the food coming out nor the service from the impeccable Ignacio. Sabatini's was firing on all 8 cylinders even if I wasn't. As always we had a bright and breezy chat with a few chuckles. He is such a cool guy and with a razor wit. I live to laugh.

I paid the $60 bill and left a tip on the slip for Ignacio. All plans for a show for me were dropped as I just had to get to bed and hopefully sleep off the fever. I was abed by 9.30 while the ship was in full Formal Night swing. The ballon drop video would not be happening, alas.

Carol went to the show and really enjoyed the comedy and magic of Michael Misko.

I slept, despite the bass from Club Fusion and that sleep did me the world of good. It was longer than my usual 5 hours. In the morning I would wake and set out on my last full day on the Crown Princess, with cameras in hand (bag) to bring you photos of the ship to whet your appetite for a cruise on her. But that's for another day...

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Bimmer09: enjoying your review especially since we have been to the ABC’s a couple of times . Your forgot to mention basketball & hockey as the best things to come out of Canada. Alfred



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Another amazing review from Norris! I was getting withdrawal symptoms.


We flew to Singapore on 10 January for a few days in Singapore before embarking the Costa Victoria for 14 days in Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. Cruising the same time as you. It was an amazing experience.


I am looking forward to the day when I can get hubby off a Costa ship. I loved your review out of New York. On my list and so is going to Cuba.


I'll now go back to page 25!



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Your review was most helpful before we boarded the Crown on 2/10/18 for the ABC Islands. If any of your followers are headed to the ABC Islands, I HIGHLY recommend these two fabulous lunch restaurants:

Bonaire: Donna & Giorgio's Trattoria - a very short walk from the pier. Go early, as all items are fresh-made daily and they'll run out of their seafood pizza and their lasagna (both are to die for)!

Aruba: Asi es mi Peru - about a half block inland from Eagle Beach. Ceviche was out of this world! Be sure to sit in the street-side dining area, not in the main dining room. I can't remember the name of the drink I had (they described it as a Peruvian margarita) but it was very refreshing.


Thanks for the restaurant recommendations! More choices for us and for anyone reading this when next in the ABCs.

I am happy that you got to read some of this before sailing on the Crown and thanks for saying so. CC is all about sharing info and building anticipation.

Did you enjoy the Crown ABC experience?

We sure did!


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Bimmer09: enjoying your review especially since we have been to the ABC’s a couple of times . Your forgot to mention basketball & hockey as the best things to come out of Canada. Alfred

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Hi and thanks for reading the GSJ. Basketball was originated in Canada? Did not know that.

I have actually been to one ice hockey game in Vancouver many years ago- Canucks vs Washington Generals (?). It was certainly fast and exciting.

Cheers Alfred!


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Hi and thanks for reading the GSJ. Basketball was originated in Canada? Did not know that.

I have actually been to one ice hockey game in Vancouver many years ago- Canucks vs Washington Generals (?). It was certainly fast and exciting.

Cheers Alfred!


Nope. James Naismith, Springfield, Mass.

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Sorry we got off track🤪!!

I have really enjoyed this review. We will be doing the ABC islands on The Reflection in January. Your insights have so helpful. Thanks for taking us along virtually





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Another day at sea and once I have had that first cup of coffee in the dark by Tradewinds I can set about taking photos of empty rooms while no one is around. I am recovered from whatever ailed me last night at dinner. A very early night was a great idea even though it meant missing a very funny magic show and the balloon drop video opportunity.



Deck 7, the Promenade deck would be a good place to start my tour....
Off the forward elevator and down the starboard side is the Captain's Circle Desk

Across from the Wheelhouse Bar (on my right) is EFFY Jewelry









The library is very close to the Piazza. No problem at 6 a.m but maybe not a quiet place to read after 11.




More later...

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There are a couple of lounges that are disappearing from newer Princess ships which many may lament the passing of. I told you I never use the Casino but I love that it is there as a choice should I feel the urge and so many passengers like to spend time there. Similarly I never pull up a chair in this next room but love that it is there as a option. I have often stopped for a minute late in the evening to listen to the pianists playing and singing. In this way I discovered David Moore, the brilliantly funny and talented pianist, Cory Simon and on this ship A.J Clarke.

I love the room decor.



It's something Celebrity doesn't have-a piano bar and you don't see enough of those in the cities anymore. An intimate, relaxing and sophisticated setting for music and drinks and conversation where you don't need to shout to be heard.

Seen from the bar looking forward







The art usually harks back to earlier times



I also hark back to earlier times myself as I was born in the 1950's at a time when gentlemen were still wearing hats which they would tip when meeting you and engaging you with a vocabulary learned at school, where you sat and paid attention and learned something. Where I was fortunate enough to be born the doors and windows didn't have to be locked until bedtime.

I lived here, overlooking a harbor


A modern day photo


There was no Police station but once a day a police car drove through town (village). People dressed up on Sunday to go to church and on Saturday evening to sit in a field and watch soccer games where the players were all amateurs who loved soccer. I was at all these games and even played for one of the teams when I was older. There were no bleachers or lights.

There was no talk of "farm to table" as we were surrounded by farms and local gardeners. I recall the taste of the produce and meats in Northern Ireland to this day, some 40 years on.

Everyone had an imagination and an attention span and a love of the outdoors and conversation. There was TV (black and white) but only 3 channels. No computers and no cell phones. Few distractions. The only people with tattoos were people like my dad-seamen and the only people with Masai tribesmen circular earlobe extenders were, er, um, Masai tribesmen.

I played outside all day-hide and seek, soccer for hours on end, collecting bees in a jar, building a raft out of empty oil-drums to sail on the ponds near the beach, building a wind-yacht to sail on that firm sand beach, beach combing, playing on idle construction equipment on the weekend, acting in plays in a home-built theater, walking through fields over hill and dale. This was all pre-Beatles and once they came along and lit up up my life and the name London loomed larger I became more aware of the outside world.

And here I am today, in a world of tattoos, bed hair, gym clothes, senior citizens who can barely walk in their Air Jordans, can't hear you because they are listening to their headphones, can't see you as they are looking at their phones crossing the street, doors that have triple locks, kids who have to be watched 24/7, a bombardment of selling and the slow death of the truth, of lies and deception, of school shootings and people having meltdowns, of cheap products with a short shelf life because you're not going to pay a lot for this muffler, of terrorists and drugs and broken promises and nickel and dimeing, of Somali Pirates and Isis and talk of walls between borders, long after 1989, of shrinking glaciers and unpredictable weather of Youtube and seeing people stoned to death and beheaded. And I think to myself...what a wonderful world.

And it is, still- for me, but I am lucky and nothing brings that home to me more than being on a cruise ship, wearing clean clothes and being well fed, entertained and not bored and meeting cool people I would never have met otherwise. It's the perfect escape from reality to a world of civility and good clean fun and no crime (don't say murder on the Emerald Princess-that would or could have happened to that couple anywhere). Everybody gets along even though they are among 3,000 complete strangers. Manners and civility are on show from most -I'll leave out chair hogs and elevator rushers from that observation-they just weren't brought up right.

So there can't be many more people who Escape more Completely than I do on a ship. I appreciate every moment from before dawn to midnight. I can say the same for a land vacation, except cruising takes away a lot of the decision making (where to eat?) and expense and effort (parking a car in a city).

So when the Disembarkation papers and luggage tags show up in the mailbox I heave a sigh.

My time is running out. That's why you will always see me on the last day, at sea or in a port, walking swiftly around the ship taking photos. I can't leave it all until mañana.

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Park West art auctions are setting up their easels for later in the day, so even 6 a.m wasn't early enough to have the room to myself.




I had to get ahead of them while I could, to have an uninterrupted view of this lovely room













This the room we saw A.J. Clarke perform in, you may remember

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I love the little mushroom lamps









Eventually a Park West guy asks me to leave- for my safety. LOL! I'm obviously in danger of seeing some crappy art so I thank him for looking out for me.

Explorers has it's own bar by the entrance




If it's SRO, as it often is, there is seating just across the way





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Yes, Norris, thank you so much! I'm now an avid reader of your reviews. I've checked out some of your previous ones too. Beautiful photography as well. This review has got me excited for our upcoming trip. Thanks again!


Amanda and Lee- welcome and thanks so much for the kind comments. I am glad you have checked out some of my older reviews too. I think this is #14 with hopefully more to come.

When are you sailing?


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Sorry we got off track🤪!!

I have really enjoyed this review. We will be doing the ABC islands on The Reflection in January. Your insights have so helpful. Thanks for taking us along virtually

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No problem- I learned something I didn't know about basketball.

Reflection and ABCs is a great combination!



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Amanda and Lee- welcome and thanks so much for the kind comments. I am glad you have checked out some of my older reviews too. I think this is #14 with hopefully more to come.

When are you sailing?



We sail on the Crown to the ABC's on March 16th. It can't come soon enough, as I am ready to leave winter behind.


Really enjoyed your Canada/New England review. Born and raised in rural Nova Scotia, it made me a little home sick. And gave me a hankering for some darn good seafood. ;)

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Explorers Art







and further along the hallway a reminder that tonight we all have to pack



I have to visit Passenger Services to have our luggage tags changed as they had us getting off at 8.30 on Saturday whereas we wanted latest possible so I had us moved to 10.10 a.m. We would have Club Fusion, which I will show you later, as our waiting room.

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The Crown is festooned with these plaques, given as gifts to commemorate her first visit to a new port over her 12 years at sea.











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