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LIVE LIVE LIVE from the Sovereign of the Seas


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Oh, I thought of some actual SHIP information some of you may wish to know.


The safe in the JS was the type that opens with any magnetic strip card.


The balcony was a nice size - big enough for a lounge chair or two, but there weren't any - just two chairs and the little round table between.


Bathroom: not much more floor space than a non-suite bathroom, but well designed. Nice marble sink counter area. Same marble as a shelf behind the toilet - this is where the stack of towels and the complimentary toiletries were, with lots of space leftover for our stuff. No "hidden spaces" behind the mirrors - they were truly just flat mirrors on the wall. Two "corner" shelves near the sink. Same corner shelf design in the bathtub/shower. We don't take baths, but this makes for any extra-roomy shower space.


LOVE the thick, comfy white terry robes we got as Platinum C&A! Annezier brought one for David, too, even though technically only Beth & I are Platinum.


Already mentioned that in two cruises, we actually got THREE C&A gifties. Two tote bags, two hanging toiletry bags, two tote bags. :D


She brought an ice bucket AND champagne glasses without being asked. She just saw the bottle and knew that we wanted them. Every day, she put fresh ice in - we didn't actually drink one bottle until the last night. Ok, *I* drank it.


If you have and are using the pull out bed, ASK YOUR CABIN ATTENDANT FOR AN EGG CRATER TOPPER IMMEDIATELY.


OOO, OOO, OOO - the hairdryer actually had an *on* button that stayed on without being held the whole time!


No problems carrying on six bottles: two champagne, two red, one white, one Uncle Jack. Never paid a corkage fee in the dining room. I didn't try to avoid it; no one ever asked for my card, just opened and served my wine. I really really tried to buy wines RC doesn't stock, but I missed on one. It was the white. My waiter had me suppressing giggles. He said that MY bottle wasn't cold, so he went and got a bottle of RC's that was already chilled! and, as I said, no corkage fee. :D


I actually encountered some of those types who are the butt of jokes by the CD at the last performance. Standing in the Photo Gallery looking for our pictures, I overheard someone ask her partner, "How do we find our pictures? Are they in alphabetical order?"


First comedian, Jim McCue - not good at all. Next comedian, Louis Ramey - VERY funny. Juggler - Danny DiMuzzio - good, funny, clever, worth seeing. Bart Rockett - magician and comic - ok to good. Has his own show in Branson, Missouri. 'nuff said. (don't hit me) RCCL Singers and Dancers - some better than others. Overall, what we've come to expect from this troupe. (those of you who know me know that my son is a dancer and may audition this spring) (he's better than all of 'em)


Friendliest cashiers in the casino. I made personal friends with three of them. Always stopped by to say hi, tell them that they brought me luck, just chatted, etc. They couldn't believe that a passenger took the time and effort to learn their names and to talk to them like human beings. Hit a couple of nice pots at slots, but gave most of it back. Slots were VERY tight the last night. That was one of the good things about getting distracted by "other activities" - I gambled a lot less on this cruise.


Too much football in the Schooner Bar, but that's the nature of cruising during Bowl Season.


Too much smoke in the Schooner Bar, but I had the choice to walk through it or not.


Something really noticeable: The weird "paths" of the elevators. The far forward elevators went all the way from 1 to 11. The center elevators just went 3 to 7. The aft elevators (near our cabin) just went 5 to 11. Then two of the aft elevators could go from 5 to 14. I usually took the stairs anyway, but the stairs were the same pattern, too. Sometimes you just couldn't get from here to there. It was only a problem when Beth was carrying her VERY heavy and awkward scuba equipment down to Deck 1 to get off in port! (of course, there really isn't any Deck 6, except at the front elevators - it's called the Tween Deck for a reason)


The senior staff went out of its way to be friendly and helpful. I don't know all the reasons - there are many possibilities. I was friendly to them. I booked another cruise while on board. I stayed on for two cruises. I was in a JS. I was Platinum C&A. They are just nice, polished professionals.


Always a smiling greeter at the Windjammer. When I was waiting for SOMEONE TO SHOW UP (late as usual), we had a lovely chat.


I saw no chairhogging or difficulty in obtaining a lounger. I don't know why anyone wants to be "in the front row" anyway. There's nothing going on there. There ARE tables and chairs on the Sovereign around the OUTSIDE of the pool deck. Most of the loungers are the new, solid blue type, NOT the webbing type, though there are some of those on the next deck up.


I didn't use the pools or hot tubs at all this cruise, but I walked the pool deck occasionally. There is a sign that says that the forward pool is for adult guests only. I never saw anyone paying the LEAST attention to that 'rule.' There is a waverunner there as decoration/advertisement for CoCoCay, with a big sign that said, "Please do not climb on the waverunner." I rarely walked by that there WASN'T someone on that damned waverunner. I saw a Mom in the hot tub with her baby. FECAL TEABAG ALERT.


There were NO out of control kids. Occasionally, an 8 to 10 year old boy would dash by, chased by another. No problems, no knocking down or annoyance. I witnessed no disgusting behavior in the WJ, although I did see barefeet, and that is supposedly banned.


Used the fitness room once. Very nicely done - enough machines for the people who were there when I was. Antibacterial wipes available.


The entire cruise is VERY VERY casual. Lots of blue jeans in the dining room, including on my kids. I gave up and gave in after we saw how many others were wearing them. My kids' jeans are very nice ones, and I just decided not to fight that battle. David looked very handsome in his tuxedo on New Year's Eve, and Beth looked gorgeous, as usual. Most men were wearing nice suits. I'm bad at estimates, but I would guess maybe 20% in actual tuxedoes. Some women in surprisingly informal clothes - I'm accustomed to women dressing up MORE than the men.


Food on CoCoCay was typical RC "picnic" lunch fare, but they have gone out of their way to have more variety. It's NOT just burgers, dogs and ribs, as it was on Labadee in 2002. There were lots of salads and fruits, too. The drinks were the usual iced tea and lemonade, but they had LOTS of ice and the water always tastes delicious to me. Straw market is crap. Cash only, IF you want to buy something.


Bought a nice fake pashmina shawl for my daughter in the shop. It was free. The Loyalty Ambassador, Chris Hou, gave me a "secret shopper" survey, and after we reported our shopping experience, received a $10 credit on our SeaPass Account. I miss being able to check our account on the TV.


I used the "package" plan to post on the internet to you all while I was onboard - it brings the price down from 50 cents per minute of use to 33 cents. But you're worth it. :) I helped quite a few people who couldn't figure out how to use the internet there. RC should pay ME. (had two $7.50 coupons for internet)


Our tablemates were all pleasant enough, though there are no lasting friendships there. I have always thought that RC did a pretty good job of matching tablemates. On the second cruise, we were at a table for six: Me, 50, Beth, 20, David, almost 18. Other family: Dad, 33, Mom, 29, son, 6. OUCH! Fortunately, I am a teacher, and Beth CAN be charming. We entertained the HELL out of all of them. I think that they weren't quite sure what to make of us at first. I just sort of took over Spencer's entertainment, when it was clear that a six year old would need a lot of distraction. We laughed at all his knock knock jokes - a concept he doesn't yet understand very well. :)


I have to give another BIG thumbs-up to the facilities at Port Canaveral. Boy, is THIS place set up nicely to handle the cruise business!


I highly recommend our driver. He's not the cheapest, but you couldn't ask for a nicer or more accommodating guy. $180 round trip, though I added a bonus. He took us shopping, at my request, before dropping us at our hotel. Liquor store, for the obvious reasons, and Walgreen's, because Southwest had destroyed the zipper on one of our big duffel bags. He was right there waiting for us when we disembarked. His name is Ed Korgan, and you can contact him at EKorgan2@aol.com. He has a really big SUV (Yukon?)


I loved flying Southwest, if only because their baggage allowance is THREE checked bags per passenger.


I already told you guys about the horrendous time we had getting home. There were two typical SW moments on the plane.


As we SEEMED to be making our final descent into Philadelphia, the stewardess made some announcements, and then said, "If you have a connecting flight, well......................................(long pause), Good Luck."


After we were FINALLY taxiing to the gate in Philadelphia, the stewardess came on, thanked us for flying SW, asked us to remain in our seats, and said, "Now, I know that someone of you have unbuckled your seatbelts, even though the captain has not yet turned off the sign. We have a sensor system up here: 5c, 7b, 13d, 22a - put your seatbelts back on!" It was so funny - my daughter was in 7b, and was indignant that she was being falsely accused, until I assured her that SW does NOT have any such sensor system, and the stewardess was just having fun..............

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Thanks for your awesome 'Live' updates Carol, enjoyed reading them. We're on Sovereign in a couple weeks, the 4 day Jan 23-27, would love to have you join us!


If not, what was it you wanted someone to do/say to the piano guy? Is it the Dueling piano guy? What's his name? I'm what's politely called an 'extrovert' and willing to be your messenger.


Haven't been reading/posting around here much, not since Mustard of the Seas (I was the Junior Assistant in charge of Equestrian Management), but now that the holidays are over and our trip is getting closer I've started peeking in again.


I'm at your service to do your will, unless you want to join us (and 15 of DHs family members!) We have an inside quad on deck 4.


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Originally Posted by Merion_Mom

If I can swing it, I'm running straight back down to the Sovereign on January 23rd!!!!!!!!

Carol....thanks for the great post and the live updates! I really enjoyed this thread. :) MY DH and I will be sailing on SoS on the 23rd. I'm a newbie here, but I've really enjoyed all the info, learned so much and it really helps feed my addiction!. Hope you make the sailing on the 23rd. 16 days...I'm soo excited!

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Oh, yes, I REALLY REALLY did. :eek:


Thanks for not asking about BLACKJACK again, Wogster! ;)



No problem. It sounds like you had a really great time. And you so deserve it. I hope you get to go back down and continue the highlights.

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Thanks for your awesome 'Live' updates Carol, enjoyed reading them. We're on Sovereign in a couple weeks, the 4 day Jan 23-27, would love to have you join us!


If not, what was it you wanted someone to do/say to the piano guy? Is it the Dueling piano guy? What's his name? I'm what's politely called an 'extrovert' and willing to be your messenger.


Haven't been reading/posting around here much, not since Mustard of the Seas (I was the Junior Assistant in charge of Equestrian Management), but now that the holidays are over and our trip is getting closer I've started peeking in again.


I'm at your service to do your will, unless you want to join us (and 15 of DHs family members!) We have an inside quad on deck 4.



Hey Kaye,

Our horses have been missing you. Pop by the Floataway Lounge and check us out, we're still around!

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What a great review, finally got around to reading it! I really wanted to sail the Soverin this past Dec for my inlaws anniversary and ended up in Disney instead. Glad to hear you and your family had a great time, sounds like a lot of fun:) A second trip on the Sovereign.... must be a great ship:)

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Thanks for your awesome 'Live' updates Carol, enjoyed reading them. We're on Sovereign in a couple weeks, the 4 day Jan 23-27, would love to have you join us!


If not, what was it you wanted someone to do/say to the piano guy? Is it the Dueling piano guy? What's his name? I'm what's politely called an 'extrovert' and willing to be your messenger.


Haven't been reading/posting around here much, not since Mustard of the Seas (I was the Junior Assistant in charge of Equestrian Management), but now that the holidays are over and our trip is getting closer I've started peeking in again.


I'm at your service to do your will, unless you want to join us (and 15 of DHs family members!) We have an inside quad on deck 4.



Kaye we are still around, though moved to the Floataway lounge.

Check out the MOS thread at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=211885

we are close to 4000 posts now. Would be great to have you there again. And don´t forget to vote on the polls for the first MOS cruise.


Sorry Carol for this interruption.


It really looks you had a great time. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Thanks for the great updates, Carol. You were supposed to be my "neighbor" on the Jewel NY Cruise 05. Sorry we missed cruising with you. Did you ever end up meeting with Sue (ACruise4 or is it ACruiseFor??)? I remember her mentioning that you two had planned a get together. We are actually cruising Jewel OTS again and with Sue's family as part of a group cruise she put together for families she's sailed with before. It's the 1 July 06 Scandanavia/Russia trip, if you are interested. (Figured I can mention it since I'm not a travel agent or anything.)



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Hey, Jane! I talked with Sue several times after you guys got back from the Jewel a year ago. She told me about this cruise you are taking, and invited us along, but it wouldn't work for us. As a matter of fact, my kids have vetoed ANY cruise in the summer of 2006. My son wants to spend his last summer pre-college with his high school friends. My daughter is staying in State College to do advanced Physics in summer school.


Looks like Mom will have to find her own cruise this summer! Now, all I have to do is talk Royal Caribbean into putting Dueling Pianos on the Empress! ;)

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  • 1 month later...

OMG!!! That was QUITE a scene, wasn't it????


If you picture the front row of chairs as sort of the bottom half of a clock, and the "freebird guy" was at 4:20 (both hands pointing the same way), I was at 7:35.


Does that help? ;)

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You were pretty much right behind us. The man the "freebird guy" spilled the champagne on was my husband! Basically, we decided to ditch the pianos and head to the deck party, because they weren't able to play any music between "mr. moneybags", the guy who kept requesting the lame songs for big bucks and the "freebird guy" taking a collection and making a big deal about counting it out! I thought both of them were completely obnoxious, so we headed elsewhere. We went back the next night and had a blast - minus "mr. moneybags and freebird guy".



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