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Detailed Photo Review of Celebrity Eclipse 14 Night Southern Caribbean Cruise 3/4/18


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All of a sudden, I noticed this huge school of fish swimming below me! I have never seen anything like that while snorkeling, but it reminded me of the Monterey Bay Aquarium where they have this round circular tank mounted overhead as you enter one of the exhibits and there are thousands of sardines in there, constantly swimming in circles. I got this image off Google Images to show you what I mean because it’s a very impressive exhibit…



Anyway, back to Curacao… I looked down to see this swimming below me! So cool!!






I just love the shape of their formation and how they all know to stay in line and follow the pack.







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There wasn’t much in the way of coral or other fish, but I did spot this bright purple coral.




Oh look, another turtle! I thanked him for swimming in a good direction for the sun to shine on his shell… he must have been a model in a former life!






I stayed out in the water to snorkel for only about 15 minutes so I could have some time to check out the rest of the beach. It looks like a tour group was here to observe from standing on the pier.




The area wasn’t all that big, but it was perfect as a spot to observe the turtles. The water was such a pretty shade of turquoise!




The sand was very course with sharp pieces of shells, so I wouldn’t recommend walking around barefoot.



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Eddy pointed out the building in the distance up on the cliff with the red roof and yellow wall… that would be our next destination.




I walked down to the end of the pier and then I understood why all those people were standing out here… there were pelicans!




This was a much more up-close encounter with them as compared to when we were in Antigua and could see them from our boat.




Timing is everything… I was just clicking away, taking lots of photos, and I happened to snap a photo just as this guy was receiving his lunch!



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Every time I encounter a pelican, I am so impressed at how tame they are and how they don’t seem to mind when humans come too close. This photo was taken on New Years Eve 2011 in Half Moon Bay, CA. I had a brief chat with the pelican, and once we were friends, he posed for a photo with me!






What is it about this spot in Curacao that keeps reminding me of life back in California? Haha


Ok, I’m sorry, I’ll try to stay more focused…


It was nearly time to leave, so I started walking back towards the bus and came across this guy…




I didn’t expect to see all these birds at this stop, but it was so fun! Whoever left their shoes on the beach might need to spend the rest of the day barefoot if she doesn’t come back soon!



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Finally some pictures without hands on your hips. ;) Thanks for a great review.


haha that's because I didn't discover "my pose" until a year or two after those photos were taken! ;p

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Once everyone was back on the bus, we drove just a few minutes up to the top of the hill to Playa Forti.




From here, we had a beautiful overlook of the coast, and could see back towards Playa Piskado.




Just look at the color of that water! So pretty!!








Ever since I booked this tour nearly a year ago, I was looking forward to this stop because it offers a very unique experience… cliff jumping! There is a small platform where you can jump from, with a 40ft drop before you reach the 14 foot deep pool of water. All along, DH and I both planned to jump from here, but now that I was standing up here, I got scared. Eddy explained that you have to stay stick straight in a vertical position, and to hit the water with your feet first in order to avoid injury. After that, you need to swim back to the shore to reach the stairs and climb back up to the top of the cliff. I am not the best swimmer and I was worried about getting back to shore, especially without my goggles. In the end, I chickened out, as did everyone else on our tour, except for DH. He was the only person brave enough to make the jump, although it did take him a few seconds of standing up on the platform, plotting his technique and gaining the courage to take the jump. Again, this was a great opportunity to use the burst mode on my camera. I got some really cool photos, but I didn’t have the right angle to see when he actually hit the water.



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Judging by the splash, he was not perfectly straight when he hit the water. If there is anything I have learned by watching competitive diving on the summer Olympics, it’s that the bigger the splash, the more of an angle your body had when hitting the water.



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It took him a few seconds to swim back up to the surface. I was glad to see that he was still breathing and that he survived the jump, but I could tell he wasn’t feeling quite right.




He took a few minutes to swim back to the shore and climb up the stairs. There he is, walking to the stairs on the beach.




When he got back up to the top of the cliff, he said his neck and shoulder were hurting and we think he may have given himself whiplash. As the day went on, the muscles in his neck got very tight and it hurt him to turn his head to the side. I used my Physical Therapy skills to try to work out the knots in his muscles and one of the ladies on the tour offered him some Advil. The soreness continued for a few more days, getting gradually better, and he was back to normal by the end of the cruise. Looking back, DH said he was glad he jumped because he would have regretted not doing it, but I was very happy that I skipped it!!


After all of that excitement, we were ready for some time to relax at a beach. We drove about 10 minutes to our next stop, and along the way, we passed this monument to freedom from slavery.




Our next stop was Playa Kenepa Grandi, and we had just over 1 hour to enjoy this beautiful beach with stunning views and to go snorkeling. If we wanted to rent lounge chairs and an umbrella, it would cost $18, and it was $1 to use the bathroom, but it was free to put your towel down on the sand. Eddy said we were free to stock up on some drinks from the cooler to bring down to the beach with us. Yrad parked the bus at the back of the parking lot so we could come back for refills if we wanted to.




This is often rated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, and I can see why!





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We climbed down the stone steps to reach the beach below.




Restrooms and the restaurant is to the right




There was lots of shade on the closer side of the beach, just as we got off the steps. DH was really sore, so he opted to drink a beer from the bus on his towel in the sand while I went snorkeling. I started on the left side of the beach (facing the water), heading towards those rocks I saw from above. The snorkeling was okay… nothing spectacular, but I did see a puffer fish and a few other interesting fish. There wasn’t much coral though, mostly just sand and rocks.









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I stayed out there for about 15 minutes, then swam back to the beach to walk over to the far right side and see what the snorkeling was like over there.




It didn’t take long to realize the snorkeling over here was even more impressive. I stayed close to the rocks and found lots of interesting fish.


Tiny bright blue fish




I looked down and check out what I found…




Squid!!! I am always super excited when I spot something I’ve never seen before, and this was my first time seeing squid! They moved really quickly and they were small and stayed close to the ocean floor, so it was hard to get a clear photo, but I did my best.





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Still reading and still loving your report.


Of all the ports on our upcoming cruise, Curacao excites me the most. The colours everywhere - from the buildings to the water - appear so vibrant. I’m crossing my fingers that we get the same clear, blue day you got.


I love the pic of the turtle and the colour of the water in the pelican pics is stunning. We have a photography tour booked which includes turtles and pelicans, so it’s possible we could be going to the same beach. Can’t wait. :-)

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Still reading and still loving your report.


Of all the ports on our upcoming cruise, Curacao excites me the most. The colours everywhere - from the buildings to the water - appear so vibrant. I’m crossing my fingers that we get the same clear, blue day you got.


I love the pic of the turtle and the colour of the water in the pelican pics is stunning. We have a photography tour booked which includes turtles and pelicans, so it’s possible we could be going to the same beach. Can’t wait. :-)


Curacao was really beautiful and DH and I go back and forth about if Curacao or Aruba win as our favorite port of the cruise. Our tour took us pretty far from the cruise port area, so we got to see a lot of beautiful natural scenery. I didn't even do any editing to those photos- the colors were just that vibrant (of course, it helps to coordinate with where the sun is located at that moment!) I would love to take a photography tour, but that's not something that interests DH and I think a lot of those tours are geared towards people with DSLRs so I'd be out of place with my point and shoot camera. There was a lot of action at Playa Piskado between the interesting animals, the fisherman trying to work, and the beach itself, so it would make a great stop if your photography tour does go there! Either way, enjoy Curacao, it was beautiful!

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DanaMe again. I have a question, a compliment or two & a request. First - do you take your own mask & snorkel & flippers? Next the compliments. I really am amazed at the detail of your reviews & your photos are fantastic. You are obviously young, so probably employed. Where do you get the time. You’d be the star of a photo tour. Just because someone has a dslr, doesn’t mean they can use it. I would think the focus of a photography tour would be composition & you’ve got that figured out.

Now for my request. I’m really interested in the islands you visited. When you post a whole group of photos & info would it be possible to indicate which island you’re on every few posts. I’m often reading on my tablet or phone & have to do a lot of scrolling to figure out where you are.




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Curacao was really beautiful and DH and I go back and forth about if Curacao or Aruba win as our favorite port of the cruise. Our tour took us pretty far from the cruise port area, so we got to see a lot of beautiful natural scenery. I didn't even do any editing to those photos- the colors were just that vibrant (of course, it helps to coordinate with where the sun is located at that moment!) I would love to take a photography tour, but that's not something that interests DH and I think a lot of those tours are geared towards people with DSLRs so I'd be out of place with my point and shoot camera. There was a lot of action at Playa Piskado between the interesting animals, the fisherman trying to work, and the beach itself, so it would make a great stop if your photography tour does go there! Either way, enjoy Curacao, it was beautiful!


I agree with the previous poster - you would take amazing photos on a photography tour because your eye for a beautiful photo is great.


I don’t have a dslr either. I love what they can do, but when it comes to travel I’m not a fan of how much bag space they take up, particularly if you are using multiple lenses. For that reason, I try to buy the best point and shoots I can afford and then learn some of the manual setting basics. I’m eyeing another one right now and trying to justify to myself why we should splash out for one before we leave. Lol.

Thankfully the tour we’re doing (Gail’s Gallery) says it’s for any level of skill or camera (even a camera phone). It’s just about being keen to check out photographic places.


I’m happy to hear you love Aruba so much and are looking forward to your posts about your time there. It looks like a stunning island, but so far it’s the only one of our 7 stops where I haven’t felt torn for choice between activities. We’ll spend one of our days doing our own thing and checking out the town and an as yet undecided beach, but I’m searching for inspiration for the second day. As yet nothing is jumping out at me, so your post may provide some much needed inspiration.


Thanks again for the effort you are putting into this wonderful report.

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DanaMe again. I have a question, a compliment or two & a request. First - do you take your own mask & snorkel & flippers? Next the compliments. I really am amazed at the detail of your reviews & your photos are fantastic. You are obviously young, so probably employed. Where do you get the time. You’d be the star of a photo tour. Just because someone has a dslr, doesn’t mean they can use it. I would think the focus of a photography tour would be composition & you’ve got that figured out.

Now for my request. I’m really interested in the islands you visited. When you post a whole group of photos & info would it be possible to indicate which island you’re on every few posts. I’m often reading on my tablet or phone & have to do a lot of scrolling to figure out where you are.





Hi Maris,

Thank you so much for your kind words! Too bad you didn't make that request sooner to remind you of which port I'm talking about. I just have a few posts left for Curacao, and then all the rest of my port posts will be about Aruba because that's the last port of the cruise! I'll keep that in mind for my next manifesto/review hehe


Yes, I am about 30 years away from retirement, so I do still work full time! I usually work on my review at night while watching tv, and then try to upload my posts that night or the next morning before leaving for work. That's why I only post a few posts at a time... there's only so many hours in the day! haha


And yes, we both own our own snorkels and masks. I also own fins because it all came in a set together, but I have yet to use them because they take up way too much space in my luggage lol When I was a teenager, I got pink eye and strep throat from a rented set of snorkel equipment and that scarred me for life, so I always travel with my own equipment after that!

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I agree with the previous poster - you would take amazing photos on a photography tour because your eye for a beautiful photo is great.


I don’t have a dslr either. I love what they can do, but when it comes to travel I’m not a fan of how much bag space they take up, particularly if you are using multiple lenses. For that reason, I try to buy the best point and shoots I can afford and then learn some of the manual setting basics. I’m eyeing another one right now and trying to justify to myself why we should splash out for one before we leave. Lol.

Thankfully the tour we’re doing (Gail’s Gallery) says it’s for any level of skill or camera (even a camera phone). It’s just about being keen to check out photographic places.


I’m happy to hear you love Aruba so much and are looking forward to your posts about your time there. It looks like a stunning island, but so far it’s the only one of our 7 stops where I haven’t felt torn for choice between activities. We’ll spend one of our days doing our own thing and checking out the town and an as yet undecided beach, but I’m searching for inspiration for the second day. As yet nothing is jumping out at me, so your post may provide some much needed inspiration.


Thanks again for the effort you are putting into this wonderful report.


Thank you so much for your kind words! We had quite a busy 2 days in Aruba, so hopefully that will give you some ideas for what you want to do when you visit :cool:

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Our time here passed quickly, so with 15 minutes to go, I made my way back to where DH was sitting so I could get dried off and help him walk back to the bus. It was now after 1pm and we were starting to get hungry, so I was ready to move along to our final stop. On the way, we passed this sign for Williwood, but I don’t remember what Eddy said was the reason for it.




Another huge church




The last stop on our Curacao tour was Playa Porto Mari, where we would have 2 hours to spend at the beach. They have a beach bar and restaurant where we could buy lunch, they have good snorkeling, and they also have bathrooms with showers that we could use for free. They charged to rent lounge chairs on the beach, but there were some Adirondack chairs that were free to use if we could find one that was available.




We were hungry, so we went over to the restaurant to buy something to eat for lunch. The menu offered typical beach food with burgers and sandwiches, so we got 2 cheeseburgers with fries for $10 USD per person.




We took a seat at the bar to wait for our food. It was nice to sit in the shade, and the view was beautiful.




Unfortunately, there were a lot of smokers at this restaurant. They weren’t there when we took our seats or we would have opted to sit somewhere else, but lucky us… 2 parties showed up and sat on either side of us, and then proceeded to smoke a bunch of cigarettes, one after the other. It was really unpleasant and ruined the beautiful atmosphere for us, and it didn’t help that it took 45 minutes for our food to be ready. Had I known the food would take that long, I probably would have gone snorkeling right after placing my order to use the time better. There weren’t that many dishes coming out of the kitchen, so I guess the cook works on “island time.”

When the food finally arrived, it was good. Nothing special, but basically what we expected it to be. I have never seen this before, but they served the burger with a slice of cucumber instead of a pickle.



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The food came at 2:15pm, so by then we were starving and scarfed it down really quickly. We paid our bill (after taking 10 minutes to hunt down the waitress), and then left to go check out the beach. It was really pretty here, but more crowded than our last beach.






We went towards the left side of the beach as there wasn’t anyone over here and we spotted some rocks that would make a safe spot to stash our beach bags.







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Just as we were about to go in the water, I noticed this man walking his pet… pig! Kinda bizarre, but I guess pigs like going for long walks on the beach?




Ok, time to go snorkeling… There’s a smooth sandy entrance to the water here so no need for water shoes.




From the shore, we could see a bunch of snorkelers out in the water, and the water was a slightly darker shade of blue out that way, so we knew that’s the direction in which we should swim. At first, it was sort of barren with just a handful of fish and some coral here and there.









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We went out a little further and that’s when things got interesting! They sunk these giant hollow concrete spheres in the water, and they had big holes in them to allow the fish to swim in and out and to give a place for coral to grow. It was so much fun to float above them and peek inside to see which fish were lurking in the shadows.













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It kinda looks like the big fish is kissing the smaller fish… either that, or he’s sizing up the smaller fish to eat for lunch!




Peek a boo, I see you!











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