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2 people with separate arrivals for check in


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What I did yesterday (that I can remember):

When I got on the ship I walkedaround a bit and ate a burger and fries from Guy's. Burger was good, and friescould have been great but I didn't like the seasoning. Had dessert at thebuffet (nothing was particularly great except the strawberry pops). Took a spatour, did the foot thing where you get a print, and participated in the sparaffle and was the last person to win a prize ($100 spa credit!). Booked a 50minute massage. Just in case anyone is curious, spa credit can only be used on certaindays and for certain spa services based on the full price (they give you a listyou can choose from). You cannot use it on anything so if there is a specialpackage or you have a day in mind, you are out of luck. In any case, I'm usingit on Ensenada Day as all I want to do there is see the blowhole.



Next I didthe safety drill and had a little chocolate soft serve from the buffet (wasokay). I really wanted hot chocolate but at nearly every machine was out ofservice. The one that did work, only gave out hot water (you could see all themix on top, but it still wouldn't work). Watched a little of the party thatthey do when the ship departs.I think because of the weather, it affected theinterest of it as they moved it inside. It was your standard cruise ship cornything, but all the workers were very nice and seemed to enjoy it. Went to thecabin briefly to just go online. Wifi was dial up slow, but good enough. I hadhousekeeping also change my 2 twins to a king since I had the cabin to myself,and to change my bedding as I found hair on the sheets (as well as a few longhairs in the shower and in the toilet). They changed it but there were still acouple of hairs on the sheet so I then decided to just shut up about it becauseit would probably happen again (hair freaks me out when in a hotel room). Gotthe chocolate getaway drink from the lobby bar. Was pretty good. Finished ittoo quickly.

Went to meet up with my group for a talk and mingled with somepeople in it. Changed for dinner at the dining room to meet the group fordinner. Complete mixed experience on that dining experience. Caesar salad hadold lettuce (you know the taste of old lettuce), however, the flat iron steakwas surprisingly very, very good (Carnival knows how to make a steak!). Theynever brought out my iced tea, it took forever to get the entrees as we saw peoplein our group get dessert before most of us got our entrees (not kidding and weall were there around the same time), and the broccoli with my steak waspartially defrosted (and the waiter gave me a potato instead of the whippedpotatoes). Service was terrible, some bad food (at least how it was prepared),but a great steak and tiramisu (hope they have it again). For dessert Iselected a date pudding (was really a partially baked muffin imo and notexactly pudding, and the nutella tiramisu which was excellent).





Went to roombriefly and then went to watch the 2 comedians that they had. They were betterthan the comedians I have seen before on other cruises. I went because theywere listed as 18 and up, an explicit LOL. A lot of poking fun of people in theaudience and talking about a well known body part of certain men (cause a lotof people to leave!!). I watched from the bar (had a “sex on the stage”….nothingspecial). Thought I would do karaoke but I returned to the cabin to check emailand get to bed (got back to the cabin around midnight….time does fly whencruising).




It's now 7:15AM. My tentative plans for the day include breakfast buffet, hot tub on Serenity, steam room, possibly going to the gym, get my picture taken with the cruise director for a prize (anyone know what the prize is?), and then need to join my group up for a 2 hour thing. After late lunch maybe use the hot tub again. It's evening night where I'm joining my group for dinner. I then want to see the comedian or karaoke (wish they weren't at or around the same time as I want to do both!), and then do the Quest!.



Sounds like your having a good time after all.

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Sweet. I didn't realize you were so close to your sail date.

Long Beach terminal is the smoothest check in we have experienced. It seemed like the majority of people weren't interested to get on the ship early, unlike or experience with Galveston.


Sent from my FRD-L04 using Forums mobile app


Yes it does always seem like people start lining up at sunrise to board in Galveston! 😂

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What I did yesterday (that I can remember):

When I got on the ship I walkedaround a bit and ate a burger and fries from Guy's. Burger was good, and friescould have been great but I didn't like the seasoning. Had dessert at thebuffet (nothing was particularly great except the strawberry pops). Took a spatour, did the foot thing where you get a print, and participated in the sparaffle and was the last person to win a prize ($100 spa credit!). Booked a 50minute massage. Just in case anyone is curious, spa credit can only be used on certaindays and for certain spa services based on the full price (they give you a listyou can choose from). You cannot use it on anything so if there is a specialpackage or you have a day in mind, you are out of luck. In any case, I'm usingit on Ensenada Day as all I want to do there is see the blowhole.

Next I didthe safety drill and had a little chocolate soft serve from the buffet (wasokay). I really wanted hot chocolate but at nearly every machine was out ofservice. The one that did work, only gave out hot water (you could see all themix on top, but it still wouldn't work). Watched a little of the party thatthey do when the ship departs.I think because of the weather, it affected theinterest of it as they moved it inside. It was your standard cruise ship cornything, but all the workers were very nice and seemed to enjoy it. Went to thecabin briefly to just go online. Wifi was dial up slow, but good enough. I hadhousekeeping also change my 2 twins to a king since I had the cabin to myself,and to change my bedding as I found hair on the sheets (as well as a few longhairs in the shower and in the toilet). They changed it but there were still acouple of hairs on the sheet so I then decided to just shut up about it becauseit would probably happen again (hair freaks me out when in a hotel room). Gotthe chocolate getaway drink from the lobby bar. Was pretty good. Finished ittoo quickly.

Went to meet up with my group for a talk and mingled with somepeople in it. Changed for dinner at the dining room to meet the group fordinner. Complete mixed experience on that dining experience. Caesar salad hadold lettuce (you know the taste of old lettuce), however, the flat iron steakwas surprisingly very, very good (Carnival knows how to make a steak!). Theynever brought out my iced tea, it took forever to get the entrees as we saw peoplein our group get dessert before most of us got our entrees (not kidding and weall were there around the same time), and the broccoli with my steak waspartially defrosted (and the waiter gave me a potato instead of the whippedpotatoes). Service was terrible, some bad food (at least how it was prepared),but a great steak and tiramisu (hope they have it again). For dessert Iselected a date pudding (was really a partially baked muffin imo and notexactly pudding, and the nutella tiramisu which was excellent).





Went to roombriefly and then went to watch the 2 comedians that they had. They were betterthan the comedians I have seen before on other cruises. I went because theywere listed as 18 and up, an explicit LOL. A lot of poking fun of people in theaudience and talking about a well known body part of certain men (cause a lotof people to leave!!). I watched from the bar (had a “sex on the stage”….nothingspecial). Thought I would do karaoke but I returned to the cabin to check emailand get to bed (got back to the cabin around midnight….time does fly whencruising).




It's now 7:15AM. My tentative plans for the day include breakfast buffet, hot tub on Serenity, steam room, possibly going to the gym, get my picture taken with the cruise director for a prize (anyone know what the prize is?), and then need to join my group up for a 2 hour thing. After late lunch maybe use the hot tub again. It's evening night where I'm joining my group for dinner. I then want to see the comedian or karaoke (wish they weren't at or around the same time as I want to do both!), and then do the Quest!.

Can you please let me know about the embarkation at long beach, I'm still 50/50 about buying FTTF, my check in time is 12:30-1 and I will flight in 4 days before the cruise. So I plan to arrive at the port around 11 am, do they let you in before check in time? Thank you in advance for answering my question.

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Can you please let me know about the embarkation at long beach, I'm still 50/50 about buying FTTF, my check in time is 12:30-1 and I will flight in 4 days before the cruise. So I plan to arrive at the port around 11 am, do they let you in before check in time? Thank you in advance for answering my question.


No problem. Glad to be help someone :)

I would not spend the $$$ on FTTF based on my experience Friday at Long Beach. I was the 12:30-1:00 check in (at least on the boarding pass that I printed out). There was hardly anyone in the parking lot, checking in, or on the boat when I came on. The experience from the time I parked to got on the ship was maybe 15 minutes, 20 minutes to be conservative. If I had FTTF I probably would have felt that I wasted $.


Not sure though if that's common in Long Beach for these 3 day booze cruises. The cruise I did before this was a NCL in Alaska out of Vancouver. There was maybe a 40 minute wait in a waiting area where you sat with water until you could eventually check in. That being said though that experience wasn't too long...maybe 1 hour total until I got on the ship.

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really wanted hot chocolate but at nearly every machine was out of service. The one that did work, only gave out hot water (you could see all the mix on top, but it still wouldn't work).


I've learned to tap the hot chocolate mix container so that the mix drops into the machine.

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Can you please let me know about the embarkation at long beach, I'm still 50/50 about buying FTTF, my check in time is 12:30-1 and I will flight in 4 days before the cruise. So I plan to arrive at the port around 11 am, do they let you in before check in time? Thank you in advance for answering my question.


They are checking the check-in times. A few weeks ago, they were having people wait for their time. I don't think FTTF is really worth it for the 3/4day cruises unless you really want/need to get to your cabin early. If you are taking the 4 day cruise, both tenders carry over 500 passengers, so getting on a tender is fast.

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Final Thoughts


Yesterday (Sea Day):

Don't remember too much about it (I'm someone with no memory whatsoever). Woke up early and hit up the breakfast buffet. Not particularly great. The only thing that I have really liked was the Mexican restaurant's breakfast burritos. Oddly enough, they are really good to me! Disappointed that they won't be open tomorrow when I get off the ship.


Went to the spa to use the steam room and dry sauna. Don't bother coming in before 9 (they open at 8) as the steam room and sauna takes a long time to actually become fully active. I had the same problem on NCL.


Changed in cabin and caught the end of Towel Theater since the thing I wanted to see was right after it. It was geared towards kids but was kind of cute to see (keep in mind I'm not a kid person and I'm not the kind of adult who watches kids movies for fun like many people do). "Towels just want to have fun" was one of the songs that the towel animals sang in the Towlent Show lol. I watched the thing that Nono the cruise director was doing (basically to sell excursions to Ensenada and to get people to get the Carnival app and credit card). Played the raffle but didn't win anything. I got my picture taken with her so that tomorrow morning I can get my prize (you get a prize by taking a selfie with her). Only problem is, I'm not sure where to find her or if they meant that the last day was the last full time, or the day we actually get off the ship.


Joined my group for an activity in one the room that we were able to use. Then went briefly to the lunch buffet. Like breakfast, nothing particularly amazing (the Carnival buffet imo is maybe like Hometown Buffet). I am a "foodie" so this didn't make me have the oooooohssss and ahhhhhhhs that some buffets have. I think I just got a sandwich from the deli which wasn't bad. I wanted to try the pizza but the pizza stand had a huge line.


I later went to the Serenity area to use the hot tub. Was unsuccessful actually getting into either tub. One tub had a lot of loud women blasting rap music that said the n word repeatedly, and the other had people in my group but there was no room. I ended up just laying briefly on a lounge chair but the weather wasn't particularly great so I didn't stay long.


Went to the room and napped.


Met my group in another group for an activity before went to the dining room for dinner. Had the prime rib (was excellent although it would have been nice if they trimmed the fat), a side salad (slightly better than the day before), a baked potato, and a small bowl of ice cream (thankfully not the soft serve from the buffet which imo is gross). Service was slightly better and the waitstaff put on a good show.


I don't really remember what I did at night for entertainment. I think I ran to the bathroom in my room immediately after dinner and stayed in for the night (I'm introverted so my group's dinner was enough social time for me lol). I went to the casino briefly and spent $16 trying to win $100 at Cash Crane but didn't win.


TODAY: Ensenada Day

Woke up early again and same as before, breakfast buffet was unimpressive so I had the breakfast burrito again. I actually did order room service earlier and just got coffee (horrible coffee), a bagel (actually a good bagel imo), and a small croissant (not bad tasting). Went to the spa to use the steam room and check in for my massage. Massage was 50 minutes and cost $59 after the $100 spa gift card I won.Massage was good however there were interruptions 4 times on the loud speakers regarding Ensenada and how there was going to be a practice drill for the cruise staff with alarms going off). This was during the massage. A lot of aggressive up-selling. They automatically add on a 15% gratuity and then a section for another gratuity which to me was really tacky (I did add $7 because I felt pressured to give an additional tip).


Went to the room to change and then got off the ship to go to Ensenada. I took the $2 bus that gets you to downtown. The driver told me that the tour buses that go to the blowhole Bufadora are at the bus station so he dropped me off there. I tried to ask different drivers how much their tours would be. All wanted $17 and haggling didn't help. I just paid the $17 since one bus was about to leave.


Got on the bus and heard the tour guide say that they would drop us off after the tour at the bus station. I was annoyed because the guy I bought the ticket from flat out said that they drop off right in front of the ship. I spoke privately to the guide and she said she would see if the guide would drop me and other people off at the ship instead of having to take another bus.


Guide pointed out stops on the way such as the casino where the margarita was allegedly invented, where asparagus grows, Ensenada's version of a mini San Diego, and Costco and Walmart lol. The bus stopped at a Corona themed liquor store to use the bathroom and buy snacks if people wanted. Continued to the blowhole. Guide gave us 2 hours to see it, shop, and eat. She walked us through the shopping area showing us how you know silver is real and how leather is real.I went to the blowhole which was crowded. I had to wait awhile from 2 different areas to actually get to see it (I'm short). It was interesting to see and hear, but I wouldn't do it again. I saw it because I heard it was a must. Walked through the stores. Went to a pharmacy and didn't realize Oxycontin was legal in Mexico (didn't buy any lol).They include with the tour and transportation a margarita at Anana Banana (something like that). It's maybe 1/4th the size of a normal margarita. This is the place where you can play with baby tigers for $20 (around that). There was a wait so I didn't do it. At first when I heard about this I believed it was cruel to steal wild animals in order for profit but then I realized the organization actually saved the babies from death. Walked around and got a small pina colada in one of those pineapples for $. Got 2 more from a different vendor where the pineapples were almost double the size and it was $10 for 1 with a free refill. One was enough for me. Don't want a pina colada for awhile now.


Tour thankfully dropped me off by where the cruise ship was so I didn't have to take another bus (gave the guide a good tip for doing that). Got back on the ship for a late lunch/early dinner since the Fun Times listed what would be open at around 4. All that was open was the pizza place which again had a huge line, Guy's (long line, but moved fast), and the soft serve. More was supposed to be open but that was it.


Went to room to put on bathing suit and headed to Serenity. One hot tub was full of people I would not want to share a hot tub with (snobby? yes). The other one had what appeared to be 2 families in it with 2 little kids and a baby. So much for 21 and up.... There was a towel person there on and off who didn't do anything while seeing this. Could I have said something? Sure, but when it's me 1 person and 2 families I kept my mouth shut. Left the Serenity area and headed back to my room.


Took a shower, changed, and took a very long nap before having the last dinner with my group. I wasn't particularly hungry. I did order the beef tenderloin and had a few bites of that and a plain salad. Everything seemed okay but I had no appetite.


Me and a few people in my group went to see one of the comedians from the first night of the cruise, and then caught the last 15 minutes of karaoke (they should allow the karaoke to run later imo). The people I went to karaoke with headed somewhere else and has soon as I could I quietly left to go back to my room to back, get ready for bed, and go sleep. Even on vacation, I'm not a night owl.



Hit up the breakfast buffet at 6:30. Got an omelet (no line...went as soon as I saw). Was good...Had sticky buns with it which could have been good if they could have heated them up for me (I asked). Headed back to the room to finish packing and typing this. Waiting for my deck to be called so that I could leave and sit in 1hr5min-2hr of traffic :)

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I just called Carnival. I spoke to the first rep who said that because the wench changed the time to 2:30 that I could potentially have to wait to 2:30 instead of 12:30. I found the original boarding pass deep inside my purse when trying to find my ATM card. My paper boarding says 12:30. The rep said to do a print preview to see the time and it said 2:30. She said that she thinks I will be okay sticking to the time that I had checked in but that she wasn't sure. I asked to speak to someone else for a 2nd opinion and got disconnected while waiting so I called back. That rep assured me that when I check in they wouldn't give me a hard time.


2 opinions...2 different answers.




Take the original boarding pass, they only look at the time printed on it. Get to the port, go with original plans and don’t say a word at the terminal. IMHO I don’t for see a problem.



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In case anyone was wondering the prize you get for getting your photo taken with the cruise director was just a Carnival Cruise ribbon/medal thing. I was hoping for a mug or keychain :D


Got off today where I take my own suitcase. Line was long to leave but it moved quickly. It was maybe 45 minutes to get off the ship and to the parking lot. Cost was $60 for parking (thought it would be $80 so happy).

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Did you see anyone carry big suitcase for self check in? I was wondering if my big suitcase able to fit through the scanner, my husband would be paranoid if it got lost. We been thinking to use the small carry on, but the airline only allow one person, that won't be enough for us. Last time I saw a family infront of me have two big suitcase. Thank you very much for your reply. It's hard for me to buy FTTF , because the other people that go with me didn't want to buy, my husband feel bad for leaving them behind.

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Did you see anyone carry big suitcase for self check in? I was wondering if my big suitcase able to fit through the scanner, my husband would be paranoid if it got lost. We been thinking to use the small carry on, but the airline only allow one person, that won't be enough for us. Last time I saw a family infront of me have two big suitcase. Thank you very much for your reply. It's hard for me to buy FTTF , because the other people that go with me didn't want to buy, my husband feel bad for leaving them behind.


Your cruise contract should state maximum allowed sizes for the luggage. For most lines this is much bigger than airlines, since height/length does not matter just width and depth. My husband and I carried our luggage on our last cruise (with FTTF), but it was a little cramped in the terminal waiting area. We each had a large (29") roller and smaller roller, plus a personal bag/back pack. For our next cruise we will try to cut that in half so that at most there are two large rollers on the floor, but likely one large one small total.

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Did you see anyone carry big suitcase for self check in? I was wondering if my big suitcase able to fit through the scanner, my husband would be paranoid if it got lost. We been thinking to use the small carry on, but the airline only allow one person, that won't be enough for us. Last time I saw a family infront of me have two big suitcase. Thank you very much for your reply. It's hard for me to buy FTTF , because the other people that go with me didn't want to buy, my husband feel bad for leaving them behind.



I have a suitcase that is so big I can't bring it on airplanes and it fits in the scanner at the terminals for cruises

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You can still check in when you want. Because of our flight and how long I thought it was going to take us to get to the port. I made our check in time out about an hour...which means we got there an hour earlier. Go through no problems, no one told us to wait or anything.

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