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Emerald Princess round trip to Alaska from LA with pictures - April / May 2018


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Emerald Princess to Alaska - April 27 - May 9, 2018 - Round trip out of Los Angeles


Friday April 27 - Embarkation day


So, first a little about me. This is my thirty-third cruise and fifth on Princess. I am platinum on Princess. I am also platinum on Carnival, diamond plus on Royal Caribbean and I am gold on Norwegian Cruise Line, but should be platinum before the end of next year.


I found out that people like lots of details, so I write my review will on the ship while events are fresh in my mind. In fact, I am typing this while seated in the terminal waiting to board the ship.


Then I found out that people like lots of photographs. I started out with a good quality point and shoot camera. I am currently using a Canon A1300. The people who read my reviews liked my photographs. So eventually I upgraded to a DSLR (and upgraded that a couple of times). Now I have a Nikon D5200. I eventually purchased a very wide angle lens so I could cover the cabins with on photo instead of four photographs “stitched” together to look like one photograph.




Please note, while we did not have much rain, we did have plenty of cloud cover. Some of the photographs look like they are black and white images. It is the lack of the sun that prevented some of nature’s colors from showing their true colors. On the other hand, when the sun is not acting like a spot light there are less shadows (which is why the professional photographers have one light aimed at the background – to prevent shadows), so it is not all bad when it is overcast. So in some cases I have included photographs that were taken by others prior to our arrival in Alaska. Most notably photographs I obtained from the ship or from the musher camp in Skagway.


I started out posting forty or so photographs. Soon I was posting about 200 photographs. Unfortunately posting photographs is time consuming and boring. When Photobucket changed its terms of service, I switched to SmugMug. This gave me the ability to link to photo albums. So with one link I could link fifty or more photographs. If I recall correctly, with my last review I provided links to several albums containing over five hundred photographs. This works out well for both you too. The linked photographs are bigger than the posted photographs (and bigger is better when dealing with photographs). I will post some of the photographs with the review and provide links to over 499 photographs (yes, one less than 500, but that does not count the 34 videos).




I made arrangement to have a limo pick me up and take me to the port, then pick me up and take me home. It is only costing me an extra thirty dollars over driving my own car and paying for parking. I really didn’t want to leave my car at the port for two weeks.


I ended up working late the day before the cruise and did not get home until late. I was tired, so I decided to pack this morning. I normally wake up around 5:30am for work, and today is what would normally be a work day. I packed, showered and dressed before the limo arrived. I have two full suit cases with enough clothing for two weeks and some cold weather gear, but no swimsuit (and no doing laundry on the ship).


Apparently there is extra screening taking place onboard the ship, so boarding will be delayed. Nonetheless, I had already made arrangements for a pick up at 9:45am planning to arrive at the pier at 10:45am. The driver was on time and traffic was heavier than I expected at 10am. Nonetheless, the driver took a different route than I usually take and we arrived at 10:45am.


I left my checked luggage with the porter and went into the terminal to check in. I was sent to the far end of the terminal and stood next to one of the staff to ask where I should go. An announcement started, so I waited for it to end before asking my questions. Turns out the announcement was that check in would now begin. It also turns out that I was in the right place at the right time. It was a very quick check in for me.


There was one strange thing about check-in. I have both a passport card and a passport book. I used the passport card because it is credit card sized and fits in my wallet. After the lady checking me in scanned my passport card she asked for my passport. I pointed to my passport card. She understood that it was good enough, but said she needed to scan my passport even though she really didn’t need to. What??? This was one of those times it was easier to comply than to argue, so I let her scan my passport. She said it was in case I need to fly home. I told her my arms would get too tired if I did that.

Room key in hand, I headed to the waiting area (first row, second seat). While seated I thought I recognized someone from the roll call that I had never met. I realize that sounds strange, but I was right. This was the first time we met face to face. I told her husband that I hoped it was okay that on the health form where it said “date” I put his wife’s name. I am wearing my beads (she was not), and while we were talking, someone else from the roll call noticed my beads and came by to say hello. We all talked for a while, and then I sat down to work on this some more.


Well, with nothing else to write, I’ll shut down for now and get back to you once I am on the ship.


Well, I am on the ship. Boarding began around 12:30pm with in-transit (for those who felt the prior twenty-eight day cruise was not long enough), any wedding parties, those that needed extra help, and relatives of the Captain and CEO. Then came elite group A, B, C, and D. Finally around 1:15pm platinum group E was called. My embarkation photo was taken with a green screen background, so I have no idea where it will appear that I am.


Once on the ship I went straight to my cabin, where my luggage was already waiting for me. Normally I then head out to take photographs. However, it is now two hours later then when I normally board, so I decided to get lunch. I have two days at sea to take photographs of the ship.


After lunch I went to guest services to change credit cards. The one I signed up with was hacked and now locked, so it cannot be used. Well, they cannot do that until we sail. Okay, I’ve got a $400 on board credit, so I can wait.


Next I took photographs of the area of the ship I would have to pay for if I wanted to see it again – the Sanctuary. Then it was back to the cabin to do some unpacking and rest up a bit. I’ll do most of my unpacking tomorrow.


Muster was at 3:15pm. My muster station was E, which is Club Fusion. It was short and soon I was headed back to the cabin to relax until we set sail at 4pm. This ship has an interior that is very much like the Royal Princess I was on last cruise. However, unlike the Royal Princess, this ships has some forward observation areas. I took a few photographs, then returned to the cabin to rest until dinner at 7:45pm.


There are five of us at a six top, and we are all linked together (in other words, it is no accident that we are all at the same table). We have been assigned to the Botticelli dining room, deck six aft. There is only two ways to get to this restaurant, via the stairs or elevator. You cannot walk along deck six from mid ship to this dining room. Now if you are arriving via the stairs and the door have not opened yet (they were late opening the door for us this evening), no big deal, you stop and wait on the stairs. But if you arrive by elevator, you only have two choices, find some room on the floor so that you can join the crowd that is waiting for the doors to open or don’t get off. I’ve seen this set up on several ships and I don’t like it.

At any rate I had the pasta appetizer and the prime rib for the main course. Dinner was good and so was the conversation. After dinner I said good night and headed for my cabin. I worked late the prior night, got up early and more or less had a long, enjoyable day. I wanted to rest. So until tomorrow - good night.


Link to the folder with additional photographs of the outside of the ship ...



Link to the folder with San Pedro photographs ...



If you want to see the larger photographs in SmugMug, just click on the photograph to the right of the thumbnails. Click on the left and right arrows to move through the album. Click on the white "X" in the upper right corner to return to the smaller photographs. The two arrows to the left of the white "X" will take you to full screen. The Esc key will bring you back. You can add comments to the photographs if you want (the comment section is just below the photographs).




Leaving San Pedro in our wake.

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Saturday, April 28 - a day at sea


I woke before sunrise at 6am, but didn’t go up on deck to photograph the sunrise. I am on the port side headed north, and thus the sun rise is on the other side of the ship. However, I did go out on the balcony and I am in my element. I think one of my ancestors was a polar bear, because I consider anything above seventy degrees to be hot. I am perfectly fine at 65 degrees in a t-shirt. It is about 52 degrees outside and for me, this is two t-shirt weather. I can, and do, leave my balcony door open while I relax without any problems. First of all, even though I have the air conditioning set for as low as possible, it is colder outside than it is inside the cabin, so I am not taxing the air conditioner by leaving the balcony door open. As far as I am concerned, the weather is fine. Since I have a Carib deck balcony, about one third of it is covered, so I should be okay if it rains while I want to be outside on the balcony.


About 7am head out for breakfast at the buffet. It is very convenient. Four decks straight up (they forgot the thirteenth deck when they built this ship) is the buffet. Four decks straight down is the dining room. At any rate, I bring my breakfast down to eat on my balcony only to find the room stewardess has already made up my room. All this means is that my dirty plate will remain out on the balcony until dinner time.




After breakfast I decide to relax waiting for the 11am meet and greet in Skywalkers (which is seven decks straight up). Did I mention that my cabin is the first one aft of the rear elevator bank? Actually I know I didn’t mention it because I checked before I added the comment to the review. The meet and greet is something that someone from the roll call can set up with Princess. Three officers showed up and answered questions. The captain couldn’t make it because he is officiating at a wedding.


I am wearing my favorite cruise shirt. I got it in Sitka on my first cruise in 1999, which is why I am disappointed that we are going to Ketchikan instead of Sitka. It shows a dear in the forest with lots of arrows in the trees. The caption reads, Vegetarian, Indian word for lousy hunter. Many people like my shirt and when they find out who I am (I’m wearing a name tag) say something along the line of, it figures. Somehow I developed a reputation as being a wise guy on the roll call. It is not my fault people are not clear on what they mean when they post.


The question and answer session was going fine until the customs procedures for Vancouver were explained. For some reason the people could not get their head around the two simple rules:


1) If you are on the ship at 10:30am you will have to disembark in order to clear US customs. Then you can go back on the ship.


2) If you are not on the ship at 10:30am, you will go through US customs when you return to the ship.

Once the above was finally clear, then there was the, well we didn’t do it that way last time, or why can’t they clear us in the Princess theater? This is a government agency, they do things the way they want to do things. They don’t care if you didn’t do it that way last time, or if you like it or not.




After that I went around the ship taking the pictures that I would normally have taken on embarkation day if I had boarded two hours earlier. Though it was a very nice day (in my opinion) there really was not much happening outside. A few people were in the hot tubs, or watching MUTS, but the only thing in the pools was water.


Then it was back to the cabin to upload the photographs, work on this and rest until it was time for the first formal night dinner. I must not be a very good photographer hunter, because I only found four, and two of the backgrounds I didn’t like. Then I waited in line for one, was the next one in line when all of us were kicked out as the senior officers were to be introduced by the captain. So in the end I only had one photo taken.




For dinner I had a hamburger as an appetizer and the shrimp. The reason I had the hamburger as an appetizer was because I was concerned that there would not be much shrimp for the main course. I was right, there were only six regular sized shrimp.


Once again I decided to head for the cabin and get to sleep. Not because I was tired (it was after all a very relaxing day) but because I wanted to get up early and photograph the ship.


So, until early tomorrow morning, good night.


Link to additional photographs of my cabin ...



Link to additional photographs of the inside of the ship ...


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Sunday, April 29 - Day at Sea


I got up around 4am and was photographing the inside of the ship by 4:30am. Other than the cleaning crew, there was only a jogger who sometimes was jogging past the area I wanted to photograph. When I was on the Sapphire Princess I took a tripod and photographed the inside of the ship between 2:30am and 4:00am. This time I didn’t bring the tripod, and I was photographing the ship between 4:30am and 6:00am. Both times the goal was the same, to get the photographs without people in the way.


Having completed photographing the ship, I showered and went upstairs for breakfast. This time I didn’t take the breakfast back to my cabin. So, with nothing better to do, I put the clean the room sign out and uploaded my photographs (I have over 400 photographs now) and worked on this. When the room stewardess showed up, I shut don’t the computer and went about exploring the ship again. This included walking outside on the promenade deck. There was a couple also walking on the promenade deck. They were wearing cold weather gear. For me it was two t-shirt weather. They couldn’t believe I was outside with only a shirt on. I pointed out I had two shirts on. Since we were walking in opposite directions we met again on the other side (of the ship). I was asked where I lived. I said Southern California. I don’t think they believed me.




I spent most of the rest of the day relaxing and working on this. It may not sound like much, but sometimes I really do enjoy just relaxing. Besides, it is too cold outside to swim so there goes two of my favorite day time activities, swimming and photographing the action outside on the pool deck.


Tonight I am having one of my four specialty dinners at Share. It is a six course dinner. The menu lists the six courses: 1) Starter 2) Salad 3) Pasta 4) Sea 5) Land 6) Dessert. You can guess which each course is like. Of course, with six courses instead of the normal three, you get a smaller portion with each course. By the end you are full. There are two to four choices for each course. The food was good, but the setup is not to my liking. I like to order two or three things that I like and get a full serving of each. For $39 it is not bad. It is certainly worth trying, but I will not be going to Share again.




The service was great. When asked what I wanted to drink, I said ice tea (no, not the singer/actor - ice tea with a little eye and a little tee). I was told that would take a while because they would have to go down stairs (Share in aft on the sixteenth deck, the buffet is aft on the fifteenth deck) to get it. Okay, I’m thirsty now, so I switched to ice water (again with a little eye - there is no tee in water, though sometimes people put tea in water –in Boston they dress like Indians and put tea in the water). Somewhere around the third course my waiter brought me some ice tea. This was a prepaid meal, so there was no bill. So at the end I went down to my cabin (tenth deck aft) and went back up to Share and gave my waiter and extra tip for the great service he provided.


Tomorrow is our first port of call, so I decided to go back to the cabin and relax. There are lots of things to do in Vancouver including a couple near the cruise dock. There is the Vancouver Aquarium, Fly Over Canada (similar to a ride at Disneyland’s California Adventure), Grouse Mountain (a winter time ski resort), the Hop-on Hop-off bus, an observation deck on a skyscraper (great view - but not worth the price in my opinion), a Sea to Sky Gondola (great views), and Stanley Park (where the aquarium is). There is even an interesting ship tour sponsored tour. However, I am already spending $340 on three shore excursions and adding another $160 for a fourth one just did not seem appealing to me. So I choose to do the aquarium on my own.


So, until tomorrow morning, good night.


Additional photos of the top side decks ...



Additional photographs of The Sanctuary ...


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Monday, April 30 - Vancouver


The captain said we would pass under Lions Gate Bridge just after sunrise. Well we passed under the bridge well before the sun came up. I had to photograph it from my balcony (good thing I went out to take a look). I will be on deck on the way out when it is still daylight.


i-V43qM5q-L.jpg Lions Gate Bridge


The captain decided to back in which left me a lovely view of the side of Canada Place. So I decided not to bring breakfast down to the balcony this time.


I am not in a hurry this morning. I will be on my own schedule and I don’t know when the aquarium opens. I don’t want to get off with the group heading to customs so that they can get back on the ship. So I decide to head out around 9:30am.




This is what two plus days at sea will do to you (you should see what they looked like after three straight days at sea between Ketchikan and Los Angeles).


I get a taxi to the aquarium (a little over ten dollars American including tip - about $12.50 Canadian). $39 to get in the Vancouver Aquarium plus $25 for two photos. Two photos for $25 is a deal that ends at noon. $39 for an aquarium seem a bit steep, but it has been a while since I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. I only spent $4 inside for a mini shot glass for my friend. It cost another $12.50 American (including tip) to get back to the ship.




The aquarium is actually very nice. Lots of aquariums inside as you might expect, including warm water tropical fish. Outside were penguins and seals. I took lots of pictures and ended up wishing I had taken my best camera (the DSLR) rather than my travel camera (the one that fits in my pocket) as I would have obtained some better pictures. However, I really did not want to carry the heavy DSLR around all day. Still I got some good photos. Since today was a school day, there were more kids at the aquarium than adults. I stayed for the noon time sea lion show and decided to get back to the ship before all the hoards showed up to clear US customs.


I looked outside and I didn’t see any taxies. I asked inside if they could call a taxi for me. Turns out they have a phone (which is free) set out for customers expressly for calling for a taxi.


i-hX7nBxT-L.jpgYes Virginia, there are penguins in the north Pacific


Next door to where the ship was docked is the Fly Over Canada experience. It is not really a ride, but rather a flying simulator. The line was long and moving slowly, and I did not know how long the experience would take, nor which time slot I would get. Since I didn’t want to get stuck in a long customs line, I decided to just get back on the ship.


I wish all US customs was as easy at this. Show the ship card, show the passport, scan the passport, answer a few questions, have your picture taken with a very poor black and white camera, meet with a CBP agent, and that was that. The whole thing took less than two minutes.


Later I had dinner with the other two couples. We shared what we did. I had soup, shrimp and a steak. After dinner I then headed back to the cabin. Walking I can handle, standing not so much. Picture taking requires standing, so does stopping and looking at a bunch of fish (even if it was interesting) which are looking back and probably wondering what the heck is that thing that is looking at me.


Any so, I have to rest up for another day at sea. So until tomorrow morning, good day.


Additional photos of Vancouver ...



Additional photos from the Vancouver Aquarium ...


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Tuesday, May 1 - Day at Sea


Today is a day at sea as we head north to Juneau. It is another good day to rest. I get going late and end up eating breakfast upstairs in the buffet. But when I get back to my cabin, it has not been made up yet. So I shower and dress, then put out the please disturb sign. When the room steward arrives, I leave and explore the shops on board. I end up buying some gifts for my friends and find a shirt I like for me. I also find a photo I forgot about from formal night. I picture of me in a suit holding a drink with a bear (the bear’s name is Stanley).


The rest of the day I relax, upload my photos, work on this, set up a spreadsheet to keep track of my expenses (both on land and sea), verify that my numbers match the numbers the ship has for me (they do) and alternate between watching something on TV (for some reason Princess likes to show Love Boat reruns) and sleeping. When I am awake, I’m watching the TV, when my eyes are closed I am sleeping.



I’m going to Chops this evening. The rest of my table mates are going to the Crab Shack for dinner. I actually run into two of them at the elevator. They are headed up to the Crab Shack, I’m headed down to the seventh floor. I end up having the rib-eye which was very good. Dessert is a small cake (cupcake size) with a hot fudge center and an ice cream chaser.


i-NShQZ85-L.jpgTypical sea day pool photo


I have not really been in the mood for late night activities, so I head back to my cabin. We set our clocks back one hour tonight before arriving in Juneau at 10:30am. We are staying until 11pm. I have to meet at 12:20pm for the first of my two dog sled rides and playing with the puppies.


So, until tomorrow, good night.


Additional photos of the ship's pools ...


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Wednesday, May 2 - Juneau


Naturally I am up early because we set our clock back one hour. We are finally sailing in an area where we can easily see land on both sides of the ship. I’m showered and dressed before going upstairs to get breakfast, which I carry down to the balcony. The view is too good to eat upstairs in the buffet. I take lots of pictures and soon we arrive in Juneau. I have a 12:30 pm shore excursion so I decided to relax in the cabin and I’ll explore the city after I get back from the dog sled ride and puppies.




There is supposed to be a chance of rain, but it is looking pretty nice, if a bit chilly. It was about 45 degrees this morning and I think it is up to about 50 now (just before noon). Not so cold that I can’t leave the balcony door open, but cold enough that I have two shirts on, one a t-shirt and one a long sleeve shirt. I will be back at you when they pull me away from the puppies kicking and screaming.


The musher’s camp is on Douglas Island. I didn’t time it, but it was not too long of a ride. There are twenty-four of us, which I quickly realize means that this excursion sold out. I was one of the early bookers. At any rate they split us into two groups of twelve and the two groups are then split up into two groups of six. Each sled is made of aluminum and has wheels. They had two sleds, so while the first group went on the sled ride, the second group (I was in the second group) got to explore a little (I found the puppies) and enjoyed a talk about how the races are run. This included a demo dog (a real Alaskan Husky – no batteries need). This dog apparently knew how to play the crowd. It laid down on its back right next to me. It was obvious what the dog wanted. Just as I was reaching over the musher said that the dog likes belly rubs.


Then it was our turn for the sled ride. I got a front row seat. The person next to me got the other front row seat. For the dogs, this is fun. The dogs are barking and pulling (the sleds are tied to the fence just like the docked ship is tied to the dock) so that the dogs do not take off without the musher (or we might not stop until we get to Nome). Now this is not a race, so the dogs are only going about sixty-five to seventy-five percent of full speed. I didn’t time the length of the ride, but I was satisfied (the dogs were not - they still wanted to run). There are bumps (we are on a dirt trail), but there were not any bone jarring bumps, even though it looks that way on the video (you try to holding a camera steady out in front of you while hitting bumps).


These are Alaskan Huskies. The Alaskan Huskies are bread to be long distance runners while the Siberian Huskies are stronger and have prettier eyes (but are not as fast over long distances). This whole set up, from the dog sled ride to holding the puppies is for the mutual benefit of all. The dogs like to run, the mushers want to keep the dogs in shape over the summer, holding of the puppies gets them used to being around people and for us, well it is just fun.


One of the lead dogs (there are sixteen dogs per sled in eight rows of two) was not a people person. I held out my hand for the dog to smell it and the dog backed away (and yes, I showered this morning). While several of the other dogs were more than happy to come and say hello. I was standing by the lead dogs while speaking to the musher and it became obvious that as time when on, the dog became more relaxed around me. However, I did not attempt to reconnect with the dog.


I did ask what happens if a snow hare runs across the path. The musher said the dogs would follow the hare. I could barely hear the musher’s commands during the ride. I asked if the dogs had any trouble hearing her commands. She said no.


When I got back to the ship I changed out of my long sleeve shirt into a short sleeved shirt (since I was going for a walk, I would be generating my own heat and didn’t need the extra warmth of the long sleeved shirt), grabbed my DSLR and headed out to get a good photo of the ship. And yes, I got asked if I was cold. I said no and pointed out that I had two shirts on.



I think the guy in the white is Alfred Hitchcock


I found a spot with a good angle on the ship, except it was from the back, and I would have preferred the same angle from the front. I took a couple of pictures and then on the way back bumped into some of my tablemates and did some shopping. I found gifts for lots of people (back home) at very decent prices.


After that it was time to upload my pictures to the computer, work on this, and just relax until dinner. At dinner we talked about what we did. Of course there was great interest in my dog sled and puppies pictures. Fortunately I had the same camera with me at the dinner table as I did on the trip, so I was able to show everyone the pictures using the camera’s screen.


After dinner I decided to follow my early to bed, early to rise routine. So until tomorrow (and another dog sled and puppies excursions), good night.


Additional photographs from Juneau ...


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Thursday, May 3 - Skagway


I am up early and get some photographs as we approach Skagway, the most northern port we will visit at 59.26 degrees north. Speaking of which, do you know what of the fifty states is the farthest north, east, west, and south (the answers will be provided later)? According to the ship’s information channel the air temperature drops as low as 36.5 degrees.




Once docked I notice that many ships have left their calling sign on the side of the mountain. Apparently it is a tradition to paint the ship’s insignia on the side of the mountain the first time the ship makes a port stop at Skagway. I notice that the Universe Explorer did so in 1996-1997. I was first here on the ship in July 1999. This is my first time back. The Ruby Princess did so in 2015. The Sun Princess in 1975 and the Island Princess in 1985, both captained by J. G. Clark.



My second dog sled ride of this cruise (and of my life) is in the afternoon, so I am not in a big rush. I shower, dress (this is three shirt weather), and go for breakfast. Then I up load my photographs and check for a place where I can get a picture of the ship that I want. The bow is facing toward land, so I’ll be able to get the photograph from the angle I want.


This time there are “only” 23 people. I knew this was going to be good when Kevin (our van driver) threatened me with “no puppies” in response to something I said to him. Since there is no threat of rain, I take my good camera with me. Kevin was great (and a wise guy, just like me). He was also very helpful (one example - he took pictures of us, with our cameras, at a lookout overlooking the valley below us). An example of his sense of humor, as we are driving along, he shouted, with much excitement, “Look a bear!” Indeed there was a bear on the side of the road. Unfortunately the bear was a full sized wood carving.


Things were a little different for this excursion. They had four sleds ready to go, so we were not split in half (we were split into quarters). They also had people lined up along the route to take pictures of us (you will see them in the video if you watch the videos). If I recall correctly, one photograph was $25, two photographs were $40, and three photographs were $55. For $75 you get ALL the photos (yours and everyone else’s) and some bonus photographs (of other tours and of last year ships). I went with the $75 package. I have more port t-shirts than I can handle, so I promised myself I would only buy shirts with a breast pocket for myself (I found two on the ship I liked), but one of the shirts at the musher’s camp I liked too much, so I bought it, even though it has no breast pocket.




After the dog sled ride there was a talk about sledding, then it was puppy time. This camp had three dogs with puppies, some about the same size as the last musher’s camp and some a little bigger, and some currently on a bus ride to the ship (for puppies in the Piazza – I can only imagine what a zoo that will be).


Back in Skagway I walked out on the small boat pier and got the photo of the ship I wanted.




Back on the ship they were getting ready for a visit from the puppies. Of the three thousand or so passengers on the ship, about four thousand of them were lined up to see the puppies. I decided I was not going to get in that line.


I went back to my cabin, uploaded the photographs, and worked on this. I knew my tablemates would want to see the puppy photos, and there were too many to just show on the camera, so I brought my computer to dinner. After dinner I headed back to my cabin and prepared for an early arrival to Glacier Bay. So until tomorrow, good night.


The state that is farthest north is easy, it is Alaska. The state that is the farthest south is the next easiest, that is Hawaii. The state that is the farthest west is Alaska. And the state that is the farthest east is also Alaska. The Aleutian Islands extend past the International Date Line.


Additional photographs of Skagway ...



Additional photographs of the dog sled rides and the puppies!


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Friday, May 4 - Glacier Bay


Today is not a port stop, it is more like a day at sea except we are here to see something besides water (and fog). We are here to see frozen rivers, also known as glaciers. It is cold (under 40 degrees) which by itself is no big deal, but it is also sort of raining. It is more like a heavy drizzle, but it is wet nonetheless.




At the end of Tarr Inlet is the Grand Pacific Glacier. I didn’t photograph it because you can’t tell it from the nearby mountain. Instead of a white face it has a dirt and rock face. Fortunately next door is the Margerie Glacier. It has a white face and as luck would have it, I had my camera set on sports, which means it takes five pictures a second. I just happened to have the camera aimed at the right place at the right time and ended up with a set of four pictures of the glacier calving. Unfortunately I did not realize what was happening at the time it was happening, so I don’t have the big splash because I took my finger off the shutter button after only four photographs. Still it was a very lucky sequence of photographs. The Margerie Glacier calved at least three time while we were there and I have a set of three pictures of one of them.




Nineteen year ago I was here (July 1999) on a two week cruise - round trip out of Vancouver. We saw Glacier Bay and another glacier (I believe it was the Hubbard Glacier). At any rate, the Hubbard Glacier had a lot more wildlife (whales, dolphins, and seals). Nonetheless, apparently this was the Emerald Princess’ first and last visit to Glacier Bay this season. The rest of the cruises are going to Tracy Arm (personally I think Tracy’s leg is better, but I was not consulted until after the itinerary was set in ice). I’ve also noticed a lot less bald eagles, but a lot more fog (the two might be related).


The fog would end up being a problem for Glacier Bay, Ketchikan, and our first day at sea headed back to Los Angeles. If you like the color white - great. Otherwise there was nothing else to see, which is what grounded the float place tours in Ketchikan (our next stop).




Tonight was my second trip to the Crown Grill. Tonight I had the porterhouse steak. Actually, on the menu the porterhouse is call a “chop” and the rib-eye is called a steak. I know the rib-eye is a better cut of meat than the porterhouse, and while I’ll say the porterhouse was okay, I have had better porterhouse steaks on ships and on land. It was cooked fine, but I am used to getting a slightly better cut of meat. That said, of the three specialty restaurants I went to (I also went to the Salty Dog two nights later) I’m glad that it was the Crown Grill that I decided to visited a second time.


After dinner it was back to the cabin to rest up for my only morning ship shore excursion (I went to the Vancouver Aquarium in the morning, but that was on my own).


Additional photos of Glacier Bay ...


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Saturday, May 5 - Ketchikan


Ketchikan is one of the rainiest places in the world. They get 160 inches (that is over thirteen feet) of rain per year. They said that they average forty-four days per year without rain or snow. Today was not one of the forty-four days. Again, I would call it a hard drizzle, but any way you look at it, it was wet.


As a result nobody was in the Sanctuary, so I was able to go inside for free to take some pictures of our arrival in Ketchikan. The rest of the observation decks were closed off.




Nonetheless, soon it was time for the lumberjack show. The lumberjack stadium is three blocks from the ship (right one block, up one block, and right one block). Now the stadium does have a roof over the seats, which is great as long as there is no wind, because the roof is very high, and if the rain is not falling straight down, the first two to three rows get wet. I was in the third row. Still, it was a lot of fun.


There are two teams of two. The American team and the Canadian team. Let’s just say one of the Americans was not having his best day. The Canadian team won. They have log chopping contests, log cutting contests, axe throwing contests (no axe catching contests), log rolling contests (including the one in the water), and pole (tree) climbing contests.




After the show there all sorts of stores across the street from the ship, some with very good prices. I probably went a little overboard (shopping - not off the side of the ship), though I decided not to buy the $2,000 dollar earrings that were half the size of my thumb nail, nor the $10 dollar earrings that were easy to see with a magnifying glass, or the upgraded $20 earrings that were easy to see with reading glasses (that I left on the ship). But I guess the advertising worked, as I did buy the one dollar orca pendant (the five dollar chain was extra). Actually I bought two of them (for the daughters of my sister’s former neighbor).




Finally I had enough of the rain and decided to go back to the ship to dry off and see how much I spent. Then upload my photographs and work on this. Then finally relax until dinner.


I also went to lunch between drying off and finding how much I spent. Nothing really special about the buffet lunch until I was on the elevator going down to my cabin. The buffet is on deck fifteen aft. The aft elevators are between the Horizon Court (the buffet) and Café Caribe (part time buffet and part time Crab Shack, which I hear is pretty good). There is no way to get to the aft elevator bank on deck fifteen without going past the buffets. So several of us get on and head down. The first one (almost) gets off on deck eleven, but holds the elevator. He is looking for the food. He is informed that it is on the deck where he got on the elevator. This is day nine of the cruise. He doesn’t know where the food is yet? All I can assume is that by now he must be very hungry.


At dinner we discussed what we did in Ketchikan. That is when I found out that all the float plane excursions were cancelled.


After dinner it was back to the cabin and rest up for the upcoming three days at sea.


Additional photos of Ketchikan ...



Additional photos of the Lumberjack show ...


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Sunday, May 6 - Day at Sea


Outside there is water and fog. There could be a battle ship two hundred meters (about 220 yards) from us and I wouldn’t know it (the captain would, but I would not). I don’t mind the cold, in fact I like it, so I leave the balcony door open. However, there is nothing worth doing outside. There are people playing cards in the restaurants and in the hallways (tables and chairs have been set up in the hallways).


This of course is an issue with early (or late) season visits to Alaska. The only thing in the pools is the water, though some brave the hot tubs. While the pool water feels like it has been warmed up, once you get out and get hit by that forty degree breeze, I don’t care how warm the water was, you are going to be cold until you either dry off or get inside.



To the cruise director’s credit, I did see some interesting games I have not seen before. There was a contest to make a paper airplane, launch it from deck six, and fly it through a hoop above deck five in the Piazza. No one won. However, there was also a contest to make a container, put an egg inside, and drop it from deck six on to the floor of deck five, again in the Piazza, without breaking the egg. Based on the cheering, I believe some people won that one.


Today was British-Style Pub lunch day. I did this on the Sapphire Princess and it was pretty good (and free). As I was walking by the Wheelhouse Bar (which becomes the Salty Dog for dinner) I heard someone ask, “Is this the line for the pub lunch?” I looked at my watch. It was 10:45am. I asked, you are lining up for lunch forty-five minutes early??? The person at the front of the line expected the line to be long. I am not waiting forty-five minutes for lunch. I checked at about 12:30pm and 1:00pm and there was still a long line. But at 1:30pm there was no line and I got right in. One of my tablemates told me there was no line shortly after 11:30am.




Nonetheless I ended up sharing a table with someone who needed a scooter to get around. He was a nice gentleman and we got to talking. He is on the early seating at the same restaurant I am (I have the second seating). He is not happy with the food. I told him I liked the food. But he clearly though the food was subpar.


We also got to talking about cruising when one has mobility issues requiring a scooter (or a wheelchair). For example, he sometime has to wait for four or five elevators before there is room enough for his’ scooter. Other issues with trying to get around with a scooter caused him to say that this will likely be his last cruise. I was surprised on my first cruise at all the people on the cruise that required scooters or wheelchairs. I don’t think I would be happy cruising if I could not walk.




Tonight is the second formal night. There is also a Captain’s Circle welcome back party. Half of the passengers on this cruise are platinum or elite. The top two cruisers had over nine-hundred days at sea. As I mentioned, I’m platinum. Apparently the biggest reason for becoming elite is free laundry. If I continue on with Princess, I could make elite with three more cruises.


But something happened at the Captain’s welcome back party that bothered me a bit. Though I was given two drinks, most of the servers just passed me by. I never got anything to eat, as the servers carrying the snacks never even looked at me. It was like I was invisible. It didn’t change my enjoyment of the event, but it left me wondering what is wrong with me.


I had reservations (sort of) for the Salty Dog Gastropub tonight. I arrived on time, gave them my name, but my name was not on the list. Fortunately they were able to work me in, but they could not put me at any of the tables that had been reserved for the two people that had not shown up yet. One as it turns out was in the same cabin as I am in (maybe I should take a look under the bed). I mean the two names were not even close. My last name begins with “H”. The reservation was for someone whose name began with “S”. But at least I was given one of the reserved tables.


i-5p9PqzN-L.jpgThe fog


The appetizer is complimentary, but the meal is twelve dollars. That is kind of like the way the cruise works. The cruise is free, but the room key is five thousand dollars (so don’t lose it). Then you pick two main dishes from the nine that are listed and one dessert from the four that are listed.


The meal was editable, but was, in my mind, average. From the best I can figure out, gastropub is a fancy way of describing everyday food so that you can charge more for it. Kind of like the six dollar hamburgers at Carl’s Junior. A hamburger, or the food at the Salty Dog Gastropub, by any other name is just a hamburger, or the food at Salty Dog Gastropub. It was okay, but I am not planning to book it again. For twelve dollars less, I can get better food at the Botticelli restaurant on deck six (as long as you can figure out how to get there).


And with that, good day until tomorrow.


Additional scenic photographs ...


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Monday, May 7 - Day at Sea


This is the second of our three consecutive days at sea. I get up late (this is after all a day at sea), shower, and head upstairs for breakfast. My plan is to take my breakfast down stairs to eat on the balcony. But first I have to pick up a place setting (napkin, knife, fork, and spoon). I take it from a six top table where one gentleman is sitting. He invites me to share the table, but I am still thinking of going down to my cabin. However, after I get something to drink, I think about the effort of going to my balcony (surviving the elevator ride without spilling anything and holding my plate and drink in one hand while getting my room key). So I go back to the table and tell the gentleman that I am taking him up on his offer.


DSC_3858-L.jpgBuffet on Glacier Bay day


After an exchange of first names and hometowns, he says, you are the guy from Cruise Critic. Yes I am. Well, he is XBGuy. We had a very nice conversation. I am glad I decided to share the table with him. About the time we are finishing up our conversation, someone starts eyeing our table. We invite him to join us when he mentions that he is looking for a table that seats six. So I look at XBGuy and say, you can have this one.


IMG_3130-L.jpgBaked Alaska


Then it is off to the photo gallery on deck seven to purchase two more formal night photographs. I purchased seven eight by ten photos and one smaller port photo (Ketchikan). The eight by ten photographs are twenty-five dollars and the smaller one is fifteen dollars. The all of your photographs price is $249 (unless you get a discount). The person who invited me to go on this cruise purchased the all your photos at a discount and made sure that they stood for all the formal night photos both nights, all the port photos, and all the onboard photographs (sail away, Stanley the bear, Glacier Bay ...), so she and her husband sure got their money’s worth.


For lunch I was not very hungry, so I just had a slice of pizza, an ice cream, and later a shake ($2.50). It start to clear up and actually felt warm (temperature in the sixties instead of the forties and fifties). So I took some more pictures (with my camera - not from the photo gallery). I photographed three pools, of which one person was in one of the pools. Those watching MUTS (Movies Under The Stars/Sun/Sky) were bundled up like it was the middle of winter. By this time we were already south of the Canadian border).



Crown Grill


Unfortunately there is not much happening outside, so I went back to my cabin to upload the photographs, work on this, and just relax until dinner.

I brought a box of Godiva chocolates to dinner tonight. I asked eight people if they would like one and only one person accepted. Even for me one box is a lot of chocolate (it was a gift from my travel agent).


Link to more photographs from the restaurants ...



Link to more photographs of the Crown Grill ...


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Tuesday, May 8 - Day at Sea


Well, either the captain made a “U” turn, or the weather got worse. Nothing outside except water and fog. For some reason I don’t sleep in, but I still don’t go to breakfast until late. With all the fog outside I eat breakfast upstairs.




There are sales being held on decks five and six. On sale are port shirts from the South Pacific and a crossing the International Date Line shirt. Great if you can fit in a small or medium and want to fool your friends. I didn’t buy any of the sale items. In the early afternoon the weather got a little bit better, but all I saw were four kids in the pool (all girls).


Unfortunately today is packing day. For me that is sadder than tomorrow, which is debarkation day. At least packing after the cruise is easier than packing before the cruise. I over packed, not knowing what kind of weather to expect (I didn’t need all my rain gear), and had pretty full luggage. With all the shirts I purchased, I figured I would be carrying a few bags along with my camera bag and computer bag. However, I was able to fit everything in the two pieces of luggage I brought with me.




Tonight is the last supper (with baked Alaska for dessert). I gave extra tips to the wait staff (both were great) and mentioned my super cabin steward (Tina) on a comment card. I also gave Tina an extra tip.


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Wednesday, May 9 – Debarkation


I woke up as we passed the breakwater. I went up to the buffet around 6am for breakfast. Then back to the cabin to finish up a few items on this, and to relax. My right hip is hurting and I think it has something to do with my sleeping on my port side and the mattress being a little too firm. Another thing about the bed, there are two light switches on the headboard in the middle of the bed, and two more light switches between the bed and the desk. These two light switches control the lights for the dressing area and the sleeping area. Because I sometimes put my arm under the pillow, my hand was right next to the two light switches in the middle of the bed. About three or four time during the cruise I was awakened by the room suddenly getting very bright. Seems my hand had hit the light switch and turned on the lights.


One other thing that I didn’t like was that all three Alaskan ports the gangway was on decks six and seven (this was not an issue in Vancouver). There are two issues with this. First, and this especially applies to deck seven, it is a fairly steep downward decent and upward climb. No scooters or wheelchairs were allowed to use the deck seven gangway. The other problem is the gangways are only wide enough for one way traffic. If someone is going down, nobody can go up. If someone is going up, nobody can go down. A two way gangway on deck five would eliminate both the angle (since deck five is about even with the dock) and the one way traffic. Other than that Princess got it right and this was a great cruise. One of the little plusses is that you can look at the elevator numbers, and even if the elevator is stopped at one of the decks, the numbers move up or down. So if the elevator is stopped at deck seven for example, and the seven moves down and is replaced by another seven that also moved down, that elevator will continue down. If the seven goes up and is replaced by another seven that came up from the bottom, then that elevator will be going up.


The Emerald Princess is not the best ship for Alaska. It has limited forward observation decks where you are not looking (or shooting if you have a camera) through glass/acrylic. The best outdoor observation deck is just above the bridge. Go all the way forward on deck fifteen and through the doors at the end of the hallway. The deck is fully exposed with railing instead of glass or acrylic, so the views are unobstructed. It is small, but since most people don’t know how to get there, it doesn’t get as crowded as the forward viewing area on deck sixteen. Still, the Emerald Princess has more forward observation decks than the Royal/Regal Princess ships do.


The other downside of the Emerald Princess for Alaska is that there is no inside swimming pool (such as found on the Sapphire Princess). This is not a problem in the Caribbean, but it is an issue in Alaska.


Because we cleared customs in Vancouver and only visited ports in Alaska after that, we did not have to go through customs in San Pedro. My color was orange four. It was scheduled to be called at 10:05am, it was called at 10:05am, and I was able to meet my limo at 10:30am outside the terminal. I was home by 11:30am.


Later I was called and informed that one of the cards I used on the trip (in both Vancouver and Alaska) had been hacked. At least I received the replacement for the card that had been hacked prior to the cruise.


Well, I hope this review, the attached, and linked to photographs are of some value to those who take the time to read the review and look at the photographs and videos. The review is actually shorter than I expected, since I usually write about two to three pages per day (yes, I have written 28 page reviews). I also took “only” 1533 photographs. I can take that many on a typical one week cruise. I took 2038 photographs on my one week Liberty of the Seas cruise in 2016.


So, why the shorter review and less than 2000 photographs? Because nothing was happening outside on the sea days and we spent a lot of time in near whiteout conditions (the ship was blowing its fog horn on several occasions). I even took a few pictures of the fog (they look like black and white photographs). The commercial aquarium in Vancouver did not lend itself to very many interesting photographs (Oh boy, fish in a tank, I’ve never seen that before). And finally, the two dog sled excursions did not lend themselves to still photography. I knew I would not be able to hold the camera stead enough to take still photographs, so I took a few videos instead. That said, I hope you enjoyed the review and the photographs. I welcome any comments.


Link to 34 videos (including the dog sled rides) ...





Okay, now I'm done. :D

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Thanks Zef for taking the time to do a review and post pictures I really enjoyed it. Not a small task.

I very much enjoyed the cruise. I thought the Emerald was not the best choice for Alaska. I missed the covered pool. But I did find the crew, staff and officers to be some of the best. I even did have the pleasure of seeing and talking to our Captain on a few occasions. I thought the beds were the best. Mine was not too hard. First time on board ship I got comfortable sleep.

Great review, thanks again.

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I am looking forward to reading you review!




Emerald Princess to Alaska - April 27 - May 9, 2018 - Round trip out of Los Angeles


Friday April 27 - Embarkation day


So, first a little about me. This is my thirty-third cruise and fifth on Princess. I am platinum on Princess. I am also platinum on Carnival, diamond plus on Royal Caribbean and I am gold on Norwegian Cruise Line, but should be platinum before the end of next year.


I found out that people like lots of details, so I write my review will on the ship while events are fresh in my mind. In fact, I am typing this while seated in the terminal waiting to board the ship.


Then I found out that people like lots of photographs. I started out with a good quality point and shoot camera. I am currently using a Canon A1300. The people who read my reviews liked my photographs. So eventually I upgraded to a DSLR (and upgraded that a couple of times). Now I have a Nikon D5200. I eventually purchased a very wide angle lens so I could cover the cabins with on photo instead of four photographs “stitched” together to look like one photograph.




Please note, while we did not have much rain, we did have plenty of cloud cover. Some of the photographs look like they are black and white images. It is the lack of the sun that prevented some of nature’s colors from showing their true colors. On the other hand, when the sun is not acting like a spot light there are less shadows (which is why the professional photographers have one light aimed at the background – to prevent shadows), so it is not all bad when it is overcast. So in some cases I have included photographs that were taken by others prior to our arrival in Alaska. Most notably photographs I obtained from the ship or from the musher camp in Skagway.


I started out posting forty or so photographs. Soon I was posting about 200 photographs. Unfortunately posting photographs is time consuming and boring. When Photobucket changed its terms of service, I switched to SmugMug. This gave me the ability to link to photo albums. So with one link I could link fifty or more photographs. If I recall correctly, with my last review I provided links to several albums containing over five hundred photographs. This works out well for both you too. The linked photographs are bigger than the posted photographs (and bigger is better when dealing with photographs). I will post some of the photographs with the review and provide links to over 499 photographs (yes, one less than 500, but that does not count the 34 videos).




I made arrangement to have a limo pick me up and take me to the port, then pick me up and take me home. It is only costing me an extra thirty dollars over driving my own car and paying for parking. I really didn’t want to leave my car at the port for two weeks.


I ended up working late the day before the cruise and did not get home until late. I was tired, so I decided to pack this morning. I normally wake up around 5:30am for work, and today is what would normally be a work day. I packed, showered and dressed before the limo arrived. I have two full suit cases with enough clothing for two weeks and some cold weather gear, but no swimsuit (and no doing laundry on the ship).


Apparently there is extra screening taking place onboard the ship, so boarding will be delayed. Nonetheless, I had already made arrangements for a pick up at 9:45am planning to arrive at the pier at 10:45am. The driver was on time and traffic was heavier than I expected at 10am. Nonetheless, the driver took a different route than I usually take and we arrived at 10:45am.


I left my checked luggage with the porter and went into the terminal to check in. I was sent to the far end of the terminal and stood next to one of the staff to ask where I should go. An announcement started, so I waited for it to end before asking my questions. Turns out the announcement was that check in would now begin. It also turns out that I was in the right place at the right time. It was a very quick check in for me.


There was one strange thing about check-in. I have both a passport card and a passport book. I used the passport card because it is credit card sized and fits in my wallet. After the lady checking me in scanned my passport card she asked for my passport. I pointed to my passport card. She understood that it was good enough, but said she needed to scan my passport even though she really didn’t need to. What??? This was one of those times it was easier to comply than to argue, so I let her scan my passport. She said it was in case I need to fly home. I told her my arms would get too tired if I did that.

Room key in hand, I headed to the waiting area (first row, second seat). While seated I thought I recognized someone from the roll call that I had never met. I realize that sounds strange, but I was right. This was the first time we met face to face. I told her husband that I hoped it was okay that on the health form where it said “date” I put his wife’s name. I am wearing my beads (she was not), and while we were talking, someone else from the roll call noticed my beads and came by to say hello. We all talked for a while, and then I sat down to work on this some more.


Well, with nothing else to write, I’ll shut down for now and get back to you once I am on the ship.


Well, I am on the ship. Boarding began around 12:30pm with in-transit (for those who felt the prior twenty-eight day cruise was not long enough), any wedding parties, those that needed extra help, and relatives of the Captain and CEO. Then came elite group A, B, C, and D. Finally around 1:15pm platinum group E was called. My embarkation photo was taken with a green screen background, so I have no idea where it will appear that I am.


Once on the ship I went straight to my cabin, where my luggage was already waiting for me. Normally I then head out to take photographs. However, it is now two hours later then when I normally board, so I decided to get lunch. I have two days at sea to take photographs of the ship.


After lunch I went to guest services to change credit cards. The one I signed up with was hacked and now locked, so it cannot be used. Well, they cannot do that until we sail. Okay, I’ve got a $400 on board credit, so I can wait.


Next I took photographs of the area of the ship I would have to pay for if I wanted to see it again – the Sanctuary. Then it was back to the cabin to do some unpacking and rest up a bit. I’ll do most of my unpacking tomorrow.


Muster was at 3:15pm. My muster station was E, which is Club Fusion. It was short and soon I was headed back to the cabin to relax until we set sail at 4pm. This ship has an interior that is very much like the Royal Princess I was on last cruise. However, unlike the Royal Princess, this ships has some forward observation areas. I took a few photographs, then returned to the cabin to rest until dinner at 7:45pm.


There are five of us at a six top, and we are all linked together (in other words, it is no accident that we are all at the same table). We have been assigned to the Botticelli dining room, deck six aft. There is only two ways to get to this restaurant, via the stairs or elevator. You cannot walk along deck six from mid ship to this dining room. Now if you are arriving via the stairs and the door have not opened yet (they were late opening the door for us this evening), no big deal, you stop and wait on the stairs. But if you arrive by elevator, you only have two choices, find some room on the floor so that you can join the crowd that is waiting for the doors to open or don’t get off. I’ve seen this set up on several ships and I don’t like it.

At any rate I had the pasta appetizer and the prime rib for the main course. Dinner was good and so was the conversation. After dinner I said good night and headed for my cabin. I worked late the prior night, got up early and more or less had a long, enjoyable day. I wanted to rest. So until tomorrow - good night.


Link to the folder with additional photographs of the outside of the ship ...



Link to the folder with San Pedro photographs ...



If you want to see the larger photographs in SmugMug, just click on the photograph to the right of the thumbnails. Click on the left and right arrows to move through the album. Click on the white "X" in the upper right corner to return to the smaller photographs. The two arrows to the left of the white "X" will take you to full screen. The Esc key will bring you back. You can add comments to the photographs if you want (the comment section is just below the photographs).




Leaving San Pedro in our wake.

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Thanks so much for your terrific review and wonderful pictures. It reminded me so much of my trip to Alaska a few years ago. I, too, fell in love with the sled puppies and was one of the lucky ones to arrive in Ketchican on a bright blue sunny day. It was lovely. I'm doing the California Coastal Cruise from Vancouver (my home is about 40 miles out of the city) on the Emerald in September. It will be my first cruise on Princess.


I am curious about something. On a cruise to Mexico, I met a terrific couple who live outside Vancouver and we struck up a friendship playing Trivia. They were traveling with their bear Stanley. Stanley is a teddy bear with a wardrobe better than mine. Is this the bear you referred to? If so, it just shows that cruising is a small world. I still keep in touch with them on Facebook

Edited by darstamp
punctuation misplaced
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Thanks so much for your terrific review and wonderful pictures. It reminded me so much of my trip to Alaska a few years ago. I, too, fell in love with the sled puppies and was one of the lucky ones to arrive in Ketchican on a bright blue sunny day. It was lovely. I'm doing the California Coastal Cruise from Vancouver (my home is about 40 miles out of the city) on the Emerald in September. It will be my first cruise on Princess.


I am curious about something. On a cruise to Mexico, I met a terrific couple who live outside Vancouver and we struck up a friendship playing Trivia. They were traveling with their bear Stanley. Stanley is a teddy bear with a wardrobe better than mine. Is this the bear you referred to? If so, it just shows that cruising is a small world. I still keep in touch with them on Facebook


I just posted a reply and now it is gone, so I'll try again.


The Stanley bear I took a picture with is a full sized bear costume just like in the picture below (I am not in the picture below). I did not post that particular picture (of Stanley and I) but I can if you want (after I get home).



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Definitely worth the read! I am really surprised at how different it looked for you compared to when I went the end of July-beginning of August and again another year in September. Where you had white out, we had vibrant colors. In the fall the leaves had their autumn look and in the summer it was very green. Plus, we did not have any rain.

I was on the Emerald Princess years ago for a Caribbean trip and one place I liked was where they made pizza for you. (no extra charge) Do they still have that?

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