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Kids off from school.....


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After reading some disturbing posts about people having bad experiences on their cruise due to many kids (teens) being on board, perhaps everyone in this board can contribute to a thread that outlines the various times kids are out of school in different areas, that way the rest of the board can plan their vacations a little different if they so choose ?.



For example: I once took a cruise out of San Juan during the 2nd week in January. I intentionally picked that week thinking there would be few kids on board. As it turned out, the schools in Puerto Rico have an extended XMAS break which goes well into January, so there were TONS of kids from Puerto Rico on the cruise. They hogged the jacuzzis and the pools, etc. In this cruise, people were generally well behaved, even the kids, but there were times when the kids would just get on the elevators and push every button, etc.


So if this proposed thread (could be this thread) could expand on when places like Miami have their school breaks, etc. it would probably help a lot of people out.

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You know I realize that Celebrity does not want to offend paying passengers by "dealing" with obnoxious "children" BUT they are offending paying passengers by NOT dealing with them. It is obvious that their parents have not taught them ANY manners. My 5 year old grandson does not behave like that in public. He holds the door for ladies, and your chair and will stand up to give a lady his seat on public transportation. It is so simple to teach your children manners! If they have none they should be dealt with by the authorities on the cruise ship. I don't pay for a vacation to sail with animals of any age.

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You know I realize that Celebrity does not want to offend paying passengers by "dealing" with obnoxious "children" BUT they are offending paying passengers by NOT dealing with them. It is obvious that their parents have not taught them ANY manners. My 5 year old grandson does not behave like that in public. He holds the door for ladies, and your chair and will stand up to give a lady his seat on public transportation. It is so simple to teach your children manners! If they have none they should be dealt with by the authorities on the cruise ship. I don't pay for a vacation to sail with animals of any age.



I understand, and I agree with you. My two boys are also very well educated and polite. I still think the idea of my original post may have some benefit for others.

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I've been on more cruises with rude and offending adults than children, so I don't think we want to start posting when the adults are present!:D


Seriously, I think those in the know about kid's vacations aren't about to list the dates for the benefit of those who don't want to sail with their kids. I won't say it is offensive, but rather it doesn't give a warm and fuzzy feeling.


Might I suggest you just work around the holidays noted on the calendar and then keep in mind that Spring Break is no longer a fixed period and now, for some strange reason, is even split into two seperated weeks within the same school systems. So figure mid-March to mid-April.


Similarly, school can let out in early June to early July and start up again in late August or early September.


While President's Week, Thanksgiving and Martin Luther King Day aren't moving in the near future, Christmas vacation can run 1 or 2 weeks starting the Friday before Christmas. Now, that said, many schools are also giving off for Rosh Hashanna, which varies year to year.


If you block those period out, I think you will find 1. mid-September to mid-December (save Thanksgiving Week), 2. mid-January to mid-March and 3. late April to mid-June are your periods of less children.


Hope this takes care of all aspects of this question.:)

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You know I realize that Celebrity does not want to offend paying passengers by "dealing" with obnoxious "children" BUT they are offending paying passengers by NOT dealing with them. It is obvious that their parents have not taught them ANY manners. My 5 year old grandson does not behave like that in public. He holds the door for ladies, and your chair and will stand up to give a lady his seat on public transportation. It is so simple to teach your children manners! If they have none they should be dealt with by the authorities on the cruise ship. I don't pay for a vacation to sail with animals of any age.

You hit the nail right on the head psychboss..Heres a better idea, DO us all a favor and find your selfs a babysitter and leave our vacation needing adults to relax without children..You want to cruise with children, disney has plenty of them..

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When I become a senior citizen I will want nothing to to with children also. After all, why be reminded of everything that you don't have? Remember, true wealth is measured in what you have that money won't buy.



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You hit the nail right on the head psychboss..Heres a better idea, DO us all a favor and find your selfs a babysitter and leave our vacation needing adults to relax without children..You want to cruise with children, disney has plenty of them..


You want to cruise without children -- buy yourself your own boat. Cruise lines welcome families (and most are building bigger and better children's facilities as a way to attract these customers). The problem isn't which cruise line families choose to sail (Disney, Celebrity, HAL, etc.), it's your attitude.

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There are as many answers to this question as there are states and school districts: Basic school breaks: Spring break anytime from the first week in March til the week after Easter; Summer break from about May 20th to the first part of Sept, Christmas break from a week or so before Christmas til around the 5th of January. Add to that Thanksgiving break, Columbus day or week and President's day break (ofter more than just one or two days) Now that we have all these dates, don't forget winter break or fall break that some kids get. Of course you have kids who are home schooled and a few school districts on year round school. confusing huh? It is fairly safe to say the first few weeks or Nov and Dec are pretty much child free as in most of Jan and from mid April to mid May. NMnita

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fxcarden, we experienced the same thing last dec 2004 out of San Juan on the 12/10 Constellation. Babies in hot tubs with diapers, horrible manners in buffet line and elevators, etc. This year we took the same cruise 12/10.05 Constellation.........and that type of stuff was about 75% less (note, not entirely!) Go figure!!??

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fxcarden, we experienced the same thing last dec 2004 out of San Juan on the 12/10 Constellation. Babies in hot tubs with diapers, horrible manners in buffet line and elevators, etc. This year we took the same cruise 12/10.05 Constellation.........and that type of stuff was about 75% less (note, not entirely!) Go figure!!??


Well the whole thing seems to be a roll of the dice. I was just trying to narrow down some dates when kids are less likely to be on board in huge numbers, so that those who have a problem could consider those dates instead. Personally, I would never, ever, cruise or take any vacation on XMAS, EASTER, or THANKSGIVING. I just can't deal with the crowds, regardless of cruise ship, or hotel on land, and certainly I won't be seen near an airport on those dates. In the summer months, I try really hard to go to the roads less travelled, or at least avoid places that are likely to have thousands of families with kids (like Disney). That is how I came to go to Alaska in the first place, and how I came to spend 2 fantastic weeks in Colorado a few years back. At least in these places, there is lots of room for everyone, and if you don't like a particular area, you can go elsewhere.


I would really be a basket case if I paid a bunch of money to go on a cruise with my wife, and I had to put up with someone else's brat. I can pretty much guarantee that I would go into full "New York" mode, and have an incident with someone, so I personally choose NOT to go on trips during dates that are likely to have many teens, etc. I think a lot of other people feel the same way as far as protecting their peace and quiet during their hard earned vacation. That being said, I think a lot of these incidents could be avoided if the cruise companies and crews enforced the rules (no diapers in the pool, etc.). Sure, there would be the ocassional idiot that would refuse to comply, and at that point, I am sure the cruise line could find other ways to deal with the situation.

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I think it would be great if the cruiselines would offer a few adult-only cruises during those school break times of year. I personally would pay a little more for one if I knew for sure and certain that I wouldn't have to deal with anyone's brats. That way those of us who prefer no kids could all have our way and also there would be plenty of other choices for the families.


That being said, I have absolutely nothing against children. I just personally prefer to vacation away from them.


You want to cruise without children -- buy yourself your own boat.


Great idea! How many of you would pay an extra $50 for adult-only? $100? What would it take? Money talks... Let's buy our own boat...

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I think it would be great if the cruiselines would offer a few adult-only cruises during those school break times of year. I personally would pay a little more for one if I knew for sure and certain that I wouldn't have to deal with anyone's brats. That way those of us who prefer no kids could all have our way and also there would be plenty of other choices for the families.


That being said, I have absolutely nothing against children. I just personally prefer to vacation away from them.




Great idea! How many of you would pay an extra $50 for adult-only? $100? What would it take? Money talks... Let's buy our own boat...





I would pay a premium for no kids allowed.

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You hit the nail right on the head psychboss..Heres a better idea, DO us all a favor and find your selfs a babysitter and leave our vacation needing adults to relax without children..You want to cruise with children, disney has plenty of them..


Although I understand your frustration, I do not agree that just because I have a child, I should stick to Disney. I have an 8 year old daughter and she has already been on 6 cruises. They range from Disney to Celebrity with other lines in between. She attends every meal with us as well as activities on the boat. She was brought up with manners and is aware I will not tolerate "bratiness" (if that is a word) on the cruise. She is a child and I make sure that she has child time to have fun and be a child but I make sure it is in the appropriate time and place. I too am tired of seeing unchaperoned children on cruises as well as other places. It bothers me just as much as it bothers you when children are disruptive and doing this that are disrespectful and wrong but the blame really is on the parent. It seems that people do not have the manners that they should have ranging from how to behave in public to simply RSVPing for an event they have been invited to.

I vacation with my daughter because it is a family vacation and not an escape from family.


I live in California and as far as "vacation times" for the kids in the area - they vary a lot. Some kids had 2 weeks at Christmas and some 3 weeks so they are still off. Spring break starts here in March this year and will go as late as the week after Easter so that it difficult to decide. Some schools here are on year round so they have the month of February off. Sorry this isn't much help in deciding when to vacation with as few children as possible. I would guess October to the 3rd week of November and the first 3 weeks of May around here are the quietest.



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I don't know why some people are getting mad that the original poster has asked the questions. I think it is good information for people who would like to plan a cruise with fewer children.


I also think there is nothing wrong with a cruise line designating some cruises as "Adult Only" if they can still get a full ship.


So to answer the original questions.


We live in an area that usually starts school in mid Augusts.

We usually get a few three day weekends scattered through Sept. and Oct.

Then we have the whole week off for Thanksgiving, and two weeks starting just before Christmas and ending after New Years.


We get long weekeds for MLK Day and Presidents day.


Then Spring Break for us is usually one of the last two weeks of March, and then we usually also get the Friday before Easter off, whenever that falls.


Last day of school for us is usuall the last Friday of May.


The only problem I see is that schools all over the country are all following different schedules. But I think the consistant time off from school is usually the two weeks surrounding Christmas and Then Spring breaks are staggered amoung different areas from Mid March to Mid April.

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There are many adults only All-Inclusives throughout the Caribbean and Mexico (usually minimum age of 16-18) so the concept isn't new or "unfriendly". I too would like to see some adults only sailings..has it been done before on mainstream lines?

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fxcarden, we experienced the same thing last dec 2004 out of San Juan on the 12/10 Constellation. Babies in hot tubs with diapers, horrible manners in buffet line and elevators, etc. This year we took the same cruise 12/10.05 Constellation.........and that type of stuff was about 75% less (note, not entirely!) Go figure!!??



I agree. I was on the same cruise (this year), and didn't think there was a problem in general.

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I don't know why some people are getting mad that the original poster has asked the questions. I think it is good information for people who would like to plan a cruise with fewer children.




There seems to be a lot of time spent on these boards being mad. Some people just can't stand it when someone dings their favorite cruise line. This thread, however, is for all lines.........

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Perhaps I should have taken a deeper breath before my previous post because I wish I had responded as eloquently as A Little Pixie Dust.


That said, I have no problem with people wanting to go on a cruise without children. I think it would be a wonderful idea for cruise lines to designate adult only cruises so that people had this option. What I didn't like is being told by one poster that cruisers with children should stick with Disney or leave their children at home.


I also agree that parents are responsible for their children's behavior and that some parents fail miserably. However, all families should not be penalized for these actions.

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I ment no disrespect to the OP. I answered the best I could regarding our area (S. Ca - near Disneyland).


Although I posted regarding travelling with children, I agree that there should be some "adult only" cruises. But that should be across the board with all cruise lines. Overall, I was just trying to make a point that parents need to take responsibilty for their own children. I know that point has been made several times before but I place that first and foremost on our vacations.


Do I miss out on some acitivities because my daughter didn't feel like going to the kids clubs? Most definitely. Do I let her run free so I can attend? Never. My husband and I try to work out a way that one of us gets to go if possible but it doesn't always work out. We make a schedule so that we know when our daughter will be (expects to be) in kids clubs and when she is not. If there is not an appropriate event to attend with her, then we have some quiet time in the cabin. Another fun thing for my daughter to do with us is the photo hunt. With atleast one parent in tow - she is allowed to photograph anything she wants to on the ship (no guests). We let her use our digital camera so that not everything has to be developed. She has fun explaining to Grandma back home why she took a particular photo and what it is.


I always try and remember that it is a vacation for everyone on the ship - those travelling with us and those that are not. Believe it or not, I do not want you disturbed any more then I want to be disturb by misbehaving guests of all ages.



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For those with a bit of a longer memory, Celebrity tried a Adults Only cruises and, well, they don't exist any more. I guess they just didn't get filled up.


I think the problem is not seeking the information about when kids are in or out of school, which is legitimate, it is that there are some with a need to blast every person of young age and claim "not on my ship"...when (a) it is not "their" ship, and (b) there are plenty of rude and offensive adults that frankly make most of the children seem like angels. (There have been plenty of posts on that subject.)


For those of you willing to pay more to be "kid free" you do have options that will significantly reduce the chance of kids on board. Radisson, Seabourn, Silversea, even Oceania, Windstar and others. Yes, they generally cost more, but it is a matter of how much more you are willing to spend.


Don't damn the good kids (or excuse the bad adults) because the price is too high or that you don't own the particular ship you are going to sail on while personally representing .1% (or less) of that particular week's population, which is but 2% of the year's usage of the ship, or .002% of the ship's annual usage.


Don't let the one bad grape on your plate ruin the entire fruit salad, which overall is pretty darn good. Some may spend there time looking for that bad grape, but others just dig in and know that in the end it'll all be fine.

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When my kids were in their teens their meeting (see and be seen) place was at the mall or the skate center. Now I didn't go to the skate center, but I do not recall any incidents at the mall. Does a mall contain more roaming people than a cruise ship does? (We don't have mega story, huge malls, and the ones we do have are all one story). I doubt it. Is a mall more crowded than a cruise ship (by sq footage)? I don't think so.


If you need something at the mall and it's 4 p.m. do you say to yourself, "I won't go because there will be after school teenagers there?" It's not even a question. They don't accost you or create scenes. They are just young people.


So, why are unsupervised children so irritating to adults within the confinement of a ship? Is it that there are lower ceilings on a ship? ha


Admitedly, I can't think of something worse than being assigned a cruise dining room table with two families with their small children and me. (I know, they usually do a very good job with seating assignments. This is just a worst case scenario). I think I'd just do room service every night. Why?


Not because of their behavior, but because of their conversation or lack thereof. I don't want to have lengthy conversations about or with children when I'm on a cruise. And children being children, there are going to be food questions that have to be answered, that prevent the adults from interacting. It's selfish on my part, I know. Maybe I feel I've put in my time already.


FUI, No, I didn't take my kids on a cruise. We'd go places that were family friendly on land. if they got antsy at a concert I'd leave with them. I didn't want to stretch my luck that their good manners would fail them!


It's one thing to sit at a table near a bunch of teenagers at the mall, or next to a family table on a ship, and another thing to have to interact with them every single night at the same table. Once would be okay, and I might even enjoy them. BUT...


Maybe this is why Freestyle and Personal Choice Dining are becoming popular on NCL and Princess. You won't ever be stuck with adults or children you really don't want to talk to. But you also lose out on the possibility of engendering close adult friendships by moving around unless you have been lucky enough to find another couple you enjoy, and go to dinner with them in Freestyle or Personal Choice. I have not personally tried either NCL or Princess. Reading the NCL board, they seem to think the future of cruising is going to have to include SOME form of freestyle choice for meals.

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