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Pirate’s DREAMy Dysfunctional Family Vacation Review...April 21-28, 2019

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5 hours ago, Can'tWait2SetSail said:

Your family sounds like mine. LOL. Looking forward to the rest of your review. Going on the Dream out of Galveston in a few weeks!


Have a great cruise! I guess we all have a dysfunctional family to some sort, right?

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Guess what day it is? CRUISE DAY, yeah!!!!


After yesterday’s breakfast fail, I was determined we were going to have an awesome breakfast today before getting on the ship. I told everyone to get their butts out of bed and be down in the hotel lobby at 7:00 sharp or they would be left behind. The lady at the front desk mentioned we should try Ruby Slipper on Canal Street, so we took the short stroll there. I am so glad that we did, it was awesome! My mom got some kind of pancakes that were HUGE and she said they were yummy. Dad got the Louisiana omelet, which had shrimp in it, and he said it was delicious. Chris, being the overgrown kid that he is, got a chicken sandwich…really honey? He said it was good, and I was very happy with my choice, the Florentine omelet. I love goat cheese, so I was in heaven! Mine and Chris’s total for the omelet, sandwich, and 2 teas was right at $30, so the prices were not unreasonable at all.


We walked back to the hotel to gather our stuff and head to the port. I called an Uber XL, which said it could seat 6 of us, and I added a note that we were headed to the ship so not only did we have 6 people but also 6 suitcases. When we saw the car that was coming, we all, including the doorman at the hotel, got a little worried. A Nissan Pathfinder, will it really fit us all with our stuff? The driver arrived and said yeah, no problem. It did end up working, but when we arrived at the port I am sure we looked like a clown car…Chris was literally sitting on suitcases in the backseat with his head turned sideways to fit, and thank goodness Tame Uncle is a skinny stick because if he hadn’t been I think someone would have had to ride on the roof.


We arrived at the port about 10:30 and waited outside for just a few moments before they began allowing people into the building. I had originally planned for us to go to the Riverwalk Mall to kill some time before boarding since some in our party were not Priority, but I forgot about it being Easter Sunday. The mall was closed, oh well. We breezed thru check-in and the Uncles got zone 1 cards, so we knew they would be onboard shortly after us. Boarding began at 11:10 and we all dropped our carry-ons off. Mom and Dad were in room 12208, and Chris and I were in room 12204, both spa balconies. The rooms were clean and everything seemed to be in working order. Throughout the cruise they were quiet, except during the day when you would hear running feet overhead which I believe came from the Waterworks being directly above us. That was no big deal for us. The balconies did not have any overhang, so there wasn’t a lot of shade, but again no big deal. Please excuse the clothes on the balcony in the pic, I took that one near the end of the cruise. 


Once we were free of the carry-ons we headed to get some grub. Yes, we had just ate a huge breakfast a few hours ago, but don’t judge us! We were ready for some lunch, and we are on vacation. We headed to deck 5 for some Pig & Anchor BBQ, which Mom, Chris and I have all loved in the past. We knew that it wouldn’t be busy either, as a lot of people don’t know about it the first day and just head to the Lido buffet. As expected there was no line, and we had a pretty good lunch. I went with the sausage, which was delicious and slightly spicy, the coleslaw, which I always love and was prefect, and the Mac & Cheese, which had good flavor but was cold today. To finish it off I went and ordered a coffee from Java Blue since it was located right there next to the BBQ, and Mocha the coffee man whipped me 2 frappes, one mocha and one caramel. The mocha flavor won hands down.












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We spent some time exploring the ship until it was time for muster drill, which took place at 3:30. Our muster station was A5, which is the top section of the Encore lounge. While we were patiently (not!) waiting for the stragglers we met one of our neighbors, a very nice and absolutely hilarious man who went by Papa T. We would run into him throughout the cruise and he was always so friendly and nice. Joking with him helped make the time pass a little quicker, until we were released to go back to the fun. I am glad we had some neighbors with a sense of humor, as our group got to be a little rowdy this cruise!

Once released from our cage (I mean Muster station) we raced up to deck 10 for sailaway. Ok, we didn’t race…Mom and I are overweight, my Dad had a bummed leg, Tame Uncle doesn’t ever exercise and sounded like he was going to keel over after 2 floors, and Crazy Uncle was already 5 drinks into his Cheers package (he regularly maxed out and received applause at the bars) as well as a smoker so no way was he running up the stairs…the only one that made quick progress was Chris. Once there we collapsed for a few hours to watch the passing scenery of the Mississippi, enjoy some drinks, and just chill. It wasn’t until our bellies began to tell us they might be getting ready for more fuel that we decided to go back to the rooms to see if our luggage had arrived so we could unpack before dinner. That was about 6:15, and they had arrived, so we put everything away and then met back up with the crew to decide on dinner. None of us felt much like a heavy meal, so we all opted to just see what Lido was offering. I ended up with a salad, which was yummy, some sweet & sour shrimps (they were delicious!) and a tomato & mozzarella sandwich, add bacon, from the deli…it was amazing. Seriously…y’all should try that sandwich, it became my new favorite this trip! Maybe next time I will really make it a special order and ask them to add avocado too…


I headed to the library to donate a couple of books, then decided to check out the spa. Oh how wonderful that Thalosso pool felt after all the hiking around we had done in NOLA! Can I please, pretty please, build one on my back deck? I hung out in there until 9:45, then headed back to the room to crash and read a book. I did stay up late enough to see us pass the Glory as she headed upriver around 10:30, but I wasn’t expecting that to happen until much later so I wasn’t ready to capture pictures. I thought the last time we sailed from NOLA we didn’t pass Triumph until 11:30 or so. Oh well, I would be more prepared for next Sunday!


All in all, day 1 was a success! We all made it onboard, Crazy Uncle I later found out maxed out his drink package at 10:30, and everyone seemed happy. Bring on tomorrow!



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What the heck? What time is it? What’s that sound?


BANG! “Yo, wake up!” 


Who dares to pound on my door and disturb my slumber?! It’s a sea day, a day to SLEEP IN! I never get to sleep in back home, and I had plans to not awake from hibernation until at least 9:30. Looking at my watch I see that it is 7:45. Stephanie is NOT HAPPY. 


I stalk to my door and look thru the peephole. I see Crazy Uncle, who we all know is like a freaking rooster and rises at the crack of dawn, standing there with a coffee from Java Blue. What the heck man, they booked an INTERIOR cabin, I was hoping that the lack of natural light would kill his inner rooster. I open the door and glare at him, and in his way-too-chipper-and-awake voice he asks what’s for breakfast. Dude, you’re a big boy, figure it out. That’s what I want to say, but I instead lay out his options: Lido, Blue Iguana, room service, or sea day brunch.


“Let’s do brunch! Steak and eggs man! I want to eat like a king!”


I tell him to meet us deck 4 aft at 8:30, and I try and wake myself up. Chris and I step out into the hallway just in time to see my mom and dad coming back to their room, they had eaten breakfast at the buffet. Chris and I headed to meet Crazy Uncle, and we got there just as they opened the dining room for service. 


When the servers took our order, I asked for a Mai Tai for my VIFP drink, the fruit platter, and steak and eggs. The Mai Tai and fruit were great, but the steak and eggs were kind of a let down…the eggs were the fake ones from Lido that I can’t stand, and the steak was chewy. Oh well, I wasn’t going to starve! We finished breakfast and headed to deck 11 aft so Crazy Uncle could smoke, and we all did some good people watching for an hour or so. I decided it was time to hit the T-pool again and abandoned Chris and Crazy Uncle to go relax.







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Around noon I headed back to the cabin to change, and I met up with Mom and Dad in the hallway. They asked what my lunch plans were, and we decided to hit the Lido and see what the offerings were. As we were walking along we saw the Master Mixology competition was happening so we stopped to watch. Darn it Crazy Uncle, where are you? You were supposed to enter this thing, back home you are my awesome pool bartender during the summer! Seriously…I don’t know how he does it, he will take some crazy ingredients, raid my liquor cabinet, and make some awesome concoctions! He had missed his chance to partake in the competition though.


I settled on Blue Iguana for lunch, that is my go-to spot normally. I decided to get not only my taco salad that I love so much, but to also try a pork taco. I have to say, the taco is ok, but the salad was by far the winner. I am going to see if next time they can put the pork meat into my taco salad, I think that would be fantastic!


After finishing lunch we wandered down to the atrium and found Crazy Uncle there, sitting at the bar. He had made friends with Luis, one of the bartenders. Luis is awesome, he was very funny and friendly. I saw the special today was the Deep Blue, in honor of Earth Day, so I decided to order it. That drink was awesome, and Luis made it STRONG. We watched and listened as Gary the CD read The Lorax to the kids, and they had cupcakes set out for passengers to enjoy to celebrate Earth Day.


Around 3 I headed back to the spa for some me time, and I spent a few hours there. We had decided to meet at Alchemy at 6:30 for dinner tonight, and it was elegant night, so I left to get ready at about 5:30.


When we arrived at the Alchemy, Crazy Uncle and Tame Uncle, who had been mysteriously missing, were both there. Where ya been, Tame? Do I need to re-name you LAME Uncle? Turns out he had been suffering from seasickness all last night and all day today. I felt so bad for him! I offered him the Dramamine I keep in my luggage for “just in case” and he took me up on that. My parents arrived, and we all had some pre-dinner drinks. I got the Pain Relief, which was delicious, then the Deal Closer, which I absolutely love. The bartender whipped up some purple drink for my Crazy Uncle and Dad, and they raved about it. I tried it, and it was pretty decent.







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We headed to the MDR at 7:15 and had just a 15 minute wait. When we sat down I ordered another one of my favorite drinks, the White Sangria. Tonight it wasn’t as good as usual though, I am not sure why. To start off with I got the tart with pork and kale, which was yummy, and a Caesar salad, which hit the spot. Seriously, anyone who has read my previous reviews knows how much I adore Caesar salads, and all this week the dining team on the Dream blew them out of the water, they were FANTASTIC. I ordered the root vegetables in pie crust as my main, and it was yummy as well. To finish off my meal, I ordered a Jamaican coffee and the chocolate hazelnut cake. The cake was good, but the coffee….oh my. Everyone at the table tried it, and nobody liked it. However, I cannot allow alcohol to go to waste, so I took one for the team and chugged it. Yes, I chugged hot coffee. Dinner was over at 9:15.


Chris and I hightailed it all the way aft to the Burgundy lounge to try and catch Manny Oliveria’s 9:30 comedy show. We love Manny and have seen him on the Vista and the Sunshine. I know his comedy isn’t for everyone, but I love his shows. His improv always amazes me, I wish I could come up with things on the fly like that! However, when we got to the lounge they were turning people away as his show was full. Nooooooooooooo!


I was so let down by missing the show that I decided to go back to the room and cry. Ok, not quite, but I did go back to the room to change into comfy clothes and pack up our beach bag for tomorrow. Then I made a terrible mistake….I sat down on the bed to read a little bit. That mistake led to me getting comfy and not leaving the room the rest of the night. Hahaha. Back home I never just get to sit and let down, there is always something to be done….an animal needs food, dishes need to be done, the floor needs sweeping, laundry needs folding…I took this evening to just re-charge my batteries, and it felt AWESOME. I read for probably 2 hours, and Chris came back and told me that him and Crazy Uncle went bar hopping and he was Crazy’s wingman.


So did Crazy Uncle find his lady today? No, but he had high hopes for tomorrow, while we were in Costa Maya. Hopefully when we hit land Tame Uncle would feel better, and if not, I am sure there is some Mexican drink that cures seasickness!







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11 hours ago, watermelonqueen99 said:

Following! Great start, we love the Dream!


Thanks for reading! I love your reviews, your writing style is hilarious. I think one of your reviews of the Dream actually is what made me and my husband decide to sail on her.

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Loving your review,  we did the Dream Feb 3rd 2019  and we are booked on the Magic Feb 1st 2020.  I see you've been on the Magic as well  did you do a review for it ?  If so how would I find it ?

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1 hour ago, hockeyluver said:

Loving your review,  we did the Dream Feb 3rd 2019  and we are booked on the Magic Feb 1st 2020.  I see you've been on the Magic as well  did you do a review for it ?  If so how would I find it ?


I did! Here is the link:



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18 minutes ago, JaniceB said:

Sounds like an awesome sea day, following along!


Thanks for reading!!



18 minutes ago, jamdoll417 said:

The Dream is my favorite ship and we are booked to sail on her again in June! Loving your review 🙂

Somehow I have never experienced the pool at the spa. Adding it to my list for June! 


Yes, you must try the Tpool, it is so relaxing! 

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56 minutes ago, MEUB1112 said:

Really enjoying your review, we sailed on the Dream from NOLA just this past March. Loved it!! Your review is bringing back great memories.


Thank you for reading, I am glad it's bringing back good memories of your cruise.

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6 hours ago, pirate4me2 said:


Thanks for reading! I love your reviews, your writing style is hilarious. I think one of your reviews of the Dream actually is what made me and my husband decide to sail on her.


Aw, thanks! Can't wait to read the rest!

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Following. I am cruising out of NOLA in February on the Glory. I’m excited to explore NOLA. We fly in 3 days prior to cruise. I know I might sound silly, but how safe is it to walk around. I’ve heard it can be dangerous, but Inreally want to explore.

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Hey Stephanie! Great start to your review. We will be sailing from NOLA for the first time next April so thanks for doing this one. I felt that I had to reply even though I'm sitting in a bar in Lahaina, Maui while on our Splendor Hawaii cruise! 😀

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2 hours ago, grandmarnnurse said:

Following. I am cruising out of NOLA in February on the Glory. I’m excited to explore NOLA. We fly in 3 days prior to cruise. I know I might sound silly, but how safe is it to walk around. I’ve heard it can be dangerous, but Inreally want to explore.


I always the 2 times we have cruised from there felt safe, but we never went down any side streets, we always stayed in well traveled areas. I also carry a very small cross body purse with limited cash, my ID and 1 credit card. I think as long as you stay aware of your surroundings and stay smart you’ll be ok. Everyone we spoke to was very friendly and helpful. We love NOLA!


2 hours ago, Jamman54 said:

Hey Stephanie! Great start to your review. We will be sailing from NOLA for the first time next April so thanks for doing this one. I felt that I had to reply even though I'm sitting in a bar in Lahaina, Maui while on our Splendor Hawaii cruise! 😀


Im jealous Jeff!! Hawaii! Ahhhhh that’s on my bucket list, I can’t wait to read your review when you guys get back. Have a great time. 

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I am sure that Tame Uncle and my Dad both woke up this morning going “Thank goodness, we are getting ready to hit land!” Hahahaha.


Our port time for Costa Maya was 12-8, and I was planning to sleep in today but OF COURSE the rooster came crowing (OK knocking) on my door at 7:30. Seriously….who doesn’t sleep in on vacation? I begrudgingly stomped over to the door and told him to go wrangle everyone else up and meet us at the MDR for port day breakfast at 8. He did as told, and at 8:15 our group of 6 was led to a nice table by the windows, much to Tame Uncle’s dismay.


“Can we close the blinds please? I can’t handle the sight of the ocean moving.”


Sigh, so much for the nice window table. We obliged and shut the blinds, and Tame Uncle slowly began to look a little less green. I ordered the broken egg sandwich, which was awesome, and Crazy Uncle was thrilled to see the smoked salmon bagel on the menu. He inhaled in, raving about how great it was. 


After breakfast Chris and I headed to Java Blue for some coffee, and I got the Iced Moccachino, which is now my new go-to coffee from there. It’s $3.75 and so darn delicious. We sipped our coffees and then went to deck 11 aft to meet with the family. Crazy Uncle was sipping on a drink I had not heard of before, called the Creamsicle, and upon tasting it I can say it is DELICIOUS!


Last night we had received a letter stating that we had priority disembarkation for Costa Maya and to meet at 12 in the Crimson dining room to be some of the first off the ship. This was awesome news, as we had a non-Carnival excursion planned. We gathered up the crew and we all went down about 11:45 to the atrium bar for pre-excursion drinks…like we needed any, as our excursion had an open bar! I got the BlueMoon, which was strong and delicious. We headed into the dining room and waited for them to clear us to disembark, which happened about 12:15.


This is when the nightmare began. Right after they cleared the “Priority” people to disembark, they gave the general clearance for EVERYONE to disembark. Like…we were barely walking out of the dining room when the announcement came. The stairways were flooded with people, and this is the first time in 18 cruises that I didn’t see any crewmembers ANYWHERE directing the flow of people. It was madness. This was also the time that Tame Uncle decided to inform us that he doesn’t do well in crowds. Oh jeeze! We literally stood in the stairways for 45 minutes trying to get off, and during that time one lady had a panic attack. If it hadn’t been for a volunteer firefighter talking her thru it I don’t know what would have happened, and there is no way a medical team would have been able to get thru if needed. When we finally reached the level where they were having passengers go into the “crew only” area to walk down the stairs to deck 0 to get off it was absolute chaos. We reached the doorway and we were being shoved by other passengers, and my mom ended up getting shoved so hard into the doorjam that her arm was all bruised. It was absolutely ridiculous, the worst debarkation I have seen ever. Where were the workers who should have been directing passenger flow to ensure safety?? 


Once we finally got off the ship everyone breathed a sigh of relief. I half expected Tame Uncle to kiss the ground after having been seasick and then his issues with crowds. We were docked right next to Symphony of the Seas, and everyone was in awe of how big she is!






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We quickly made our way down the pier and thru the port area to catch a taxi to Jaime’s at the Blue Reef. Since we had a group of 6, we could not all fit into 1 taxi so they split us 3 into one and 3 into another. The cost was $8 per taxi, and the ride there was around 9 minutes.


Once we got to Jaime’s we were escorted to a set of loungers in the shade. The loungers were in good shape, the beach was nice and clean, and it promised to be a great, relaxing day. There were passengers in front of us that were headed back to Symphony, and one of their group members was in bad shape…he was passed out in the sand, and he was so drunk that when they went to get him up he wouldn’t move. This PROBABLY should have been a sign for us of what was to come, hahaha! They literally picked this guy up and put him in a wheelbarrow and offered to wheel him to the taxi, but luckily some of his group were able to get him on his feet and basically carry him to the taxi. I wonder how he felt the next day? Probably worse than Tame Uncle…


Our servers, 1 lady and 1 gentleman, brought us a welcome shot, which was terrible. I hate tequilla, but they told me no WiFi password unless I did it. Ugh! I downed it and asked for a Mai Tai, guacamole, and shrimp tacos. The guac and tacos never came, and the Mai Tai was pretty gross. The rest of the group got their food, which they said was OK, and I asked again for the food, as well as some ceviche. More shots were brought out, along with a special drink called a Tidal Wave. The shots were ok, the Tidal Wave was AWESOME. When my food came I was so disappointed. The shrimp on the tacos was fried and soggy, I was expecting grilled shrimp. Tame Uncle said the fish on his fish tacos was the same way. Oh well. The guac was good, and the ceviche was also decent. I wasn’t going to be hungry.







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Our afternoon was spent with non-stop drinks being brought to us. These people seriously wanted to get us drunk, and they succeeded. They brought shot after shot and specialty drink after specialty drink. Mom got to the point she could hardly stand up and Tame Uncle surprised me and started taking not only HIS shots but hers as well to keep her from becoming “wheelbarrow girl.” Crazy Uncle somehow ended up on a table with drinks being poured on him, my husband was dancing to music that nobody else heard, and mom was convinced she was a mermaid and couldn’t leave the water. Finally I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:00, and I had sense enough about me to know that we needed to head back to the port to get back onboard by 7:30. We went and paid our tab, as well as tips, and headed toward the taxi waiting for us. 


My next experience, combined with the disappointing food and drinks, led to the decision that the next time I am in Costa Maya I probably will not go back to Jaime’s. On our way to the taxi we were bombarded by our servers saying we “had to tip them more” and that “Jaime doesn’t appreciate that you’re not tipping us.” Ummm….I may be drunk, but I know that I just left you a good tip and the others in the group also left decent tips too. They literally followed us to the cab and had a baseball hat that they shoved in the door behind us demanding more money. Someone, I can’t remember who, threw some more bills in and we told the driver to please leave. It kind of ruined an otherwise nice experience. I have heard mixed reviews of Jaime’s, and I am glad we tried them, but I think next time we will go to Maya Chan. 


Once we go back to the port we spilled out of the taxi and started back toward the ship. Dad said he was taking Mom right back onboard since she was in pretty bad shape (almost to the point of being Wheelbarrow Girl, which she kept loudly singing she was) and we bid them farewell for the evening. I looked around and saw Tame Uncle, but Crazy Uncle was nowhere to be seen. Oh crud, did we leave him at Jaime’s? Did they hold him ransom? Tame Uncle told me and Chris to get back onboard, but I remember saying something along the lines of “No, I got us into this mess, I’m the group leader. No man left behind.” Tame Uncle shook his head and we were about to go looking for Crazy Uncle when who should we see strolling towards us other than the rooster himself. He had seen a bar and stopped off for a quick drink. WHAT? Did you not already consume enough alcohol today?


We quickly started making our way to the ship when Crazy Uncle decided to stop at ANOTHER bar as he wanted “one more shot!” Oh sheesh. We stopped, and he somehow made a quick friend with someone else from our ship who bought us all another round. Oh no, this is getting bad, I don’t know if I can walk up the pier! I quickly threw my shot back, stood up and proclaimed “Back to the ship!” We all headed out but not before Crazy Uncle’s new friend pressed a beer into each of our hands and said to drink up. Oh boy.


Things get hazy after that. I remember Tame Uncle saying he needed to buy a hat to protect his delicate skin from burning, so we stopped at a shop in the port for him to do that. He asked what we thought of a few hats, and I remember laughing hysterically at a few of them. He finally settled on one that 2 ladies told him he looked good in…and that’s the last memory I have from being in port.


I am ashamed to say that I do not remember walking up the pier back to the ship, and I certainly don’t remember them scanning my card for me to get back onboard. I don’t remember if we took stairs or an elevator to get back to deck 12, but I DO remember Chris literally running into our room steward Jonathan and going “oooof! A moving wall!” Jonathan bid us a good night, and my memory goes black again. I have never, ever been that drunk, and I don’t ever want to be again.


My next memory is waking up on the FLOOR at the foot of the bed around 10:00 p.m., and I remember thinking “This has got to be a low point in my life. Get your messed up fat butt off the floor and in bed, you lazy turd.”


Annnnddd….that’s the end of Costa Maya. I still am not sure, did Mexico win, or did I? I kinda think Mexico did…


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I woke up today at 6:30 with a mouth that was so dry I swear someone must have stuffed it with cotton last night. I now know where the term cotton mouth comes from! I laid there in bed trying to piece together yesterday….how did I get back on the ship? Did I manage to remember my beach bag and belongings? Is all the family back onboard? Luckily I didn’t have a hangover, and after chugging some water I felt semi-human again, other than my growling stomach. Apparently we didn’t eat dinner once back onboard (probably a good thing, as I am sure we were a crazy sight to see and I can’t guarantee how we would have behaved at the dinner table!) so I told Chris to get his butt out of bed and let’s grab some breakfast from Lido before we get into port. I settled on a breakfast burrito from Blue Iguana, my favorite port-day breakfast. It is quick, yummy, and fills you up.


The family was all really looking forward to today. Dream was scheduled to stop in Roatan, and we had decided to book Little French Key. I have read so many great reviews on here and heard others talk about it on previous cruises, and I have been wanting to go there. It looks like Heaven! Everyone was excited to kayak, Crazy Uncle, Chris, my mom, and my dad all wanted to try the stand up paddleboards, and Crazy Uncle even said he wanted to do a horseback ride on the beach. Um, Crazy, we have horses here at home and you’re scared of them….all of a sudden you want to try riding one? He said with some liquid encouragement he would be brave. Well ok then, let’s get this thing started!




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However, just as we were finishing breakfast the bad news arrived. Due to high winds and sea swells, we would not be docking in Roatan today. Instead, we would be having another fun day at sea and receive a refund of our port fees and any pre-booked Carnival excursions. Luckily we had not paid any deposit for LFK, so we didn’t have to worry about any refunds.


Well poo! Since I was already dressed in my bathing suit I decided to go hit the spa right when they opened at 8. The lady at the reception desk told me that the T-pool was still warming up and to give it a few, but I found the temperature to be absolutely perfect. I sat in there from 8-9:30, then decided to see what everyone else was into.


I found the Uncles and my parents right where I expected to find them, the aft pool bar on deck 10. Tame Uncle treated me to a drink, a Bahama Mama, and boy was it yummy. Chris ordered a Creamsicle and was a very happy boy, he loves orange flavored drinks. 


We spent some time recapping what everyone had done last night once back onboard. Mom and Dad just crashed in their cabin since Mom wasn’t in any shape to be seen in public, like me. However, Crazy Uncle wasn’t ready to call it a day and had decided to hit up a few more bars, and he dragged Tame Uncle with him. They ended up at a singles mixer, and Crazy Uncle couldn’t figure out how he and Tame kept getting free drinks from other guys. It wasn’t until the 3rd or 4th time Tame Uncle got a compliment on how good he looked in his hat and Hawaiian shirt, and the 2nd or 3rd compliment Crazy got on his beard and physique, that they realized they were at the wrong singles mixer. Oops!


While we were by the Pizza place, we all decided to grab a slice. It was ok, but a little soggy. We wandered around and ended up watching the Hairy Chest Competition on Lido. This was an event that was originally scheduled for our 2nd sea day, but they moved it to today to help fill in some of the time that we were supposed to be in port. It was pretty funny.








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