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Final word from RCCL on Jeans-in-Dining-Room policy


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On the subject of jeans being worn in the formal dining room


It's not a "formal dining room" it's a dining room that has formal nights, smart casual and casual


as I see it, this is just another result of the dumbing down of our society and the respect for guildlines and tradition.


Not sure what "dumbing down" has to do with the way a person dresses and respect for who's guidelines? Your's? As for tradition, there are other cruise lines that still offer you that venue. RCI isnt the venue, should Johnny Rocket's be banned? How bout the rock climbing and miniature golf? Maybe you still take a horse and buggy to work but I'll take the future over the past any day.


The sad part is once tradition has been broken, it almost never returns.



No disagreement there but if it's tradition your looking for, you have other options available to you.

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hahaha i almost spit soda all over my keyboard. With thousands of posts out here debating this thing and thats the post you took exception to? I thought that was a classic with just the right amount of sarcasm. :)



Weez, glad to know someone gets it. What was it Charlie Brown said..... ;)

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It's not a "formal dining room" it's a dining room that has formal nights, smart casual and casual




Not sure what "dumbing down" has to do with the way a person dresses and respect for who's guidelines? Your's? As for tradition, there are other cruise lines that still offer you that venue. RCI isnt the venue, should Johnny Rocket's be banned? How bout the rock climbing and miniature golf? Maybe you still take a horse and buggy to work but I'll take the future over the past any day.




No disagreement there but if it's tradition your looking for, you have other options available to you.


Actually, there is a casual dining room, aka Windjammer, as well as the "main" or formal dining room. There is also alternative dining for a fee that is "smart casual".


As for the comment that RCI is not the venue for those looking for a nicer experience, there are cruise lines that are casual all the time and market the "feature" known as Freestyle or casual dining. RCI does NOT market themselves that way.


RCI has changed in the 20 plus years I have been cruising with them and IMHO, the changes are NOT for the better. It used to be that they offered a more upscale experience. I could care less about Johnny Rockets, the ice rink and all the other trappings of the megaliners.


I guess I am a horse and buggy woman. Not all that is new is better.

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Another wrinkle...we are really talking about 5 nights on a 7 night cruise because as far as RCI is concerned "Smart Casual" is dead, gone and buried.


I remember when Smart Casual required a suit for men...a long time ago:D

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Weez, glad to know someone gets it. What was it Charlie Brown said..... ;)


Funny thing is, when you first said a page orso back i was laughing hysterically but seeing her reaction to it makes it soooooo much better. :D ;)

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But I also now know from research that Celebrity DOES have a no-jeans at dinner policy, so I can return to that cruiseline if it bothers me too much.


I am sad to report that on my cruise with Celebrity three months ago, a handful of passengers did wear jeans in the dining room. Having chosen X because of my disenchantment with RCI, I was surprised and disappointed; it was nothing like my previous experiences with Celebrity.


I wrote this in my comment card and in a follow up letter to Captains Club. There was no response.

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I have not read all of this thread so don't know if anyone else posted this but it is copied from the Royal Caribbean website under dress code:


What are the dress codes onboard?

There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are: Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


3 to 4 - night cruises include one formal night and the remainder nights are casual.

5 - night cruises include one formal and the remainder nights casual.

6 - night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual and the remainder nights casual. 7 to 9 - night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual night and the remainder nights casual.

10 to 13-night cruises include two formal nights, two smart casual nights, and the remainder nights casual.

14+ - night cruises include three formal nights, four smart casual nights and the remainder nights casual.


We appreciate your usual parental guidance and cooperation in observing these easy guidelines with your children.


Now of course you can all debate whether jeans are slacks, they are not but if you are dead set on wearing them then to you they no doubt are.

anyway this is not about the clothing items itself at all, it is all about the ME I will do as I please and to Heck with anyone else. That is all these threads are ever about, a bunch of self centered, I don't want anyone telling me anything people with no respect for anyone or anything.

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What in the blazes does Johnny Rockets have to do with wearing jeans in the "dining room"? JR's is another dining venue, a casual one at that. And how does entertainment such as the rock wall and mini-golf have to do with a dining venue. If your idea of a cruise is being able to do the same things you can do at home, dine in restaurants like Chili's and Applebees, why go on a cruise. To me a cruise is for escaping the traps of our fast food, ultra-casual way of life. But if it's your idea of a vacation, might I suggest Carnival, it might just be more to your liking, not in a bad way, just a more casual. What's wrong with getting a little dressed up for dinner anyway? It's part of what a cruise experience should be, and a good tool to teach children respect for tradition. It can't hurt.



Your talking about tradition, in the "old days" you would have *gasp* never had a fast food restaurant on a ship. My idea of being on a cruise ship is being on a vacation. Enjoying myself.


Sure you may suggest Carnival but I don't need to accept your suggestions. RCI is not the traditional cruise line it once was . They are a more casual ship, are they as casual as Carnival? No, Do they have a no jeans policy? No, Do i wear jeans? No, Would it be ok for me to wear jeans? YES


There is nothing wrong with getting a little dressed up for dinner but there is something wrong with you telling me how to dress. As long as a person dresses in accordance with the line, who are you to argue? Your opinion is irrelevant. As i said before, there are cruise lines out there (I think) that still give you the old time, traditional cruise experience. My suggestion is to cruise them. ;)

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Not once have I every said anything referring to any number of star dining. That has nothing to do with it, other people have but I haven't. It is the event of dinner, and dinner is more than "just dinner" on a cruiseship, it is an event in itself, at least it has been on the three different lines I have been on. (Royal Caribbean, Princess, and Holland America)


When you go to a wedding, it is not the dinner that makes you dress up, it is the event. Weddings aren't any star rating (well, most aren't), so do you say that because it isn't 5 star dining, you don't dress properly?


I never said that I would not dress properly. On formal nights, I wear formal attire. On Smart casual nights, I wear the proepr attire. On casual nights, I wear jeans, or not. That is what casual means where I come from. Morton's steak house here in Los Angeles, you would feel out of place if men wore other than jeans. I dress appropriately for the evening, and I strongly feel that on causal nights jeans are appropriate.

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Anyone who has such an issue with jeans being worn in the dining room on casual night is truly someone that I have no interest in associating with. I would like to associate with those people who do not judge others for what they wear. Anyone who has such a serious problem with it, so much as to degrade others for what they wear, to me is the perfect example of someone so bitter that they seem to be the ones that feel the need to complain about something. Not me. I don't care what anyone wears. You can dress in jeans on casual night, or wear a stunning dress or a tuxedo. To me, its the person that I want to get to know. And how someone dresses tells me nothing about the person (for the most part). If you, sblahars, have such and issue with it, so much that you feel the need to put others down, then you are the one with the problem. Live and let live. And enjoy your vacation regardless of what others may be doing.

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Anyone who has such an issue with jeans being worn in the dining room on casual night is truly someone that I have no interest in associating with. I would like to associate with those people who do not judge others for what they wear. Anyone who has such a serious problem with it, so much as to degrade others for what they wear, to me is the perfect example of someone so bitter that they seem to be the ones that feel the need to complain about something. Not me. I don't care what anyone wears. You can dress in jeans on casual night, or wear a stunning dress or a tuxedo. To me, its the person that I want to get to know. And how someone dresses tells me nothing about the person (for the most part). If you, sblahars, have such and issue with it, so much that you feel the need to put others down, then you are the one with the problem. Live and let live. And enjoy your vacation regardless of what others may be doing.


Well said, Fitz! It's a vacation. Enjoy yourselves!


Wow, if this is what life is like for some y'all on vacation, I'd hate to see you at work....

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There is nothing wrong with getting a little dressed up for dinner but there is something wrong with you telling me how to dress. As long as a person dresses in accordance with the line, who are you to argue?

If you, sblahars, have such and issue with it, so much that you feel the need to put others down, then you are the one with the problem.

Thank you, well stated.

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On casual nights when our group of 10 sit down in our jeans to enjoy the ambiance in the dining room, we suddenly notice out of the corner of our eyes something discusting:eek: , two couples coming into the dining room in suits and dresses, eeek!!!. We knew our ambiance was ruined. How could these people not wear what was suggested for casual night? why would they ruin our ambiance? I tell ya its tough dealing with dress code breakers. I let our waiter know our dissapointment in letting people in not following the casual dress code .


We still made it through our cruise, but I tell ya, that our ambiance was ruined by other people is a real tough ordeal.

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How does everyone feel about sneakers? I figure if I wear some sneakers I would be able walk in quiet enough that no one would notice me or my jeans!!!


If you try to sneak in front of me I don't care if you are wearing jeans or not...



This thread has really gotten silly(I am being nice). I really don't understand why you care what anyone else wears. As long as its clean and doesn't smell what do you really care? I tend to get dressed up to go to a broadway play. Do you see what some people wear. Shorts! They wear shorts(and sometimes even in the winter)... but it doesn't effect me. When the lights go down I can't see 'im. When people sit for dinner I can't see the jeans either. And how about what people wear to church...oh wait at least they ARE going to church....


Isn't this silly.....

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WOW, walk away from the computer for a few hours and look what happens.


I think I can take a couple of things away from this.


1. NEVER mention jeans in the dining room on these forums unless I feel starved for attention.


2. You won't change a few people's opinions on the subject no matter what evidence is produced.


3. From personal experience, RCI has and does allow blue jeans in the dining room regardless of what some people want to believe.


I think, just for spite, I'll wear a pair of blue jeans into the dining room on our next cruise (not until Sept unfortunately), have my picture taken wih the wait staff (including the head waiter and maitre de if I can coral him/her) and post it on these forums for all to see.


Not that it would prove anything but every now and again, I'm a little starved for attention around here.


If it insults you sense of what's right and what's wrong, all I can say is get over it. Blue jeans ARE allowed in the dining room, they ARE appropriate on casual night on a RCI cruise as far as I'm concerned (and RCI for that matter) and RCI isn't going to do a thing to stop anyone from wearing them.


Now for something of real importance. Can you believe that RCI is charging $3.95 for all you can eat at JR's? How dare they charge for food on a cruise line! Don't they know ALL food is supposed to be included in the price of my cruise? Who cares if JR's was overwhelmed with teenagers who never left the tables so some of us adults could enjoy a gourmet hamburger while on a cruise. And while we're at it, why do you think the keep sticking JR's back by the teen disco? Don't they know adults don't usually hang out by the teen disco?


And another thing, can't RCI do something about teenagers running wild around the ship? Can't they designate a place of their own for them to hangout and leave me alone when I'm trying to get some sun in my reserved chair by the pool? You know, I lay that towel out there very early in the morning (around 4 AM) just to make certain I have that primo spot to sun myself even though I don't roll out of bed until after 10:00 AM. It's really a PIA to get that wake up call at 04:00 just so I can sit my towel and cheap paperback book out to save my spot. You'd think those teenagers could appreciate that and stop with the yelling and splashing already.


And that sports court! Can't RCI do something about all the yelling and hollering back there. Don't they know how much that interfers with relaxation while I'm on my vacation. Sometimes I like to catch a nap and if my cabin is under the sports court it's terribly hard to do that........


You know, RCI will never be able to please everyone and I don't think they really want to try. I think they'll try to please the majority of people even if a few people think they're wrong in doing so.

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Hi Celia, Hi Doug. Good to see you guys around. Celia, you'll be on Radiance when we are on Jewel. If Wiili is still in the concierge lounge, say Hi to him for me. He made the best martinis, and he never even blinked when I went in one night wearing jeans.

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I really don't care what you wear as long as you don't smell funny!!:D


That's the smartest message in the whole thread and I could not agree with you more


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