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Beware! Princess Shore Excursions Policy of Waiting


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In 2004 we were on the Sapphire Princess. The card reader did not work in one of the ports. Someone was writing down our card numbers before we could get off the ship.


The question about the real passport vs. a copy is one I have been conflicted. If we get left in a country, then we need the rea passport to move around easily. I have been keeping our original passports with us when we are in a foreign country. We keep copies in our hotel/cabin. I would rather go through the pain of getting a new one upon return or just before return rather than getting stranded somewhere with only a copy.


I guess I should ask... what are the pros and cons?

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We've all read your 3 posts on this subject and know your opinion, and also the fact that you learned several things from the OP's experience. However I think this post goes WAY beyond insulting and is totally uncalled for. There are ways to get your point across, once, without insulting someone's intelligence.



I agree with you, people have been insulting in this thread and quick to point fingers. I won't keep wasting my time trying to convince people that I see where Snurp is coming from. I don't think he is blaming anyone for what happened to him. I think we are all adults and well aware of the consequences we have to endure when making mistakes.

I also agree with TNTLamb.

Also when I mentioned the person being mugged, I mentioned it so that people know how dangerous Caracas is. YES THIS PERSON DID NOT ASKED TO GET MUGGED NOR DID SNURP GET HIMSELF LOST ON PURPOSE.

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Sorry about not seeing it as most others do. You end up reading these boards and so many people tell their stories. Then others jump in and say that they were screwed by a cruise line. I know this one doesn't. But others do. All I have been saying is that Snurp somehow got seperated from a late returning group and missed the boat. The others in the group didn't have a problem. I wasn't there and don't know all that happened. Someone else mentioned that maybe snurp stepped into a shop. We will never know.


Yes I agree that sometimes blame rests on more than a few people. Funny how with a ship that holds about 3000 people, that only two missed it.


Snurp, how many were in your tour?


These boards are for helping other travelers with lodging suggestions, transportation, activities on board, which ships and cruiseline may suit certain people better, news, ports, etc. Thanks Snurp for sharing your situation. It was a bad situation.


For those that think Princess should reimburse, lets hear your reasons. I'll listen. No, i'm not a lawyer but if I were on a jury and heard what was given here, I would have to go with no refund. Just my opinion from reading this thread. Snurp plainly stating getting off the bus and stepping aside. Then another group came through and after that group passed, the ship was leaving.

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Belize is a very long tender port wilth mulitple tender docks there is two secured entrances on each end. I could see easily how one could get lost as ther are multiple landmarks including as I recall three identicle Diamond International stores anchoring the tender areas. Ship tenders are not used. The excursions are dropped off outside the secure area where ther is a large number of very aggresive beggars/sellers. It makes the Ocho Rios pier area tame by comparrison. As you know a number of ships have stopped going to Ocho because of the locals regfusal to control this activity. I am afraid the same may soon happen in Belize which is unfortunate as once tou get away from Belize City it is a beautiful Area. I would not go indedependent here period. That being said the OP's problem didn't happen in Belize but it certainly could have and I wouldn't fault anyone for getting turned around there. All of us as new ports and more exotic ports are opening in the Carribean inborder to get away from the crowds need to be very careful and extra vigilant. A good lesson here.

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.......Belize which is unfortunate as once tou get away from Belize City it is a beautiful Area. I would not go indedependent here period. ....


We did the cave tubing independently and had a ball. The cave tubing companies don't want anyone missing the boat because no matter which company blows it, it reflects on all independent operators.


We didn't hear of any complaints from anyone who did their own tours in Belize. BTW, our cave/rafting tour was longer and less than half the cost of the one off the ship (NCL Sun)

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The Princess ships are in Belize a much shorter time than others which has its own problems. There was thread a while back about a group that went to Altu Han and was 2 hours late due to an accident and primative road conditions fortunatly it was a ship excursion, were it not I would reread this thread. We normally go independent but only in established areas and only if we have a backup plan. Somtimes things happen even out of the control of the tour operator. I'd still be verrrrrrry careful in Belize particularly with the ani-American sentiment that is growing.

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.... I'd still be verrrrrrry careful in Belize particularly with the ani-American sentiment that is growing.


I didn't perceive any nasty sentiment in Belize. I'm a Canadian and Canadians are usually mistaken by locals as Americans and given the same treatment. Maybe I just was oblivious to it.


Maybe a nice maple leaf pinned to your lapel would help! :D

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Maybe a nice maple leaf pinned to your lapel would help! :D


I've got one never thought of it, eh!



We never had problems either but warned by our tour guide. I'm still thinking it would be great place to retire, prices are right, you don't need to learn a new language (although that is changing) and Belize city and its extreme proverty is not represetative of the rest of the country.

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  • 2 weeks later...



What a horrible experience! I'm sorry to hear about it.

I'm not sure if this is still active, but you may want to consider contacting Conde Nast Traveler magazine. They used to have a column in the magazine call Ombudsman. The ombudsman is a consumer rights advocate, who will try to contact airlines, hotels, etc, to settle a dispute. I don't think there's any charge for this, so this may be something worth considering.


Best of luck.

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I just got off the Grand a couple of weeks ago. Didn't get any anti-American crap at all. Our guide, who we hire at the pier, was very pro-American and Canadian. US & Canada are the ones protecting Belize from their neighbors and helping to build the infrastructure.


We were warned by several crew including the CD NOT to take your passports into any country but especially those considered dangerous because they would just as soon kill you for the passport as look at you. The passports are worth a ton of money but after reading the original post, I'd really have conflicting feelings on that.

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You know, I didn't even think about it when I wrote the above post, but we usually leave our son on the ship (he's almost five) when we go into most ports! Would they then take action because they have a child that hasn't been picked up??!! We are very careful to make it back a couple of hours before the ship sails, but I would absolutely be hysterical if the ship left me and my child was on board. I'm afraid I would hijack a boat and make them take me to the ship or something!

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This is a very long thread, so perhaps I missed something, but why does Belize come into the thread so often? The OP's experience was in Venezuela.


I do agree with those who have pointed out that a head count is virtually never made at the tender. If everyone was on the bus (as they apparently were), it is usually not possible to make a count after that. The tender will take anyone who arrives at the tender pier to return to the ship, including independent travelers and other tours. How could a count be made there? Nor could it have been made just outside the bus. Some passengers will have memorized the landmarks, and are likely to march off on their own to the tender pier. I just don't see how one can argue that the tour guide or chaperone was remiss.


As far as being separated from the rest of the bus passengers, these were the only two people to whom this happened. Understandably, they blame it on being too polite, on not wanting to block the door of the bus, etc. But it is, after all, their responsibility to stay with their group. Moving out of the way of the bus door does not translate into disconnecting themselves entirely from all the other passengers, which apparently they did.


I think the OP wrote a compelling and informative post, which may save others from making the same mistakes. And the Princess personnel at the pier certainly should have been more helpful. But in the end the responsibility for not boarding, IMO, in this case lies entirely with the travelers.



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The OP ended up missing the boat, had to go to Belize, missed the boat again, ended up back in the states and then I think Cayman before catching the ship again. If I remember correctly they lost 2 days on the ship, thousands of dollars (blame yet not pinpointed as to whom was at fault).


On a plus note, it is a great lesson learned and all should know that things do indeed happen. Just be calm and all will turn out alright. Also it is a vacation that will never be forgotten. Some 20 years ago my parents took the family (4 boys) to San Francisco. It rained so hard one day. We decided to go to Alcatraz (met Robert Hayes on the boat out). When we got back, it was still raining, we were soaked to the skin. We walked into a very nice restaurant that had a number of tables near the door filled. Well they stuck us way in the back. Well the view was of a marina (we were on the second level). If my parents had to choose a table, they would have chosen this table. Well some 20 years later I still remember it because it was something out of the norm.


Enjoy your travels.

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we were just on a south american cruise (American passports)--they took them at check in and gave them back at the end of the cruise. we did have a copy on yahoo mail, a copy with us, and our credit cards.

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This is a very long thread, so perhaps I missed something, but why does Belize come into the thread so often? The OP's experience was in Venezuela.


I do agree with those who have pointed out that a head count is virtually never made at the tender. If everyone was on the bus (as they apparently were), it is usually not possible to make a count after that. The tender will take anyone who arrives at the tender pier to return to the ship, including independent travelers and other tours. How could a count be made there? Nor could it have been made just outside the bus. Some passengers will have memorized the landmarks, and are likely to march off on their own to the tender pier. I just don't see how one can argue that the tour guide or chaperone was remiss.


As far as being separated from the rest of the bus passengers, these were the only two people to whom this happened. Understandably, they blame it on being too polite, on not wanting to block the door of the bus, etc. But it is, after all, their responsibility to stay with their group. Moving out of the way of the bus door does not translate into disconnecting themselves entirely from all the other passengers, which apparently they did.


I think the OP wrote a compelling and informative post, which may save others from making the same mistakes. And the Princess personnel at the pier certainly should have been more helpful. But in the end the responsibility for not boarding, IMO, in this case lies entirely with the travelers.



Bill, I agree with you completely. I have taken many, many Princess excursions and they have always dropped me off as close to embarkation as possible. They have never taken a count as we get off since many times, people can exit from either the front or the middle of the bus. Once they drop you at embarkation, their responsibility for getting you back ends and it's your responsibility to make sure you get to the tender and board the ship. They always wait another couple of minutes for any stragglers so there's always a few minutes' grace period since not everyone can move quickly. If the tour bus is late getting back to the ship, you know you need to hustle to get on the tender -- the ship is not going to wait too long.
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We were on the Sun last year and took a Princess excursion to climb the volcano in St Kitts. The climb ran late and we knew we would not make it back to the ship on time. Our guides demonstrated their NASCAR abilities gaving us the ride of our lives in a rush along the island roads to get to the ship.


I mentioned to our group that we wouldn't have to worry about the ship leaving because we were on a Princess excursion, but a member of the crew that was with us said this is not so.


He explained that it was a matter of economics whether the ship left or not. If the cost of getting us back onboard was less than the cost of keeping the ship at the dock, the ship would leave. He said the ship is in constant contact with the home office, and if sail time is 5PM and the ship is still there at 5:10, they want to know why. They determine their costs and do what is least expensive. It costs Princess money to stay docked longer than scheduled.


Surviving our wild ride thru St. Kitts, we got back about 15-20 minutes late and we were relieved to see that the ship was still there. As we walked up the dock, a ship officer spotted us and was on the radio to the bridge reporting our return (I heard the conversation) and the dockworkers immediately began releasing the ropes from the ship. We got onboard and had to rush like crazy to make our early seating.


Granted, we would be taken care of had the ship left, but we would have missed the cruise until the next port.

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The whole thing just sounds like every possible thing that could go wrong did. Sometimes, despite all of our best intentions, plans go awry. My dad got his wallet stolen at one port in Europe were we were touring independently.This could have been a nightmare, but the pursers desk handled it all and we did get back to the ship. I won't be putting Palermo at the top of my must see list again. However, it was a case of he should have been smarter, but made a mistake which was upsetting and could have been even worse.

I will say that it is a tad disingenious to say that you missed the ship because you were too polite. I know that this sounds ungenerous, but everyones' priority is to get back on the boat at the appointed time. I dont think I have encountered too many excursions with head counts. Even if they had, the ship would have sailed. Yes they would have paged you onboard, as you have no doubt heard over the years, but it wouldnt have solved your problem.

I remember one case where the ship was looking high and low for a passenger that went missing on a port. Room steward noticed. Turns out the lady just decided to fly home ! The coast guard (this was Alaska) had been searching for her for some time.

Being stuck in Caracas had to be terrifiying.

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As I will be a first-time cruiser Dec '06, I read these boards for information that will be helpful. I would like to thank the OP for helping me to realize that when I'm on vacation having fun, things can go wrong quickly and turn a lovely day into disaster. I'm one of those people who always want to put 26 hours into a 24 hour day and my DH says my tombstone will someday read, "Just five more minutes!" Thank you so much for sharing what happened to you because I will be very vigilant about watching my surroundings, the time, being sure to only go onshore if I have at least copies of our passports, emergency #s, info about local US embassy at ports of call, credit card, cash and to have a "buddy couple" when on a shore excursion who will speak up if I'm missing. Responsibility aside, I had heartfelt terror thinking how easily I could wind up in a similar situation whether on a Princess-sponsored tour or on one I reserved on my own if I missed the sailaway time. Thanks for the posting! I will be a much more prepared traveller.


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The OP's post just validates to me why I ALWAYS carry my passport. It's one thing if you're stayin in a foreign country at a hotel to leave it there, it's another when your hotel room floats away and you're not on it!!


Everyone knows how important it is to CYA, just in case something bad happens to you and the minute you think it won't, it does. Like someone said earlier, COPIES just get you a new passport which sometimes entails longer than wanted stays in countries that aren't all that nice once you get past the tourist areas. Of COURSE there's a market in some of these countries for passports, they are hot items. But if you have some sense and not walk around flashing to everybody, you'll be alright.


Just because we're on vacation, doesn't mean we leave our brains at home too!!

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