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Cave tubing


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I just returned from the Feb 4th saling of the Grand.So,I was a little apprehensive on doing the cave tubing after going thru this ordeal.


I booked my cave tubing thru Yhony after reading so many favorable reviews.I was a little worried that I should have booked thru the ship.I mean that should be the safest excursion..Once our ports were changed and we had more time,I started feeling a little bit better about going with a private excursion.


Well,to begin with,I had emailed Yhony a few times and expressed certain concerns,and he already had high marks with me for his quick replys.


Upon arriving,we expressed to him some of our concerns since we had been thru one ordeal,we didnt want to go thru another.It was raining and many were concerned about cave flooding.After talking with Yhony,we all "voted" on whether we felt comfortable going ahead with our excursion.We decided that it was a "Go".


Several ppl for whatever reasons,had cancelled or more than likely just didnt show up.Since Yhony doesnt require you to pay upfront (not even a deposit),that escape clause makes it easier to book thru him.


Since we were only a group of 8,we ended up with 6 guides! Pretty good odds for a group that was a little more "fragile" than most .I got very LUCKY,Yhony was MY persona guide :) Thank you Yhony :)


We had a very wet hike thru the rain forest.I was a little nervous over this since I had left my "good" shoes (ones with more sole gripping) at home.But no problems here,I just walked in Yhonys foot prints.He made it a point the whole way pointing out the slippery parts,showing us the safer areas to walk.


It was a very pleasant (30-40 minutes,maybe a little longer) walk.We had opted the 2 cave tubing since we had more time.


When we got to the "rope" leading across the river,I started getting a little nervous.Since I have rods in my back from major back surgery,I had wondered if I should have even been doing this in the first place.But,I was eased down into the tube to cross.


It was a little chilly at first.But,not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.Im very cold natured,so I was pleasantly surprised:) Once on the other side,we hiked a little more.There are a few steps here and there,but also someone there to help you if you need it.


I would recommend taking bug spray.In Feb,there were probably not as many mosquitos as other times,but I did get about 3 or 4 bites in the hair line on the back of my neck.The only place I didnt spray!


The tubing was so much fun! We made 3 sets of "links". I was in the middle of my hubby and Yhony.Yhony did ALL of the arm paddling.We just sat back and enjoyed the ride! We were enjoying using our headlamps to explore the tops of the caves.


As far as creatures go,we did see some bats.ONLY because Yhony asked us if we wanted to see them.He took us into the opening of a care and pointed them out,then we left that cave.At NO time did I ever see any more bats,nor any spiders or SNAKES.Yhony explained to us that snakes dont like rushing water.Not sure thats true,but in our case it was,no snakes anywhere around!


I cant stressed this enough..I WOULD NEVER BOOK THIS EXCURSION THRU THE SHIP! They just do not have enough guides to go around.


While we were enjoying our tubing experience,the ships tubbers were going along the same route.At NO time,did I ever see a guide with the ship excursion.I know they had to have some,but I never saw any.


Yhony would tell us when to lift our butts so that we didnt drag them on the rocks.He knew every point of that river.I was very impressed! I really felt sorry for the cruiseship passengers.If it wasnt for Yhony and his crew,many of them would have sore bottoms from scraping on the rocks.But,he went out of his way to tell them (the ones that were near us) when to left their bottoms.


At one point,he kept telling the ships people that they really needed to be prepared.He got out of his tube each time we got near a part that had a little stronger current,or where it was more shallow with rocks.


This is where my point of not booking thru the ships becomes SO important.There was a lady near us.She was going right for the shallow rock area.Yhony kept yelling to her to lift her bottom.She had NO one near her to help her.At this point,once you get past the shallow rocks,it makes a drop off into a swirling pool of water that is a little deeper.Once the lady entered this area,she had picked up speed,and she fell OUT of her tube! I was very scared for the lady,she didnt appear to be able to swim that well and seemed to be in trouble.Our guides were off their tubes in a flash and to the ladies rescue.I just wonder what would have happened to her if they had not been there.And,I must say,Yhony secured me before he left my side to help the lady.


Once we finished our two caves,we got out and walked the short walk back.If we needed assistance with our tube,the guides were right there to take it from us.


I can not relate how much fun we had! The guys were so much fun.We laughed and joked,had a great time,plus saw some interesting carving into the cave walls..


If you are thinking about cave tubing in Belize,DONT book with anyone else! Go to c a v e- t u b i n g . c o m .


Thank you Yhony! Thank you guys! You were all great! I will be back!



* Yhony did mention that the ratio is usually 5-6 ppl per guide.


Enjoy Belize! Dot

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We have reservations with Yhony in April. However, my sister (from Miami) is worried about the water being too cold and getting sick. I know its all relative, but how cold did you think the water was?

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We just got off the Valor and did the cave tubing with Yhony's group. I highly recommend it, the guides were knowledgeable and very helpful. Our group of 10 had our own guide.


The water is a little cold, but not bad. We went on a cold day and it only seemed cold in the rapids. We were in and out of the cold water very quickly.

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Del67, I had the same concerns so I emailed Yhony and he emailed right back with the water temps.The day we were there,it wa raining.The first point of water entry,I was a little chilled for a min or so,but by the time we got in,we got out again.(we were just crossing the river)


Yhony said the water temp would be in the low 70s and I think he was right.I like my water around 80 degrees.I am SO cold natured.I had gone tubing once before and the water was freezing cold so I kept thinking about that,so maybe thats why it didnt seem so cold to me.


The only time I can truly say I was cold was when we came out of the second cave and had to go a short distance to get out of the river.It was raining and I got a little chill,but it still wasnt bad.You heat up on the walk there and back.BTW,its not a long walk on the way back.


Im sure the water will be warmer when you get there.I think a cold front had moved thru for us.Yhony said the water was very cold for them.He doesnt like cold at all.So,I dont think you will find it bad.Just ask his opinion.Email him the week before you go and he can give you a more accurate temp.


He told me I could wear a wetsuit if I wanted to,but I just wore a tshirt over a swimsuit top with stretch knee pants (kinda work out type from Walmart).You dont want to wear anything white as the water will really make it dirty.If its not raining you will probably not get as muddy as we did.Also,the tube will make your shoulder dirty.


Make sure you take some water shoes for walking.Or buy a cheap pair of keds that you might not mind throwing away.Its a little rocky in places,so you want something with a study type heel.Our water shoes were just fine.


Tell Yhony I said hi! And make sure you vote to do eat at Cheers afterwards.He also sells tshirts for $10,so come prepared to buy one,they are cute! Dot


I forgot to mention that there is one point in the cave that is actually very warm water.

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We have reservations with Yhony in April. However, my sister (from Miami) is worried about the water being too cold and getting sick. I know its all relative, but how cold did you think the water was?


We just did the cave-tubing and I felt that the air in the caves was a little on the cold side. More-so than the water.

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I think it is safe to go with a child even as young as 5 BUT, you are the parent and you know their abilities.... with that said... the walk is a little hard... maybe too hard for a 5 year old.... it is a 45 minute walk at the most. It is muddy and slippery....so you might have to carry them when they get tired. I went with cave-tubing.com THEY WERE GREAT! There were children on the trip, however, they were complaining about the walking. They also often stopped in the middle of the path without notice to "look at the pretty rock" and the people behind them went crashing into each other in order to avoid them. So... it is up to you.


Once you are in the water it is fun. It looks scary, but it is safe.... AT LEAST WITH CAVE-TUBING.COM My fiance and I had our own guide. Usually it is four to a guide. Like I said there were plenty of children. And they were safe... once they were in the water and out of the way... :) However, if your kid has never been in a swimming pool before and might freak out... you should consider that it isn't worth the emotional feel (even though there is no actual danger).


What is cave tubing... You walk 30-45 minutes up a muddy slippery path carrying your tube. At cave-tubbing.com they offer to carry it for you if you get tired or are a child.... then you walk down these "stairs" to the begining. You get into a tube- like a giant tire, (at cave-tubing) they hold you together, and you gently go floating through a cave... you have a flashlight on your head... and can see light coming through the cave... although, if the kid is totally scared of ANY darkness as in dim, but you can see light, again this might be too much for them. Honestly, you can see fine everyone around you. You would be holding on to them, and someone would be holding on to your tube. Totally safe, but I know some kids who freakout if they have water splashed into their face in still standing water in water that is knee hi to them... so it is up to you kids comfort level.


So kids are definitely welcome and safe, but it is up to you and you child.

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I think that children would be very safe with Yhony.The hard part as the other poster mentioned would be the walk.I doubt they could carry their tube.I know when my son was 4,we went tubing.He sat on my hubbys lap.I suppose that could happen here.Maybe one on each of your laps.


I would email Yhony with your concerns.His main thing is safety.I do think maybe he or his guides have had kids on their laps.Im not sure they would be able to stay in the tube at various places in the river.


The hard part will be the walk,how would your kids do? Only you can answer this question.


I bet the would love it though! Dot

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There are 3 possible areas that you need to consider as part of your decision:


- Crossing the river - Its not that deep for an adult and they have a rope to hold on to, but the current can get strong, especially if there has been a lot of rain

- The walk to the start point - Its not a tough walk, but will your children be okay with a 30 to 45 minute walk?

- The dark - How do your children feel about being in the dark. Each tuber gets a miner's light, but the caves are still dark.

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Here I was prepared to get on the Belize page and tell everyone how fabulous Yhony's trip is, and DALSAL beat me to it!! (We were on the same tour) I could not agree more - Yhony rocks!! --Dot: GREAT review!!!--


The only things I could add is that the ships' groups were groups of 50+, and although Yhony said they had two guides with them, like DALSAL, I never saw either of them!


I'm not sure who enjoyed the trip more - the passengers or Yhony and his guys!! We had a great time, and they did as well. The fact that they all were enjoying themselves made it that much better for all of us!


Also, Yhony gives a GREAT tour of Belize. He talks a lot about Belize as a country, what it is like to live in Belize, and his observations of what differs between Belize and the US.


Having done this tour - I would bring our DD (who's 6 now) without any hesitation (although I would certainly OK this with Yhony before we arrived!!) I would have her sit on my lap for the trip.


Our one disapointment was of our own doing. We had a digitial camera with a waterproof housing we use for snorkeling, but decided not to bring it:( . Yhony mentioned that people who have used said digital cameras with said waterproof housing took GREAT pictures!!!:eek:


Will again reiterate DALSAL's views - go with Yhony - prompt replies, great service, great tour, great food, and wonderful, wonderful guides!! (Not to mention extra-cool shirts!!!)


Go, Yhony, go!!!


High recommendations for Yhony.

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Sorry Alice,I told Yhony I would give him a review as soon as I got back,but I must admit,yours made it sound more exciting! I cant believe I left my waterproof camera at home! I bought one just for this excursion,guess I will have to go again! :)

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We did the cave-tubing with Yhony on the Feb 1st. DH and I had done it with another company on an earlier cruise, but some from our group wanted to go and had planned to book through the ship. Then I found a posting on our Roll Call that Jim had booked with Yhony at: cave-tubing.com and happened to ask if anyone else would like to join him. One by one, couples, groups, etc asked Jim to include them, and we wound up with somewhere around 30 of us in the group, which we found out later was Yhony's largest group yet.


We had an absolutely wonderful time. As was mentioned before, he is concerned about safety first and foremost. We also voted on the extra cave, lunch, etc. But I was tremendously impressed by the guides, how much work they did just to make it safer and more enjoyable. They did all of the paddling, told us when to "butts up", and at times literally pulled us just to keep us away from cave walls, etc. This being my second trip, I was very much impressed. Yhony also has a wonderful gift of gab and terrific sense of humor, which made the 1 hour drive each way go by quickly. Lunch was delicious, and the cashew wine....


I cannot recommend him more highly. The day with Yhony and his fellow guides is an excursion to remember.



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We got a city a tour,but I dont know if we were suppose to..one in our party was late,so we took a tour and then went back to see if they showed up.And,we had about 2 hrs to shop before the last tender.(thas with doing 2 caves and eating)



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Sorry Alice,I told Yhony I would give him a review as soon as I got back,but I must admit,yours made it sound more exciting! I cant believe I left my waterproof camera at home! I bought one just for this excursion,guess I will have to go again! :)


Dot: So glad you DID do such a great, prompt review!! We were back for a few days, then turned around and left for another trip.


Yeah, we'll just have to go back again with our cameras. Gosh, darn, the things we'll do for a few fabulous photos!!!:)


Message to all - bring those cameras (waterproof, of course!!)

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Im ready to go again! BTW e1,dont forget your bug spray.I took mine,but had several bites in my hairline! Those little buggers found the one spot I didnt spray! Im sure the later in the year you go,the worse they will be.

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I have a 5 yr and a 7yr old. Is Cave tubing too much for them..Can you expain cave tubing more to me. thanks[/quote

If I had know in Dec., the care Yhony and his crew take with all parties, I would have taken our outdoor loving 3 yr old. I could have put him in a larger tube on my chest and the crew would have pushed / walked us across the river for walk up, and on trip down I am sure we would have xtra, if thats possible atention. My only concern would be the dark, it is pitch black, the caves were longer than i was expecting, couple hundred yard +- and other than head lights its ,:eek: dark. the walk is longish but pace is slow. River current was slow when we went, you could walk faster on shore. You walk up a cleared jungle path for 15-20 minutes, and get into clear water and cruise down threw caves, Yhony and crew will explain history and things as you go, as well as keep you laughing:D to and from the ship. research it, it was a blast.:)

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We just arrived home this past weekend. We went cave tubing on Feb. 21. I had three children with me, ages 14, 10 and 7. Yhony and his staff were wonderful! We felt safe and happy throughout the whole adventure. The walk through the jungle was fun and fairly easy. My seven year old did it, holding her own tube for the entire walk. The water felt chilly at first( or "refreshing" as Yhony's staff called it) but was easy to get use to. Our experience was really, really wonderful and memorable. The best excursion of our trip. Yhony and his staff always put safety first. There were 25 people in our group with 5 guides. Yhony and his staff definitely know their way through the river and the caves, which made the experience extremely enjoyable throughout. I really can't say enough about how much fun we had and how safe we felt. I would definitely recommend booking any cave tubing excursion through cavetubing. com. You will be extremely glad that you did!

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Our family of 6 and another family of 6 booked the cave tubing tour with Yhony (cave-tubing.com) at the beginning of Feb. We have kids age: 13, 11, 8 & 4. This was a definite highlight of our cruise! We felt completely safe with Yhony and his crew. My husband did carry the 4 year old on the jungle walk (he probably could have walked himself, but we didn't want to slow up the group). The guides offered to carry him, but we just had them carry the inner tubes. We all agreed we would do this tour with them again and I highly recommend this company! Thanks again Yhony!

As a side note, we floated right past the people who booked through the ship and they had only a few guides for a very large group (one women hit her head on the side of the cave) and the cost was more than double what we paid.

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