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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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Hi everyone,


I'm doing well. I"m only down half pound. I guess I have leveled off for right now. I'll see how next week goes.


My husband and I are both going on diets together. Which makes it easy. We have found a different way of eating. This way cuts out one meal aday. The thing is we aren't hungry. We eat a "big" organic breakfest. Then we eat around 3pm which would be our dinner. We eat our normal amount. And so far we are not hungry after that. If we do want a snack at night. We have something light, like popcorn or strawbarries.


We only have been doing this for a week. And this past weekend we eat out abut two times. We did share the meals. Thats probably why I didn't lose any weight.


I'll let everyone know how we are doing next week.


Laplaya, as far as weighting my self. I do it on Tuesday after I get up in the morning and have I've done my 1st restroom break. Then I weight my self. I've herd that is the best time to weight your self. Because you haven't put anything in your stomach. But if you can't do that, then at least to it at the same time every time you weight. Like set a time of noon or after dinner. Do it when its easy for you.




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I have been eating WAY too much food lately. I weigh on on Thurs, so I have a few days to get back on track- and maybe stay the same! I will either be at the gym or at ball room dance on the 3 days before, so if I am diligent with my food - i CAN do it!


Got the bike out of storage from up north, but too rainy & wet in New England to ride this weekend. I have big plans for this coming weekend - just me & the bike & the open road!


How's everyone else doing?



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I'm sure you'll lose that before your cruise!


But don't worry so much about your size on your cruise - whether or not you lose all the wieght you want! Make sure your bathing suit (& other clothes) fit properly and you'll look great. I don't care how much a person weighs, if they wear clothes that are snug or too baggy, they always look heavier than they really are. I've got 2 lovely wraps I wear around my waist (to cover my legs!) when I'm on the ship (or on the beach). Then, when I hit the deck chair to tan - off it comes.


I've got pix of me on 3 cruises (each one smaller than the last!) & the only pix I really don't like from each cruise are the ones where I made poor clothes choices!


Good luck!




yeah, starting to wear less baggy clothes :) i like baggy pants a lot but they look a lot better with tighter tops.


wraps are always cute, thats a good idea


im down to 145 now, and staying at that amazingly.

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yeah, starting to wear less baggy clothes :) i like baggy pants a lot but they look a lot better with tighter tops.


wraps are always cute, thats a good idea


im down to 145 now, and staying at that amazingly.


About 140-145 is my next goal - hopefully by the end of September. Although after what I ate this weekend - I'm not on the right track, right now!


The more weight I lose, the more I'm finding I like to wear clothes that FIT as opposed to the blousy, baggy stuff I used to wear. I went to my ceramics class on Saturday that I hadn't been to for about 3-4 weeks because of my show & I was wearing a nice fitted top. I usually wear an older T-shirt (that's now too big). I haven't really lost anything in the last month, but the (mostly teenage) girls all commented on how much skinnier I looked, & it must have been because I was wearing something that FIT my curves, rather than hid them! :D


pinguino - I like your name - it reminds me of the penguins I collect! :p



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Thanks Pinguino and Sharonella,


I personally have been the same for about a couple of weeks. I have gone down on my weight. But I'm still working at it. I need to do more exercising, so that what I'm going to work on this week. Hopefully with that and the way we are eating now. I'll lose some weight next week.


I'm giving my self untell Sept. to lose my weight. So if I have a feel slow weeks I'll make up for it later.


Hopefully I'll have good news next week.

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About 140-145 is my next goal - hopefully by the end of September. Although after what I ate this weekend - I'm not on the right track, right now!


The more weight I lose, the more I'm finding I like to wear clothes that FIT as opposed to the blousy, baggy stuff I used to wear. I went to my ceramics class on Saturday that I hadn't been to for about 3-4 weeks because of my show & I was wearing a nice fitted top. I usually wear an older T-shirt (that's now too big). I haven't really lost anything in the last month, but the (mostly teenage) girls all commented on how much skinnier I looked, & it must have been because I was wearing something that FIT my curves, rather than hid them! :D


pinguino - I like your name - it reminds me of the penguins I collect! :p




i draw comics about penguins =) had my name changed ten years ago


my boyfriend just took me on a shopping spree for my bday to get clothes that fit :) i feel like im wearing sizes that i hadnt seen since college. feel good wearing girly tshirts now and shopping is a lot more fun :) (actually im just really lucky that i have a really awesome bf who helps me figure out what looks good on me :) yay!)


im trying to walk to work more (takes me an hour) so hopefully that helps!

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i draw comics about penguins =) had my name changed ten years ago


my boyfriend just took me on a shopping spree for my bday to get clothes that fit i feel like im wearing sizes that i hadnt seen since college. feel good wearing girly tshirts now and shopping is a lot more fun (actually im just really lucky that i have a really awesome bf who helps me figure out what looks good on me yay!)


im trying to walk to work more (takes me an hour) so hopefully that helps!


You draw comics about penguins!?! You are my HERO! :D


And walking to work? That's even better! I work about 4.5 miles from my house - it would probably take me just over 1 hr to walk - don't think I would do it! (Walk HOME maybe, if I could get a ride in!) I'm considering taking my bike - but I'm afraid I'd get too sweaty & need a shower when I get here! :eek:


When's your birthday? Happy birthday! Mine was Fri 5/19 - betcha I'm older! :o


Just realized I never posted my weigh-in from last Thurs - probably because I gained 2.75 :( in 2 weeks! Bleah! Never got to ride my bike this past weekend - was too busy Sat, then Sun, by the time I got ready, it started raining! I've been getting very "munchy" in the eves & giving in! Yuck!


Anyway - I hope to have a better weigh in in 2 wks! This weekend I should be bike riding all 3 days - woohoo!




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Have you guys seen March of the Penguins? Good movie. Anyways nothing to report on my weight. But we did buy an elliptical machine.. Waiting for it to come today.. It should give us a good work out. I'm looking forward to using it. Anyways I'll update my weight next week.



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Hi Kim!


I love the elliptical machine at the gym - way less impact than the treadmill! Plus, the different "intensities" can work different areas harder - your buns vs thighs vs calves. Put it where you can watch TV or your favorite video & the time will pass quickly!


Haven't seen March of the Penguins yet! :eek: I wanted to see it in IMAX, but never got to do it! I got it for Christmas & watched 1 of the "extras" ("Making of...") but haven't actually see it yet. I figured I'd see it this summer - when we go up north on weekends, we have no TV, but bring our portable DVD player - plus my BF's new laptop can view DVD's too!


The weather up north looks to be great this weekend, so no excuses - I'll be putting MANY miles on the bike this weekend!


Have a great weekend all!



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Found this on line today....



health tip May 24, 2006

Little Shape of Horrors

If you're trying to diet, here's another angle you ought to know about. According to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, researchers at the University of Health Sciences at Chicago Medical School found 91 women, all of whom were trying to stick to diets, and showed them a travel movie, a comedy or a horror movie. Then they all went to a buffet:

  • The women who saw the travel movie ate properly, sticking to their diets.
  • The women who saw the comedy ate a bit more than they were supposed to.
  • The women who saw the horror movie ate the most.

I vote we watch the Travel CHannel 24/7! :rolleyes:



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Hay Sharon,


Looks like you are going on the Liberty. I would like to have a report on the cruise. We are thinking about going on the Freedom. We are doing the one that goes to Turkey...


Anyways we got the elliptical machine but haven't put it together yet. But looking forward to doing that tomorrrow.



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Hay Sharon,


Looks like you are going on the Liberty. I would like to have a report on the cruise. We are thinking about going on the Freedom. We are doing the one that goes to Turkey...


Anyways we got the elliptical machine but haven't put it together yet. But looking forward to doing that tomorrrow.




We've already done the Glory, which is the same class ship (I think). We're looking forward to the outdoor movie screen on this ship. I usually spend my deck time on sea days away from the Lido pool area (where it's less noisy & crowded) but the big screen may have something worth "joining the crowd" for. Or, it may be SO crowded, the the quieter areas will be that much more quiet & appealing to me! :p


Turkey sounds coollll! Not sure if I'm up to flying trans-Atlantic yet! :(



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Kim -


The ports are St Thomas (which we've done before), San Juan, Antigua and Tortola. For some reason, she was supposed to go to Nassau, but for our cruise & a few before & after, she's not. No big deal, really - we like sea days!


We actually had a stop in Nassau on one of our other cruises. We didn't have an excursion planned - we were only there from 7-2 on the first full day of our cruise & didn't want to get up that early, so we thought we'd just get off the ship & check the shops. Right after the life boat drill, we had gone to the spa for a tour to check out the specials (my 3 sisters & my BF's mom). We all signed up for something the next AM (I got my hair colored). So by the time we got off the ship it was about 10:30-11. We were SWARMED by people asking us if we wanted our hair braided (not after spending $100 at the salon, thank you!:eek: ), or to buy trinkets, etc. After about 10 min of this my sisters & BIL went back to the ship. My BF & I stuck it out a little longer, because I wanted to go to this one store that had some color changing t-shirts etc (changes color in the sun) & I bought some color changing barrettes & nail polish for my 2 nieces.


When we thought Nassau was on the itinerary this time, I told my BF either we should plan an excursion or take a taxi right to a beach, or we should just stay on the ship & relax.



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Well I'm down 2 pounds. I went from 133 to 131. But I'm not below 130 which is my goal right now. I have only been doing the elliptical machine for about 3 days now. I have it, its funny but I look forward to working out on it. I'm doing 20 minutes aday right now. But I want to build my work outs up to an hour. We also have the shiwn(? spelling) bike and the weight machine. So I'll like to include thoses in the work time.


Anyways I'm happy about that. I still need to get below 130 though. Well I hope everyone is doing well.



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Just realized I never posted my weigh-in from last Thurs - probably because I gained 2.75 :( in 2 weeks! Bleah! Never got to ride my bike this past weekend - was too busy Sat, then Sun, by the time I got ready, it started raining! I've been getting very "munchy" in the eves & giving in! Yuck!


Anyway - I hope to have a better weigh in in 2 wks! This weekend I should be bike riding all 3 days - woohoo!


bike riding sounds fun! i walked around disneyland all day sunday. :)

i turned 28 for my bday. :) checked my weight and its the same still. yay! ate cheesecake friday too :) *drool*

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Wow - I guess I've been busy - didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long!


Congrats on your loss, Kim. Using the exercise equipment will help you even more! :D


Pinguino - I am officially 20 yrs older than you :p ! I hope you had fun at Disney (how could you not!) Hope you didn't go too crazy on the junk food. I remember going to Epcot about 10yrs ago & I DON'T remember lots of "healthy choice" food (of course, I wasn't dieting, so I wasn't really looking, either!) There was LOTS of comfort foods!


I was able to ride my bike all weekend - got in about 45 miles - about half of it on Monday - it was awesome! Bad news - the scale is still UP! I weighed in yesterday, & gained another 3.5 lbs in 2 weeks. I thought I had been eating a bit better, plus with all the bike riding on the weekend(usually I don't do much in the way of exercising on the weekends) I figured I should at least stay the same! Yuck!


And this weekend - RAIN - I guess I'll have to actually go to the gym this weekend!


Oh well! Have a great weekend, everyone!


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I was able to ride my bike all weekend - got in about 45 miles - about half of it on Monday - it was awesome! Bad news - the scale is still UP! I weighed in yesterday, & gained another 3.5 lbs in 2 weeks. I thought I had been eating a bit better, plus with all the bike riding on the weekend(usually I don't do much in the way of exercising on the weekends) I figured I should at least stay the same! Yuck!


you might be gaining muscle actually, especially leg muscle, from bike riding.. i wouldnt rely completely on a scale to determine weight loss :)


disneyland was fun :) it was a good way to walk around a bunch, for sure. im gonna try to swim sunday. im in an art show tomorrow. ive been eating bad pretty much all week, but i did have a salad for lunch today and a tostada yesterday.

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I keep thinking I've maybe built more muscle - then I think - maybe I'm just in denial about not eating right. :confused:


I haven't measured since January - but I'm afraid..........


Since you mentioned salad - it made me think - I really haven't eaten a lot of veggies lately - maybe I'd better start eating more again. And I LIKE veggies!


And swimming is GOOD! Have fun!



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Sha, maybe you need to start writing down what you eat. I have never done that, but I herd it helps people to realize what they eat. I would think writing down the amounts of food you eat would help also.


A few years ago I got down to 117 pounds. What I did was whatch the calories I eat and only had 1 coke aday. I still had coke. I couldn't cut everything out. ;) Plus I did exercise. I hope to get down to 117 again. We only have been exercising on this new machine for a week or so. So I have to give it some time. Plus I'm starting to "whatch" the amount of food I eat. We will see what happens in a week.


One thing I like about this machine it tells you how fit you are. I'm not very fit at this point. I hope to improve that...


I hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you later..



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Kim - I hate keeping a journal - but I should, you're right. It's the advice I give other people when they are in this same boat. :rolleyes:


Probably just seeing the HUGE list of unneeded calories is will be enough to make me nauseous & unable to eat another bite! :p


I think with your new exercise program & watching what you eat - you will really be making progress! Way to go!



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ive seen people make a pretty big difference just by switching to diet soda from regular. and theres some pretty awesome flavors like diet chocolate soda :)


me and my friends did a fun thing where we blogged everything we ate. i was too lazy to post the pics but it was fun taking pics of all my food. and then i realized it wasnt really green colored. and altogether too ramen colored.

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Sha I couldn't keep a general going either... To much work. :p


Pinguino good ideal about the blogg, but again to much work....


I did exercise for 50 minutes today.. My husband is down a few pounds.. I'm going to check my weight next week and see how I'm doing. I hope everyone keeps losing weight...



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well - I didn't start a journal - yet - but just the thought (the horror :eek: ) of having to write down all the food I had been eating recently really tamed my appetite last night & I "stuck to the plan".


pinguino - your comment about "ramen colored food" reminds me of the time my BF & I took his teenage nephew to a Chinese restaurant for their buffet. My BF & I has our plates piled with all sorts of different colored foods. The nephew went over to the "American" section of the buffet & got fried chicken pieces, mac & cheese, corn & french fries. Now, I like all those foods, but that had to be the least appetizing plate I had EVER seen! I even think he had vanilla ice cream for dessert! :rolleyes:


Kim - congrats on the exercise! I even upped my exercise last night. Usually I do about 1hr on the ellipse, plus 10-15 min of "floor exercises" (abs, push-ups, leg lifts, etc). After that, I did another 15 min on the treadmill. I know that's a lot, but I figured if I'm having trouble eating too much, I'd also better start exercising more to burn the calories!


Tonight is my ballroom dance class - we dance for about 90 min - but it's not like "aerobics", so I'm thinking maybe I'll go for a 20min walk before I head out! Every little bit counts!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I haven't lost any more weight yet. But still working out.


Also, my husband and I did Metabolic Typing.. It was done by a company called Healthexcel. My husband did it years ago. They get a sample of your hair and you do a survay. Baised on those two things they develope a eating plan of you.


My type body needs carbs 35%, protein 40%, and fat 25%. Plus it tells you what groups of foods you can eat together. Based on the chart if I have Salmon I can't eat celery.


I have some supplements to take also which will help get my body back in balance. Which will help with weight loss. I haven't started doing any of it yet. We are waiting to get my husbands back which should be today.


The hardest thing will be getting used to it. Plus if my husbands is completely different. Cooking could be more of a chore. But we will see. This is a long term way of eating for the both of us. But once we get it going it should be a good way of eating.


We have been making a lot of changes over the past 6 or 7 months. This is one of the last ones. Anyways had to update everyone.


I hope everyone is doing well.



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