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Anyone want to lose 15 to 20 pounds?


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Hi Kim - I think I was born a skeptic, but (personal opinion) I really don't get how eating celery with salmon is going to screw up your weight loss plan very much. :confused: Do they give explanations as to why certain foods are "bad" combined with other foods? Or do they expect you to just take their word for it? I'm very curious about the science behind this. Also - if they're testing your hair (which is dead tissue, except for the growing root - unlike blood, which can tell you what is going on NOW in your system), they are looking at a "map" of "the past". They use this kind of test to tell if people have used certain drugs in the past, or if you have had an excess (or low amount) of some nutrients, so I suppose it can be helpful to see what you HAVE done in the past.


And I do know that some people lose weight "easier" by adding more protein with breakfast (& other meals), while other people need more "good" carbs to succeed. And while many people do well with 3 small meals + 2-3 small snacks (eating every 2hrs or so), others do better with just 3 well-balanced meals a day, so I know there ARE differences in people's bodies & metabolisms. There isn't a one diet fits all (or we'd all be skinny)! ;) I'm just personally very skeptical when they say that some foods shouldn't be combined with others.


I think the percentages of what they want you to eat look very reasonable & very healthy. As a male, your husband's percentages may probably be different. (For example, as a male who already has a higher muscle to fat ratio, he can probably eat a bit more fat & metabolize it better than a woman.)


Good luck with this plan! Keep us informed!



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Hi there,


Well, right now I don't have the question of why its on my list say I can't combine current foods. But I will get that answered. But I have herd that in the past. That current foods don't burn fat well together. Now I can't remember where I herd that.


Yes the hair sample is of the last 2 months. The main reason for the hair sample is to see how you body is using the nutritins in the body. Right now my body has plenty of nutrins but doesn't seem to be using them right. Thats where the supplements come in to bring the body back in to "balance".


We do a list of questions that we are going to ask. But we are going to do this for two months and see how this new way of eating does for us. By the way my husbands diet seems to be a more of a Atkins type diet. Mixing foods for him is not a problem. He just seems to need more protein then carbs.



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Hi Kim - I guess I'm just not getting on line as often as I'd like (they make me WORK here!) :rolleyes:


Anyway - I do get that some foods work "better together", whether it be for digestion etc. Certain types of foods can help you build muscle, certain vitamins & minerals help your body heal, be healthy, sleep better, etc. I suppose it's not too far-fetched that if certain foods work better together, that others may be "bad" together. (ex: I think they tell you not to have grapefruit juice if you are taking certain drugs that help you with osteoporosis.)


I suppose that if it ends up working for you, that's all that matters! :D I think it's just the specific combo of celery & salmon that you mentioned in your other post that just happened to jump out to me as "ridiculous". Basically - I don't like celery, and I've always thought of it as a "non-nutritious food" - high in fiber but not much else. The old joke is, it's the food that burns more calories than it has in it! :p


My basic thought - that makes me approach "diet plans" with skepticism - (that I think anyone who has spent any time on these boards understands) is that a WOE you use to LOSE weight, shouldn't be much different from a WOE to maintain for the rest of your life, otherwise once you get off it - then what? Also in the same vein, any WOE should not be too restrictive or complicated, or you just give up.


Good luck with it & I hope you do better than I am now. I still am not losing, but I feel great, so that's a plus - still exercising like crazy, but haven't totally controlled the evening munchies. Finally able to ride my bike regularly! Woohoo -- I just LOVE my bike!



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Hi Sha,


I've been out of town. But I'm back. I haven't lost any weight either. I wasn't on my new woe plan. But my husband was able to keep to his. He seems to be doing well on it. So I'm back to normal and plan on working hard at it this week.


Well hopefully I'll have good news next week.



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Welcome back, Kim!


I weigh in Thursday - hopefully I'll stay the same. This weekend I hope to get LOTS of bike riding in if the weather holds. We'll be renting a friend's apartment & while there's a fridge, microwave, gas grill & electric skillet (but no stove) we really don't bring lots of "extra" snacky food when we're there. And it's way up north, away from EVERYTHING. Town (& therefore the nearest store or restaurant) is 10 miles away, so we don't just hop in the car for a 2min drive to get "stuff"! Plus it's a Shaw's - VERY expensive - even with the rewards card! So we try to bring from home most of the food we think we'll need. (We usually shop at a local chain that ends up being cheaper every day, since they don't bother with double coupons & rewards cards.)


Anyway - I hope to get a fresh start eating-wise over the weekend. I'll post Friday what happens on the scale Thurs!



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Hi Kim - (and whoever might still be lurking out there!)


I finally have posted a loss! :D Only 3/4 of a lb in the last 2 weeks, but at least it's in the right direction finally! Woohoo!


A bit of a snafu in our weekend plans. My BF has to work Mon, & part of the day Sat. I still think I may stay up north for the 4 days & let him commute for Monday. I certainly don't want to come home Sun nite & go back up Mon nite, if I don't have to work! Oh well - whatever happens I'm sure I'll have a fine weekend!


Have a great weekend!


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Congrats about your weight lose Sha...


I hope you had a great weekend. We went down to Key West. I gained some weight but then it came off pretty easy. So now I'm back down to 132.5.


The positive things about the trip. We used our bicycles to ride into town whihch is about 3 to 4 miles each way. We spelt everything we eat. :) We eather walk or rode the bikes.


The negative we had some alcoholic drinks and 1 desserts each.


Then when we got home we went to a neighbors for a little party. We had a beer there and some dessert. :cool:


Needless to say I wasn't completely good this weekend. But I'm getting used to spelting food when we are out. Its cheaper also.


One thing I'm starting to notice is I'm starting to then up a bit. So we will see how the weight goes. Also being on this new way of eating I'm not hunrgy at all between meals. I'm also starting to cut back on the amount I eat.


I hope everyone else is doing well.



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Hi Kim - great about the bike riding! You were able to eat a little more becasue you walked & rode more! Great trade off! :D I like spliting meals too! Sometime my BF & I each order a salad - or he'll get an appetizer instead, then we'll split a dinner - cheaper & less calories!


My BF cooked pasta for supper yesterday - haven't really had it in AGES! It was SO great! It was funny tho - today my insides felt "sluggish" - for being the "pasta queen", my body just doesn't like to deal with that much carbs any more! I guess that's a good thing! It will make me think 2X before I eat a platefull fo pasta again (maybe just a "side" next time!)



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yum pasta :)


its weird getting used to eating less. gets confusing to order stuff! i lost another 5 lbs.. down to 140 now. i had lasanga and clam chowder today and pizza and enchiladas yesterday. i think im just eating less quantities of bad-for-you foods. plus spent the 4day weekend roaming around an anime convention taking pictures.

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yum pasta :)


its weird getting used to eating less. gets confusing to order stuff! i lost another 5 lbs.. down to 140 now. i had lasanga and clam chowder today and pizza and enchiladas yesterday. i think im just eating less quantities of bad-for-you foods. plus spent the 4day weekend roaming around an anime convention taking pictures.


Hi pinguino! Welcome back!


Well you just can't NOT eat SOME "bad" stuff! (Well, at least I can't!) I think everything in moderation, with even less of the bad stuff is the way to go. I don't think I could do what Kim does - organic - even tho I'm sure it's the best for your body!


Your anime convention sounds interesting. I'm not really a huge fan of the genre, but I do think the artwork itself is cool! And walking around all weekend can't be a bad thing!



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Sha, well it was a big change for us to go organic too... But now we like it and I can tell a defrance in my sleeping. I sleep better when I'm on my normal diet.


As for my weight. Looks like I'm down a pound from the last time I weight in. Also looks like I've lost a inch off my waist. But I still have alot to go. Plus we will be taking off again on Wednesday to Pickens SC. We are going up to a family wedding plus we may climb Mount. Table Rock. Which from what I remember lasted time was at least a 3 hour hike.


I'll try to whatch what we eat. We have been busy this month! Next few months coming up should not be as busy with going places and getting to together with family members..


Well I hope everyone else is doing well and losing...



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A three hour hike and a wedding - sounds like a good balance of activities! :D Are you hiking before or after the wedding? If hiking before, make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen! No red faces for the wedding! :o


I really like the idea of organic food - And I'm sure it's the best for us! But I also know in my town it's VERY expensive. There is a Wild Oats store that I've shopped at occasionally. But If I bought all my food there, I'd be spending anywhere from 10% to 50% more for all my food & I just don't have that kind of money. Bananas alone cost .69 (or more) vs. about .39 at the regular grocery store! :eek:


I figure I've at least improved my eating a lot by eating fewer processed foods and doing take out less. We used to do take out 3-5x week, plus eating out a few times per month! Now we almost never do take out & now we eat out maybe 2x a month.


But none of that seems to be enough anymore in the losing dept for me! I gained 1.75 in 2 wks at my weigh in on Thurs. :mad: And I just went & checked - we restarted this thread on Feb 17 from a "Lose 20 by December" thread (or some such name). Not only did I NOT lose the 20 I had hoped to lose by December (I did lose about 11), I've actually gained 4.75 since Feb. (7.5 gaines since Dec!) Grrrr! I know it's not the working out (or lack of it!) I still work out 5-6x week for an avg of 1hr 15min per session! I know I do more cardio than wts, but still......it's the PORTION CONTROL (or lack of it) that's bringing me down. And it's really only my portions at supper. I'm beginning to sound like such a broken record! (Sorry!) I know I seem to always have good advice - I just can't seem to take my own advice & do what needs to be done!


Thanks for letting me vent ladies!



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yayayyyay! about when i started losing weight i was about 170 (may 2005) and had pants sized 13 and 15. Last night I got two dresses for the cruise. They're short and tight, one a cocktail dress and one all sleek and formal.. size 7 and a medium!! ive never had dresses as cute as these, that fit this well, before. im still super excited :) im down to around 140 now and still seem to be losing weight.


i am annoyed at the clothing labels i usually buy from cuz they changed styles pretty drastically this season so the kind of stuff i wanna buy i cant really find til wintertime! argh.


also for cheaper organic foods.. check trader joes.. or buy online. place i worked at a couple years ago we ordered dried fruits and nuts online all the time for the office to snack on cuz everyone was on some crazy diet or another, and that was cheaper and better than getting stuff from like costco.

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Way to go pinguino! Don't you just LOVE those smaller sizes? I'm down to about 12 in dresses & jeans (from a high of 22). I also find that m body shape has changed, so I really have to look at different styles of clothes & try on stuff I never would have before! It makes clothes shopping a real adventure - in a good way. (The old "adventure in shopping" used to be to try to find something that fit, that didn't look like my 70-yr old mother should be wearing it!)


Although I gotta tell you, at Christmas, my 15-yr old niece got a pair of pants from Old Navy from her friend. It was a lower cut that I don't normally wear so I asked if I could try them on. (I try on a lot of her clothes & was able to wear some of her sundresses on my cruise in March.) I knew they'd be a little small, but I wanted to get the "idea" of the style on my 48-yr old body. They were very tight, and they cut me WAY too low on the hips (which is what I thought they'd do!) Point is, they were size SIX!!! :eek: Assuming I didn't mind my tummy hanging over the low waist band :rolleyes: (hate those super low waistbands!), I could have easily fit into an 8! I really gotta try shopping at Old Navy! :D



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yeah, shoppings totally been an adventure. been trying on stuff i normally wouldnt cuz i was used to stuff not looking good :) i think im probably around a size 8, but sizes from various designers seem to vary so much that i really have no idea.


thats so cool you could fit into a size six though, thats pretty exciting :)

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Well - I squeeeeezed into it - but it WAS zipped! :D I'm finding I do better shopping with a friend - sometimes a friend will grab something off the rack for me that I wouldn't even look at 2x! (and vice versa.)




hehe yeah i like shopping with my boyfriend cuz he picks out stuff i wouldnt think i could fit into.

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Hi everyone,


I'm back. Everything went fine up in NC. Now I'm back to getting this weight off me.. I'm looking forward to getting back in to clothes that I haven't been able to get into in a while. Try a couple of years..


I'm really going to work at this time. I'm cutting out all coke drinking. I haven't had any cokes in a week. Plus I'm really going to whatch my portion at dinner time. I decided while on our little trip that I need to start really cracking down on my eating habits.. I have been "cheating". And you can't do that if you want to lose weight.


Well I'll let you know on Thursday what my weight is then.

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Kim - you & me both on the cheating & portion control - I'm still not in control! Thank goodness I'm still exercising regularly! Oh - and "Kudos" on giving up the coke! :rolleyes: Seriously, it was hard for me to cut back from 4 diet cokes to my current 2 a day, because of the caffeine withdrawal. Except when I have an occasional beer, I try not to "drink" any calories - our brains just don't "register" liquid calories the way they do for solid food. I weigh in Thursday night - I'll let you know Fri..... Good luck to you!


pinguino - You're lucky, my BF really doesn't care for clothes shopping especially with another person - he's one of of those guys that just goes in & out of a clothes store quickly - picks out what he wants in 10 minutes & pays for it - done! He does browse on line for his Tommy Bahama hawaiian shirts & other cruise clothes, tho. But set him loose in an electronics store or The Home Depot - he could be there for hours! :p



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i think id rather wander home depot or frys instead of clothes stores sometimes too :P but clothes shopping is definately more fun when things look good on you.


actually. i could stay at borders/b&n all day easily and just read random stuff :P

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Girl after my own heart! I actually prefer Home Depot & bookstores to clothes shopping, myself. I'm not a person who can just "shop for clothes" any time. I need to have a reason to hit the stores - upcoming cruise, everything's too big in my closet, etc.


And you're right, I do enjoy shopping more now that NICE things FIT! :D



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You two are just like I am. I don't go shopping unless I have to or I have a reason to do so. Although I could spend all day looking at aviation supplies and goodies..... One reason I love going to Sun-N-Fun to see the lastest and greatest in aviation.


Anyways I hope everyone is doing well on losing weight.



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:D I'm down to 128. I've lost 3.5 pounds. I've been below 130 when I weight my self in the morning. I pretty much cut out cokes and our beers at night. We where having one beer at night after dinner. But cut that out all together.


I did have two cokes yesterday. But haven't had a coke in 8 days. Thats pretty good for me. I'm not going to have cokes everyday. I may have a coke every couple of weeks, but not everyday.


Another thing I have been doing is eating slower. I didn't realize how fast I eat. I think that does make a difference.


Anyways I hope everyone else is doing well.



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Hi Guys - I am SOOOO bad about posting when I have a gain! :( I weighed in on Thurs & had a gain of .75 in 2 weeks. Doesn't sound bad, I know, but it means I've gained 10 lbs total since the first week of May. (rvalent - don't know if you want to do what I'VE been doing lately! - Obviously eating too much! :eek: ) At least I exercise ALL the time!


Kim - I'm glad that you mentioned about eating too fast. I think I do that too. It made me rememver something I read recently about the people who have the gastric bypass surgery or stomach banding - in order for them to process thier food properly & more easily, they have to eat very small bites & chew each bite to "mush" before swallowing. Every bite. Every time.


I'm thinking that that is probably not a bad idea in general for everyone. It would slow down the eating process. Let's see if I can remember to do that for the next time I eat, and the time after that, and the time after that...... Maybe it will help me not eat too much!


And Kim - congrats on the loss - it just goes to show that cutting back on the liquid calories can be helpful!



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