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Port of Miami (and others) being taken over by Dubai?


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[quote name='greatam']

OT-Anyone taken the train from Washington, DC to NYC? How long, how easy, can I buy a walk-up ticket??? I need to be at my NYC office (the South Bronx) by noon on Friday. I can have one of my drivers pick me up or take a car service to the office. The train goes into Penn Station, correct???
Just thought it might be an alternative to the plane.[/quote]

Well, it depends on whether or not anything has broken on it lately!

Take the Acela if you can. You can buy tickets online also.

Karie, who once rode to DC from Deland Florida with a trainload full of high school kids to be in the Cherry Blossom Fesival. And the bathroom car overflowed! EEEK Can you say sleep with you feet up on the seat in front of you?

Course that was back when they were stilll "Shovel all the coal in, Gotta keep-a rollin'!"

P.S. What kind of Aircard? Sierra Wireless? I have a couple of different ones. Neat, aren't they! I used mine on the QM2 for cheap internet when we were within range of service.
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[quote name='guernseyguy']On the Ports Deal......the REAL issue is not being addressed.....:



Peter, Peter, Peter,

Politicians aside, the REAL issue is NOT ARABS per se, (which is the meat of Zogby's article.) And you notice, Zogby wants more money spent on Customs, Coast Guard and equipment. That is really NOT the crux of the matter, although it is the "big picture" the media and politicians are portraying.

I sit here with all these gov guys and NO ONE knows anything. They are listening to us and nodding heads. Then, one of us asks a question DIRECTLY relating to internal port security and we either get blank looks or some gobblydegook.

The rep from ADM (Archer Daniels Midland-bulk grain and commodities-BIG company) asked a VERY specific question about INTERNAL warehousing of his products and was told, "the process will be the same". ADM guy-"the process is UNDEFINED, done with a handshake. Can you assure me that this will continue?" NO ANSWER-"we'll look into it". Will the process continue??? We want to see it in writing. We are being prudent business people and with the change of managment, the handshake deals cannot go along with the contract. ADM rep wants to make sure that someone who has access to his product INSIDE the port, AFTER it has been unloaded, does NOT spread anthrax throughout his product.

Someone passed this comment to me this morning.

"Peninsular & Oriental's executive vice president for security, Robert Scavone, told senators last week at a congressional hearing that aside from the company's major operations in ports such as Miami and Newark, "everywhere else we're either just a pure stevedore, or we do manage terminals with something not quite even as extensive as a lease." "

"NOT QUITE even as extensive as a lease"!!! What DO YOU DO and HOW DO YOU DO IT???? We asked the gov guys about it. They didn't know that so much of the ports were run on "handshake deals"

There is REAL concern-not only because an ARAB country is involved in this deal, but because SOOO many people, especially in our government, do not realize that threats could come from many places. And truly have NO idea what happens once product arrives IN the port.

One last thing-since I have been so bored and frustrated, I have spent a great deal of time surfing the web in the last two days. I found this article:

What Kevin Mitnick states is truly the crux of all security, be it computer, port, etc. Conning, scheming, etc. employees into doing something because they like you or believe in you. And employees with bad intentions can create true disaster.


Thanks so much for the info on the train. Sure looks easier than the plane. And three+ hours to relax and read would be a blessing. Thanks again


I have a Verizon aircard (don't know the brand). I also have one that works with the sat phone, but only use that in communications emergencies. At about $6.00 per minute, it is truly for emergencies.

I know what you mean about access on the ships. I used my laptop all the way down the US coast when I was on the QE2. Had good signal all the way from NY to FLL. Well, back to the boring (and non productive) meetings.

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[quote name='greatam']I sit here with all these gov guys and NO ONE knows anything. They are listening to us and nodding heads. Then, one of us asks a question DIRECTLY relating to internal port security and we either get blank looks or some gobblydegook. [/quote]


Sounds like this needs sorting out WHOEVER owns the Ports.......

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I agree 100% with the article in the CS Monitor. They really hit the nail on the head.
Honestly, I feel so bad about this whole thing. It just seems so wrong, but maybe the upside is that people WILL start paying ttention to our ports. They've been so busy taking knitting needles away from grandmothers and frisking babies in carriers at East Podunk Airport while totally ignoring the ports. For get Arabs and foreign governments. The ports, as Greatam says, were widely known to have been controlled in various amounts at times, by the mob! Despite all they say about honor among thieves and "the Code", The mob (or anything other such group, organized or not) is out to make money- Whether through pilfering, skimming, extortion, or getting paid to let something (drugs or who knows what) slip by in a particular crate or container of cargo. As long as there is a profit motive, there will be someone there to take it. And as long as there is vanity and ego, there will be someone there to take advantage of it. Like Mitnick says. There are people who want to be helpful, and people who want to be heroes everywhere. There are plenty of paranoid cyncial people, but also people who believe it is not possible for someone they are face to face with to be "the bad guy"
Too little has been done to protect our ports all along. Regardless of who is running them. We get all crazy about some poor Mexicans, or Central or South Americans slipping across the border to take the menial jobs Americans don't want and refuse to do, or spend millions busting some guy for smoking "funny cigarettes" and think we are breaking the backs of the drug cartels, yet we really are not at all concerned about some very real threats, and real security lapses.

Who thinks everyone who doesn't know Dubai should go visit that web site on the Jumeira Hotel and Wadi World Water park in Dubai before getting TOO, too paranoid! You'll laugh yourselves silly at the idea of these people being jihadists!

P.S. I must tell this. We went to see Garrison Keillor, and American Humorist and Storyteller recently. Well, one of his tales wwas about flying somewhere, which he hadn't done in a while. Of course, they made him take off his shoes, and "do the sock dance" All because one guy tried to blow up his sneaker, so for the next ten years, everybody's gotta do the sock dance at airports.
Some day, some guy- it's gonna happen just you watch- some guy is going to come up with "The Underwear Bomb"! Just think about it- Some guy will put plastique in his boxers, and from then on, you'll have to get to the airport THREE HOURS EARLY! And go into a little room off to the side...
We just fell out laughing!
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[quote name='travel-to-go']I agree 100% with the article in the CS Monitor. They really hit the nail on the head.
Honestly, I feel so bad about this whole thing. It just seems so wrong, but maybe the upside is that people WILL start paying ttention to our ports. They've been so busy taking knitting needles away from grandmothers and frisking babies in carriers at East Podunk Airport while totally ignoring the ports. For get Arabs and foreign governments. The ports, as Greatam says, were widely known to have been controlled in various amounts at times, by the mob! Despite all they say about honor among thieves and "the Code", The mob (or anything other such group, organized or not) is out to make money- Whether through pilfering, skimming, extortion, or getting paid to let something (drugs or who knows what) slip by in a particular crate or container of cargo. As long as there is a profit motive, there will be someone there to take it. And as long as there is vanity and ego, there will be someone there to take advantage of it. Like Mitnick says. There are people who want to be helpful, and people who want to be heroes everywhere. There are plenty of paranoid cyncial people, but also people who believe it is not possible for someone they are face to face with to be "the bad guy"
Too little has been done to protect our ports all along. Regardless of who is running them. We get all crazy about some poor Mexicans, or Central or South Americans slipping across the border to take the menial jobs Americans don't want and refuse to do, or spend millions busting some guy for smoking "funny cigarettes" and think we are breaking the backs of the drug cartels, yet we really are not at all concerned about some very real threats, and real security lapses.

Who thinks everyone who doesn't know Dubai should go visit that web site on the Jumeira Hotel and Wadi World Water park in Dubai before getting TOO, too paranoid! You'll laugh yourselves silly at the idea of these people being jihadists!

P.S. I must tell this. We went to see Garrison Keillor, and American Humorist and Storyteller recently. Well, one of his tales wwas about flying somewhere, which he hadn't done in a while. Of course, they made him take off his shoes, and "do the sock dance" All because one guy tried to blow up his sneaker, so for the next ten years, everybody's gotta do the sock dance at airports.
Some day, some guy- it's gonna happen just you watch- some guy is going to come up with "The Underwear Bomb"! Just think about it- Some guy will put plastique in his boxers, and from then on, you'll have to get to the airport THREE HOURS EARLY! And go into a little room off to the side...
We just fell out laughing![/QUOTE]
they now have xray machines that see thru your clothing and check your body!!IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!!!
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This is getting totally ridiculous. I read a prepared statement this morning in the Homeland Security committee chaired by Susan Collins (R-Maine). Got asked some questions, gave what I thought were some sane and simple solutions. Didn't get my 15 minutes of fame on CSPAN, as both Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld and Sec. of State Condi Rice were on the hill this morning testifying in another committee.

Went to lunch with my colleagues, then back to the gov. lawyers' meeting. About 20 minutes ago, somebody walked in and started whispering to the head lawyer. All the gov. guys started whispering amoung themselves and ABRUPTLY adjourned the meeting, with the parting words -"we'll get back to you" RIGHT!!!

From what I can gather, DPW (or maybe the UAE-I don't know yet) just released a statement saying something to the effect that if this deal does NOT go through, our US warships would NOT be serviced in Dubai and the UAE would no longer help in the war on terror-no flyover rights, no intel, etc. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. If this is true, then the additional 45 day review was all for show and tell, as they never had any intention of altering their position or being forthcoming with additional information.

However, my colleague just walked up and stated John Warner (R-VA), on the Senate floor, read a statement that DPW was turning over the American ports to an American company. In essence, the deal would be done like the Long Beach port and COSCO (China). DPW would own the contract for port managment, but an American company would actually run the ports (can we say reverse outsourcing). Now the big question-what American company??? Not that it has anything to do with security, but there are only a couple of American companies who could do it-SSA (Stevedoring Services of America-mostly West Coast and have repeatedly said they did not want anything to do with the East Coast ports) and Halliburton.

I'm going to try to find the train. When the government lawyers get back to us (ya, right), maybe this will all be worked out. UAE/DWP gets the profit from the US ports, the P&O deal will pay out the stockholders, and everyone will live happily ever after. Only in my dreams!!!
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[quote name='travel-to-go']

Who thinks everyone who doesn't know Dubai should go visit that web site on the Jumeira Hotel and Wadi World Water park in Dubai before getting TOO, too paranoid! You'll laugh yourselves silly at the idea of these people being jihadists!


It's the Burj-al-Arab. Only 6* hotel in the world. Jumeriah Beach Hotel is for all us ordinary people.
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.....on the amended deal:


Though whether this will assuage the paranoid is another matter.....and I hope, whatever American company takes over will address ALL of the security issues that were levelled at DWP.....otherwise this has been for naught.....

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[quote name='greatam']
Now the big question-what American company??? Not that it has anything to do with security, but there are only a couple of American companies who could do it-SSA (Stevedoring Services of America-mostly West Coast and have repeatedly said they did not want anything to do with the East Coast ports) and Halliburton.

Hmm, I think I would rather have DPW (Gee, around here that means Department of Public Works!) than Halliburton!
Maybe the whole thing was a set-uo from the get-go to give mmore and more profits to certain well connected firms!

Hmm, I suppose it would be disrespectful to say Id almost rather have Alqaeda running it than Halliburton! (Okay, not really, but that idea does NOT appeal whatsoever!)

How would gladly stay at Burj al Arab, OR Jumeria Beach.. or even the Jumeira owned Essex House on lower Central Park!
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Now I'm really wondering why the government lawyers went scrambling out of the room yesterday. John Warner's statement or the fact the sheiks really are not going to service our navy ships or buy from Boeing. That sounds a lot like blackmail AND restates my position that "volunteering" for the "additional" (even though it's required by law) 45 day review was all show and tell.


I don't know about Halliburton's capability to run the ports. I don't believe they have ever run ports before, unless it has been in a disaster scenario.

There are only a few companies in the entire world who have the manpower, equipment and logistics capabilities to do really big things-hurricanes, wars, putting out massive oil field fires, recovering from any large disaster, be it natural or manmade. Thank goodness for the Bechtel's, Fluor's and and Halliburton's of the world.

I'm going down to the Brooklyn piers this morning when I find a vehicle to drive (don't really want to take one of the semi's). I'll take some pictures and hopefully I can post them from my office, although I don't know whether the camera will hook up to this computer. Oh, what I wouldn't give for some tech skills.
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[quote name='greatam'] not going to service our navy ships or buy from Boeing. That sounds a lot like blackmail [/quote]

Or a taste of your own medicine? I have not seen other reports (BBC/CNN) of Dubai pulling contracts....but if you were them, what would YOU think of doing business with America?

Some perspective from Commie News Network (as I gather some refer to it):


Oh, and Dubai has owned another firm with US port contracts since January:


Otherwise, good luck in Red Hook! You're bound to be safe - its controled by Americans;)

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[quote name='2moose']Try Purchasing A Business Or Relaestate In Dubai Or Any Other Mideast Country, Fat Chance!!![/quote]

2Moose, if you are looking to buy real estate in Dubai just google it - there are plenty of willing sellers....and...

[I]In May 2002 H.H. General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and U.A.E. Defence Minister, announced that 100% freehold ownership of certain properties in Dubai was available to all nationalities


Who wouldn't buy there...as he does not much fancy having the Beckhams for neighbours.....
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[quote name='guernseyguy']2Moose, if you are looking to buy real estate in Dubai just google it - there are plenty of willing sellers....and...

[I]In May 2002 H.H. General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and U.A.E. Defence Minister, announced that 100% freehold ownership of certain properties in Dubai was available to all nationalities


Who wouldn't buy there...as he does not much fancy having the Beckhams for neighbours.....[/QUOTE]
only apartments condos and coops for sale on real estate owned and controlled by associations, majority interest held by mid eastern intrests!!!No major, commercial. industrial held by any one other than the local folk!!!!!!!!!!!
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I can't understand the Americans fuss over the takeover. After all, the USA have plenty of interests overseas, and it's not as if George W hasn't done business with them before. Plus Congress are trying to get through new (in my view unworkable) laws that every container that passes through a P&O/DPA port should be opened and inspected. How much further can we go? If these laws do come through, then the ports should in theory be safer than they have been under P&O.
On another hand, whilst doing a back to back on the QM2 a year back, I got issued a pass which only showed me going to NYC. I promptly got another one for the return leg, so I now have 2 - on there, one back. On rejoining, I showed port security the expired ID card, and go all the way to the ship. The first person to stop me was the Gurkha Security onboard!:rolleyes:
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[B]WASHINGTON — Lapses by private port operators, shipping lines or truck drivers could allow terrorists to smuggle [/B][URL="javascript:siteSearch('weapons of mass destruction');"][COLOR=#0000ff][B]weapons of mass destruction[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] into the United States, according to a government review of security at American seaports.[/B]

Would that be the weapons of mass destruction from Iraq by any chance?!!
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[quote name='guernseyguy']Unquote - Department of Homeland Security......

See here: [url]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,187558,00.html[/url]

Peter, who suspects the row (but not the problem) will now go away.......[/QUOTE]


I find it absolutely hysterical that DHS spent 75M on a study. A few hours in each port and a few hours talking to trucking company excutives and truck drivers who are in the ports every day could have given them the same information. And saved a good portion of MY money.

But DHS handed over all trucking in a disaster scenario to the TSA. Needless to say, the industry is NOT going along with any plan they put in place. At one of our conferences, discussing how best to notify drivers with critical freight if normal communications were down, the TSA/DHS reps suggested the info should be put out on CNN. We all burst out laughing-really hurt one person's feelings and po'd the other one.

Visualize-you are driving 75MPH on a US interstate in an 80,000 pound semi loaded with food. Disaster (whatever kind) hits in California. You are in Arizona on I-40. They need your food. Sure, most everyone has a TV in their sleeper. But the cable or satellite hookup for CNN is back at the truckstop. You can't very well crawl into the sleeper to watch TV while driving and on I-40 in AZ, the best you are going to get is MAYBE the local station. Talk about not even thinking through the situation.

The transportation industry has it's security problems. Been there since I have been in this business (over 30 years). But most companies, and especially most drivers, are "good ole boys" who love this country and would NOT let anyone hurt us, for any amount of money. Drivers are the primary conduit to the police to report drunk drivers, missing kids, freight discrepancies, etc. It was a TRUCK DRIVER who turned in the Washington, DC sniper to the state police. Not the FBI, CIA or especially not DHS.

Believe me, the transportation industry is watching the backs of every honest person in the US. Now if we could just get the government to undertand and agree with our methods.
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Thought you guys would appreciate this.


Just another reason why TSA should not be in charge of almost anything. And TSA incompetence is the big reason why the trucking industry ABOLUTELY will not comply with TSA direction if there is a major disaster and trucking/food aid is needed. It truly could hurt everyone effected by a disaster, but knowledge and follow through is one thing transportation has.

When I have finished my letter and it has been approved by the groups I belong to, I will post it here. It is directly to Secretary Chertoff and discusses the exact things I have told you. Total lack of knowledge on the governments' part in relation to how product (especially food) moves across the US.
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