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Italy-Adriatic-Greece March 2022


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On 2/23/2022 at 8:55 AM, Mrs Miggins said:

I presume that you will not be allowed to go ashore independently from the docking location in Venice or indeed in any of your other Italian ports ?

Our understanding is that we will be allowed to go on private excursions once we're on board; as of March 1st, Viking is allowing it, and from what I've seen online, Italy will allow it as well.

We were required to show our CDC cards in almost all restaurants and most sites like the Vatican and the Colosseum. 

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On 2/23/2022 at 3:20 PM, Peregrina651 said:


For those who want to count it out, the test results that we are given are from two days before disembarkation but the letter itself is dated the day before disembarkation. It is the date of the sample that counts. You can ask for the results from the test done the day before disembarkation.


Viking does not routinely test on disembarkation day and I don't know if it is possible to request a test for that day.

They did test us on disembarkation day when we did our Caribbean cruise in December, and gave us a form in case we needed it, which we didn't need for returning to the US from Puerto Rico (which is of course technically part of the US).

We've been told that, on our last day in Athens (we're doing the post-extension), we'll be given Covid tests for our trip home.

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We're on the ship!

We got a rapid test yesterday, then a 2nd one this morning when we arrived at about 10am; by 10:30 they let us on the ship into our stateroom, where we've been quarantined while they run the PCR test on the saliva samples we gave. We got room service, and are happily lounging after walking about 20 miles in 4 days in Rome.

Once we were on board, we saw a letter that told us that no private excursions off the ship will be allowed in Italy; we had a private tour scheduled for the 2nd day in Venice, as well as 2 dinners there; we canceled all of it, and waiting to see if we'll get a refund for the tour (we probably will). Croatia allows independent excursions, should we want to do so.

So far, no Viking excursions are showing for the 2nd day in Venice (the only full day there); we have excursions on the 1st and 3rd days, but I'm hoping we'll have something to do on that full day, when we planned to see the Doge's Palace and some other popular sites, and just to wander a bit (which clearly we won't be able to do now).

All good. Our steward is great, as usual, so we're happy to be on board.


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9 hours ago, Selion said:

@longterm  How long did it take to receive onboard test results?  Trying to figure out how much room service to order next Saturday.  😁🍷

I think the average was about five hours; our understanding was that they ran all the tests at the same time, and because we got on board three hours early, we ended up in the state room much longer. The release was granted at 7 PM; most people got on board between one and two, but we got on board at 11 AM. We did not get the actual release notice though, until almost 9 PM; I made a call to guest services, and they told us that we were released from quarantine.

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4 hours for us yesterday.  Samples picked up at 2, results posted on TV at 6.  We were watching a movie, though, and didn’t see the results until after the movie ended, at 6:30, when we returned to the main menu on the TV.  

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1 hour ago, CoolBeansVA said:

4 hours for us yesterday.  Samples picked up at 2, results posted on TV at 6.  We were watching a movie, though, and didn’t see the results until after the movie ended, at 6:30, when we returned to the main menu on the TV.  

We were watching a movie as well; we kept expecting the notice to show while we were watching the movie. 

The notice said 7pm, but we didn't see it until after our movie, almost 9pm; our dinner reservations were at 6:30, so we'd missed that anyway. Room service was great though.


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Here's a question for you nautical types:

I've always been told that, when entering port, you always think "red right returning," so that the red marker should be on your right, the green marker on your left.

We just entered the harbor in Naples, and the red marker was on our LEFT when we entered the breakwater, and the green on the right. So, when we leave tonight, the red marker will be on our right.


I thought this was an international nautical standard?

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3 hours ago, longterm said:

Here's a question for you nautical types:

I've always been told that, when entering port, you always think "red right returning," so that the red marker should be on your right, the green marker on your left.

We just entered the harbor in Naples, and the red marker was on our LEFT when we entered the breakwater, and the green on the right. So, when we leave tonight, the red marker will be on our right.


I thought this was an international nautical standard?

Red right return is used in the North, South, and Central Americas and Japan.  The rest of the world uses red on the left returning.

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4 hours ago, longterm said:

Here's a question for you nautical types:

I've always been told that, when entering port, you always think "red right returning," so that the red marker should be on your right, the green marker on your left.

We just entered the harbor in Naples, and the red marker was on our LEFT when we entered the breakwater, and the green on the right. So, when we leave tonight, the red marker will be on our right.


I thought this was an international nautical standard?


Buoyage systems were somewhat standardised in the mid/late 1970's, but the World has 2 systems, with the colour of the port & stbd hand buoys being reversed.


Region A - comprises Europe, Australia, NZ, Africa and most of Asia

Region B - is North, Central & South America, with 2 or 3 Asian countries. I recall Japan & Phillipines, but can't remember the other(s).


In Region A, the Lateral Buoys or Port/Stbd Hand Buoys have the red buoys marking the port side of the channel and green buoys marking the stbd side of the channel. The buoyage system is normally based on the direction of entering a harbour from seaward, but it should be posted on the charts.


In addition to the colour of the buoy, the shape, topmark and light can also be used:

  • Port side of channel - cylinder shape, red colour, red topmark, red light
  • Stbd side of channel - conical shape, green colour, green topmark, green light

Note - in many cases, all the buoys are the same design, but if cylindrical/conical they must be on the correct side.


In Region B - if cylindrical/conical they remain on the same side, but the colours are reversed.


With the Cardinal Buoyage system, it is based on compass directions - N, S, E, W.


Since I learned buoyage in UK, it was way easier - heading up river the red buoys were with the ship's red light and green buoys on the green light. Passing buoys was the same as passing other ships at sea - you always wanted the same colour lights on the same side.



Edited by Heidi13
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7 hours ago, CoolBeansVA said:

4 hours for us yesterday.  Samples picked up at 2, results posted on TV at 6.  We were watching a movie, though, and didn’t see the results until after the movie ended, at 6:30, when we returned to the main menu on the TV.  

I really can’t believe what I’m reading here! Is no one complaining about this appalling situation? We’re forced to pay for tests that should satisfy the cruise line - certainly it satisfies other lines - and they still insist on a PCR and lock you up for five, six, god knows how many hours! We can board at 11 in Venice, but what’s the point? Better to have a leisurely lunch on shore and board in the afternoon!

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1 hour ago, claranda said:

I really can’t believe what I’m reading here! Is no one complaining about this appalling situation? We’re forced to pay for tests that should satisfy the cruise line - certainly it satisfies other lines - and they still insist on a PCR and lock you up for five, six, god knows how many hours! We can board at 11 in Venice, but what’s the point? Better to have a leisurely lunch on shore and board in the afternoon!

Last Dec. a group of people got onto the ship in BA in the evening.  The next morning, we docked in Uruguay and an antigen test was required to get off the ship.  Results from our morning PCR had not come in by the time excursions left.  As a result, one of the passengers had a positive PCR, and his entire tour bus was considered a close contact.  30 people were left behind in Montevideo in quarantine.  Their cruise ended before it started.  We were also hours delayed leaving Uruguay dealing with this, which meant we lost one of our stops.


This is how Viking is doing it.  Viking is not like ‘other cruise lines’, which is the exact reason why we spend our money here.

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2 hours ago, claranda said:

I really can’t believe what I’m reading here! Is no one complaining about this appalling situation? We’re forced to pay for tests that should satisfy the cruise line - certainly it satisfies other lines - and they still insist on a PCR and lock you up for five, six, god knows how many hours! We can board at 11 in Venice, but what’s the point? Better to have a leisurely lunch on shore and board in the afternoon!

There's another thread on this board discussing Viking's current requirements.  While I don't agree with Viking, but I'm getting on their ship.  Their ship, their rules.


Back to topic...  Where are the pics and stories from day 2?

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4 hours ago, claranda said:

I really can’t believe what I’m reading here! Is no one complaining about this appalling situation? We’re forced to pay for tests that should satisfy the cruise line - certainly it satisfies other lines - and they still insist on a PCR and lock you up for five, six, god knows how many hours! We can board at 11 in Venice, but what’s the point? Better to have a leisurely lunch on shore and board in the afternoon!


Not only am I not complaining, I appreciate Viking's dedication to enhance my health & safety. 


Viking are different from the other cruise lines and as such didn't bother joining the cruise line's CLIA club. The Viking Chairman advised he presented the Viking Health & Safety protocols to his fellow CEO's, and they refused to implement them, due to the cost.


Many cruise lines will promote "Safety is our first priority", but having actually worked in the industry that is somewhat questionable. However, Viking do, "Walk the talk", as crew and pax safety is their # 1 priority.


Personally, I'll stick with Viking, as it is a minor inconvenience to enhance not only our health & safety, but also that of the entire crew and other pax.

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We're doing the Adriatic cruise on Viking in April.

Seeing Italy and Venice on our own prior to Embarkation.

Was planning on taking the 16 Ferry from Venice to Fusina

to board the ship.  Has anyone done this?


If I'm understanding where Viking is docking

it doesn't look like you can easily get from the

Fusina Ferry Terminal to the Cruise ships terminal.

Can anyone confirm?



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12 hours ago, claranda said:

I really can’t believe what I’m reading here! Is no one complaining about this appalling situation? We’re forced to pay for tests that should satisfy the cruise line - certainly it satisfies other lines - and they still insist on a PCR and lock you up for five, six, god knows how many hours! We can board at 11 in Venice, but what’s the point? Better to have a leisurely lunch on shore and board in the afternoon!

Pretty hard to complain when I’m lucky to be sitting here looking at the coast of Sicily while a pandemic still goes on and a lunatic is killing innocent civilians. 

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8 hours ago, Heidi13 said:


Not only am I not complaining, I appreciate Viking's dedication to enhance my health & safety. 


Viking are different from the other cruise lines and as such didn't bother joining the cruise line's CLIA club. The Viking Chairman advised he presented the Viking Health & Safety protocols to his fellow CEO's, and they refused to implement them, due to the cost.


Many cruise lines will promote "Safety is our first priority", but having actually worked in the industry that is somewhat questionable. However, Viking do, "Walk the talk", as crew and pax safety is their # 1 priority.


Personally, I'll stick with Viking, as it is a minor inconvenience to enhance not only our health & safety, but also that of the entire crew and other pax.

We are gliding into the harbor in Messina Sicily. This is a beautiful site, a great day to be alive, a great day to be free of Covid, and I am thankful for Viking for keeping things safe for us.


One can always find something to complain about; conversely one can always find something for which to be extremely grateful. I am going for the latter. 

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A great day in Messina, Sicily. We took an excursion into the hills near Messina, traveling to 2 villages where movies "The Godfather," "Godfather Part 2" and "Godfather Part 3" were filmed. As a huge fan of the Godfather movies (the first two in particular), I was excited to see locations for some famous scenes.

We booked another cruise a few minutes ago, but I was disappointed to find out that no room upgrades were offered as part of the booking process. We did receive a discount for booking while on the ship, but that was the only discount offered. 

Rules are strict in Italy right now; crew can't disembark at all while in Italian ports, although they will be able to do so in Croatia, Montenegro, and Greece, all of which we will visit in this cruise. Internet has been pretty awful today in Sicily, but seeing the island was fantastic; the people in cafes and stores have been so friendly, and when I try my sparse Italian they always seem to appreciate my attempts.

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4 minutes ago, longterm said:



Here are 2 shots from a little village where the wedding of Michael Corleone and Apollonia Vitelli was filmed in "The Godfather." If you remember the movie, they were shown in front of the church doors--the priest of this church was in the movie, but didn't want filming inside--and it was thrilling to see it in person. 

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13 hours ago, RalphZ said:

We're doing the Adriatic cruise on Viking in April.

Seeing Italy and Venice on our own prior to Embarkation.

Was planning on taking the 16 Ferry from Venice to Fusina

to board the ship.  Has anyone done this?


If I'm understanding where Viking is docking

it doesn't look like you can easily get from the

Fusina Ferry Terminal to the Cruise ships terminal.

Can anyone confirm?



Hi RalphZ

As mentioned somewhere else (sorry not sure where) and as I re-confirmed with Viking the other day,  we should go to the Marittima Cruise Terminal (the main cruise terminal before Venice stopped letting cruise ships into the city). Viking will bus us from there to Fusina. Someone recently posted their understanding that unaccompanied passengers will not be allowed into Fusina, so I suggest you don’t go direct - may find yourself packed into a container!


Marittima is a little way from the train station/Piazzale Roma. You can get a taxi from Piazzale Roma or use the People Mover that leaves from there (see https://actv.avmspa.it/en/content/people-mover-0 ). I think a water taxi would also take you there, and it’s a reasonably steady 15/20 minute walk from PR. The bus transfer takes about 30 minutes.

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Thanks Clarenda.  Appreciate the info about the

distances at PR and Marittima.


Got the notification from Viking about going to Marittima

but was concerned that we could show up there at noon and

not get transported to Fusina until late in the afternoon

and then still need a PCR test performed on the ship

and quarantined in our stateroom until results come back.


Guess we'll end up following Viking's instructions.


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