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Warwick news/rumor


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I have been told yesterday and today by reasonably well connected folks that Commodore Ron Warwick either quit or was removed as captain of QM2 yesterday in LA. Some say he retired and others say Princess management fired him. They said Princess... not Cunard! I am told that Bernard Warner, a Princess captain, has taken over. He has been a QM2 captain before as he replaced Paul Wright.


Last I had heard before this, Commodore Warwick had been scheduled to go on vacation when QM2 got to Hawaii and then come back for one final tour before retiring in July/August.


I’m looking for comments and especially confirmation. If true, this is big news. I am concerned that no one else has posted this anyplace I know of, so LET’S NOT PANIC until we get more from others.

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I know the Commodore and Kim and personally spoke to him in December. At that time, we were scheduled to take his month's leave in March and then come back in April and finally retire in July.

I personally don't think Princess fired as he is so well respected in British merchant industry and also by her majesty. It would be a PR blunder on Princess’ part, but than again, they been making a lot of them since taking Cunard over!!

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I just returned from the 2/8 Valparaiso to Los Angeles trip. Captain Warner was at the helm the entire trip. From what I understand Commodore Warwick left the ship in Valparaiso, although his wife was still on the ship with us. The Commodore returned to the ship when we were in Costa Rica, but we did not see him or hear from him during that time.


It is a sad state of affairs, and I met a number of people on the ship who had been there since NY and were highly critical of the Commodore.


As a side note, Captain Warner was wonderful -- in particular, his noontime announcements were entertaining and showed a great sense of humor. I hope he will not be judged harshly simply because he has been asked to take over.

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I spoke to him in December. At that time, we were scheduled to take his month's leave in March and then come back in April and finally retire in July.



That was the information one of them told me too except leaving in Hawaii for break.

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Part of text forwarded to me by a friend.


By now it has become fairly common knowledge that the Commodore has been asked to retire early, prior to the touted 'final crossing' trip in July that many of us are booked. I believe it hasn't been officially announced by Cunard, IMHO, due to the circumstances involved. Rumor has it that he's being given most if not all of the blame for the pod incident.

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The Hawaii Channel KITV 4 News is reporting of the QM2's arrival:


It was a special moment for the man who brought her to the islands.


"Well, it's very special. It has a very special meaning for me because my wife is from Hawaii and I was effectively bringing her home," Commodore Ronald Warwick said. His wife, Kim, is from Waipahu.


See here: http://www.thehawaiichannel.com/news/7597203/detail.html


And he was telling KGMB9 that:


The trip is especially significant for the ship's commodore.

"It has special meaning for me because my wife is from Hawaii, so I was effectively bringing her home," said Commodore Ronald Warwick


See here: http://kgmb9.com/kgmb/display.cfm?storyID=7369


Curiouser and curiouser.....



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We were told by one of the crewmembers on QM2 that Warwick was retired early due to the pod incident. The crewmember told of other captains historically being “retired” for incidences that weren’t actually their fault but because being captain he is held responsible. He is the fall guy. We were also told that Warwick had asked to stay on the ship (without duty responsibilities) because this trip was special to him and he had planned to retire after the end of this trip anyway. I thought that this crewmember said Warwick’s Grandfather was Captain of the original Queen Mary in LB and that was the special connection.

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Such a shame to have this incident dampen the end of a stellar career.


I'll be attending the tribute dinner for Commodore Warwick on the Queen Mary in Long Beach next week.


Crispycritter, yes, the Commodore's father William Warwick was captain of the Queen Mary and the first captian of the QE2, and also Commodore of the Cunard Line.


I hope the Commodore writes his memoirs. I have read those of some of his predecessors, and they're all facinating reads.

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This is devastating. I hope beyond hope that the above is not true, but it sounds too much like the recent above posters are very well iinformed.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a letter to Ron and Kim Warwick at their home in England speaking of our next hoped meeting.

Unfortunately, I was unable to secure scheduled vacation time from my employer for the scheduled FAREWELL TO THE COMMODORE eastbound crossing, so I booked the previous one (08 July) with my girlfried instead.

Meanwhile, things have developed between my girlfriend and I, and it is my plan to present her with her engagement ring on that Eastbound Crossing.

Of course, all of the recent happenings will change any previous hopes about sailing with Ron and Kim in July. The question is, how to I word my next letter to them?

I am not a Master Mariner, but I very much understand the principles involved

in accountability and/or skapegoating surrounding such "incidents". I'm a railway locomotive engineer ("Driver" in UK-speak), so I see this frequently, and live with this threat hanging over my head every day of my life.

I consider Ron and Kim dear and loyal friends, in with one exception the only true friends I have remaining among the crew of the Queens.

Maybe in display of support, My Fiancee and I may offer to host our own quiet private retirement dinner for Ron and Kim upon our arrival in England if our schedules coincide and if they like the idea.

Can anybody offer any thoughts on the appropriateness of this?

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This is devastating. I hope beyond hope that the above is not true, but it sounds too much like the recent above posters are very well iinformed.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote a letter to Ron and Kim Warwick at their home in England speaking of our next hoped meeting.....sailing with Ron and Kim in July. The question is, how to I word my next letter to them?

...I consider Ron and Kim dear and loyal friends, ...

Maybe in display of support, My Fiancee and I may offer to host our own quiet private retirement dinner for Ron and Kim upon our arrival in England if our schedules coincide and if they like the idea.

Can anybody offer any thoughts on the appropriateness of this?



I share your horror and pain at this thought, but it does seem that it may be likely. It was the first thing I thought when I heard (here) that he had disembarked in Valparaiso, leaving Kim on board. Someone has to take responsibility, and my guess is, from what I know of him, he would do the honorable thing, but also, the management of Cunard lately, and their blunders make me certain that they would sacrifice the end of his great career to prove to the (American) public that they have "taken care of business" and we can all get back to spending our money lavishly on the queens. This whole nasty incident has seriously altered my view of Cunard- Everything about the problem and its aftermath, not just this, but the repeated way they have treated their customers. I could give them the benefit of the doubt when it first happened. There is no rulebook for dealing with such things. But even now, they seem to not be forthcoming with future sailing passnegers. There is simply no excuse for that. It's not like they can keep these changes secret, or don't know how to reach people! They sure know how to find them with mass mailings after a cruise!


As for your plans (both of them) Congratulations on your about-to-be engagement. How marvelous. And what better place to make it official!

As for the dinner, as friends of the couple, it would be most appropriate to have a special dinner, either for just the four of you, or with a few other special freinds and well-wishers. No mention need be made at all as to the circumstances of the "early" retirement. Indeeed, it is one incident in a long life of service. If it happened earlier in the career, it would be forgotten, or a small side-note. It is perfectly normal to have a party, even before the actual final retirement date. You are celebrating a long and illustrious career of a dear friend, and wishing him and his wife good health and wonderful times as they embark on the next leg of life's journey. It is never inappropriate to celebrate the next phase of friends' lives and to wish them well.


As for a letter, I am facing the same thoughts. I certainly am not dear friends, but we did meet them and enjoy being with them, and enjoyed several exchanges on board ship. I, embarassingly, seem to have lost the Commodore's business card that he gave me, but it had a generic email and mailing address on it anyway. Not quite sure yet how I will write them. (where) but I will get something to them, He had given me some information that I promised to follow up on, and we had helped out with information on quiet non-touristy lodgings in Hawaii. (Marc was born there, his brother lived there for a time, and just returned, spending Thanksgiving with a family at a B&B. Kim's mother has a one bedroom apartment, a bit close for visiting for a month!)


I guess my thoughts run to something along the lines of "We have been thinking of you as we have followed the news of the unfortunate incident at the beginning of the "Around the Horn" maiden voyage leaving Fort Lauderdale and its aftermath. Your wellbeing was constantly in our thoughts as we heard tales of angry passengers' rude treatment of staff and crew on board ship, and wished that they could know the kind concerned gentleman that I know as my friend. Our best wishes for your retirement remain foremost in our hearts, and hope that we will be able to get together for a private celebration with you both when you return home"

Obviously, my letter will be worded a bit differently in the second part, and address the subject we shared conversation about, but the first part will be pretty close.


However you choose to address it, I share your thoughts, and wish you well as You and your fiancee-to-be ALSO embark on the next leg of life's journey!



who can't think a smart snappy witty statement is appropriate here this time

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Thank You, very much, Karie, for your well thought up response.

In the last couple of hours, I have been thinking of ways to approach this ticklish subject without saying the wrong thing and causing undue comfort.

Your idea about "celebrating the next phase of the Warwick's lives" (as well as that of our own)" points me in the right direction, it seems.

Your singular response tells me more than I expected to read in a half or dozen or so other postings!

If you should wish to contact me outside this forum for any reason, please feel free to do so at WorDFKyddPM@aol.com.

Thank You again


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Someone has to take responsibility, and my guess is, from what I know of him, he would do the honorable thing, but also, the management of Cunard lately, and their blunders make me certain that they would sacrifice the end of his great career to prove to the (American) public that they have "taken care of business" and we can all get back to spending our money lavishly on the queens. This whole nasty incident has seriously altered my view of Cunard- Everything about the problem and its aftermath, not just this, but the repeated way they have treated their customers. I could give them the benefit of the doubt when it first happened. There is no rulebook for dealing with such things. But even now, they seem to not be forthcoming with future sailing passnegers. There is simply no excuse for that. It's not like they can keep these changes secret, or don't know how to reach people! They sure know how to find them with mass mailings after a cruise!



I can just imagine what the officers and crew must be saying among themselves! No one of the traditional crew has been happy about the takeover of Cunard by Princess, nor about their handling of the company. Those I spoke to expressed a strong objection to the whole business, particularly senior staff/crew.


Firing Captain Warwick is the final insult.


Another notch for the great American bull-in-a-china-shop corporation! The great bottom line crashing ball smashes another one as globalization marches on!

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For everyone truly appalled by this news (providing it's all true), why not sit down and write a serious letter to Cunard chiefs Carol Marlow and Peter Ratcliffe? It's easy to type on a computer and complain about it and write how shocked you are, but how about taking some real action?


Myself, I never met Warwick but I do know that his family probably has the longest ties with Cunard of any currently in existence. I seem to read an equal amount of comments from people that either love him or hate him. There seems to be no middle ground with this particular Captain.


Whatever the outcome and if we ever find out the "real story", this man deserves better than to be shoved out the door during his last hurrah and after a very esteemed career at Cunard. Stay tuned for the "book"! ;)



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I agree with Ernie....I too have never had the privilege of sailing with the Commodore, and like others here have read how some rever him and other not. But I do believe that from all I have read he has had an illustrious career and extraordinary ties to Cunard...when it was Cunard. To have followed in the footsteps of his Father and Grandfather and risen, admirably it would seem, to the same heights as they is deserving of more than he has apparently received. Unfortunately in today's business environment loyalty is non-existant (often both ways) and management seems to need to find the scapegoat and lay all their woes at his feet. And in this case that would seem to be the Commodore. I'm sorry about that. I don't know the man and never will but I believe his contribution and that of his family is deserving of better than he has received if indeed that is the case. And while it sounds like Cunard/Carnival management is missing some important PR screws someplace, maybe Ernie has a point and some well placed letters from some of you frequent Cunarders might get noticed. Would it change things? Probably not unfortunately but who knows if you don't try.


Now, unless I have missed something here, I don't remember hearing any definitive report as to what actually happened in Ft Lauderdale. Where is a Coast Guard report....what if anything was found in the channel? Did I miss something? I would have assumed by now that enough time has gone by that some report would have surfaced. And I'm curious as to what it was.


I'm really looking forward to my first QM2 cruise in Dec. But I'm also concerned about so much negativity that has been voiced here recently.For us and our friends traveling with us, this is a very special trip for a very special reason. And while I know that everyone's expectations and tolerance levels are different I confess to some concerns lately from many of the postings I've read. I don't believe that this is the QM2 " the Wonder Ship," but I still believe that she is the most incredible ship in the world and I plan to enjoy every precious moment we will have on her. And I hope the same for all of you who plan to travel with her.

Cheers, Penny ( who really isn't a Pollyanna but truly wishes the world was a little more gentle and kind. Sorry Karie, the devil made me steal your "tag lines" this one time!)

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Another notch for the great American bull-in-a-china-shop corporation! The great bottom line crashing ball smashes another one as globalization marches on!


Molly, On behalf of all Americans. I apologize. We are so arrogant sometimes. I am sure there are corporations elsewhere which are uncaring and more solicitous of their own well-being than that of their customers. My own company sometimes does not get it. This is not the proud background that the parent companies of our joint venture came from, nor the legacy that brought us to this point in history. My own parent company was the first to offer paid sick leave to its employees here in America.Now, it has a rule that for employees with under five years time, their first day out sick is not paid- no matter if you got hit by a bus. It seems so American lately (and I don't mean to tar all with the same brush- Even my own company has some very bright spots, including its great sincere strides in diversity and tolerance, including its treatment of gays, latinos, blacks, and those from other lands) - but it does seem like a peculiarly American institution to put company well-being and company profits above all else. Of course, I suppose I don't have much to benchmark it against, except my own experiences, and what I hear from others, and my my many friends from overseas. (including those who are contractors to us, or who were and have moved on- including a dear friend working for Nokia in London, bringing 3G to London GSM phone users.)


Ernie, I already have my letter half composed., I meant to do it today, but had to go to get an oil change, to the plumbing store and to get groceries. I got home and found myself exhausted. Threw together a quick chicken carrot and broccoli stir fry with sesame seeds and spring onions instead of the prime rib, garlic dilled red potatoes and butter and red lettuce salad I intended to cook along with a nice chilean or australian red wine.


But hopefully I will give over to that pursuit tomorrow.



Who feels like another hero in her eyes has let her down. Cunard- Why have you forsaken those who love you?

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I don't believe that this is the QM2 " the Wonder Ship," but I still believe that she is the most incredible ship in the world and I plan to enjoy every precious moment we will have on her. And I hope the same for all of you who plan to travel with her.

Cheers, Penny ( who really isn't a Pollyanna but truly wishes the world was a little more gentle and kind. Sorry Karie, the devil made me steal your "tag lines" this one time!)


Penny, you are most welcome to any and all of my taglines! <G> After Phileas' comments I feel like I will let down my public if I get lazy! But they are not trademarked, copyrighted or exclusive! I'm not the first and won't be the last (the first I did- It just seemed so stark- my name standing out there all by its lonesone! <G>)


But you are so right that while she is not "the Wonder Ship", she is still miles above most! And still enjoyable. And I truly believe that though the staff may be perplexed and even irritated by some of the behaviour of the "new" mother company, they are all still most gracious to us. One of the inclusions to my letter to Cunard will be White Star Employee cards I neglected to leave on the ship. I have four- To two of our favoite bartender/waitpersons Paul and Steve, and believe it or not (and this was before all of this) to Amanda Reid and the Commodore.



who feels the weight of her responsibilities vis a vis appropriate tag lines

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I can just imagine what the officers and crew must be saying among themselves! No one of the traditional crew has been happy about the takeover of Cunard by Princess, nor about their handling of the company. Those I spoke to expressed a strong objection to the whole business, particularly senior staff/crew.


Firing Captain Warwick is the final insult.


Another notch for the great American bull-in-a-china-shop corporation! The great bottom line crashing ball smashes another one as globalization marches on!


I concur with all of you who are saddened by the end of Commodore Warwick's sterling career, but I think you will find he has not been fired, but encouraged to retire a little earlier than originally planned. I would also note that it's not the "great American bull-in-a-china-shop corporation" that is responsible for his removal as Master, but Princess, who are doing their all to destroy a company far finer than anything they can claim! Where is Mickey Arison in all this, and why is he allowing this systematic destruction of the venerable Cunard Line!

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I think you will find he has not been fired, but encouraged to retire a little earlier than originally planned.


Let us not forget, he is retiring LATER than originally planned as he DELAYED his retirement in order to command the QM2 in her introductory year. After the nonsense he had to put up with from the passengers (and quite probably HQ) on the delayed Rio leg, I for one would not be at all surprised if he is quite happy to go......and for those decrying the demise of 'Cunard' - of Ron Warwick's 36 year career with 'Cunard' (he joined in 1970) he has spent all of ONE year with 'Cunard' - since 1971 it has been owned by a Property company, an Engineering Company and finally, a Shipping Company. Which do we think best equiped to run ships?



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