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I'm RUNNING to the ship!

Cruise Cat

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Well, I wanted to go for 5.5 miles today to feel confident going into Saturday's 5-mile race. But it was supposed to start raining, so I cut it down to 4.5 to try to beat the rain. And I just barely made it! It started drizzling right as I was finishing, and just a few minutes later it was pouring! I would have been so miserable if I'd tried for 5.5. I really hate the rain.


Today I ran 4.5 in 47:15. I always set two race goals for myself. So for Saturday, my "You'd better be able to beat this time" goal is 55 min. and my "It would be awesome if you could beat this time" goal is 52 min. Knowing that the sooner I finish, the more time I have afterward to enjoy the wine should help! I love these winery races! :)


Miles ran -- 23

Miles remaining -- 37

Days remaining -- 60

Avg. per day remaining -- 0.6

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Today I ran 4.5 in 47:15.


Impressive! I haven't ran like that in a while :o


So, I evidently pulled a chest/side/shoulder muscle at some point this weekend (I'm thinking when I walked my dog). So no mileage yesterday or today. I swear I'm not a hypochondriac! Junk just keeps happening lol




Miles walked/ran- 166.98

Miles remaining- 29.4

Days remaining- 20 (WOO HOO!!!!)

Average per day remaining- 1.47

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Impressive! I haven't ran like that in a while :o


So, I evidently pulled a chest/side/shoulder muscle at some point this weekend (I'm thinking when I walked my dog). So no mileage yesterday or today. I swear I'm not a hypochondriac! Junk just keeps happening lol




Miles walked/ran- 166.98

Miles remaining- 29.4

Days remaining- 20 (WOO HOO!!!!)

Average per day remaining- 1.47



Hope your shoulder's feeling better soon! No running for me lately. My daughter's school has this Fall Festival every year that the kids love. It was rained out on Friday and rescheduled for Saturday -- my race day. So no race for me. :( And I'll be missing the 10K I was planning for next weekend because I'll be taking my mom to the airport instead. (She's flying in to watch the kids while I tag along on my husband's work conference in Vegas!)


Plus it's been rainy every morning this week (except the one morning I had to work), so I haven't even been able to run here at home. I was starting to feel like a slacker so when I woke up to another rainy morning today, I decided to head to the gym instead. I did a killer high-intensity interval workout instead. I have a feeling I'll be ridiculously sore tomorrow, but it was a great workout!


So for my running, I'm still at

Miles ran -- 23

Miles remaining -- 37

Days remaining -- 53

Avg. per day remaining -- 0.7

Edited by perkyblue
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Hope your shoulder's feeling better soon!


Thank you! A week later, I do feel better. The steroid they prescribed me to worked wonders. I haven't been doing much in the way of miles this week, trying to baby it. I ran some this morning but that didn't feel good on it at all.


I plan to get at least four miles a day, two to three days a week, for the next two weeks. That should pull me up to where I ought to be.


Miles walked/ran- 171.18

Miles remaining- 25.2

Days remaining- 14 ... or 12 because I'd like to finish by next Friday

Average per day remaining- 1.8 ... or 2.1

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My boyfriend and I both use Nike+ and we set a challenge of 40 miles one month out from the cruise. We're down to 25 days to go and I've run/walked 12.4 miles and he's done 16.24. We're getting there! :)

Edited by jenny105
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Joining your group very late. Anyway, my plan is slightly different based on the title of this thread "Running to the ship". I live 45 miles from Pier 22 at Port Everglades. We board December first, thirty days from now. So my plan is to run that distance, but a mile and a half each day. That has to include even Thanksgiving somehow.


I have been running about fifteen minutes most days, but not running for distance. This new plan means stepping up my game. You folks here have been an inspiration.

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With my next cruise being in April (I'm not sure the amount of days) and a goal to maintain the weight my work wants me to be at, I believe I'm going to do the distance to the port of NOLA and back between now and then.


First I must lose the weight I put on while aboard the Elation LOL


I'll begin tomorrow... I'm having pizza tonight so all overindulging will end after that :( (until Thanksgiving, that is)

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After calculation... this is going to be quite a challenge to myself. But I will try! I know there will be several days where I do more than the estimated amount per day, but I also know there will be days where I'm just plain lazy lol :p


I also won't be updating every.single.week. in the next 165 days (that doesn't seem like as long now that I've challenged myself!). Maybe every other week :)


So here goes:


Miles ran/walked: ZERO

Miles remaining: 392.41

Days remaining: 165

Average miles per day remaining: 2.38

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Ugh, I have been a total slacker since my Vegas trip. It's been mostly cold & rainy here, so I haven't really been interested in running lately. I tried to get a workout on the elliptical last week, but had to stop because of knee pain. I might give it a try again tonight, but I just haven't been motivated to work out at all since the trip -- which is a shame because I'm up 3 pounds from my pre-Vegas weight. :( We had three parties to go to in the week after we got back, which didn't help at all as far as getting back on track!


Gangway Style - I like your plan to run the actual distance between where you live and the pier; that's a neat way to do it!

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Thanks Perky Blue. I have had to change over to a walk/run regimen because my knees were just hurting too much trying to run the distance every day. My seventy-one year old knees have to work up to the longer distance more slowly.


My Hubby is amazing. He walks about 16,000 steps a day. I don't know where he gets the energy.

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I didn't plan to post weekly, but I got bored at work :)


Miles ran/walked: 17.89

Miles remaining: 374.52

Days remaining: 157

Average miles per day remaining: 2.38 (no change... that's a first!)


I realized that I'm actually at about the same amount of time left that I was at from the point I booked the October cruise, but I don't believe I began that challenge until a few months after booking.


I'm canceling my gym membership, I much prefer running/walking outside, and if it rains, I have a free gym at work. Win/win!

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I didn't plan to post weekly, but I got bored at work :)


Miles ran/walked: 17.89

Miles remaining: 374.52

Days remaining: 157

Average miles per day remaining: 2.38 (no change... that's a first!)


I realized that I'm actually at about the same amount of time left that I was at from the point I booked the October cruise, but I don't believe I began that challenge until a few months after booking.


I'm canceling my gym membership, I much prefer running/walking outside, and if it rains, I have a free gym at work. Win/win!


I'm so jealous that you live somewhere where you can still enjoy running outside this time of year. Here in Indiana, it is COLD outside. And I hate running on the treadmill, so I'm most likely done running for the year. Ack, and I need to be done with CC for a while too -- I'm running late this morning, but can't seem to get myself off the computer!


I hope you all have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving! (I know I'm 2 weeks early, but probably won't be on CC much between now & then.) And actually, after Thanksgiving, I'll be out of town & away from the computer for a long time, so Merry Christmas & Happy New Year too! :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm so jealous that you live somewhere where you can still enjoy running outside this time of year. Here in Indiana, it is COLD outside. And I hate running on the treadmill, so I'm most likely done running for the year. Ack, and I need to be done with CC for a while too -- I'm running late this morning, but can't seem to get myself off the computer!


I hope you all have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving! (I know I'm 2 weeks early, but probably won't be on CC much between now & then.) And actually, after Thanksgiving, I'll be out of town & away from the computer for a long time, so Merry Christmas & Happy New Year too! :p


Thank you for all the well wishes, and all the same to you! :D


I love where I live! It's been a bit cold, but not too unbearable to walk outside. Today is actually beautiful, but I really need some overtime so I won't be walking on lunch today.


I've actually been using my phone as a pedometer, but I feel like I'm cheating a bit. Yes, I'm doing the distance, but it's in no way comparable to the effort I put in to it when I'm actually working out lol. I don't think I'll be doing this too much longer for that reason (and because it runs my battery down :p)


Miles ran/walked: 42.25

Miles remaining: 350.16

Days remaining: 149

Average miles per day remaining: 2.35

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done awful lately! I should have kept my pedometer on my phone, because in actuality I have a lot more miles than I'm "claiming." I kick myself now for not using it while shopping on Black Friday, and every day at work when I walk no less than two miles in a day. But... I didn't. So, here is a very pathetic update:


Miles ran/walked: 54.63

Miles remaining: 337.78

Days remaining: 136

Average miles per day remaining: 2.48


I'll be getting a FitBit for Christmas, so that'll help :o I also saw myself dancing in a video (a dance I have to do in front of hundreds of people in a few months... and no, I am NOT a dancer LOL) and reality hit me that, although the shape of my body is great, there is a lot of extra flab that needs to go! So I'll be running/walking much more often. Beginning on lunch break in an hour and a half from now ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, I would kill to go for a run right about now. Unfortunately, even if I had time, it's too freaking cold outside -- our high today was just 30! Clearly, I didn't complete that mileage goal that I posted here. I was hoping to catch up and maybe finish it by the end of the year. I might go running when I'm down in Alabama for Christmas, but I much prefer running on our trail bordered by trees, squirrels, & bunnies than running around my parents' neighborhood along the side of the road. It's sort of hard to zone out (which is the main reason I like running) when you're crossing streets & being passed by cars.


Oh well, only 4 more months until it's warm enough to pleasantly run outside. :rolleyes: Then I'll get to start all over being pathetically out of shape and slow!

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Miles ran/walked: 107.82

Miles remaining: 284.59

Days remaining: 118

Average miles per day remaining: 2.41


I wish there were some good trails near my house! My walk/jog (wog) during lunch goes through neighborhoods of just about every financial level, so it can be a little uncomfortable through some areas on days when I have to go alone. My wogging partner is now in her third trimester so she's not going quite as often. The weather here has been great! Thankfully I've only had a couple of days where I couldn't wear shorts and a t-shirt.


I actually began Couch to 5K and I'm now in my third week, second day. I only run 9 minutes of the whole route, but I didn't want to push myself in to running and hurt myself like I usually do.


I'm STILL counting all my walking throughout the day since I'm not exercising on a daily basis. I swear I'll stop doing that soon lol. I'm actually about to begin a challenge where someone will sponsor me (and others) to walk and donate 25 cents per mile in the month of January. The donations go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Great cause, and a great motivator!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miles ran/walked: 131.39

Miles remaining: 261.02

Days remaining: 108

Average miles per day remaining: 2.42


Got my FitBit! Evidently I walk a LOT lol.... but I'm only counting my active walk/runs here unless I get in to a crunch closer to the cruise.


Week four of C25K has been completed, although today was extremely hard because it's NOW cold and windy. I guess I'll have to start going to our gym at work on lunch breaks rather than outside :( I also have had people "holler" at me two days in a row now, the one today creeped me out a little because he acted like he wasn't going to leave me alone. So, all the better/safer to just stay inside when I'm alone.

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Miles ran/walked: 131.39

Miles remaining: 261.02

Days remaining: 108

Average miles per day remaining: 2.42


Got my FitBit! Evidently I walk a LOT lol.... but I'm only counting my active walk/runs here unless I get in to a crunch closer to the cruise.


Week four of C25K has been completed, although today was extremely hard because it's NOW cold and windy. I guess I'll have to start going to our gym at work on lunch breaks rather than outside :( I also have had people "holler" at me two days in a row now, the one today creeped me out a little because he acted like he wasn't going to leave me alone. So, all the better/safer to just stay inside when I'm alone.


Yeah, I've had people "holler" at me too a couple of times (only when I run around my parents' neighborhood because there aren't a lot of runners around here -- that's another reason I prefer the trail near my house, because everyone there is out for a walk, run, or bike ride themselves).


How do you like the Fitbit? I thought about asking for one for Christmas, but couldn't decide if I wanted a Fitbit or the Nike+ Fuel band. I don't really know much about the details of either one. I need to do some research and figure out which one I want for my birthday!


Well, I had great intentions of fitting in a run during this trip, but it's not going to happen. On the 30th, I plotted out a route I was planning to run the next day, but woke up sick on the 31st. I felt a little better yesterday, but not quite up for a run. I'm feeling fine today, but it's been raining all day, and is supposed to be stormy tomorrow, so it looks like I'll most likely be waiting until March (unless I suddenly get super-motivated to go run in the cold or on the treadmill once I'm back in Indy -- both of which are highly unlikely)!

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Yikes! The current temp outside is 5 (-11 with wind chill)! I don't even want to get in the car & drive to the gym in those temps! I think I'll snuggle up under a blanket on the couch with some hot cinnamon tea and see what Netflix has to offer!


The rest of you who live in cold places -- what's the lowest temperature that you'll head out for a run in? The coldest temp I've run in was 30, and I have no desire to ever attempt a run colder than that one!



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How do you like the Fitbit? I thought about asking for one for Christmas, but couldn't decide if I wanted a Fitbit or the Nike+ Fuel band. I don't really know much about the details of either one. I need to do some research and figure out which one I want for my birthday!



It's great! Honestly, the best thing about it is the app. I can challenge my friends, and when you're competitive like me, that's helpful. Last week we did a Workweek Hustle and whoever had the most steps between Monday morning and Friday night won. I was the winner, and with some pretty tough competition! I had a couple days when I walked over 7 miles, and a couple more over 6 miles! We took this week off due to exhaustion LOL, but I think we'll do another challenge next week.


I would recommend the Charge HR, it's a step above mine (the Charge). It monitors heart rate and the clasp on it is much more reliable. I have a few friends that had the Flex (all of these are FitBits), which has the same type of clasp mine has, and they've lost them because the "clasp" is actually sort of a snap.


I know I keep going back and forth, but I'm going to count what my FitBit says each day rather than "active" miles. I really don't have much time left before the cruise and every mile counts!



It has also been VERY cold for being Florida, yesterday morning it was 19 degrees :eek:, or so people were saying. On my way home last night it was 32 with a wind chill of 28, so I'm thinking it FELT like 19. Either way, it was cold LOL



I think the coldest I'll run in is 45-50 degrees. I have asthma so running in cold weather, especially if windy, is extremely difficult for me.



Alright, and for the numbers:


Miles ran/walked: 170.4

Miles remaining: 222.01

Days remaining: 99 (double digit dance!!)

Average miles per day remaining: 2.24

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Thanks for your input on the fitbit. I am super competitive, so the challenge feature is a big plus for me too!


I can't believe you're dealing with temps like that in Florida -- that's nuts! I understand too about the cold weather & asthma. I haven't had asthma issues in years, but I do remember having asthma attacks brought on my the cold air when I was younger. (It was sometimes rough back when I was a figure skater!)

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So much for getting back into running tomorrow. I was planning to hit the gym & see what I could manage to do on the treadmill, but apparently all the roads will be ice. Good thing we're able to work from home because I don't think any of us are going anywhere tomorrow!



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