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I'm RUNNING to the ship!

Cruise Cat

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I'm right there with you on that, the motivation isn't as strong with doing weights as it is with cardio. For me, I think it has to do with results. I see results with two weeks of cardio that I don't see with two weeks of weights. Especially right now, with trying to lose a bit of weight.



Miles ran: 81.97

Miles left: 253.09

Days left: 130



I'm finally bringing down that daily average!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miles ran: 105.6

Miles left: 229.46

Days left: 121 (the worst thing about this is keeping an eye on the days left... the cruise won't just be creeping up on me like I would like for it to lol)



I haven't been as active since the last check in. I managed to pull something (I think... it doesn't hurt but it's swollen and there's a knot of muscle next to my hipbone) so I've been sort of babying it since noticing it Sunday afternoon. With it not hurting, I can't just sit around. I will go see a doctor next Friday if nothing changes, though. I know what I'll hear, "ice, rest, and (maybe) here are a few muscle relaxers." :( But at least muscle relaxers might get rid of this thing quicker than naproxen ;p.

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I hope that by now your hip issue has been sorted out. The worst thing (well, certainly not the worst thing, but sooo frustrating) is when you get motivated and start a good health routine - and something like this sidelines you. Congrats on the mileage so far, though. Very impressive.


I've been busy. My life just got a whole lot better. Since I posted on May 21 I had a week at work, when I managed a whopping 6 mi of walking, but that was followed by a week of vacation at the beach. When I'm at the beach I do a lot of walking. When I'm not walking, I'm swimming, either in the ocean or the pool, but I haven't figured out how to calculate miles in a resort swimming pool, dodging kids and marco polo games and football games and cannonballs. Truth be told I'm not that strong a swimmer, so even 45 minutes of laps probably doesn't amount to much mileage.


I did walk 46 miles, my first thing in the morning walks.


We got home Sat. 6/3 and I got another 10 miles in over the weekend. Then, here's the best part - I woke up this morning and took a 9 mi walk. I didn't go to work. Why? Because I retired! Whooppee! My retirement plan is to take a long walk first thing every morning, then figure out the rest of my day. Since this is my first real day of retirement (before that it was just a vacation and a weekend) I'm glad I stuck to my plan even though rain threatened and it did drizzle a little.


Anyway - that's 65 additional miles with 857 miles to go in 95 days. Now I'm at the point of needing more than 63 mi per week. Yikes!

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11 mi in 3 walks today - so 822 mi to go in 92 days - you're right, tdnosnhoj11, posting all the time does make it seem to drag on and on, making an impatient wait even worse - so I won't be back here for a week or so

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stayed active and moving toward my goal so let's see how much closer I am to my ship -

6/8 an 8 mi morning walk

6/9 an 8 mi morning walk

and 5 mi afternoon walk

6/10 a 5 mi morning walk

and a 30 mi bike ride in the afternoon . . .. . . . . . . Ha! So that's another 114 mi; so 708 to go in 84 days

6/11 a 4 mi walk

and a 26 mi bike ride

6/12 an 8 mi walk

6/13 a 15 mi bike ride

6/14 a 5 mi walk

6/15 a 5 mi walk

and this morning a 6 mi walk

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Welcome, stacycs. tdnosnhoj11, where are you?

Time for an update as my cruise crawls so slowly nearer.

6/17 11 mi walk; 6/19 8 mi walk; 6/20 6 mi walk; 6/21 42 mi bike ride; 6/22 7 mi walk; 6/23 5 mi walk; 6/24 30 mi bike ride; 6/25 12 mi bike ride and today 40 mi bike ride. That's 161 mi ; so I'm down to 547 mi to go in 74 days; that still averages more than 50 mi/wk - gotta keep pushing it.

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Here I am! It looks like you're still trucking along really well! I've babied myself a lot this month, being unsure of what, exactly, is going on. One doctor thought it was a small hernia and referred me to a surgeon. The surgeon thinks it's not a hernia but that I have done something to my labrum, which makes sense as I've had mild on-and-off hip pain for several months. It typically hits when I'm on uneven ground (waling trails, specifically) or standing for very long. He's supposed to refer me to a Sports Medicine Specialist but it's been a week tomorrow and I haven't heard anything.


Since it's nothing to be too worried about, I'm now back in the game. Well, truly I've been active at least one day every week, if not two to three days every week. I just haven't been AS active.


Miles ran: 146.73

Miles left: 188.33

Days left: 94



I'm still at around a 2 mile/day average, that's still do-able.



I've nixed the half marathon in November. The fees were going up and I wasn't sure what all this hip thing would entail. I didn't want to start training and then be told I had to have surgery and couldn't run for a number of weeks. So I just signed up for the 5K portion of it this year. I do, however, have my eye on a half marathon in January. It'll be interesting training for that while on a cruise lol.

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Before today's workout I realized I didn't congratulate you on retirement, dcwalker! I have... quite a few... years left until I'll get there. I've envied my mom's free time for the past five years. She and my dad (who is semi-retired) take almost month-long road trips in their camper with their dogs about three times a year. One day!


While I'm here, I also realized I missed one of my runs when I was calculating yesterday. Woo hoo!


Miles ran: 159.53

Miles left: 175.53

Days left: 93

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Hi everyone! This is exciting to see all the runners, walkers, bikers, exercising, etc. I will join in! I normally run about 5.5-6 miles a day 4-5 times a week and strength training a couple of days a week. I had surgery about 8 days ago and will not be able to start walking until about 3 weeks post surgery and running in 6 weeks. My next cruise is September 24th, so I have about 80 days to that. I am excited to start logging my miles as soon as possible.


Now I need to figure out how many miles I can run in about 60 days.





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Welcome to the best thread ever, LadyDee615. Thanks for the congrats, tdnosnhoj11. I just turned 62 and feel like maybe I'm too young to retire, but I've been so glad I did. It's so good to do what I want when I want. My husband didn't retire yet, but he says he has leave and plans to cruise with me, but now he says he might not make the Sept one. I'm definitely ok with that. I.am.so.glad people were here when I checked tonight. I have been in a slump and thought I wouldn't even post my miserable miles if no one else was posting. I'm glad that your hip issues seem to be getting some attention and not getting any worse, td. Stay on top of it and good luck. My slump is partly because of a sore knee, but it started with a fight with my husband. Yup, a fight got my head all turned around and I lost my focus. To make matters real, my left knee swelled up. Pretty sure it was in response to the 40 mi bike ride I took on 6/26, followed by a 10 mile walk on 6/27. I ain't as young as I used to be. So I thought I'd cut back. On the 28th I only took a 3 mi walk in the morning, but I see from my walk logger app that I took two more 3 mi walks that day. The knee wasn't getting any better (duh) and I didn't want to see a doctor (yup. I'm that person) so I finally took a break. So nothin' but sittin' around from 6/30 through 7/3. Ooooh I was getting miserable. Then I remembered I have a knee brace from several years ago when one or the other of my knees was problematic. It's just a tight sleeve that slips up my leg to hug my knee. Very effective. I wore that on a 9 mi walk on 7/4 and I felt great, but I was grounded again by heavy rain for the last two days. But I feel good and am ready to walk and bike again - only in moderation this time. It's a good thing this is only a game, because I can't push myself to do enough miles to reach my ship - and oh what a tragedy if I missed the boat!!!! I did take a 3 mi walk this evening. So since I last logged in I have an additional 31 mi. I have to go 516 miles in 64 days. That's 8+ miles a day. Hmmm. The old me would have said SURE, but the new improved more sensible me says DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually know that exact feeling, dcwalker! I'll try to check in a little more often. I'm still going, but just not logging it here as often. I'm sorry to hear about your knee. I had knee pain for quite a while, thanks to being a couch potato throughout my adolescence. My knee just wasn't strong and all of a sudden I wanted to start using it, so it rebelled. It's gotten stronger and very rarely bothers me now.



I got on the scale and pulled out the measuring tape today, I'm not happy. So you ought to see a spike in mileage in the next 74 days ;p



Miles ran: 190.69

Miles left: 144.37

Days left: 74

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So I jumped in on this super close to my cruise! I leave for my trip on July 28th! I set myself a goal to walk 30 miles before then (and if not to finish it up before we board on the 30th between the overnight at my parents and in Miami). I have 22.24 miles left (so I have walked a total of 7.76 miles since Sunday, which isn't a lot compared to all of you but that isn't including my daily workout video's on top of it! Today I tried to do a longer walk but my pup didn't like the heat and we turned back after a half mile. I am wondering if I should have set the bar higher, but I wanted to account for the storms we have in the forecast everyday this week!

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Only two days left till your cruise- I'm jealous!! As "not" ready as I am for mine, I'm SO ready for it! Thankfully I have a job where the hours pass by quickly so it's made the countdown bearable. ;p


dcwalker- I need your energy :')


Well- I've gone to three doctors now. No one has acted like this is a big deal so I'm just going to keep trucking along. This doctor is having me start PT next week for an IT Band strain, which is on the outside of my thigh and explains the lower back/hip pain I occasionally get. She recommended I pull back from running a little but the ultimate goal is to get me running again, as well as to work on core (which I realized during my half marathon) and glute strengthening.



Miles ran: 218.25

Miles left: 116.81

Days left: 66

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Musik's cruise has begun!!! Woo-hoo! td, I don't know why you want my energy; paired with your own, you would have WAY too much. I added another 77 mi, mostly walking, but some biking. I should bike more. I think my knees can handle it. Anyway, down to 338 mi to cover in 40 days. Avg almost 60 mi per week? Is that right? I might miss my ship.

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Miles ran/walked/biked/elipticized: 255.23

Miles left: 79.83

Days left: 53



Yes! Your energy plus mine, the possibilities are endless! lol



Looks like I will make my boat without any problems. I've now been instructed no running for three weeks, but I can bike, row, or get on the elliptical. I'm in PT now so they're working out the kinks in my back (yep, this evolved from a "hernia" to back pain lol), glutes, and hamstrings and then making me sweat and stretch and want to just go home. I don't see a lot of difference yet but I'm only two sessions in. Maybe they'll get me figured out!



At this point, I'm not the least bit upset I can't run. Though it's my favorite form of exercise, it's about 345345 degrees here in Florida, with 100% humidity. I don't understand how people can run in this. A couple of weeks ago I went for my Saturday morning run, which turned into a walk when my chest was heavy and my head was hurting, all from the heat and humidity. And that was at 6:00 am. :eek: I won't start truly gearing up for this half marathon until we return from the cruise in early October.

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I love heat, but maybe not 3454345 degrees of it. Where in Florida are you. Here in Northern Virginia we've had lots of 90+ days this summer, and I love it - but maybe I shouldn't.


Good for you to get all that exercise in with your PT. Good work on recovery - so by the time the temp there goes down to a reasonable 123123 you can be running again.


With biking and walking I've added another 92 miles; 193 to go in 24 days

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Miles ran/walked/biked/elipticized: 302.85

Miles left: 32.21

Days left: 45


As much as I hate the bike (well, the bike we have at the house, the one at my campus gym is fine), I fly right through these miles on it! Though after this weekend, my foot hurts, but ONLY when resting (?!?!). If it's not one thing, it's another, right? I pulled out my Triggerpoint Footballer this morning and rolled it. It hurt so good :') This is nothing new, though. I also deal with plantar faciitis. I'm ready to go back to my 20's, when my only issue was my knee lol!


I'm in the Panhandle of Florida, in the Redneck Rivera ;) I wouldn't live anywhere else, even as hot as it is. I love it here! My husband is about to start school for welding and he keeps telling me of all these "great" places we could move that have opportunities for him. One was Key West, and... as much as I'd love to say I live in Key West (or the Keys, period), I have a feeling the reality is not what he is picturing.


You're doing great, dcwalker, as always! That cruise is just around the corner, woo hoo!!

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I'll join in.


I'm on the treadmill every day for a minimum of 3 miles and usually go closer to 4.5 miles. Actually, am trying to do the latter more often than not, but I'm not master of my own schedule on weekdays. So that's, what, probably 25-30 miles a week? Then for the last 3-4 months I've been hitting the local bike path with my mountain bike on my lunch break during work. I'm doing 9 miles each weekday for a total of 45 miles for the week. I also have an erg at home, but rarely seem to find the 10 minutes I'd like to set aside for a 2k, particularly on workdays. I need to be more consistent with that, but honestly don't enjoy it all that much.


The jogging/running, whatever you want to call it (it's really a slow run), pretty much helps me maintain. It's taken adding the weekday cycling to help me start losing, and it's coming off at the rate of about a 1/2lb a week.


That said, my goal isn't actually weight loss - it's losing my significant beer gut so I can fit into pants that haven't seen the light of day for a good few years. Right now I'm in 38" waist pants and for the most part they're still a bit snug. Goal would be feeling comfortable in my 36" pants and having a shot at some of my bigger cut 34" pants by next April. If all my 34" pants can come back into the rotation by then, so much the better.


Yes, I have 3 sets of different sized pants in my wardrobe to make sure I always have something that fits, but I have a feeling that I'm going to get down and be able to hold at 34" this time. I really do.

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