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Willdra's Silent Carnival Sunshine Sept. 17-22 Review


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We got back to the cabin and I felt like I was literally fist fighting time. I showered quick before W so that I could go ahead and start whatever I was doing with my face. I put on one of my fave playlists to motivate me. My goal was to be done by 7:30, when the music stopped. After I messed up by gluing my eyelids together and losing a fingernail, I was done. I only had time to unstuck my eye and glue my nail back on before it was time to go. I actually lost that nail and I couldn’t find it, so I had to bring out my nail first aid kit to get a replacement. I’m a mess. Being a girl is not easy. 


Our cabin steward tapped on the door and we asked for 10 more minutes. W made and canceled 2 reservations before we were really ready to go. At 7:30 he called “brushes down” and I was as good to go as I would get at that point. I’m definitely improving my time tho. But the technique is still ratchet. I had to take off points for the crazy glue and fingernail incidents. It’s so hard to take me anywhere. 


W checked us in again, and our table was ready immediately this time.  I was glad that I pre-warned W that there was no lobster on this cruise, since it was a 5 day. I wanted him to get over it and avoid a scene in the Dining Room. Believe me. A scene would be had if W had his mouth ready for lobster, then suddenly found out he couldn't get it. It wouldn’t be pretty. Luckily, he looked at the menu earlier when we were in Serenity so he was ready.

When we got to the dining room, we provided our room number at the door. We were led to our table, then realized that our hostess kinda had no idea where our table was. She led us all around then finally she found it after asking 3 people. Look Ma’am, if we were just going to walk around looking like Boo Boo the fool, we could've done that on our own. I didn’t say anything tho, cuz perhaps this extra walking was the universe' way of burning off a few of those brunch calories that I inhaled. 















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Once we were seated I ordered the Shrimp Cocktail, Blackened Pork Tart, Prime Rib, Garlic Shrimp, and Warm Chocolate Melting Cake with Butter Pecan Ice Cream.  W had the exact same thing, but with the crème brûlée. We also ordered drinks. W got another Hazy IPA  and I got a Chocolate Martini. No surprises with the food, everything was fantastic. We were there at a good time cuz we got to catch showtime. It was high energy and smiles everywhere as usual. We also noticed that the photographer didn’t come around. No worries tho we took our own pictures. For free. 














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The reason that we went to dinner earlier, was so we could make it to the comedy show at 9:30. It may sound like an excessive amount of time, but it’s really not. We finished dinner around 9 and went straight to the Limelight Lounge. There was already a line for the show. 


While we were waiting, this couple came up and instead of going to the back of the line like I don’t know, everybody else, they decided to stop right by us and stand there like they were with us. When the line started moving they tried to merge in with us, but nobody would let them cut in. I’m sorry but they saw this line just like we did. It’s not fair that they decided not to go to the back like everyone else.

When we started walking in, I was hugging the butt of the lady in front me so tight, that I had to introduce myself and tell her why I was clutching her badonkadonk for dear life. We got a good kiki out of that cuz she agreed that we shouldn’t let line cutters in, even if it meant that she and I were a "couple" for a hot minute. 


We found good seats in the lounge when we got in. The comedian was Kenny Miller, and he was decent. The show only lasted about 30 minutes. 


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After that we went to the Atrium for the 70’s and Motown Trivia Party. I honestly don’t know why they call it a trivia party. There was not one ounce of trivia involved. It was a party tho. Throw that word “Trivia” away Carnival. You don’t need it. 








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W and I stayed until about 10:50 then we left. I had to start my face washing process and get ready for bed. Half Moon Cay was coming up the next day. Since it’s a tender port we needed to be ready to go between 9-10. I reserved a clamshell lounger which Carnival considered an excursion. This meant that we could get off early, when they let the passengers off who were booked. We also got instructions for Platinum/Diamond Priority debarking, and different instructions with the excursion tickets. Which one should we choose? Hmmmm that sounds like a tomorrow problem. 


It had been a long satisfying napless day, so I wasn’t mad about turning in early. 


As I was changing, I found the fingernail that I’d lost earlier. It was stuck to my..never mind I’m too embarrassed to say where it was all that time! 


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for scissors. What in the world did people do before there were scissors? How did they cut stuff? Did you just have to walk around and wait for whatever it was that you needed cut, to fall off on its own? How inconvenient. 


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Half Moon Cay


I got up a little before my alarm went off at 7:30. We needed to get down to the Sunset Dining room between 9-10 am. When I no longer looked like I grill muskrats behind the dumpster at the dentist office, we left the cabin. It was around 8:15. #Progress. 


As expected Lido was super packed. We walked into the buffet area and I turned right but W turned left. I went to go find him to show him our table but he was nowhere to be found. While I was looking for W I was also looking for the omelet station cuz that’s where he would be (or need to be). I didn’t see omelets in that section at all. I started thinking “if I were an omelet station, where would I be?” Hmmm. Let’s try Havana. A quick walk back there netted me huge results! W was back there in the omelet line and there were tons of good seats. I got my coffee back there then told him I would be sitting by the window. It was almost empty back there, and it felt like we were part of a huge insider secret.


While I was waiting for W, I remembered that I wanted Blue Iguana for breakfast. I went up there and there was exactly 1 arepa left. I asked for that and the rancheros with no huevos. Cha ching!!! It felt like I’d just won the power ball or $100 on a scratch off! I floated back to our table on Cloud 9. My second favorite breakfast was on deck! 


W brought our omelets, and we ate and took our time. We were still waiting for the ship to anchor. TJ  announced that it would be a little after 9 before anyone could come down. 

At 9:21 they made the announcement that debarkation was beginning. After we finished eating, we stopped by 6317, picked up our bags, then went down at 9:24. 






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We went to the Sunshine Dining room for Priority debarkation. We decided to go with the paper that was addressed specifically to us, and that was the one with the Diamond/Platinum directions.

We got down to Deck 4, and right when we passed the lobby bar we could see a priority group leaving. There was an agent in the back who saw my Platinum card and told us we could get in line with them. Sweet! We were on the tender by 9:30 and we pulled out around 9:40. They had to wait to fill it up. Thankfully Half Moon Cay is a short tender ride so it only takes a few minutes to get there.





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When we docked we got off and went to find a clamshell. They were filling up fast because there were people claiming them who didn’t know they had to reserve them. We found one but it had to be setup. We looked around and didn’t see anyone around to help. A few minutes later we spotted 2 people in the yellow “Clamshell staff” shirts.

We waited our turn and the young man came and helped us eventually. When he was setting ours up other people were coming over to him asking for help. One group said they needed 5 but they didn’t see that many available. I told them about the peeps that I saw earlier. Yep. I snitched. I’m sorry but I paid for this. It’s not ok for people to just come in and take them. There really needs to be signs and an attendant assigned to each section. That way it’s not a free for all. If you reserve one of the clamshells online get there early or you may have to fight (which might not be a bad thing if you got them hands). 


After we got settled in, W sat down on his lounge chair and the whole clamshell fell. The pole that was holding the clamshell up was really bent. We put it up again but it fell right back down. W had to go and track down someone to help us with it. I took pictures in case I needed to ask for a refund when we got back onboard.  We got ours set back up after maybe 14 minutes of waiting.










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Guest BasicSailor
4 minutes ago, willdra said:

They were filling up fast because there were people claiming them who didn’t know they had to reserve them

Oh yes, an amusing discussion that is.🙃

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While I was sitting there plotting my refund from Guest Services as soon as we got back, I noticed a few families that brought their own umbrella. I don’t know how difficult it would be to pack one of those, but if I can find a travel friendly one it might be worth it instead of the clamshell. The clamshells are pricey, they get humid, and they essentially block all of your breeze blessings. It’s almost like trying to decide if you want to cook in an oven under the clamshell, or a grill out in the sun.

Another issue is that the sun moves from the back of the clamshell to the front. So eventually you will be in full sun. Not ideal. Especially since we paid money for this. 






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After we got setup again, I took pictures while W got in the water. It was so beautiful out and it was almost crazy that I was concerned about the now hurricane Fiona that’s currently beating down on Puerto Rico. When we left it was a Tropical Storm, but the path was unclear. I said a prayer to my BFF Jesus before we left, requesting flawless weather and smooth sailing. No complaints thus far. Jesus got this! 

















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I joined W in the water and we stayed out there until noon-ish. I really just wanted some water, but we decided to go and see the what what on the lunch offerings.

On the way there we stopped at the bar and rinsed off our feet. You can stay on the stone tile path after that so you don’t get your feet Sandy again. We followed the path back to the food area. They had salads, fruit, hamburgers, hot dogs, jerk chicken, desserts (the brownies were really good), and drinks. There are also little huts with picnic style tables setup to eat on. There’s another bar in the middle if you want alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately you can’t use Cheers or the Bottomless Bubbles packages, but you can use your Sail & Sign card. I think W said they didn’t take cash either. Crazy. 













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The food was good. I got a cheeseburger, broccoli salad, jerk chicken, brownies, and water. There are chickens walking around everywhere too. We ate and chilled out. There was a nice breeze blowing which I very much appreciated. When we got done we went back and our clamshell was still standing. Hmmph. The refund Gods were not on my side. 


W got back in the water straight away. It was getting really hot. I sat in the lounger awhile then joined him in the water. I couldn’t stay out there long the way my skin is setup, I have to get out and reapply sunblock to my shoulders every couple of hours. I use a Neutrogena brand that 110 SPF and my shoulders drink it in. I need my shoulders to get it together, that stuff ain't cheap. 


W said he wanted to go back to the ship around 2:30 and I was good with that timeframe. That would put us out there around 5 hours. The crowd thins a lot after lunch. I think people are ready for naps around then. Speaking of naps, where is mine?? Somebody please tell W to let a sister sleep. 


At around 2:20 we started hearing thunder. We were planning on leaving soon anyway so we took that as our sign to pack it in. It’s so beautiful on Half Moon Cay, it’s hard to leave. We stopped by a foot washing shower on the way but since you have to walk through sand to get back on the path it’s kinda pointless. I think I ended up with more sand after I rinsed off, than when I started. Where they do that at??? 







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The walk back to the tender boats was a slow crawl. This was a popular time to go back. Once we got towards the front we saw why it was so slow. You had to pass thru security scanners first. I hope this wasn’t about finding alcohol, cuz where would we have gotten it? From the fish??? Is that why there were so many little fish swimming around us? They were trying to get us to follow them to their underwater liquor store??? If I’m missing out on some top shelf libations, y’all let me know! Otherwise this line is moving extra slow for no good reason at all. 


It took about 20 minutes for the boat to pull off. They filled every crack and crevice with a body. When we got back it also took awhile to unload both decks of the tender boat. The security card scanners were getting people thru fast tho on the ship.


Here’s another good place to pause for a PSA. Unless you have mobility issues, when you get back on the ship at Deck 0, don’t stop at those elevators right there by security. Walk up the stairs to Deck 2, then take the glass elevators. It is so must faster than waiting down in the bowels of the ship for an elevator. It’s even better if you are on a ship with Cove Balconies. All you have to do is walk up a couple of flights, and you are on your deck. I may have written this before, so if I did please forgive my 52 year old brain. It forgets. 


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We made it back to our cabin and W wanted to go to Serenity but I didn’t feel like going back out yet. I rinsed off my shoes and swimsuit, then I zoned out in the cabin for awhile. At 4:45 the Sunshine turned around and slow rolled out to sea. There was another Carnival ship out there but I couldn’t tell which one. We got closer to it and it seemed like it was just sitting there. It also looked like there was something wrong with the funnel. I went and got my long range lens so I could see better. When we got a little closer I could see it was Carnival Freedom. I remember reading that there was a fire in her funnel not that long ago. Looks like it hasn’t been completely fixed yet. Get well soon Freedom! 




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All that spying on the Freedom made me sleepy. Just kidding I was already sleepy. I climbed into bed and was out in a few minutes. W woke me up around 7 so we could get ready for dinner. I showered fast and when I was ready W checked us in on the app.

There was no wait, our table popped up immediately. When we got there both of us realized that we weren’t that hungry. It was unfortunate because this was Beef Tenderloin night. I started with Shrimp Cocktail and mango cream. For my entrée I ordered the Beef Tenderloin and Bitter n Blanc was dessert. I finally remembered to bring my wine to dinner too. I just keep winning. 

I love the way this Dining room is decorated. They chose colors that work very well together. This night we caught “showtime” again. The song was “Low” cuz we can’t possibly hear that one too much. Dear Carnival, it might be time to retire that one. Let FloRida and T-Pain rest. They’re exhausted. 












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W and I nibbled at our food then left around 9. The Love and Marriage Show would start at 9:30 after Bingo. We went early to get decent seats. Even though it’s in their largest Lounge, it fills up fast. At about 9:25 there were only a few seats left. 


The show was funny. It lasts about an hour. This wasn’t my favorite, but it was good. It seemed like  TJ is still kinda new at it. I’m sure it’s not an easy show to do. You gotta be quick with the funny lines. 


Wait. Hold up. I just realized that we are now at the halfway point of this cruise. Gasp. On Monday night! This is going by way too fast! I’m suddenly extremely ecstatic that we have another cruise booked for Oct! This feels like a teaser. 


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After we left the theater, we went up to the Lido. There’s always a line at the pizzeria and deli cuz they’re the only places open late. I wasn’t waiting in line so I just had my tea and W got a soda. 


We went back to the cabin and read until bed. 


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking the man upstairs for dental floss. How many people had to walk around with whole meals stuck between their teeth, and outrageous gingivitis before somebody said "Wait. There has to be a better way to clean between teeth. What about if we use a little string?". God Bless you dental floss inventor. I would be in agony without you.   


































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8 hours ago, Sadebud said:

Love Willdra reviews!!!! Please cruise more!!

 I’m actually speed racing thru this review cuz we fly to Houston Thursday and we’re cruising on the Vista Saturday. My goal is to get this review done before we leave. Pray for me! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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