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Willdra's Heavenly Carnival Horizon Apr. 29-May 7 Cruise Review


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18 hours ago, gotscrapz said:

Summer just arrived here this week and looking at Mambo beach in your pics makes me want to swim in the ocean! Won't be until September when I cruise on the Mardi Gras... luckily we have a very large very clear blue lake nearby lol!


That lake sounds amazing! 😃

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18 hours ago, PrincessArlena'sDad said:

We're flying down on Friday!!!! You're review this week has me completely psyched!  

Bon voyage! I wish we were going with you! 🛳♥️♥️🛳

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3rd Sea Day


I’m not gonna say what time we got up. I’ll just say that we slept in “Willdra style”. The first order of business was to clean things (by things, I mean body parts). When that necessary task was completed, I asked W to check us in to brunch. Our table was immediately ready. We went down to find a short line waiting to be taken a table. We had that 4 digit table number pop up again and it was still strange. W told them the last 3 numbers and a hostess took us to that table. Brunch closed at noon so we had an hour and a half. I took my cup so that I could get my free VIFP cocktail. W planned to get his Blue Moon also.


Our orders were taken right away. I ordered Cheese Grits, Skillet Cake, and Soft Bacon. W ordered the Lox with White Toast, Butter, Bacon, and Eggs over easy. Our food came out fast and wrong. W got Wheat Toast, no Butter, and his over easy Eggs were over medium, rapidly approaching hard. W ate what he could, and we sat there awhile waiting for our server to come back but he never did. W finally flagged someone down and asked for another order of Lox. He gave up on the Toast and Eggs. Nobody needs that negativity in their lives, or their breakfast. There is so much food on the ship. If one thing doesn't work out, there are 178 other choices. Hunger is not an option (especially for W). 









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The new order arrived in a few minutes. W was good after that. We talked about whatevs and then we dipped out. There was a long line waiting to get in when we left. I hope their food was full of the promises of God, and not disgust and disappointment.


Before we left the restaurant, BG sent us a message saying they were in Serenity. Then he sent another message saying it was hot and shade was hard to find. Say less BG. Say less. We will look elsewhere.







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W and I’d already talked about how we hadn’t spent any time on Deck 5. That was actually our Plan B spot when Serenity didn’t work out. We went there first. Unfortunately Deck 5 served us up a big fat nope. It was crowded and warm down there. The clamshells were all in the sun. Uh uh. Not only am I not interested in becoming a rotisserie chicken, but I could be hot anywhere with better scenery and snack choices. Deck 11 was our next move. We found seats in the shade, in the same spot as the first sea days. There were pros and cons to that spot, but overall it was mostly good.


We got setup, then W went to go talk to BG and AG. He said it was too much work to text. Um, you’re just tapping on your phone, but ok. He went up there and stayed awhile. When he got back, they joined us a few minutes later. The couple next to us packed up and left so we had our 4 seats together again. Yippee skippy.


It was a beautiful day out. Even if we were barreling towards the end of our cruise. 







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The marketplace buffet closed at 2:30 so W and I went up around 2:15. I wasn’t hungry but I wanted to see what they had. I didn’t see anything that I had to have on the aft main buffet so I went to the one in the center. They usually have empanadas by the gelato stand, so I went to look at those.


That day’s empanada was mushroom and cheese. No gracias. In the other section they had Pipian, which kinda looked like empanadas, so I got 2 of those along with a chicken thing. I also got ham from the carving station. That ham was so good. I went back and got some more (along with a few chocolate chip cookies) to stash in the cabin for later. While I was waiting for W to finish, I went to the restroom. What did I do that for? There was an unholy aroma permeating the entire space. I hurried up and got out of there because I didn’t want anyone to think that smell came from me. Whoever was in there before needs to seek medical treatment. Expeditiously. That smell was not from anything good. I almost passed out trying to hold my breath. Ugghhhhh.


When I was free, I took my plate back down to the cabin while W went to the bar. We met back up on Deck 11, where it was remarkably more crowded. Every patch of shade had humans in it. We reclaimed our spots then sat out until around 5. We’d run out of shade and my legs were smoking by then. It was hot as hades out there. 











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W went to get in the pool and I left to start getting ready for dinner. This night was the second elegant evening, so I needed a little extra time to put my face together. I debated on whether or not I was gonna even attempt to beat this mug, but since I had a little extra time I decided to go for it. I turned on one of the free movies that I had no intention of watching on the TV, then went in. W came back when I was in the shower. There was a knock on the door around 6:15. W was like “Who is that?” I told him it was his ice delivery. Our cabin steward was so faithful with it. One thing W was not gonna say, is that he didn’t get his ice. I told him to just hand him the bucket. He did, and then he laughed when he saw that’s really what it was.


Fadil did not come to play, he definitely came to slay! 




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At around 6:50 BG checked us in for dinner. There was a 20-30 minute wait. I finished my face and cleaned my brushes while we waited. Our table was ready around 7:24. It was a little busy down in the restaurant lobby.


This time our table was on Deck 4, way in a back corner. It was also warm back there. I almost asked W to run back to the cabin to get our little portable fan. I ordered a Pirate Punch for my drink. For dinner I got the Sicilian Meatball Soup, Spaghetti Carbonara, and the Lobster Tail. I didn’t get dessert, because I knew I wouldn’t eat it. Our food came out pretty fast and we were outta there around 8:30. W thought we could make it to the comedy show that started at 8:45. I knew we couldn’t but decided to humor him anyway. Sure enough when we got there it was already full. There was actually a sign outside telling people to kick rocks. So we did just that.

















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We decided to do Celestial Strings since AG and BG had never seen it. It was still early, so we hung out in the lobby until showtime. It was fun just kicking it in our cute clothes. I always look forward to dressing up on the ship. It feels like a special occasion when we look nice.


The lines to get into the Liquid Lounge started forming early and were not cute. We jumped in and we still got really good seats. Celestial Strings only lasts around 40 minutes. After the show they come out into the lobby to sing some more. AG said that Celestial Strings was the best Carnival show that she’s ever been to. They really enjoyed it and I was glad. Especially since W and I hyped it up so much.















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After the show we went back to the cabin to change. When we got there we noticed our past guest party invites were in our box. W opened one and it said the party would be at 12 on the last Sea Day. 12? That’s really early. I better rest my liver for the upcoming festivities. When I got inside, I started the tedious process of sandblasting that makeup off of my face. W and BG went to the casino so W could show BG how to play craps. I finished my face and put everything away, then I went to get hot water for my tea. I saw AG up there doing the same. It was so funny that both of us were making tea right then and we hadn’t even talked about it. #Greatminds We thought about getting pizza but that line was insane. Not tonight. 


After I ran my tiny errand I went back to the cabin to read and turn in.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for cruising. I thanked him that someone thought it would be a good idea to charge people to get on a ship and sail around the world. To that innovative, brilliant person, I say: "Shut up and take my money honey!". 








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On 7/4/2023 at 4:25 PM, Drew B 58 said:

I picture you saying that like Ursula from The Little Mermaid!  Is that accurate?  🤣


Yes!!!!! I'm so happy you caught that! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😆

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On 7/1/2023 at 11:56 AM, willdra said:

I appreciate this level of enthusiasm! I need this to be W when I say I’m going shopping! 😆😆

I need this to be my hubby when I ask him to do a "little" home repair project! 🤣

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Last Sea Day


We were not in any hurry to get anywhere. Today would be our last day to chillax. Sorta. We got up when our alarm went off. When we were almost ready, W checked us into brunch. The wait was less than 10 minutes. This was shocking, cuz normally on the last day brunch is packed. Nevertheless, we made our way down there and were seated right away.


On this day, I wanted something different to eat. I was tired of the same breakfast. I took a chance and ordered Beignets (from the Emeril’s Menu), Cheddar Grits, and Bacon (yes, those are the same. Forgive me). When I asked for the beignets, the server didn’t understand me, so I had to show him on the menu, then he got it. When he brought them out, he said “big nays” and I had to laugh. So cute. That’s why he didn’t understand me when I said it. W said that they finally got his order right and he was happy with his food. Now that I think about it, he didn't say anything else. He was in the zone. 















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While we were chewing and digesting, we got a message from BG telling us they were on Deck 11. We finished up and joined them around 11:15. When we left the dining room we noticed that a huge line was forming to get in. Looks like a lot of people waited until the end to brunch it up. To each his own. Your cruise. Your way. Just be prepared to wait.











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24 minutes ago, willdra said:

Last Sea Day


We were not in any hurry to get anywhere. Today would be our last day to chillax. Sorta. We got up when our alarm went off. When we were almost ready, W checked us into brunch. The wait was less than 10 minutes. This was shocking, cuz normally on the last day brunch is packed. Nevertheless, we made our way down there and were seated right away.


On this day, I wanted something different to eat. I was tired of the same breakfast. I took a chance and ordered Beignets (from the Emeril’s Menu), Cheddar Grits, and Bacon (yes, those are the same. Forgive me). When I asked for the beignets, the server didn’t understand me, so I had to show him on the menu, then he got it. When he brought them out, he said “big nays” and I had to laugh. So cute. That’s why he didn’t understand me when I said it. W said that they finally got his order right and he was happy with his food. Now that I think about it, he didn't say anything else. He was in the zone. 















I just love your dimples!  I'm an Italian grandma, I want to just pinch your cheeks!  Affectionately!!!

Hugs from Texas!!

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We went straight up to Deck 11 next. The Diamond/Platinum Party was at noon so we knew we wouldn’t be there long. It was nice and peaceful out with lots of seats available. AG and BG saved us two chairs in the shade. They love us. All of us sat out catching up until it was time to go.


It was around 12:03 when we walked into the Liquid Lounge, and it was sardine packed. We took AG and BG as our guests (reading is fundamental). This was the first time that we brought anyone with us, so we were excited.



There were chairs available, but lots of them were being saved. We eventually found 4 together in the back on the right. It was not ideal for drink service, but we made it work. One of the issues with a party of this size, is that it’s difficult to get to everyone. When we got tired of just waiting and waiving our arms around like we were landing a plane, W went to the bar and got us a few drinks. Then finally we caught the attention of a server who brought us everything else. He actually brought way more than we asked for, so we weren’t mad at the time that it took.


Cookie hosted, and was hilarious as usual. He has such a good time with the seniors. When he said the one couple was on the original Noah’s Ark, we died. We laughed the whole time he was out there. I liked him so much, I wonder if he has considered doing standup. I would so buy tickets and go to see him. I already know his show would be everything.


The party lasted maybe 45 minutes or so but we stayed until the very end cuz our last drink order hadn’t arrived yet. As soon as the server showed up, W tipped him, we took our drinks and ran out.







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The sun was on full blast when we got back out there. It was shadier on the port side, so we moved over there. At 2, W’s food alarm went off. He said he was going to Guy’s Smokehouse. I asked him to bring me back something. He knows what I like. AG and BG didn’t really move for awhile. BG couldn’t stay awake. He kept falling asleep in the lounge chair, waking up for a minute, then blaming us for his narcolepsy, saying we put something in his drink. Yes. There was something in your drink. It’s called alcohol sir.





















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W came back with chicken, greens, and macaroni with cheese sauce. He also brought me two different hot sauces to try with the greens. I dunno why, but I absolutely cannot eat collard greens without hot sauce. I’m not even a hot sauce eater normally, but greens taste so much better with a drop of liquid heat. IYKYK. Tasty.


At 3, AG’s alarm went off reminding her to check in for their Southwest flight back home. She ended up leaving around 3:20. Reluctantly. It was so nice and peaceful out there. We practically had that whole side to ourselves, so it was difficult to give that up. Sometime later, W went and got in the hot tub then the pool. AG came back and joined him for awhile. I stayed in my chair and read, while BG still couldn’t wake up. This was turning into a “Weekend at Bernie’s” situation. Scary.









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Uninvited, 6 o’clock showed up, and it was time to get ready for dinner and pack. W and I went back to the cabin, and I just threw stuff in my big suitcase. Our liquor that we purchased in Curaçao was delivered while we packed, giving us even less room. Southwest would allow us to check 2 bags weighing up to 50 pounds each. That’s 4 bags between the two of us. After I packed my big bag, it was 63 pounds. W gave me an “F” in packing, and I was dismissed. Ha. Little did he know, it was my plan all along to have him do all of the packing. I jumped in the shower, while W, who nicknamed himself “Pac-Man”, got our stuff together. He actually said (out loud) “go get ready for dinner while Pac-Man fixes this”. Corny yes, but at least I didn’t have to do it.


When I got out of the shower, Pac-Man had my bag closed, and it weighed 49 pounds. Good enough. He kept messing with the luggage while I got dressed. When we were almost ready, I sent BG a message telling him that he could check us in at 7:30. At 7:20 I got a notification that my table was ready. Eye roll. I said 7:30 BG, not 7:20. Then there was another message saying my table was cancelled. At 7:30 we had another reservation, and about 2 minutes after that, we had the same table again. Shortly afterwards, there was a knock on the door. They were ready ready. W and I were ready-ish. We got it together swiftly, then we all went to dinner.




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The dining room was a ghost town. There were lots of empty tables everywhere. Our servers were on point since there weren’t that many guests there. I ordered the Fried Shrimp, Peach Soup, Braised Short Ribs, and I had a Chocolitini for dessert. I wasn’t very hungry, so I did the best I could. It was all very good.















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Next we ran outta there to the 80’s Rock and Glow Party at 8:30. Cookie said that he was leaving the ship for a little while when we got off so he wouldn’t be hosting the party. He did show up later though. It was a lot of fun singing (screaming) at the top of our lungs to some old school classics.


There was a comedy showcase at 9:30 and we all wanted to go. We thought since it was in the Liquid Lounge, it would be good. We got decent seats together upstairs. It was just starting when we arrived. The first comedian was good. The second one was the same one that we didn’t love from Friday night. The showcase only lasted 40 minutes. Thank goodness. W and I got up and left before it was all the way over. AG and BG stayed until the end. Patient and Polite. Gotta love ‘em.








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I went to the gift shop, and W went back to put our luggage out. We had until 11 to get it in the hall, and it was around 10:15. We’ve never put our luggage out that late. We usually have it out before we go to dinner, or right after. On another note, it was good that we still had activities going on that late. After W (Pac-Man) finished with the bags, he went to the casino. I stayed in the cabin, cuz I needed to catch up on my notes from the day while it was still fresh.


Before I fell asleep, I said a prayer thanking God that we were ending this cruise with a credit of $52.55 on our Sail and Sign Account. This is unprecedented. We typically break even, or have a very small, less than $20 balance. Thank you Jesus, Joseph, and the Technicolor Dream Coat for this blessing. I promise I won’t spend it all on alcohol. Maybe. 








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