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Cruising HAL Oosterdam with an Infant


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Hello. My husband and I are taking our 5 month old on the Oosterdam in April. We will all be first time cruisers, and we're really looking forward to it! We all need a vacation:) . Our baby girl is exceptional, she rarely cries (really). She is really easy going.We take her to restaurants all the time without incident. As our cruise approaches I am finding myself getting a little nervous. We are doing the San Diego to Mexico itenerary. Here are some of my questions. Will we be able to enjoy shore excursions? I have my eye on a couple resort based excursions. Will I be able to fit my stroller in the common areas and restaurants? (She isn't quite ready for a highchair) Will people not want to dine with us because we have a baby? Will we get disaproving glances if we bring our baby to the Pinnacle Grill? We have a balcony booked (VA), is the balcony a nice place to relax during nap time?


I know that in cabin babysitting is available but we don't feel comfortable having someone we don't know watching our baby. As I mentioned our baby girl is very easy going, but if we did have a problem in a common area I would leave the area out of respect for my fellow passengers. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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A balcony is enjoyable all the way around and a great place to relax with your morning coffee, a light breakfast, or just to have privacy with a great view. I really enjoy having a verandah and always spend a good bit of time there.


Shore excursions have different requirements and some have minimum ages. It is a not a question that can be answered generically. I would think that if by "resort based" you mean an excursion that includes time at a hotel and use of their facilities, that might be a good choice. I myself often will get a day pass for a resort in a port of call so that I have access to a nice beach, pool, restorooms, etc. If there are age limitations to the ship offered excursions, a little bit of research will help you find a nice resort that will meet your needs. Cabs are plentiful in ports of call.


Re your baby, I can only speak for myself but I would not dine at a table with a child. I am sure that other passengers might feel differently, but I prefer adult company. I generally ask for a table for 2 these days so that does not become an issue, unless I am travelling with friends or with a group. If I am solo on a cruise, I wil request a large table.


I do not remember seeing a stroller in the dining room on any ship. I normally get late dining where there are fewer children so perhaps someone else can better answer this question. As a matter of safety, I would think that the stroller would have to be positioned where it is not an obstacle to waitstaff and passengers.


I always enjoy specialty restaurants on cruises and have two nights booked at Pinnacle for my upcoming ZUI cruise. Some cruise lines have minimim age requirements for their ala carte restaurants but I am not sure about HAL.

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I am not sure that HAL would allow a stroller in the main dining room for fear that one of the wait staff might bump in to the stroller with hot food etc in hand. They do tend to race around to get the orders out and may not see an obstacle such as a stroller. Probably the Lido would be the better choice.

Pinnacle might be the same problem as the main dining room.

Do you plan on taking a car seat with you? I am not sure what the laws are in the Mexican ports, but for safety sake, I am guessing youwould want a car seat for any taxi or van that you would use to get to an excursion.

Regarding the excursions, you could probably get age limitations from HAL directly.

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First of all, don't be nervous you will have a great time and booking a balcony was very smart. You will definitely enjoy it during nap times or early evening bed times. You and your husband should even consider room service for dinner one night so that you would enjoy a evening alone. I don't know what kind of stroller you have but you should consider investing in a light weight small one which would recline, have a hood for shade and just be easy to naviagate around the decks. I don't know if your daughter still uses the snap in car seat but if she does I would use that in the dining room and attach it to the high chair flipped upside down. Please enjoy the dining room experience, if you need to request a table for three then do so but don't miss out by eating in the Lido every evening. The Pinnacle may have an age restriction. I agree I would not leave my children with a babysitter on board either.

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Thank you for your advice. Being a new parent I am intrigued by your "high chair upside down" solution. It is difficult to get any info from HAL re: strollers, equipment on board for infants, etc. It seems that when we booked they wanted to tell us whatever we wanted to hear to get us to book and now we are in the dark because we get different answers from everyone. When we booked we got the Pinnacle Grill upgrade but we may have to forget about that. All I know is that we are going to have to bring A LOT of stuff with us. I requested a "infant Request Form" and went into sticker shock. A package of diaper that would cost us about $14 dollars in a store would be a mere $75 on board. YIKES! Having said that I am really looking forward to our first cruise.

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Thank you for your advice. Being a new parent I am intrigued by your "high chair upside down" solution. It is difficult to get any info from HAL re: strollers, equipment on board for infants, etc. It seems that when we booked they wanted to tell us whatever we wanted to hear to get us to book and now we are in the dark because we get different answers from everyone. When we booked we got the Pinnacle Grill upgrade but we may have to forget about that. All I know is that we are going to have to bring A LOT of stuff with us. I requested a "infant Request Form" and went into sticker shock. A package of diaper that would cost us about $14 dollars in a store would be a mere $75 on board. YIKES! Having said that I am really looking forward to our first cruise.


The high chair that you can turn upside and place a snap seat in is what I believe to a scandanavian design - all wooden with NO try. For an older baby you would pull it right up to the table. They are wider on the bottom to accomodate a snap in car seat carrier.


I would think it might be a problem taking the baby to the Pinnacle Grill, but since you got the upgrades maybe you can order from the PG and have it delivered to your stateroom and dine out on the balcony - not sure if you can do that but it's worth a try or maybe you can trade that voucher in for pictures or ship board credit.


$75 for diapers - YIKES. Figure out how many you use and bring them with you including some extras - just think of all the extra room you will have for bringing stuff home. When my DS was a baby we always use to travel with a gallon or so of bottle water for making up bottles and we used the bottles w/ the liners so you only had to wash the nipples. This was after the boiling nipples stage (Do they still recommend boiling nipples??? - I'm kinda out of touch now). Also bring a ziplock bag with some ivory snow incase you need to do some hand washing in the bathroom.


I'm sure you will have a great time and don't forget the sun screen for you and the baby.

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I'm sure you'll have a great time on your cruise and it's good you are asking these questions. If you have more (and I imagine you probably will), this is a friendly bunch and someone will probably be able to help.


I think it great you asked about what sort of dining assignment to request. While everyone loves to coo with a beautiful little baby, not everyone wants to have a formal dining experience with an infant at the table every night. Some folks may even have left grammy and grampa watching their little one so they could get away and vacation without children so imagine how they might feel to find.......voila.........they are seated with an infant. :)


I agree it could present a hazard to baby and others for the stroller to be in the dining room. There is not that much room between tables and those stewards often carry a tray piled very high. It would be so easy for them to not see the baby/stroller and have a horrible accident.


Something I'm sure you have considered is protecting your baby girl's skin from the hot sun. When on deck and walking in ports etc, you'll have to be very diligent with applying sunscreen. Having a little hat and umbrella for her stroller would be good, too.


Great you booked a verandah. You will enjoy it so much.

Please try to not be too harsh about HAL only giving info when you were booking. We all have experienced calling for various questions and sometimes not being able to get the answer right away or on the first call. I'm not saying it should be that way, but HAL really does provide way better customer service in this regard than all the other lines IMO


Each rep that answers the phones does not know the exact answer to every question. Of course, we all know how the follow up should go ....how that rep should get the answer if she doesn't know etc etc etc But, that is the corporate world we live in these days. Just call back and ask the next rep that answers. Eventually, you'll get your answers. :)


Hope you have a wonderful cruise.



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congrats on the baby and im sure you will all have a great cruise--you will im sure agree that you have been given good and valid info to your questions


i personally dont know how i feel about sitting with a baby in the d/r--to a small degree just like on the airplane if the baby is quiet i really dont have a problem --its when the baby starts acting up that 175 people get annoyed-------------we usually sit at a table for six (we sail with another couple) and like to meet someone new--if the baby was at our table conversation between the 6 of us could be sporatic at best due to attention being given to the baby --we could of course always talk to our friends---------------i trust the baby would have been fed prior to our dinner --hopefully i would not have to keep moving my creme brule because of a jar of strained bananas

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Thank you everyone for the advice. Hopefully HAL will give us a private table, that would be nice. I don't know what dinner seating we have. I think we are waitlisted. I see everyone's point avout the stroller. I purchased another device today that should take care of the problem. Everytime we have brought her to a restaurant she has either slept through it or sat quietly. I hope will will have the same luck on the cruise. I know we'll have to be flexible cruising with the baby. I will adjust my plans to make my baby and fellow passengers comfortable. In case of a meltdown I will be happy to order room service and enjoy the view from the verandah. I wish Grandma and Grandpa would have been able to join us (a win/win for all), but they will be in Hawaii. Maybe next time.


If anyone out there has experience with infants and Mexican ports it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Again

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Relax, the baby is going to be great and I'm sure a joy to be around. Make sure you take plenty of great pictures to share with her when she gets older. The dining room staff is going to just love her. Unfortuately, we have never done that itinerary so I can't help you with excursion ideas. I would definitely bring everything that you need and do not rely on the ship to provide baby essentials regardless of cost.

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Thank you everyone for the advice. Hopefully HAL will give us a private table, that would be nice. I don't know what dinner seating we have. I think we are waitlisted. I see everyone's point avout the stroller. I purchased another device today that should take care of the problem. Everytime we have brought her to a restaurant she has either slept through it or sat quietly. I hope will will have the same luck on the cruise. I know we'll have to be flexible cruising with the baby. I will adjust my plans to make my baby and fellow passengers comfortable. In case of a meltdown I will be happy to order room service and enjoy the view from the verandah. I wish Grandma and Grandpa would have been able to join us (a win/win for all), but they will be in Hawaii. Maybe next time.


If anyone out there has experience with infants and Mexican ports it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Again


I think you are a very considerate person. I don't think anyone is going to have a problem with your baby. I only wish everyone was as considerate as you. Babies cry...and that's a fact. What sets you apart from so many others is that you have a back-up plan. If she's cranky, dine in your room. If not, I'd dine in the dining room.


Have a great cruise! And just enjoy this family time with your little girl. Before you can turn around, she'll be grown, and gone. It really happens that quickly....

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We traveled a few years ago with our children, one being a 9-month old. I won't tell you that your trip will always be easy. Our baby also was a very good child but at 9-months old he did not like to be as still as always needed. In the dining room we were seated at a table for 10 and only 2 nights we were able to stay for he wanted down and out of the high chair. We left because I felt that the other passengers were getting annoyed. This also went on in the showrooms to the point of missing the biggest amount of them. Also consider that a lot of people frown on diapers in the pools and may even comment to you. Our ship had a children's pool so this was not a problem. All that I have said is not to rain on your parade but just to forewarn you.


On the upside we also took a few gallons a water for bottles and any baby food that was needed. Remember that all juices, fruit and cereal will be available in the Lido for breakfast, so you can stock up. I would take all your diapers to keep the cost down, their price is unreal. Make sure request a crib for your cabin if you already haven't. I would say that your stroller would fit into any areas on the ship. I also saw a couple have a fold-up playpen that was under a shady spot at by the pool so this might be an idea too. I hope that some of this helps and have a great time.



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[quote=missy Also consider that a lot of people frown on diapers in the pools and may even comment to you. Our ship had a children's pool so this was not a problem. All that I have said is not to rain on your parade but just to forewarn you.





Good point to bring up. Diapers in the pool are unsanitary and a health risk (think tea bags) and are not permitted for this reason.


I would imagine this is why many "frown" on them as well as on an undiapered baby in the pool. It is very inconsiderate of others.

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In the dining room ... only 2 nights we were able to stay for he wanted down and out of the high chair. We left because I felt that the other passengers were getting annoyed. This also went on in the showrooms to the point of missing the biggest amount of them.
Was this cruise relaxing and enjoyable for you? I'm just asking because it would seem that a better time could be had by all if one waited until the little one was a bit more independent before taking him/her on a cruise.
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Truthfully Jhannah, no it was not a relaxing cruise . I certainly do not want to discourage anyone taking their children on a " once in a lifetime cruise", but I feel that we threw away roughly $3000 on the five of us. Would I do it now that he is almost 5-yrs old, yes. The problem is now looking back on it is I knew that taking a 9-month old would be hard but we had to miss out like I said on the dining room experience and shows due to crying. We left these areas because out of respect to other passengers that also had paid a lot of money so they could at least enjoy their time. We had taken a stroller and spent a lot of time outside. Like the other couple stated I also was afraid to leave him with the cruise staff. I sure they are great but I wanted him with me at that young age.

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Thanks for your thoughtful comments. You were certainly considerate of your fellow passengers to remove your child when he did what children do. Sadly, there are some who aren't as thoughtful.


I hope your family can return to the seas again soon so you can have a better level of enjoyment of the cruise experience.

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snoogiejul, which April sailing will your family be on? My wife and I will be on the O'dam's April 8th sailing to Mexico.


You should speak with the maitre d' that Saturday afternoon after you board. I'm sure he will be able to make arrangements that will accommodate you and your child.

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The high chair that you can turn upside and place a snap seat in is what I believe to a scandanavian design - all wooden with NO try. For an older baby you would pull it right up to the table. They are wider on the bottom to accomodate a snap in car seat carrier.


Quick note on this idea - we have a 5 month-old, who is gigantic (22 lbs!) and has alrady outgrown his infant car seat; however, whenever we took him to restaurants and the like, we would check out the high chairs. You can do this trick with many of them and it works like a charm. You can have baby at table level but don't have to worry about the stability issues of putting the car seat on a chair.


Hope you have a wonderful cruise with your baby girl :)

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Why on earth would you take a child on a cruise? It seems awfully insensitive to others. The child is not going to enjoy it. I can guarantee from personal experience that oter passengers are not going to either. Wait a few years or leave the kid home

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You should speak with the maitre d' that Saturday afternoon after you board. I'm sure he will be able to make arrangements that will accommodate you and your child.

If you want arrangements for a certain size table or other accomodations, you need to have your TA speak with HAL and make your request known NOW. Speaking to the maitre d' after you are on board is way too late. All tables of the size you want may very well have been spoken for long before sailing date and it will be impossible for him to help you.


I realize that you are a first time cruiser, but it is a madhouse on sailing day of people wanting to change to a certain size table or location and very often it is impossible to please everyone. I do agree that with a baby that young it would be much better to have a table by yourselves. You will be happier and so will most potential tablemates. That is not an unkind remark; it is the truth.

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I spoke to HAL today and they have confirmed that we have our own table. We are no longer waitlisted. That is a relief.


Most of you have been very friendly and have offered good advice that is most appreciated.


My husband and I decided to take a cruise because we like to get away and cruising seemed like an easier way to do it with a little one. We are sensible people, and like I have said before, I am sensitive to others and will adapt and be flexible in order to keep everyone happy.


As for this posting....


Why on earth would you take a child on a cruise? It seems awfully insensitive to others. The child is not going to enjoy it. I can guarantee from personal experience that oter passengers are not going to either. Wait a few years or leave the kid home


...I disagree. Our child will gain something from the cruise, family together time. She will have 7 days of being with her mom and dad in a relaxing enviroment. HAL is trying to go after the 40 and under demo pretty aggresively. With that age group come young families. As you can tell from this string I am a person that likes to plan and do research in order to be prepared. I have considered the advice that people have given me in this forum and it has helped me. I am bringing the right gear to protect my child and make her as comfortable as possible.


Yay! I'm going on a cruise!

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... I just came off the Oosterdam on Saturday, and there were at least 6 small infants on our cruise. Granted, we were a chartered ship but I saw nothing but tolerance and enjoyment of having some babies nearby! All the crew and passengers (that I noted) were thrilled, and the families involved were very proactive about ensuring that a baby's natural behaviours didn't negatively impact other's dinner enjoyment.


On the few times that there was substantial crying, either mom or dad was quick to take the babe for a walk around the promenade deck, and they just took turns :)


HTH somewhat,


Caroline in TO

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snoogiejul, I'm not sure if you've checked it out yet, but there is lots of great info regarding cruising with infants in the "Family Cruising" section of the "Specialty Cruising" boards - you may find some additional useful info there, along with the experiences of other cruisers w/ babies (good and bad!).

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